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The following is a memo which originally appeared in late economist and former Wall Street Journal

editorial writer Jude Wanniskis, Polyconomics.com. Despite numerous clear and concise corrections,
corporate news services such as the Associated Press (AP) continue to violate their declared
principles of journalism by deliberately promoting the inaccuracies.
December 22, 1997
Letter From Louis Farrakhan
Memo To: Website browsers
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Letter from Farrakhan
Last spring, I engaged in an e-mail exchange with former New York Mayor Ed Koch, the man who
originally labeled Louis Farrakhan a Black Hitler, back in 1984. Koch wrote a series of columns in
the New York Post earlier this year criticizing me and journalist Robert Novak for inviting Min.
Farrakhan to our annual supply-side conference in Florida. I invited Koch to exchange views, which
we did, and in response to one offer, he challenged me to explain why Farrakhan had called the
Pope an anti-Christ and called Judaism a gutter religion. I passed the request on to Min.
Farrakhan and he answered in this letter. Christmas week is a good time to publish it.
June 18, 1997 As-Salaam Alaikum. (Peace Be Unto You)
Dear Jude May this letter find you and your family in the best of health and spirit.
I am happy to respond to Mayor Kochs assertions that I have made derogatory remarks about
Judaism and Christianity. There is no possibility that I would say what he and others have accused
me of saying about these religions, which after all, the Revealed World of Allah (God) found in the
Torah and the Gospel provides the foundation for my own Islamic Faith, the teachings of the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the Nation of Islam.
Regarding Mayor Kochs assertion that I made reference to the Pope as being the anti-Christ on
the Phil Donahue Show, my secretary searched each of the four Donahue shows on which I
appeared over the past dozen years. She could find no reference to my charging the Pope as being
the Anti-Christ. I am sending a copy of all the tapes for your own review.
Indeed, when I was young, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad instructed me, that as a Minister in the
nation of Islam, I was certainly not on the level of the Pope and that I should be very careful how I
directed any criticism at the Pope. I have instructed all of my Ministers in the same manner. This is
why I was most disturbed at the words concerning the Pope made by Khalid Muhammad, when he
was under my leadership.

In my mind, I believe you agree in your mind as well, those who teach and inspire others to act
against Christs Teaching must be considered anti-Christ. In the past, there have been Popes, other
high officials of the Church, priests, lay persons, Muslims and non-Muslims who have
accommodated themselves to views and actions which most of us would now consider antithetical
to His Teaching. I believe, to be of a mind and spirit to oppose Christ as a conscious act is an act of
Satan himself.
Most Christians who violate Christs Teaching do so out of weakness or temptation, not out of a
conscious desire to uproot and/or destroy the Message of Jesus Christ.
Regarding Mayor Kochs challenge of my statement of March 11, 1984, about Judaism being a
dirty religion or gutter religion. I have since then, at least a hundred times, explained that I made
the dirty religion comment in a political context, after I was charged by some Jewish political and
religious leaders with being the new Black Hitler, in anger, I responded: Here come the Jews
calling me Hitler. The only way you can compare me to Hitler is that Hitler rose his people up from
the ashes of defeat in World War I and I am trying to raise my people up from the ashes of slavery.
Then I said, Do not compare me with your wicked killers, by which I meant murderers in the white
race. I have never murdered anyone, advocated murder, or urged any form of physical violence. All
human life is sacred to me. I believe all human beings can be redeemed except those who have
violated the law of Allah (God) in such a way that it demands the forfeiture of their lives.
Regarding the state of Israel, I said in 1984, Israel has not had any peace in 40 years and she will
never have any peace for there can be no peace structured on lying, murder, and injustice, using the
name of Allah (God) as a shield for your dirty religion.
Countless times over the years I have explained that I never referred to Judaism as a dirty religion,
but, clearly referred to the machinations of those who hide behind the shield of Judaism while using
unjust political means to achieve their objectives. This was distilled in the New York tabloids and
other media saying, Farrakhan calls Judaism a gutter religion.
As a Muslim, I revere Abraham, Moses, and all the Prophets who Allah (God) sent to the children of
Israel. I believe in the scriptures brought by these Prophets and the Laws of Allah (God) as expressed
in the Torah. I would never refer to the Revealed Word of Allah (God) the basis of Jewish Faith
as dirty or gutter. You know, Jude, as well as I, that the Revealed Word of Allah (God) comes as a
Message from Allah (God) to purify us from our evil that has divided us and caused us to fall into the
Over the centuries, the evils of Christians, Jews and Muslims have dirtied their respective religions.
True Faith in the laws and Teaching of Abraham, Jesus and Muhammad is not dirty, but, practices in
the name of these religions can be unclean and can cause people to look upon the misrepresented
religion as being unclean.

In the same way, I have throughout my life referred to Hitler as a wicked man, yet, the national news
media insists that I called him a great man, with the implied inference that great means good.
However, I did refer to him as wickedly great. in the same sense that Ghengis Khan stands out in
history. For political purposes in 1984, as Jesse Jackson sought the Democratic presidential
nomination, his opponents chose to characterize my words in the headlines, Jacksons pal hails
No matter what I have said to explain my meaning in the last 13 years, whenever my name is
mentioned or I am written of, the words are repeated, Louis Farrakhan the man who called Hitler
great and Judaism a gutter religion.
I have given the above explanations over and over again and do so here again in hopes that your
dialog with Mayor Koch can at last bring this issue to a close, at least among those willing and able to
be objective. I believe in the commandment of Allah (God) revealed by Moses, Thou Shalt Not Bear
False Witness Against Thy Neighbor.
May Allah (God) bless you with the great strength and courage needed to pursue the path of Truth. I
am confident that all who stand on the basis of Truth and act with Justice in the end will be
vindicated from false charges.
With sincerity and respect,
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Servant to the Lost-Found
Nation of Islam in the West
Jude Wanniski: I reviewed the four tapes of the Donahue show and found no mention of the Pope. I
sent Min. Farrakhans letter to Ed Koch along with a letter of my own. He answered back that the
Anti-Defamation League acknowledged making a mistake regarding the anti-Christ quote and that
it would no longer attribute it to him. Otherwise, Koch said it was time to end the dialog. He saw no
point in continuing it.

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