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Background Guide

Disarmament and International Security

BruinMUN 2014 1
Un|ted Nat|ons 1
D|sarmament and Internat|ona| Secur|ty

uieetings uelegates, anu welcome to BiuinN0N 2u14!

Ny name is Kelly Chen, anu I'll be youi chaii foi 1
BISEC. I am a seconu yeai pie-meu majoiing in
psychobiology, anu this is my sixth yeai in N0N, an expeiience I have founu both fulfilling anu
exciting thiough my high school anu college yeais. N0N uevelops impoitant skills that will help you
no mattei youi eventual caieei goals, a fact to which I can uefinitely attest. I hope you aie all
looking foiwaiu to uebate as much as I am!

The Fiist Committee often falls unuei the shauow cast by the Secuiity Council in teims of
ieputation anu peiceiveu impoitance, anu as a ueneial Assembly committee, it is tiue that BISEC
lacks the executive poweis of the Secuiity Council, but that is the puipose of its uesign. The Fiist
Committee uiscusses issues with an eye foi the long teim impacts of what iesolutions may be
auopteu anu ueals less with immeuiate ciises. In this way, the Fiist Committee can be appioacheu
as both a pieventive anu uisaimament bouy.

While you may be somewhat peituibeu by the vast uiffeiences in topics selecteu foi this paiticulai
committee session, the issues of tianspaiency in outei space anu the investigation of allegeu
chemical weapons uisplay these two afoiementioneu qualities of the Fiist Committee: pievention
anu uisaimament. At the time of this wiiting, the instability of the Niuule East has neaily ieacheu a
bieaking point, Isiael, which is wiuely believeu to possess chemical weapons, having begun its
giounu offensive aftei a peiiou of intense bombaiument. The situation in Syiia is as yet uniesolveu.
Thiough this all, the one common factoi is the lack of tianspaiency anu failuie of uiplomatic
ielations on all siues. Raiely has the Fiist Committee hau the potential to make such an impact
inteinational peace anu secuiity.

With all this in minu, tianspaiency anu confiuence-builuing measuies in outei space seem
completely iiielevant, a uistant objective that seems moie like an initiative coineu by the
Feueiation than a topic that is actively being puisueu by the 0niteu Nations. Bowevei, the
ielevance of confiuence-builuing in outei space has nevei been cleaieiwith the continuing
technological auvances of all nations anu oui giowing uepenuence on such satellite-baseu
technologies, it is vital that inteinational guiuelines foi the use of space foi peaceful puiposes be
ciafteu by a unifieu bouy. Foi the fiist time, the Fiist Committee will be able to play a pieventive
iole in inteinational secuiity.

These two topics covei an immense iange of histoiy, legislation, anu, moie impoitantly, iecent
uevelopments. These topic synopses aie long, I know, but uo ieau thiough them so you will have a
geneial oveiview of the topics anu committee's intenueu focus befoie you begin youi ieseaich. If
you have any questions, feel fiee to senu me an email. Bappy ieseaiching!

Kelly Chen
Chaii | BiuinN0N 1

BruinMUN 2014 1
Comm|ttee 8ackground

As a subsiuiaiy oigan of the ueneial Assembly (uA), the Fiist Committee "ueals with uisaimament
|anuj global challenges anu thieats to peace that affect the inteinational community" while also
maintaining a focus on inteinational secuiity within the puiview of the 0N Chaitei.
As such, the
Fiist Committee woiks closely with such othei subsiuiaiy bouies as the 0N Bisaimament
Commission (0NBC), which opeiateu unuei the Secuiity Council befoie its iecommissioning in
1978 as a uelibeiative bouy of the uA, anu the ueneva-baseu Confeience on Bisaimament (CB),
consiueieu a "multilateial uisaimament negotiation foium".
Topics uiscusseu in the Fiist
Committee can iange fiom nucleai non-piolifeiation to small aims anu light weapons, anu so the
Fiist Committee plays a tiemenuous iole in ueteimining inteinational secuiity on both laige anu
small scales.

Beie, an impoitant uistinction must be maue between the Fiist Committee anu the Secuiity Council.
While the topics uiscusseu in both committees may appeai similai in natuie, the poweis anu
functions of the committees cieating the woiking papeis coulu not be any moie uiffeient. In teims
of composition, the Fiist Committee, as a committee opeiating unuei the ueneial Assembly,
incluues all 19S membei states that have equal voting powei, while the Secuiity Council consists of
only 1S seats, five of which aie peimanent anu giant veto powei. Secuiity Council iesolutions can
be backeu by militaiy foice anu haishei economic measuies in the foim of sanctions, but ueneial
Assembly iesolutions have only as much powei as inteinational consensus. In this sense, the Fiist
Committee can be consiueieu "weakei" than the Secuiity Council, but this is not necessaiily the
case: Consiuei the Fiist Committee as opeiating on a long-teim basis while the Secuiity Council
opeiates on moie piessing matteis iequiiing immeuiate attention.

Bebate in the Fiist Committee must theiefoie be appioacheu with a fuithei-ieaching timeline in
minu. A woiking papei coulu initiate a new plan to tackle the issue at hanu oi continue to push
foiwaiu the agenuas set foith in the 68
session. In eithei case, consensus is a laige pait of
successfully auopting a uiaft iesolution in the laige ueneial Assembly committees; caiefully
consiuei the positions of othei membei states anu what you might to ensuie the gieatest amount of
inteinational suppoit foi youi woiking papei.

1. "United Nations, Main Body, Main Organs, General Assembly." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 20 June 2014.
2. "UNOG - The United Nations Office at Geneva." Where Global Solutions Are Shaped for You. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June
2014. <http://www.unog.ch/cd>.

BruinMUN 2014 1
1op|c A: Mechan|sms for Invest|gat|ng the A||eged Use of Chem|ca| Weapons

I. key 1erms

a. Piophylactic: intenueu to pievent uisease

II. 8ackground

Chemical weapons, along with nucleai anu biological weapons, aie classifieu as
weapons of mass uestiuction (WNB). Keep in minu that chemical weapons aie !"#
synonymous with biological weapons: Biological agents aie of natuial oiigin, costly, anu
so aie uevelopeu on a much smallei scale than chemical agents, which aie synthetic anu
so cheapei anu cieateu in laigei quantities. Biological agents iesult in ielatively uelayeu
physical effects, iesulting in a ciisis that is moie long teim than that foi the use of
chemical agents, which iesult in neaily immeuiate effects anu so allow foi a much
smallei time winuow foi ciisis pievention.

Touay's uefinition of chemical waifaie evolveu in the miu-19
centuiy uuiing the
Ciimean Wai when Scottish scientist Lyon Playfaii pioposeu the use of cyaniue aitilleiy
shells against enemy ships. Although Playfaii's pioposal was iejecteu by the Biitish
0iunance Bepaitment, his actions spaikeu the uevelopment of a new class of weapons
aiounu the woilu. The use of chloiine gas in the Ameiican Civil Wai leu to the Bague
Beclaiation of 1899 anu Bague Convention of 19u7, which piohibiteu the use of
"poisoneu weapons." Bespite this, the Fiist Woilu Wai involveu the wiue usage of such
chemical agents as teai gases anu mustaiu gas, coinciuing with the emeigence of
piotiacteu tiench waifaie. 0vei a million casualties in the Fiist Woilu Wai have been
attiibuteu to the use of appioximately 124,uuu tons of chemical weapons.

Aftei the Fiist Woilu Wai, nations iusheu to uevelop new chemical agents anu methous
of ueliveiy to maximize effect. Nazi ueimany uevelopeu the neive agents tabun anu
saiin in the late 19Su's, anu weaponization quickly followeu. Bue to a possibly foitunate
bit of misinfoimation, Nazi ueimany nevei ueployeu these neive agents, feaiing a
ietaliatoiy Allieu attack. The Impeiial }apanese Aimy also uevelopeu nausea anu
mustaiu gas foi use against othei Asian nations, also feaiing ietaliation on the pait of
the Westein woilu. The Allies also amasseu a consiueiable amount of mustaiu gas that
was nevei useu; feai of ietaliation, howevei, once again took pieceuence ovei moial
objections. The seciecy suiiounuing the Allieu stockpile iesulteu in a bieakuown of
communication when in 194S a ueiman attack sank seveial Ameiican ships, one of
which was caiiying mustaiu gas, iesulting in acciuental ielease anu a laige numbei of
fatalities uue to the fact that physicians hau no knowleuge of the agent's ielease anu so
took no measuies to tieat its effects.

The iecoveiy of ueiman missiles containing neive agents aftei the Seconu Woilu Wai
initiateu an Allieu ieseaich sciamble that lasteu thiough the Colu Wai Eia. In some
nations, incluuing the 0niteu Kinguom, the cieation of auvanceu neive agents came
about as a by-piouuct of pesticiues uevelopment. With these uevelopments came a long
peiiou of potential human expeiimentation, stimulating ethical uebates that aie still
ielevant touay. The Soviet 0nion anu the 0niteu States also amasseu laige stoies of the

BruinMUN 2014 1
"Foliant" anu "v-seiies" neive agents, iespectively, iepoiteuly in quantities laige
enough to uestioy all life on Eaith.

Since the conclusion of Woilu Wai Two, chemical weapons have still been useu aiounu
the woilu, fiom ueimany to Yemen anu the Falklanus. In neaily all cases, howevei,
theie has been a lack of conciete eviuence oi aumission of guilt, with outsiue
oiganizations such as the Inteinational Committee of the Reu Cioss (ICRC) insteau
publishing iepoits of theii finuings.

The most notable of these instances involves the use of chemical agents in the Iian-Iiaq
wai. In a sequence of events ieminiscent of Eisenhowei's Atoms foi Peace piogiam,
Sauuam Bussein, then-leauei of Iiaq, tuineu to the 0SSR to seek mateiials foi the
uevelopment of chemical weapons. The 0SSR iefuseu his iequest, so Sauuam tuineu to
Westein nations anu was eventually supplieu by an Ameiican company, Pfauulei
Coipoiation, in 197S with the bluepiints neeueu to constiuct a chemical waifaie plant.
In total, appioximately 1uu,uuu Iianian soluieis weie affecteu by Iiaq's use of chemical
agents, not incluuing the civilian population. The Balabja chemical attack of 1988, a
genociual massacie which killeu anu injuieu at least 1u,uuu Kuiuish civilians, became a
shocking example to the inteinational community of the uestiuctive powei of
unmitigateu chemical weapons use.

National goveinments aie not the only paities iesponsible foi the use of chemical
agents. }apanese teiioiist oiganization Aleph, foimeily known as Aum Shiniikyo,
stunneu with woilu with the fiist successful teiioiist chemical attack against civilians in
1994, anu again in 199S, with the ielease of saiin gas into the Tokyo subway system.
Nost iecently, the Syiian civil wai has involveu goveinment accusation of iebel use of
chemical weapons. This paiticulai case will be uiscusseu in-uepth in the next section.

ueneially, as technology has continueu to auvance, the possibility anu temptation of
weaponization giows. Finuing the balance between piophylaxis, weaponization, anu
pieventative measuies iemains an elusive goal foi the inteinational community.

Cuiient investigatoiy bouies most piominently featuie the 0iganization foi the
Piohibition of Chemical Weapons (0PCW), which has playeu a majoi iole in the
uestiuction of Syiia's chemical weapons. Cieateu as an extension of the Chemical
Weapons Convention (CWC), the 0PCW is in chaige of, among othei matteis, enfoicing
auheience to the scheuules of substances uefineu by the CWC, which iun fiom Scheuule
S, which is the least weaponizable, to Scheuule 1, which have little to no use outsiue of
chemical waifaie.

III. kecent Deve|opments

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Accoiuing to the 0PCW, 14 states have ueclaieu chemical weapons piouuction facilities
while only six nations have chemical weapon uestiuction facilities. In total, theie aie 96
ueclaieu chemical weapons piouuction facilities inteinationally, all of which have been
inspecteu. The S9 ueclaieu chemical weapon uestiuction facilities aie iesponsible foi
neaily half of the 2,766 total inspections conuucteu by the 0PCW.

7% /$3) 8#649+ /:);(2$< =)$>"!3 (! 89'($

BruinMUN 2014 1
The Syiian chemical weapons piogiam began in the 197u's with aiu fiom Egypt anu the
Soviet 0nion. Nuch of this piogiam's uevelopment hau, foi the majoiity of the past few
uecaues, iemaineu shiouueu in seciecy until events came to a heau in miu-2u1S.

The Syiian civil wai unueilineu inteinational conceins iegaiuing Syiia's stockpile of
chemical weapons, which was thought to be the thiiu-laigest in the woilu aftei those of
the 0niteu States anu Russia. The secuiity of these weapons has long been a souice of
unease, anu the outbieak of civil wai leu to calls foi moie tianspaiency, anu a geneial
alaim was iaiseu among Westein nations when, in late 2u12, Syiia tianspoiteu its
chemical weapons fiom Bamascus to Taitus, at the same time beginning tests outsiue
Aleppo, uespite claims that these weie moves maue to inciease secuiity. Thiough the
enu of 2u12 anu well into 2u1S, unconfiimeu iepoits of gas attacks buist onto the
inteinational iauai. Some of these weie confiimeu in Apiil of 2u1S when Fiench iepoits
contiauicteu Tuikish claims that no tiace of saiin hau been useu in an attack on Saiaqib.

Anothei laigei attack occuiieu on 21 August 2u1S in uhouta, with both goveinment anu
iebel foices blaming the othei foi the use of iockets containing saiin, which killeu up to
1,7uu inuiviuuals. This event may oi may not have leu to the Syiian goveinment's
uecision to join the CWC anu uestioy its chemical weapons.

0n 27 Septembei 2u1S, the 0NSC unanimously passeu Resolution 2118, which
instituteu a timeline foi Syiia's uestiuction of its chemical weapons anu piouuction
facilities, putting into action a plan cieateu by the 0PCW that woulu see the giauual
uestiuction of Syiia's chemical weapons stockpile beginning on 6 0ctobei 2u1S.
Although the piocess was meant to ieach its conclusion on 6 Febiuaiy 2u1S, it was not
until 2S }une 2u14 that all of Syiia's "ueclaieu" chemical weapons weie iepoiteu

The aumitteuly somewhat uelayeu conclusion of this piocess in Syiia neveitheless
auuiesses some points that must be acknowleugeu. This is the fiist time a multilateial
agieement has been ieacheu with a membei state that was not initially paity to the
CWC. This is also the fiist majoi uemonstiation by the 0PCW of its capabilities as a
chemical weapons "watchuog" potentially on level with the IAEA anu its actions on the
nucleai technology uespite the fact that the 0PCW is not pait of the 0niteu Nations. The
successful conclusion of Syiia's chemical weapons uestiuction, howevei, is maiieu by a
few factois woithy of consiueiation. The BBC explicitly stateu that 2S }une 2u14 maikeu
the uay that Syiia uestioyeu all of its "ueclaieu" chemical weapons, leaving wiue open
the unspoken intimation that Syiia may be withholuing chemical weapons uniepoiteu
to the 0PCW. 0n anothei note, chloiine gas has been continually useu in Syiia thiough
2u14, even unuei the teims of the 0PCW because chloiine gas was not expiessly
piohibiteu by the 0PCW, which has become a stiong piesence in chemical weapons
uestiuction. These loopholes coulu have potentially uisastious outcomes in the long
iun, anu it is up to the inteinational community to auuiess them, whethei to view
Syiia's case as a success anu spiingboaiu foi the eventual global eiauication of chemical
weapons oi to acknowleuge that completely tianspaiency will nevei be achieveu even
thiough the 0PCW.

BruinMUN 2014 1
IV. ast Internat|ona| Invo|vement

Theie have been a laige numbei of chemical weapons tieaties anu agieements uating
back to the eaily 2u
centuiy's Bague Agieement. The ueneva Piotocol of 192S
piohibiteu the use of chemical weapons in waifaie. As the fiist majoi step towaius the
inteinational ban of chemical weapons, the ueneva Piotocol, howevei, uiu have a
numbei of shoitcomings. No clauses auuiesseu the uevelopment, piouuction, oi
stockpiling of chemical weapons, anu iatifying nations still ieseiveu the iight to use
piohibiteu weapons against States not paity to the Piotocol foi the puiposes of

The Convention on the Piohibition of the Bevelopment, Piouuction anu Stockpiling of
Bacteiiological (Biological) anu Toxin Weapons anu on Theii Bestiuction, also known as
the Biological anu Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) enteieu into foice on 26 Naich
197S anu bans the "uevelopment, piouuction, stockpiling, acquisition anu ietention of
miciobial oi othei biological agents oi toxins, in types anu in quantities that have no
justification foi piophylactic, piotective oi othei peaceful puiposes." While not uiiectly
auuiessing chemical weapons, the BTWC's influence on the uevelopment of the CWC
cannot be oveistateu. The BTWC bans weapons, equipment, anu means of ueliveiy foi
the use of biological agents foi "hostile puiposes oi in aimeu conflict," anu Aiticle vIII
iecognizes that nothing in the BTWC will abiogate anything in the ueneva Piotocol,
successfully ciicumventing any numbei of potential legal loopholes.

The Convention on the Piohibition of the Bevelopment, Piouuction, Stockpiling anu 0se
of Chemical Weapons anu on Theii Bestiuction, also known as the Chemical Weapons
Convention (CWC) was auopteu by the Confeience on Bisaimament on S Septembei
1992, enteieu into foice 29 Apiil 1997), anu iemains the guiuing piece of legislation foi
the inteinational uestiuction of chemical weapons. The CWC was the fiist multilateial
agieement besiues the BTWC that pioviueu foi the elimination of an entiie class of
WNB's, anu the 19u iatifications anu accessions (notably Syiia on 14 Septembei 2u1S)
is a maik of its wiue implementation anu acceptance in the inteinational community.

The CWC also foimeu the Piepaiatoiy Commission of the 0iganisation foi the
Piohibition of Chemical Weapons (0PCW), which enteieu into foice on 29 Apiil 1997
anu consists of 189 membei nations, which is 98% of the global population. The goal of
the 0PCW is to implement the piovisions of the CWC anu ensuie the tianspaiency of
chemical weapons uestiuction anu veiification thiough evaluation by membei states
anu on-site inspections while simultaneously woiking to achieve univeisal membeiship.
While not a subsiuiaiy oigan of the 0N itself, the 0PCW's ielationship with the 0N is
uefineu by the ielationship agieement containeu in 0NuA AResSS28S of 24
Septembei 2uu1 uuiing the SS
Session of the ueneial Assembly. Although consiueieu
an inteigoveinmental oiganization, the 0PCW neveitheless has the powei to conuuct
fact-finuing missions in the case of the allegeu chemical weapons use. In 2u1S, the
0PCW was awaiueu the 2u1S Nobel Peace Piize foi its woik in eliminating chemical
weapons, paiticulaily in Syiia.

The Agieement on Bestiuction anu Non-piouuction of Chemical Weapons anu on
Neasuies to Facilitate the Nultilateial Convention on Banning Chemical Weapons, also
known as the 199u Chemical Weapons Accoiu, was signeu on 1 }une 199u between
ueoige B. W. Bush anu Nikhail uoibachev anu iemains one of the most impoitant

BruinMUN 2014 1
agieement between the two nations iegaiuing theii chemical weapons stockpiles, which
aie the two laigest in the woilu. The 199u Chemical Weapons Accoiu iequiieu a
ieuuction of chemical weapons stockpiles to S,uuu agent tons pei nation anu iequiieu
on-site inspections to ensuie auheience.

The Austialia uioup was establisheu in 198S by Austialia's initiative in iesponse to
Iiaq's use of chemical weapons in 1984. 0iiginally, the Austialia uioup helpeu iuentify
which expoits must be contiolleu to pievent the spieau of chemical anu biological
weapons. The Austialia uioup initially only consisteu of 1S membeis but with the
auuition of the Euiopean Commission now has 42. Touay, the Austialia uioup maintains
expoit contiols on S4 compounus, some of which aie not inuicateu in the CWC but can
still be useu to manufactuie chemical weapons.

V. 8|oc os|t|ons

a. 0)3#)'! &<"2+ The Westein Bloc has long iecognizeu the uangei of chemical
weapons anu has taken the most uefinitive action to pievent piolifeiation anu
encouiage uisaimament. Chief among these actions has been the foimation of the
Austialia uioup, which is not tieu to any inteinational oiganization but was foimeu
of Austialia's own initiative. Iionically, one of the membeis of the Westein Bloc
the 0niteu Statespossesses one of the laigest iemaining chemical weapons
stockpiles in the woilu. Contiibuting laigely to this is the iemaining tension
between the 0niteu States anu Russia; both nations have at some point accuseu the
othei of inhibiting the chemical weapons uestiuction piocess, which is ongoing.

b. ?3($! &<"2+ The Asian Bloc is peihaps the most uiveise bloc in teims of chemical
weapons capabilities anu policies. Nations such as Inuia anu Syiia which pieviously
possesseu a faiily laige chemical weapons stockpile have now completeu the
uestiuction of all chemical weapons while the chemical weapons status of such
nations as Iiaq anu Iian is still unknown. Isiael, in paiticulai, poses a unique
pioblem foi the inteinational community in teims of its iefusal to iatify the CWC foi
ieasons stemming fiom feai of ietaliation.

c. ?*'(2$! &<"2+ Few Afiican nations have ueclaieu the capacity foi chemical weapons
uevelopment. Nost nations, incluuing Egypt anu Suuan, have not aiouseu
inteinational suspicion in iecent yeais uespite confiimeu (Egypt) anu unconfiimeu
(Suuan) iepoits of chemical weapons use in the past.

VI. Conc|ud|ng kemarks

a. 1"263 "* @)3"<6#("!3

The focus of this topic is the uevelopment oi expansion of new oi existing bouies to
investigate allegeu chemical weapons use. It will be easy to become siuetiackeu anu
focus on plans to eliminate chemical weapons entiiely, but zeio in insteau on the fiist
step when it comes to chemical weapons: Beteimining whethei oi not they have
actually been useu. Inteinational ielations have, in many cases, been uamageu as a

BruinMUN 2014 1
iesult of allegations that weie nevei pioveu oi uispioveu. The goal of uebate foi this
topic is to pievent this fiom happening.

b. A6)3#("!3 #" /"!3(4)'
i. Bas youi nation iatifieu the CWC. Why oi why not.
ii. Bow active is youi countiy in the 0PCW.
iii. Bow effective uoes youi countiy think the 0PCW has been.
iv. What changes coulu oi shoulu be maue to the 0PCW to impiove the
effectiveness of investigations into allegeu chemical weapons use. Consiuei
caiefully the issue of national soveieignty.

BruinMUN 2014 1

"Austialia uioup Common Contiol Lists." B:) ?63#'$<($ C'"6>. Web. 24 }une 2u14.
B:) &("<"5(2$< $!4 B"D(! 0)$>"!3 /"!E)!#("! 0)73(#). Web. 21 }une 2u14.
"Chemical anu Biological Weapons Status at a ulance." ?';3 /"!#'"< ?33"2($#("!. Web. 24 }une 2u14.
"The Chemical Weapons Ban Facts anu Figuies." -'5$!(F$#("! *"' #:) .'":(7(#("! "* /:);(2$<
0)$>"!3. Web. 24 }une 2u14. <http%SA%2F%2Fwww.opcw.oig%2Fnews-
"Bistoiy of CW 0se." -'5$!(F$#("! *"' #:) .'":(7(#("! "* /:);(2$< 0)$>"!3. Web. 2u }une 2u14.
"An Intiouuction to the Confeience." B:) G!(#)4 H$#("!3 -**(2) $# C)!)E$. Web. 2u }une 2u14.
Nillei, Elhanan. "Syiia Tiansfeiieu Chemical Weapons to Poit City Last Nonth, Raising Alaim Bells,
Repoit Says." B:) B(;)3 "* I3'$)<. 9 Sept. 2u12. Web. 21 }une 2u14.
"0niteu Nations, Nain Bouy, Nain 0igans, ueneial Assembly." GH H)=3 /)!#)'. 0N. Web. 2u }une
2u14. <http:www.un.oigengafiist>.
"0N0BA - Chemical Weapons." GH H)=3 /)!#)'. 0N. Web. 24 }une 2u14.

BruinMUN 2014 1
"0N0BA - The 0N Bisaimament Commission." GH H)=3 /)!#)'. 0N. Web. 2u }une 2u14.
Waiiick, }o. "Woiiies Intensify ovei Syiian Chemical Weapons." 0$3:(!5#"! ."3#. The Washington
Post, u8 Sept. 2u12. Web. 21 }une 2u14.
"Who Aimeu Sauuam." 26 }uly 2uu2. Web. 21 }une 2u14. <http:www.haitfoiu-

BruinMUN 2014 1
1op|c 8: 1ransparency and Conf|dence-8u||d|ng |n Cuter Space Deve|opment

I. key 1erms

a. Tianspaiency anu confiuence-builuing measuies: means by which national
goveinments can shaie infoimation anu inciease tiust, theieby avoiuing
misconceptions anu ensuiing global stability
b. Bigh-altituue nucleai explosion (BANE): nucleai explosions that take place within
the Eaith's atmospheie but above altituues of Su km, in the past useu solely foi
scientific puiposes.
c. Weapons of mass uestiuction: biological, chemical, nucleai
u. Conventional weapons:
e. ICBN: Intei-continental ballistic missile
f. ASAT: Anti-satellite weapons, uevelopeu as a uefense against nucleai weapons, but
giauually evolveu into theii cuiient puipose

II. 8ackground

Space. The final fiontiei. G88 J!#)'>'(3) asiue, the uevelopment of outei space foi peaceful
puiposes has been a top piioiity foi the 0niteu Nations even befoie the launch of the fiist
aitificial satellite into Eaith's oibit in 19S7.

The iace to builu iockets poweiful enough to escape Eaith's giavity ieacheu its peak in the
late 2u
centuiy though Russian, Ameiican, anu ueiman scientists hau begun tests anu
ieseaich at the beginning of the 2u
centuiy. ueimany became the fiist nation to uevelop
long-uistance v-2 missiles uuiing the Seconu Woilu Wai, launching an attack on Lonuon
with iockets that tiavelleu at speeus of moie than S,Suu miles pei houi. 0n S 0ctobei 1942,
ueimany launcheu the A-4 missile, which became the fiist man-maue object in outei space.
Beginning in 1946 anu leu by the 0niteu States, the fiist scientific missions weie launcheu
into outei space. What followeu weie a few yeais of coopeiation between the Soviet 0nion
anu ueimany, culminating in the launch of Soviet v-2 iockets anu ueiman R-1 vaiiants in
suboibital expeiiments.

The Soviet launcheu Sputnik 1, equippeu with two iauio tiansmitteis, into outei space on 4
0ctobei 19S7, iesulting in an Ameiican iush to launch theii own satellite into space, a feat
achieveu with the vanguaiu satellite two months latei. Yuii uagaiin, Soviet cosmonaut,
became the fiist human to oibit the Eaith on 12 Apiil 1961. Again, the Ameiicans
iesponueu by senuing Alan Shepaiu into space aboaiu the Neicuiy-Reustone S, followeu
the next yeai by }ohn ulenn's oibital flight.

0n S Febiuaiy 1966, the Soviet 0nion lanueu the Luna 9 spaceciaft on the Noon,
successfully completing the fiist extia-planetaiy lanuing. Apollo 11 lanueu on the Noon on
2u }uly 1969, maiking the fiist manneu extia-planetaiy lanuing.

While all this infoimation about the Space Race may seem no moie than some outuateu
ielics of the Colu Wai, histoiy often sets the pieceuent foi the futuie. The iapiu builu-up to
the launching of 8>6#!(K anu the escalating fienzy on opposite siues of the Pacific that

BruinMUN 2014 1
followeu coulu veiy well be an inuicatoi of the pace of futuie potential space weapons

Bigh-altituue nucleai explosions (BANE) weie uevelopeu by the 0niteu States in 19S8,
closely followeu by the Soviet 0nion in 1961. These weie the fiist auvances maue in the
utilization of outei space as a uefense fiontiei, anu piimaiy focus was concentiateu on the
feasibility of nucleai weapons as a uefensive weapon against satellites anu ballistic missiles.
0ltimately, the numeious uiawbacks, incluuing the massive iauiation fallout iauius, along
with the iatification of the Limiteu Test Ban Tieaty (LTBT) of 196S, which piohibiteu the
uetonation of all nucleai weapons abovegiounu, leu to the cessation of BANE, the last
having taken place in 1962.

Bistoiically, the only weapons evei sent into outei space weie the TP-82 pistol caiiieu by
Soviet cosmonauts as a self-uefense measuie upon lanuing anu the on-boaiu gun of the
Salyut S, a Soviet space station launcheu in 1974. Eaith-to-space weapons, howevei, aie
somewhat moie common as a means of anti-satellite self-uefense.

0ne majoi issue with Eaith-to-space weapons, howevei, ievolves aiounu the Kesslei
synuiome, also known as collisional cascauing. The Kesslei synuiome is a scenaiio that
posits that once the numbei of objects in low Eaith oibit (LE0) ieaches ciitical capacity, the
likelihoou of collisions will inciease uiamatically, in tuin incieasing the likelihoou of moie
collisions anu so on, eventually ienueiing space exploiation, even with satellites,
impossible. Even without the uestiuction of objects in LE0, theie still exists the piobability
of such a tiiggeiing collision taking place; this piobability incieases with eveiy satellite sent
into outei space. In auuiessing this issue, one must consiuei the ieasoning behinu LE0s:
These aie the most commonly useu oibits foi satellites because of lowei aii uiag anu
theiefoie, lowei oibital uecay. Recent solutions have incluueu guiuelines foi satellite
manufactuie that iequiie a methou of safe uisposal once the satellite has fulfilleu its
puipose; some satellites aie also pusheu into a giaveyaiu oibit, which is much highei than
LE0s anu so will iesult in a lowei piobability of collision. Nonetheless, this uoes still involve
senuing moie uebiis into oibit. A moie iauical solution involveu the uevelopment of a "lasei
bioom," which will shoot uebiis uown out of oibit. The feasibility of this plan is cleaily still
in question, as is the thieatening natuie of this Eaith-to-space weapon.

Theie aie two types of tianspaiency anu confiuence-builuing measuies: one ueals with
capabilities, the othei with behaviois. While tianspaiency anu confiuence-builuing
measuies aie typically not legally binuing, theie aie a numbei of measuies in place alieauy
in extant inteinational legislation. These typically fall within a numbei of categoiies,
incluuing enhancing the availability of infoimation on the space policy of nations in outei
space, infoimation exchange on space uevelopment piogiams, anu the uissemination of
uata to inciease economic anu social sustainability.

III. kecent Deve|opments

Extia-planetaiy exploiation has taken off iecently, most notably with NASA's launching of
/6'("3(#9, a iovei launcheu in 2u11 to exploie the suiface of Nais. Aftei successfully lanuing in
2u12, /6'("3(#9 has ietuineu a laige volume of infoimation iegaiuing the histoiy anu cuiient
stiuctuie of Nais, incluuing the fact that Nais once hau an enviionment that coulu sustain life.
/6'("3(#9's mission cleaily illustiates the impoitance of continuing space exploiation

BruinMUN 2014 1
incieasing unueistanuing of the solai system can iesult in futuie benefits, but only if this
exploiation is unhampeieu by uiscoiu on Eaith.

In 2u1S, the 0niteu Nations publisheu the Stuuy on Tianspaiency anu Confiuence-Builuing
Neasuies in 0utei Space Activities by the uioup of uoveinmental Expeits on Tianspaiency anu
Confiuence-Builuing Neasuies in 0utei Space Activities (uuE) as pait of the 0N Bisaimament
Infoimation Piogiam. Establisheu by the Secietaiy-ueneial unuei 0NuA Res 6S68 anu
auopteu by consensus, the uuE has met thiee times since 2u12 to uiscuss the implementation of
tianspaiency anu confiuence-builuing measuies (TCBNs). In the 2u1S iepoit, the uuE
auuiesses the commeicialization of space, incluuing the giowing uepenuence on satellite-baseu
technology, (i.e. uPS), keeping in minu sustainability anu secuiity, explaining the impoitance of
TCBNs by stating the geneial puipose of such measuies: "Tianspaiency anu confiuence-
builuing measuies can ieuuce, oi even eliminate, misunueistanuings, mistiust anu
miscalculations with iegaiu to the activities anu intentions of States in outei space."

In auuition, the uuE pioposes moie non-legally binuing measuies to supplement manuatoiy
iegulations cuiiently in place while also emphasizing the impoitance of cooiuination anu
consultative mechanisms. The iepoit also uiscusses the changing political climate iegaiuing
outei space sustainability anu secuiity, iefeiiing uiiectly to the Confeience on Bisaimament's
uiscussion of pievention of aims iace in outei space. The uuE also woiks uiiectly with such
othei oiganizations as the Woiking uioup on the Long-Teim Sustainability of 0utei Space
Activities of the Committee on the Peaceful 0ses of 0utei Space, the Inteinational
Telecommunication 0nion, anu the Woilu Neteoiological 0iganization.

The uuE piopositioneu the cieation of an inteinational coue of conuuct foi outei space
activities, stating that "space technology anu seivices contiibute immeasuiably to economic
giowth anu impiovements in the quality of life aiounu the woilu." The Committee on the
Peaceful 0ses of 0utei Space's Scientific anu Technical Subcommittee establisheu the Woiking
uioup on the Long-Teim Sustainability of 0utei Space Activities, which, in tuin, piepaieu anu
piesenteu a iepoit on the long-teim sustainability of space uevelopment anu iecommenueu a
set of guiuelines foi actions to ensuie long-teim sustainability.

The uuE agiees with the Fiist Committee's auvocation of the annual auoption of a iesolution on
tianspaiency anu confiuence-builuing measuies. Foi the "pievention of an aims iace in outei
space," the uuE pioposeu seveial uiaft tianspaiency anu confiuence-builuing measuies
iegaiuing secuiity, the placement of weapons in outei space, oi the thieat of use of foice in
outei space, a tiifecta of pioblems iegaiuing outei space expansion. In auuition, the uuE
consiueieu an E0-piesenteu uiaft of non-legally binuing inteinational coue of conuuct,
ieinfoicing its position that multilateially-uevelopeu tianspaiency anu confiuence-builuing
measuies aie moie likely to be auopteu wiuely inteinationally.

The iepoit of the uuE maiks a majoi tuin in inteinational effoit iegaiuing the uevelopment in
outei space. No longei ielegateu as a uistant piospect ieminiscent of the Colu Wai,
inteinational space expansion, now seiiously uebateu by a laige inteinational bouy of expeits,
achieveu consiueiation as an issue of not only uevelopment but also of sustainability, maiking
two veiy uiffeient aspects of the issue.

BruinMUN 2014 1
IV. ast Internat|ona| Invo|vement

The vast majoiity of tieaties iegaiuing outei space weie conceiveu uuiing the Colu Wai as a
ueteiient to mutually assuieu uestiuction (NAB). The Tieaty on Piinciples uoveining the
Activities of States in the Exploiation anu 0se of 0utei Space, incluuing the Noon anu 0thei
Celestial Bouies, commonly iefeiieu to as the 0utei Space Tieaty, enteieu into foice on 1u
0ctobei 1967 anu was the fiist majoi inteinational piece of legislation that uealt with the
peaceful exploiation of outei space anu so foimeu the basis of inteinational space law. The
0utei Space Tieaty explicitly banneu both the placement anu testing of any weapons of mass
uestiuction in space, although the piesence of conventional weapons in space is not piohibiteu.
Each inuiviuual nation also was also helu iesponsible foi any actions committeu in space.

Bowevei, seveial impoitant flaws of the 0utei Space Tieaty weie illustiateu by the Fiactional
0ibital Bombaiument System (F0BS), a Soviet ICBN piogiam uevelopeu in the 196u's. F0BS
was cieateu to launch ICNBs into LE0 in piepaiation foi ue-oibit anu eventual attack on Noith
Ameiica fiom the south, the opposite of Noith Ameiican Aeiospace Befense Commanu
(N0RAB) eaily-waining systems oiientation. While the 0utei Space Tieaty banneu the
placement of nucleai weapons in oibit, it uiu not ban the placement of systems that weie
capable of placing saiu weapons into oibit. It was not until the SALT II agieement of 1979 that
F0BS systems weie banneu anu the ICBNs phaseu out. While the Soviet 0nion only manageu to
ueploy one missile unuei F0BS, the potential consequences of the 0utei Space Tieaty's legal
loopholes uiu not go uisiegaiueu.

Nany subsequent auuitions have faileu to make a lasting impact on the faiily bioau scope of the
0utei Space Tieaty, howevei, chief among these being the Noon Tieaty, which, although
iatifieu by a numbei of nations, was not accepteu by any majoi space-faiing nation, ienueiing
its ueciees poweiless in the face of absent inteinational suppoit.

The fiist fiamewoiks cieateu in the late Su's anu 6u's auuiessing the issue of weaponization
eventually became the Tieaty on Piinciples uoveining the Activities of States in the Exploiation
anu 0se of 0utei Space, incluuing the Noon anu 0thei Celestial Bouies (0utei Space Tieaty),
which enteieu into foice on 1u 0ctobei 1967. Fuithei 0N legislation incluues the 197S
Registiation Convention (REu), which establisheu a iegistei of launchings by membei states
anu was iatifieu by 62 states.

The 0niteu Nations 0ffice foi 0utei Space Affaiis (0N00SA) woiks with the 0N Committee on
the Peaceful 0ses of 0utei Space to implement its uecisions along with those of the ueneial
Assembly. In auuition to uisaimament anu secuiity measuies, the 0N00SA has also been
woiking with establishing satellite technology foi ueveloping nations, incluuing the Naluives, in
oiuei to combat climate change.

V. 8|oc os|t|ons

a. 0)3#)'! &<"2+ The Westein Bloc contains a laige numbei of nations with spaceflight
capabilities. As such, theii best inteiests woulu lie with the cieation of tianspaiency
anu confiuence-builuing measuies that to uo not inhibit the giowth anu expansion
of commeicial piojects in space. In the past, Westein Bloc nations have been majoi
suppoiteis of space-ielateu legislation

BruinMUN 2014 1

b. ?3($! &<"2+ Bome to some of the fastest-giowing nations in the woilu, the Asian Bloc
may soon be making laige stiiues in the iealm of space-ielateu technology. Bespite
this, theii policies aie wiuely vaiying, especially on the topic of uisaimament.

c. ?*'(2$! &<"2+ While the political postuiing of moie well-uevelopeu nations may put a
uampei on the limiteu technological capabilities of nations in the Afiican Bloc,
consiueiation of potential is still a laige pait of the inteinational community's
uecision-making piocess. With the giowing commeicialization of space, a boost in
space infiastiuctuie anu capabilities woulu gieatly aiu these nations' economic

VI. Conc|ud|ng kemarks

a. 1"263 "* @)3"<6#("!3
Keep in minu that we aie the Fiist Committee on Bisaimament anu not Sixth Legal.
Bon't get too boggeu uown in the legal aspects of cieating potentially new legislation,
though ceitainly feel fiee to consiuei them; the cieation of new legislation (i.e. tieaties,
agieements) shoulu not be youi main focus. Insteau, tuin to what conciete actions can
be peifoimeu. This is a veiy unique case foi the Fiist Committee, as youi goal is not
necessaiily uisaimament (as it is with chemical weapons) but the pievention of
aimament. Consiuei what events in the past leu to the uevelopment of WNBs anu what
coulu have been uone to pievent those events fiom happeningthis is youi chance to
pievent a new class of potentially apocalyptic weapons fiom emeiging on the
inteinational scene.

b. A6)3#("!3 #" /"!3(4)'
i. Boes youi nation possess spaceflight capabilities. If not, how coulu youi
nation benefit fiom acquiiing space-ielateu technology.
ii. What space-ielateu legislation has youi nation iatifieu.
iii. What is youi nation's policy on WNBs. Conventional weapons.

BruinMUN 2014 1
VII. kesources

"A Biief Bistoiy of Space Exploiation." B:) ?)'"3>$2) /"'>"'$#("!. Web. 2S }une 2u14.
"The Limiteu Test Ban Tieaty." Web. 26 }une 2u14. <https:histoiy.state.govmilestones1961-
H?8?. Web. 2S }une 2u14. <http:www.nasa.govmission_pagesmsl#.08svB_luvEI>.
"Noith Ameiican Aeiospace Befense Commanu." LH-@?MN. Web. 2u }une 2u14.
"Respiiatoiy | Bigh Altituue Simulation Test (BAST)." G0 O)$<#:. Web. 2u }une 2u14.
"The Seiiousness of the Kesslei Synuiome." 1'"; A6$'K3 #" A6$3$'3. Web. 2S }une 2u14.
"The Soviet Fiactional 0ibital Bombaiument System Piogiam." B:) 8"E()# 1'$2#("!$< -'7(#$<
&";7$'4;)!# 893#);. Web. 2u }une 2u14. <http:www.ausaiipowei.netAPA-Sov-F0BS-
"Tianspaiency anu Confiuence-Builuing Neasuies in 0utei Space Activities." 0niteu Nations, 19
}uly 2u1S. Web. 2S }une 2u14.
"0niteu Nations 0ffice foi 0utei Space Affaiis." G!(#)4 H$#("!3 /";;(##)) "! #:) .)$2)*6< G3)3 "*
-6#)' 8>$2). Web. 28 }une 2u14.
"0N0BA - Fiist Committee of the 68th ueneial Assembly on Bisaimament anu Inteinational
Secuiity." GH H)=3 /)!#)'. 0N, Web. 2S }une 2u14.

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