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A few words on

A few words on

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and
Trade in Services Agreement

by Burghard Ilge, Both ENDS
Brussels 1 !une "#1$

& 'hat is the relationship bet(een TiSA ) TTIP*
Not addressed%
& 'hat is the problem (ith the content o+ TiSA*

& 'hat is the political problem (ith TiSA*
& ,o( to stop TiSA*

& Do (e need a E- TiSA (or.ing group*

'hat is the /elationship
bet(een TiSA ) TTIP *
0nly e1ception%

23ree Trade Agreements2
that liberalise essentially all trade
liberalisation has to be deep and (ide

Regulated in: Article. 24 of GATT (goods)
Article. 5 of GATS (services)
'T0 +orbids
bilateral ) plurilateral trade agreements
since they violate
the 4ost 3avoured Nation treatment 543N6 re7uirement
Deep ) 'ide
7uotes +rom 8ATS Art9:
;absence or elimination o+ substantially all discrimination<
;elimination o+ e1isting discriminatory measures, and=or
prohibition o+ ne( or more discriminatory measures9<
>substantial sectoral coverage>
>This condition is understood in terms o+ 2number o+ sectors,
2volume o+ trade a++ected and 2modes o+ supply9
In order to meet this condition, agreements should not provide
+or the a priori e1clusion o+ any mode o+ supply9>
'hen it comes to
& /egulations 5related to services6
& ?iberalisation o+ trade 5in services6
& Investment 5mode@6
'e have the identical
E-A-S negotiation in TTIP and TiSA
TiSA is narro( in scope% ;only< services
But (ide in coverage % "@ countries Bmore
TTIP is (ide in scope% services B ;all the rest<
But narro( in coverage % only " countries
'hat is TiSA about*
TiSA ;negotiators discuss the terms and conditions (hich
suppliers +rom other countries (ill have to meet in order
to provide services in their mar.et< 5ta.en +rom 3AC on E- (ebsite6
not 1##D correct, missing the main points%
They decide (hat ne( additional rights +or E+oreignF
services providers (ill be made binding and en+orceable
under international la( and no longer easily revocable9
TiSA is an international Investment agreement 5;mode @<6
2 Everything thatGs in TiSA (ill be in TTIP so letGs loo. at TiSA 2
Anything the E- gives to -S in TTIP
5on services6 (ill also have to be
given to all other TiSA countries H
Cuote +rom the 'T0 te1t on interpretation o+ 8ATS :
Ete1t bet(een S7uare brac.ets addedF
In other words, it would be inconsistent with this
provision [o+ 8ATS] if a party [e9g9 the E-] to an
economic integration agreement [e9g9 TISA] were to extend
more favourable treatment to service suppliers of one party
[li.e to the -S in TTIP] than that which it extended to
service suppliers of another party to that agreement
TiSA process
"@ 'T0 members are ta.ing part in the TiSA tal.s%
EAustralia, Canada, Chile, Chinese Taiei, Colo!"ia, Costa Rica, the EU, #ong $ong
China, %celand, %srael, &aan, $orea, 'iechtenstein, (e)ico, *e+ ,ealand, *or+a-,
.a/istan, .ana!a, .aragua-, .eru, S+it0erland, Tur/e- and the United States9F
Ihina and -ruguay have as.ed to !oin the tal.s
E- has no +ree trade agreements on services (ith%
Ihinese Taipei 5Tai+an6, Israel, Pa.istan, Tur.ey9
12SA 3 Canada 3 &aan4
Tal.s and decisionAma.ing are secret
ta.e place in 8eneva
(ith rotating chair% -S, E-, Australia

Ne1t rounds% Sept=0ct 5119Sept*6 , Dec 51st Dec*6
Some IS0 plans
TiSA groups (ill organise an event on TiSA at
the 'T0 Public +orum 1A@ 0ct in 8eneva

11A0ct TTIPAactionday
-NITAD meeting 1A1J 0ct in 8eneva
3ull day event on TiSA 53ES61K 0ct in 8eneva
Email list% EtisaAgatsAservicesF
3acilitation by 0'IN3S net(or. 5Deborah Lames 6
Thank You

Burghard Ilge
Email% biMbothends9org
T(itter% Mbibothends
'ebsite% (((9bothends9org
To prevent a common misunderstanding%
TiSA is not an abbreviation
The implications o+ TiSA (ill be much broader
4ode 1 Cross-border supply
5Architect in the 2S designs a "uilding for a (legal) erson in the
52, service hel line for custo!ers of services des/6
4ode " Consumption abroad
552 travel agent can offer round tris in the 6ose!ite national
ar/ in 2S, 7rench clinic offers cos!etic surger- in hosital in
4ode @ Commercial presence
58al!art can oen another suer !ar/et in 9udaest, 5nron can
"u- o+erlant in 52 fro! :attenfall6
4ode $ Presence of a natural person
52S la+-er can co!e to 52 to defend an 52 client at a 52 court,
Ger!an carenters can reair a roof in 2tah6
The 3our 4odes o+ Supply

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