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Biomimicry: From Nature to Nanotech

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW)

Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Contact person: racy !" #$ccinelli
Contact infor%ation: tstefone&'(isc"ed$
General Description
Table top activity
)isitors (ill engage in activities sho(ing vario$s nat$ral pheno%ena that
scientists and engineers have e%$lated to address h$%an pro*le%s"
)isitors vie( peacoc& feathers at di+erent angles to see iridescence, apply
drops of (ater to o*serve the color changes, and loo& at other e-a%ples of
iridescence in nat$re, s$ch as a *l$e Morpho *$tter.y, tropical *eetle (ings,
and a*alone shells" )isitors also e-plore the /ot$s E+ect *y applying drops
of (ater onto /ot$san paint and stain resistant fa*rics, t(o technologies that
%i%ic the /ot$s e+ect" 0 .ip-*oo& sho(s e-a%ples of iridescence and the
/ot$s e+ect, as (ell as %icroscopic and scanning electron %icroscope (SEM)
i%ages" )isitors can ta&e ho%e a peacoc& feather and a ryhis1 card
descri*ing iridescence and an activity to do at ho%e"
Program Objectives
Big idea: 2io%i%icry is de3ned as i%itating nat$re4s *est ideas to solve
h$%an pro*le%s" Many advances in nanotechnology and c$rrent research
$se nat$re as inspiration"
Learning goals:
0s a res$lt of participating in this progra%, visitors (ill *e a*le to:
5" Understand that *io%i%icry is i%itating nat$re4s *est ideas to solve
h$%an pro*le%s
6" Understand that nano %eans really, really s%all" So s%all yo$ cannot
see it" hings *ehave di+erently (hen they are this s%all"
7" Understand that nano sized things are in %any places, incl$ding in
8" Understand that n$%ero$s nanotechnologies have *een inspired *y
nat$re" (*io%i%icry)
9" hin& of other things in nat$re that (e co$ld $se as inspiration to
solve a h$%an pro*le%"
N!" Net#or$ content map main ideas:
: ; < 5" =ano%eter-sized things are very s%all, and often *ehave
di+erently than larger things do"
: ; < 6" Scientists and engineers have for%ed the interdisciplinary
3eld of nanotechnology *y investigating properties and %anip$lating
%atter at the nanoscale"
: ; < 7" =anoscience, nanotechnology, and nanoengineering lead to ne(
&no(ledge and innovations that (eren4t possi*le *efore"
: < 8" =anotechnologies have costs, ris&s, and *ene3ts that a+ect
o$r lives in (ays (e cannot al(ays predict"
National !cience "ducation !tandards:
: ; < 5" Science as >n?$iry
: ; < @-8: 0*ilities necessary to do scienti3c in?$iry
: ; < @-8: Understanding a*o$t scienti3c in?$iry
: ; < 9-A: 0*ilities necessary to do scienti3c in?$iry
: ; < 9-A: Understanding a*o$t scienti3c in?$iry
: ; < B-56: 0*ilities necessary to do scienti3c in?$iry
: ; < B-56: Understanding a*o$t scienti3c in?$iry
: ; < 6" #hysical Science
: ; < @-8: #roperties of o*Cects and %aterials
: < @-8: #osition and %otion of o*Cects
: < @-8: /ight, heat, electricity, and %agnetis%
: ; < 9-A: #roperties and changes of properties in %atter
: < 9-A: Motions and forces
: < 9-A: ransfer of energy
: < B-56: Str$ct$re of ato%s
: ; < B-56: Str$ct$re and properties of %atter
: < B-56: Che%ical reactions
: < B-56: Motions and force
: < B-56: Conservation of energy and increase in disorder
: < B-56: >nteractions of energy and %atter
: < 7" /ife Science
: < @-8: Characteristics of organis%s
: < @-8: /ife cycles of organis%s
: < @-8: Organis%s and environ%ents
: < 9-A: Str$ct$re and f$nction in living syste%s
: < 9-A: Reprod$ction and heredity
: < 9-A: Reg$lation and *ehavior
: < 9-A: #op$lations and ecosyste%s
: < 9-A: Diversity and adaptations of organis%s
: < B-56: he cell
: < B-56: Molec$lar *asis of heredity
: < B-56: 2iological evol$tion
: < B-56: >nterdependence of organis%s
: < B-56: Matter, energy, and organization in living syste%s
: < B-56: 2ehavior of organis%s
: < 8" Earth and Space Science
: < @-8: #roperties of earth %aterials
: < @-8: O*Cects in the s&y
: < @-8: Changes in earth and s&y
: < 9-A: Str$ct$re of the earth syste%
: < 9-A: EarthEs history
: < 9-A: Earth in the solar syste%
: < B-56: Energy in the earth syste%
: < B-56: Feoche%ical cycles
: < B-56: Origin and evol$tion of the earth syste%
: < B-56: Origin and evol$tion of the $niverse
: ; < 9" Science and echnology
: ; < @-8: 0*ilities to disting$ish *et(een nat$ral o*Cects and o*Cects
%ade *y h$%ans
: ; < @-8: 0*ilities of technological design
: ; < @-8: Understanding a*o$t science and technology
: ; < 9-A: 0*ilities of technological design
: ; < 9-A: Understanding a*o$t science and technology
: ; < B-56: 0*ilities of technological design
: ; < B-56: Understanding a*o$t science and technology
: ; < G" #ersonal and Social #erspectives
: < @-8: #ersonal health
: < @-8: Characteristics and changes in pop$lations
: < @-8: ypes of reso$rces
: < @-8: Changes in environ%ents
: < @-8: Science and technology in local challenges
: < 9-A: #ersonal health
: < 9-A: #op$lations, reso$rces, and environ%ents
: < 9-A: =at$ral hazards
: < 9-A: Ris&s and *ene3ts
: < 9-A: Science and technology in society
: < B-56: #ersonal and co%%$nity health
: < B-56: #op$lation gro(th
: < B-56: =at$ral reso$rces
: < B-56: Environ%ental ?$ality
: < B-56: =at$ral and h$%an-ind$ced hazards
: ; < B-56: Science and technology in local, national, and glo*al
: < H" Iistory and =at$re of Science
: < @-8: Science as a h$%an endeavor
: < 9-A: Science as a h$%an endeavor
: < 9-A: =at$re of science
: < 9-A: Iistory of science
: < B-56: Science as a h$%an endeavor
: < B-56: =at$re of scienti3c &no(ledge
: < B-56: Iistorical perspective
Table o% &ontents
General Description...........................................................................................................................................1
Program Objectives............................................................................................................................................1
=ational Science Ed$cation Standards:......................................................................................................2
Table o% &ontents.................................................................................................................................................4
Time 'e(uired........................................................................................................................................................5
Bac$ground n%ormation.................................................................................................................................5
!et *p.........................................................................................................................................................................9
Step 5:......................................................................................................................................................................9
Step 6:......................................................................................................................................................................9
Step 7:......................................................................................................................................................................9
Step 8:......................................................................................................................................................................9
Step 9:....................................................................................................................................................................10
Step G:....................................................................................................................................................................10
Program Delivery...............................................................................................................................................10
#roced$re and Disc$ssionJa*le op:......................................................................................................10
Step 5:....................................................................................................................................................................10
Step 6:....................................................................................................................................................................10
Step 7:....................................................................................................................................................................10
Step 8:....................................................................................................................................................................11
Step 9:....................................................................................................................................................................11
Step G:....................................................................................................................................................................12
Step H:....................................................................................................................................................................12
Step A:....................................................................................................................................................................12
ips and ro$*leshooting:...............................................................................................................................12
Co%%on )isitor K$estions.............................................................................................................................12
Foing L$rtherM...................................................................................................................................................12
&lean *p..................................................................................................................................................................13
*niversal Design................................................................................................................................................14

Time 'e(uired
Set-$p #rogra% Clean Up
9 %in$tes 9 %in$tes 9 %in$tes
Bac$ground n%ormation
De+nition o% terms
Nano is the scienti3c ter% %eaning one-*illionth (5N5,OOO,OOO,OOO)" >t
co%es fro% a Free& (ord %eaning Pd(arf"Q
0 nanometer is one one-*illionth of a %eter" One inch e?$als 69"8 %illion
nano%eters" 0 sheet of paper is a*o$t 5OO,OOO nano%eters thic&" 0 h$%an
hair %eas$res ro$ghly 9O,OOO to 5OO,OOO nano%eters across" Ro$r
3ngernails gro( one nano%eter every second"
(Other $nits can also *e divided *y one *illion" 0 single *lin& of an eye is
a*o$t one-*illionth of a year" 0n eye*lin& is to a year (hat a nano%eter is to
a yardstic&")
Nanoscale refers to %eas$re%ents of 5 S 5OO nano%eters" 0 vir$s is a*o$t
HO n% long" 0 cell %e%*rane is a*o$t B n% thic&" en hydrogen ato%s are
a*o$t 5 n%"
0t the nanoscale, %any co%%on %aterials e-hi*it $n$s$al properties, s$ch
as re%ar&a*ly lo(er resistance to electricity, or faster che%ical reactions"
Nanotechnology is the %anip$lation of %aterial at the nanoscale to ta&e
advantage of these properties" his often %eans (or&ing (ith individ$al
Nanoscience, nanoengineering and other s$ch ter%s refer to those activities
applied to the nanoscale" P=ano,Q *y itself, is often $sed as short-hand to
refer to any or all of these activities"
Program,speci+c bac$ground
2io%i%icry is i%itating nat$re4s *est ideas to address h$%an pro*le%s" he
activities in this progra% highlight a fe( of the nat$ral processes that
scientists and engineers in ind$stry have already %i%ic&ed" =$%ero$s
pheno%ena in nat$re have the potential to *e e%$lated to solve other
h$%an pro*le%s"
>ridescence is a rain*o(-li&e coloration that changes colors (hen yo$ loo& at
it fro% di+erent angles" >ridescence can *e fo$nd nat$rally in plants and
ani%als for ca%o$.age, attracting %ates, and attracting pollinators" his
iridescence res$lts fro% %icro and nanoscopic, transl$cent repeating
str$ct$res that selectively 3lter and re.ect light" he spacing *et(een
str$ct$res deter%ines the color that is re.ected *ac& and that (e see"
When (e vie( an iridescent o*Cect at di+erent angles, (e see di+erent
colors *eca$se light re.ects *ac& to $s at di+erent angles"
he colors in %any plants and ani%als res$lt fro% $nderlying pig%ent,
(hich is a s$*stance that selectively a*sor*s light at so%e (avelengths and
re.ects it in others" ()isi*le (hite light is %ade $p of di+erent colors that
correspond to speci3c (avelengths" More infor%ation on visi*le light is in
the PFoing L$rtherQ section near the end") Io(ever, colors that are only
pig%ent-*ased do not change (hen (e vie( the% fro% di+erent angles" 0
si%ple %ethod to sho( the di+erence *et(een pig%ent and iridescence is
to co%pare a real Morpho *$tter.y andNor peacoc& feather to a la%inated
pict$re of a Morpho *$tter.y andNor peacoc& feather" he real o*Cect sho(s
iridescence (str$ct$ral color), *$t the pict$re is only pig%ent" he act$al
iridescent e-a%ple (*$tter.y or feather) (ill change color (hen yo$ vie( it
at di+erent angles" he pig%ented photo (ill not change color (hen yo$
vie( it at di+erent angles"
E-a%ples of iridescence in nat$re incl$de so%e .o(er petals (s$ch as 2l$e
2edder), so%e *$tter.ies (s$ch as the *l$e Morpho) and %oth (ings, *eetle
(ing cases, and the feathers of h$%%ing*irds, peacoc&s, and *irds of
hro$gh *io%i%icry of iridescence, scientists have enhanced their st$dy of
photonics and created holographic i%ages" >n fact, iridescence fo$nd in
nat$re is said to *e nat$ral photonic crystals" #hotonic crystals created in
the la* *y scientists also have repeating nanostr$ct$res and can selectively
3lter light" Iolographic i%ages are co%%only $sed on c$rrency for sec$rity
p$rposes (the i%ages cannot *e photocopied), and photonic engineering is
$sed in a variety of applications, incl$ding ne(er co%p$ter screens" C$rrent
and f$t$re potential nanotechnologies inspired *y iridescence incl$de:
Manip$lating nano(ires (ith holographics
=$%ero$s photonics applications s$ch as co%p$ter screens, light
so$rces, optical sensors, electronic devices, se%icond$ctors, thin 3l%
her%ochro%atic paints (#aints that change color at di+erent
)ario$s li?$id crystal applications, s$ch as electronic displays (/CDsJ
li?$id crystal displays, ther%o%eters, se%icond$ctors, lasers)
he /ot$s E+ect
0nother pheno%enon in nat$re is the /ot$s E+ect" he lot$s leaf s$rface
has nano and %icro scale feat$res, along (ith a (a-y non-polar coating"
ogether these create a s$perhydropho*ic (very (ater repelling) s$rface"
he lot$s leaf is said to *e Pself-cleaningQ *eca$se as droplets of (ater roll
o+, they ta&e dirt particles (ith the%" Foing f$rther, this portion of the
progra% can also *e $sed to e-plain the ter%s hydrophilic, hydropho*ic, and
s$perhydropho*ic" (See *elo()
2io%i%icry of the /ot$s E+ect has inspired several ne( nanotechnologies
(ith a variety of applications" Lor e-a%ple, the follo(ing are *road
categories of potential $se for nano s$rfaces that %i%ic the /ot$s E+ect:
0nti*acterial %aterials
Stain resistance
Water repelling %aterials
Self-cleaning %aterials
0nti-adhesive %aterials
#rotection against scratching
#rotection against (eathering
E-a%ples of *io%i%icry of the /ot$s E+ect c$rrently on the %ar&et incl$de a
self-cleaning e-terior paint (/ot$san), and fa*rics, s$ch as =anote-" he
%an$fact$rers of these clai% that nanotechnology is $sed to create their
prod$cts" Recently, 0von has created a ne( hair prod$ct (/ot$s Shield) that
clai%s to %i%ic the /ot$s e+ect and prevent frizziness" (Io(ever, 0von
does not clai% the prod$ct speci3cally res$lts fro% nanotechnology")
>nteraction of (ater on s$rfaces
Hydrophilic %eans (ater PlovingQ, and refers to s$rfaces that are polar"
Water droplets are .at or less ro$nded, and (ill so%eti%es spread very thin
or even a*sor* into the %aterial" Water on hydrophilic s$rfaces often leaves
a strea& of (ater (hen rolling o+ the s$rface"
Hydrophobic %eans (ater PfearingQ, and refers to s$rfaces that repel (ater
and are non-polar" Water droplets on hydropho*ic s$rfaces *ead $p and
stay ro$nded"
Superhydrophobic %eans )ERR (ater PfearingQ, and refers to s$rfaces that
are non-polar and %ay have nanoscale s$rface feat$res" Water droplets on
s$perhydropho*ic s$rfaces roll o+ (hen the s$rface is at a 5OT or greater
angle" Water droplets are also very ro$nded and have a contact angle
greater than 59OT" he /ot$s leaf is an e-a%ple of a s$perhydropho*ic
s$rface fo$nd in nat$re"
0gar(al R, /adavac @, Roich%an R, R$ F, /ie*er C, Frier D" Manip$lation and
asse%*ly of nano(ires (ith holographic optical traps" Opt E-press"
Dragon.y ) nano, Ed$cator4s F$ide Season H"
Lor*es, #eter" Self-cleaning %aterials" Scienti3c 0%erican 6BB(6) (6OOA)"
Maia R, Caetano !), 2ao S=, Macedo RI" >ridescent str$ct$ral colo$r
prod$ction in %ale *l$e-*lac& grass?$it feather *ar*$les: the role of &eratin
and %elanin" ! R Soc >nterface" 6OOBUG S$ppl 6:S6O7-55"
Whitney, Ieather M" et al" Lloral >ridescence 0cts 0s a C$e for 0ni%al
#ollinators, #rod$ced *y Di+ractive Optics,Science 767, 57O (6OOB)U DO>:
Llip *oo&:
Llip *oo&, OVce s$pply stores
>%ages (see P2io%i%icryW.ip*oo&W3nal"ppt-Q in separate 3le)
Color printerNpaper
>ridescence de%o:
Shells, *eetle (ings, and *l$e %orpho *$tter.y
o 0*alone shells:
o 2$rnieEs Roc& Shop >nc", BO5 E" !ohnson Street, Madison, W>
97HO7-5G65, ((("*$rniesroc&shop"co%, #hone: (GOA) 695-6GO5,
La-: (GOA) 6GA-569B, *$rniesroc&shop'g%ail"co%"
o Can also try e2ay or other roc& and %ineral shops
#eacoc& feathers
o /a%plight feather >nc, http:NN((("tonyhill"netN, nat$ral Short
Stal& #eacoc& Eyes (can set $p a (holesale acco$nt to save a
fe( cents per feather if p$rchasing in *$l&)
S%all c$p
#lastic pipettes (5-6)
#aper to(els
ry his1 CardJprint 6-sided on cardstoc& $sing 3le:
ryhisWiridescence 3nal"ppt-
/ot$s e+ect de%o:
/ot$san and late- paint sa%ples (Can re?$est sa%ples fro%: Sto
Corp" StoCoat /ot$sanX: he E-terior coating (ith /ot$s-E+ectX"
http:NN((("stocorp"co%) >f yo$ are $na*le to o*tain sa%ples, can
sho( pict$res in .ip *oo& instead"
Cotton cloth, c$t into s%all s?$ares
o White %en4s $ndershirts (or& very (ell, loo& for 5OOY cotton
Stain resistant cotton cloth, c$t into s%all s?$ares
o Depart%ent stores (e"g",, @ohl4s) that carry stain-resistant pants
the pants into s%all s?$ares)
o http:NN((("nano-te-"co%Nco%panyN*randWpartners"ht%l lists
(here =anote- fa*rics can *e p$rchased
)ario$s plant %aterials (optional, not easy to travel (ith)
o o sho( /ot$s e+ect: Elephant Ear leaves, *roccoli leaves,
nast$rti$% leaves, &ale, or collard greens
o Co%pare to: /ett$ces
6 S%all c$ps
#lastic pipettes (6-7)
#aper to(els
!et *p
Time: - minutes .once materials are gathered and printing
!tep 0:
#rint desired i%ages, place into plastic protectors in .ip*oo& and set $p on
one end of the ta*le" (>%ages in #o(er#oint") Can also la%inate color
photos of peacoc& feathers for co%parison of pig%ent vs" iridescence" (Lor a
photo to la%inate, see separate 3le Ppeacoc& feather eye"CpgQ") #rint
ryhis1 cards"
!tep 1:
Set $p e-a%ples of iridescence together as a gro$p" (shells, tropical *eetle
(ings, *l$e Morpho *$tter.y, peacoc& feather, la%inated color pict$re of
peacoc& feather)
!tep 2:
Set $p one peacoc& feather, one la%inated pict$re of a peacoc& feather, one
plastic pipette, one s%all glass of (ater"
!tep 3:
Optional: Set $p one sa%ple of acrylic paint, one sa%ple of /ot$san paint,
one plastic pipette, and one s%all glass of (ater" We have fo$nd that
/ot$san paint does not consistently e-hi*it s$perhydropho*icity" his can *e
an opport$nity for disc$ssion" (=ote: for classroo% $se, this step sho$ld *e
eli%inated d$e to s%all ?$antities of sa%ples")
!tep -:
Set $p one piece of cotton fa*ric, one piece of stain-resistant fa*ric, one
plastic pipette, and one s%all glass of (ater" (#lant %aterials can *e set $p
here, too")
!tep 4:
#lace a stac& of ryhis1 cards at end of ta*le a(ay fro% (ater"
Program Delivery
Time: - minutes
0s& yo$r a$dience if anyone is allergic to feathers"
Procedure and Discussion5Table Top:
!tep 0:
Engage visitors1 he peacoc& feathers dra( people in, as does the *ea$tif$l
*l$e Morpho *$tter.y" When visitors approach, start *y 3nding o$t their
*ac&gro$nds, e"g", do they &no( (hat iridescence isZ
Iand yo$r e-a%ples of iridescence fo$nd in nat$re to the visitors to
e-a%ine" (shells, tropical *eetle (ings, *l$e Morpho *$tter.y, peacoc&
!tep 1:
o e-plain iridescence ((hile the visitors are loo&ing at the e-a%ples),
descri*e it as a rain*o(-li&e color (here the colors change depending on the
angle yo$ loo& at it" >f yo$ have a partic$larly science-savvy a$dience, yo$
co$ld also say that the iridescence is d$e to %icro and nanoscopic,
transl$cent str$ct$res that selectively 3lter and re.ect light" he spacing
*et(een the str$ct$res deter%ines the color that is re.ected *ac& and that
(e see"
Start going thro$gh the .ip*oo& (ith the%, sho(ing the 3rst fe( pages on
iridescence" (his sho$ld *e very ?$ic& (ith an e%phasis on e-a%ining the
hands-on e-a%ples")
!tep 2:
Iave yo$r visitor pic& $p the peacoc& feather and as& the% to o*serve (hat
happens (hen they loo& at the feather fro% di+erent angles" (So%eti%es it
helps if yo$ pic& $p another feather and sho( the% ho( to loo& at it at the
sa%e ti%e") F$ide the% to(ard an ans(er close to iridescence" E-plain
iridescence once again, and that nano str$ct$res deter%ine the colors (e
see, not pig%ent"
!tep 3:
Use the .ip*oo& pict$res to e-plain iridescence f$rther and sho( e-a%ples
of *io%i%icry" Refer to the SEM i%age of peacoc& feathers in the .ip*oo& to
sho( nanostr$ct$res" 0lso, co%pare the real peacoc& feather to the color
photo of it in the .ip*oo&" 0s& the visitor to loo& at the t(o feathers (real
and photocopies) fro% di+erent angles and %a&e o*servations" Wor&
to(ard a disc$ssion (ith the% that the real feather is iridescent, *$t the
color photo of the feather is pig%ent only and therefore does not have the
nanostr$ct$res re?$ired for iridescence" (he sa%e can *e done (ith the
2l$e Morpho *$tter.y") Relate this to holographic i%ages for sec$rity
p$rposes on c$rrency" Str$ct$ral 7D i%ages cannot *e photocopied"

!tep -:
Iave the% dra( $p a s%all a%o$nt of (ater into the pipette, and drop a fe(
drops on only one half of the eye of the peacoc& feather" (#ipettes are ne(
for %any visitors, so yo$ %ight need to de%onstrate ho( to $se a one") ell
the% to gently (ipe the (ater do(n that half of the feather" 0s& the% (hat
they see" his is (hat yo$ sho$ld see (the right side is (et):
>s there a di+erence in colorZ WhyZ Lor co%parison, visitors can also drop
(ater on a la%inated color photo of a peacoc& feather (or $se the .ip *oo&
photo)" =OE: Scientists are c$rrently cond$cting e-peri%ents to
deter%ine (hat e-actly happens (hen (ater is dropped onto peacoc&
feathers" Lor no(, they generally theorize that (ater 3lls the spaces
*et(een the str$ct$res, slightly changing the angle that light is re.ected
*ac&, and th$s the color"
Depending on ti%e, and the visitor4s interest level and science *ac&gro$nd,
yo$ co$ld e-plain (hat visi*le light is and that the (ater changes the (ay
the light re.ects *ac& at $s" (>t is re.ecting *ac& at a di+erent angle") his
changes the color (e see" 0lso e-plain ho( this is di+erent fro% C$st
pig%ent" #ig%ents alone do not change color (hen vie(ed fro% di+erent
angles" 0 pig%ent a*sor*s all colors of light e-cept the one it re.ects *ac&,
(hich is the color (e see" Ro$ can sho( a piece of paper (ith color printing,
or color paper (ith crayons to ill$strate pig%ent" (>f yo$ have la%inated
color pict$res, those can also *e $sed here")
!tep 4:
Iave the visitor drop one drop of (ater on the acrylic paint sa%ple and one
drop of (ater on the /ot$san paint sa%ple" 0s& the% to loo& closely at the
shape of the (ater drop" Do they see a di+erenceZ /ot$san paint clai%s to
*e self-cleaning, si%ilar to the lot$s leaf" Do yo$ agree (ith their clai%Z
Iold the sa%ples at an angle" Does the (ater roll o+ either sa%pleZ Share
the re%ainder of the .ip*oo& descri*ing the /ot$s E+ect (ith the visitor" (>f
yo$ (ere a*le to *ring plant %aterials, have the visitor p$t drops of (ater
on vario$s plant %aterials" o sho( the /ot$s e+ect $se: Elephant Ear
leaves, *roccoli leaves, nast$rti$% leaves, &ale, or collard greens, and
co%pare to lett$ces")
!tep 6:
Iave the visitor drop one drop of (ater on the piece of cotton and one drop
of (ater on the stain resistant cotton fa*ric" ell the% that *oth fa*rics are
cotton" Iave the% loo& closely at the shape of the (ater drop" Do they see
a di+erenceZ 0s& the% to grasp the edges of each piece of fa*ric and %ove
it aro$nd" What happensZ What does that re%ind the visitor ofZ Does the
stain resistant fa*ric %i%ic the /ot$s e+ectZ
!tep 7:
Five yo$r visitor the peacoc& feather they dropped (ater onto and one
ryhis1 card" E-plain that the ryhis1 card is an iridescence activity they
can try at ho%e"
Tips and Troubleshooting:
o *e %ore eVcient (ith large gro$ps, set o$t stations apart fro% one
another so that %$ltiple visitors can engage si%$ltaneo$sly"
Only set o$t one peacoc& feather, one sa%ple of cotton, and one sa%ple of
stain-resistant fa*ric at a ti%e" Replace (ith fresh dry %aterials as needed"
he paint sa%ples can *e *lotted dry (ith paper to(el in *et(een visitors"

&ommon 8isitor 9uestions
:o# many peacoc$s #ere sacri+ced so you could obtain %eathers;
=one, peacoc&s nat$rally shed their feathers once per year"
<ill the peacoc$ %eather return to its original color once it dries;
Res, (ater does not per%anently change the str$ct$re of the feather"
Going Further=
o enco$rage in?$iry, as& visitors (hat they have seen in nat$re that (e
co$ld potentially %i%ic to solve a h$%an pro*le%" a&e a nat$re (al& and
collect %aterials, then *rainstor% ideas" #oint o$t that *$rrs (ere the
inspiration for the invention of )elcro" (More *io%i%icry e-a%ples are listed
in the .ip *oo&")
=e(ton4s color (heel can *e a good tool to e-plain ho( visi*le light and
color (or& if yo$r visitor is interested, andNor ti%e per%itting" he color
(heel has seven (edges sho(ing the colors in the visi*le light spectr$%
(see pict$re on the left)" Spinning the (heel e+ectively P%i-esQ the colors
(see pict$re on right), and o$r eyes can no longer disting$ish the di+erent
colors" h$s, (e see all the colors together as (hite"
=e(ton4s Color Wheel

Stationary Spinning
#ict$res fro% Wolfra%4s De%onstration #roCect
Iere are so%e reso$rces yo$ can share (ith yo$r visitors:
!olar photovoltaic holographic technology
&lean *p
Time: -,0> minutes
Caref$lly place everything *ac& into a dedicated *in, (rapping *rea&a*le
ite%s (s$ch as shells, *$tter.y (ings)" Discard leftover (ater (or
po$r *ac& into (ater *ottle) and dry the c$ps" /eave (et fa*ric,
peacoc& feathers, and pipettes o$t to dry *efore p$tting a(ay"
*niversal Design
his progra% has *een designed to *e incl$sive of visitors, incl$ding visitors
of di+erent ages, *ac&gro$nds, and di+erent physical and cognitive
To give an inclusive presentation o% this program:
5" his progra% has *een designed to *e incl$sive of visitors,
incl$ding visitors of di+erent ages, *ac&gro$nds, and di+erent physical
and cognitive a*ilities"
6" S$pplies for the hands-on activities sho$ld *e arranged to
acco%%odate visitors of all a*ilities"
7" #rint o$ts of presentation slidesN.ip *oo& graphics can *e provided
to the visitors"
The %ollo#ing %eatures o% the program?s design ma$e it accessible:
:;< 5" Repeat and reinforce %ain ideas and concepts
a" he overarching %ain idea is presented at the *eginning of
the progra%, and reinforced *y the hands-on activities"
*" he progra% provides ver*al, vis$al and tactile entry points
into the progra%4s %ain %essage and learning o*Cectives"
c" he presenter provides a ver*al and vis$al e-planation of the
nanoscale and the connection of *io%i%icry and
nanotechnology" he hands-on activities provide a tactile
e-planation of the connections *et(een nanotechnology and
d" he size of the nanoscale is conveyed ver*ally and vis$ally
d$ring the presentation thro$gh interpersonal interactions and
graphics on the slides"
e" he di+erences in ho( nanoscale things *ehave are
e-plained ver*ally and vis$ally (in the presentation slides and
thro$gh the co%parison of pig%ented photos vs" nano-
str$ct$red color in nat$re)"
f" he ta&e-a(ay card reinforces the %ain ideas and concepts
vis$ally and ver*ally"
:;< 6" #rovide %$ltiple entry points and %$ltiple (ays of engage%ent"
a" he progra% engages visitors (ith t(o (or %ore) hands-on
activities, and a g$ided disc$ssion that helps the% $nderstand
:;< 7" #rovide physical and sensory access to all aspects of the progra%"
a" he presenter ver*ally e-plains and physically de%onstrates
all aspects of the hands-on activities"
*" he presenter can vary the pace of the progra% to s$it the
a$dience, providing e-tra ti%e for (or&ing or additional
disc$ssion (hen necessary"

his proCect (as s$pported *y the =ational Science Lo$ndation $nder 0(ards =os"
OB8O587 (=>SE =et) and O96O96H (UW MRSEC)" 0ny opinions, 3ndings, and
concl$sions or reco%%endations e-pressed in this progra% are those of the
a$thor and do not necessarily re.ect the vie(s of the Lo$ndation"
#$*lished $nder a Creative Co%%ons 0ttri*$tion-=onco%%ercial-Share0li&e
license: http:NNcreativeco%%ons"orgNlicensesN*y-nc-saN7"ON$sN

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