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Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents

Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity

Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns

Process Safety Management Training Process Safety Management Training Process Safety Management Training Process Safety Management Training
from the from the from the from the
NJ ork !nvironment Co"ncil NJ ork !nvironment Co"ncil NJ ork !nvironment Co"ncil NJ ork !nvironment Co"ncil

This material was #rod"ced "nder grant S$%&'(&)%*(%+*%,%)- from the .cc"#ational Safety and $ealth Administration/ 01S1
2e#artment of 3a4or1 It does not necessarily reflect the views or #olicies of the 01S1 2e#artment of 3a4or/ nor does mention
of trade names/ commercial #rod"cts/ or organi5ations im#ly endorsement 4y the 01S1 6overnment1 This c"rric"l"m is revised
from materials originally develo#ed 4y the 0nited Steelworker7s Tony Ma55occhi Center for Safety/ $ealth/ and
!nvironmental !d"cation and #rod"ced 4y the Steelworkers Charita4le and !d"cational .rgani5ation/ f"nded in whole or in
#art with f"nds from the .cc"#ational Safety and $ealth Administration/ 01S1 2e#artment of 3a4or 8grant n"m4er S$%&++)9%
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Ta4le of Contents Ta4le of Contents Ta4le of Contents Ta4le of Contents

A4o"t !C A4o"t !C A4o"t !C A4o"t !C ii ii ii iii ii i
Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents iv iv iv iv
The Sma The Sma The Sma The Small 6ro"# Activity Method ll 6ro"# Activity Method ll 6ro"# Activity Method ll 6ro"# Activity Method v vv v
The The The The ,actsheet <eading Method ,actsheet <eading Method ,actsheet <eading Method ,actsheet <eading Method v vv vii ii ii ii

Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity % %% %
Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns & && &

Task & 9
Task 9 &)

!val"ation 9=
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
A4o"t !C A4o"t !C A4o"t !C A4o"t !C

The New Jersey ork !nvironment Co"ncil 8!C: is a non%#rofit colla4oration of
organi5ations working for safe/ sec"re >o4s/ and a healthy/ s"staina4le environment1

?isit !C7s we4site at www1n>wec1org

,or more information a4o"t !C7s #rograms and services/ contact; ,or more information a4o"t !C7s #rograms and services/ contact; ,or more information a4o"t !C7s #rograms and services/ contact; ,or more information a4o"t !C7s #rograms and services/ contact;
<ick !ngler/ 2irector
New Jersey ork !nvironment Co"ncil
&-9 est State Street % Third ,loor/ Trenton/ NJ *(+*(%&&*9
Tele#hone; 8+*@: +@=%'&**
,aA; 8+*@: +@=%-9**
!%mail; infoBn>wec1org
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents

0neA#ected rel 0neA#ected rel 0neA#ected rel 0neA#ected releases eases eases eases of highly ha5ardo"s toAic/ reactive/ or flamma4le chemicals
create the #ossi4ility of a disaster for workers/ em#loyers/ and comm"nities1

.S$A7s Process Safety Management Standard .S$A7s Process Safety Management Standard .S$A7s Process Safety Management Standard .S$A7s Process Safety Management Standard hel#s #revent accidental releases of
highly ha5ardo"s chemicals/ th"s #rotecting em#loyees/ as well as #lant neigh4ors1

!ffective worker training !ffective worker training !ffective worker training !ffective worker training a4o"t PSM hel#s achieve safer/ healthier/ and more
#rod"ctive work#laces1

In New Jersey/ PSM reg"lates a##roAimately &** facilities/ incl"ding certain
chemical #lants/ oil refineries/ food #rocessors/ electric "tilities/ wareho"ses/ and
#"4lic and #rivate sector water and sewage treatment o#erations1 PSM may also
cover other ty#es of facilities1 PSM has s#ecial #rovisions for contractors working in
covered facilities1

!C7s tra !C7s tra !C7s tra !C7s training c"rric"l"m ining c"rric"l"m ining c"rric"l"m ining c"rric"l"m covers key as#ects of the PSM standard1 Training
introd"ces the conce#t of systems of safety and accident #revention and why
facilities sho"ld esta4lish an organi5ational str"ct"re to oversee PSM
im#lementation1 e address .S$A7s #erformance%4ased reC"irements for a #lant
Dmechanical integrityE #rogram1 Training also covers accident/ incident/ and near%
miss investigations/ foc"sing on root ca"ses1 e also can #rovide training on closely
related s"4>ects/ s"ch as the New Jersey ToAic Catastro#he Prevention Act 8TCPA:/
em#loyer and workerF"nion rights to #artici#ate d"ring .S$A and TCPA
ins#ections/ and develo#ment of effective la4or%management safety and health

,or more information/ contact; ,or more information/ contact; ,or more information/ contact; ,or more information/ contact;
2enise Patel/ PSM ."treach Coordinator
!C/ &-9 est State St/ Third ,loor
Trenton/ NJ *(+*(

.r call; 8+*@: +@=%'&**/ !Atension )*=
,aA; 8+*@: +@=%'&**
!%Mail; d#atelBn>wec1org
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
The Small 6ro"# Activity Method The Small 6ro"# Activity Method The Small 6ro"# Activity Method The Small 6ro"# Activity Method

Basic Str"ct"re Basic Str"ct"re Basic Str"ct"re Basic Str"ct"re
The Small 6ro"# Activity MethodG is 4ased on a series of #ro4lem%solving activities1
An activity can take from -= min"tes to an ho"r1 !ach activity has a common 4asic

H Small 6ro"# Tasks Small 6ro"# Tasks Small 6ro"# Tasks Small 6ro"# Tasks
H <e#ort <e#ort <e#ort <e#ort% %% %Back Back Back Back
H S"mmary S"mmary S"mmary S"mmary

&1 Small 6ro"# Tasks; &1 Small 6ro"# Tasks; &1 Small 6ro"# Tasks; &1 Small 6ro"# Tasks; The training always 4egins with gro"#s working together at
their ta4les1 !ach activity has a task/ or set of tasks/ for the gro"#s to work on1 The
task asks that the gro"#s "se their eA#erience and the factsheets to solve #ro4lems
and make >"dgements on key iss"es1

91 <e#ort 91 <e#ort 91 <e#ort 91 <e#ort% %% %Back; Back; Back; Back; ,or each task/ the gro"# selects a scri4e that takes notes on the
small gro"# disc"ssion and re#orts 4ack to the class as a whole1 2"ring the re#ort%
4ack/ the scri4e informs the entire class as to how his or her gro"# solved the
#artic"lar #ro4lem1 The trainer records each scri4e7s re#ort%4ack on large #ads of
#a#er in front of the class so that everyone can refer to them1

)1 S"mmary; )1 S"mmary; )1 S"mmary; )1 S"mmary; Before the disc"ssion drifts too far/ the trainer needs to 4ring it all
together d"ring the s"mmary1 $ere/ the trainer highlights the key #oints of the
activity and 4rings "# any #ro4lems or #oints that may have 4een overlooked d"ring
the re#ort%4ack1

GThe Small 6ro"# Activity Method 8S6AM: is 4ased on a training #roced"re develo#ed 4y !ngland7s Trades 0nion
Congress 8T0C: in the &@'*s1 The 3a4or Instit"te and .il/ Chemical/ and Atomic orkers 0nion 8now #art of the
0nited Steelworkers 0nion: "sed a similar method aro"nd economic and health and safety iss"es for workers and
f"rther develo#ed the #roced"re into S6AM1 The New Jersey ork !nvironment Co"ncil has "sed S6AM since &@(+1

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Three Basic 3earning !Achanges Three Basic 3earning !Achanges Three Basic 3earning !Achanges Three Basic 3earning !Achanges
The Small 6ro"# Activity Method 8S6AM: is 4ased on the idea that every training is
a #lace where learning is shared1 ith S6AM/ learning is not a one%way street that
r"ns from trainer to worker1 <ather S6AM is a str"ct"red #roced"re that allows "s to
share information1 It is 4ased on three learning eAchanges;

H orker H orker H orker H orker% %% %to to to to% %% %orker orker orker orker
H orker H orker H orker H orker% %% %to to to to% %% %Trainer Trainer Trainer Trainer
H Trainer H Trainer H Trainer H Trainer% %% %to to to to% %% %orker orker orker orker

orker orker orker orker% %% %to to to to% %% %orker; orker; orker; orker; Most of "s learn 4est from each other1 S6AM is set "# in s"ch a
way as to make the worker%to%worker eAchange a key element of the training1 The
worker%to%worker eAchange allows #artici#ants to learn from each other 4y solving
#ro4lems in their small gro"#s1

orker orker orker orker% %% %to to to to% %% %Trainer; Trainer; Trainer; Trainer; 3ect"re%style training ass"mes that the trainer knows all the
answers1 ith S6AM it is "nderstood that the trainers also have a lot to learn and
this is the #"r#ose of the worker%to%trainer eAchange1 It occ"rs d"ring the re#ort%
4ack and it is designed to give the trainer an o##ort"nity to learn from the

Trainer Trainer Trainer Trainer% %% %to to to to% %% %orker; orker; orker; orker; This is the trainer7s o##ort"nity to clear "# any conf"sion and
make #oints they think are key1 By waiting "ntil the s"mmary section/ trainers know
4etter what #eo#le need to know1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
The ,actsheet <eadin The ,actsheet <eadin The ,actsheet <eadin The ,actsheet <eading Method g Method g Method g Method
The #rocess descri4ed 4elow foc"ses everyone on the im#ortant information in the
The #rocess is as follows;
,irst/ select a scri4e for this Task1
!ach of yo" will 4e assigned a small n"m4er of factsheets to read1 Io" will then
share the factsheet information with yo"r ta4le1
Io"r trainer will assign yo"r individ"al factsheets this way;
Starting with the scri4e and moving to the left/ co"nt o"t lo"d from & to (1 Jee#
going aro"nd the ta4le "ntil all n"m4ers 8factsheets: are distri4"ted1 ,or eAam#le/
if there are fo"r #eo#le at yo"r ta4le/ the scri4e will have self%assigned ,actsheets &
and =K the #erson to their left will have ,actsheets 9 and +/ etc1 The assigned
n"m4ers corres#ond to ,actsheets & thro"gh ( on the following #ages1
.nce everyone has read their assigned factsheets individ"ally/ yo"r scri4e will go
aro"nd the ta4le and ask each of yo" to eA#lain to the gro"# what yo" have learned1
Io" do not need to take notes1 ,actsheets sho"ld 4e eA#lained in the order
assigned 8& thro"gh (:/ since the factsheets 4"ild on the #revio"s one1 In this way/
we all start at the same #lace and with the same information1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity % %% %
Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns

P"r#ose P"r#ose P"r#ose P"r#oses ss s

To 4ecome familiar with the .S$A #erformance%4ased reC"irements for a #lant
Dmechanical integrityE #rogram1

To eAamine the ca"ses and sol"tions of D4reakdownE maintenance1

This Activity has two tasks1

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Task & Task & Task & Task &

In yo"r gro"#s/ choose a scri4e1 Then/ "sing factsheets In yo"r gro"#s/ choose a scri4e1 Then/ "sing factsheets In yo"r gro"#s/ choose a scri4e1 Then/ "sing factsheets In yo"r gro"#s/ choose a scri4e1 Then/ "sing factsheets & & & & % %% % + on #ages ) + on #ages ) + on #ages ) + on #ages ) % %% % && && && &&/ answer / answer / answer / answer
the following C"estion the following C"estion the following C"estion the following C"estions ss s; ;; ;

&1 hat are some ca"ses of maintenance 4reakdownsL &1 hat are some ca"ses of maintenance 4reakdownsL &1 hat are some ca"ses of maintenance 4reakdownsL &1 hat are some ca"ses of maintenance 4reakdownsL

91 Co"ld maintenance 4reakdowns ha##en at yo"r #lantL 3ist some eAam#les1 91 Co"ld maintenance 4reakdowns ha##en at yo"r #lantL 3ist some eAam#les1 91 Co"ld maintenance 4reakdowns ha##en at yo"r #lantL 3ist some eAam#les1 91 Co"ld maintenance 4reakdowns ha##en at yo"r #lantL 3ist some eAam#les1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M& ,actsheet M& ,actsheet M& ,actsheet M&
Maintenance Myths Most .ften $eard Maintenance Myths Most .ften $eard Maintenance Myths Most .ften $eard Maintenance Myths Most .ften $eard

$ere are some commonly%"sed eAc"ses for not following safe mechanical integrity
#ractices and eAam#les of the conseC"ences of not doing so;

It7s only tem#orary; It7s only tem#orary; It7s only tem#orary; It7s only tem#orary;
A leak develo#ed on one of the siA in%line reactors1 All siA were connected with 9(%
inch%diameter #i#es and eA#ansion 4ellows1 The leaking reactor was 4y#assed with
a 9*%inch #i#e with two el4ows and the eA#ansion 4ellows were left intact1

The #i#e was not s"##orted #ro#erlyK it was resting on scaffolding1 Beca"se of the
4ellows/ it was free to rotate or DsC"irmE and in the #rocess it failed/ killing 9(
#eo#le and destroying the #lant1

It7s factory setK no need to test it; It7s factory setK no need to test it; It7s factory setK no need to test it; It7s factory setK no need to test it;
In an a"tomatic fire%fighting system/ a small eA#losive charge c"t a r"#t"re disc and
released the fire%fighting agent/ $alon1 The man"fact"rer said it was not necessary
to test1 To test wo"ld reC"ire the loss of the $alon which was very eA#ensive1

The 4"yer insisted on the test even with the added eA#ense1 The smoke detectors
worked 4"t when the eA#losive charge was activated/ the r"#t"re disc was not
activated1 The man"fact"rer was in error1

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M& 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M& 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M& 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M& 8contin"ed:

6o ahead and "se this oneK it7ll work; 6o ahead and "se this oneK it7ll work; 6o ahead and "se this oneK it7ll work; 6o ahead and "se this oneK it7ll work;
A car4on steel valve was #ainted with al"min"m #aint instead of "sing a stainless
steel valve1 It corroded ra#idly1

I don7t need an o#eratorK I7m >"st going to look; I don7t need an o#eratorK I7m >"st going to look; I don7t need an o#eratorK I7m >"st going to look; I don7t need an o#eratorK I7m >"st going to look;
A maintenance foreman was asked to look at a fa"lty cooling water #"m#1 $e
decided that/ to #revent damage to the machine/ it was essential to red"ce its s#eed
immediately1 $e did so/ 4"t did not tell any of the o#erators1 The cooling water
rate fellK the #rocess was "#setK and a leak develo#ed on a cooler1

So"rces; Accident at Amoco Chemicals related 4y 6lenn !rwin/ $ealth and Safety Coordinator/ .CA 8now 0S:K
and Trevor A1 Jlet5/ hat ent rongL Case $istories of Process Plant 2isasters/ $o"ston; 6"lf Coast P"4lishing
Com#any/ Second !dition/ Novem4er &@(@1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M9 ,actsheet M9 ,actsheet M9 ,actsheet M9
ork .rder Backlog; M& arning Sign ork .rder Backlog; M& arning Sign ork .rder Backlog; M& arning Sign ork .rder Backlog; M& arning Sign

Most com#anies have very good written #reventive maintenance 8PM: #lans on
eC"i#ment1 B"t in reality/ as the work orders #ile "#/ they are "na4le to kee# their
PMs ca"ght "#1

To make matters worse/ #reventive maintenance work orders are often treated as
having a lower #riority than most other work orders1

The #ro4lem is com#o"nded 4y the fact that most com#anies do not em#loy
eno"gh maintenance workers to stay on to# of the reg"lar work orders/ m"ch less
the PMs1

A h"ge 4acklog of work orders is a sign that the Mechanical Integrity 8MI: #rogram
is not doing what it is intended to/ and it may 4e considered a violation of the
#erformance%4ased Process Safety Management 8PSM: Standard1

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M) ,actsheet M) ,actsheet M) ,actsheet M)
If It Ain7t Broke 1 1 1 If It Ain7t Broke 1 1 1 If It Ain7t Broke 1 1 1 If It Ain7t Broke 1 1 1

Many com#anies conscio"sly decide to <"n to ,ail"re 8<T,:1 <T, is rarely less costly
than #reventing fail"re1 A com#any that manages "sing <T, twists the old clichN/ DIf
it ain7t 4roke/ don7t fiA it1E 0nfort"nately/ this a##roach can lead to catastro#he1

DAn o"nce of #revention is worth a #o"nd of c"reE is a 4etter maAim;

A O&* seal may wind "# costing tho"sands of dollars/ not to mention death
and in>"ry1

The normal r"le of th"m4 is that corrective 84reakdown: costs are fo"r to five
times more eA#ensive than #reventive costs1

So"rce; Total Prod"ctive Maintenance/ Marshall Instit"te/ Inc1 89@** Ionkers <oad/ <aleigh/ NC:1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M- ,actsheet M- ,actsheet M- ,actsheet M-
0nderstaffing 3eads to Pro4lems; A Case St"dy 0nderstaffing 3eads to Pro4lems; A Case St"dy 0nderstaffing 3eads to Pro4lems; A Case St"dy 0nderstaffing 3eads to Pro4lems; A Case St"dy

2"ring testimony on the PSM Standard/ one 0S mem4er descri4ed some of the
effects that the red"ction of maintenance workers had at his #lant1

Maintenance staff c"t in half; Maintenance staff c"t in half; Maintenance staff c"t in half; Maintenance staff c"t in half;

DThe staffing of the Mo4il Bea"mont refinery has steadily decreased in the #ast ten
years1 The Bea"mont refinery had over 9/*** ho"rly em#loyees/ of which &/9**
were #ermanent maintenance em#loyees when I went to work there 9* years ago1
e now have less than +** maintenance workers1E

The effects don7t hit yo" overnight; The effects don7t hit yo" overnight; The effects don7t hit yo" overnight; The effects don7t hit yo" overnight;

DMaintenance workforce red"ctions are not something that hit yo" overnight1 The
effects are grad"alK 4"t as time marches on/ the red"ctions 4ecome more and more

D<"nning maintenance today in 4oth C"ality and C"antity is m"ch worse than &*&=
years ago1 P"m#s and com#ressors are not maintained1 They cannot 4e #ro#erly
maintained when the #eo#le are not there to do the work1E

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M- 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M- 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M- 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M- 8contin"ed:

The #otential for disaster is #resent; The #otential for disaster is #resent; The #otential for disaster is #resent; The #otential for disaster is #resent;

D3eaks of all sorts; oil/ chemicals/ which incl"de tol"ene/ ketone/ etc1/ are not
addressed in a timely manner1 The limited amo"nt of maintenance #eo#le are ke#t
4"sy doing work necessary to maintain #rod"ctionK and the less im#ortant
#ro4lems/ in the com#any7s >"dgment/ are left "nattended1E

0nderstaffing leads to eAcess overtime and fatig"e; 0nderstaffing leads to eAcess overtime and fatig"e; 0nderstaffing leads to eAcess overtime and fatig"e; 0nderstaffing leads to eAcess overtime and fatig"e;

Iears after this &@@& testimony/ the #ro4lem of "nderstaffing and related eAtended
working ho"rs was highlighted 4y the 01S1 Chemical Safety and $a5ard
Investigation Board 8CSB: in their 9**' Investigation <e#ort of the March 9**=/ BP
refinery eA#losion and fire in TeAas City1 The incident occ"rred d"ring the start"#
of an isomeri5ation 8IS.M: "nit when a raffinate s#litter tower was overfilled1
Among the "nderlying factors the CSB identified that res"lted in overfilling the
tower was DIS.M o#erators were likely fatig"ed from working &9%ho"r shifts for 9@
or more consec"tive days1E

So"rce; Testimony given 4efore .S$A from 0S mem4er Jimmy $errington/ 3ocal -%9-)/ ,e4r"ary 9-/ &@@&
P!m#hasis addedQK 01S1 Chemical Safety and $a5ard Investigation Board7s Investigation <e#ort; <efinery !A#losion
and ,ire/ <e#ort No1 9**=%*-%&%TR/ March/ 9**'1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns

,actsheet M= ,actsheet M= ,actsheet M= ,actsheet M=
Maintenance 2ownsi5ing Maintenance 2ownsi5ing Maintenance 2ownsi5ing Maintenance 2ownsi5ing

The n"m4er of #rod"ction and maintenance workers in the #etrochemical ind"stry
has 4een dro##ing since &@(@1

B"t/ along with these workforce red"ctions came an increase in #rod"ction1

So"rces; 01S1 2e#artment of 3a4or/ $and4ook of !m#loyment and !arnings 01S1 3a4or Statistics/ ninth edition/
3anham/ M2; Bernan Press/ March 9**(K and 01S1 Cens"s B"rea"/ Statistical A4stract of the 0nited States; 9**+1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns

,actsheet M= 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M= 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M= 8contin"ed: ,actsheet M= 8contin"ed:

A )*%year st"dy of accidents in the #etrochemical ind"stry revealed that incidents
which res"lted in Dlarge #ro#erty damage lossesE were most often ca"sed 4y
mechanical fail"re in the #rocess eC"i#ment 8-& #ercent
of the time:1 The most recent "#date of this st"dy shows #i#ing fail"res and leaks/
cryogenic #lant eC"i#ment fail"re/ and weather conditions as ma>or ca"ses1

So"rces; 01S1 2e#artment of Commerce/ S"rvey of C"rrent B"siness/ J"ne iss"esK 6arrison/ 1 !1/ P!/ 3arge Pro#erty
2amage 3osses in the $ydrocar4on%Chemical Ind"stries; A Thirty%Iear <eview/ Twelfth !dition/ Chicago; Marsh and
Mc3ennan Protection Cons"ltantsK and The &** 3argest 3osses; &@'9%9**&/ Twentieth !dition/ 9**)1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M+ ,actsheet M+ ,actsheet M+ ,actsheet M+
3onger Time 4etween T"rnaro" 3onger Time 4etween T"rnaro" 3onger Time 4etween T"rnaro" 3onger Time 4etween T"rnaro"nds 3eads to 2anger nds 3eads to 2anger nds 3eads to 2anger nds 3eads to 2anger

Prior to the &@'*s/ the average length of time 4etween t"rnaro"nds was one year1
Now this #eriod is m"ch greater/ with the d"ration 4etween t"rnaro"nds sometimes
as long as five years1 This longer length of time means that some eC"i#ment/ which
can only 4e re#aired when the "nit is sh"tdown/ has to wait1

A ty#ical res"lt of long t"rnaro"nd times is that #rocess "nits are r"n "nder
dangero"s conditions that wo"ld not have 4een acce#ta4le years ago1 A tr"e life
eAam#le is told in the Dcalc"lated risksE story 4elow;

The Calc"lated <isks;

DAPnQ 1 1 1 eAam#le of calc"lated risks occ"rred #rior to a sched"led
t"rnaro"nd on the ,CC1 This fl"id catalytic cracking "nit had t"rnaro"nds #"t
off time and again/ 4eca"se cor#orate needed it to meet gasoline demands1
The eA#ansion >oint 1 1 1 was fo"nd to have a hole in it1 The com#any dealt
with this 4y installing a camera on the eA#ansion >oint so the o#erator co"ld
monitor the hole1 The "nit sho"ld have 4een sh"t down1 It wo"ld have 4een
sh"t down ten years agoK however/ a decision was made to contin"e r"nning
the "nit des#ite the #otential of very radical conseC"ences1E

So"rce; 0S mem4er Jimmy $errington/ 3ocal -%9-)/ testimony 4efore .S$A/ ,e4r"ary 9-/ &@@&1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Task 9 Task 9 Task 9 Task 9

Scenario; Scenario; Scenario; Scenario;

2"ring the night shift on "nit DAE at ChemPetro/ the #rocess o#erator/ 2e44ie/
noticed a severe vi4ration on !%&*& D6E fan1 She radioed the control room and
asked the Board .#erator/ Jim/ to write a work order to get the 4earings re#laced1

Jim filled o"t the work order and gave it to his ,oreman/ Bo41

Bo4 made a notation in the "nit log 4ook that the 4earings were 4ad and forwarded
the work order to the "nit s"#ervisor for a##roval1 Bo4 and his crew were finishing
"# their night rotation and were starting their days off1

hen !rnest/ the 0nit S"#ervisor/ arrived on the day shift/ he assigned it a #riority
D9E 8com#lete within a week: 4eca"se it was cool o"tside and he knew they co"ld
r"n witho"t it1 Besides/ the maintenance crew was already 4"sy re#airing the
centrif"ge which was a #riority D&E 8overtime a"thori5ed:1

At );** a1m1 on the following day/ the 4earing failed on !%&*& D6E creating s"ch a
vi4ration that a #ress"re ga"ge leaked/ ca"sing a fire1

2"ring the investigation that followed/ it was fo"nd the vi4ration switch had failed
to tri# the fan off the line1 It had 4een wired wrong/ #ro4a4ly since the time of
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Task Task Task Task 9 9 9 9 8contin"ed: 8contin"ed: 8contin"ed: 8contin"ed:

In yo"r gro"#s/ choose a scri4e1 Then/ "sing factsheets In yo"r gro"#s/ choose a scri4e1 Then/ "sing factsheets In yo"r gro"#s/ choose a scri4e1 Then/ "sing factsheets In yo"r gro"#s/ choose a scri4e1 Then/ "sing factsheets & & & & % %% % + on #ages + on #ages + on #ages + on #ages &- &- &- &- % %% % 9 99 9& && &/ / / /
answer the following C"estion answer the following C"estion answer the following C"estion answer the following C"estions ss s; ;; ;

&1 3ist ways this fire co"ld have 4een #revented1 &1 3ist ways this fire co"ld have 4een #revented1 &1 3ist ways this fire co"ld have 4een #revented1 &1 3ist ways this fire co"ld have 4een #revented1

91 91 91 91 In yo"r gro"#s/ d In yo"r gro"#s/ d In yo"r gro"#s/ d In yo"r gro"#s/ develo# a D#reventive maintenanceE #rogram for ChemPetro1 evelo# a D#reventive maintenanceE #rogram for ChemPetro1 evelo# a D#reventive maintenanceE #rogram for ChemPetro1 evelo# a D#reventive maintenanceE #rogram for ChemPetro1
3ist the key elements of the #rogram 4elow1 3ist the key elements of the #rogram 4elow1 3ist the key elements of the #rogram 4elow1 3ist the key elements of the #rogram 4elow1

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M& && &

The PS The PS The PS The PSM Standard Is DPerformance M Standard Is DPerformance M Standard Is DPerformance M Standard Is DPerformance% %% %4asedE 4asedE 4asedE 4asedE
A <eview from A <eview from A <eview from A <eview from the the the the Introd"ction Introd"ction Introd"ction Introd"ction to PSM to PSM to PSM to PSM Activity Activity Activity Activity

Performance Performance Performance Performance% %% %4ased Standards 4ased Standards 4ased Standards 4ased Standards
The Process Safety Management 8PSM: Standard is a #erformance%4ased standard1
That means it is goal%oriented and what yo" sho"ld >"dge is a #rogram7s
effectiveness1 The eAact s#ecifications are not s#elled o"t/ >"st the desired res"lts1
The PSM Standard gives each facility the fleAi4ility to design its own #rogram to
match its needs/ as long as the o"tcome #revents or minimi5es ma>or releases/ s#ills/
fires/ and eA#losions1 8S#ecification%4ased .S$A standards #rescri4e #recise r"les/
s"ch as a g"ardrail7s height/ eAact limits of eA#os"re/ etc1:
Io"r work eA#erience is yo"r g"ide1 Io"r work eA#erience is yo"r g"ide1 Io"r work eA#erience is yo"r g"ide1 Io"r work eA#erience is yo"r g"ide1
Another way to "nderstand the accident #revention reC"irement of a #erformance
standard is to think in terms of o"r five senses1 e can look and listen for ha5ardsK
we can feel for vi4rations and smell for leaks 8altho"gh that is not always
tr"stworthy:K and/ at times/ we may even 4e alerted 4y o"r sense of taste1 $owever/
the most im#ortant sense we 4ring to the >o4 is o"r work eA#erience1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M& && & 8contin"ed: 8contin"ed: 8contin"ed: 8contin"ed:

Io" sho"ld ask yo"rself the following C"estion when reviewing yo"r Io" sho"ld ask yo"rself the following C"estion when reviewing yo"r Io" sho"ld ask yo"rself the following C"estion when reviewing yo"r Io" sho"ld ask yo"rself the following C"estion when reviewing yo"r facility7s facility7s facility7s facility7s PSM PSM PSM PSM
#rogram; #rogram; #rogram; #rogram;
ill this #rogram/ as it is written and a##lied/ hel# to #revent accidentsL If
the answer is Dno/E then the com#any is not com#lying with the s#irit and
intent of the law1
,or eAam#le/ if the com#any develo#s a #reventive maintenance #rogram
8PM: 4"t assigns PM work orders low #riority/ yo"r work eA#erience tells yo"
that there really is no PM #rogramS

<emem4er/ this is a #erformance%4ased standard1 It does not s#ell o"t the s#ecifics/
>"st the desired res"lts1 The goal or desired res"lts of the Mechanical Integrity 8MI:
element of the PSM Standard is designed to #revent accidents thro"gh the #ro#er
maintenance of eC"i#ment1 Common sense and eA#erience are im#ortant tools to
determine whether or not an MI system is f"lfilling the intent of the PSM Standard1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M9 99 9
hat the hat the hat the hat the PSM PSM PSM PSM Standard Covers Standard Covers Standard Covers Standard Covers

The reC"irements for mechanical integrity "nder the PSM Standard a##ly to siA
s#ecific ty#es of #rocess eC"i#ment where fail"re is likely to 4e catastro#hic1

These ty#es of eC"i#ment/ "sed in the handling of highly ha5ardo"s chemicals are;

&1 Press"re vessels and storage tanksK

91 Pi#ing systems 8incl"ding valves and other com#onents:K

)1 <elief and vent systems and devicesK

-1 !mergency sh"tdown systemsK

=1 Controls 8monitoring devices and sensors/ alarms and
interlocks:K and

+1 P"m#s1

So"rce; .S$A Process Safety Management Standard 9@ C,< &@&*1&&@/ =' ,< +-*+/ ,e4r"ary 9-/ &@@91
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M) )) )
.S$A7s !lements for an MI Program .S$A7s !lements for an MI Program .S$A7s !lements for an MI Program .S$A7s !lements for an MI Program

According to .S$A/ the necessary elements of a good mechanical integrity 8MI:
#rogram are;

!sta4lish and im#lement written #roced"res to maintain the integrity of
#rocess eC"i#ment1

Train em#loyees and contractors involved in maintaining the integrity of

Perform #eriodic ins#ection and testing/ following Drecogni5ed and generally
acce#ted good engineering #ractices/E and doc"ment that ins#ections have
4een done1

Correct eC"i#ment deficiencies 4efore f"rther "se or in a safe and timely

2evelo# a C"ality ass"rance #rogram to ens"re that;

o !C"i#ment for new #lants is s"ita4le for "se in the #rocess/ and is
#ro#erly installedK and
o All maintenance materials/ s#are #arts and eC"i#ment are s"ita4le for
intended "se1

So"rce; .S$A Process Safety Management Standard/ 9@ C,< &@&*1&&@/ =' ,< +)=+/ ,e4r"ary 9-/ &@@91
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M- -- -
hy Preventive MaintenanceL hy Preventive MaintenanceL hy Preventive MaintenanceL hy Preventive MaintenanceL

It7s the 3awS It7s the 3awS It7s the 3awS It7s the 3awS

.S$A; The PSM standard reC"ires #reventive maintenance 4e #erformed 4efore
f"rther "se of the eC"i#ment or in a safe and timely manner when necessary means
are taken to ass"re safe o#eration1

!PA; The !nvironmental Protection Agency has r"les to cover #reventive
maintenance #rograms within its <isk Management Plan reC"irements1

NJ TCPA; In addition to the .S$A PSM T !PA reC"irements/ the NJ 2e#artment of
!nvironmental Protection/ "nder the NJ ToAic Catastro#he Prevention Act 8TCPA:/
reC"ires #reventive maintenance 4e #erformed within ) months or a written
>"stification m"st 4e #rovided incl"ding an eA#lanation of the necessary meas"res
taken to ens"re safe o#eration1

TCPA also reC"ires com#anies to maintain acc"rate records of all ins#ections/
4reakdowns/ re#airs and re#lacements of #rocess eC"i#ment1 All mechanical
integrityF#reventive maintenance records m"st 4e ke#t for the lifetime of the
#rocess eC"i#ment1

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M- -- - 8contin"e 8contin"e 8contin"e 8contin"ed: d: d: d:

If Io" 2on7t/ It Costs OOO1 If Io" 2on7t/ It Costs OOO1 If Io" 2on7t/ It Costs OOO1 If Io" 2on7t/ It Costs OOO1

The BP TeAas City refinery eA#losion and fire in March 9**=/ is a #ainf"l eAam#le of
the cost of failing to #erform #reventive maintenance1 This disaster ha##ened in
#art 4eca"se several instr"ments were o"t of service and the o#erators had no way
of knowing that a critical "nit was 4eing overfilled with highly flamma4le liC"ids1
Timely and #ro#er maintenance might have saved the lives of &= workers and
#revented another &(* from 4eing in>"red1 It also might have saved BP from
financial losses that have th"s far totaled over O&1= 4illion1

It Pays1 It Pays1 It Pays1 It Pays1

According to some cor#orate managers/ there can 4e #ositive 4enefits from Process
Safety Management;

DProcess safety management is intended to hel# yo" recogni5e/ "nderstand
and control all yo"r #rocess ha5ards1 If yo" do that/ yo"7re going to
"nderstand and control yo"r 4"sinessK it r"ns 4etter
1 1 1 it7s more efficient and yo"r C"ality7s higher1E

So"rces; ,ederal <egister/ ?ol1 =(/ No1 9*&/ .cto4er 9*/ &@@)K Consolidated <"le 2oc"ment 9**@/ ToAic Catastro#he
Prevention ActK <ay Brandes/ retired director of safety for ICI AmericasK and 01S1 Chemical Safety and $a5ard
Investigation Board Investigation <e#ort; <efinery !A#losion and ,ire/ <e#ort No1 9**=%*-%&%TR/ March 9**'1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M= == =
Not Not Not Not All !m#loyees < All !m#loyees < All !m#loyees < All !m#loyees <eceive the Same Safety Training eceive the Same Safety Training eceive the Same Safety Training eceive the Same Safety Training

After the Philli#s ++ $o"ston Chemical Com#leA eA#losion in &@(@/ which killed 9)
workers and in>"red 9)9 others/ .S$A commissioned a team of eA#erts to st"dy the
"se of contractor la4or in the #etrochemical ind"stry1 .ne of the main concerns of
the st"dy 8called the John 6ray <e#ort: was to determine the C"ality of health and
safety training that contract workers received1

The s"rvey showed that only +9 #ercent of contract workers re#orted that they
received nine or more ho"rs of com#any training in the last year/ whereas (&
#ercent of the direct hires re#orted nine or more ho"rs of training1

The re#ort concl"ded;

D1 1 1 the C"ality of the la4or force in this ind"stry is declining and the n"m4er of
em#loyees who are associated with higher accident rates 8yo"nger/ less ten"re/
less ed"cation: is increasing1 .ne im#lication of this is o4vio"s; The need for
increased ed"cation and training investments in this workforce is s"4stantial1E

2ifferent com#anies #rovide different ty#es of training/ 4"t it7s not always eno"gh1

So"rce; John 6ray Instit"te/ Managing ork#lace Safety and $ealth; The Case of Contract 3a4or in the 01S1
Petrochemical Ind"stry/ 3amar 0niversity System/ J"ly &@@&/ #1 ''1

,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M ,actsheet M+ ++ +
Maintenance ,ail"res Can $ave Terri4le <es"lts Maintenance ,ail"res Can $ave Terri4le <es"lts Maintenance ,ail"res Can $ave Terri4le <es"lts Maintenance ,ail"res Can $ave Terri4le <es"lts

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
This list ill"strates >"st a few eAam#les of the h"man cost to 4oth workers and the
comm"nity ca"sed 4y fail"re to #ro#erly maintain #rocess eC"i#ment1

Pi#ing; 8Interna Pi#ing; 8Interna Pi#ing; 8Interna Pi#ing; 8Internal Corrosion of .verhead Pi#ing: l Corrosion of .verhead Pi#ing: l Corrosion of .verhead Pi#ing: l Corrosion of .verhead Pi#ing:
May =/ &@(( U An eA#losion and fire at a Shell .il <efinery in Norco/ 3o"isiana/
killed seven .CA 3ocal -%'=* workers and in>"red 99 others1 Some 9/=**
residents had to 4e evac"ated from near4y areas1

? ?? ?essel ,a essel ,a essel ,a essel ,ail"re; 8<eactor: il"re; 8<eactor: il"re; 8<eactor: il"re; 8<eactor:
A"g"st &@@9 U Three workers were in>"red and a gro"# of motorists s"ffered
res#iratory in>"ries from ammonia inhalation when an eA#losion ri##ed thro"gh the
Arcadian Chemical Cor#oration in 3ake Charles/ 3o"isiana1

!C"i#ment ,ail !C"i#ment ,ail !C"i#ment ,ail !C"i#ment ,ail"re; 8 "re; 8 "re; 8 "re; 8Air ,in !Achanger: Air ,in !Achanger: Air ,in !Achanger: Air ,in !Achanger:
.cto4er &@@9 U An eA#losion at the TeAaco <efinery in ilmington/ California/
in>"red &+ workers and reC"ired the evac"ation of residents within a one%mile area
when an air fin eAchanger failed d"e to "nmonitored corrosion1

ron ron ron rong Pi#i g Pi#i g Pi#i g Pi#ing; 8,eed line el4ow: ng; 8,eed line el4ow: ng; 8,eed line el4ow: ng; 8,eed line el4ow:
A"g"st 9/ &@@) U A fire at a Baton <o"ge/ 3o"isiana/ refinery occ"rred when an
el4ow made of car4on steel instead of the reC"ired chrome alloy steel r"#t"red1
2amage was estimated at O-( million1

.verfilled vessel; 8Blowdown .verfilled vessel; 8Blowdown .verfilled vessel; 8Blowdown .verfilled vessel; 8Blowdown dr"m dr"m dr"m dr"m: :: :
March 9**= U A 4last at the BP TeAas City refinery which killed &= and in>"red &(*
#eo#le followed 4"dget c"ts of 9= #ercent from &@@( to 9*** at the #lant1 A
4lowdown dr"m overfilled and alarms and ga"ges that were s"##osed to warn of
the #ro4lem did not work #ro#erly1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
S"mmary; Mechanical Integrity S"mmary; Mechanical Integrity S"mmary; Mechanical Integrity S"mmary; Mechanical Integrity

&1 Preventive maintenance #rograms sho"ld 4e esta4lished/ f"nded and staffed to
s"fficient levels to avoid the need for D4reakdownE maintenance1

91 T"rnaro"nds need to 4e held often eno"gh to avoid D4reakdownE
maintenance1 0nits need to stay down "ntil sched"led re#airs are com#leted1

)1 All maintenance work sho"ld 4e #erformed 4y trained and eA#erienced
crafts workers1

-1 <eC"irements for/ and doc"mentation of/ contractor training sho"ld 4e
eC"ivalent to that of reg"lar em#loyees1

=1 All maintenance work m"st 4e done "sing #ro#er eC"i#ment/ installation
#roced"res/ safety devices and according to a##lica4le codes and standards1

+1 It is critical to act"ally im#lement the written mechanical integrity #rogram1 NJ
TCPA reC"ires #reventive maintenance 4e #erformed within ) months and
detailed records of maintenance and ins#ections 4e ke#t for the life of the

'1 If yo"r work#lace freC"ently eA#eriences D4reakdown maintenanceE/ yo"r
mechanical integrity #rogram is not working1

Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents Preventing Chemical Accidents
Process Safety Management Training from the NJ ork !nvironment Co"ncil Process Safety Management Training from the NJ ork !nvironment Co"ncil Process Safety Management Training from the NJ ork !nvironment Co"ncil Process Safety Management Training from the NJ ork !nvironment Co"ncil
P<.6<AM !?A30ATI.N ,.<M P<.6<AM !?A30ATI.N ,.<M P<.6<AM !?A30ATI.N ,.<M P<.6<AM !?A30ATI.N ,.<M

Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns
3ocation; 3ocation; 3ocation; 3ocation;
2ate; 2ate; 2ate; 2ate;
Tr Tr Tr Trainers; ainers; ainers; ainers;

C.2!; C.2!; C.2!; C.2!; AV!RC!33!NT/ BV 6..2/ C V ,AI</ 2 V P..</ ! V NFA AV!RC!33!NT/ BV 6..2/ C V ,AI</ 2 V P..</ ! V NFA AV!RC!33!NT/ BV 6..2/ C V ,AI</ 2 V P..</ ! V NFA AV!RC!33!NT/ BV 6..2/ C V ,AI</ 2 V P..</ ! V NFA

$ow were the following o4>ectives metL A B C 2 !
&1 0#on com#letion of this #rogram/ #artici#ants will 4e a4le to;

To 4ecome familiar with the .S$A #erformance%4ased
reC"irements for a #lant Dmechanical integrityE #rogram1

To eAamine the ca"ses and sol"tions of D4reakdownE

91 2id the tasks address the #"r#oses of the activityL

)1 Please eval"ate the s#eaker;

Jnowledge of s"4>ect

Presentation orderly and "nderstanda4le

!ffective "se of teaching tools
8small gro"#s/ eA#lanation/ assignments:

-1 hat did yo" like the most a4o"t this activityL

More on 4ack1
Preventing Chemical Accidents; Mechanical Integrity Preventing Maintenance Breakdowns

=1 $ow co"ld this activity 4e im#rovedL

Additional Comments;

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