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The Morning Journal Date questionnaire completed: 9/10/14

Election Questionnaire
Ofce sought: Representative to ongress !or Ohio"s 9
ongressional District
#olitical part$: %ndependent
&ame: or$ 'o(man
)ge: *9 Date o! +irth: ,/1*/19-. #lace o! +irth: /andus0$1 Ohio
'ome address: 2*2 3aurel Rd4 'uron1 Ohio 44-29
3ength o! residence in that communit$: 19 $ears 56itter: 0R7'0889)& :5he 0"s are
8ace+oo0: 8ace+oo04com/or$'o(man8orongress
ampaign =e+ site: or$'o(man8orongress4com
Occupation: )ttorne$ Emplo$er: 'o(man 33# :'o(man33#4com<
>usiness address: *211 leveland Rd4 =est /andus0$1 Ohio 44-?04
Elected ofce e@perience: &/)

&onAelected ofce e@perience :+oards1 etc4<: Director !or the Bniversit$ )ctivities
Organi;ation at >o6ling Creen /tate Bniversit$D 5he Organi;ation !or coordinating campus
events such as the annual homecoming concert4
Education :#lease onl$ list schools $ou"ve graduated !rom and list degrees i! applica+le<:
>achelor o! )rts in #hilosoph$ !rom >o6ling Creen /tate Bniversit$ in *00-
Euris Doctor !rom leveland /tate Bniversit$"s levelandA9arshall ollege o! 3a6 in *011
9arital status: 9arried &ame o! spouse: 9egan 'o(man
&ame and age o! an$ children: &o hildren
Organi;ations: 5he Ohio /tate >ar1 =or0ing )merica )83A%O
/hould $ou +e elected1 6hat are three speciFc areas $ou"d li0e to change1 address1 improve
or !urther research1 and ho6 speciFcall$ 6ould $ou go a+out itG:
1. The First Area for Improvement: Federal Budget and Fiscal Policy. Congress
should craft udgets and policies for their practical e!ect and target Full
"mployment #ather than aritrary spending and ta$ation levels.
%n the Bnited /tates toda$ there are appro@imatel$ *. million )mericans 6ho are 6illing and
a+le to 6or0 +ut are unemplo$ed against their 6ill4 Despite having our most s0illed
6or0!orce in histor$1 millions o! )merican lives are +eing destro$ed4

5his is +ecause there is onl$ 1 Ho+ availa+le !or ever$ , people 6ho 6ant one4 5here is a
ver$ concrete reason !or this un!ortunate realit$4 ongress passes +udgets that target
ar+itrar$ ta@ing and spending levels rather than targeting !ull emplo$ment and passing a
+udget that 6ill result in all )mericans 6ho are 6illing a+le to 6or0 +eing a+le to Fnd Ho+s4
/o ho6 6ould % go a+out pursuing a !ull emplo$ment polic$ i! %"m electedG
%! % am elected1 % 6ill introduce a +udget that 6ill target !ull emplo$ment rather than the soA
called I+udget deFcit4J %! 6e have a +ooming econom$ 6here ever$ citi;en is 6or0ing and
+eing productive and contri+uting to our nation1 the I+udget deFcitJ 6ill ta0e care o! itsel!4
/o1 ho6 can ongress properl$ target !ull emplo$mentG
Payroll Ta$ Cuts: 8irst1 in the short term1 ongress should reduce the pa$roll ta@es do6n to
;ero on +oth the emplo$eeAside and the emplo$er side4 5his 6ill reduce the cost o! hiring !or
emplo$ers and give ever$ 6or0er in )merica a raise4 Research suggests that this alone 6ill
give )mericans enough purchasing po6er to +ring our econom$ +ac0 to something close to
8ull Emplo$ment4
/econd1 6e should pass a +udget that promotes ma@imum1 emplo$ment and production +$
converting our I=el!are /tateJ into an IEnterprise /tate4J
5his 6ould include t6o maHor programs4 1<4 ) Eo+ Cuarantee and *<4 ) Bniversal >asic
%ncome !or all =or0ing iti;ens4
The Jo %uarantee: +ecause it is a natural component o! capitalist economies that the
demand !or la+or is rarel$1 i! ever1 in total equili+rium 6ith the suppl$ o! la+or going all the
6a$ +ac0 to the da$s o! the %ndustrial RevolutionD meaning that there is al6a$s going to +e
millions o! )mericans 6ho are unemplo$ed against their 6illD ongress should create a IEo+
Cuarantee #rogramJ not unli0e the &e6 Deal o! the 1920"s 6herein the 8ederal Covernment
6ill operate as the Emplo$er o! 3ast Resort and hire an$+od$ 6illing and a+le to 6or0 +ut
una+le to Fnd private sector 6or01 at some minimum 6age +elo6 the prevailing 6age4 %
suggest each individual state"s minimum 6age to start out4 )s our econom$ adHusts1 this
6age can +e increased to a living 6age4
5he Ho+s 6ill +e in sociall$ valua+le pu+lic service or charita+le service in our local
communities and could even +e outsourced to nonAproFts4 8or instance1 'a+itat !or
'umanit$ could hire the unemplo$ed to tear do6n vacant homes and F@ them up +ut the
8ederal Covernment 6ould +e 6riting the chec0s4
5he Eo+ Cuarantee 6ill end involuntar$ unemplo$ment as 6e 0no6 it and ensure that ever$
citi;en can +e productive1 sel!Areliant and support their !amilies 6ithout having to live
through the miser$ o! unemplo$ment4
The &niversal 'or(er)s Income: >ecause 6e are alread$ entering into a second
industrial revolution 6hich 6ill +ecome a postAemplo$ment econom$ as !oreign competition
and machines +egin to ma0e emplo$ment opportunities 6ith high 6ages even more scarce1
it is no longer realistic to e@pect individual 6ages to support decent1 secure and improving
li!est$les !or a maHorit$ o! )mericans as the$ did in the golden age o! capitalism a!ter =orld
=ar %%4 )s a consequence1 the 8ederal Covernment should use the #u+lic #urse to provide
ever$ 6or0ing and productive citi;en 6ith a guaranteed +asic income in the amount o!
K121000 to supplement their 6ages4 )t such a rate1 povert$ as 6e understand it in )merica
6ill cease to e@ist as ever$ 6or0ing !amil$ 6ill +e a+le to meet its nonAdiscretionar$ needs4
5he Eo+ Cuarantee L 5he Bniversal %ncome together 6ill ma0e our current 6el!are state
6ith its ?9 means tested programs o+solete and the$ 6ill also +e cheaper4 5ogether the Eo+
Cuarantee and the Bniversal %ncome 6ill cost appro@imatel$ 14M o! our econom$"s $earl$
resources 6hile ending povert$ and unemplo$ment as 6e 0no6 it4 %n contrast1 our 6el!are
programs L private charit$ !or the poor are much more inefcient1 costing 1.M o! our
econom$"s $earl$ resources 6hile !ailing to eradicate povert$ and allo6ing millions o!
people to remain unemplo$ed4
Increase *ocial *ecurity Bene+t Payments: 9oreover1 as another component to ensure
that the people o! our econom$ have adequate purchasing po6er to sustain !ull
emplo$ment1 6e should increase the average social securit$ +eneFt !or retirees and the
disa+led to at least K*1000 per month4
=hen the productivit$ o! our econom$ is !actored in1 these policies 6ill actuall$ save
resources !or our nation4
2. The *econd Area for Improvement: A more constructive political process
designed to create consensus rather than implement the particular political
agenda of the governing ma,ority party
%t is one thing to sa$ %"m going to 6rite such a +udget1 +ut ho6 am % going to ma0e this
+udget happen in the !ace o! such terri+le ongressional d$s!unctionG
%! elected1 +ecause % am an %ndependent % 6ould not have to !all in line 6ith the agenda o!
either part$"s leadership4 % 6ould +e !ree to cra!t this +udget 6ithout pressure !rom part$
leaders4 5he Frst thing % 6ould do is start a Iongressional onstructive aucusJ 6ith the
goal o! ta0ing the +est ideas !rom ever$one in congress1 unli0e an$ other caucus in
ongress4 8rom the ongressional onstructive aucus % 6ould produce a +udget 6ith the
various a!orementioned Enterprise /tate programs and promote it to the leadership o! +oth
)nd1 % should actuall$ have success at gaining +ipartisan traction 6ith this +udget +ecause
the Enterprise /tate coheres 6ith the values o! +oth parties4 5he divide +et6een Democrats
and Repu+licans is +asicall$ over the =el!are /tate4 Repu+licans 6ant to dismantle it or
drasticall$ reduce it and cut ta@es4 Democrats generall$ 6ant to e@pand it4
5he Enterprise /tate ma0es that dispute irrelevant4 Democrats 6ill li0e it +ecause it
improves the lives o! the poor and middle class4 Repu+licans 6ill li0e it +ecause it ma0es the
prospect o! individuals a+using 6el!are programs impossi+le4
8or that reason1 % +elieve % 6ould actuall$ have a shot at getting support !or this +udget
across part$ lines and the onstructive aucus can serve as a ne6 !oundation !or promoting
consensus and compromise in ongress rather than d$s!unction and discord4
3. The Third Area for Improvement: Political and "lection #eform
=hile the pervasive pro+lem o! mass unemplo$ment is the most clear and present danger
to our nation1 the capture o! our political process +$ elite interests is a close second4 5he
Bnited /tates is not !unctionall$ a representative democrac$ an$more4 #residential
candidates literall$ get sponsored +$ their o6n +illionaires in the same 6a$ that &)/)R
races get sponsored4
5o com+at this pro+lem1 ongress should authori;e a +road s$stem o! pu+lic Fnancing !or
political campaigns4 %nstead o! having to call donors - hours a da$ li0e mem+ers o!
ongress do no61 mem+ers o! ongress 6ill su+mit their campaign plans to the 8ederal
Election ommission and receive reasona+le levels o! !unds4
9oreover1 +ecause the /upreme ourt has recogni;ed a 8irst )mendment Right !or
%ndependent ampaign E@penditures1 ongress should authori;e the 8ederal Election
ommission to dis+urse !unds to candidates to re+ut those independent e@penditures4 Eust
li0e 6e allo6 guaranteed pu+lic !unding o! re+uttals in our courts o! la61 6e should also
allo6 guaranteed pu+lic !unding !or re+uttals in our courts o! pu+lic and political opinion4
%! /uperA#acs that have unleashed all o! this election spending are no longer a+le to o+tain
an$ monetar$ advantage +ecause the 8ederal Election ommission 6ill Fnance re+uttals to
their spending1 the incentive to raise so much mone$ is removed and the mone$ 6ill dr$ up4

=hether !or past accomplishments or !uture goals1 6h$ should voters elect $ouG
Noters should elect me over the other candidates !or a multitude o! reasons4
8irst1 % have roots in all o! it and not Hust part o! it li0e the other candidates4 % 6as +orn and
raised in Erie ount$ spending the Frst 10 $ears o! m$ li!e living in /andus0$ and gro6ing
up in 'uron1 Ohio4 % spent the summers o! m$ $outh in Otta6a ount$ over at the islands
6here m$ grandmother ran a >ed and >rea0!ast4 9$ 6i!e is !rom 3ucas ount$ 6here man$
o! her !amil$ mem+ers are pu+lic servants4 /he and % +oth spend a considera+le amount o!
time 6or0ing in 3orain ount$4 % 6ould trul$ represent our entire district that stretches
across the 3a0e Erie /horeline and not +e +iased to6ard an$ one part o! it4
56o1 % 6ould +e the onl$ I8ull Emplo$ment 'a60J in ongress4 Ever$one else1 including our
current representative is some !orm o! IDeFcit 'a604J % 6ould +e the onl$ mem+er o!
ongress Fghting !or the ause o! 8ull Emplo$ment so that all o! the people o! Ohio"s 9

District can Fnd a Ho+4
5hird1 % have ideas that +oth Repu+licans and Democrats can support +ecause the$ cohere
6ith +oth di(erent sets o! principles and values4 %t does not matter i! the Repu+licans or the
Democrats control the 'ouse o! Representatives4 % 6ill still +e a+le to provide a persuasive
case !or m$ ideas to the maHorit$ part$"s leadership4
8ourth1 5he Repu+lican #art$ is going to control the 'ouse o! Representatives until *0*04 %t
is a virtual guarantee due to the gerr$mandering o! *0104 5here is no point to sending m$
incum+ent Democratic #art$ opponent +ac0 6hen she 6ill +e una+le to accomplish an$thing
6ith the Repu+lican maHorit$4 =e 6ould +asicall$ +e sending her +ac0 to !undraise !or the
Democratic #art$ all da$ 6ith little hope that she 6ould +e a+le to get Repu+licans to adopt
the same ideas she has +een promoting !or 20 $ears4
8i!th1 the incum+ent has +een in ongress !or longer than % have +een alive4 =e are entering
into a ne6 6orld and a second industrial and technological revolution is on the hori;on as
computers +ecome more and more intelligent4 % have +een interacting 6ith technolog$
since % 6as a !our $ear old pla$ing &intendo4 =e need to send ne6 people to congress 6ith
ne6 ideas !or the !uture4
onsider thisD m$ opponent entered ongress shortl$ a!ter =ood$ 'a$es retired !rom
coaching the Ohio /tate >uc0e$es4 =ould Ohio /tate >uc0e$e !ans reall$ still 6ant =ood$
'a$es coaching the >uc0e$es1 despite the !act that he 6as an all time greatD or 6ould the$
6ant a ne61 upAandAcomer 6ith innovative ideas li0e Br+an 9e$erG
/i@th1 ongressional 'ouse Races in gerr$mandered districts li0e Ohio"s 9
District are the
time to ta0e a chance on %ndependent candidates li0e m$sel! +ecause there is no spoiler
e(ect4 %t doesn"t ma0e sense !or voters to +et on %ndependent andidates in /tate =ide
races +ecause $ou ris0 having $our least !avorite candidate 6inD i4e4 the *000 #residential
election 6hen Ralph &ader voters ultimatel$ helped #resident >ush get elected4 5his 6ould
not +e the case in Ohio"s 9
district4 %! Democrats to the east o! 3ucas ount$ ta0e a chance
on me1 there is no ris0 that the election 6ould s6ing to the Repu+lican candidate +ecause
there is a * to 1 Democratic #art$ )dvantage4 9oreover1 it ma0es little sense !or Repu+lican
voters to vote !or the Repu+lican candidate as no Repu+lican can 6in this district 6ithout
Democratic #art$ voters4 9$ ideas appeal to +oth the values o! Democrats and Repu+licans4
'ence1 6hile it ma0es sense to vote !or the part$ line in state 6ide races1 this race is the
time to ta0e a chance on and %ndependent candidate4
/eventh1 % do not have an$ donations !rom elite donors and 6on"t ta0e them4 7ou should
vote !or candidates 6ho don"t accept those donations4 5his 6a$1 citi;ens can ta0e the Fght
against +ig mone$ in politics into their o6n hands4 >$ onl$ voting !or 'ouse candidates 6ho
don"t ta0e mone$ !rom elite donors1 6e can start a race to the top and stop the race to the
+ottom due to the corruption o! +ig mone$4
>ased upon the turnout proHections and part$Aline voters1 % 6ould onl$ need a+out ,,1000
citi;ens to ta0e a chance on me4 5hat is the same amount o! people 6ho Fll the >ro6ns
/tadium ever$ 6ee0end4 5hat"s not that man$O %t can +e done i! people are 6illing to step
out o! their com!ort ;one4
%magine 6hat it 6ould +e li0e i! an %ndependent1 =riteA%n candidate 6ere to 6in a
ongressional race li0e this 6ithout +ac0ing !rom elite donors4 =e 6ould create a !ormula
!or ho6 6e can ta0e +ac0 our democrac$4 =e can sho6 that the sure path to losing $our
seat in ongress is +$ accepting elite donor mone$4 7our vote !or me could pla$ a pivotal
role in creating a sea change against the corruption o! +ig mone$ in politics4
-.T" T. CA-/I/AT"*: Please e a0are that this 1uestionnaire 0ill e pulished.

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