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The Liver has 6 principal Functions:

1. Ensures the smooth fow of Qi

This is the most important of all Liver functions and is central to
nearly all Liver disharmonies. There are 3 aspects this function
(1) the emotional state, () di!estion, (3) the secretion of "ile
2. Stores Blood
The Liver function of storin! "lood re!ulates #lood in t$o $ays:
(1) #lood volume accordin! to physical activity, () menstruation
3. Controls the sinews
This afects our capacity for movement and physical activity.
4. Manifests in the nails
%f L& #lood is de'cient, the nails $ill "ecome dar(, indented, dry
and crac(ed.
5. Opens into the ees
%f L& #lood is de'cient, there may "e "lurred vision, myopia,
)*oaters,+ color "lindness or the eyes may feel dry and !ritty. %f
the L& has heat, the eyes may feel painful or "urnin! and "e
"loodshot. %f there is ,ind, the eye"all may turn up$ards and
move involuntarily.
!. "ouses the "un
%f the L& #lood is $ea(, the -un is not rooted and cannot !ive us
a sense of direction in life. The -un may leave the "ody
temporarily at ni!ht durin! or .ust "efore !oin! to sleep. /
person may feel a va!ue feelin! of fear at ni!ht "efore fallin!
0ummary of Function of the points:
&esolvin! distention and pain due to sta!nation of Liver 1i in the
head, throat re!ion, chest, -eart, Lun!, 0tomach, a"domen,
lateral costal re!ion, lo$er a"domen, intestines and !enitals
/ssistin! in the descent of 0T and L2 1i and the ascent of 03 1i
3acifyin! interior $ind 4 uprisin! of yan! resultin! in headache,
di55iness, epilepsy, spasm
6oolin! Liver 're afectin! any re!ion of the "ody
#ene'tin! the eyes
Treatin! disorders characteri5ed "y pain and s$ellin! of the
e7ternal !enitals (esp. in men) as $ell as seminal emission,
e.aculatory disorders, priapism and impotence
&e!ulatin! menstruation and the menstrual cycle
Treatin! 0han disorder
Functions of the Liver
Treatin! disorders of urination such as urinary retention, painful
urinary dysfunction, incontinence, fre1uent urination, etc.
Treatin! psycho8emotional disorders derivin! from L& #lood
de'ciency, L& 1i sta!nation or L& Fire, all of $hich may distur"
the -un and the 0pirit.
Functions of the Liver
#he Main $athwa
1. The path$ay ori!inates at the
lateral aspect of the dorsum of
the "i! toe at L& 1, runs alon!
the foot to L& 9 and ascends
alon! the medial aspect of the
lo$er le!, to 03 6.
. %t ascends up the medial aspect
of the ti"ia to the thi!h to L&
11. The path$ay connects $ith
the 0pleen at 03 1 and 03 13.
3. %t loops around the !enitals and
the reproductive or!ans. %t
ascends to enter the lo$er
a"domen $here it intersects
$ith 6: , 6: 3, 6: 9.
Functions of the Liver
%E&%M&' C#&
The path$ay
up$ards to curve
around the
0tomach "efore
enterin! the
Liver and
connectin! $ith
the ;all #ladder.
%t crosses the
diaphra!m and
spreads in to the
costal and
%t ascends alon!
the nec( and
posterior aspect
of the throat to
the nasopharyn7
to lin( $ith the
surroundin! the
%t ascends across
the forehead to
;: <.
/ "ranch
descends from
the eye system
throu!h the
chee( and
The path$ay
ascends up to
the stomach and
L& 13=19,
connectin! $ith
the L& and ;#
or!ans and the
side of the
a"dominal $all.
>ne deep
path$ay arises
in the liver and
passes throu!h
the diaphra!m to
*o$ into the
lun!s and lin(
$ith the L2
The main
meridian runs up
throu!h the
crosses "y the
ri"s, !oes "ehind
the trachea,
laryn7 and
pharyn7 and up
onto the face.
%t passes throu!h
the nasal
cavities to the
lachrymal canal
$here it
%i(er)ent Channel
This leaves the primary channel on the dorsum of the foot and
continues up the pu"ic re!ion $here it .oins the ;# primary
*uo Channel
The luo channel leaves the primary meridian at L& ? on the medial
aspect of the lo$er le! and connects $ith the ;# meridian.
/ "ranch passes up the le! to the !enitals.
Mus+le Channel
This "e!ins on the dorsal aspect of the "i! toe, "inds anterior to
the medial malleolus.
%t passes up the medial aspect of the ti"ia to "ind at the medial
%t continues up$ards alon! the medial aspect of the thi!h to the
!enitals $here it connects $ith other sine$ channels
%t crosses the a"domen "indin! $ith the um"ilicus
%t enters the a"dominal cavity and "inds $ith the ri"s and
disperses throu!h the chest.
/n internal "ranch adheres to the spine.
The Liver 6hannel
,ood- "orar- ,ell- Entr 1 . 5/0
Location The lateral nail point of the "i! toe
About .1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail
Just distal to the fare of the distal phalanx
Aeedlin! B< or 9? insertion, directed pro7imally, .18. cun, or pric( to

Function C Entr point C ,ood point
C "orar point 11/3am- 2/4am %S#2 C ,ell point
C &e!ulates 1i in the lo$er .iao
C &evives consciousness
C 3romotes the smooth *o$ of L& 1i
C &e!ulates
C 6alms the 0pirit
C &e!ulates yan!F
C Treats shan disorderF alleviates pain
C Frees the channels
C #ene'ts the !enitals 4 ad.usts urination
C 6ourses
inversion 1i
C 0tops menstrual "leedin!
C &esolves Damp8-eat
C >pens 0pirit portals
C -armoni5es construction 1i
Aame=G& *ar)e $ile
%a3 Lar!e, !reat, ma.or
%un3 to pile upF a hillF thic(
&lternate 'ames3 ;reat
,ater 0prin!
This is the ,ood point on the ,ood meridian and at the
"e!innin! of the meridian. %t represents the a"ility of the ,ood
to start somethin!, to !ive an impulse. /s the yin or!an its
function is to (eep, to pile up, to endure. %n the position of the
point on the "i! toe, there is a physical accumulation of *esh
there. The 'rmness of the *esh re*ects the 'rmness of the
1uality of 1i at this place. There is the mention of three "ody
hairs on the "i! toe in the description of the anatomical location
in ancient te7ts (three means several). Three refers also to the
po$er of 1i here, and the po$er of the -un in the Liver, and the
impulse !iven to the three yin meridians "y the Liver.
L@ /s the horary point, L& 1 addresses the essence of the $ood
element. ;reat Gsteem, the 'rst point on the liver meridian, is
located on the "i! toe, $hich may "e said to provide oneHs
physical root and !roundin!. This point empo$ers the speci'c
virtue of self esteem that emer!es from the vision of those
principles that sprin! from oneHs essential nature, rootin! oneHs
life. %n prunin! a plant, one may remove unessential "ranches
so that !ro$th is channeled more fruitfully. -o$ever, the roots
that anchor the plant into its !round of "ein! must "e
compromised. ,hen "asic principles are compromised, as often
happens in "etrayal, for instance, self esteem slo$ly erodes.
That person may !radually come to compromise him or herself
L& 1 ;reat Gsteem
more and more easily, until the vision of his or her true nature
disappears. / liver im"alance often sho$s up $hen a person
acts as thou!h any compromise is a personal afront. This point
may empo$er the discernment of those aspects of self $hich
(1) may "e safely compromised (the "ranches) and () those
that may not: the fundamental principles (the roots) that must
"e supported and preserved.
/lthou!h this point is not particularly a spirit point, it is very
po$erful yet safe. %t "rin!s a !ood sur!e of ener!y and is
used a lot. %t sha(es of the dead leaves and prunes dead
"ranches. %t lets patients see and "reathe more easily $hen
there is a lac( of con'dence or $hen they cannot !ro$ and
L& 1 ;reat Gsteem
4ire- Sedation- Sprin)- 4irst &id 3 . 5/0
Location >n the dorsal surface of the foot
#et$een the "i! toe and the second toe
@ust distal to the "ase of the pro7imal phalan7 of the "i! toe
Distal to the metatarso-phalangeal joint of the frst digit
Just distal to the fare of the base of the proximal phalanx
roximal to the !eb margin
Aeedlin! .?81 cun 9? to$ards the heel, or B< insertion .?8.I cun.
Function C 4ire point
C Sedation point
C Sprin) point
C 4irst &id3 +ramps- spasms- urine retention
C 6lears Liver Fire
C 6ools #lood heat
C G7tin!uishes $ind
C 0preads Liver 1i
C 3aci'es Liver $ind
C 0u"dues Liver Jan!
C 6lears heat and stops "leedin!
C #ene'ts the lo$er .iao
C 6lears the lo$er .iao
C 6lears -eat and drains
C 6ourses vessels 4 1uic(ens connectin! vessels
&ecti'es 1i
Aame=G& Mo(in) Between
5in)3 to $al(, to move
6ian3 "et$eenF a space
L& is "et$een t$o toes and represents this a"ility of the L& to
circulate and move in empty spaces in an impercepti"le $ay. %t
re*ects the centripetal movement of the L&. %n this point the
circulation of the L& is invi!orated "ut in a (ind of 1uiet
emptiness. There is a (ind of or!ani5ation of this march, as an
army marches. %n certain "oo(s, it is a sedation point that
allo$s this march around the 0hen! 6ycle, so that all is in !ood
order. 6hapter < in the Lin! 0hu indicates this point for an
invasion of the L& $ith pain in the side and cold in the central
area of the torso. %t is !ood for sta!nation of #lood. The
treatment is to use this point to !uide the 1i in the area of the
ri"s. %t helps to !uide the sta!nation throu!h the L& meridian.
This point is !ood for menstrual=hormonal pro"lems li(e 3E0
and irrita"ility.
,hen a person !ets an!ry and a!itated very easily, this
point "rin!s $armth and compassion.
,hen the Liver is hyper tense and -eart is $ea(, it lets Ki
seep throu!h slo$ly, helpin! to achieve a middle $ay.
@;: ,hen heat, an!er and frustration are present, dispersion
needs to ta(e place. This point helps someone $ho is
"umpin! into thin!s head on. %t helps a person 'nd a $ay to
$al( "et$een t$o diLcult alternatives. There may "e ra!in!
L& ,al( #et$een
frustrationMho$ can % reach my !oal and ho$ can % rela7
(more smoothness). Tonify this point to "rin! $armth to the
$ood, more .oy, a creative spar(. %t "rin!s incredi"le life to a
"orin! landscape. %tHs !ood for someone $ho can only see
thin!s in "lac( and $hite. ,ithout the $armth of
compassion (Fire) you can never transform an!er into "lame
into "enevolence. Do not hesitate to use mo7a. %f there is no
li!ht in the forest, the ,ood is dead.
L& ,al( #et$een
Sour+e- Earth- Stream- 4irst &id 3 . 3/0
Location >n the dorsal surface of the foot
%n the an!le "et$een the 'rst and second metatarsal "ones
Aeedlin! /im to$ards N% 1, .?81.? cun
Function C Sour+e point C 4irst &id3 asph7ia
C Earth point C Stream point
C One of Ma %an/an)8s 12 "ea(enl Star points
C #wo of the 4our Buddha8s 9ates 1:*; 42
C 0preads Liver 1i
C Aourishes L& "lood=Liver yin
C 0u"dues Liver yan!
C &e!ulates menstruation
C G7tin!uishes Liver Fire
C &e!ulates the lo$er .iao
C 6lears the head 4 eyes
C Dischar!es damp8heat in
the lo$er .iao
C 0oothes the liver
C &ecti'es 1i
C 6alms spasms
C 6ourses connect vessels 4 1uic(ens
C G7tin!uishes ,ind
C 6alms the 0pirit
Aame=G& 9reat Sur)e
#ai3 !reat, supremeF too, e7cessive
Chon)3 sur!e, rushF *ushF emptyF
(ey position, hu"
&lternate 'ames3 ;reat
This point is located in a place $here the 0T and 03 meridians
are not far a$ay and $here the 'rst point on the N% is directly
underneath. %t is closely lin(ed to the po$er of the Nidneys.
/nother name for N% 1 is Di 6hon! (Di means Garth, not as an
element, "ut in connection $ith -eaven). 0u ,en 6hapter 6
tal(s a"out this. The function of the L& is to !ive this rush of
life, this dash of po$er. This point lies on top of N% 1 and relies
on the po$er of the N%. The importance of L& to !ive the ri!ht
circulation and use of the #lood is also manifested in this point.
The 6hon! Eai is in char!e of !ivin! the primitive roots for
circulation and the diferent uses for #lood in men and $omen,
e.!. for havin! a $oman menstruate for the 'rst time at t$ice
seven years. The 6hon! Eai and the L& share the same
nic(name $hich is 0ea of #lood. /nother aspect of 6hon! Eai is
to !ive to the meridians their !ood direction, to have the 1i
circulate $ell throu!h the meridians. The L& is one of the heirs
of the 6hon! Eai.
)-appy 6alm+ is another name for this point.
%n many circumstances it is miraculous for hypertensionF itHs
also very calmin! and "alancin! $hen a patient is over8
e7citation or a!itated.
%tHs e7cellent $ith mo7a, $hich calms and $arms it.
Jou can sedate this point to calm the person do$n.
L& 3 0upreme &ushin!
This point is often .oined $ith L% 9 to help eliminate
poisonous thou!hts, to7ins, feces and ru""ish from "oth the
physical and mental levels. DonHt do these points in
com"ination unless you have an im"alance in "oth L% and L:.
L& 3 0upreme &ushin!
Metal point- <i(er point 4 . 3/5
Location /t the anterior *e7ure of the an(le
#et$een the tendons of the ti"ialis anterior and the e7tensor
hallucis lon!us
"et!een the medial malleolus and the tendon of the tibialis
anterior muscle
#e$el !ith the prominence of the malleolus !hen the foot is
To expose the tibialis anterior muscle% dorsifex and in$ert the
Note: The location of #& ' bet!een the tendons of the tibialis
anterior and extensor hallucis longus is gi$en in the text b( ).
*oulie de +orant% but is not common else!here.
Aeedlin! B< insertion .38.? cun, or 9? insertion medially to$ards 03 ? or
laterally to$ards 0T 91
Function C Metal point C <i(er point
C 3romotes the smooth *o$ of L& 1i in the lo$er .iao
C 6ourses the L& 4 frees connectin! vessels
C 6lears L&
channel sta!nant -eat
Aame=G& Mound Center
=hon)3 center, central
4en)3 mound, heapF to seal, to
Tai 6hon! &lternate 'ames3 0uspended
/fter this dashin! po$er at L& 3, $e have no$ the a"ility to
esta"lish somethin!, to come into the possession of a territory
from the position of the center. This point "elon!s to the Eetal,
$hich controls the "oundaries of the "ody throu!h the s(in. 0o
this point has to do $ith this !overnin! "y Eetal of the
"oundaries of the "ody and the movement of ,ei Ki. %n the
physical shape of the "ody at this point, the level of the hilloc(
of the inner malleolus is represented "y an ima!e of pilin! up of
Garth. /lso, the point is located "et$een the "oundaries and
limits of these t$o muscles. The point is hidden or manifested
"y the play of e7tension and *e7ion of the an(le, so this re*ects
the idea of )innermost.+ The character Ohon! is not only the
middle of muscles, or the middle of the an(le, "ut perhaps
throu!h that it reveals and !oes to the innermost center of my
"ody, the 've Oan!, to the essences maintainin! the 've spirits,
the vital spirits hidden in me $hich are $ell8protected "y
"oundaries under the ri!ht authority. This point is also a (ind of
si!nal for the protection and concentration of the psycholo!ical
or mental life. This is emphasi5ed "y the use of Fen!, $hich in
ancient times $as the name of a sacri'ce ofered to -eaven on
a mound. Jou have a limited territory so you can (no$ $ho has
authority over it. Jou also have a mound on $hich to ofer a
sacri'ce to -eaven. /ll this po$er is ordered "y the center,
L& 9 Eiddle 0eal
$hich is not only the authority, "ut also a (ind of intimate,
innermost part of the self. %t is from the depths that the
innermost authority and po$er comes. The seal is the
manifestation of the authority over the 'ef.
This point $or(s sli!htly more on a mental level than a
spiritual level. %t enriches the 1uality in Eind=0pirit. 2se it
$hen the Liver lac(s nutrients, richness, essence, identity.
/ person may feel a void, as if there is no meanin! in life, or
lac( self con'dence.
@;: / seal is your o$n individual mar(, representin! the
honin! of $ho you are into that $hich is most meanin!ful to
you. This is a"out re'nin! $ithin ,ood: seein! the "eauty
and 1uality of $hat you have planned. Eany people have so
many plans that you canHt have precisionMthey canHt do it
all. /s im"alance, the person may not "e steppin! into their
e7pression of themselves in the universe as if they have
nothin! of value to e7press.
L& ? %nsect Ditch
*uo point 3 . 3/0
Location >n the medial surface of the le!, 6 /6% pro7imal to the
prominence of the medial malleolus
3osterior to the ed!e of the ti"ia
To locate this point% expose the seam on the medial surface of
the tibia b( pulling for!ards and mediall( on the , muscle
bellies of the gastrocnemius
- AC. proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus% on
the medial surface of the tibia
Note: Dr. /u /ei-0ing gi$es the distances of #& -1213 from the
medial malleolus as 21411, cun and puts the points posterior to
the tibia. The diagram of the medial aspect of the leg in Dr. J.
#a$ier0s boo5 clearl( sho!s the #i$er and *pleen meridians
sharing the same path!a( bet!een * 2 and * 4% !ith #&
-1213 at 21411, AC. and * 2131416 at '1316117.
Aeedlin! (1) B< insertion .?81 cun
() 9? directed pro7imally to$ards the a"domen, 18 cun
Function C *uo point C 0preads the Liver

C &e!ulates 1i
C 6lears lo$er .iao damp 4 heat
C #ene'ts the !enitals
C &e!ulates menstruation
C Treats plumstone 1i
Aame=G& ,ormwood Canal
*i3 a $ood8"orin! $ormF a !ourd
9ou3 canal, ditch, channel
&lternate 'ames3 %ntersection
Li: / $ood8"urro$in! insect. There is the ima!e of an insect or
$orm. This is the movement of the little $orms di!!in! ditches
in $ood or in a tree. /nother meanin! is cala"ash, !ourdMa
hollo$ed or du!8out piece of fruit. %t is also the name of a
shell'sh, perhaps "ecause in the shell'sh is re*ected this idea
of little ditches. %t is also the name of a (ind of s(in disease
ma(in! the same efect. Gou: / drain, ditch, !utter.
0ometimes it means $atercourses, $ith the idea of penetratin!
somethin!. %rri!ation system.
%n L& 9 $e have a centripetal movement, the constitution of a
center. %n L& ? $e have the other side, a lot of little ditches in
the ima!e of a $ood8"urro$in! insect. 0o this represents the
distri"ution, throu!h a net$or( of path$ays, from this center
that has "een esta"lished. -ere is the idea of a $aterin!
net$or( or net$or( of communication. This point arrives at the
level of the le! $here the 1uality of the *esh is richer. %t
invi!orates the *esh and muscles. This is the Luo point, so this
point name !ives an idea of this inner communication throu!h
all the muscles of the le! to the ;# meridian. There is a
6hinese commentary on L& ? and ;# 3P that says L& ? is li(e
an oyster (shell'sh) and ;# 3P is li(e the pearl inside the oyster
(shinin! of the li!ht).
L& 9 Eiddle 0eal
This is a !ood spirit point. %t calms the patient do$n
/ lot of people $ho !et a"normalities of the Liver !et a s(in
irritation. There can also "e mental irritation. 2sin! this
point di!s out a ditch and !et out the "uried irritation.
%tHs a very po$erful luo point, !ivin! security and "alance. %t
anchors and sta"ili5es, restores sanity and harmony.
@;: 2se this point if the person is irritated a lot. %t helps ta(e
a$ay the irritation and creates a ne$ conversation. The
person is already super8sensitive. This point clears a$ay
dead ,ood. %t nourishes "lood and moves 1i.
L& ? %nsect Ditch
5i Cleft- 4irst &id 3 . 3
Location >n the medial surface of the le!
I /6% pro7imal to the prominence of the medial malleolus
3osterior to the ed!e of the ti"ia
To locate this point% expose the seam on the medial surface of
the tibia b( pulling for!ards and mediall( on the , muscle
bellies of the gastrocnemius
3 AC. proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus% 8n
the medial surface of the tibia
Note: Dr. /u /ei-0ing gi$es the distances of #& -1213 from the
medial malleolus as 21411, cun and puts the points posterior to
the tibia. The diagram of the medial aspect of the leg in Dr. J.
#a$ier0s boo5 clearl( sho!s the #i$er and *pleen meridians
sharing the same path!a( bet!een * 2 and * 4% !ith #&
-1213 at 21411, AC. and * 2131416 at '1316117.
Aeedlin! (1) B< insertion .?81 cun
() 9? insertion directed pro7imally to$ards the a"domen, 18
Function C 5i Cleft point C 4irst &id3 +ramps- spasms-
urine retention
C 0preads the Liver 1i
and re!ulates the lo$er .iao
C &e!ulates #lood
and 1i
C Drains Damp
C &elieves pain
C Frees 4 channels 4 connectin!
C &emoves channel o"structions
Aame=G& Central Metropolis
=hon)3 center, central, middle
%u3 metropolis, capital, mar(et
&lternate 'ames3 6entral 6left,
0upreme Jin,
;reat Jin
Zhong: is the same meanin! as in L& 9.
Du: Eetropolis, capitol. This is also a very corrupt meanin! of
the $hole, "ecause the capital city is a representation of the
$hole of the country to$ard $hich all the richness of the
country is directed. %t also means a"undance or fullness for the
same reason. %n the capital city you have the richness of art
and architecture, a richness of culture. 0o it also can mean
ele!ant. %n the 6hinese commentaries, it is said to "e a place
$here all the po$er of the L& conver!es, so this is re*ected in
the name capital city $hich is $here all thin!s conver!e. There
is a concentration of #lood and Ki at this point to ma(e the
thic(ness of the *esh. %t is from this center of the capitol that
all re!ulation and communication is done to ensure the
prosperity of the country. %n L& 9 is the esta"lishment of a
territory $ith "oundaries. %n L& ? there is the net$or( of
communication and irri!ation. %n L& 6, on the "asis of the t$o
previous points, a capital city is esta"lished.
L& 6 Eiddle 6apital
This point revitali5es the $hole "ody. %t lifts a person up and
!ives him a loo( around.
%tHs very po$erful "oth spiritually and mentally.
%tHs fortifyin! and stren!thenin!.
@;: )LetHs !et some plans !oin!.+ This is a center of activity
$hich helps center a person in his=her creative .uices. %t
hei!htens and stren!thens. %t helps a person 'll up his=her
space $ith his=her o$n creativity. 2se in acute situations, itHs
$here 1i and "lood conver!e. This point is a !reat resource
$hen you need some "alance (li(e a fe$ cords of $ood
stac(ed in the "ac(yard.
L& ? %nsect Ditch
4 . 5
Location >n the medial surface of the le!
1 /6% pro7imal to the prominence of the medial
3osterior to the ed!e of the ti"ia
17 AC. proximal to the prominence of the medial
1 AC. posterior to * 6
.n the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle
Note: Dr. /u /ei-0ing gi$es the distances of #& -1213
from the medial malleolus as 21411, cun and puts the
points posterior to the tibia. The diagram of the medial
aspect of the leg in Dr. J. #a$ier0s boo5 clearl( sho!s the
#i$er and *pleen meridians sharing the same path!a(
bet!een * 2 and * 4% !ith #& -1213 at 21411, AC. and
* 2131416 at '1316117.
Aeedlin! B< insertion 18 cun
Function C Dispels ,ind8Damp

C Dispels ,ind and relieves pain
C #ene'ts the (nee and rela7es the sine$s
C Frees the channels and connectin! vessels
C Disinhi"its the .oints
Aame=G& >nee 6oint
5i3 (nee
9uan3 .ointF !ate, pass,
This point name implies the presence of the passa!es for
(nee articulation.
@;: This is a physical level point and is !ood for (nee
pro"lems, particularly medial (nee pain and cartila!e
L& 6 Eiddle 6apital
,ater- #oni?+ation- Sea ! . 3/5
Location >n the medial surface of the (nee
3osterior to the medial condyle of the ti"ia
6lose to the e7tremity of the crease formed $hen the (nee is
(-ai!: #et$een and .ust posterior to the condyles of the ti"ia
and femur)
osterior to the edge of the tibia
.n the depression formed superior to the medial end of the
popliteal crease !hen the 5nee is fexed% osterior to the
medial epicond(le of the tibia% Anterior to the tendon of the
semimembranosus muscle
Note: This lies posterior to the location of #& 4 gi$en in
+eridians and oints% !hich is a Japanese location.
Aeedlin! B<or sli!htly posterior insertion 181.? cun
Function C ,ater point
C #oni?+ation point C Sea point
C 6lears lo$er .iao damp8heat
C Frees the lo$er "urner
C %nvi!orates #lood and "ene'ts the uterus
C #ene'ts
the !enitals
C Aourishes #lood and Jin
C Disinhi"its the #ladder

C #ene'ts the #ladder
C Drains Liver Fire
C 0oothes the sine$s
and 1uic(ens the connectin! vessels
Aame=G& Sprin) at the Bend
Qu3 "end, curve, curved
Quan3 sprin!, $ater source
The meanin! here is that at this point the L& meridian, in
enterin! the depths and curvin!, is ma(in! a ne$ source or
sprin! of vitality $hich no$ develops itself alon! the inner face
of the thi!h. There is a similarity "et$een the character Kuan
here and in name of N% 1 and -T 1. There are a lot of other
points $ith this character Kuan. This character is also used for
the sources of the Jello$ &iver, $hich are in the nether re!ions
in ancient 6hinese "elief. 0o there is some (ind of spirit life in
this area. %t $as thou!ht the spirits and souls of the deceased
d$elt thereat the &iverHs source. %n some te7ts, e.!. in the Lin!
0hu, it says you have to "end your (nee to locate it $ell, so the
point name indicates this, that you have to "end the le!. %t is
not only that you 'nd the point this $ay, "ut the ener!y of the
point actually manifests in this curvin! movement. /fter this
point, the other points on the inner thi!h imply this same
movement of the hidden po$er of the L& meridian. This name
also deals $ith (nee articulation and increases the movement
of the L& meridian to$ard the innermost.
L& I 6roo(ed 0prin!
This point has a !enerali5ed efectF itHs 1uite po$erful "ut
not spirit oriented.
%tHs for "ad fear, an!er, irritation, indecision, insta"ility,
.ealousy, depression, $hen a person cannot stand chan!es
in environment or company, and is in a rut.
2se it $hen the #ody=Eind is very "rittleMcanHt ta(e one
more trial or tri"ulation.
@;: This point is !reat for the eyes and is an e7cellent point
for (nee pro"lems. The pain in the (nee can "e from too
much ,ater88su"mer!ed, loose footin!, so!!y, damp $ith
,oodHs clarity o"scured. %t can also "e from too little
$ater888"rittleness and thirst.
L& I 6roo(ed 0prin!
5 . 3
Location >n the medial surface of the thi!h
? /6% pro7imal to the *e7ure of the (nee
#et$een the sartorius and the vastus medialis
2 cun abo$e the 5nee fexure
8n the medial border of the sartorius
"et!een the $astus medialis and sartorius muscles
Note: The Chinese gi$e the location of #& 6 as ' cun
abo$e the medial epicond(le of the femur% !hich is the
same as 2 cun abo$e the 5nee fexure
Aeedlin! B<or 9? insertion 18 cun
Function C /d.usts menstruation and re!ulates the lo$er .iao
C 6ourses the Liver and recti'es 1i
C /d.usts 6hon! Eo and 6:
C Disinhi"its the lo$er .iao
Aame=G& @in Bladder
@in3 yin, the complement of
Bao3 to $rap, to envelopF "a!,
Yin: Jin of Jin=Jan!, complementary of Jan!. 0ecret,
hidden, mysterious, shado$. To e7press inside the "ody
$hat is not e7posed immediately to perception. This
character re*ects the location of the point on the yin side
of the thi!h, movin! little "y little to the most private part
of the "ody.
Bao: To $rap up, to envelope, to encircle, in order to
contain, to conceal. #y this movement of envelopin!,
there is a contract, a responsi"ility, to ta(e care of $hat is
$rapped. Gtymolo!ically spea(in!, $e have the ima!e of
a man $ho "ends over to enfold an o".ect $ith his $hole
"ody. 0o, this is also a representation of the em"ryo
$hich is enveloped "y the $oman. %t is a !reat po$er and
responsi"ility, to envelope and to protect, to "e in char!e
and responsi"le for the $ell8"ein! of $hat $e envelope.
%n the "ody of a $oman #ao is uterus. This is also part of
the name of 3ericardium, that $hich envelopes and
protects the most precious aspect of my life, the -eart.
This name points to "oth the location of the point and to
the function of the L& meridian in terms of the
!ynecolo!ical function as related to the 6hon! Eai.
L& B Jin ,rappin!
/natomically spea(in!, at the level of this point, there is a
(ind of hollo$, a"le to contain and envelope somethin!.
The indications for use of this point are pain in the lo$er
a"domen $ith pain comin! from coccy7F diLculty in
urinationF spermatorrheaF and dysmenorrhea. The only
other point $ith #ao in its name is 03 1 and that re*ects
a (ind of envelopin! and protection of the center, of the
-eart. L& B refers more to the lo$er a"domen.
L& B Jin ,rappin!
5 . 5
Location >n the anterior surface of the thi!h
Lateral to the adductor lon!us
@ust medial to the femoral artery
1 /6% distal to the *e7ure of the !roin
, cun lateral to the anterior median line% 7 cun directl( inferior
to *T 79
1 cun belo! #& 11% 8n the lateral border of the adductor longus
.nferior to the pubic tubercle% To expose the adductor longus%
adduct the leg
Note: The locations for #& 6-1, gi$en in +eridians and oints
can be found in Dr. /u /ei-ing0s boo5
Aeedlin! B<or 9? insertion .?81.? cun
Function C 6lears Damp -eat and "ene'ts the lo$er .iao
C 0oothes the sine$s and 1uic(ens the connectin! vessels
Aame=G& 4oot 4i(e *i
=u3 foot, lo$er le!
,u3 've, 'fth
Li: Eile. Eeasure of distance "et$een t$o villa!es. :illa!e.
-amlet. The villa!e is the 'rst human or!ani5ation of life. The
character contains the ima!e of a 'eld, $ith lots of irri!atin!
ditches. %n 6hina, nearly every$here, irri!ation is needed for
a!riculture. The idea of this character is a small hamlet $ith a
fe$ families lin(ed to!ether to cultivate thin!s and to or!ani5e
the smallest structure of human social life. /nother meanin! is
t$o villa!es lin(ed "y roadsF the distance "et$een the villa!es.
Aei!h"orhood. 6ountry, countryside. This character also
represents the striation on a piece of @ade or $ood if you .oin it
$ith the character for @ade.
The @ade contains $ithin it, the ima!e the artist forms from it.
There are striations of color and purity in the @ade $hich
indicate the nature of the piece of @ade. %f you are chiselin! the
@ade, "y o"servin! the striations, if you are a !ood artist, you
can see the inner variation of color and the structure of this
piece, and you can carve it to "rin! forth these uni1ue 1ualities.
This is the outer manifestation sho$in! the inner structure. %t is
true of the human "ody too. From the outside you can see the
inner "ein! of the person, and you can also see his fate. Jou
can dia!nose "y the te7ture of the s(in, $hat or!an is stron!er
than the others, etc. 0o this character Li re*ects the inner
structure or inner character of all livin! thin!s. %f you add to Li
to the character for clothes, the meanin! is under!armentF
in$ardF the movement of comin! inside. 0o Li re*ects this idea
of the inner structure of life.
L& 1< Five Eiles
,u, this ima!e of the Five indicates a crossin! of the motion
"et$een -eaven and Garth, or Jin and Jan!, or /"ove and
#elo$. The overall meanin! indicates the measurement for
'ndin! the point, and also a very inner or!ani5ation, perhaps of
the 've 5an!, or the 've movements of life. These point names
are never .ust an indication of distance, there is al$ays an
additional meanin!. Three and 've are the most important
sym"olic num"ers for life. Three is ma(in! the presence of life
and 've is or!ani5in! the life that sho$s up.
L& 1< Five Eiles
3 . 3
Location >n the *e7ure of the !roin
@ust lateral to the femoral artery
, cun lateral to the anterior median line
, cun directl( inferior to *T 79
1 cun belo! #& 1,
8n the lateral border of the adductor longus
.nferior to the pubic tubercle
To expose the adductor longus% adduct the leg
Note: The locations for #& 6-1, gi$en in +eridians and
oints can be found in Dr. /u /ei-ing0s boo5
Aeedlin! B<or 9? insertion .?81.? cun
Function C #ene'ts the uterus
C &e!ulates 6hon! Eo and 6:
C 0oothes the sine$s and 1uic(ens the connectin!
Aame=G& @in Corner
@in3 yin, the complement of
*ian3 an!le, corner, side, rid!e
Yin: L& 1< is "et$een t$o points that contain the
character yin, $hich indicates that the 1uality of 1i in the
meridian in this area is in$ard8movin!.
Lian: /n!le, corner. 0uch a corner is also the meetin! of
t$o $alls, $hich ma(e a more interestin! place, and also
a (ind of limit and articulation of the space. The
character also means pure, honest, reasona"le, modest,
$ithout corruption, mentally spea(in! especially. /
scrupulous e7amination of $hat is really needed for life.
This point name indicates the location at the inner side of
the thi!h $here it arrives at the corner of the !roin. /t
this place of meetin!, at this corner, there is a $ay of
assessin! $hat passes throu!h this area in moderation. %t
has to do $ith se7uality and all this vitality comin!
throu!h this area that is re!ulated "y the Liver.
2seful for !ynecolo!ical pro"lems: to assist durin!
child"irthF to re!ulate deliveryF to help the pace, to
moderate the pace as appropriate. This point ensures
that nothin! is tense or held up.
L& 11 Jin /n!le
This is an e7cellent point for easin! child"irth. %t lends
rela7ation and eliminates impurities.
L& 11 Jin /n!le
5 . 3
Location >n the *e7ure of the !roin
/6% lateral to the mid8line of the pu"ic symphysis
,.- cun lateral to the anterior median line% #ateral and inferior
to *T 79
.n the inguinal groo$e !here the pulse of the femoral arter( is
8n the inferolateral corner of the pubic crest
Note: The locations for #& 6-1, gi$en in +eridians and oints
can be found in Dr. /u /ei-ing0s boo5
Aeedlin! Eedial, sli!htly 9? insertion, .?8.I cun
A Care should Be taCen to a(oid penetratin) the femoral (ein.
#he Essential Questions ad(ises that this point should onl Be
treated with mo7a. Modern te7ts- howe(er- sa that mo7a is
+ontraindi+ated and that the point should Be treated B
needlin) A
Function C Gliminates 6old from the Liver channel
C #ene'ts
the lo$er .iao
C Frees the channels
Aame=G& Dr)ent $ulse
6i3 ur!ent, hastyF an7iousF acute
Mai3 vesselF pulse
&lternate 'ame ;oat /rro$
Ji: 2r!ent, hasty, hurried, an7ious, acute, emer!ency.
6ontraction of muscles.
Mai: 3ulseF meridianF net$or( of circulation of "lood and 1iF
net$or( for animation, percepti"le throu!h the pulse. The
1uality of the circulation of "lood and 1i throu!h this net$or( is
percepti"le at the pulse. 3ulse. 6urrent of animation.
Eeridian, vessel. /ll the Luo vessels are mai, etc. There is the
idea that here there is some (ind of acceleration in the net$or(
of animation. This point does not appear in ancient te7ts. %t is
not even in 1P
century "oo(s. /ccordin! to some traditions, it
$as not diferent from L&11 for a lon! time. To diferentiate
"et$een the t$o aspects of the L& meridian in this area,
"et$een moderation and acceleration, this point $as located
$ith a special location and a special name. %t is in relationship
$ith the passa!e of the L& meridian in this area $here there is
a masterin! place for all muscles in the "ody, an essential
muscle. %t is in this area, that the L& meridian is said, in 6hapter
1< of the Lin! 0hu, to command the muscular forces inside the
"ody. 0o this is an important point for the animation of the
muscular forces inside the "ody. This is $here the
manifestation of the muscular forces of the "ody is o"vious.
,hen the L& is held "ac( "y oppression and sta!nation, there
are mental symptoms of madness, and there are also symptoms
in the muscles, the 'rst of them "ein! the contraction of the
L& 1 -asty 3ulse
muscles at level of the !enitals. The name of this point is
related to all of that.
2se it $hen a person is a terri"le lon! term planner and
$hose creations donHt really come to fruition.
This point has a deep path$ay throu!h the testicles=va!ina
to 6: , ma(in! it useful to pain in the lo$er .iao and in
in*uencin! the !enitals.
/lso use it for physical and emotional pro"lems around
This point is used for a!itation in a personHs $hole "ein!
$hich is re*ected in the pulse. Gverythin! is done too
%tHs also useful to eliminate to7ins.
L& 1 -asty 3ulse
S$ &larm- <eunion- ;nfuential point- %ai Mo !/E
. 0/2F
Location /t the anterior tip of the 11
Just inferior and anterior to the tip of the 11
Aeedlin! <or 9? insertion medially or laterally (alon! the line of
the ri") .?81 cun
A %eep GF needlin) ma dama)e an enlar)ed li(er
or spleen A
Function C Spleen &larm point
C <eunion3 "#- >;- 9B- *<- *D- S$ C ;nfuential
$oint3 @in Or)ans
C &e!ulates the middle and lo$er .iao
-armoni5es the L& and 03
C Forti'es the 03
4 0T
C 0preads the L& 4
re!ulates 1i
C 6ourses the Liver and recti'es 1i
C &elieves
retention of food
C Kuic(ens the "lood and transforms stasis
Aame=G& Camphorwood 9ate
=han)3 complete (an essay)F a
chapterF a strain
of musicF the *at area on top of a
Men3 !ate, door
&lternate 'ame &ear
6amphor$ood ;ate,
Gl"o$ Tip, Lon! Level, Free &i"s,
Lard #one8
-ole, 0pleen Eu
Zhang: 6ontains the character for musical note and the
num"er ten, $hich is also a sym"ol of a !ood totality, of
perfection. %f a piece of music is perfect, it is "ecause it is
very $ell composed $ith all the respect of the la$s of
musical $ritin!. The same thin! is true for literature.
Gach chapter in !ood literature is nicely $ritten and 'ts
into the totality of the $hole to create "eauty. Men:
Door, !ate, lar!ely open "ecause it is a picture of t$o
leaves of a door. %t is not a "ac( doorF it is a !reat door, a
front door. %t is related to the heavenly po$er. 0maller
doors are related to the earthly po$er. This is the same
character for !ate as in Ein! Een. %t re*ects the idea of
no"ility. ;uan is also a !ate and uses the same sym"ol,
"ut has a "arrier included in the character, so there is a
sense of more control over $hat comes in and out. ;uan
L& 13 6hapter ;ate
refers more to the !ate of a city, !uarded, closed.
,hereas Een is the !ate of a house, more open, less
controlled as to $ho enters and e7its.
Liver 13 and 19 are the only t$o points on the "ody
$here there is one !ate after anotherMtheyHre very
useful to use to!ether.
This point is po$erful on all 3 levels "ut is mainly for
the mind.
%f the mind is stuc(, it is a !ate $hose 1uality initiates
chan!e, helps the patient turn a chapter. %tHs a
po$erful spirit point !ivin! hope and vision.
%t has the punch of an /G3.
@;: %f there is constraint and "loc(a!e, this point helps
a person step throu!h to a ne$ "e!innin! or openin!
for them. %t has a lot to do $ith the ad.ustment
"et$een the L& and 03 (encroaches or fails), crampin!
in intestines, "loatin!. %t smoothes and opens up the
1i, relievin! sta!nation.
L& 13 6hapter ;ate
E7it- *< &larm- <eunion- @in ,ei Mo 4 . 5/0
Location >n the inferior ed!e of the thoracic ca!e
>n the paramedian nipple line
The point lies at the level half $ay "et$een 6: 11 and 6:
(-ai!: >n the inferior ed!e of the thoracic ca!e
@ust medial to the tip of the 1<
>n or near the paramedian nipple line)
.n the 2
intercostal space
Directl( inferior to the nipple
' cun lateral to the anterior median line
Directl( superior to )" ,'
Note: The origin of #& 1' as half!a( bet!een C: 11 ; 1,
is un5no!n
Note: An alternati$e location is on the inferior edge of
the thoracic cage% just medial to the inferior border of the
rib !here its costal cartilage meets the 19
directl( inferior to the nipple. #i$er 1' in this location is
approximatel( the same distance from the apex of the
joined ribs as this apex it is to #& 17. This is illustrated in
&(odora5u Treatment b( Dr. +asa(oshi <(odo and Dr. J.
#a$ier0s boo5.
Aeedlin! 9? medial or lateral insertion .?81 cun
A %eep GF or 45 needlin) ma +ause a
$neumothora7 A
Function C E7it point
C *i(er &larm point
C <eunion3 *<- *D- S$ 1: @in ,ei Mo a++. to %2
C 0preads the Liver and re!ulates 1i
C 6alms the Liver and disinhi"its 1i
C %nvi!orates #lood and disperses masses
C 6ools #lood
C Dispels patho!ens and heat from the uterus
C Transforms phle!m and disperses stasis
C -armoni5es the Liver and 0tomach
C #ene'ts the 0tomach
C -armoni5es mid sta!e patterns
Aame=G& C+le 9ate
Qi3 period, cycleF one hundred
yearsF e7pectF
one year
Men3 !ate, door
L& 13 6hapter ;ate
&lternate 'ame Liver Eu
Qi3 / date (or place) '7ed for an appointmentF periodF
cycle. To e7pect. &ende5vous. The 'rst Gmperor of the
-an dynasty used to !o inco!nito in the ni!ht to the hot
places in the city. -e used to ma(e an appointment $ith
the oLcers of the !uard at a certain !ate of the palace in
order to snea( out uno"served. The name !iven to this
door in the imperial palace is Ki Een.
Men3 ;ate (same as L& 13)
%n ancient times, the moon $as used to '7 a date to
arran!e a meetin! or a rende5vous. L& 19 is the
rende5vous of the circulation of the t$elve meridians. %t
helps to re!ulate the circulation of the #lood, throu!h the
circulation of Ki. (The monthly rende5vous of the #lood8
menses). /t this point there is a relationship $ith the
menstrual cycle, and this (ind of re!ularity that the L&
!overns. This point has to do $ith this (ind of initiation of
the ne7t cycle of ener!y, $hich also indicates its .oinin!
$ith the Lun! meridian $hich is traditionally the
"e!innin! of the 6hinese cloc(. %t is the e7treme of yin
$hich "e!ins to turn to yan!. The end of the one cycle is
the "e!innin! of the ne7t cycle. This is a (ind of 'nal
openin! of the Liver for the continued re!ulation of the
circulation of Ki and #lood, and the 've 5an!.
L& is the only yin meridian that rises to the top of the
head (in the deep path$ay). >ther yin meridians (e7cept
the -T) do not pass a"ove the mouth. The L& meridian
points end very lo$ in the middle heater. This is "ecause
the L& is very easy to stimulate, so it is "etter not to
stimulate it too hi!h. The 0T meridian continues in lieu of
the L& up$ards from L& 19 (the deep path$ay of the L&
follo$s the 0T meridian). This point $or(s $ith the 0T
meridian. %t helps to clear e7cess heat=yan! and heat in
the #lood.
L@ /natomically, this is the hi!hest point on the liver
meridian. L& 19 empo$ers the 1uality of aspiration. -ere
at the top of the tree the "ranches reach up to touch
heaven. -eaven is represented "y the G=G connection to
this point to the lun! meridian at L2 1. -ence, this point
may address "oth the virtues of aspiration (liver) and
inspiration (lun!s). ;ate of -ope empo$ers a person to
(eep her eyes turned to$ard the future $ith optimism,
and may "e useful for treatin! the person $ho canHt see
the li!ht at the end of the tunnel. % often com"ine this
L& 19 ;ate of -ope
point $ith L& 1 in an attempt to inte!rate "oth lofty (L&
19) and fundamental (L& 1) vision.
2se this point $hen there is total resi!nation, the
patient is ready to !ive up. The patient can see not
"irth, no !ro$th and he=she doesnHt $ant to plan for
the future. There is mental torture, shuttin! of. There
is no elation, no ful'llmentMthe person is achievin!
"ut all achievements are empty.
>penin! up this !ate "rin!s rene$ed hope. This is the
closest thin! to a $indo$ point on the Liver. %tHs !ood
for a very distinctive )!loomy+ 1uality, characteri5ed
"y "ein! in$ard turned, an!ry and hopeless. Dar(
clouds, ne!ative future, no hope.
%t can "e used $ith L: 13 if someone (eeps ma(in! the
same mista(e, !ivin! rise to disappointment.
Thin( of this as a !ate of frustration if $e canHt !et
$hat $e $ant. %tHs a !ate that needs to "e opened in
order for a person to enter the Eiddle palace (L2 1)F a
"loc(a!e here means that they have no hope of
reachin! the palace, the center $ithin themselves, the
;od $ithin.
L& 13 6hapter ;ate

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