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Your Conversation Skill

One may be good at English,of always hets good scores in every test, yet there is no guarantee that he can
communicate well,especially in English. Quite often we find out that English. Quite often we find out that he
has problems in English conversation . There are some solutions to solve this problem. Here I will give you
several ways how to improve your skill in daily conversation.
1 . Enrich your vocabulary
Vocabulary is something important when you have a conversation. We cannot speak well unless we
have enough vocabulary. You can enrich recitation exercise every day, Start to remember at least two words a
day, and try to make sentences based on the vocabulary. Be sure to let somebody who has good English to help
you check your sentence in case you make mistakes.
2. Listen to the English radio programs
In our surroundings there are many radios which have some English programs. Listen to them regularly
and dont be shy to be one of their participants. This can add not only to your knowledge but also new friends.
Thus, you can talk and have pleasant conversation with them.
3. Never stop talking
If you already have found a partner (a friend) to talk, dont ever stop talking to them. Whenever you
meet or phone them, try to start conversing in English with them. For example, you ask their hobbies, daily
activities and family condition.
4. Dont miss television news and English newspapers
May be for the first or several times you listen to English news or read English magazine such as Hello.
It would be hard at first to understand what you hear, but dont give up. I assure you that such activities will
certainly help you improve your English. You will be accustomed to the pronounciation. Moreover you catch
the idea and understand the meaning at last.
5. Start a conversation club
You can initiate or join a conversation club which has already existed in your surroundings. In case you
have to start your own club,just five or six members are enough to begin with. Be sure, however, to run the
meeting regularly, once a week ot twice a month at least.. Find nice topics to discuss. For example, polution
problems, AIDS, or actual topics taken from the paper. You can also take undated articles taken from English
magazines such as Hello.
6. Read more
Reading will certainly widan your horizon and enrich your English vocabulary. When learning English
(or whatever) , the saying goes that practice makes perfect. Accordingly, the more, you read , the better English
you will have. One thing for sure, only when you find interesting topics for discussion will your club be able to
survive. To close this article I would like to remind you that to organize an English club is just the beginning, to
have a regular meeting is a progress, and to survive is a succes.
Heni Kurniawati
c/o Jl. G. Dieng RT 01/RW 01, No 11
Tertek, Pare, KEDIRI 64215

Your Comments
Problems such as school graduates and the unemployement dilemma need consideration. Solving this
problem Is not easy. We need to know what is really going on. As far as I can see, I great deal of school
graduates do not have enough skill. This is the problem. Itis hard to look for a job without skills.
To solve the problem, extra clases in certain skills can be added in schools. It may help school
graduates. And maybe special education for jobless people can be established. We dont want people to be
dependent; however we want everything is improve. We want a better situatio, dont we?
Nur Aziz
Islamic Senior High School
of Spesific Program
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 71 Denanyar

One of many kinds of problem that Indonesia government has to handle is school graduates and
unemployment. The problem occurs because there are more and more high school graduates who cannot
continue their study, and then become jobless. Since they have onely a high school diploma, they cannot meet
the vacancy requirements. Almost all of the companies today need qualified persons.
We certainly want to get a suitable job as well as a good position. But without an effort to add to our
qualifications, how can we make it? Even having qualifications is not a guarantee. Most of the companies want
experienced persons.
The government itself does not seem to help enough in solving this problem. It has to find another way
to improve the peoples welfare. Otherwise this dilemma will get worse in the future.
Hening Setyati
Fak Sastra Inggris UNS
Jl. Ir. Sutami 38 A
Kentingan Surakarta

As well all know, getting a jobis not easy . Many high school graduates continue their education at
universities or colleges in order to get a job. But after they graduate, getting a job is still not easy. They still
have the same dilemma with the school graduates and unemployement.
Someone who is looking for a job must have qualifications and skills. Usually, the mastery of English
or computer will help. Since it is unnecessary to wish to much that we could work as a government official, we
need to find other alternatives. There are many private companies in this country. Why should we depend on the
We ourselves should create jobs thus giving others achance. However, it is just not that simple. We
must have courage, skills, experience, assets, capital,etc. If we try this, we can help governent decrease this
dilemma, cant we?
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 134
Payakumbuh 26222

School graduatesand unemployement have become a serious problem, not only Indonesia, but also also
in the in other developing countries, whose economy is still unstable. The unstability is caused by many factors,
for example, civil wars, repeated natural disasters like earthquakes and flooding, and so on . Generally,
unemployement in the developing countries is much more complicated.
Those who have finished their senior high school, do not have certain, basic skills, to find a job in order
to make a living. Consquently, they spend their day doing nothing. So we have to answer this question : How
can we solve this problem? We have to talk more about education or the skills required in different fields.
On one side, we are still hiring foreign experts in certain offices, and on the other side, we have many
jobless people who need education and skills for their life. Unfortunately, the qualified schools are outnumbered
by the rapid population growth. Unemployement may still be a problem in the coming years.
Sukrianto Rauf
STKIP- Gorontalo
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman 96128
Dear Angelina
I love English very much so I decided to continue my studies at the English Department. As an English
student, I have to be good at speaking English. The problem is, I am always nervous whenever I have to speak
in front of others. I am very afraid of making mistakes. Such a condition often makes me keep silent and unable
to speak a word, or when I speak I make unnecessary misktakes. What I speak is usually different from what I
have in mind. I think I have what we call public phobia. Can you help me solve this problem? How can I be self-

Dear Harris
I do not think what you are suffering from is a public phobia. I consider it speech nerves instead.
I have got Joan Detzs article Proven Ways to Prevent and Deal with Speech Nerves in Communication
Briefiengs, August 1993, Volume 12, Number 10. I will quote some of her main points for you:
Nervousness is simply energy. If you channel that energy, you can turn it into a positive force. But if you
allow that energy to go uncontrolledIf you allow it control youthen you will have problems.
Prespeech tricks that work are :
1 . Try physical exercises. Just before you speak, go off by yourself ( to the restroom or to a quiet
corner) and concentrate on the part of your body that feels most tensed. Your face? Your hands? Your
stomach? Deliberately tighten that part even more, until it starts to quiver ; then let go. You will feel an
enormous sense of relief. Repeat this a few times.
2 . Try mental excercises. Pictures something thats given you pleasant momories: Swimming in a
mountain lake, walking on a beach ( water often has a calming effect on people)
3 . Try a rational approach. Say to yourself , Im prepared. I know what Im talking about Or Ive
spent a year working on this project. Or , Im glad I can talk to these people . It will help my career. If
you are scared to give a speech, try to think of something thats really frightening. To speech should seem
appealing by comparison.
4. Try a test run. Visualize excactly what will happen after youre introduced. Youll get out of your
chair , youll hold the folder in your left hand, youll walk confidently across the stage. Youll hold your
head high, youll look directly at the person who introduces you, youll shake his of her hand, youll... If
you see on yourself confident and successful in your mental test run, youll be confident and succesful in
your delivery. Above all, never say that youre nervous. If you do, youll make yourself more nervous. And
youll make the audience nervous,too.

During the speech Tricks to overcome minitraumas are :
1 . Sweat rolling off your lorehead Wipe it away with the big cotton handkerchief that you placed at the
lectern. Dont hesitate to really wipe. Little dabs are ineffectual, and youll have to dab repeatedly
2 . A quavery voice . Intensify your eye contact. Focus of them. Then lower your picth and control your
breath as you begin to speak. Concentrate on speaking distinctly and slowly.
3 . Trembling hands. Take heart. The audience probably cant see your trembling hands, but if theyre
distracting you, use some body movement to diffuse that nervous energy
4. A pounding heart. No, the audience cannot see the rising and falling of your chest.
5. Throat clearing. If you have cough, cough-away from the microphone. Drink some water, or p a cough
drop into your mouth.
6. Running nose , watery eyes. Bright lights can trigger these responses. Simply pauses , say Excuse me
blow your nose or wipe your eyes and get on with it.
7. Nausea. You come down with a viral infection two days before your speech and youre afraid of throwing
up in the mddle of it. Well, thats why they make antinausea drugs. Ask your doctor about a prescription. If you
are terribly ill-as opposed to being just mildly nervous- cancel your engagement.
8. Burping Some people feel they have to purp when they get nervous. If you are one of the people , do plenty
of physical relaxation exercises before you speak. Dont drink any carbonated beverages that day, and eat only a
light lunch.
9. Fumbled words. Proffesional speakers, radio announcers and television,anchorpeople fumble words fairly
often. If its a minor fumble, just ignore it and keep going. If its a big one, fix it. Simply repeat the correct
word- with a smile, to show youre human. Continue with your speech, but slow down a little bit. Once youve
had a slip of the tongue, chances are high youll have another.
10. forgetfulness. Some people look at an audience and forget what they want they want to say. Arent you
glad made the effort to prepare a good written manuscript? Its all right there, so you have one less thing to
worry about.
Good eye contact , strong body language and vocal enthuasism will build your confidence. Its hard to feel
insecure when you look directly at your listeners and see the responsiveness in their faces.
Well, thats all. Enjoy your public speaking, Harris!

Dear Angelina
I have a friend. Younger than I am. He is very funny and friendly/ Because we are very busy we usually talk
on the phone. One thing that I do not like about him is that he is as cold as ice-cream. Once I borrowed his book.
He did not bring me the book himself. Instead, he sent his friend to do it. Then I stopped calling him.
To my surprise on the first of January he phoned me in order to take me out celebrating the new year, I was
out of town at that time. When I returned home, I called him back directly. We talked and again surprisingly he
asked me to be his special girl-friend. I was very pleased. Why not? I thought. But again, I hate his coldness.
He does not want to do anything unless I start it first.
Angelina, I want you help me to solve this problem. I wonder why all my ex best friends were always like
that. I hope he is not like ice-cream forever.
Zeanny Wiradinata-Cimahi

Dear Zeanny
You wanted to borrow the book, the book arrived at you safely : what was wrong ? You consider him
friendly on one hand, and cold on the other. On one hand it was him who first asked you to go out and first
wanted you to be his special girlfriend, on the other hand you said he did not want to do anything if it did not
begin from you. Where was the missing link, do you think, Zeanny? I also think it was this same missing link
that happened to your relationship with your ex best friends.
You can try stop by stop one at a time, not to test him but to express your feeling frankly and discuss your
and his likes as well as dislikes. For example, ask him to bring the book himself. Tell him that you want to meet
him. Express your happiness that you can share something special with him. Ask him what he expects you to do
in order that your relationship works well.
If after you have discussed the problems with him there is still no solution or agreement, I assume you
should consider giving up your hope, then accept and adapt to his attitude. Anyway , I consider ice-cream is nice
and not that cold. What do you think?

My dear Angelina
I am a girl, eighteen years old. I have graduated from high school. But my ability was low for I did not pass
my UMPTN. To study in a private university will cost a lot of money ( and I supposed it is beyond my
capacity). At present I am taking a computer course. Angelina, should I try UMPTN against next year? Do I
have to look for a job to help solve my parents financial problems?
My other problem is that when I was In high school I fell in love with a boy. Yet he never stated his love
to me. So I did not know for sure his feelings towards me. He liked making promises, but did not fulfil them. I
was often disappointed.I realized that he just made fun of me.
After graduating from high school we never met each other. And since then I did not care about him any
more. But one day he came to see me and I welcomed him without showing and hatred/ Angelina, does she love
me, or not? If he did not love me, why did he look for me again ? Is she the type of guy who is difficult to
express his feelings? Why did he neglect my love last time? I am afraid to be dissapointed again
Murdiana- Medan

Dear Murdiana,
Falling to pass UMPTN tests does not always mean that you have a low ability. If you are eager to study in
a state university, surely you should try UMPTN again. Meanwhile occupy the timme avaible to prepare harder
than before; do your best. And if you think you can manage,why dont you look for a job or do some business
that make money? Who knows, from your income you can support your own expenses in a private university.
I know that as a girl living in Indonesia. You are currently in a difficult position. Unless you dare to ask
him his feeling, temporalily just consider him a friend, while seeing the progress.
Breaking promises is a good habit. So you should deal with it properly. If his presences make you more
confused that happy, dont you think it is better not.
That is all for now.

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