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When you recycle, you remove the three most polluting steps.
The mining, transportation, and processing of ore adds a lot of
pollution to the atmosphere. Recycling takes a lot less energy!

Remember, when you recycle you are doing a lot more good than you think. So what
are you waiting for?! Go recycle!

State if the following sentences are True or False.

1.- Recycling you protect our planet against the pollution……….

2.- According to the text, yo have to wait before recicling……….
3.- The garbage can’t be recicled. …………
4.- Transportation is one of the three most polluting steps……….



The Earth is wrapped in a blanket of air called the 'atmosphere',

which is made up of several layers. About 19-30 kilometres
above the Earth is a layer of gas called ozone, which is a form of
oxygen. Ozone is produced naturally in the atmosphere. The
ozone layer is very important because it stops too many of the
sun's 'ultra-violet rays' (UV rays) getting through to the Earth - these are the
rays that cause our skin to tan. Too much UV can cause skin cancer and will also
harm all plants and animals. Life on Earth could not exist without the protective
shield of the ozone layer.

State if the following sentences are True or False.

1.- The atmosphere is made up of one layer ……….

2.- The ultra-violet rays (UV rays) are good for your skin……….
3.- The ozone layer is a farm of oxygen. …………
4.- UV can cause harm to animals and plants……….


Pick Up Litter
The other day while driving down Valparaiso, I noticed two groups of people
picking up litter that had blown into the street. I was so happy to see this! What
a great way to give back to your community and to your earth!

A candy wrapper, an empty soda can, a plastic bag blowing around the playground –
all items we see pollute wildlife and the water supply itself. Picking up litter only
takes a moment of your time, but makes a huge impact on the environment.

State if the following sentences are True or False.

1.- the narrator saw a group of people throwing litter into the streets ……….
2.- picking up litter is a good way to help our planet……….
3.- picking litter takes a lot of your time …………
4.- animals are not afected by pollution……….



Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's

temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. A warmer
Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea
level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists
talk about the issue of climate change, their concern is about global warming
caused by human activities, in fact, many of them, think that things people do are
helping to make the Earth warmer.

State if the following sentences are True or False.

1.- Global warming refers to a disease in the Earth’s temperature ……….

2.- Things people do is causing global warming ……….
3.- A warmer Earth may be really nice …………
4.- A change in the Earth’s temperature may change the climate ……….


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