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GEOG 1403, Spring 2010 Names

Topographic Mapping Lab 2 Names

4 points Section
1. The same house is drawn on two different mapsA and B. On map A, the scale is 1:20,000.
On map B, the scale is 1:200,000. Which is a larer! scale map" On which map does the
house appear larer"
2. What is the contour inter#al of this map of $tone %ountain, &A"
'. (sin )iure ' in the Tutorial, i#e the ele#ations of the places indicated *+ the indi#idual
letters. ,otice that +ou are re-uired to estimate the ele#ation for some locations that are not
on contour lines. Therefore, +ou must estimate, or interpolate, ele#ations that are
intermediate *etween contours.
A....1'/0......... 0..../10.........
B........1120..... 2.....330........
4....//0......... )...../30........
5. Which slope is steeper, that at transect & or transect 6"
1. 7n +our own words, wh+ is it impossi*le for contour lines to intersect or cross one another"
8. The fiure *elow shows the temperatures in derees )ahrenheit for a particular winter da+ in
%innesota. 0raw in isotherms at a 29 inter#al for #alues from :89 to 109 and la*el each line.
7nterpolate *etween ;nown #alues if necessar+.
<. (sin the diaram *elow, construct a cross section of the landforms *elow, from point A to
point B. The contour inter#al is 10 feet.
=$ource: >ohnson, W. 2008. Physical Geography Laboratory Exercises. 0u*u-ue, 7A: ?endall@6unt Au*lishin 4ompan+.B
3. What is the contour inter#al on this map of Ahantom Canch"
/. What is the difference in ele#ation *etween Ahantom Canch =the *lac; s-uares on the reen
area near the center of the mapB and $umner Butte =located to northeast of Ahantom Canch D
the ele#ation of the pea; is la*eled neEt to an E!B"
=hint: 6ow man+ dar; *rown indeE! contours are *etween the cree; and the *utte"B
10. Where is this place" =At least determine the state, or *etter +et the name of the reion@placeB.
11. Based on +our #iewin of the toporaphic map of Ahantom Canch, does the &oole 2arth
imae seem to accuratel+ represent the area" 0id an+thin surprise +ou a*out the transition
*etween 20 and '0"
12. (sin &oole 2arth, identif+ the ele#ation on the south side of the can+on, near &rand
4an+on Gillae. 4ontinue north and identif+ the ele#ation in the interior of the can+on.
4ontinue further north and record the ele#ation on the north side of the can+on =these do not
need to *e from specific locations on the rimB. 4alculate the difference in ele#ation *etween
+our hihest recorded point and +our lowest recorded point.
$outh $ide..........2010............... ft.
Within 4an+on...........300...........ft.
,orth $ide.................1300........ ft.
0ifference in 2le#ation...........12'0.... ft.
1'. Althouh man+ factors control the distri*ution of #eetation t+pes in a particular area, one
influential factor is ele#ation. &i#en the #ast difference in ele#ation *etween the &rand
4an+onHs south rim, the can+on itself, and the north rim, would +ou eEpect to see similar
#eetation in all three areas" Wh+ or wh+ not" Alease eEplain +our answer in 2:' complete
Because of temperature difference
15. Besides eoraphers, for whom and for what purposes miht toporaphic maps and &oole
2arth *e useful" Would this t+pe of mappin *e useful in +our maIor or area of stud+, and
how so"
11. $urroundin the &rand 4an+on, in what t+pes of places does tamariE seem to *e most
Around the ri#er

18. Althouh tamariE is not currentl+ documented in much of the &rand 4an+on, there are man+
plants in areas surroundin the can+on. 7f tamariE does mo#e into the area, in which place do
+ou thin; it would *e found first&rand 4an+on Gillae, located on the $outh Cim, or
Ahantom Canch, located within the can+on" Wh+"
Ahantom ranch *ecause of its location around the ri#er

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