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Conlact Eate: 7191J2014 8:20:43 AM
ln.cident Date:
Mediurn: Eneail
conltrct Typer Hormallceneral
ContBct$tatur: Closed
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TSA - ln Flesponse to your inquiry.
responsu is darrynrighl RUDE Bnd DI.SCOUFTIEOIISI
lhe linre lo bring a specific situat,ion to your attentiofi wil,h the lrrope someone at fSA may be concerned sulficiently to research the
and irrlitiate correclive Ineasures.
don'l need a class on how io use the PreCheck serviice, I know
lhe ptogram works'
TS& Btafl d*d nol rsp{}Ild to my questiDns conectly smd they direrted me to the wrong check-lB llne. How doEs thls change ll YOU
ls fint oilo tetelerics lR y$ur Esfferpondence to thE sltuatlon I relEyed ln rny cbrreBponden6e.
response ls a elear lndlaatlon that YSU b,gNT CARE 6nd NOTHIilC. W|LL l[lpBOVEl
can't hlde lou*y servlce and operatlons behlnd thE vell {rI prutectifiE {rs!
to what people ari telllmg you!
:t$stcE_do*n ot*reply@*enture"csrfi
2014 3:O9 FM
you for your e-mail to the Trans.portalion SeEurity Adrninislration's
Contact Center regsrding TSA Pre?
corllNlus to locus lts rs*ourcus and *, Xrinprorl ps$erlger expfilefice t th securlty checkpolnl by Bxpandlng ltB uE ol
gy and applying new inlelligence-driven, risk-lbased ssreening procedures. The use ol risk-based lnitiatives allows TSA to
Its high-security standards End atlow rnBre travelers to experience the benefit of expedited sorening,
mosl familiar of TSA's risk-based initialives, TSA Pre?rN" allows YSA to identity low-risk passBrlgers lor expediled screening.
who are direcled to the TSA Pre?ril lane rnay be allowed to keep on their footwear, lighi outerwear, and bell, and leave their
ln lls rase and 5-1-t tsrflpl.iant lNqulds/gels bag In tlBlr Earry-on luggage,
addition lo TSA Pre?
TSA has implemenled various risk-based measures at all ol our Nalior's airports, even al lhose lhat do not
a deslsated TSA Pre?ru lsne, For examBl, sfifie lhdtrvldu*ls may recelve lfistructlons lrom E Trdnsporlet{on Securlty Ofilcer {f$e}
lhe checkpoint that mEy allow ihem a security screenifig expevience siimilar to TSA Pre?rM.
travelrs younger th8n !2
ol age, older than 75, afid ffllltary personilel rnay recelve modttled $creenlng pro6Bdures el alrp
iwide. ThEse proGed$res lmprovB srreenlng by better focuslng ressurces. oil pas$engers who may be n:ore llksly to pose. s rlgk,
e TSA'$ lnillatlues provlde sorne trayele*s with elpedlted screefilngr passcngers should not expect lo reoel\re thls form of screenlng
y ttrte they tly. lndlviduals who would llke to recelye Expedlted sureenlng on a. rton6 ,requenl hasls should corrslder aBplylfig lo a
Department ol Flomeland Seeurlly (DHS) trusted ilaveler pr6gr6m, such es the TSA Fre?ru appllcstlon program or Glob&l fttry.
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Nrho are approved ln either program are eligible tor expedlted serBening at TSA Pre?m lanee at more than too airPorts when
on any partielpellng u.s.6irllne.
coniinusr to anEure thfi a*l individuale who go lhrough the chackpoinl are screBned--JncludiBg those who aece$s T$A Fr3?]r'
Addilionally, all passer}gaes musl hay their identiliestion verilied by E TSO and wil: go through a melal deleotor or Advanced
Technology scannr as part of sesurity screening procedures"
is important to remembe, th.at TSA
does not guaranlee an individual erpedited screening. T$A. will always incorporate random
ld unpr.odiclshle Fecurity rrEa6urs lhroughout the airport. For more infoimation, ineluding planned and participating airports and
liane6, plsass ryisil http:/Arur.taa.govltsa-precheck.
hop thls inforrnation is helplt l.
Coniact Center
The fnforrnation conlained in this me6sage ond an!, afi*chmefit$ [s privileged. and conlldentisl and thefelorc prolected from
e. l, the reader of this nnssage is not the intnded rBciFient, or an ermployes or agent who is responsible lor delivering this
to the iotended recipient, you are hereby notified that any diseeminallon, distributlon or eopying ol this eommunicalion is
prohibitsd. ssfitur doss nol aceepl tiahility {or changes lo thit metsage after il lvas sent. The views exPressed in this e.mail do
nol neoeEsaritry rstltct lhe vtrws ol tha cornpany- It you hatr6 raseiued this Eornmunlealion in error,
notify thq sender immediately
by raplying uia c-mail to thls message and d6&Bling this infornation lrom your compulor" "
194 of 216
Paqe 2 of 3
Tlmnk you loryo$r e{flall regErdlng yo[r reoent r6vel experlence.
your oorapllnt rsft&erns sesurlty screenlng 6l a ipsct$c alrport, we h,ave loilf,Erded a cEpy of ysur e-mall to thE Customer
monitors the number and nature ol comrplainls we recei\re to track lrends and spot areas oi concern thal may require special
Thle ongolng process ensbles us to Eflsure promrpi, correstive acSon whenever we determlne that securlty-screenlng pollcies
rnodltlcatlofi or spectrfic ernpfoyees or s.creener lear$s are the subiecls 6f repeated romPlalnts.
hope thls *nfornatlon ls he,lptul.
Doughty sent th record to the CSM at LGA on ?-Sl-11t.
ies : TSA Pre?rH
DateTtrme:?3020:14?:36:14AilAlrport:LGA - LacusrdlaDateTimotTravel:073020147:SOAMAlrllne FlightNunnbr:
ntDateTtrme:?3020:1,4?:36:14AilAlrport:LGA - LacuardlaDateTimotTravel:073020147:SOAMAlrllnE FllghtNunnbr:
5mg Ghes.kpolnt AreE ot,Alrport : TrmlnEl G TSA Employee: (lf Known) : Not airallable Gomment : Why do you
in Ih TSA Prscheck program when it rneans nothing?
showed my Fre6heck boarding pass and was directed Io line rilith evryone l$e.
vou like a resoonse? : True
Flesponse 1
lnteraction Type: Conrplain( AirPort: LaGuardia[LGA]
Subiect Calegory: Expedated Fassenger Screening Program - TSA Airline:
TBmplale Name: Complainl - Customer Service Manager Fle{erral:
To TSOC Date:
l-ast Updated tsy; richard.doughty
Opening Agenh brandon"nichslson
Fu{tillment Senl:
" - ,rrd,'cafes thal lhe number rvas rro, received"
- lndicates rfrrt the nsrrber is an inlernational number. Srrourd be found in the detail-
End Aecord
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From TSOC Dat:
Lsst Updale Date: 731/2014 5:46:08 PM
Opsned tlate: 7i3112014 2;42:53 PM
Mail Reiurn Dale:

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