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MPD FOIA Request No.


Mr. Jeffrey Light
Law Office of Jeffrey L. Light

Dear Mr. Light:

This is follow-up response to your December 16, 2013, Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request for a variety of records, categorized by numbered items, concerning
contractual arrangements with Harris Corporation.

A search by the Corporate Support Bureau located approximately 121 pages of
procurement/purchasing records, which are attached. A review of the records included
consultation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The MPD search also
located additional materials, consisting of an operator manual; another operator manual
and reference guide; and training material.

After due consideration, I have determined to deny portions of the referenced released
records; and the operator manuals and training materials, in their entirety, under D.C.
Official Code (a)(1), which covers trade secrets and commercial or financial
information obtained from outside the government, to the extent that disclosure would
result in substantial harm to the competitive position of the person from whom the
information was obtained; and under D.C. Official Code (a)(3)(E), as the release this
material would disclose investigative techniques and procedures not generally known
outside the government. Some portions of the released records are withheld under D.C.
Official Code 2-534 (a)(2), which protects information of a personal nature where the
public disclosure thereof would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. In this case the information consists of individuals names and other personal
identifiers, including electronic mail addresses and social security numbers.

Please know that, under D.C. Official Code 2-5 37 and 1 DCMR 412, you have the
right to appeal this letter to the Mayor or to the Superior Court of the District of
Columbia. If you elect to appeal to the Mayor, your appeal must be in writing and
contain Freedom of Information Act Appeal or FOIA Appeal in the subject line of
the letter as well on the outside of the envelope. The appeal must include (1) a copy of
the original request; (2) a copy of any written denial; (3) a statement of the
circumstances, reasons, and/or arguments advanced in support of disclosure; and (4) a
daytime telephone number, an e-mail and/or U.S. mailing address at which you can be

The appeal must be mailed to: The Mayors Correspondence Unit, FOIA Appeal, 1350
Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 316, Washington, D.C. 20004. Electronic versions of
same information can instead be e-mailed to The Mayors Correspondence Unit
at foia.mayor@dc.gov. Further, a copy of all appeal materials must be forwarded to the
Freedom of Information Officer of the involved agency, or to the agency head of that
agency, if there is no designated Freedom of Information Officer there. Failure to follow
these administrative steps will result in delay in the processing and commencement of a
response to your appeal to the Mayor.

There are no charges for FOIA services, in this instance.

Robert Eckert
FOIA Specialist
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Office
Office of the General Counsel
Metropolitan Police Department
District of Columbia

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