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Directory of Law Governing Appointment of

Coune! in State Civi! "rocee#ing

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Ta.!e of Content
Pre0ace......................................................................................................................................................... 1
La) #//re--ing #,thori1a2on or 3e4,ire*ent to #''oint Co,n-el in S'eci5c 67'e- o0 Ci8il Procee/ing-.2
1. S9:L6:3.............................................................................................................................................. 2
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-...........................................................2
2. S<S6:N#NC:...................................................................................................................................... 2
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-...........................................................2
3. S#":6= #N;(>3 9:#L69....................................................................................................................3
#. ;o*e-2c ?iolence Protec2on >r/er Procee/ing-.........................................................................3
@. Con-er8ator-hi', #/,lt A,ar/ian-hi', or #/,lt Protec28e Procee/ing-........................................3
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-...............................................................3
State Co,rt 3,le- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Co,rt 3,le-....................................................%
C. Ci8il Co**it*ent or In8ol,ntar7 Bental 9ealth 6reat*ent Procee/ing-.....................................%
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-...............................................................%
State Co,rt 3,le- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Co,rt 3,le-....................................................5
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on .....................5
;. SeC >Den/er Procee/ing-..............................................................................................................5
:. In8ol,ntar7 E,aran2ne, Inoc,la2on, or Sterili1a2on Procee/ing-.................................................5
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-...............................................................5
%. C9IL; C<S6>;=..................................................................................................................................5
#. #''oint*ent o0 Co,n-el 0or ParentFState-Ini2ate/ Procee/ing-................................................5
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te- ..............................................................5
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-...........................................................6
State Co,rt 3,le- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Co,rt 3,le-....................................................
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on ....................
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Co,rtG- Inherent #,thorit7........................................................9
@. #''oint*ent o0 Co,n-el 0or ParentFPri8atel7 Ini2ate/ Procee/ing-...........................................9
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on .....................9
C. #''oint*ent o0 Co,n-el 0or Chil/FState-Ini2ate/ Procee/ing-.................................................10
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-.........................................................10
State Co,rt 3,le- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Co,rt 3,le-..................................................11
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on ..................11
;. #''oint*ent o0 Co,n-el 0or Chil/FPri8atel7 Ini2ate/ Procee/ing-...........................................11
5. BISC:LL#N:><S.............................................................................................................................. 11
#. Ci8il Conte*'t Procee/ing-.........................................................................................................11
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on ..................11
@. Paternit7 Procee/ing-..................................................................................................................12
C. Procee/ing- 0or H,/icial @7'a-- o0 Parental Con-ent 0or Binor to >+tain an #+or2on...............12
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-.............................................................12
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on ..................12
;. <nacco*'anie/ Binor- in I**igra2on Procee/ing-..................................................................13
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-.............................................................13
:. Procee/ing- In8ol8ing Clai*- +7 an/ #gain-t Pri-oner-...............................................................13
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-.............................................................1%
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on ..................1%
". "or0eit,re Procee/ing-.................................................................................................................1%
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on ..................15
La) #//re--ing #,thori1a2on or 3e4,ire*ent to #''oint Co,n-el in Ci8il Procee/ing- Aenerall7..........16
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-.....................................................................16
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-..................................................................16
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Co,rtG- Inherent #,thorit7...............................................................1
Important Informa+on to Rea# Before @ing T%i Directory
6he ABA Directory of Law Governing Appointment of Counsel in State Civil Proceedings
I;irector7J i- a co*'ila2on o0 eCi-2ng -tat,tor7 'ro8i-ion-, ca-e la), an/ co,rt r,le- re4,iring
or 'er*iKng L,/ge- to a''oint co,n-el 0or ci8il li2gant-. 6he ;irector7 con-i-t- o0 51 /etaile/
re-earch re'ort-Fone 0or each -tate 'l,- ;.C.Fthat 're-ent in0or*a2on organi1e/ +7 t7'e- o0
ci8il 'rocee/ing-. Prior to ,-ing the ;irector7, 'lea-e rea/ the Introducton, at the ;irector7G-
ho*e 'age, 0or the rea-on- +ehin/ the /e8elo'*ent o0 the ;irector7, the 8ario,- -o,rce- o0
a,thorit7 0ro* )hich L,/icial 'o)er- to a''oint co,n-el in ci8il 'rocee/ing- *a7 /eri8e, an/
the -tr,ct,re ,-e/ to organi1e in0or*a2on )ithin each o0 the re-earch re'ort-.
Term of @eADic!aimer
6hi- ;irector7 -ho,l/ not +e con-tr,e/ a- 'ro8i/ing legal a/8ice an/ the #@# *ake- no
)arran2e- concerning the in0or*a2on containe/ therein, )hich ha- +een ,'/ate/ to reMect
the la) thro,gh earl7 2012. 6he ;irector7 /oe- not -eek to a//re-- all concei8a+le -,+-i/iar7
i--,e- in each L,ri-/ic2on, +,t -o*e -,ch i--,e- )ere re-earche/ an/ a//re--e/, incl,/ing:
no25ca2on o0 right to co,n-el! -tan/ar/- 0or )ai8er o0 right to co,n-el! -tan/ar/ o0 re8ie) on
a''eal 0or i*'ro'er /enial o0 co,n-el at trial! )hether Nco,n-elO 0or a chil/ *ean- a client-
/irecte/ a&orne7 or a N+e-t intere-t-O a&orne7(a&orne7 a/ lite*! an/ 0e/eral co,rt /eci-ion-
5n/ing a right to co,n-el. Si*ilarl7, the re-earch /i/ not eCha,-28el7 i/en207 all la) regar/ing
the i--,e o0 co*'en-a2on o0 a''ointe/ co,n-el in each L,ri-/ic2on, tho,gh /i-c,--ion o0 -,ch
la) /oe- a''ear )ithin -o*e o0 the re'ort-.
6he ;irector7 a&e*'t- to i/en207 a- N,n',+li-he/O an7 co,rt /eci-ion- not ',+li-he/
)ithin an oPcial or ,noPcial ca-e re'orter. ;i-c,--ion o0 ,n',+li-he/ ca-e- a''ear- onl7 0or
tho-e L,ri-/ic2on- )here co,rt r,le- c,rrentl7 'er*it their cita2on in +rie0- or o'inion-.
Li*ita2on- on the ,-e o0 ,n',+li-he/ o'inion- 8ar7 +7 L,ri-/ic2on Ie.g., )hether ,n',+li-he/
ca-e- ha8e 8al,e a- 'rece/entJ, an/ -,ch li*it- )ere not eCha,-28el7 re-earche/. <-er- -ho,l/
con/,ct in/e'en/ent, L,ri-/ic2on--'eci5c re-earch +oth to con5r* )hether a ca-e i- ',+li-he/
an/ to 0a*iliari1e the*-el8e- )ith all r,le- rela2ng to the cita2on an/ ,-e o0 ,n',+li-he/ or
,nre'orte/ ca-e-.
6hi- ;irector7 )a- a *,l2-7ear 'roLect o0 the #@#G- Stan/ing Co**i&ee on Legal #i/
an/ In/igent ;e0en/ant- ISCL#I;J. Qe are in/e+te/ to o,r 'artner in thi- 'roLect, the Na2onal
Coali2on 0or a Ci8il 3ight to Co,n-el INCC3CJ, 0or -haring the +o/7 o0 re-earch that )a- a/a'te/
to 0or* the ;irector7G- re'ort-. 6he Acnowledgments, at the ;irector7G- ho*e 'age, /etail-
a//i2onal -'eci5c contri+,2on- o0 the *an7 in/i8i/,al- in8ol8e/ in thi- 'roLect.
Law A##reing Aut%oriBa+on or Re4uirement to Appoint Coune! in
SpeciCc Type of Civi! "rocee#ing
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
6he 0e/eral "air 9o,-ing #ct, containe/ )ithin 6itle ?III o0 the Ci8il 3ight- #ct o0 1968,
'ro8i/e- that NRaSn aggrie8e/ 'er-on *a7 co**ence a ci8il ac2on in an a''ro'riate <nite/
State- /i-trict co,rt or State co,rtT.O %2 <.S.C. U 3613 IaJI1JI#J. ",rther, NR,S'on a''lica2on
+7 a 'er-on alleging a /i-cri*inator7 ho,-ing 'rac2ce or a 'er-on again-t )ho* -,ch a 'rac2ce
i- allege/, the co,rt *a7-- I1J a''oint an a&orne7 0or -,ch 'er-onT.O %2 <.S.C. U 3613I+J.
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
6itle ?II o0 the Ci8il 3ight- #ct o0 196% 'rohi+it- e*'lo7*ent /i-cri*ina2on. Qhile
nearl7 all 6itle ?II clai*- are +ro,ght in 0e/eral co,rt, the <.S. S,'re*e Co,rt ha- -'eci5e/ that
-tate co,rt- ha8e conc,rrent L,ri-/ic2on )ith 0e/eral co,rt- 0or 6itle ?II clai*-. !ellow "reig#t
System Inc$ v$ Donnelly, %9% <.S. 820, 826 I1990J.
6itle ?II 'ro8i/e- that NR,S'on a''lica2on +7 the co*'lainant an/ in -,ch circ,*-tance-
a- the co,rt *a7 /ee* L,-t, the co,rt *a7 a''oint an a&orne7 0or -,ch co*'lainantT.O %2
<.S.C. 2000e-5I0JI1J. In Poinde%ter v$ "BI, the ;.C. Co,rt o0 #''eal- o+-er8e/:
6itle ?IIV- 'ro8i-ion 0or a&orne7 a''oint*ent )a- not incl,/e/ -i*'l7 a- an
aWertho,ght! it i- an i*'ortant 'art o0 6itle ?IIV- re*e/ial -che*e, an/ there0ore co,rt-
ha8e an o+liga2on to con-i/er re4,e-t- 0or a''oint*ent )ith care. In ac2ng on -,ch
re4,e-t-, co,rt- *,-t re*ain *in/0,l that a''oint*ent o0 an a&orne7 *a7 +e e--en2al
0or a 'lain2D to 0,l5ll Nthe role o0 Xa 'ri8ate a&orne7 general,G 8in/ica2ng a 'olic7 Xo0 the
highe-t 'riorit7.G T >nce the 'lain2D ha- triggere/ the a&orne7 a''oint*ent 'ro8i-ion,
Nco,rt- *,-t gi8e -erio,- con-i/era2onO to the 'lain2DV- re4,e-t T -,ch /i-cre2onar7
choice- are not leW to a co,rtV- Xinclina2on, +,t to it- L,/g*ent! an/ it- L,/g*ent i- to
+e g,i/e/ +7 -o,n/ legal 'rinci'le-.GT ",rther*ore, in eCerci-ing thi- /i-cre2on, the
co,rt -ho,l/ clearl7 in/icate it- /i-'o-i2on o0 the re4,e-t 0or a''oint*ent an/ it- +a-i-
0or that /i-'o-i2on.
3 ".2/ 113, 1183-85 I;.C. Cir. 198%J.
A, Dome+c ?io!ence "rotec+on Or#er "rocee#ing
No la) co,l/ +e locate/ regar/ing the a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el 0or in/igent li2gant- in
/o*e-2c 8iolence 'rotec2on or/er 'rocee/ing-.
B, Conervator%ip/ A#u!t Guar#ian%ip/ or A#u!t "rotec+ve "rocee#ing
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
I0 a N8,lnera+le a/,ltO re4,ire- a 'rotec28e -er8ice inter8en2on,
he or -he i- en2tle/ to
+e re're-ente/ +7 co,n-el at the hearing /eter*ining )hether -,ch -er8ice- are nece--ar7, an/
Nthe co,rt -hall a''oint legal co,n-el to re're-ent a 8,lnera+le a/,lt )ho i- )itho,t legal
re're-enta2on.O "la. Stat. U %15.1051I1JIcJI2J Y U I2JI0JI2J.
<'on a 'e22on to /eter*ine )hether a 'er-on i- inca'acitate/ Ia 're/ece--or -te' to
"la. Stat. U %%.331 'ro8i/e- that
IaJ Qhen a co,rt a''oint- an a&orne7 0or an allege/ inca'acitate/ 'er-on, the co,rt
*,-t a''oint the oPce o0 cri*inal conMict an/ ci8il regional co,n-el or a 'ri8ate
a&orne7 a- 're-cri+e/ in -. 2.511I6J. # 'ri8ate a&orne7 *,-t +e one )ho i- incl,/e/ in
the a&orne7 regi-tr7 co*'ile/ ',r-,ant to -. 2.%0. #''oint*ent- o0 'ri8ate a&orne7-
*,-t +e *a/e on a rota2ng +a-i-, taking into con-i/era2on conMict- ari-ing ,n/er thi-
I+J 6he co,rt -hall a''oint an a&orne7 0or each 'er-on allege/ to +e inca'acitate/ in all
ca-e- in8ol8ing a 'e22on 0or a/L,/ica2on o0 inca'acit7. 6he allege/ inca'acitate/
'er-on *a7 -,+-2t,te her or hi- o)n a&orne7 0or the a&orne7 a''ointe/ +7 the co,rt.
# 'rotec28e -er8ice inter8en2on i- a hearing in )hich the co,rt /eter*ine- )hether, a- a re-,lt o0 a+,-e,
neglect, or NeC'loita2on,O an a/,lt i- in nee/ o0 'rotec28e -er8ice- +7 the -tate, -,ch a- 'lace*ent in a/,lt 0a*il7-
care ho*e-, a--i-te/ li8ing 0acili2e-, n,r-ing ho*e-, or Nother a''ro'riate 0acili2e-.O "la. Stat.. U %15.1051I3J. See
also id$ U %15.1051I1J I/e-cri+ing none*ergenc7 'rotec28e -er8ice- inter8en2on-J.
In re "ey, 62% So.2/ 0, 2 n.1 I"la. #''. 1993J IN"lori/a Pro+ate 3,le 5.550I+JI1JI@J 'ro8i/e- that the re4,i-ite
no2ce o0 5ling the 'e22on to /eter*ine inca'acit7 -hall -tate Xthat an a&orne7 ha- +een a''ointe/ to re're-ent
-,ch 'er-on!G th,-, the a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el *,-t +e acco*'li-he/ at the 8er7 on-et o0 g,ar/ian-hi'
'rocee/ing-, a- o''o-e/ to an7 2*e +e0ore 5nal hearing.OJ
IcJ #n7 a&orne7 re're-en2ng an allege/ inca'acitate/ 'er-on *a7 not -er8e a- g,ar/ian
o0 the allege/ inca'acitate/ 'er-on or a- co,n-el 0or the g,ar/ian o0 the allege/
inca'acitate/ 'er-on or the 'e22oner.
I/J :Dec28e Han,ar7 1, 200, an a&orne7 -eeking to +e a''ointe/ +7 a co,rt 0or
inca'acit7 an/ g,ar/ian-hi' 'rocee/ing- *,-t ha8e co*'lete/ a *ini*,* o0 8 ho,r- o0
e/,ca2on in g,ar/ian-hi'. # co,rt *a7 )ai8e the ini2al training re4,ire*ent 0or an
a&orne7 )ho ha- -er8e/ a- a co,rt-a''ointe/ a&orne7 in inca'acit7 'rocee/ing- or a-
an a&orne7 o0 recor/ 0or g,ar/ian- 0or not le-- than 3 7ear-. 6he e/,ca2on re4,ire*ent
o0 thi- 'aragra'h /oe- not a''l7 to the oPce o0 cri*inal conMict an/ ci8il regional
co,n-el ,n2l H,l7 1, 2008.
>ne o0 the "lori/a Co,rt o0 #''eal- ha- -ai/ that the 0ail,re to a''oint co,n-el in -,ch
'rocee/ing- i- re8er-i+le error. &artne' v$ Cramer, --- So.3/ ----, 2013 QL %006526 I"la. #''.
2013J Ici2ng In re "ey, 62% So.2/ 0, 2 I"la. #''. 1993J. Co,n-el i- al-o 'ro8i/e/ 0or re8ie)
o0 the g,ar/ian-hi'. "la. Stat. U %%.%6%I2JIeJ. #//i2onall7, "la. Stat. U %%.3031 'ro8i/e- that
co,n-el *,-t +e a''ointe/ 0or e*ergenc7 g,ar/ian-hi' 'rocee/ing-.
State Co,rt 3,le- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Co,rt 3,le-
"la. Pro+. 3. 5.6%9IcJ 'ro8i/e- that NR)Sithin 3 /a7- aWer a 'e22on ha- +een 5le/, the
co,rt -hall a''oint an a&orne7 to re're-ent a 'er-on )ith a /e8elo'*ental /i-a+ilit7 )ho i- the
-,+Lect o0 a 'e22on to a''oint a g,ar/ian a/8ocate. 6he 'er-on )ith a /e8elo'*ental /i-a+ilit7
*a7 -,+-2t,te hi- or her o)n a&orne7 0or the a&orne7 a''ointe/ +7 the co,rt.O
C, Civi! Commitment or Invo!untary Menta! Dea!t% Treatment "rocee#ing
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
Qhen an in/igent 'er-on i- *entall7 /i-a+le/ an/ re4,ire- in8ol,ntar7 a/*i--ion to
re-i/en2al -er8ice-, he or -he i- en2tle/ to a''ointe/ co,n-el at +oth the ca'acit7
/eter*ina2on, "la. Stat. U 393.12, an/ the hearing to /eter*ine in8ol,ntar7 a/*i--ion, id$ U
393.11I6J. Co,n-el *,-t al-o +e a''ointe/ 0or in/igent 'eo'le -,+Lect to 'e22on- 0or
in8ol,ntar7 o,t'a2ent 'lace*ent, see id$ U 39%.%655I%J, or in'a2ent 'lace*ent, see id$ U

In Au%ier v$ (erome Golden Center for Be#avioral )ealt#, 85 So.3/ 116% I"la. #''. 2012J, a )ar/G- A#L co**ite/
the )ar/ an/ then o''o-e/ a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el 0or the )ar/, arg,ing that the A#LG- o)n a&orne7 co,l/
re're-ent the )ar/. 6he Co,rt o0 #''eal- hel/ that the a&orne7 a''ointe/ ',r-,ant to U 39%.%6I%J re're-ent-
the )ar/, not an7 A#L that the )ar/ *ight ha8e.
In/igent 'ar2e- al-o ha8e the right to co,rt-a''ointe/ co,n-el in 'rocee/ing- regar/ing
in8ol,ntar7 -,+-tance a+,-e treat*ent. See id$ U 39.681I2J.
State Co,rt 3,le- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Co,rt 3,le-
"la. 3. H,8. P. 3,le 8.350IaJI6JI 2011J 'ro8i/e- that, )here the -tate -eek- to 'lace a
/e'en/ent chil/ in *ental health 0acilit7, NRiS0 the /e'art*entV- *o2on, the g,ar/ian a/ lite*V-
re'ort, or another 'art7 +a-e/ on co**,nica2on )ith the chil/ in/icate- that the chil/ /oe-
not agree )ith the /e'art*entV- *o2on, then the co,rt -hall a''oint an a&orne7 to re're-ent
the chil/, i0 one ha- not alrea/7 +een a''ointe/.O
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on
6he "lori/a S,'re*e Co,rt ha- 0o,n/ a right to co,n-el 0or ci8il co**it*ent. Pullen v$
State, 802 So.2/ 1113, 1119 I"la. 2001J INQhile the right to a''ointe/ co,n-el in @aker #ct
in8ol,ntar7 ci8il co**it*ent 'rocee/ing- i- 'ro8i/e/ +7 "lori/a -tat,te, the con-2t,2onal
g,arantee o0 /,e 'roce-- )o,l/ re4,ire no le--.OJ. 6ho,gh the co,rt /i/ not -'eci07 )hich
con-2t,2on it )a- rel7ing on, it- cita2on to 0e/eral ca-e- )o,l/ -,gge-t it )a- a hol/ing ,n/er
the 0e/eral con-2t,2on.
D, SeE OFen#er "rocee#ing
"la. Stat. U 39%.916I3J -'eci5e- that in 'rocee/ing- 0or in8ol,ntar7 ci8il co**it*ent o0
-eC,all7 8iolent 're/ator-, NRaSt all a/8er-arial 'rocee/ing- ,n/er thi- act, the 'er-on -,+Lect to
thi- act i- en2tle/ to the a--i-tance o0 co,n-el, an/, i0 the 'er-on i- in/igent, the co,rt -hall
a''oint the ',+lic /e0en/er or, i0 a conMict eCi-t-, other co,n-el to a--i-t the 'er-on.O

E, Invo!untary Guaran+ne/ Inocu!a+on/ or Steri!iBa+on "rocee#ing
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
I0 an in/igent 'er-on i- to +e ho-'itali1e/ or 'lace/ in i-ola2on /,e to t,+erc,lo-i-, -he
or he ha- the right to a''ointe/ co,n-el at the hearing. See id$ U 392.56I3JIcJ.
A, Appointment of Coune! for "arentHState0Ini+ate# "rocee#ing
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
"lori/a -tat,te- 'ro8i/e in/igent 'arent- )ith a right to co,n-el in all /e'en/enc7
'rocee/ing-. "la. Stat. U 39.013I1J INParent- *,-t +e in0or*e/ +7 the co,rt o0 their right to
co,n-el in /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing- at each -tage o0 the /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing-. Parent- )ho
are ,na+le to aDor/ co,n-el *,-t +e a''ointe/ co,n-el.OJ! see also id$ U 39.013I9J I/e-cri+ing
co,rtG- re-'on-i+ili2e- ,n/er thi- 'ro8i-ionJ. 6here i-, ho)e8er, a -'lit o0 a,thorit7 a- to
)hether the ter* N'arentO in U 39.013I1J incl,/e- the non-oDen/ing 'arent. See In re A$G$, %0
So.3/ 908 I"la. #''. 2010J I5n/ing non-oDen/ing 'arent i- en2tle/ to a''ointe/ co,n-el, an/
/i-agreeing )ith C$L$*$ v$ Department of C#ildren + "amilies, 913 So.2/ 6% I"la. #''. 2005JJ.
;e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing- oWen /eter*ine )hether chil/ren )ill +e 'lace/ in -helter-
te*'oraril7 or )hether 'arental right- )ill +e ter*inate/ 'er*anentl7, an/ -tat,te- eC're--l7
*an/ate a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el in each o0 the-e 'ar2c,lar circ,*-tance-. See id$ U
39.013I10J INCo,rt-a''ointe/ co,n-el re're-en2ng in/igent 'arent- at -helter hearing- -hall +e
'ai/ 0ro* -tate 0,n/- a''ro'riate/ +7 general la).OJ! id$ U 39.%02I5JI+JI2J I/,ring hearing- to
/eter*ine the 'lace*ent o0 chil/ren in -helter-, Ni0 in/igent, the 'arent- ha8e the right to +e
re're-ente/ +7 a''ointe/ co,n-elOJ. Id$ U 39.80I1JIaJ IN6he co,rt -hall a''oint co,n-el 0or
in/igent 'arent-O 0or all -tage- o0 ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- 'rocee/ing-J.
I0 a 'arent 8ol,ntaril7 -,rren/er- right- to a chil/, "lori/a -tat,tor7 la) /oe- not 'ro8i/e
a right to co,n-el in /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing-. See "la. Stat. U 39.80 I2011JI/J Iright to co,n-el
not a''lica+le Nto an7 'arent )ho ha- 8ol,ntaril7 eCec,te/ a )ri&en -,rren/er o0 the chil/ an/
con-ent to the entr7 o0 a co,rt or/er there0or.OJ See also (ustce Admin$ Comm,n v$ Goe-el, 32
So. 3/ 86, 8 I"la. #''. 2010J IN@eca,-e the *other eCec,te/ a )ri&en -,rren/er, -he ha/
no right to a''ointe/ co,n-el 0or her ter*ina2on 'rocee/ing.OJ. #l-o, gran/'arent- /o not
ha8e a -tat,tor7 right to co,rt-a''ointe/ co,n-el in /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing-. (ustce
Administratve Com,n v$ Grover, 12 So. 3/ 1256 I"la. #''. 2009J. # legal g,ar/ian )ho i- not a
'arent -i*ilarl7 lack- a -tat,tor7 right 0or a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el. B$&$ v$ Dep,t of C#ildren +
"amilies, 8%2 So. 2/ 936, 93 I"la. #''. 2003J IN#- @.;. i- not a 'arent o0 the-e chil/ren, there i-
no 0,n/a*ental li+ert7 intere-t o0 a 'arent in8ol8e/ in the-e 'rocee/ing-.OJ.
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
6he 0e/eral In/ian Chil/ Qel0are #ct IICQ#J, )hich go8ern- chil/ )el0are 'rocee/ing- in
-tate co,rt,
In an7 ca-e in )hich the co,rt /eter*ine- in/igenc7, the 'arent or In/ian c,-to/ian -hall
Qhile the ICQ# /oe- not a''ear to ha8e a /e5ni28e -tate*ent a+o,t L,ri-/ic2on, 25 <.S.C. U 1912I+J re0er- to
-tate la) not 'ro8i/ing 0or a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el. #//i2onall7, 25 <.S.C. U 1912I+J -tate-: NIn an7 in8ol,ntar7
'rocee/ing in a State co,rt, )here the co,rt kno)- or ha- rea-on to kno) that an In/ian chil/ i- in8ol8e/, the
'art7 -eeking the 0o-ter care 'lace*ent o0, or ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- to, an In/ian chil/ -hall no207 the
'arent or In/ian c,-to/ian an/ the In/ian chil/V- tri+e, +7 regi-tere/ *ail )ith ret,rn recei't re4,e-te/, o0 the
'en/ing 'rocee/ing- an/ o0 their right o0 inter8en2on.O 6he-e 'ro8i-ion-, 'l,- the 0act that chil/ )el0are
'rocee/ing- t7'icall7 occ,r in -tate co,rt, -,gge-t that ICQ# a''lie- in -tate la) 'rocee/ing-.
ha8e the right to co,rt-a''ointe/ co,n-el in an7 re*o8al, 'lace*ent, or ter*ina2on
'rocee/ingT.Qhere State la) *ake- no 'ro8i-ion 0or a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el in -,ch
'rocee/ing-, the co,rt -hall 'ro*'tl7 no207 the Secretar7 ,'on a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el,
an/ the Secretar7, ,'on cer25ca2on o0 the 're-i/ing L,/ge, -hall 'a7 rea-ona+le 0ee-
an/ eC'en-e- o,t o0 0,n/- )hich *a7 +e a''ro'riate/ ',r-,ant to -ec2on 13 o0 thi-
25 <.S.C. U 1912I+J.
State Co,rt 3,le- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Co,rt 3,le-
#ccor/ing to "la. 3. H,8. P. 3,le 8.320 I2011J, NRaSt each -tage o0 the /e'en/enc7
'rocee/ing the co,rt -hall a/8i-e the 'arent o0 the right to ha8e co,n-el 're-ent. 6he co,rt
-hall a''oint co,n-el to in/igent 'arent- or other- )ho are -o en2tle/ to a- 'ro8i/e/ +7 la),
,nle-- a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el i- )ai8e/ +7 that 'er-on.O "la. 3 H,8. P. 8.51 Icreate/ in 2013J
-'eci5e- that trial co,n-el cannot )ith/ra) aWer a /e'en/enc7 or ter*ina2on o0 'arental
right- or/er ,n2l /eter*ining )hether the 'arent )ant- to a''eal, an/ i0 -o, ,n2l an or/er
a''oin2ng a''ellate co,n-el ha- +een entere/.
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on
In the -e*inal 're-Lassiter
ca-e o0 In t#e Interest of D$B$ and D$S$, 385 So. 2/ 83 I"la.
1980J, the "lori/a S,'re*e Co,rt 0o,n/ that /,e 'roce-- ,n/er +oth the "lori/a an/ <.S.
Con-2t,2on- re4,ire- the a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el onl7 )here chil/ /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing-
re-,lt in the 'er*anent lo-- o0 'arental c,-to/7 Ii.e., are e--en2all7 co*+ine/ )ith a
ter*ina2on 'rocee/ingJ or )here Nthe 'rocee/ing-, +eca,-e o0 their nat,re, *a7 lea/ to
cri*inal chil/ a+,-e charge-.O 6he co,rt co**ente/ that Nthere are n,*ero,- t7'e- o0
L,8enile /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing-, +,t all concern the care, not the ',ni-h*ent, o0 the chil/.
So*e 'ro8i/e 8er7 te*'orar7 t7'e- o0 relie0 an/ c,-to/7, )hile other /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing-
'er*anentl7 ter*inate the c,-to/7 an/ care o0 a chil/.O Id. at 90. 6he co,rt reiterate/ it-
general en/or-e*ent o0 the *,l2-0actor te-t en,nciate/ in Potvin v$ .eller, 313 So. 2/ 03 I"la.
195J, )hich in-tr,cte/ co,rt- to )eigh 8ario,- criteria )hen /eter*ining the nee/ 0or co,n-el,
incl,/ing the 'oten2al length o0 'arent-chil/ -e'ara2on, the /egree o0 'arental re-tric2on- on
8i-ita2on, )hether there )a- 'arental con-ent, )hether there )ere /i-',te/ 0act-, an/ the
co*'leCit7 o0 the 'rocee/ing. See Potvin, 313 So. 2/ at 06.
6he co,rt 0o,n/, ho)e8er, that
Lassiter v$ Department of Social Services, %52 <.S. 18, 25 I1981J I5n/ing no a+-ol,te "o,rteenth #*en/*ent right
to co,n-el in ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- 'rocee/ing-J.
Potvin in t,rn /re) it- te-t largel7 0ro* Cleaver v$ /ilco%, %99 ".2/ 9%0 I9th Cir. 19%J. #- note/ earlier, the right
to a''ointe/ co,n-el ha- -ince +een -tat,toril7 eCten/e/ to all /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing- +7 "la. Stat. U 39.013 an/
in S$B$ v$ Dep0t$ of C#ildren + "amilies, 851 So. 2/ 689, 692 I"la. 2003J, the co,rt note/ that "la. Stat. U 39.013I1J
N-,'er-e/e-O the Potvin 0actor- +7 'ro8i/ing an a+-ol,te right to co,n-el in all /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing-.
+eca,-e there i- a con-2t,2onall7 'rotecte/ intere-t in N're-er8ing the 0a*il7 ,nit an/ rai-ing
oneG- chil/ren,O In re D$B$, 385 So. 2/ at 90, the Potvin calc,l,- al)a7- *an/ate- a''oint*ent
o0 co,n-el 0or the 'arent )hen ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- i- at -take: NR#S con-2t,2onal
right to co,n-el nece--aril7 ari-e- )here the 'rocee/ing- can re-,lt in 'er*anent lo-- o0
'arental c,-to/7. In all other circ,*-tance- the con-2t,2onal right to co,n-el i- not
concl,-i8e! rather, the right to co,n-el )ill /e'en/ ,'on a ca-e-+7-ca-e a''lica2on o0 the te-t
a/o'te/ in Potvin . . . .O Id$ at 8.
6he D$B$ co,rt concl,/e/ +7 no2ng that it )a- not /e'ar2ng 0ro* 0e/eral 'rece/ent:
N6he right to co,n-el in L,8enile /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing- ha- not +een a//re--e/ +7 the <nite/
State- S,'re*e Co,rt. ",rther, onl7 one 0e/eral a''ellate co,rt, the Ninth Circ,it in Cleaver v$
/ilco%, ha- )ri&en on the i--,e, an/ )e ha8e a/here/ to their 8ie).O Id$ at 9%. @,t -ince
Lassiter, the "lori/a S,'re*e Co,rt ha-, )itho,t eC're--l7 no2ng the conMict,

reaPr*e/ it-
8ie) that, )hen ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- are at -take, -tate /,e 'roce-- al)a7- *an/ate-
a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el 0or the 'arent. See ($B$ 8. "lorida Dept$ of C#ildren and "amily Services,
68 So. 2/ 1060, 106-68 I"la. 2000J! In re 1$)$, 609 So. 2/ 1289, 1290 I"la. 1992J.
#''l7ing the Potvin 0actor-, an inter*e/iate a''ellate co,rt 0o,n/ that /,e 'roce--
re4,ire/ co,n-el to +e 'ro8i/e/ in a /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing e8en )hen ter*ina2on o0
'arental right- )a- not at -take )hen the in/igent 'arent )a- *entall7 ill an/ th,- lacke/ the
a+ilit7 to re're-ent her-el0 eDec28el7. See L$/$ v$ Dep,t$ of )ealt# and *e#a2ilitatve Services,
695 So. 2/ 2% I"la. #''. 1996J. #n/ in /#ite v$ Department of )ealt# and *e#a2ilitatve
Services, %83 So. 2/ 861 I"la. #''. 1986J, the co,rt 0o,n/ that the 'arent- at i--,e )ere en2tle/
to a''ointe/ co,n-el at e8er7 -tage o0 the /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing- )here their a/*i--ion-
/,ring the /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing Nre-,lte/ in an a/L,/ica2on o0 their a+,-e an/ neglect
I)hich are t)o gro,n/- 0or 'er*anent co**it*entJ an/ re-,lte/ in 'lace*ent o0 the t)in- in
a 0o-ter ho*e )here lack o0 'arental 8i-ita2on re-,lte/ in a charge o0 a+an/on*ent Ia thir/
gro,n/ 0or 'er*anent co**it*entJ an/ re-,lte/ in a 'er0or*ance agree*ent Ithe 0ail,re to
'er0or* +eing a 0o,rth gro,n/ 0or 'er*anent co**it*entJ.O See also In re *$/$, %29 So. 2/
11, 12 I"la. #''. 1983J Iin /e'en/enc7 ca-e, NR*Serel7 in0or*ing an in/igent 'arent o0 the
right to a--i-tance o0 co,n-el, an/ re0erring that 'arent to a legal ai/ oPce, )hile )ithhol/ing
co,rt a''oint*ent an/ 0ailing to e-ta+li-h a kno)ing )ai8er o0 recor/, /oe- not 'a--
con-2t,2onal *,-ter.OJ But see In Interest of ($L$C$, 501 So. 2/ 92, 93 I"la. #''. 198J I'er
c,ria*J IreLec2ng *otherG- arg,*ent that 0ail,re to 'ro8i/e co,n-el ,n2l ter*ina2on
'rocee/ing 8iolate/ /,e 'roce--! co,rt cite- to D$B$ an/ note- that Nit /oe- not a''ear that the
trial co,rtV- /eter*ina2on )a- +a-e/ on e8i/ence 're8io,-l7 a//,ce/ at a /e'en/enc7 hearing
at )hich the *other )a- not re're-ente/ +7 co,n-elOJ.

>ne inter*e/iate a''ellate co,rt /i/ note the conMict -hortl7 aWer Lassiter )a- /eci/e/. See In re D$D$/$, %00
So. 2/ 1310, 1311 I"la. #''. 1981J.
In S$B$ v$ Dep0t of C#ildren and "amilies, 851 So. 2/ 689, 69% I"la. 2003J, in )hich co,n-el
)a- a''ointe/ ',r-,ant to -tat,te in a chil/ /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing, the "lori/a S,'re*e
Co,rt hel/ that NR+Seca,-e there i- no con-2t,2onal right to co,n-el ,n/er the circ,*-tance-
o0 thi- ca-e, )e like)i-e 5n/ that there i- no right to collaterall7 challenge the eDec28ene-- o0
co,n-el.O 9o)e8er, there *ight +e a right to eDec28e a--i-tance in ca-e- )here the right to
co,n-el i- con-2t,2onall7 +a-e/. In In re 1$.$, 33 So. 3/ 125, 12 I"la. 2/ ;C# 2010J, the
Secon/ ;i-trict Co,rt o0 "lori/a took ,' thi- i--,e an/ calle/ Na right to eDec28e co,n-elO one
)itho,t a N*ean- +7 )hich to en0orce that right.O 6he co,rt note/ that )hile the -tate
-,'re*e co,rt ha/ not hel/ that an in/i8i/,al ha- a right to eDec28e co,n-el, Nit a''ear- that a
'arent )ho i- con-2t,2onall7 en2tle/ to a''ointe/ co,n-el in a ter*ina2on 'rocee/ing i-
i*'licitl7 en2tle/ to e3ectve a--i-tance o0 co,n-el.O Id$ at 12. 6he co,rt o,tline/ the hi-tor7
o0 the 'ro+le* in "lori/a co,rt- an/ -o,ght cer25ca2on on the i--,e. Id$ It a''ear- that none
o0 the 'ar2e- in 1$.$ re4,e-te/ that the S,'re*e Co,rt acce't L,ri-/ic2on on cer25ca2on, an/
no ac2on )a- taken on the i--,e. See ;e+orah #. Schroth, *ole of t#e Lawyer in Dependency
Cases, H<?L "L-CL: 10-1 I2011J.
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Co,rtG- Inherent #,thorit7
In &aemson v$ &artn County, %91 So. 2/ 1109, 1112 I"la. 1986J, the "lori/a S,'re*e
Co,rt hel/ that the co,rt ha- the a,thorit7 to eCcee/ legi-la28el7 *an/ate/ -tat,tor7 0ee ca'-
in or/er to en-,re rea-ona+le co*'en-a2on 0or a&orne7- )ho ha/ +een a''ointe/ to
re're-ent in/igent client- in cri*inal ca-e-. In Board of County Com,rs of )ills2oroug# County
v$ Curry, 5%5 So.2/ 930 I"la. #''. 1989J, a "lori/a Co,rt o0 #''eal- eCten/e/ the rea-oning o0
&aemson to non-ca'ital ca-e-, no2ng that the +a-i- 0or the &aemson /eci-ion )a- Nthe
L,/iciar7V- inherent 'o)er to en-,re a/e4,ate re're-enta2on 0or in/igent cri*inal /e0en/ant-
+7 co*'etent co,n-el, regar/le-- o0 )hether the /e0en/ant ha- +een charge/ )ith a ca'ital
cri*e.O ",rther, the Scruggs co,rt eCten/e/ &aemson to ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- ca-e-
/,e to the 0,n/a*ental right- at -take an/ -,gge-te/ that it )o,l/ reach a -i*ilar hol/ing in
an7 t7'e o0 ca-e )here co,n-el )a- con-2t,2onall7 re4,ire/. See Id$
B, Appointment of Coune! for "arentH"rivate!y Ini+ate# "rocee#ing
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on
In a /eci-ion that in8ol8e/ the ter*ina2on o0 a 0atherG- 'arental right- ',r-,ant to a
conte-te/ a/o'2on 'rocee/ing, the co,rt o0 a''eal- in the Secon/ ;i-trict 0o,n/ that Nan
in/igent legal 'arent i- en2tle/ to a''ointe/ co,n-el in an a/o'2on 'rocee/ing that in8ol8e-
the in8ol,ntar7 ter*ina2on o0 hi- or her 'arental right- . . . .O 4$A$)$ v$ *$L$A., 12 So. 2/ % I"la.
#''. 1998J. In 4$A$)$, the co,rt 0o,n/ that altho,gh the a''lica+le -tat,te ',r-,ant to )hich
the 0atherG- 'arental right- )ere to +e ter*inate/ I"la. Stat. U 63.02J Ire'eale/ in 2001J /i/
not contain an eC're-- -tat,tor7 right to co,n-el, ,n/er "lori/aG- ;,e Proce-- Cla,-e, the 0ather
)a- nonethele-- en2tle/ to co,n-el, N)hen the 'rocee/ing- can re-,lt in a 'er*anent lo-- o0
'arental right-.O Id. at 10. In reaching it- /eci-ion, the co,rt in 4$A$)$ al-o 0o,n/ that an
a/o'2on 'rocee/ing, an/ the re-,l2ng ter*ina2on o0 'arental right-, i- not ',rel7 a 'ri8ate
/i-',te an/ that the State ha- eCcl,-i8e a,thorit7 to ter*inate legal rela2on-hi' o0 a 'arent
an/ chil/, an/ that thi- a,thorit7 i- a N-tate ac2on -,Pcient to in8oke /,e 'roce-- concern-.O
Id. at 8. 3egar/ing -tate ac2on, the co,rt relie/ ,'on <.S. S,'re*e Co,rt 'rece/ent in &$L$B$
v$ S$L$(., 519 <.S. 102, 11 n.8 I1996J. See also &$1$.$ v$ *$L$.., 921 So. 2/ 8 I"la. #''. 2006J
Iin a/o'2on ca-e, "iWh ;i-trict hol/- that trial co,rt in a/o'2on ca-e erre/ in 0ollo)ing Lassiter
in-tea/ o0 4$A$)$J! In t#e Interest of &$C$, 899 So. 2/ %86 I"la. #''. 2005J IreaPr*ing 4$A$)J!
G$C$ v$ /$($, 91 So.2/ 998, 999 I"la. #''. 2005J I"ir-t ;i-trict ca-e )here co,rt 0ollo)e/ 4$A$)J.
C, Appointment of Coune! for C%i!#HState0Ini+ate# "rocee#ing
"e/eral Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
6he In/ian Chil/ Qel0are #ct IICQ#J, )hich go8ern- chil/ )el0are 'rocee/ing- in -tate
'ro8i/e- the 0ollo)ing )ith regar/ to an7 re*o8al, 'lace*ent, or ter*ina2on o0
'arental right- 'rocee/ing:
6he co,rt *a7, in it- /i-cre2on, a''oint co,n-el 0or the chil/ ,'on a 5n/ing that -,ch
a''oint*ent i- in the +e-t intere-t o0 the chil/. Qhere State la) *ake- no 'ro8i-ion 0or
a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el in -,ch 'rocee/ing-, the co,rt -hall 'ro*'tl7 no207 the
Secretar7 ,'on a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el, an/ the Secretar7, ,'on cer25ca2on o0 the
're-i/ing L,/ge, -hall 'a7 rea-ona+le 0ee- an/ eC'en-e- o,t o0 0,n/- )hich *a7 +e
a''ro'riate/ ',r-,ant to -ec2on 13 o0 thi- 2tle.O
25 <.S.C. U 1912I+J.
6he 0e/eral Chil/ #+,-e Pre8en2on an/ 6reat*ent #ct IC#P6#J 'ro8i/e-:
# State 'lan -,+*i&e/ ,n/er 'aragra'h I1J -hall contain a /e-cri'2on o0 the ac28i2e-
that the State )ill carr7 o,t ,-ing a*o,nt- recei8e/ ,n/er the grant to achie8e the
o+Lec28e- o0 thi- -,+cha'ter, incl,/ingF TI@J an a--,rance in the 0or* o0 a cer25ca2on
+7 the Ao8ernor o0 the State that the State ha- in eDect an/ i- en0orcing a State la), or
Qhile the ICQ# /oe- not a''ear to ha8e a /e5ni28e -tate*ent a+o,t L,ri-/ic2on, 25 <.S.C. U 1912I+J re0er- to
-tate la) not 'ro8i/ing 0or a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el. #//i2onall7, 25 <.S.C. U 1912I+J -tate-: NIn an7 in8ol,ntar7
'rocee/ing in a State co,rt, )here the co,rt kno)- or ha- rea-on to kno) that an In/ian chil/ i- in8ol8e/, the
'art7 -eeking the 0o-ter care 'lace*ent o0, or ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- to, an In/ian chil/ -hall no207 the
'arent or In/ian c,-to/ian an/ the In/ian chil/V- tri+e, +7 regi-tere/ *ail )ith ret,rn recei't re4,e-te/, o0 the
'en/ing 'rocee/ing- an/ o0 their right o0 inter8en2on.O 6he-e 'ro8i-ion-, 'l,- the 0act that chil/ )el0are
'rocee/ing- t7'icall7 occ,r in -tate co,rt, -,gge-t that ICQ# a''lie- in -tate la) 'rocee/ing-.
ha- in eDect an/ i- o'era2ng a -tate)i/e 'rogra*, rela2ng to chil/ a+,-e an/ neglect
that incl,/e--- T ICiiiJ 'ro8i-ion- an/ 'roce/,re- re4,iring that in e8er7 ca-e in8ol8ing a
8ic2* o0 chil/ a+,-e or neglect )hich re-,lt- in a L,/icial 'rocee/ing, a g,ar/ian a/
lite*, )ho ha- recei8e/ training a''ro'riate to the role, incl,/ing training in earl7
chil/hoo/, chil/, an/ a/ole-cent /e8elo'*ent, an/ )ho *a7 +e an a&orne7 or a co,rt
a''ointe/ -'ecial a/8ocate )ho ha- recei8e/ training a''ro'riate to that role Ior +othJ,
-hall +e a''ointe/ to re're-ent the chil/ in -,ch 'rocee/ing-.O
%2 <.S.C. U 5106aI+JI2J.
State Co,rt 3,le- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Co,rt 3,le-
#ltho,gh "la. Stat. U 39.80I2JIaJ onl7 'ro8i/e- that NRtShe co,rt -hall a''oint a g,ar/ian
a/ lite* to re're-ent the +e-t intere-t o0 the chil/ in an7 ter*ina2on o0 'arental right-
'rocee/ing-,O "la. 3. H,8. P. 8.21IaJ 'ro8i/e-: N#t an7 -tage o0 the 'rocee/ing-, an7 'art7 *a7
re4,e-t or the co,rt *a7 con-i/er )hether an a&orne7 a/ lite* i- nece--ar7 to re're-ent an7
chil/ allege/ to +e /e'en/ent, i0 one ha- not alrea/7 +een a''ointe/.O "la. 3. H,8. P. 8.21I+J
a//- that NRtRhe co,rt *a7 a''oint an a&orne7 a/ lite* to re're-ent the chil/ in an7
'rocee/ing a- allo)e/ +7 la).O
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on
In the 're-Lassiter
ca-e o0 In t#e Interest of D$B$ and D$S$, 385 So. 2/ 83 I"la. 1980J, the
"lori/a S,'re*e Co,rt -,**aril7 0o,n/ that Nthere i- no con-2t,2onal right to co,n-el 0or the
-,+Lect chil/ in a L,8enile /e'en/enc7 'rocee/ing.O Id. at 91.
D, Appointment of Coune! for C%i!#H"rivate!y Ini+ate# "rocee#ing
No la) co,l/ +e locate/ regar/ing the a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el 0or chil/ren in 'ri8atel7
ini2ate/ chil/ c,-to/7 'rocee/ing-.
A, Civi! Contempt "rocee#ing
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on
6he "lori/a S,'re*e Co,rt reLecte/ a "o,rteenth #*en/*ent right to co,n-el in ci8il
conte*'t 'rocee/ing- /,e to a 0ail,re to 'a7 chil/ -,''ort. Andrews v$ /alton, %28 So. 2/ 663
Lassiter v$ Department of Social Services, %52 <.S. 18, 25 I1981J I5n/ing no a+-ol,te "o,rteenth #*en/*ent right
to co,n-el in ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- 'rocee/ing-J.
I"la. 1983J. 6he high co,rt rea-one/ that -ince ci8il conte*'t re4,ire/ a+ilit7 to 'a7 Ian/
)ill0,l 0ail,re to /o -oJ, tho-e 0acing thi- -anc2on )o,l/ ne8er +e -,Pcientl7 in/igent to *erit
a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el. Id$ at 666. 9o)e8er, one a''ellate co,rt -,+-e4,entl7 hel/ that
)here a conte*nor )ill0,ll7 or ,ninten2onall7 /i8e-t- hi*-el0(her-el0 o0 the a+ilit7 to 'a7, then
co,n-el i- re4,ire/ +eca,-e the conte*nor e--en2all7 no longer hol/- the ke7- to hi-(her o)n
'ri-on. Bowen v$ Bowen, %5% So. 2/ 565 I"la. #''. 198%J.
B, "aternity "rocee#ing
No la) co,l/ +e locate/ regar/ing the a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el 0or in/igent li2gant- in
'aternit7 'rocee/ing-.
C, "rocee#ing for Ku#icia! Bypa of "arenta! Conent for Minor to O.tain an
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
6he "lori/a Parental No2ce o0 #+or2on #ct, "la. Stat. U 390.0111%, 'ro8i/e- that a *inor
*a7 'e22on a "lori/a circ,it co,rt 0or a )ai8er o0 the no25ca2on re4,ire*ent- ,n/er the
a0ore*en2one/ #ct. <'on -,ch a 'e22on, Nthe co,rt -hall a/8i-e the *inor that -he ha- a
right to co,rt-a''ointe/ co,n-el an/ -hall 'ro8i/e her )ith co,n-el ,'on her re4,e-t at no co-t
to the *inor.O Id. U 390.0111%I%JIaJ.

State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on
6he -tate -,'re*e co,rt ha- 0o,n/ a''ointe/ co,n-el nece--ar7 in hearing-
/eter*ining the nee/ 0or 'arental con-ent to a+or2on. See In re 5$/$, 551 So. 2/ 1186, 1196
I"la. 1989J. 6he co,rt -tate/: NIn R'arental con-ent hearing-S )herein a *inor can +e )holl7
/e'ri8e/ o0 a,thorit7 to eCerci-e her 0,n/a*ental right to 'ri8ac7 R+7 o+taining an a+or2onS,
co,n-el i- re4,ire/ ,n/er o,r -tate con-2t,2on.O Id$ 6he co,rt note/ that the 'ro8i-ion o0
co,n-el in In re D$B$ )a- +a-e/ on the 0act that Nan in/i8i/,alG- intere-t in 're-er8ing the 0a*il7
,nit an/ rai-ing chil/ren i- 0,n/a*ental,O In re 5$/$, 551 So. 2/ at 1196, an/ th,- -ince Na
)o*anG- right to /eci/e )hether or not to con2n,e her 'regnanc7 con-2t,te- a 0,n/a*ental
con-2t,2onal right,O co,n-el i- -i*ilarl7 re4,ire/ )hene8er one can +e /e'ri8e/ o0 the
a,thorit7 to eCerci-e that right. Id$ 6he co,rt cite/ Indiana Planned Parent#ood A6liates Ass0n
v$ Pearson, 16 ".2/ 112, 1138 Ith Cir. 1983J, 0or that co,rtG- analogo,- rea-oning ,n/er
In 7ort# "lorida /omen,s )ealt# and Counseling Services, Inc$ v$ State, 866 So.2/ 612 I"la. 2003J, the "lori/a
S,'re*e Co,rt 0o,n/ that the no25ca2on re4,ire*ent 8iolate/ the 'ri8ac7 'ro8i-ion- o0 the "lori/a Con-2t,2on,
+,t in re-'on-e, the -tate a*en/e/ the con-2t,2on to -a7 that the legi-lat,re *a7 re4,ire 'arental no25ca2on
)itho,t 8iola2ng a 7o,ng )o*anV- -tate con-2t,2onal right o0 'ri8ac7, a- long a- the 'arental-no25ca2on la)
'ro8i/e- 0or certain eCce'2on- an/ a L,/icial +7'a--.
0e/eral la). In re 5$/$, 551 So. 2/ at 1196. In Pearson, the co,rt hel/ that Nthe -tat,te
i*'er*i--i+l7 0ail- to 'ro8i/e 0or the a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el to *inor-.O 16 ".2/ at 1138.
;e-'ite thi- cita2on to -,''or28e 0e/eral 'rece/ent, the In re 5$/$ co,rt *aintaine/ that it )a-
NeC're--l7 /eci/RingS thi- ca-e on -tate la) gro,n/-.O 551 So. 2/ at 1196.
#l-o at -take in 5$/$ )a- the 0act that the trial co,rt ha/ a''ointe/ co,n-el to act a-
g,ar/ian a/ lite* 0or a 0et,- in a L,/icial +7'a-- ca-e. 6he trial co,rt ha/ a''ointe/ co,n-el
/,e to the trial co,rtG- concern- that the +7'a-- -tat,te )a- ,ncon-2t,2onall7 8ag,e an/ that
*inor- -ho,l/ +e re4,ire/ to o+tain 'arental con-ent in all ca-e-. 6he g,ar/ian there0ore
ar2c,late/ the-e arg,*ent- e--en2all7 on +ehal0 o0 the co,rt. 6he "lori/a S,'re*e Co,rt hel/
that the a''oint*ent )a- Nclearl7 i*'ro'erO an/ that it )a- the #&orne7 AeneralG- Lo+ to
*ake -,ch challenge- to the -tat,te, not the co,rtG-.
6he "lori/a S,'re*e Co,rt 'a--e/ on
the 4,e-2on o0 )hether a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el 0or a 0et,- )o,l/ +e 'ro'er a+-ent *o28e +7
a L,/ge to challenge the con-2t,2onalit7 o0 the -tat,te.
D, @naccompanie# Minor in Immigra+on "rocee#ing
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
In ca-e- )here a chil/ IiJ ha- +een a/L,/icate/ /e'en/ent, IiiJ 0o,n/ not to +e a ci21en
o0 the <nite/ State-, IiiiJ i- 0o,n/ +7 the co,rt to +e eligi+le 0or N-'ecial i**igrant L,8enile
-tat,-O, an/ Ii8J -,ch -tat,- i- in the +e-t intere-t o0 the chil/, "la. Stat. U 39.505 re4,ire- that
the NR"lori/aS /e'art*ent Ro0 chil/ -er8ice-S, or co**,nit7-+a-e/ care 'ro8i/er s#all, directly
or t#roug# voluntary or contractual legal services, 5le a 'e22on 0or -'ecial i**igrant L,8enile
-tat,- an/ the a''lica2on 0or a/L,-t*ent o0 -tat,- to the a''ro'riate 0e/eral a,thori2e- on
+ehal0 o0 the chil/.O "la. Stat. U 39.505I5J Ie*'ha-i- a//e/J.
E, "rocee#ing Invo!ving C!aim .y an# Againt "rioner
Note that thi- /eci-ion eDec28el7 o8err,le/ a 'rior one 0ro* a "lori/a 0e/eral co,rt r,ling on 0e/eral gro,n/-.
(acsonville Clergy Consultaton Service, Inc$ v$ &artne', 0 ".S,''. 1301 IB.;. "la. 1989J.
NQe are co*'elle/ to co**ent on the trial L,/geV- 5n/ing that the co,rt, Xa- the onl7 en2t7 other)i-e in8ol8e/
RiSn the 'rocee/ing )hich co,l/ 'o--i+l7 'rotect the -tateV- intere-t,G co,l/ ha8e -tan/ing to challenge the
con-2t,2onalit7 o0 the -tat,te. <n/er no circ,*-tance- i- a trial L,/ge 'er*i&e/ to arg,e one -i/e o0 a ca-e a-
tho,gh he )ere a li2gant in the 'rocee/ing-. 6he -,r8i8al o0 o,r -7-te* o0 L,-2ce /e'en/- on the *aintenance o0
the L,/ge a- an in/e'en/ent an/ i*'ar2al /eci-ion*aker. # L,/ge )ho +eco*e- an a/8ocate cannot clai* e8en
the 'reten-e o0 i*'ar2alit7.O 5$/$, 551 So.2/ at 1190 n.3.
See also In re Guardians#ip of ($D$S$, 86% So.2/ 53% I"la. #''. 200%J IA#L 0or 0et,- not a''ro'riate +eca,-e A#L-
can onl7 +e a''ointe/ 0or N'er-on-O an/ 0et,- not a N'er-onO ,n/er la)J.
State Stat,te- an/ Co,rt ;eci-ion- Inter're2ng Stat,te-
# 0e) ca-e- ha8e a//re--e/ the reach o0 the ',+lic /e0en/erG- -co'e o0 re're-enta2on
in ci8il *a&er- in8ol8ing 'ri-oner-, *o-tl7 a- a 4,e-2on o0 )hether the ',+lic /e0en/er-
eCcee/e/ their -tat,tor7 a,thorit7. State e% rel$ enttes Smit# v$ Brummer, %%3 So. 2/ 95 I"la.
198%J Iha+ea- 'rocee/ing- not one o0 the t7'e- o0 'rocee/ing- -'eci5e/ in ',+lic /e0en/er
-tat,te, -o re're-enta2on ina''ro'riateJ! State e% rel$ Smit# v$ (orand2y, %98 So. 2/ 9%8 I"la.
1986J Ire're-enta2on ina''ro'riate 0or 'ri-onerG- *one7 /a*age- clai* again-t -tateJ!
Bent'el v$ State, 585 So. 2/ 1118 I"la. #''. 1991J I'er*iKng ',+lic /e0en/er re're-enta2on in
eCtra/i2on 'rocee/ing /,e to 'oten2al lo-- o0 li+ert7J! Gra#am v$ 8ann, 39% So. 2/ 16 I"la.
#''. 1981J I',+lic /e0en/erG- oPce N/i/ not eCi-t at co**on la) an/ i- a creat,re o0 #r2cle ?,
- 18, "lori/a Con-2t,2on, )ith no a,thorit7 o,t-i/e o0 that 'ro8i/e/ +7 -tat,te T. 6here are
c,rrentl7 58e cri*inal ac2on- 'en/ing again-t the 'e22oner-, an/ the >Pce o0 the P,+lic
;e0en/er ha- re're-ente/ each o0 the in/i8i/,al- )ithin the 'a-t 7ear. Qe cannot +elie8e that
it )a- legi-la28e intent that ,n/er -,ch circ,*-tance- the trial L,/ge i- 0ree to a''oint co,n-el,
+,t in -o /oing he *a7 not con-i/er the >Pce o0 the P,+lic ;e0en/er.OJ
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on
Aenerall7, a 'e22onerG- right to the a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el in 'o-tcon8ic2on
'rocee/ing- i- not an Norganic rightO an/ i- li*ite/ to either tho-e in-tance- -'eci5e/ +7 -tat,te
or tho-e rare -it,a2on- )here /,e 'roce-- re4,ire- it. See State v$ /ees, 166 So. 2/ 892 I"la.
196%J I)hile SiCth #*en/*ent /oe- not re4,ire a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el 0or 'o-tcon8ic2on
'rocee/ing-, N"iWh #*en/*ent /,e 'roce-- )o,l/ re4,ire -,ch a--i-tance i0 the 'o-t-
con8ic2on *o2on 're-ent- a''arentl7 -,+-tan2al *eritorio,- clai*- 0or relie0 an/ i0 the
allo)e/ hearing i- 'oten2all7 -o co*'leC a- to -,gge-t the nee/ T :ach ca-e *,-t +e /eci/e/
in the light o0 "iWh #*en/*ent /,e 'roce-- re4,ire*ent- )hich generall7 )o,l/ in8ol8e a
/eci-ion a- to )hether ,n/er the circ,*-tance- the a--i-tance o0 co,n-el i- e--en2al to
acco*'li-h a 0air an/ thoro,gh 're-enta2on o0 the 'ri-onerV- clai*-OJ! .eegan v$ State, 293 So.
2/ 351 I"la. 19%J I5n/ing no NeCce'2onal circ,*-tanceO 're-ent in 'e22onJ! 9lvano v$ State,
%9 So. 2/ 809 I"la. #'' 1985J Icri*inal trial co,n-elG- 'oten2al conMict o0 intere-t )arrante/
a''oint*ent o0 co,n-el 0or 'o-tcon8ic2on challenge to original re're-enta2onJ.
In Blac v$ *ouse, 58 So.2/ 1359, 1362 I"la. #''. 1991J, an a''ellate co,rt reLecte/ a
right to co,n-el 0or an in*ate challenging *e/ical treat*ent, ci2ng to Lassiter v$ Department of
Social Services, %52 <.S. 18 I1981J, to hol/ that Nin a ci8il ac2on a- o''o-e/ to a cri*inal ac2on,
a''ellant /oe- not ha8e a con-2t,2onal right to a''ointe/ co,n-el, ,nle-- the 'rocee/ing-
*a7 re-,lt in hi- 0ree/o* +eing c,rtaile/.O
$, $orfeiture "rocee#ing
State Co,rt ;eci-ion- #//re--ing Con-2t,2onal ;,e Proce-- or :4,al Protec2on
In a ca-e in8ol8ing 0or0eit,re o0 -ei1e/ ca-h, a "lori/a a''ellate co,rt -,**aril7 -tate/
that N)e reLect Plai-te/V- arg,*ent that the trial co,rt erre/ +7 0ailing to a''oint co,n-el to
re're-ent hi* in connec2on )ith hi- *o2on 0or ret,rn o0 'ro'ert7.O Plaisted v$ State, %6 So.3/
1%8, 150 I"la. #''. I2010J. 6he co,rt relie/ en2rel7 on 9nited States v$ /ade, 291 ".S,''.2/
131%, 1316-1 IB.;. "la. 2003J, )hich ha/ hel/ there i- no right to eDec28e a--i-tance o0
co,n-el in ci8il ca-e-.

Law A##reing Aut%oriBa+on or Re4uirement to Appoint Coune! in
Civi! "rocee#ing Genera!!y
State Statute an# Court Deciion Interpre+ng Statute
"la. Stat. U 29.00 I2011J INCo,rt-a''ointe/ co,n-elOJ 'ro8i/e-:
"or ',r'o-e- o0 i*'le*en2ng -. 1%, #rt. ? o0 the State Con-2t,2on Rrela2ng to 0,n/ing
o0 the L,/iciar7S, the ele*ent- o0 co,rt-a''ointe/ co,n-el to +e 'ro8i/e/ 0ro* -tate
re8en,e- a''ro'riate/ +7 general la) are a- 0ollo)-:
I1JPri8ate a&orne7- a''ointe/ +7 the co,rt to han/le ca-e- )here the /e0en/ant i-
in/igent an/ cannot +e re're-ente/ +7 the ',+lic /e0en/er or the oPce o0 cri*inal
conMict an/ ci8il regional co,n-el.
I2JQhen the oPce o0 cri*inal conMict an/ ci8il regional co,n-el ha- a conMict o0
intere-t, 'ri8ate a&orne7- a''ointe/ +7 the co,rt to re're-ent in/igent- or other cla--e-
o0 li2gant- in ci8il 'rocee/ing- re4,iring co,rt-a''ointe/ co,n-el in accor/ance )ith
-tate an/ 0e/eral con-2t,2onal g,arantee- an/ 0e/eral an/ -tate -tat,te-.
. . .
6hi- -ec2on a''lie- in an7 -it,a2on in )hich the co,rt a''oint- co,n-el to 'rotect a
li2gantG- /,e 'roce-- right-.
# 'ri8ate a&orne7 a''ointe/ +7 a co,rt ',r-,ant to U 29.00 I2011J N-hall +e
rei*+,r-e/ 0or rea-ona+le an/ nece--ar7 eC'en-e-O inc,rre/ /,ring re're-enta2on. "la. Stat. U
2.530% I2011J. "la. Stat. U 2.530% li-t- the Mat 0ee- to +e a)ar/e/ to 'ri8ate a&orne7-.
Co,n-el *a7 -eek co*'en-a2on in eCce-- o0 the Mat 0ee- li-te/ in U 2.530% onl7 i0
Nco*'en-a2on on an ho,rl7 +a-i- at a rate o0 [5.00 )o,l/ +e at lea-t /o,+le the Mat 0ee.O
(ustce Admin$ Comm,n v$ S#aman, 59 So. 3/ 1231 I"la. #''. 2011J.
$e#era! Statute an# Court Deciion Interpre+ng Statute
6he 0e/eral Ser8ice*e*+er- Ci8il 3elie0 #ct ISC3#J, )hich a''lie- to each -tate
an/ to
all ci8il 'rocee/ing- Iincl,/ing c,-to/7J,
I0 in an ac2on co8ere/ +7 thi- -ec2on it a''ear- that the /e0en/ant i- in *ilitar7 -er8ice,
50 #''. <.S.C.#. U 512IaJ -tate-, N6hi- #ct R-ec2on- 501 to 515 an/ 516 to 59+ o0 thi- #''en/iCS a''lie- to-- T
I2J each o0 the State-, incl,/ing the 'oli2cal -,+/i8i-ion- thereo0TO
50 #''. <.S.C. U 521IaJ -tate-, N6hi- -ec2on a''lie- to an7 ci8il ac2on or 'rocee/ing, incl,/ing an7 chil/ c,-to/7
'rocee/ing, in )hich the /e0en/ant /oe- not *ake an a''earance.O
the co,rt *a7 not enter a L,/g*ent ,n2l aWer the co,rt a''oint- an a&orne7 to
re're-ent the /e0en/ant. I0 an a&orne7 a''ointe/ ,n/er thi- -ec2on to re're-ent a
-er8ice*e*+er cannot locate the -er8ice*e*+er, ac2on- +7 the a&orne7 in the ca-e
-hall not )ai8e an7 /e0en-e o0 the -er8ice*e*+er or other)i-e +in/ the
50 #''. <.S.C. U 521I+JI2J.
#//i2onall7, 50 #''. <.S.C. U 522I/JI1J, )hich al-o a''lie- to all ci8il 'rocee/ing-
Iincl,/ing c,-to/7J,
-'eci5e- that a -er8ice *e*+er 're8io,-l7 grante/ a -ta7 *a7 a''l7 0or
an a//i2onal -ta7 +a-e/ on a con2n,ing ina+ilit7 to a''ear, )hile U 522I/JI2J -tate-: NI0 the
co,rt re0,-e- to grant an a//i2onal -ta7 o0 'rocee/ing- ,n/er 'aragra'h I1J, the co,rt -hall
a''oint co,n-el to re're-ent the -er8ice*e*+er in the ac2on or 'rocee/ing.O
State Court Deciion A##reing CourtL In%erent Aut%ority
In &aemson v$ &artn County, %91 So. 2/ 1109, 1112 I"la. 1986J, /i-c,--e/ supra Part
%.#, the "lori/a S,'re*e Co,rt hel/ that the co,rt ha- the a,thorit7 to eCcee/ legi-la28el7
*an/ate/ -tat,tor7 0ee ca'- in or/er to en-,re rea-ona+le co*'en-a2on 0or a&orne7- )ho
ha/ +een a''ointe/ to re're-ent in/igent client- in cri*inal ca-e-. In Board of County Com,rs
of )ills2oroug# County v$ Curry, 5%5 So.2/ 930 I"la. #''. 1989J, a "lori/a Co,rt o0 #''eal-
eCten/e/ &aemson to ter*ina2on o0 'arental right- ca-e- /,e to the 0,n/a*ental right- at
-take an/ -,gge-te/ that it )o,l/ reach a -i*ilar hol/ing in an7 t7'e o0 ca-e )here co,n-el )a-
con-2t,2onall7 re4,ire/.
50 #''. <.S.C. U 522IaJ a''lie- to Nan7 ci8il ac2on or 'rocee/ing, incl,/ing an7 chil/ c,-to/7 'rocee/ing, in
)hich the 'lain2D or /e0en/ant at the 2*e o0 5ling an a''lica2on ,n/er thi- -ec2on-- I1J i- in *ilitar7 -er8ice or i-
)ithin 90 /a7- aWer ter*ina2on o0 or relea-e 0ro* *ilitar7 -er8ice! an/ I2J ha- recei8e/ no2ce o0 the ac2on or

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