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Shivoham- Collection oI Gurvashtakam,
Nirvanashatkam and Dashashloki oI Sri
COPIES : 5000
: (cvvnv nvvi
PAGES : 24
PRICE : Rs. 5.00
Vedanta Bharati
(Academy oI Veda - Vedanta Studies and Research)
Chandramouli Road, Krishnarajanagara - 571 602,
Mysore District. : 08223-264371, 262471
Span Print
Banashankari, Bangalore- 70

Peace of mind is indeed a mirage for

man in today's turbulent world. Agitation and
despair in tandem with the dyad -- desires and
wrath inherited over the times are totally
destroying tranquility. n these times, the only
armour that can guard us is 'contemplation on
the intrinsic nature of our innermost Self'.
Notwithstanding a host of worldly afflictions, one
can tide over the tribulations if armed with the
detached conviction that the is unfettered
by them Chanting these verses attended by
cogitating on their import is a prime means to
achieve such steadfastness of the mind.
Following the grand Soundaryalahari
movement, Vedanta Bharathi has embarked
on a project to likewise reach Dashashloki to the
masses. We pay homage at the Lotus Feet of
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Endowed with a handsome body,
beautiful wife, great fame and honours,
immense wealth; so what? what is the use of all
these, if devotion and faith do not exist in the
Lotus Feet of Sri Sadguru. He cannot obtain
liberation from bondage-samsara.
His HoIiness Sri Sri Sri Bharathi Theertha
Mahaswamiji, the Jagadguru Shankaracharya
of Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham,
Sringeri, who has been showering His divine
grace on us throughout. We render our
obeisance at the Lotus Feet of the patron of
Vedanta Bharathi, His HoIiness Sri Sri
Shankara Bharathi Swamiji of Yedathore Sri
Yoganandeshwara Saraswathi Matha, who has
been blessing us by way of His guidance.
Chanting the works of Sri
Shankaracharya and contemplating on their
import can shed fresh light on the lives of one
and all. t has been in the ambit of the experience
of our ancients that this study will purify the mind
and thence, will be conducive for everyone to
attain contentment, peace and happiness. With
a view to reach this benefit to all in our society,
the originals of Gurvashtaka, Nirvanashtaka
and Dashashloki with their meanings have been
compiled here. Vedanta Bharathi desires that
people undertake this study and secure
emancipation by imbibing the underlying
principles in their lives. We salute the elderly
scholars, Sri Anantha Sharma Bhuvanagiri and
Sri G. Mahabaleshwara Bhatta, who have been
fittingly guiding us in all our activities.
We are grateful to the proprietor of M/s
Span Print for having printed this book
16-3-2010 Tuesday Dr. Sridhar Bhat Ainakai
Director, VedantaBharati
n spite of having wife, children,
grandchildren, house, relatives and having
accumulated enormous wealth, to enjoy a
happy life, real happiness cannot be gained if he
does not have devotion and faith in the Lotus
Feet of Sri Guru.
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Memorising the four Vedas, and the six
vedangas- Shiksha, Grammar, Nirukta,
astrology, kalpa, also the itihasas and puranas,
and being known as a great vidwan capable of
composing great poetry and prose; so what? all
these will be of no real use, if one does not
repose devotion and faith in the Lotus Feet of Sri
Guru. He cannot get release from bondage the
vicious cycle of life and death.
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Having earned reverence and respect
abroad, and being fortunate in his own land,
observing cleansing and purification rituals,
being of noble behaviour and being unequalled
as a great person; so what? even such person's
life is futile without the devotion and faith at the
Lotus Feet of Sadguru.
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Even being recipient of great honours
and respect from kings and maharajas on this
vast world, being worthy of being worshipped on
the feet; so what? the Himalayan personality of
such a person is useless if he does not
surrender with devotion and faith at the Lotus
Feet of the Sadguru.
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So what, if having been famous
worldwide by granting gifts and righteous
offerings, having won the entire world and
keeping under his command, even such a
person's lordship is of no use unless he is the
benefactor of Guru's grace. He cannot conquer
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Having left all desires, being not
attracted to wife, and completely detached from
relatives and friends, having no attachment to
things, vehicles and animals; so what? if his
mind does not have unshakeable devotion to Sri
Guru's Lotus Feet, all such selflessness is still
useless. He therefore cannot attain liberation.
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Even after leaving the comfort of the
home, leaving all worldly activities, shedding all
attachment to invaluable body and all, and
having a detached mind even in the forest he is
2 3
5 4
living in; so what? unless he surrenders to the
feet of the Sadguru, he cannot get liberated from
the vicious bondage of life and death.
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That sacred person who keeps his mind
for ever in the benediction of Sadguru, and
recites the Gurvashtaka, be he a saint, a king or
a celibate or a householder, will realize all his
desires and attain supreme salvation.

||||||l|||l| ||
| '|| | l|5| | | ||'|||
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l|||| l7||| l7|||| "
am not the mind, ego, intellect. am not
the ears, tongue, the sense of smell, the eyes.
am not the sky, the earth, the light, the air- the
five primeordeal elements. am of the nature of
the pure consciousness- bliss; am That
auspicious Shiva indeed.
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l|||| l7||| l7||||
am not the one indicated by prana, nor
am the air Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana,
Samana, nor am the five sheaths of food,
prana, manas, vijnana and Ananda, not am the
skin, the flesh, the blood, the marrow and
nerves, bones- the seven principles, nor am the
working instruments such as hands, and feet
and the excretory organs. am of the form of
pure consciousness-bliss; am That supreme
Shiva himself.
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l|||| l7||| l7||||
For me, there is no desire, hate, greed,
attachment, infatuation, nor do have
arrogance, nor animosity. am not bound by the
four-fold principle - Dharma, wealth, desire and
liberation . am That Shiva svarupa- of the form
of pure consciousness-bliss alone.
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+|||| || +||| | +|||
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am not conditioned or affected by merit
or demerit, happiness or sorrow, nor the
injunctions like mantra or theertha, nor the Veda
or yajna. am not the food, the food articles, and
the consumer, am of the form of pure
consciousness-bliss; am the supreme Shiva
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l|||| l7||| l7|||| '
6 7
9 8
have no death, have no doubt
whatsoever, am not categorized by castes in
birth. do not have parents, relatives and
friends. am devoid of birth. also do not have
guru nor disciple. am the very immortal one, of
the form of consciousness-bliss. am That
exalted Sadashiva.
l|l||| l|||||
l|+|||-||| -||l||'|||
| ||-|| || |l| ||
l|||| l7||| l7||||
am changeless formless and all
pervading. As am universal, am associated
with all sensory faculties that bring experiences,
have no bondage nor liberation. am the very
pure blissful consciousness itself. am truly That
auspicious Shiva Svaroopa.
| +|l|| ||| | ||| | |||
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||l|||| -|||l-|7
|||l7|2 l7|| |||| "
am not earth, not water, not fire, not air
and not space; nor am their conglomerate.
They are ephemeral as evident from their
nature, inconsistent and without an unchanging
finality. am the one established in deep sleep
by virtue of being experienced directly and
exclusively. ndeed, am therefore that
Auspicious one, the non-dual residual
substratum of all and bereft of attributes.
| |'|| | |'||>||||||||
| | ||'|||||||||||l|
|||l7|2 l7|| ||||
To me, no castes, no regulations of
conduct and duties enjoined on castes or stages
of life, no one-pointed fixation of the mind and no
yoga of meditation and such activities aimed at
restraint pertain to me. am not dependent on
the body-mind complex as am bereft of
superimposed notions of '' or 'mine' with respect
them. ndeed, am therefore that Auspicious
one, the non-dual residual substratum of all and
bereft of attributes.
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The scriptures declare that have no
mother or father, no deity, no worlds of
existence, no scriptures, no sacrifices by which
to propitiate Gods and no centers of pilgrimage,
as each of these is absolutely nonexistent in
deep sleep. ndeed, am therefore that
Auspicious one, the non-dual residual
substratum of all and bereft of attributes.
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l|l7|2||+||| l|7|7|||||
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The tenets describing the nature of the
self as propounded by the philosophers of the
various schools Saankhya, Shaiva,
10 11
12 13
Paancharaatra, Jaina, Mimamsa and so on are
all untenable. am of the intrinsic nature of the
absol utel y untai nted one as uni quel y
experienced. ndeed, am therefore that
Auspicious one, the non-dual residual
substratum of all and bereft of attributes.
| ||| | |||| | |||| ||
| || | l|| | ||||| l
|||l7|2 l7|| |||| '
have no delimitations like above or
below, interior or exterior, center or off-center,
east or west. am the undifferentiated whole
since pervade even space. ndeed, am
therefore that Auspicious one, the non-dual
residual substratum of all and bereft of
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| ||| ||l||||||
|||l7|2 l7|| ||||
am not white, not black, not red, not
yellow and not of any hue. am not dwarf, not
plump, not short, not long and not of any
measure. am formless and effulgent by nature.
ndeed, am therefore that Auspicious one, the
non-dual residual substratum of all and bereft of
| 7||-|| | 7||-| | l7||| | l7|+||
| | | | || | ||| |||
-|||||||| l|||-|l'|
|||l7|2 l7|| ||||
have no master, no commandment, no
pupil and no schooling. Distinctions such as
'you' and '' are not in me. This perceived
phenomenological world is nonexistent in
reality. By intrinsic nature, am consciousness
which brooks no differentiation. ndeed, am
therefore that Auspicious one, the non-dual
residual substratum of all and bereft of
| |||| | -||| || -||l|
| l|%|| | || ||-| ||7|| ||
l|u||||| |||'|| |||
|||l7|2 l7|| |||| /
have no wakefulness, no dream and no
deep sleep. am not Vishwa who cognizes the
external objects in the waking state, not Taijasa
who perceives the internal objects projected by
the mind in dream and not Praajna who
experiences the bliss of the Atma in deep sleep
albeit veiled by ignorance. These pairs of triads
are cloaked by ignorance. n relation to these
triads, consequently, am the fourth who
transcends them. ndeed, am therefore that
Auspicious one, the non-dual residual
substratum of all and bereft of attributes.
l| |||||| l||||||||
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The Supreme Being is all-pervading. t is
said to act in the interest of the welfare of all
beings. t is established by tself. t is non-
dependent on any entity apart from tself. t is
different from this entire universe which is a
mere illusion and has no real existence. ndeed,
am therefore that Auspicious one, the
Supreme Being, the non-dual residual
substratum of all and bereft of attributes.
14 15
17 16
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t is not unitary for there is naught a
second apart from t. t has neither absolute
exclusivity nor absolute non-exclusivity. t is
neither void nor other than void. t is non-dual.
ndeed, am therefore that Auspicious one, the
Supreme Being, the non-dual residual
substratum of all and bereft of attributes.

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