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Narrative Text

Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or
past events and entertain the readers.
A. Generic Structure of Narrative
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
Where did the story take place?
When did the story take place?
How did the story begin?
2. Complication or problems:
o escribing the rising crises which the participants have to do with. !he problem
usually involves the main character"s#.
o What was the problem?
3. Resolution: $howing the way of participant to solve the crises% better or worse.
How the problem has been solved.
B. Lanuae !eatures of Narrative "e#t
&ctive verbs are used.
!he first person "I, we# or the third person "he, she, they#.
!he past tense is used. "$ + '(#
)on*unctions "linking words to do with time# are used.
&d*ectives and adverbs are used.
+sing time con*unction, once upon a time% one day
+sing connectives, then% meanwhile
There was once a poor woman who had two children. The youngest had to
go every day into the forest to look for frewood.
Once when she had gone a long way to seek it, a little child, who was quite
strong, came and helped her industriously to pick up the wood and carry it home,
and then before a moment had passed the strange child disappeared. The child
told her mother this, but at frst she would not believe it. At length she brought a
rose home and told her mother that the beautiful child had given her this rose,
and had told her that when it was in full bloom, he would return. The mother put
the rose in water.
One morning her child could not get out of bed, the mother went to the bed
and found her dead, but she lay looking very happy. On the same morning, the
rose was in full bloom.
1. hat did a strange child not do to the youngest child of a poor woman!
a. "e approached her when she was in the forest
b. "e assisted her vigorously
c. "e picked her up the frewood.
d. "e brought her frewood home.
e. "e slaughtered her.
#. hich statement is true based on the te$t!
a. The strange child accompanied her until they reached home and met her
b. The mother trusted her that the strange boy helped her daughter.
c. The rose was full in blossom when the youngest child died
d. The strange child would return to take the rose back.
e. The mother threw the rose into the pool.
%. The suitable title of the te$t is&
a. The 'oor oman
b. The (trange )hild
c. The *ind +other
d. The ,ose
e. The -ndustrious )hild
.. /Once when she had gone a long way to seek it, a little child, who was quite
strong, came and helped her&.0 1par #2
The underlined word /it0 refers to&
a. the forest
b. the frewood
c. the rose
d. the water
e. the child
3. hat befell to the youngest at last!
a. (he got a blossom rose.
b. (he passed away.
c. (he brought a lot of fre wood.
d. (he was very happy.
e. "e lied down on her bed calmly.
-ong time ago there live a poor looking young man in west $umatra. His name was .ungguk.
He felt in love with .rincess .urnama /ulan% although they in loved which each other%
.urnama /ulan already had a fianc0.
1ne day% .urnama /ulan gave .ungguk a veil. When .ungguk walked along the
country road% .urnama /ulan2s fianc0 noticed the veil% and thought that .ungguk stole it.
With his sword% he killed .ungguk% $urprisingly% from .ungguk2s dead body grew some
mushrooms, it changed in to living creatures% birds.
!hose birds were called .ungguk. !hey used to sit on the highest branch of a tree
looking at the full moon. !he birds called 3.ungguk4 .ungguk45
6. What does the story tell us about?
a. /eautiful princess who loved a prince
b. & young man with his wife
c. & poor young man who loved higher ranked woman
d. & bad guy with a good guy
(. How many characters does the story have?
a. six c. four
b. five d. three
7. What lesson can you get from the story?
a. We have to work hard to get success
b. We have to tolerate to other people
c. We have to be realistic with our wish
d. We must love each other
8. 5 9. 5 it changed into living creatures birds. !he word 3it5 in the sentence refers to 9
a. mushrooms c. moon
b. sword d. bird
1nce upon a time% a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an
idea. He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. !he rabbit asked the boss of
crocodile% 3How many crocodiles are there in the river?5 the boss of crocodile answered% 3We
are twenty here.5 3Where are they?5 the rabbit asked for the second time. 3What is it for?5
the boss of crocodile asked.
3&ll of you are good% nice% gentle% and kind% so I want to make a line in order. -ater I
will know how kind you are%5 said the rabbit. !hen% the boss of crocodile called all his
friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to other side of the river. =ust
then% the rabbit started to count while *umping from one crocodile to another, one9 two9
three9 four9. +ntil twenty% and finally% he thanked all crocodiles because he had crossed the
6. !he story mainly tells us about9..
a# twenty crocodiles
b# the boss of the crocodiles
c# a rabbit and twenty crocodiles
d# a rabbit and the boss of crocodile
e# the boss of the crocodiles and all his friends
(. We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted9.
a# to cross the river
b# to swim across the river
c# to meet the boss of crocodile
d# to know where the crocodiles are
e# to know the number of crocodiles there
7. 3&ll of you are good% nice% gentle% and kind%9.5 ".aragraph (#. !he underlined word is
synonymous with9..
a# wild d# easygoing
b# diligent e# honorable
c# cheerful
1nce upon a time there was a man who liked hunting very much. He often went to
the forest to hunt any animal he met.
1ne day he went hunting into the forest. He intended to shoot any animal he saw. He
brought his gun with him. When he was searching for his prey% suddenly he saw a bird
perching on a branch of a tree. It was a dove. When he was aiming his gun at the dove%
suddenly an ant came and bit his foot. He was so startled that he didn2t shoot the dove. It
was safe and then flew away.
$everal days later% the dove was flying over a lake. He saw an ant floating on the
surface of the water. It was the ant that had saved the dove2s life from the hunter. !he ant
was almost drowned. !he dove got an idea% he picked up a big leaf and dropped it onto the
surface of the water near the ant. -uckily the ant could get on the leaf.
!he ant tried to bring the leaf to the edge of the lake and landed on the ground. !he
ant was safe because the dove helped him.
6. !he main idea of paragraph ( is that9..
a# &n ant saved the dove2s life
b# !he dove tried to avoid the hunter
c# !he dove was perching on a branch of a tree
d# !he hunter with his gun was seeking his prey
e# !he hunter was eager to shoot the animals in the forest
(. !he hunter was very 9.. when the ant bit his foot.
a# angry
b# furious
c# shocked
d# surprised
e# disappointed
7. >rom the story we can conclude that both the ant and the dove are a good example for
human beings because9..
a# the bird could fly over the lake
b# the ant could land on the ground
c# the ant could bite the hunter2s foot
d# the hunter couldn2t shoot the dove
e# they could help to save each other2s lives
8. 39..suddenly he saw a bird perching on a branch of a tree.5 "paragraph (#
!he underlined word means9..
a# walking d# sitting
b# blowing e# flying
c# sleeping
Gol'en $s
-ong time ago a remote village% in central )hina was inhabited mainly with farmers and
1ne day% a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to ?od for help
or his family would die of starvation.
>ew days later% an old man with long grey beard% passed by his house took pity on him.
He gave him a goose and said 3 I don2t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this
goose will help you to ease your hardship.5
& week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard. !his was no
ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with *oy.
!hereafter% his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier
hardship. He became la@y% arrogant and spendthrift.
$trangely% the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. !he greedy farmer lost
his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its
!hough he very much regretted for his foolishness% it2s already too late.

6. What did the story teach us?
a# It taught not to be greedy and contented with what we had
b# It taught us to pray to ?od for help
c# It taught us foolishness did not pay
d# It taught us not to be la@y or arrogant
e# It taught us not to forget a good deed

(. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a# !o share an amusing story with other
b# !o inform readers about the farmer and the goose
c# !o describe how the farmer got rich
d# !o persuade the reader to read the story
e# !o entertain the reader with an interesting story

7. Which of the statement described his downfall?
a# He prayed for ?od2s help or his family would die
b# He did not believe the old man
c# & week later to his utmost surprised he found a golden egg
d# He lost his patient and slaughtered his goose
e# He forgotten his hardship and became la@y and arrogant and spendthrift

8. Which part of the story is orientation?
a# 1ne day% a poor farmer lost his entire livestock
b# >ew days later an old man% with long grey beard% passed by his house took a pity
on him
c# & week later to his utmost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard
d# -ong time ago% a remote village% in central )hina% was inhabited mainly with
farmers and hunters
e# $trangely% the goose only laid one golden egg every six months

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