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On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs (or feet) will bear witness
against them as to what they used to do.

On that Day Allah will pay them the recompense of their deeds in full, and they will
know that Allah, He is the Manifest Truth. (NOBLE QUR’AN 24:24-25)
The day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to
you; your deeds will return upon your own head. (BIBLE OLD TESTAMENT,
OBADIAH, 1:15)

"Death is not the end; it is simply walking out of the physical form and into the spirit
realm, which is our true home. It's going back home." (STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER)

Judgment day is a day I seriously do not doubt. My believe in it is not necessarily

based on faith though it was through faith and reflections that made me arrive there.

I started by quoting the Qur’an, Bible and Stephen Christopher.

The Qur’an and Bible are abound with a lot of verses, warning and discussing about
judgment day and it rewards being heaven or hell. May Allah grant us heaven.

I don’t want to go much into the verses dealing with judgment in the Qur’an and Bible
that alone could run into voluminous books.

My believe in judgment day as I stated earlier is basically based on observations and

reflections on some positive and negative things going on in the world or gone past
us thousands or millions of years before our time.

The truth from the peasant is ridiculed in the public as lies and the lies from the Chief
Executive, President, Emperor, Security and Intelligence Services etc is hailed in the
public as the final and unadulterated truth.

Some people could kill thousands or millions without any punishment or whatsoever.

We find ourselves in a world where truth and justice is bought with money or
reputations. Are the so called “democracy” and the ‘rule of law” enough to address
all the issues concerning justice?

What is the fate of those who were imprisoned on fabricated evidences or genuine
mistake from the investigation team? What about those who were given life
imprisonment or killed by hanging or whatever by the court on charges or crimes
they never committed or are innocent of?

What about those who killed thousands or millions and were just given life
imprisonment or hanged or electrocuted? Some eventually enjoy presidential pardon
or are pardoned due to illness or any other reason. A typical example is the Nazi
Scientist who helped in gassing and killing the innocent Sephardic Jews and also
helped in mind control programs.

They were cleared off their crimes because their intelligence was needed by the
United State of Amnesia (USA) or America as it is commonly referred to in an
operation dubbed OPERATION PAPERCLIP. It was this same scientist whose
intelligence and information’s formed the core of C.I.A’s operations .Even if they were
brought to book and charged, it wouldn’t that have been enough to satisfy for all
the crimes they committed against innocent people. What about the serial killers or
rapists who escape arrest throughout their life and die “peacefully” in their beds?

Take a look at the humiliation that the innocent children of Palestine have been
subjected to by the Zionist and their cohort’s for decades should all be swept under
the carpet after they die?

What about the Nazi and Zionist collaboration in killing the innocent Sephardic Jews
(who are the real Jews and not the Ashkenazi Jews who adopted Jewish heritage and
speak Yiddish which has nothing in common with Hebrew) in Germany running into
hundreds of thousands if not millions?

What does the seeming crime of Saddam Hussein have to do with the killing of
innocent children of Iraq in Gulf (OIL take over) war in 1990s and the weapons of
mass destruction/harboring terrorist (OIL take over) war of 2003? Should the death of
these people be swept under carpet without anyone taking a blame or punishment
for the crime against humanity?

Ahmed Abdel Hadi Chalabi (born October 30, 1944 a deputy prime minister in
Iraq, and formerly interim oil minister. Once dubbed the "George Washington of Iraq"
by American Neoconservatives, he has since fallen out of favor and is currently under
investigation by several government sources) and his cronies who flatly concocted
and fabricated lies in front of the whole world at UN (United Neoconservatives)
ensuring that America had more fictitious, planted and fabricated lies called evidence
to invade Iraq in the Gulf war and the syndrome that killed more American soldiers
than the war itself, should these people die peacefully (without seeking forgiveness
from Allah and the people of Iraq) without any recompense because they have turned
into sand?

What do we say about the killing of many Prophets and Messengers (P.B.U.T) of God
by the Israelis? What was the crime of John the Baptist (who the master Jesus
(P.B.U.H) said among the born of women of the children of Israel there has never
risen any man greater than him John the Baptist) before being killed by the same
Zionist of the past? What was the crime of Jesus Christ when the Jews of the past
plotted to have him killed and still castigate him as a bastard or a mythical name and
ahs no real historical records of ever coming to earth?

What about the freedom fighters, social commentators, truth seekers and upholders
of human right etc who die protecting and standing up for justice for the benefit of
humanity? Should a memorial service be enough to pay for their selfless and
dedication for humanity? What about the disciples and companions of the Prophets
and Messengers (Peace be upon them all) of God who were killed for trying to
establish God’s religion (the best system of life) on earth?

What do we say about the killing of over 400million people over the past 300 years
by the Westerners in the name of slavery and occupying and killing of the indigenous
people of those lands so called ‘discover’?

What about innocent people who are used as guinea pigs in experiments by scientist
and inventors with the support of their governments? What about the manufacturing
of vaccines and diseases like Aids, Ebola, Swine Flu, Bird Flu etc just to kill and
reduce the natural growth of the population of the world? What about the
exploitations of the third world countries in factories and other places as money
cutting machines for the rich in the society?

Should the killing of innocent people of China and Uyghurs whose organs are sold in
the western world by Chinese government go unpunished just because those who
perpetrated such heinous crimes died peacefully in their beds?

What should be the proper compensation for the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
who suffered and still suffer from World War II syndrome? What should be the proper
punishment of Snr and Jnr Bushes (father and son) for invading, killing and polluting
Iraq with depleted uranium which has caused more deaths than the wars itself? What
about the killing of innocent 60 million and over people in both World Wars? What
about countries which have bombardments of depleted uranium, chemical and
biological weapons and still suffer from its effects countries and places like Iraq,
Afghanistan, Viesques, Vietnam, Japan (Okinawa, Hiroshima and Nagasaki),
Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and all USA bases around the world?

What about critics, journalist, politicians, religious men and women, genuine
businessmen who are silenced their governments, competitors, rivals, etc by killing
them or reducing them to mere vegetables by creating permanent diseases and
illnesses for them?

How would the innocent, poor, weak and defenseless in society whose right and
dignity have been reaped out of them and died as a result, how do they seek

Should Joseph Stalin, both Snr and Jnr Bush, Adolph Hitler, Ariel Sharon, Clinton,
Henry Kissinger, etc without turning to God and the innocent people for forgiveness
die and go freely without any judgment or recompense? What is the purpose of life
then? Is it to come and kill live as one pleases and die freely without any authority
above the human beings legislating and calling for accounts one day?

Adolph Hitler and his co-conspirators who were Ashkenazi Jews incinerated innocent
Sephardic Jews during his reign of terror. Even if the police had arrested him, what
punishment can the human law give Hitler for justice to prevail? The most they can
do is to send Hitler to the gas chamber. But that will only be punishment for the
killing of one Jew. What about the remaining innocent souls?

These factors and others make me think there must be a day set aside to judge all
humanity on all our activities we did on earth. If there is no ultimate day of decision
for everyone, then there would no be any justification for anyone to be punished by
the law court or his/her nation?

I would have been the first to propagate the ideologies of Anton Szandor LaVey
(born Howard Stanton Levey, 11 April, 1930 – 29 October, 1997), the founder and
High Priest of the Church of Satan, author of The Satanic Bible, founder of the
philosophy known as LaVeyan Satanism. Regarded as the founder of modern
Satanism, who recommended to his followers that they live by and promote
wickedness as they so please.

“Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the Day of Judgment
shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the
Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of life): for
the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.” [QUR’AN 3:185]

Final justice will be meted out on the Day of Judgment. After a person dies, he will
be resurrected on the Day of Judgment along with the rest of mankind. It is possible
that a person receives part of his punishment in this world. The final reward and
punishment will only be in the hereafter. God Almighty may not punish a robber or a
rapist in this world but he will surely be held accountable on the Day of Judgment
and will be punished in the hereafter i.e. life after death.

“Those who reject Our signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire; as often as
their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that
they may taste the penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise” [QUR’AN 4:56]

If Allah wishes he can incinerate Hitler six million times in the hereafter in the hellfire.

No concept of human values or good and bad without concept of

hereafter. It is clear that without convincing a person about the hereafter, i.e. life
after death, the concept of human values and the good or evil nature of acts is
impossible to prove to any person who is doing injustice especially when he is
influential and powerful.

Even the purpose of life will be defeated if there is no a day of assemblage where
everybody will be paid his/her dues on earth. If there is no judgement day, what
would have been our purpose of creation then?

I really believe that the justice system in the world can not solve all the problems in
the world and has not been able to solve even 20% of the cases in the world. Many
people have suffered injustice and they have to be vindicated in one way or the other
and the only way they can be vindicated is only on a day like judgment day so that
the truth would be laid bear for all to see. A day must be set aside so that the earth
would vomit all that it has swallowed by way of cover ups, natural deaths, and
assassinations, covert operations involving genocide or group of people.

Any way we look at it, all the happenings in secret or open must be laid bear for all to
see on a very special day as judgment depicted in some monotheistic religions like
Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The ultimately truth must be stored by One Mighty in
Power called Allah or God or Yahweh.

In conclusion, if judgement day is never to come, then there would no be any moral
justification for people to be jailed for some crimes they may have committed since
there would no be anything called good or bad and we would have been reduced to
mere animals who mostly lived by Social Darwinism principles i.e. survival of the
fittest. What would have constituted evil or good? Everyone would have a way of
leading a life befitting him/her without a rancor since that’s the path he/she think is
the best.

Sir_babs@yahoo.com or voiceofreason30@yahoo.com
They (angels) humbly said, “Glorified are You, High above all! we
only know what You have taught us (the tasks assigned to us). Most
certainly, You, only You, are the Knower, the Wise.” [QUR’AN 2:32]

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