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13 Foods that Fight Pain !!

1. Cherries
Muraleedharan Nair, PhD, professor of natural products and chemistry at Michigan tate
!ni"ersity, found that tart cherry e#tract is ten times more effecti"e than aspirin at
relie"ing inflammation. $nly t%o ta&lespoons of the concentrated 'uice need to &e ta(en
daily for effecti"e results. %eet cherries ha"e also &een found to &e effecti"e.
). *lac(&erries 3. +asp&erries ,. *lue&erries and -. tra%&erries
Dr. Nair later found the same anti.pain compound in &erries li(e &lac(&erries, rasp&erries,
&lue&erries and stra%&erries
/. Celery and Celery eeds
0ames Du(e, Ph.D., author of 1he 2reen Pharmacy, found more than )3 anti.
inflammatory compounds in celery and celery seeds, including a su&stance called
apigenin, %hich is po%erful in its anti.inflammatory action. 4dd celery seeds to soups,
ste%s or as a salt su&stitute in many recipes.
5. 2inger
2inger reduces pain.causing prostaglandin le"els in the &ody and has &een %idely used in
6ndia to treat pain and inflammation. 4 study &y 6ndian researchers found that %hen
people %ho %ere suffering from muscular pain %ere gi"en ginger, they all e#perienced
impro"ement. 1he recommended dosage of ginger is &et%een -33 and 1,333 milligrams
per day. 6f you7re ta(ing medications, chec( %ith your health practitioner for possi&le
her&.drug interactions.
8. 1urmeric
1urmeric 9curcuma longa: is the yello% spice commonly used in 6ndian curries. 6n
research it has &een sho%n to &e a more effecti"e anti.inflammatory than steroid
medications %hen dealing %ith acute inflammation. 6ts main therapeutic ingredient is
curcumin. +esearch sho%s that curcumin suppresses pain through a similar mechanism as
drugs li(e C$;.1 and C$;.) inhi&itors 9%ithout the harmful side effects:. Choose a
standardi<ed e#tract %ith 1-33 mg of curcumin content per day.
=. almon 13. Mac(erel and 11. >erring
Many fatty fish li(e salmon, mac(erel and herring also contain these "alua&le oils.
$mega.3s con"ert in the &ody into hormone.li(e su&stances that decrease inflammation
and pain. 4ccording to Dr. 4lfred D. tein&erg, an arthritis e#pert at the National 6nstitute
of >ealth, fish oil is an anti.inflammatory agent. Fish oil acts directly on the immune
system &y suppressing ,3 to -- percent of the release of cyto(ines, compounds (no%n to
destroy 'oints. Many other studies also demonstrate that eating moderate amounts of fish
or ta(ing fish oil reduces pain and inflammation, particularly for arthritis sufferers.
1). Fla# eeds and Fla# $il
Freshly.ground fla# seeds and cold.pressed fla# oil, contain plentiful amounts of fatty
acids (no%n as $mega.3s. Do not coo( %ith fla# oil other%ise it %ill ha"e the opposite
effect.irritating the &ody7s tissues and causing pain.
13. +a% ?alnuts and ?alnut $il
+a% %alnuts and %alnut oil also contain the same po%erful $mega.3 fatty acids that
fight pain and inflammation in the &ody.

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