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Pittas Plight & Vatas Dream

by Val Brown and vpk by Maharishi Ayurveda Staff Writers

The summer season of Pitta heats us during the longest and warmest
days of the year: July - October.
Pitta dosha, represented by fire and water, governs metabolism,
particularly digestion, and is in charge of transformation in the mind
and body. Aggravated Pitta may manifest as occasional heartburn, skin
rash, stomach acidity, interrupted sleep, irritability, short temper, and
demanding acts of perfectionism...watch out! However, Pitta isnt all
bad. When balanced, Pitta manifests as a healthy glow of the skin,
regular digestion and metabolism, and an increase in desire, drive,
decisiveness, and spirituality. Ah, now thats better.
Opposite from the season of Pitta is Vata season, during the driest and
coolest days of the year: November - February. Vata dosha, represented
by air and space, governs all movement in the mind and body. Vata
controls blood flow (circulation), elimination of wastes, breathing, and the movement of thoughts. Imbalanced Vata may manifest as
dry skin, trouble falling asleep, occasional constipation, forgetfulness (spaced out), worry, a feeling of being anxious, and/or
nervousness. But not to worry! When balanced, Vata manifests as mental sharpness, regular elimination, sound sleep, strong
immunity, and a sense of exhilaration.
Following the simple Ayurvedic principle of like increases like, changes in your outer environment can affect your inner
environment. So during the season of Pitta, the Pitta-predominant person will fire up with hot feet, irritability, and skin rashes while
the Vata-predominant person will enjoy the external warmth with supple hands, feet, and skin. The plight of Pitta is the dream of
Vata, because they are pacified by opposite seasons and weather. Vata loves warm and Pitta thrives when its cool.
So while our dear Pittas may be struggling to stay cool during the summer months, Vatas may be relishing the warmth of the season.
Whether you are Pitta or Vata-predominant, attention to excess heat and efforts to stay balanced during the summer months are
recommended. Keep your cool, be mindful and follow these tips for Pitta pacification.
1. Pitta Cooling Diet
Favor cooling foods that taste sweet, bitter and astringent. Sweet fruits such as melons, cherries, grapes,
pears, or coconut, and vegetables like asparagus, cucumber, broccoli, and zucchini all work to
counterbalance Pitta. Natural sweeteners such as maple syrup and raw cane sugar, with the exception of
honey and molasses, will cool Pitta. Minimize your intake of hot and spicy foods, such as hot peppers,
beets, onions, and garlic.
During meals, avoid iced beverages, as they slow digestion.
Above all, listen to your body. If something tastes too sour or too spicy (Pitta-increasing), it is likely your
body is sending up the red flag.
2. Cooling Activities
Demanding deadlines, overworking and excessive activities that can heighten irritation and emotion
should be avoided to keep Pitta in check. Enjoy environmentally and emotionally cooling activities, such
as a picnic lunch (in the shade, if it is hot and sunny), an afternoon swim, a vacation, or a refreshing
leisurely evening walk after dinner to aid digestion.
Avoid overexposure to the sun during the hottest part of the day, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
3. Treat Yourself Sweet
Treat yourself to a daily Ayurvedic oil massage, abhyanga, with Soothing Massage Oil. Massage increases
circulation, clears toxins from the tissues, invigorates the body, calms the mind and soothes the
emotions. To flush out toxins that have been pushed out from the cells with massage, try a warm relaxing

bath afterwards.
4. Keep Your Cool with Herbs
Organic Digest Tone (Triphala Plus) Balance digestion and elimination and assist in absorbing nutrients
from food with this powerful combination of herbs. Organic Digest Tone contains three remarkable fruits
amla, chebulic myrobalan and belleric myrobalan and each possesses superior rejuvenative and
health-giving qualities. Cabbage rose is added to this powerful tonic to support the synergy of the other
ingredients, promote their effectiveness, and help balance Pitta. This formula is a tri-doshic
balancing Rasayana, or herbal combination that is considered, in Ayurveda, among the most effective.
Organic Rose Petal Spread Rose has a calming effect on the mind, body and emotions. Try this delicious Ayurvedic jam made
from organic roses, with an exquisite aroma and subtle flavor for breakfast or mixed in a cool drink. This gourmet treat is a Pitta-
balancing Rasayana as well.
Stress Free Emotions Promote self-confidence, positive thinking and feelings of fulfillment by balancing emotional health with this
Pitta-pacifying Rasayana. Arjuna, ashwagandha, mica, pearl and holy basil promote coordination of mind and emotions, balancing
sometimes-fiery personalities.
Organic Cooling Pitta Tea This delicious combination of fragrant rose petals and refreshing spices is perfect for soothing heated
emotions, feelings of intensity, or frustration. Enjoy Organic Cooling Pitta Tea, warm or cool, to calm yourself when things heat up.
Pranamist Blissful Heart Raise your sense of well-being and relax into a healing environment with this therapeutic mist containing a
100% pure essential oil blend of rose geranium, jasmine, rose, sandalwood, peppermint, lemon and thyme, specifically blended to
balance the Pitta dosha.
Cooling Pitta Aroma Oil The sense of smell is a quick-acting, powerful means of creating balance. Cool off with this blend of
sandalwood, ylang ylang, lavender and other essential oils. Perfect when youre feeling irritable, or when temperatures are soaring
These articles provide a great resource from The Council of Maharishi Ayurveda Physicians on the knowledge, practices, products, and
applications of Maharishi Ayurveda.
The sole purpose of these newsletters is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for
use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please
consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical
advice of a trained ayurvedic expert, call or e-mail us for the number of a physician in your area.

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