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Allen Jierqs Sanchez

VII- Excellence
A. 5 technologies involving cell.
B. Compare and contrast human tissues.
1. Induced pluripotent stem cell
2.Bone marrow stem cells
3.Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs)
4.Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplant
5.National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies
2. Compare and contrast Human Tissues
Human Tissues

1.Adipose tissue

2.Muscular Tissue
a.Skeletal muscle tissue

b.cardiac muscle tissue


-Skin and kidney

-skeletal tisuue is
attached to bones of the
skeleton,attached to
other tissues of facial

-wall of the heart only

Cell type

-Adipocytes cell

-Nuclei cell

-nuclei cell (one centrally
located nucleus)


-adipose tissue acts as an
insulating layer,helping
to reduce heat loss
through the skin.
_it also has a protective
function,and support
around organs
-also a means of energy

-movement of the
skeleton under conscious
movement of
-movement of tissues of
facial expression under
conscious control. E.g
ability to smile and to

-pumping of blood
through the heart.
Alternate contraction
and relaxation of cardiac
muscle pumps
c.smooth muscle tissue

3. Epithelial Tissue

4. Loose Areolar
Connective Tissue

5. Dense Connective

6. Cartilage

7. Bone
Rigid connective tissue.


-walls of hollow internal
-blood vessels
-urinary bladder
-airways to lungs

- cover surfaces
outside of the body
(our skin), as well as
lines internal cavities and
tubes and the
inside surface of the
stomach and the lungs

- secrete protein fibers

-tendons, Ligaments

- nose, ends of long
bones, ribs, in
joints, outer ear, and
between the vertebrae in
the backbone.

-Made of hard matrix
(strength) and protein
fibers including collagen
(strength and
-Blood consists of liquid
(plasma) and formed
elements including: Red
Blood Cells (RBC) -
oxygen to body cells.
White Blood Cells (WBC)
- fight infection

- nuclei cell (one
centrally located nucleus)

- Cells are tightly packed

- Fibroblasts



-Bone cell = osteocyte

- Plateletscell
-contractions of smooth
muscle constrict the
vessels they surround.
This is important n the
digestive system in which
the action of smooth
muscle helps to move
food along
gastrointestinal tract as
well as breaking the food
down further.

- Serves for protection,
secretion and
absorption, may contain

bind and support

- Attach bone to bone
Attach muscle to bond

-support and protection

-Protects and supports
internal structures
-Facilitates movement
along with muscles
-Stores lipids, calcium,
and phosphorus
-Produces blood cells

- fragments necessary for
clotting of the blood

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