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Hotel Management System

AbstractA software system to handle hotel management which

include room reservation, vacation, bookings, scheduling, food
arrangements and store customer details. The purpose of the
study is to examine youth customer behaviour due to the
restaurants atmospheric element environment. It also explores
the environment of the restaurant and the use of atmospherics by
the restaurateurs through the reactions of the customers. The
dimensions of colour, design, lighting, and restaurant layout,
among others, were measured. Qualitative data taken from 300
youth customers were analyzed, and interpretations of the
relationships were made. It was found that atmospheric elements
contributed significantly in each representation of customer

KeywordsOptimum performance, customer satisfaction, decision
Making, scheduling.
In order to meet the expectation with actual, if not optimum
performance in restaurants, customer behaviour must be
studied. Obviously, it takes more than food to create a good
dining experience. Need for testing is that presentation of the
restaurant environment must be taken into consideration in
creating more a meaningful experience to restaurant patronage.
The purpose of the study is to examine youth (customer)
behaviour due to atmospheric elements in restaurants - and its
effects on patronage mood, decision making
behaviour,satisfaction level, and gestures. In addition, it
explores the environment of the restaurant and the use of
atmospherics by restaurateurs in regard to the reactions shown
by customers to the atmosphere. The dimensions of colours,
design, lighting, and restaurant layout, among others, were


User and administrator login which provides role based
access to the databases and other data repositories,database of
rooms,vacancy,occupancy and reservations,customer
details,credentials.perform billing,verification,rescheduling.
Development tools- Java,Jdbc,Applets
Test tools- Junit, CodeCompanion ,McCabe
Restaurants Atmospheric Elements,What the Customer
Wants.[ 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and
peer-review under responsibility of Centre for
Environment-Behaviour Studies (cE-Bs), Faculty of
Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti
Teknologi MARA, Malaysia ]
Role of Service Environment for Restaurants,The Youth
Customers Perspective[Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Jalan Meranek, 94300 Kota Saramahan, Sarawak,
Gender and Engineering Career Development of
Hotels Employees in China[Sun Yat-Sen University,
Guangzhou 510275]
Assessing Service Quality: Prayers
Perspective[Faculty of Hotel and Tourism
Management,Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM),
40450 Shah Alam, MALAYSIA. Legend International
College of Hospitality and Tourism, Kuala
Lumpur,Malaysia ]
Structural Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In
Loyalty Models: Turkish Retail Supermarkets[a Yldz
Technical University, Faculty of Arts & Science,
Department of Statistics, Davutpaa Campus, Esenler,
34210, Istanbul/Turkey]

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