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Mapa Institute of Technology

Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila 1002 Philippines

A Research Work in COE112

Submitted to:
Professor Rafael G. Maramba

Submitted by:
April Jem H. Saccuan

Programmers most often break down the programming problem into small units, tackling one
small task at a time. These reasonable units are called modules. They are also referred by
programmers as subroutines, procedures, functions, or methods.
This process of breaking down a large program into modules is called modularization. There
are three reasons for doing such process. First is that modularization provides abstraction. It
enables the programmer to see the big picture. It is also because abstraction is the process of
paying attention to important properties while ignoring nonessential details, or is a selective
ignorance. Second reason is that modularization allows multiple programmers to work on a
problem. This enables programmers to develop new programs with lesser time by dividing large
programs into modules assigning each module to an individual programmer or team. Last reason
is that modularization allows programmers to reuse their work more easily. This is a feature of
modular programs that allows individual modules to be used in a variety of applications.
Most programs consist of a main program, which contains the basic steps, or the mainline
logic, of the program. The main program then accesses modules that provide more refined
details. A module includes a header, a body and a return statement. Naming a module is similar
in naming a variable.
The mainline logic of almost every procedural computer program can follow a general
structure that consists of four individual parts: (1) Declarations, which include data types,
identifiers, and sometimes initial values for global variables and constants; (2) Housekeeping
tasks which include any steps that must be performed at the beginning of a program to get ready
for the rest of the program. It include tasks such as displaying instructions to user, displaying
report headings, opening any files the program requires, and inputting the first piece of data; (3)
Detail loop tasks is the part which do the core work of the program. They execute repeatedly for
each set of input data until there are no more; and (4) End-of-job tasks are the steps which are
done at the end of the program to finish the application. They might include displaying totals or
other final messages and closing any open files.

Programmers often use a program hierarchy chart, when a program has several modules
calling other modules, which operates in a similar manner to show the overall picture of how
modules are related to one another. A hierarchy chart tells only which modules exist within a
program and which modules call others. This chart can be both a planning tool for developing
the overall relationship of program modules before writing them and be a documentation tool to
help others see how modules are related after a program is written.
Structured programs do follow the rules of structured logic that is easy to follow. In the
mid-1960s, mathematicians proved that any program, no matter how complicated, can be
constructed using one or more of only three structures. A structure is a basic unit of
programming logic. Each structure can be a sequence, a selection, or a loop.
With sequence structure, programmers perform an action or task in order. A sequence can
contain any number of tasks, but there is no option to branch off and skip any of the tasks. Once
a series of actions in a sequence is started, it must continue step by step until the sequence ends.
The second of the three structures is a selection structure or decision structure. With this
structure, questions are asked and one of two courses of action is taken depending on the answer.
Some people call the selection structure an if-then-else because it fits the statement for
The third of the three basic structures is a loop. In a loop structure, programmers continue
to repeat actions while a condition remains true. These actions that occur within the loop are
known as loop body. Other programmers refer to looping as repetition or iteration. Some other
programmers call this structure a whiledi, or more simply, a while loop, because it fits the
statements in pseudocodes.
Attaching structures end to end is called stacking structures. Besides stacking structures,
individual steps in a structured flowchart diagram or pseudocode with additional or tasks can be
replaced with other sequences, selections, or loops. Placing a structure within another structure is
called nesting structure.
Characteristics of Structured Program
A structured program includes only combinations of the three basic structures-
sequence, selection, and loop. Any structured program might contain one, two, or
all three types of structures
Each of the structures has a single entry point and a single exit point.
Structures can be stacked or connected to one another only at their entry or exit
Any structure can be nested within another structure
Reasons for Structure
Clarity As programs get bigger, they get more confusing if they are not
Professionalism All other programmers expect your programs to be structured.
It is the way things are done professionally.
Efficiency Most of newer computer languages are structured languages with
syntax that lets programmers deal efficiently with sequences, selection, and
looping. Even programs that use older languages can be written in structured
form. Newer languages such as C#, C++, and Java enforce structure by their
Maintenance You and other programmers will find it easier to modify and
maintain structured programs as changes are required in the future.
Modularity Structured programs can be easily broken down into routines or
modules that can be assigned to any number of programmers.
Difference of Structured Programs to Unstructured Programs
A program in unstructured language consists of sequence of commands, or statements,
usually one in each line. These lines may have labels. Labels help to jump any line in the
program. Unstructured programming introduces basic control flow concepts such as loops,
branches and jumps. They don't use concept of procedure and function.
In contrast structured programs use procedures, subroutines and local and global variables. Yes
an unstructured language uses labels and jumping statements example of unstructured are earlier
language like assembly language. Structured languages are well equipped with control
statements, procedures, functions etc. Examples of structured language are high level language
like C# and C++.

As programs become larger and more complicated, the need for good planning and design
increases. Without thorough planning and design, the components would never work together
properly. Each program module to be designed needs to work well as a stand-alone module and
as an element of larger systems for a computer-based application can be highly functional only if
each component is designed well. Walking through the programs logic on paper, or desk-
checking, is an important step in achieving superior programs. Moreover, programmers can
implement several design features while creating programs that can make the programs easier to
write and maintain.
A. Using Program Comments
Programmers should use program comments where proper. Program comments are
written explanations that are not part of the program logic but that serve as documentation for
readers of the program. In other words, they are nonexecuting statements that help readers
understand programming statements. The syntax used to create programming comments differs
among programming languages.
In a flowchart, annotation symbol can be used to hold information that expands on what
is stored within another flowchart symbol. This symbol is most often represented by a three sided
box that is connected to the step it references by a dashed line. They hold comments, or
sometimes statements that are too long to fit neatly into a flowchart symbol
Well-placed comments are appreciated, when programmers modify a program written by
another programmer, which explain complicated sections of the code.
B. Choosing Identifiers
The selection of good identifiers is an often-ovelooked element in program design.
Choosing appropriate identifiers for variables, constants, and modules makes the programming
job easier for others to understand your work.
It usually makes sense to give a variable or a constant a name that is a noun or a
combination of an adjective and a noun because it signifies a thing. Likewise, it makes sense to
give a module an identifier that is a verb or combination of verb and noun, because module takes
action. Names must be meaningful. Programmers refer to programs that contain meaningful
names as self-documenting. This means that even without further explanation, the program code
explains itself to readers. Usually programmers must use pronounceable names so that readers
can read it meaningfully. Programmers are judicious in using abbreviations because some
abbreviations might indicate other things rather than its real meaning. Digits are also avoided in a
name because they must be get confused with the letter O and lower case ls are misread as
the numeral 1. The system your programming language allows to separate words in long,
multiword variable names is used. The form of the verb to be, such us is or are, in names for
variables that are intended to hold a status are considered included.
Many programmers follow the convention of naming constants using all uppercase letters,
inserting underscores between words for readability. Organizations sometimes enforce different
rules for programmers to follow when naming variables. It is the programmers responsibility to
find out the conventions used in the organization and adhere to them. Some organizations use a
variable-naming convention called Hungarian notation, in which variables data type or other
information is stored as part of the name.
C. Designing Clear Statements
This design feature includes avoiding confusing line breaks and using temporary
variables to clarify long statements. Most modern programming languages are free-form,
meaning, programmers can arrange lines of code any way they see fit but must be ensured that
the meaning is clear. With the free-form code, programmers are allowed to place two or three
statements on a line. The latter, a temporary variable or a work variable is not used for input or
output but instead is just a working variable that programmers use during a programs execution.
D. Writing Clear Prompts and Echoing Input
A prompt is a message that is displayed on a monitor to ask the user for a response and
perhaps explain how that response should be formatted. Prompts are used both in command-line
and GUI Interactive programs. When program input comes from a stored file instead of a user,
prompts are not needed. But when a program expects a user response, prompts are valuable.
Users also find it helpful when programmers echo their input. Echoing input is the act of
repeating input back to a user either in a subsequent prompt or in output.
E. Maintaining Good Programming Habits
Programmers should continue to maintain good programing habits as they develop
programming skills. If programmers maintain the habit of first drawing flowcharts or writing
pseudocode their future programming projects will go more smoothly. If they desk-check
program logic on paper before starting to type statements in a programming language, their
programs will run correctly sooner. If they think carefully about variable and module names to
be used and design the program statements to be easy to read and use, their programs will be
easier to develop and maintain.
Every decision made in a computer program involves evaluating a Boolean expression. It
is an expression whose value can only be true or false. True/false evaluation is natural from a
computers standpoint because computer circuitry consists of two-state-on-off switches, often
represented by 1 or 0. A Boolean expression is used in every selection structure.
The choices are mutually exclusive; that is, the logic can flow only to one of the two
alternatives, never both. A selection structure is an if-then if it represents a single-alternative
selection in which action is required for only one outcome of the question. The then clause is the
part of the decision that holds the action or actions that execute when tested condition in the
decision is true.
It is looping that makes computer programming both efficient and worthwhile. When you
use a loop, you can write one set of instructions that operates on multiple, separate sets of data.
Using a Loop Control Variable
To make a while loop end correctly, programmers should declare a variable to control the
loops execution and three separate actions should occur: The loop control variable is initialized
before entering the loop; The loop control variable is tested and if the result is true, the loop is
entered; and the body of the loop must take some action that alters the value of the loop control
variable. When writing a loop, the number of repetitions must be controlled. If not, you run the
risk of creating an infinite loop. Programmers can control a loops repetitions in one of two
ways: Using a counter to create a definite, counter-controlled loop and; using a sentinel value to
create an indefinite loop.
In using a definite loop with a counter, a loop is a counted loop or counter-controlled
loop because the program keeps track of the number of loop repetitions by counting them.
Within a correctly functioning loops body, you can change the value of the loop control variable
in a number of ways. They can be altered by incrementing and others by reducing or
Many programmers prefer counted loops with a variable containing a 0 value for two
reasons: (1) In many computer applications, numbering starts with 0 because of the 0-and-1
nature of computer circuitry and; (2) When you learn about arrays, you will discover that array
manipulation naturally lends itself to 0-based loops.
However in using an indefinite loop with a sentinel value, the value of loop control
variable is not altered by arithmetic but by user input.
Nested Loops
Program logic gets more complicated when you must use loops within loops or nested
loops. Outer loop is the loop that contains the other loop and the loop that is contained is the
inner loop. You need to create nested loops when the values of two or more variables repeat to
produce every combination of values. When creating nested loops, each loop has its own control
Avoiding Common Loop Mistakes
The mistakes programmers most often make with loops are that they neglect to initialize
the loop control variable, they neglect to alter the loop control variable, they use the wrong
comparison with the loop control variable, and/or they include statements inside the loop that
belong outside the loop.
Using a Loop to Validate Data
Loops are frequently used to validate date, that is, to make sure it is meaningful and
useful. Validation might ensure that a value is the correct type, or that it falls within an
acceptable range.

A control break is a temporary detour in the logic of the program. In particular,
programmers use a control break program when a change in the value of a variable initiates
special actions or cases special or unusual processing to occur. You usually write control break
programs to organize output for programs that handle data records organized logically in groups
based on the value in the field.
To generate a control break report, your input records must be organized in sequential
order based on the field that will cause the breaks. A control break program is one that reads a
sequential file and performs special processing based on a change in one or more fields in each
record in the file.
An array is a series or list of values in computer memory which have the same name and
data type but are differentiated with special numbers called subscripts. Usually, all values in an
array have something in common. A subscript, also called an index, is a number that indicated
the position of a particular item within an array.
When arrays are declared, you declare a structure that contains multiple data items. Each
item within an array has the same name and the same data type; each separate item is one
element of the array. You can indicate the number of elements an array will hold the size of the
array when you declare the array along with the other variables and constants.
All array elements have the same group name, but each individual element also has a
unique subscript indicating how far it is from the first element. After you declare an array, you
can assign values to some or all of the elements individually. Alternatively, you can initialize
array elements when you declare the array. Most programming languages use a statement
similarly to declare a three-element array and assign values to it.
After an array has been declared and appropriate values have been assigned to specific
elements, you can use the elements in the same way you would use any other data item of the
same type.
Using an array provides an alternate approach to programming problem, which greatly
reduces the number of statements you need. When you declare an array, you provide a group
name for a number of associated variables in memory.
Constants in arrays can hold the size of an array, can be the array values, or can be a
subscript. Using a named constant for an arrays size makes the code easier to understand and
less likely to contain an error. Array values are declared as constant when they should not change
during the program execution.
Searching through an array to find a value you need involves initializing a subscript,
using a loop to test each array element, and setting a flag when a match is found. With parallel
arrays, each element in one array is associated with the element in the same relative position in
the other array. When you need to compare a value to a range of values in an array, you can store
either the low-or-high-end value of each range for comparison. When accessing data stored in an
array, it is important to use a subscript containing a value that accesses the memory occupied by
the array. When using a subscript that is not within the defined range of acceptable subscripts,
the subscript is said to be out of bounds.

A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The
most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order. Efficient sorting is important for
optimizing the use of other algorithms (such as search and merge algorithms) that require sorted
lists to work correctly; it is also often useful for canonicalizing data and for producing human-
readable output. More formally, the output must satisfy two conditions: The output is in
nondecreasing order (each element is no smaller than the previous element according to the
desired total order) and; The output is a permutation (reordering) of the input.
Since the dawn of computing, the sorting problem has attracted a great deal of research,
perhaps due to the complexity of solving it efficiently despite its simple, familiar statement.
Sorting algorithms used in computer science are often classified by:
Computational complexity (worst, average and best behavior) of element comparisons in
terms of the size of the list (n). For typical serial sorting algorithms good behavior is
O(n log n), with parallel sort in O(log
n), and bad behavior is O(n
). (See Big O notation.)
Ideal behavior for a serial sort is O(n), but this is not possible in the average case, optimal
parallel sorting is O(log n).Comparison-based sorting algorithms, which evaluate the
elements of the list via an abstract key comparison operation, need at least O(n log n)
comparisons for most inputs.
Computational complexity of swaps (for "in place" algorithms).
Memory usage (and use of other computer resources). In particular, some sorting algorithms
are "in place". Strictly, an in place sort needs only O(1) memory beyond the items being
sorted; sometimes O(log(n)) additional memory is considered "in place".
Recursion. Some algorithms are either recursive or non-recursive, while others may be both
(e.g., merge sort).
Stability: stable sorting algorithms maintain the relative order of records with equal keys
(i.e., values).
Whether or not they are a comparison sort. A comparison sort examines the data only by
comparing two elements with a comparison operator.
General method: insertion, exchange, selection, merging, etc. Exchange sorts include bubble
sort and quicksort. Selection sorts include shaker sort and heapsort. Also whether the
algorithm is serial or parallel. The remainder of this discussion almost exclusively
concentrates upon serial algorithms and assumes serial operation.
Adaptability: Whether or not the presortedness of the input affects the running time.
Algorithms that take this into account are known to be adaptive

It is not always possible to say that one algorithm is better than another, as relative
performance can vary depending on the type of data being sorted. In some situations, most of the
data are in the correct order, with only a few items needing to be sorted. In other situations the
data are completely mixed up in a random order and in others the data will tend to be in reverse
order. Different algorithms will perform differently according to the data being sorted. Four
common algorithms are the exchange or bubble sort, the selection sort, the insertion sort and the
quick sort.
The selection sort is a good one to use with students. It is intuitive and very simple to
program. It offers quite good performance, its particular strength being the small number of
exchanges needed. For a given number of data items, the selection sort always goes through a set
number of comparisons and exchanges, so its performance is predictable. The selection sort
marks the first element. It then goes through the remaining data to find the smallest number. It
swaps this with the first element and the smallest element is now in its correct position. It then
marks the second element and looks through the remaining data for the next smallest number.
These two numbers are then swapped. This process continues until n-1 passes have been made.
In bubble sort, the first two data items are compared and the smaller one placed on the
left hand side. The second and third items are then compared and the smaller one placed on the
left and so on. After all the data has been passed through once, the largest data item will have
"bubbled" through to the end of the list. At the end of the second pass, the second largest data
item will be in the second last position. For n data items, the process continues for n-1 passes or
until no exchanges are made in a single pass.
The insertion sort starts with the last two elements and creates a correctly sorted sub-list.
It then looks at the next element and inserts it into the sub-list in its correct position. It takes the
next element and does the same, continuing until the sub-list contains all the data.
The quick sort takes the last element and places it such that all the numbers in the left
sub-list are smaller and all the numbers in the right sub-list are bigger. It then quick sorts the left
sub-list and then quick sorts the right sub-list. This is a recursive algorithm, since it is defined in
terms of itself. This reduces the complexity of programming it; however it is the least intuitive of
the four algorithms.

1. Baker, Mark (1999). MarkChrisSoft. Discussion of Sorting Algorithms.
Retrieved from: http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/mbaker/sorts.html

2. Anon (2001). Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. Sorting Algorithms.
Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm

3. Anon (2012). Answers Corporation. What are structured and unstructured programs? Retrieved
from: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_structured_and_unstructured_programs

4. Farell, Joyce et.al (2011) Computer Fundamentals and Logic Formulation, Second Edition. Pasig
City, Philippines : Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd (Philippines Branch)

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