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2708 / 2704 EPROM reader / programmer
The restoration of computers like our SAGA FOX LS-1000, containing an EPROM 2708, gave us the necessity of
reading, and so storing, the content of this kind of EPROM, before their age can become a problem, wiping out the
data stored in them.
Common EPROM programmers like the one we have at our Museum can read/write at least 2716, but not the old
2708. Professional tools that can do this task are really expensive.
So we decided to create our own 2708 EPROM reader, using a PIC and an external power supply.
Per leggere la EPROM 2708 bisogna alimentarla con -5V al pin VBB (21), +12 V al
pin VDD (19), +5V al pin VCC (24) e ponendo il pin VSS (12) a massa. Poi si deve
collegare il pin Not Chip Select (20) ed il pin di programmazione (18) a massa. A
questo punto basta scrivere nel bus di indizzamento (A0A9) lindirizzo di memoria
da leggere, aspettare che il segnale di uscita si assesti (secondo il datasheet al
massimo 450 ns) e leggere nel bus dati (Q0.Q7) il dato letto.
To read a 2708 eprom we need 10 output for the address bus, and 8 input for the
data bus: a total of 18 digital I/O. Moreover, we need a way to transmit data to a PC,
so we need other two pin for a serial port.
We choosed a 40 pin, 8 bit microcontroller, the pic18f4610. The digital port of this pic
are divided into 8 pin digital I/O groups, and their value can be handled as an 8 bit
The 2708 data bus is 8 bit, so we can directly connect the bus data to one port of the PIC. Moreover, the address
bus is 10 bit, so we need two other pin; we choosed to connect the 8 less significative bit of the address data to the
B port of the pic, and the remaining 2 pin to two other pin in the PIC, using them as digital signals (C0 and A1)
The software suite is divided in two pieces: the firmware for the PIC and a Python program to read the EPROM data
and send it to a PC. In the firmware, reading a location in the EPROM is very simple: we write the addrress into the
address bus, writing the first 8 bit into port B and the remaining two bit in the digital port C0 and A1 (connectedo to
A8 and A9 in the EPROM), wait the assestment time for the output to become stable, and read the data on the data
/* Read a byte from 2708 eprom
@param address: The address to read
@return The value read
int read_eprom(long int address)
ADDRESS = address;
A8 = (address & 0x0100) >> 8;
A9 = (address & 0x0200) >> 9;
/* Wait. Address to Output Delay Time */
return DATA;
The PIC firmware read the content of every EPROM location (calling read_eprom function with any number between
0 and 1023) and send the content to the serial port.
Data is trasmitted to the serial port as an ASCII character, representing the hexadecimal value that has been read.
Every byte is separated by a space character. Every 16 bytes, we send a CR (\r) and a LF (\n). Every time the
reading restart from the beginning, we transmit the string ##\r\n.
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10/11/2014 http://museo.freaknet.org/en/eprom-2708/
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Our Python program read the EPROM content and send it to the serial port for 5 times; those reading are compared
and, if they are the same, it save the content on a file in binary format (.BIN), that so will contain our EPROM data
Serial port to be used on the PC, speed and connection parameters, the number of readings and the file name to
save the dump can be changed editing the header of the Python code.
2704 EPROM are very similar to 2708; the only difference is their size (512 bytes instead of 1024). Pinout is the
same but the address bus, that is 9 bit instead of 10. So, the pin 22 , that in the 2708 is the 9th address line, in the
2704 is a ground. For this reason, its simple to modify the PIC firmware to read this kind of EPROM. We must
simply set the A1 digital port (connected to pin 22 of the EPROM) to zero, and read only the values between 0 and
To burn the 2708 EPROM we need to power them as follow: -5V to the VBB pin (21), +12 V to the VDD (19) and
the Not Chip Select pin (20), +5V to the VCC pin (24) and set the VSS pin (12) to ground; we also need to initially
put the programming pin (18) to ground. At this point we have to simply write on the address bus (A0A9) the
address of the location to program, in the data bus (Q0.Q7) the data to be written, and set the programming pin
(18) to +26 V to program it. We need to wait the correct time for the data to be burned (about 1 ms according to the
datasheet) and put back to ground the programming pin (18).
We are in the process of creating the burning part needed in our circuit board, the PIC software and the
corrispondent burning utility in Python. This is not a difficul task, but now we dont need it in a hurry because, in case
of necessity, we can simply change a 2704 or a 2708 with a 2716 or a 2732, just programming their first 512 or 1024
bytes, because those EPROM are pin to pin compatible.
PCB board layout and circuit schematics
PIC Firmware
Python programs
The entire project was created by Andrea Mancausoft Milazzo.
Please write us about any error, missing part or comments!
Posted September 26, 2012 at 4:24 PM
Hello, we are trying to repair an electronic board from an old pinball machine, and it would be nice if you could
provide us also with the burning part soon (even if it is a version not very polished), because we need it.
Were not highly skilled in electronics, and even writting a 2732 is not trivial for us (are they directly replaceable, or
changes must be made also to the circuit?)
If you can help us, can write me to comprareyes@gmail.com
Thank you.
Posted February 23, 2013 at 7:14 PM
Were still working on that, please hold on
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10/11/2014 http://museo.freaknet.org/en/eprom-2708/
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10/11/2014 http://museo.freaknet.org/en/eprom-2708/

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