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Oct ober 7, 2014

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Interim CEO Lee N: May
1 3 q o CO))1I D.erc~Drive
. Dttur, Geo rgia 3 003 0
i . .
Def I nteri~ CEO May:
.~er I I Dlchthought and conslderatiOI l; I hereby give notice of my resignation fromthe ~I osition
Di~ctor o f f urclulsing and Co ntracting of DeKalb Co unty ef f ective immediately.
I vpll always be appreciative o f the elected o f f icials, staf f , business leaders and co mmUItity
""l"'bers who have been supportive of me and my position. I wish you and the Board of
TiSSiOnexs the best asyoumove I nto the future
StcerelY, .
.ri.: Y ;-tJ ~
Kelvin L. Walto n
. ,
Burk~ Brennan. Press Secretary
P: 40r-371-630S I M:678-201-7209
October 6,2014
Statement regarding status o f suspended emplo yees
"Today, former Purchasi ng Di rector Kelvi n Walton resi gned effecti ve i mmedi ately.
Addi ti onally, Ni na Hall has been reli eved of her duti es as an employee of thi s county. These
deci si ons are i n the best i nterest of our county.
I amcommi tted to conti nui ng to make our government more accessi ble, transparent and
accountable and these deci si ons are a move i n that di recti on. "
I nteri m CEO,DeKalb County
Gmai l - Ten Reasons DeKalb Vendors Demand Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall Be Fi red
Ten Reasons DeKalb Vendors Demand Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall Be Fi i red
Vi ola Davi s <unhappytaxpayers@gmai l. com> Wed, Oct 1,2014 at 11:39 PM
To: "Edwards, J ohn R. (CMG-Atlanta)" <J ohn. Edwards@ajc. com>, edi tor@ocgnews. com,
edi tor@atlantaunfi ltered. com, edi tor@crossroadsnews. com, Andrew Cauthen <andrew@dekalbchamp. com>,
mark. ni esse@ajc. com, matthew@atlantaprogressi venews. com, ken@crossroadsnews. com,
the~ri er@mi ndfpri ng. com
Cc: J oeledwardr2129@yahoo. com, jbdalton@dekalbcountyga. gov, joe <joe@trustdale. com>,
crazythecore@yahoo. com, Ron Gi lli am <roni ndecatur1 @comcast. net>, Vi ola Davi s <restoredekalb@gmai l. com>
Taxpayer & Voter Organization
TenRJ asons DeKalb Vendors Demand Kelvi n Walton and
Ni na Hlall Be Fi red
By Vi ola Da~i s RN BSN
October 1,2014
The ten reasons DeKalb County vendors demand Kelvin Walton and Nina Hall be fired
I t's ti me for us to come to the reali ty that our local government has been i n a cri si s for far too I ng. As a
watchdog group, we have complai ned for years about a "cloud of corrupti on" that gi ves De alb County
a bad reputati on as well as a black eye hi nderi ng economi c development and decreasi ng publi c trust.
Now we are faced wi th the seri ous i ssue of havi ng local poli ti ci ans i ndi cted for i llegal acti vi ty a d vi olati i on
of thei r oaths of offi ce. Yet, a few poli ti ci ans conti nue wi th the same excuses that i nterfere wi t the quJ li ty
of li fe our communi ty deserves. Our county employees, poli ce and fi remen have gone over fi v years I
wi thout rai ses or even a cost of li vi ng i ncrease unti l thi s last budget year. When wi ll the cri si s end?
When wi ll a hi gh quali ty of li fe and i ncreased publi c trust begi n?
The ti tle of thi s arti cle, "Ten Reasons DeKalb Vendors Demand Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall Be Fi red",
stri ves to educate the publi c on facts they may not be aware of, and apply "heat" to I nteri m Chi ef
Executi ve Offi cer Lee May to take acti on and fi re two employees who have clearly engaged i n all~ped
cri mi nal acti vi ty. The reasons to fi re Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall i nclude: I
https://mai l. google. com/rnai ll?ui =2&i k=ff2c1762b9&vi ew=pt&search=i nbox&th=148cefOed755Bf29&si ml=148cefOed7558f29 1/3
Gmai l - Ten Reasons DeKalb Vendors Demand Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall Be Fi red
1. Kelvi n Walton funneled cash from vendors to a county employee who served on approxi mately fi fteen
selecti on commi ttees for DeKalb County projects. The employee's name i s Ni na Hall, formerly the
executi ve assi stant/secretary to CEO Burrell Elli s.
2. Kelvi n Walton headed a department that practi ced out-of-control nepoti sm and cronyi sm that fueled
alleged cri mi nal acti vi ty. Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall vi olated thei r job descri pti ons. Yet, I nteri m CEO
Lee May suspended Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall wi th pay at a combi ned taxpayers' payroll cost of
apprOXi mat11Y $228,800.
3. Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall engaged i n acts of alleged cri mi nal acti vi ty that produced confli cts of
i nterest. I
4. Kelvi n W~lton, under oath, wi llfully li ed multi ple ti mes duri ng hi s May Speci al Purpose Grand J ury
Testi mony and Walton admi tted under oath that he li ed to the Grand J ury.
5. Kelvi n wJ lton and Ni na Hall both refused to answer questi ons and pleaded the fi fth, ci ti ng the self-
i ncri mi nati o~ rule. Kelvi n Walton refused to answer 343 questi ons for fear of self-i ncri mi nati on. Ni na Hall
refused to answer 30 questi ons for fear of self-i ncri mi nati on.
6. Kelvi n Walton assi sted elected offi ci als and hi gh staff offi ci als i n engagi ng i n al/eged cri mi nal acti vi ty
causi ng an i 1nvesti gati on whi ch i nvolves the FBI , US Attorney General, Department of Revenue and the
I nspector Gjneral.
7. Ni na Hall fi rst deni ed ever recei vi ng gi fts or cash from vendors under oath. However, she eventually
confessed t b recei vi ng cash from Kelvi n Walton and allegedly Mi chael Hi ghtower.
8. Kelvi n Walton accepted a gi fUservi ce from a vendor of cash value wi thout payi ng for the servi ce.
9. Vendors and employees' complai nts that i denti fi ed waste, mi smanagement, alleged i llegal acti vi ty by
contractors and Kelvi n Walton were i gnored.
10. Board of Commi ssi oners and DeKalb County staff members' confli cts of i nterest that were a cause of
acti on for major medi a i nvesti gati ons were i ncorrectly based on advi ce gi ven by Kelvi n Walton.
I t's ti me for DeKalb County taxpayers, homeowners and busi ness owners to send a message that we
want the madness to end. The local government should focus on the needs of the publi c, provi de a hi h
quali ty of li fe, and restore publi c trust. ~
We need a full forensi c audi t to expose the " t r ue" fi nanci al pi cture and shortfalls of Watershe and Publi c
Works. We need a full forensi c audi t of the Purchasi ng and Contracti ng Department. We nee an answer
to the questi on, "I s there any cri mi nal acti vi ty that should be prosecut~d"~ v~ndors and C~nt~rctors . h~ve
requested a full cri mi nal i nvesti gati on by the Federal Bureau of I nvesti gati on I nto alleged Cri mi al acti v ty
to i nclude:
Bid-r igging
False Document at ion (evidenced by fr audulent checks)
Violat ion of t he False Claims Act
Fr aud
htlps:/I mai l. google. com/mai ll?ui =2&i k=ff2c 1762b9&vi ew=pt&search=i nbox&th= 148cefOed7558f29&si ml=148cefOed7 558f29 2/3
10/8/2014 Gmai l- Ten Reasons DeKalb Vendors Demand Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall Be Fi red
Ki ckbacks, Up-Chargi ng and over-bi lli ng
Tax Fraud
Unti l we place restori ng publi c trust as a top pri ori ty, taxpayers, property owners, homeowners, and
busi ness owners wi ll have i ncreased lack of trust i n our local government. We ask our Board of
Commi ssi oners, those that remai n, to demonstrate the value they place i n restori ng publi c trust i n our
local government by enacti ng the followi ng changes:
Establi sh and fund an I nternal Audi tor.
[Creati on of a new anti -corrupti on uni t wi thi n the DeKalb Poli ce Department, i n concert wi th
the FBI and GBI .
Support the Board of Ethi cs and mai ntai n i ts i ndependence.
I f there are reoPle that value restori ng publi c trust and removi ng thi s "Cloud of Corrupti on", we need
your help i n/convi nci ng I nteri m CEO Lee May to i mmedi ately fi re and remove Kelvi n Walton and Ni na
Hall from thr DeKalb County taxpayers' payroll. I f the CEO conti nues to refuse to fi re Kelvi n Walton and
Ni na Hall, 1e need I nteri m CEO Lee May to explai n to the rest of us the reason, "Why"?
Ten Reasons DeKalb Vendors Demand Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall Be Fi red -Fi nal Arti cle
~ VerSi on. docx- - - - - - - - - - - - -
~ Summary_oCRestore_Publi c_TrusCDemand_Letter_SenCTo_lnteri m_CEO_Lee_May_-fi nal. docx
htlps:!lmai l. google. com/rnai ll?ui =2&i k=ff2c1762b9&vi ew=pt&search=i nbox&th;;;1 ~8cefOed7558f29&si ml= 148cefOed755Bf29
SUr 'mar y of Rest or e Public Tr ust Demand
Left er Sent To Int er im CEO Lee May
By Vi ola Davi s RN BSN
October 2,2014
The 'tn reasons DeKalb County vendors/contractors demand Kelvin WaHon and Nina Hall be fired
I , Vi ola Davi s, wi th Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter, submi t thi s summary of a demand letter, sent to
I nteri r CEO Lee May on behalf of vendors and contractors who have fi led complai nts agai nst
Kelvi 1 Walton, former Di rector and Chi ef Procurement Offi cer of the Department of Purchasi ng and
Contracti ng and Ni na Hall, former Executi ve Assi stanUSecretary to CEO Burrell Elli s, and former
Project Manager i n the Watershed Department. Due to pri or complai nts, sworn testi mony, and
eVi derce of alleged cri mi nal acti vi ti es, Vendors and Contractors, regi stered wi th DeKalb County
PurcHasi ng and Contracti ng Department, demand Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall be fi red.
Wi th the support of Restore DeKalb, we presented evi denced i n a Restore Publi c Trust Ethi cs
Complai nt, Amendment I , that provi ded evi dence and testi mony of sworn statements by both Kelvi n
Walton and Ni na Hall of lyi ng to a speci al grand jury, taki ng money and/or servi ce for personal gai n,
and engagi ng i n alleged publi c corrupti on i n purchasi ng and contracti ng wi thi n a DeKalb County
government department. To date, we have submi tted over 350 pages of wri tten documentati on to
justi fy Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall's removal from the taxpayers and voters payroll.
DeKalb County has recently begun to reorgani ze the Purchasi ng and Contracti ng Department that
has allegedly caused ten people to lose thei r jobs. Yet, the taxpayers and voters conti nue to fi nance
the salari es of Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall. Why?
I t's ti me for us to come to the reali ty that our local government has been i n a cri si s for far too I on .
As a watchdoq group, we have complai ned for years about a "cloud of corrupti on" that gi ves De alb
County a bad reputati on as well as a black eye hi nderi ng economi c development and decreasi n
publi ctrust.
Now we are faced wi th the seri ous i ssue of havi ng local poli ti ci ans i ndi cted for i llegal acti vi ty an
vi olati on of thei r oaths of offi ce. Yet, a few poli ti ci ans conti nue wi th the same excuses that i nterf re
wi th the quali ty of li fe our communi ty deserves. Our county employees, poli ce and fi remen have
gone over fi ve years wi thout rai ses or even a cost of li vi ng i ncrease unti l thi s last budget year. I hen
wi ll the cri si s end? When wi ll a hi gh quali ty of li fe and i ncreased publi c trust begi n?
The ti tle of an arti cle, "Ten Reasons DeKalb Vendors Demand Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall Be
Fi red", was wri tten to educate the publi c on facts they may not be aware of and to apply " heat " to
I nteri m Chi ef Executi ve Offi cer Lee May to take acti on and fi re two employees who have clearly
engaged i n alleged cri mi nal acti vi ty. The reasons stated i n the arti cle to fi re Kelvi n Walton and Ni na
Hall i nclude:
1. Kelvi n Walton funneled cash from vendors to a county employee who served on approxi mately
fi ftee
selecti on commi ttees for DeKalb County projects. The employee's name i s Ni na Hall,
formelrlY the executi ve assi stant/secretary to CEO Burrell Elli s.
http://www. scri bd. com/doc/229061432/Restore-Publ i c-Trust -Ethi cs-Complai nt-Amendment-1
2. Kelvi n Walton headed a department that practi ced out-of-control nepoti sm and cronyi sm that
fueled alleged cri mi nal acti vi ty. Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall vi olated thei r job descri pti ons. Yet,
I nter+ CEO Lee May suspended Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall wi th pay at a combi ned taxpayers'
payroll cost of approxi mately $228,800.
3. Ke vi n Walton and Ni na Hall engaged i n acts of alleged cri mi nal acti vi ty that produced confli cts of
i nterJ st.
4. Kelvi n Walton, under oath, wi llfully li ed multi ple ti mes duri ng hi s May Speci al Purpose Grand J ury
Testi mony and Walton admi tted under oath that he li ed to the Grand J ury.
http :f:lwww. scri bd. com/doc/229061432/Restore-Publ i c-Trust -Ethi cs-Com plai nt -Amendment-1
http://www. scri bd. com/doc/229056323/State-vs-W-Burrell-Elli s-Supplement-to-Supplemental-Moti on
5. Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall both refused to answer questi ons and pleaded the fi fth, ci ti ng the
self-i ncri mi nati on rule. Kelvi n Walton refused to answer 343 questi ons for fear of self-i ncri mi nati on.
Ni na Hall refused to answer 30 questi ons for fear of self-i ncri mi nati on.
http://www. wsbtv. com/news/news/local/dekalb-offi ci al-refuses-answer-343-guesti ons-fear-/nfDKtI
http://li nk. bri g htcove. com/servi ces/player/bcpi d83688158700 1?
bckey=AQ-- AAAAFlvhli k-. Nz7UFI 321 EYoDFWhclAZKj2ZX6ZuGWU-
&bcli d=1138058770001 &bcti d=3799988018001
http://www. ajc. com/news/news/government-employees-testi fy-agai nst-dekalb-ceo-el/nhRtXl
6. Kelvi n Walton assi sted elected offi ci als and hi gh staff offi ci als i n engagi ng i n alleged cri mi nal
acti vi ty causi ng an i nvesti gati on whi ch i nvolves the FBI , US Attorney General, Department of
ReVere and the I nspector General.
7. Ni n1aHall fi rst deni ed ever recei vi ng gi fts or cash from vendors under oath. However, she
eventually confessed to recei vi ng cash from Kelvi n Walton that allegedly came from Mi chael
Hi qhtower.
htt :/ Lww. scri bd.
store-Publi c- Trust-Ethi cs-Com I i nt-Amendment-1
8. Kelri n Walton accepted a gi ft/servi ce from a vendor of cash value wi thout payi ng for the servi ce.
htt :lI kww. scri bd . com/doc/229061432/Restore-Publi c- Trust-Ethi cs-Com lai nt-Amendment-1
9. ve~dors and employees' complai nts that i denti fi ed waste, mi smanagement, alleged i llegal acti vi ty
by cottors and Kelvi n Walton were i gnored.
1. scri bd . com/doc/212831368/Restore-Publi c- Trust-Ethi cs-Compla i nt
10. Board of Commi ssi oners and DeKalb County staff members' confli cts of i nterest that were a
cause of acti on for major medi a i nvesti gati ons were i ncorrectly based on i nformati on and advi ce
gi ven by Kelvi n Walton.
I t's ti me for DeKalb County taxpayers, homeowners and busi ness owners to send a message that
we want the madness to end. The local government should focus on the needs of the publi c, provi de
a hi gh quali ty of li fe, and restore publi c trust.
We are dependi ng on the Board of Ethi cs to act and fi re Kelvi n Wallon and Ni na Hall i f I nteri m CEO
Lee May refuses to do hi s job.
How can DeKalb County reorgani ze and cause ten people to lose thei r job whi le forci ng the
taxpayers and voters to conti nue to pay two employees that have clearly engaged i n alleged i llegal
acti vi ty? Why has I nteri m CEO Lee May conti nued to keep Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall suspend ed
"wi th pay" after such conclusi ve evi dence and wri tten documentati on exi sts?
We need a full forensi c audi t to expose the "true" fi nanci al pi cture and shortfalls of Watershed
and Publi c Works Department. We need a full forensi c audi t of the Purchasi ng and Contracti ng
Department. We need an answer to the questi on, "I s there any cri mi nal acti vi ty that should be
prosecuted"? Vendors and Contractors have requested a full cri mi nal i nvesti gati on by the Fede
Bureau of I nvesti gati on i nto alleged cri mi nal acti vi ty to i nclude:
Bi d-ri ggi ng (See Exhi bi t A)
False Documentati on (evi denced of fraudulent checks - See Exhi bi t B)
Vi olati on of the False Clai ms Act - (See Exhi bi t C)
Fraud - (See Exhi bi t D)
Ki ckback, Up-Chargi ng and over-bi lli ng - (See Exhi bi t E)
.1Tax Fraud - (See Exhi bi t F)
Unti l I e place restori ng publi c trust as a top pri ori ty, taxpayers, property owners, homeowners and
busi ness owners wi ll have i ncreased lack of trust i n our local government. We are aski ng our Board
of Cor mi ssi oners, those that remai n, to demonstrate the value they place i n restori ng publi c trust i n
our rgovernment by enacti ng the followi ng changes:
Establi sh and fund an I nternal Audi tor.
Creati on of a new anti -corrupti on uni t wi thi n the DeKalb Poli ce Department, i n concert wi th
the FBI and GBI .
Support the Board of Ethi cs and mai ntai n i ts i ndependence.
We are aski ng our Board of Ethi cs to demonstrate the value they place i n restori ng publi c trust i n our
local fovemment by fi ri ng Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall.
I f the~e are people that value restori ng publi c trust and removi ng thi s "Cloud of Corrupti on", we need I
thei r help i n convi nci ng I nteri m CEO Lee May to fi re Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall. I f I nteri m CEO
Lee May conti nues to refuse to fi re Kelvi n Walton and Ni na Hall, we need I nteri m CEO Lee May to
explai n to the rest of us the reason, 'Why"?
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