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W National Park of Niger

W National Park of Niger
The part of 'W' National Park that lies in Niger is situated in a transition zone between
savannah and forest lands and represents important ecosystem characteristics of the West
African Woodlands/avannah !iogeographical Province" The site reflects the interaction
between natural resources and humans since Neolithic times and illustrates the evolution of
biodiversity in this zone"
$rue de la rivi(re Pend)ari * +atthias ,unert- 'irection du Parc National de la Pend)ari
.utstanding /niversal 0alue
!rief synthesis
'W' National Park of Niger is located in a transition zone between savanna and woodlands
and represents a part of the important ecosystem characteristics of the West African
woodlands/savanna bio1geographical region" The property reflects the interaction between
natural resources and human beings since neolithic times and has produced characteristic
landscapes and plant formations and represents the evolution of biodiversity in the udano1
ahelian biome"
$riterion 2i345 'W' Park possesses important hydrological resources that favour the presence
of an interesting bird population that continues to evolve" The landscapes of the Park are
very diversified- including a6uatic ecosystems 2large and small rivers- ponds4 and land
ecosystems where grassy areas- brush shrubbery and gallery forests alternate"
$riterion 2345 The property contains a fairly rich biodiversity essentially comprising 789 bird
species- ::; fish species 2representative of the fauna of the %iver Niger4- several species of
reptiles and mammals and 899 plant species" Among the mammal species- the property
contains threatened species such as the African wild dog 2<ycaon pictus4- the cheetah
2Acinony3 )ubatus4- the elephant 2<o3odonta africana4- dugong 2Trichechus senegalensis4
and the red1fronted gazelle 2=udorcas rufifrons4"
With a fairly large area 2??9-999 ha4- the Park is 6uite e3tensive and contains all the
elements of habitat indispensable for the viable survival of populations" The natural
environment of the Park presents an increase of its primary productivity- a demographical
e3pansion of large mammals and a notable increase of its biological diversity 2reappearance
of several species of large wildlife that had disappeared4" >n order to strengthen the
conservation of its rich biological diversity- notably its interesting bird population and the new
species regularly reported- 'W' Park has been provided with two buffer zones5 the entire
Wildlife %eserve of Tamou and part of the Wildlife %eserve of 'osso"
Protection and management re6uirements
The property benefits from legal protection through national laws and receives financial and
technical support from the tate and some development partners" >t also has a development
and management plan" Although the boundaries of the property are clearly defined and
controlled- there are however threats such as poaching- illegal grazing and encroachment of
agricultural land" Ade6uate measures must be undertaken to combat these threats" >n order
to ensure a sustainable management and conservation of this property- a sustainable
financing strategy is indispensable to guarantee the necessary human and financial
resources- and especially to effectively implement the development and management plan
and the tripartite agreement 2!enin- !urkina #aso- Niger4 concerning the W comple3" The
strengthening of cooperation with neighbouring countries in view of a possible transboundary
e3tension of the property is necessary"
<ong 'escription
The 'W' National Park- so named because of the local configuration of the Niger %iver
2??9-999 ha4- is located in a transition zone between udan and @uinea savannahs and
contiguous to 'W' National Parks in both !urkina #aso and !enin- and the %eserve de #aune
de Tamou to the north" hrub savannah is the most widespread vegetation type occurring on
shallow infertile soils"
W hosts ecosystems representing the interaction between natural resources and humans
since Neolithic times" This interaction has produced characteristic landscapes and plant
formations and represents the evolution of biodiversity in the udan1ahelian biome"
The park hosts the ma)or populations of ungulates in West Africa and wild plant species
considered very important for conservation and genetic research" The wetland area of the
park is of international importance for the conservation of birds as a %amsar site" The fact
that the park is contiguous to other protected areas in !urkina #aso and Niger is important
for the survival of species that need large areas for their seasonal migrations"
A total of ;8; plant species has been recorded- including two orchid species found only in
Niger" +ore than A9 mammal species have been described- and around 789 bird species are
found in the area" +ost of the populations of ungulate species are increasing- thanks to
protection programmes" %eptiles and fishes occurring in the park are typical of the Niger

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