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01 Series of 2004
Pursuant to Section 6 of R.A. No. 8502, otherwise known as the Jewelry Inustry !e"elo#$ent Act of %&&8,
these Re"ise Rules an Re'ulations si$#lify, consoliate, an a$en the I$#le$entin' Rules an Re'ulations
of R.A. No. 8502, su#ercein' !(I)*+I Rules an Re'ulations I$#le$entin' R.A. No. 8502, *IR Re"enue
Re'ulation %)&&, Joint !+,)*+- +rer No. %)&&, an Joint *IR)*+- +rer No. %)&&.
Rule I
Section 1. Declaration of Policy. Reco'ni.in' that the /ewelry inustry has the #otential for $ore e$#loy$ent
'eneration, enhance ta0 collection efficiency, increase the inustry linka'es with the other sectors of the
econo$y, an to increase our forei'n e0chan'e earnin's throu'h e0#orts an i$#ort su1stitutes, it is here1y
eclare to 1e the #olicy of the State to su##ort, #ro$ote an encoura'e the 'rowth an e"elo#$ent of the
#reo$inantly, s$all an $eiu$ scale /ewelry inustries. (owar this en, the State shall unertake to
encoura'e the e"elo#$ent of the /ewelry inustry 1y2
3a4 Pro$otin' an encoura'in' local /ewelers to /oin the for$al sector 1y $akin' the /ewelry inustry
sector a #artner in the task of 1uilin' u# the s$all an $eiu$ enter#rises throu'h the
esta1lish$ent of an ae5uate su##ort structure an the creation of a 1usiness en"iron$ent
conuci"e to the "ia1ility, le'ali.ation an e"elo#$ent of the /ewelry sector6
314 Ao#tin' a##ro#riate ta0 incenti"es an #ro'ra$s necessary for the acceleration an 'rowth of the
inustry6 an
3c4 Pro$otin' an institutionali.in' the effecti"e #ro$otion an #artici#ation of associations of the
/ewelry inustry an coo#erati"es #articularly in the a"ance$ent of the skills an crafts$anshi# of
,ili#ino workers therein.
Section 2. Designation of Agencies. (he *oar of In"est$ents 3*+I4 is here1y esi'nate 1y the !e#art$ent
of (rae an Inustry 3!(I4 to assist the latter in the $onitorin', o"erseein' an su#er"ision relate to the
i$#le$entation of Re#u1lic Act No. 8502 an its Rules an Re'ulations. (he *ureau of -usto$s 3*+-4 an the
*ureau of Internal Re"enue 3*IR4 are likewise esi'nate 1y the !e#art$ent of ,inance 3!+,4 to i$#le$ent the
'rant of e"elo#$ent incenti"es uner Section 7 3a4, 314, 3c4, 34 an 3h4 of R.A. No. 8502.
Section . Construction. (hese Rules shall 1e li1erally construe in orer to #ro$ote its o1/ecti"es an to
ensure a s#eey #rocess of accreitation an a"ail$ent of e"elo#$ent incenti"es 1y 8ualifie Jewelry
R,-e II
Section 1. ,or the #ur#oses of Re#u1lic Act No. 8502 an these Rules an Re'ulations, the ter$s use herein
shall 1e construe to ha"e the followin' $eanin'2
3a4 Accreitation: ; shall $ean the #rocess 1y which the *oar of In"est$ents eter$ines the
eli'i1ility of a##licant /ewelry enter#rise for the assistance, counselin', an other incenti"es
#ro"ie uner R.A. No. 85026 an a##licant /ewelry association for the enorse$ent of its
$e$1ers for accreitation uner the Act.
314 Act: ; shall $ean the Jewelry Inustry !e"elo#$ent Act of %&&8 3R.A. No. 85024.
3c4 Annual *usiness Plan: ; shall refer to the ocu$ent su1$itte 1y the enter#rise a##lyin' for
accreitation uner the Act an these Rules, which inicates the #ro#ose i$#orte an local
ac5uisition of raw $aterials < su##lies, $achinery an e5ui#$ent, tools an s#are #arts, as well as
the #ro/ecte #rouction an sales co"erin' its year of accreitation.
34 Assayin': ; shall $ean the eter$ination of #recious $etal content in /ewelry or #recious $etal
alloys use for /ewelry.
3e4 *ase =etals: ; shall $ean iron an steel, co##er, nickel, alu$inu$, lea, .inc, tin an their
articles thereof, an other 1ase $etals an their articles as efine in Section >? of the (ariff an
-usto$s -oe of the Phili##ines, as a$ene.
3f4 *ill of @ain': ; shall refer to the ocu$ent issue 1y a carrier to a shi##er, si'ne 1y a
ca#tain, a'ent, or owner of a "essel, furnishin' written e"ience re'arin' recei#t of articles
3car'o4, the conitions on which trans#ortation is $ae 3contract of carria'e4, an the en'a'e$ent
to eli"er 'oos at the #rescri1e #ort of estination to a lawful holer of the 1ill of lain', as well
as #roof of ownershi# or title to the 'oos.
3'4 *IR: ; shall $ean the *ureau of Internal Re"enue.
3h4 *oar: or A*+I: ; shall $ean the *oar of In"est$ents.
3i4 *+-: ; shall $ean the *ureau of -usto$s.
3/4 *PS: ; shall $ean the *ureau of Prouct Stanars.
3k4 -!A: ; shall $ean the -oo#erati"e !e"elo#$ent Authority.
3l4 -ertificate of Accreitation: ; shall refer to the e"ience issue 1y the *oar attestin' to the
co$#liance of an a##licant with all the 5ualifications for accreitation, an which shall ser"e as a
#roof of the re'istration of the a##licant with the *oar for the acti"ity<ies so accreite. (he
-ertificate of Accreitation shall 1e "ali for one 3%4 year an renewa1le thereafter u#on
co$#liance with the re5uire$ents set uner these Rules.
3$4 -o$$ercial In"oice: ; shall refer to the ocu$ent issue 1y an e0#orter to si'nify sales. (his
ocu$ent ientifies the seller an 1uyer of articles, in"oice nu$1er, ate, shi##in' ate, $oe of
trans#ort, eli"ery an #ay$ent ter$s, an a co$#lete listin' an escri#tion of the articles sol
incluin' #rices, iscounts, an 5uantities.
3n4 -uttin': ; shall $ean the #rocess of sha#in' #recious stones on re"ol"in' ia$on char'e or
other a1rasi"e 'rinin' wheels.
3o4 !ate of Accreitation: ; shall $ean the ate when the -ertificate of Accreitation is issue after
the co$#letion of the *oarBs e"aluation of the a##licant for accreitation.
3#4 !ate of +fficial Acce#tance: ; shall $ean the ate sta$#e on the a##lication an recore in
the Recor of A##lication *ook of the *oar. Cowe"er, for a##lications for accreitation file with
the *+I 90tension +ffices, the ate of official acce#tance, in relation to the ten 3%04 workin' ay
#erio for auto$atic a##ro"al, shall 1e the ate the a##lication is recore in the Recor of
A##lication *ook of the *oar until such ti$e that the e0tension offices are fully e5ui##e to acce#t
an #rocess the a##lications.
354 !+,: ; shall $ean the !e#art$ent of ,inance.
3r4 !(I: ; shall $ean the !e#art$ent of (rae an Inustry.
3s4 9lectro#latin': ; shall $ean the #rocess of e#ositin' a layer of $etals on to a conucti"e
surface throu'h the use of electricity.
3t4 90clusi"e use of /ewelry in#uts, $achinery an e5ui#$ent: ; shall refer to the e$#loy$ent,
a##lication, use or consu$#tion 1y a 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise of /ewelry in#uts, $achinery an
e5ui#$ent ac5uire with incenti"es uner this Act, solely for the #ur#ose of $anufacturin' /ewelry
or any as#ect of such $anufacturin' #rocess.
3u4 ,ine Jewelry: ; shall $ean2
3%4 Articles of #ersonal aorn$ent $ae of #recious $etals, stones, #earls or co$1inations
thereof 3for e0a$#le2 rin's, 1racelets, necklaces, 1rooches, earrin's, watch)chains, fo1s,
#enants, tie #ins, cuff links, co$1s, tiaras, ress)stus, reli'ious or other $eals an
insi'nia46 an
324 Articles $ae of #recious $etals, with or without stones for #ersonal use of a kin
nor$ally carrie in the #ocket, han1a' or in the #erson 3for e0a$#le2 ci'arette cases,
#ower 1o0es, chain #urses, cachou 1o0es4.
3"4 ,or$in': ; shall $ean the 'eneric ter$s for the #rocesses use in sha#in' #recious $etals
an i$itations thereof such as 1enin', a##in', chasin', re#ousse, sinkin', ha$$erin', with or
without stakes, usin' sta$#s an ies, for'in', fusin' an en'ra"in'.
3w4 I$itation /ewelry: ; shall $ean articles fallin' uner ite$ 3u4 3%4 1ut not incluin' 1uttons, ress)
co$1s, hair)slies or the like, or hair#ins, not incor#oratin' natural or culture #earls, #recious or
se$i)#recious stones nor #recious $etal or $etal cla with #recious $etal, e0ce#t as #latin' or as
$inor constituents.
304 I$itation of #recious stone: ; shall $ean any $an)$ae re#rouction, co#y, i$itation, likeness
an se$1lance of any of the afore$entione stones, #rocesse, $anufacture, or one in any
$etho or #roceure.
3y4 I$itation of #recious $etal: ; shall $ean non)#recious $etal electro#late to si$ulate #recious
3.4 I$#ort Incenti"es A"ail$ent Re#ort: or AIIAR: ; shall $ean a ocu$ent issue 1y the *oar
carryin' a serial nu$1er, to'ether with the -ertificate of Accreitation, which shall 1e #resente to
the *+- u#on e"ery ta0 an<or uty free i$#ortation 1y 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise. (he
ocu$ent shall contain #ertinent infor$ation on actual i$#ort incenti"es a"ail$ent 1y 8ualifie
Jewelry 9nter#rise, such as 3i4 A##ro"e Pro/ecte ?alue of I$#ortation, 3ii4 CS -oe, 3iii4
!escri#tion, 3i"4 8uantity, 3"4 -I, ?alue, 3"i4 !uty Rate, 3"ii4 ?alue of 90e$#tion, 3"iii4 !esi'nate
Port<s, 3i04 !ate of Arri"al, an 304 *ill of @ain'<Airway *ill Nu$1er, a$on' others.
3aa4 Jewelry 9nter#rise: ; shall $ean an enter#rise en'a'e in any as#ect in"ol"e in the
$anufacture of /ewelry, which inclues, a$on' others2
3%4 =anufacture of fine /ewelry6
324 =anufacture of i$itation /ewelry6
374 -uttin' an #olishin', for$in' of #recious stones or in #roucin' i$itations thereof6
3D4 Pearl far$in', #earls culturin', an in the #rouction of i$itation #earls6
354 Refinin' an<or for$in' of #recious $etals an<or i$itations of #recious $etals6
$anufacture of articles $ae of #recious $etals utili.in' 'ols$ithin' an<or sil"ers$ithin'
techni5ues6 $anufacture an<or #rocessin' of other raw $aterials an #arts use in the
$anufacture of /ewelry6 an
364 Acti"ities in su##ort of 5ualifie /ewelry enter#rise, such as electro#latin', #recious stone
a##raisal an certification, assayin' an refinin', an su1contractin' to another 5ualifie
/ewelry enter#rise.
3114 +ther raw $aterials use in the $anufacture of /ewelry: ; shall $ean2
3%4 Raw $aterials, su##lies an other $aterials such as, 1ut not li$ite to2 clas#s, chains in
s#ools, wires, sheets, finin's, settin's, ru11er $ols, cleanin' solution, solerin' #as,
1inin' wires, #oints wheel, an shar#enin' stones6 an
324 -onsu$a1le $aterials, such as, 1ut not li$ite to2 in/ection wa0es, in"est$ent #owers,
flu0es, solers, ena$els, electro#latin' $aterials an #olishin' co$#oun.
3cc4 P9R!: ; shall $ean the Pro/ect 9"aluation an Re'istration !e#art$ent of the *+I.
34 Polishin': ; shall $ean the #rocess of s$oothenin' an shinin' the surface of $etals for /ewelry
$akin' or #recious stones for la#iary.
3ee4 Precious<fine $etals: ; shall $ean 'ol, sil"er, #latinu$, #allaiu$, rhoiu$, rutheniu$, iriiu$,
an os$iu$. (hese inclue alloys of #recious $etals, solers an #latin' che$icals such as
rhoiu$ an #allaiu$ #latin' solutions an #otassiu$ 'ol cyanie an #otassiu$ sil"er cyanie
an sil"er cyanie in salt solution.
3ff4 Precious stones: ; shall $ean ia$on, ru1y, e$eral, sa##hire, o#al, a$ethyst, 1eryl, to#a.,
'arnet that are use in /ewelry $akin', incluin' those for$erly classifie as se$i)#recious stones.
3''4 Precious stone a##raisal an certification: ; shall $ean the e0a$ination of #recious stone to
eter$ine its 5uality 3i.e., cut, clarity, color an carat4 an esti$ate $arket "alue.
3hh4 S9-: ; shall $ean the Securities an 90chan'e -o$$ission.
3ii4 S=!: ; shall $ean the Su#er"ision an =onitorin' !e#art$ent of the *+I.
3//4 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise 38J94: ; shall $ean any natural or /uriical entity, either a sin'le
#ro#rietorshi#, coo#erati"e, #artnershi#, or cor#oration, or'ani.e an e0istin' uner Phili##ine
laws, which is issue a *+I accreitation uner R.A. No. 8502 an its I$#le$entin' Rules an
3kk4 Recor of A##lication *ook of the *oar: ; shall $ean the Recor of A##lication for Accreitation
*ook uner R.A. No. 8502 es#ecially e"ol"e for #ur#oses of the Act, wherein the na$e of the
a##licant shall 1e recore an the corres#onin' ate of the official acce#tance of the a##lication
are so consecuti"ely entere. (his is to 1e ifferentiate fro$ the Accreitation *ook, which
contains the na$es of all 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rises, an their corres#onin' ates of
accreitation an renewal of accreitation.
3ll4 Refinin': ; shall $ean $ethos of #urifyin' #recious $etals fro$ its i$#urities u# to &&.&&E
3$$4 Su1contractin': ; shall $ean the act of enterin' into an a'ree$ent with another 5ualifie
/ewelry enter#rise en'a'e in /ewelry $anufacturin' to #erfor$ any or s#ecifie #art of the
$anufacturin' #rocess.
3nn4 (9S!A: ; shall $ean the (echnical 9ucation an Skills !e"elo#$ent Authority.
Section 2. (he 90#lanatory Notes of the Car$oni.e -o$$oity !escri#tion an -oin' Syste$, incluin' the
Feneral Rules for Inter#retation of the Car$oni.e Syste$, #ro"ie uner Section %07 of the (ariff an
-usto$s -oe of the Phili##ines, shall 1e the #oint of reference in case 5uestion arises on the correctness an
accuracy of the efinition of ter$s with res#ect to articles of /ewelry.
R,-e III
Section 1. De!elo"#ent Incenti!es. (he followin' incenti"es shall 1e a"aila1le to 8ualifie Jewelry
3a4 9ntitle$ent to .ero 304 uty on i$#orte raw $aterials, which inclue #recious<fine $etals, loose
'e$s, #recious stones, /ewelry #arts, accessories, an su##lies for use 1y 8ualifie Jewelry
9nter#rise as s#ecifically $entione in -ha#ter 5 of Section I, -ha#ter %2 of Section II, -ha#ters
25, 26 an 2G of Section ?, -ha#ters 28, 7D an 78 of Section ?I, -ha#ter G0 of Section >III,
-ha#ter G% of Section >I?, -ha#ter 87 of Section >?, an -ha#ter &6 of Section >> of the (ariff
an -usto$s -oe, as a$ene. (hese raw $aterials are enu$erate in Anne0 AA: hereto
attache an $ae an inte'ral #art hereof6
314 90e$#tion fro$ the i$#osition of e0cise ta0 on all 'oos co$$only or co$$ercially known as
/ewelry, whether real or i$itation #earls, #recious an se$i)#recious stones an i$itation thereof6
all 'oos $ae of, or orna$ente, $ounte or fitte with #recious $etals or i$itations thereof, as
s#ecifically $entione in Section %50 3a4 of the National Internal Re"enue -oe of the Phili##ines,
as a$ene, an enu$erate in Anne0 A-: hereto attache6
3c4 9ntitle$ent to .ero 304 uty on i$#orte ca#ital e5ui#$ent, incluin' s#are #arts an tools
thereof fallin' within -ha#ter 6& of Section >III, -ha#ter 82 of Section >?, -ha#ters 8D an 85 of
Section >?I an -ha#ter &0 of Section >?III of the (ariff an -usto$s -oe as a$ene, an
enu$erate in Anne0 A*: hereto attache6
34 Aitional euction fro$ ta0a1le inco$e of fifty #ercent 350E4 of e0#enses incurre in trainin'
sche$es a##ro"e 1y the a##ro#riate a'ency an which shall 1e eucti1le urin' the financial
year the e0#enses were incurre6
3e4 Fol an sil"er sales 1y the *an'ko Sentral n' Pili#inas uner $ini$al $ar'ins6
3f4 Authority to 1uy 'ol an sil"er irectly fro$ other sources without any s#ecific authority fro$
the *an'ko Sentral n' Pili#inas. Cowe"er, this shall not inclue sale of 'ol an sil"er fro$ s$all)
scale $iners, which, as $anate 1y R.A. No. G0G6, Peo#leBs S$all Scale =inin' Act of %&&%, are
re5uire to 1e sol to the *an'ko Sentral n' Pili#inas6
3'4 Inclusion of locally $anufacture /ewelry #roucts in the 'o"ern$entBs tourist uty free sho#s,
incluin' the #ro$otion, a"ertise$ent, an sale of /ewelry #roucts6 an
3h4 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise a"ailin' of incenti"es #ro"ie uner the Act an these Rules shall
still 1e eli'i1le to incenti"es #ro"ie for 1y other s#ecial laws such as2
3%4 Re#u1lic Act No. G8DD 390#ort !e"elo#$ent Act of %&&D4
324 Re#u1lic Act No. G&%6 3S#ecial 9cono$ic Hone of %&&54
374 90ecuti"e +rer No. 226 3*+I +$ni1us In"est$ent -oe4
Provided that, the jewelry enterprise shall register under the aforestated laws, or that the activity is export-
oriented, and that there is no double availment of the same incentives.
R,-e IV
Section 1. (he articles s#ecifically liste in Anne0 AA: hereof, classifie uner Section %0D of the (ariff an
-usto$s -oe of %&G8, as a$ene, which are /ewelry raw $aterials an su##lies, shall 1e accore .ero
#ercent 30E4 uty on their i$#ortation 1y 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise.
Section 2. (he articles s#ecifically liste in Anne0 A*: hereof, classifie uner Section %0D of the (ariff an
-usto$s -oe of %&G8, as a$ene, which are $achinery, e5ui#$ent, tools an<or s#are #arts use in the
$anufacture of /ewelry, shall 1e accore .ero #ercent 30E4 uty on their i$#ortation 1y 8ualifie Jewelry
Section . (he articles s#ecifically liste in Anne0 A-: hereof, classifie uner Section %0D of the (ariff an
-usto$s -oe of %&G8, as a$ene, which are /ewelry raw $aterials an su##lies co"ere uner Section %50
3a4 of the National Internal Re"enue -oe of the Phili##ines, shall 1e accore .ero #ercent 30E4 e0cise ta0 on
their i$#ortation 1y 5ualifie /ewelry enter#rise.
Section '. (he *oar of In"est$ents, !e#art$ent of ,inance, *ureau of -usto$s, *ureau of Internal Re"enue,
in consultation with concerne #ri"ate sector an other 'o"ern$ent institutions, shall conuct an annual re"iew
of the attache Anne0es AA:, A*:, an A-: co"ere 1y the a1o"e Sections %, 2 an 7, res#ecti"ely.
R,-e V
Section 1. S"ecific (ualifications of )e*elry Enter"rise. (o 1e entitle to accreitation uner the Act an
these Rules, an a##licant $ust co$#ly with the #ertinent 5ualifications #ro"ie herein2
3a4 It is either a sin'le #ro#rietorshi#, coo#erati"e, cor#oration, #artnershi#, or or'ani.ation esta1lishe an
uly authori.e to o 1usiness uner Phili##ine laws6
314 In case the a##licant is a cor#oration, the area of acti"ity in which it is en'a'e or #ro#osin' to
en'a'e is within its cor#orate #ur#oses as inicate in its Articles of Incor#oration6
3c4 It has secure a =ayorBs Per$it or -ity<=unici#al *usiness Per$it6
34 It has secure a##ro#riate *IR Re'istration6
3e4 It is enorse 1y a uly accreite /ewelry association certifyin' $e$1ershi# of 'oo stanin'6
3f4 It is en'a'e or #ro#osin' to en'a'e in any of the acti"ities of a /ewelry enter#rise as efine in
Rule II of these Rules. ,or acti"ities in su##ort of /ewelry $anufacturin', the followin'
5ualifications are further re5uire2
3%4 ,or Assayin' ; the accreite fir$<facility shall secure accreitation fro$ an shall ao#t
the stanars to 1e set 1y the *ureau of Prouct Stanars 3*PS4.
324 ,or Precious Stone A##raisal an -ertification ; #recious stone a##raisal an certification
shall 1e 1ase on the stanars an accreitation to 1e set 1y the *PS.
374 ,or Su1contractin' of Jewelry =anufacturin' ; the /ewelry enter#rise shall enter into an
a'ree$ent with another 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise en'a'e in /ewelry $anufacturin' to
#erfor$ any or s#ecifie #art of the $anufacturin' #rocess.
Section 2. S"ecific (ualifications of )e*elry Association + the followin' 5ualifications
are re5uire2
3a4 It $ust 1e uly re'istere with the S9-6
314 It $ust 1e at least one 3%4 year in e0istence for $e$1er of the -onfeeration of Phili##ine Jewelers,
Inc., otherwise, the /ewelry association $ust 1e at least three 374 years in e0istence6 an
3c4 It $ust ha"e at least ten 3%04 acti"e $e$1ers.
R,-e VI
Section 1. Ne* A""lication for Accre.itation/ Docu#ents to 0e Su0#itte. + (o 1e entitle to accreitation
uner the Act an these Rules, an a##licant $ust su1$it all of the followin' to the *oar2
3a4 ,or Jewelry 9nter#rise
3%4 !uly notari.e a##lication for$ for accreitation 3,or$ RA 8502)%4, Annual *usiness
Plan, location $a# an #lant layout for each an e"ery #lace of #rouction6
324 !(I *usiness Na$e re'istration 3for sin'le #ro#rietorshi#4 < S9- Re'istration an Articles
of Incor#oration an *y)@aws 3for #artnershi#, cor#oration an or'ani.ation4 < -!A
Re'istration 3for coo#erati"e46
374 -ertificate of Re'istration with the *IR6
3D4 -ertificate of Re'istration for I$#orters issue 1y the -usto$s Intelli'ence an
In"esti'ation Ser"ice 3-IIS4 of the *+-6
354 =ayorBs Per$it or -ity<=unici#al *usiness Per$it6
364 9norse$ent fro$ a uly accreite /ewelry association certifyin' $e$1ershi# of 'oo
3G4 !uly notari.e certification 1y the enter#rise of its total assets 3for newly) for$e
384 Inco$e (a0 Return 3I(R4 uly file with the *IR with attache Auite ,inancial State$ent
3for e0istin' enter#rise46 an
3&4 Sworn state$ent that it shall e0clusi"ely use the /ewelry in#uts, $achinery an<or
e5ui#$ent ac5uire with incenti"es uner this Act for /ewelry $anufacturin'.
314 ,or Jewelry Association
3%4 !uly notari.e a##lication for$ for Accreitation 3,or$ R.A. 8502)246
324 @ist of acti"e $e$1ers incluin' their contact #erson, office an #lant aresses,
tele#hone an fa0 nu$1ers6
374 Annual Infor$ation Return uly file with the *IR, incluin' attach$ents, if any6 an
3D4 Acco$#lish$ent < Annual Re#ort for the #ast one 3%4 or three 374 years for $e$1er an
non)$e$1er of the -onfeeration of Phili##ine Jewelers, Inc., res#ecti"ely, inicatin' its
acti"ities, #ro'ra$s an #ro/ects.
Section 2. Rene*al of Accre.itation/ Docu#ents to 0e Su0#itte. 1 (o 1e entitle to a renewal of the
-ertificate of Accreitation uner the Act an these Rules, an a##licant $ust su1$it all of the followin' to the
3a4 ,or Jewelry 9nter#rise
3%4 !uly notari.e a##lication for$ for Accreitation 3,or$ R.A. 8502)%4, Annual *usiness
Plan, location $a# an #lant layout for each an e"ery #lace of #rouction6
324 Annual Re#ort on Actual +#erations enin' calenar<fiscal year 3*+I ,or$ S)% 3RA
374 +ri'inal co#y of the I$#ort Incenti"es A"ail$ent Re#ort inicatin' i$#ortations $ae with
incenti"es urin' the #re"ious year6
3D4 Inco$e (a0 Return 3I(R4 uly file with the *IR with attache Auite ,inancial State$ent
354 9norse$ent fro$ a uly accreite /ewelry association certifyin' $e$1ershi# of 'oo
364 -ertificate of Re'istration with the *IR6
3G4 =ayorBs #er$it or -ity<=unici#al *usiness Per$it6
384 Sworn state$ent that is shall e0clusi"ely use the /ewelry in#uts, $achinery an<or
e5ui#$ent ac5uire with incenti"es uner this Act for /ewelry $anufacturin'6 an
3&4 All ocu$entary re5uire$ents necessary for the a"ail$ent of e0cise ta0 e0e$#tion, as $ay
1e re5uire 1y the *IR, shall 1e su1$itte to the *oar as aitional re5uire$ents for the
renewal of accreitation, such as, 1ut not li$ite to, #roof of #ay$ent of the annual
re'istration fee with the *IR an co#ies of all e0cise ta0 returns for ta0)e0e$#t acti"ities, as
well as ta0a1le acti"ities, if any, for the year<#erio co"ere 1y the #re"ious accreitation.
314 ,or Jewelry Association
3%4 !uly notari.e a##lication for$ for Accreitation 3,or$ R.A. No. 8502)246
324 @ist of acti"e $e$1ers incluin' their contact #erson, office an #lant aresses,
tele#hone an fa0 nu$1ers6
374 Annual Infor$ation Return uly file with the *IR, incluin' attach$ent, if any6 an
3D4 Acco$#lish$ent < Annual Re#ort for the #re"ious year, inicatin' its acti"ities, #ro'ra$s
an #ro/ects.
Section . Proce.ures for Accre.itation un.er R.A. No. 2342. Any /ewelry enter#rise < association, which
has all the 5ualifications uner Rule ?, $ay 1e accreite uner R.A. No. 8502, in accorance with the followin'
3a4 (he a##licant shall file two 324 sets of uly notari.e a##lication for$, co$#lete with the
ocu$entary re5uire$ents, as liste uner Sections % an 2 of Rule ?I, with the P9R! or *+I
90tension +ffice. Ihene"er a##ro#riate, the *oar $ay re5uire su1$ission of aitional
su##ortin' ocu$ents.
314 P9R! or *+I 90tension +ffice shall e"aluate the a##lication for accreitation 1y, a$on' others,
"erifyin' the ocu$ents su1$itte 1y the a##licant /ewelry enter#rise an conuctin' an ocular
ins#ection of the #rouction #re$ises. It shall #re#are an acco$#lish an e"aluation sheet, which
shall 1e the 1asis for the issuance or non)issuance of the -ertificate of Accreitation. (he
e"aluation sheet shall contain the a##ro"e #ro/ecte "alue of i$#ortation of the a##licant 1ase
on its assets, a##ro"e Annual *usiness Plan an o#erational #erfor$ance, as the case $ay 1e.
3c4 J#on a##ro"al 1y the P9R! or *+I 90tension +ffice, the a##lication is officially file with the
Re'istration !i"ision an recore in the Recors A##lication *ook of the *oar. A##licant #ays
the accreitation fee to the *+I cashier.
A##lication recei"e an e"aluate 1y *+I 90tension +ffice shall 1e forware to the *+I Cea
+ffice within D8 hours fro$ recei#t an will 1e consiere officially acce#te u#on #ay$ent of the
accreitation fee an recore in the Recor of A##lication *ook of the *oar. (he a##licant shall
shouler the cost of $ailin' or eli"ery char'es co"erin' the trans$ittal of its a##lication fro$ the
*+I 90tension +ffice to the *+I Cea +ffice.
34 Re'istration !i"ision #re#ares the -ertificate of Accreitation an the I$#ort Incenti"es
A"ail$ent Re#ort for si'natures 1y the P9R! +fficers an the uly esi'nate 90ecuti"e !irector.
3e4 Re'istration !i"ision lo's the na$e of 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise, -ertificate of Accreitation
No., a$ount of in"est$ent an the ate of accreitation or renewal of accreitation in the
Accreitation *ook.
3f4 (he -ertificate of Accreitation an the I$#ort Incenti"es A"ail$ent Re#ort, to'ether with the
a##ro"e Annual *usiness Plan, shall 1e issue to the a##licant within ten 3%04 workin' ays fro$
the ate of official acce#tance.
Se/0io1 4. A2e132e10s 0o 04e A11,5- B,si1ess !-51
(a) or any changes in the annual business plan that will exceed the projected value of importation, brought about by
reasons such as, but not limited to, increase in demand, demand for new products, adoption of new technology,
etc., the !ualified "ewelry #nterprise shall file a formal re$uest to the %oard, together with a revised business
plan and documents to prove its justifications thereof.
314 (he a##ro"al or isa##ro"al of the re5uest shall 1e 1ase on the /ustifications an the #roofs
su1$itte 1y the 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise.
3c4 J#on a##ro"al of the re5uest, P9R! shall #re#are an a##ro"al letter for si'nature 1y the
90ecuti"e !irector.
34 P9R! shall issue the a##ro"al letter inicatin' the new #ro/ecte "alue of i$#ortation 1y the
8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise. P9R! shall i$$eiately #ro"ie co#ies of a##ro"al letter an the
re"ise *usiness Plan to !+,, *+-, *IR an S=!.
Section 3. Re"orting. P9R! shall #re#are a re#ort to the *oar, as often as necessary, on the a##ro"e
accreitations an the a$ount of in"est$ents. P9R! shall #ro"ie co#ies of the -ertificate of Accreitation an
the I$#ort Incenti"es A"ail$ent Re#ort, to'ether with the a##ro"e Annual *usiness Plan, as well as the annual
re#ort on actual o#erations, to the !+,, *+-, *IR an S=! within fi"e 354 aysu#on their issuance.
R,-e VII
Se/0io1 1. I26or0 !ro/e3,res 7i04 04e BOC
3a4 J#on filin' of the I$#ort 9ntry !eclaration, the 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise shall #resent the followin'
ocu$ents to the -usto$s -ollector at the #ort of entry2
3%4 -o$$ercial In"oice6
324 *ill of @ain'6
374 *+I -ertificate of Accreitation uner R.A. No. 85026
3D4 I$#ort Incenti"es A"ail$ent Re#ort with attache a##ro"e Annual *usiness Plan,
incluin' a$en$ents thereto uly a##ro"e 1y the *oar6 an
354 Such other ocu$ents as $ay 1e re5uire 1y *+- #ursuant to laws, rules an re'ulations
as $ay hereinafter 1e issue.
314 (he -usto$s -ollector shall "erify if the i$#ortation is inclue in Anne0 AA:, A*: or A-: of this
3c4 (he -usto$s -ollector shall recor in the I$#ort Incenti"es A"ail$ent Re#ort all #ertinent
infor$ation on the i$#ortation.
34 (he -usto$s -ollector shall check that the cu$ulati"e a$ount of i$#ortation oes not e0cee the
a##ro"e Pro/ecte ?alue of I$#ortation.
3e4 (he I$#ort Incenti"es A"ail$ent Re#ort 3IIAR4 shall 1e acco$#lishe in u#licate 1y the -ollector
of the #ort or his uly authori.e re#resentati"e. (he ori'inal co#y shall 1e 'i"en to the 8ualifie
Jewelry 9nter#rise, an the u#licate shall 1e retaine 1y the *+-.
3f4 In case the cu$ulati"e "alue of i$#ortation e0cees the *+I)a##ro"e Pro/ecte ?alue of
I$#ortation, the -usto$s -ollector shall re5uire the 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise to su1$it a uly
a##ro"e new #ro/ecte "alue of i$#ortation an re"ise 1usiness #lan 1y the *+I uner Section D
of Rule ?I. +therwise, the 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise shall #ay the a##ro#riate ta0es an uties on
the a$ount of i$#ortation in e0cess of the *+I)a##ro"e "alue of i$#ortation.
3'4 (he *+- shall release the tariff an<or e0cise ta0 free in#uts, $achinery an e5ui#$ent, tools an
s#are #arts, in accorance with Rule I?, Sections %, 2, an 7.
Section 2. Re"orting. (he *ureau of -usto$s 3*+-4 shall #ro"ie the *+I, !+, an *IR with a 5uarterly
re#ort on the i$#ort incenti"es a"ail$ent 3uty e0e$#tion an<or e0cise ta0 e0e$#tion4, incluin' ta0es 3"alue
ae ta0, e0cise ta0es4 an uties #ai 1y 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rises. (he *+- shall likewise #ro"ie these
offices with an annual re#ort on the ta0es an uties #ai on the i$#ortations 1y all /ewelry enter#rises.
Section 1. A..itional De.uction for &raining E8"ense. A 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise #ro"iin' trainin' to
its e$#loyees $ay a"ail of the aitional euction e5ui"alent to fifty #ercent 350E4 of the e0#enses incurre in
trainin' sche$es for the #ur#ose of co$#utin' the net ta0a1le inco$e. (he sai fifty #ercent 350E4 euction
shall 1e in aition to the allowa1le orinary an necessary e0#enses on trainin' actually incurre 1y the
enter#rise urin' the ta0a1le year.
Se/0io1 2. Co13i0io1s for 04e A85i-2e10 of 04e T59 I1/e10i8e
3a4 A 5ualifie /ewelry enter#rise $ust su1$it to the *IR a certifie true co#y of its -ertificate of Accreitation
issue 1y the *+I.
314 (he trainin' sche$es $ust 1e a##ro"e 1y the (echnical 9ucation an Skills !e"elo#$ent
Authority 3(9S!A4.
(9S!A $ust certify as to the escri#tion 3o1/ecti"es, ty#e of trainin' to 1e 'i"en, course sylla1us, a$on' others4
an the cost of the trainin' #ro'ra$. (9S!A $ust likewise certify that the trainin' #ro'ra$ was actually
conucte an was instru$ental to the ac5uisition of a##ro#riate skills 1y reci#ient trainees e$#loye in the
8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise. A certification fro$ (9S!A as to the accreitation of, an the actual conuct of the
trainin' #ro'ra$ $ust 1e secure an shall 1e attache to the enter#riseB inco$e ta0 return 3I(R4 co"erin' the
ta0a1le 5uarter < year the trainin' #ro'ra$s were conucte. A su$$ary re#ort shall 1e attache thereto
containin' the etaile for$at on the actual cost of e"ery trainin' an a''re'ate trainin' e0#enses incurre
within the ta0a1le #erio. ,or e"ery trainin' conucte, a corres#onin' (9S!A certification shall 1e issue.
In)house trainin' conucte 1y the 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise shoul also 1e accreite an a##ro"e 1y
(9S!A. All the afore$entione ocu$ents su##ortin' the #roof of trainin'3s4 unertaken 1y the enter#rise shall
likewise 1e attache to the I(R.
Section . Perio. consi.ere. for &a8 De.uction. (he aitional euction fro$ trainin' e0#enses shall 1e
clai$e in the ta0a1le year in which the trainin' e0#enses ha"e 1een incurre.
Section '. Docu#entary Re9uire#ents. (he ta0 euction $ay 1e a"aile of 1y the 5ualifie /ewelry
enter#rise u#on filin' of the 5uarterly < final inco$e ta0 return acco$#anie with the followin' su##ortin'
ocu$ents to the *IR2
3a4 -ertifie true co#y of *+I Accreitation6
314 -ertification fro$ (9S!A as to the re'istration of the trainin' #ro'ra$, its escri#tion, the cost of
the sai trainin' #ro'ra$, an the actual conuct of trainin'6
3c4 +fficial recei#ts of trainin' e0#enses6 an
34 Su$$ary re#ort containin' etails of the actual cost of e"ery trainin' an a''re'ate trainin'
e0#ense incurre within the ta0a1le year.

R,-e I:
Se/0io1 1. S,6er8isio1 513 Mo1i0ori1; of .,5-ifie3 Je7e-r< E10er6rises
3a4 (he 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise shall secure #rior a##ro"al fro$ the *oar on any chan'es in the
location an #lant layout of the #rouction #re$ises, as well as the esta1lish$ent of aitional #lace of
#rouction an<or retire$ent of e0istin' #rouction #re$ises.
314 S=! shall su#er"ise an $onitor all 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rises as to their co$#liance with all
the conitions set forth in their accreitation as such, an shall reco$$en a##ro#riate sanctions
an #enalties for "iolations co$$itte uner the Act an these Rules.
3c4 P9R! shall forwar co#ies of annual re#orts, A,S an I(R of the 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise to
S=!, which shall 1e the 1ases for its su#er"ision an $onitorin' acti"ities.
Se/0io1 2. S,=2issio1 of A11,5- Re6or0s 513 Tr51s/ri60 S4ee0s of Offi/i5- Re;is0er Boo>s
3a4 (he 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise shall su1$it an Annual Re#ort on Actual +#erations usin' *+I ,or$ S)%
3R.A. 85024 within one 3%4 $onth after the en of the calenar<fiscal year. (he annual re#ort shall #ro"ie
infor$ation on the followin'2 3i4 9$#loy$ent *enefits6 3ii4 Incenti"es a"aile uner R.A. 85026 3iii4 (a0es<fees
#ai to the 'o"ern$ent6 3i"4 Perfor$ance in ter$s of #rouction an sales6 3"4 -ost of #rouction6 3"i4 Actual
utili.ation of raw $aterials an su##lies i$#orte with incenti"es uner R.R. 8502, a$on' others.
314 (he 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise shall su1$it to the *oar the transcri#t sheets of the +fficial Re'ister
*ooks 3+R*4, #re#are on a $onthly 1asis, within one 3%4 $onth after the en of the calenar<fiscal year.
Section . )e*elry Enter"rise Also Engage. in E8cisea0le Acti!ities. All laws, Rules an Re'ulations
'o"ernin' e0cise ta0ation shall 1e enforce 1y the *IR, an shall 1e co$#lie with 1y any 8ualifie Jewelry
9nter#rise on its acti"ity, if any, that is not co"ere 1y the ta0 incenti"es 'rante uner the Act.
Se/0io1 4. Co13i0io1s for Co10i1,e3 A85i-2e10 of I1/e10i8es
3a4 Annual Accreitation ; for #ur#oses of continue a"ail$ent of incenti"es, all /ewelry enter#rises
shall a##ly for renewal of accreitation with the *oar within forty)fi"e 3D54 ays 1efore the ate of
e0#iration, as inicate in the -ertificate of Accreitation.
314 ?isitorial Powers ; the enter#rise shall allow authori.e re#resentati"es of the *+I to ins#ect an
e0a$ine its #re$ises, its *ooks of Accounts, an other #ertinent recors an ocu$ents to
ascertain co$#liance with these Rules.
3c4 Se#arate *ook of Accounts for Accreite Jewelry =anufacturin' ; the enter#rise shall $aintain
a se#arate *ook of Accounts < Accountin' Syste$ for its accreite /ewelry $anufacturin'
R,-e :
Section 1. All 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rises a"ailin' of ta0 incenti"es uner R.A. No. 8502 shall kee# 1ooks of
accounts, incluin' the +fficial Re'ister *ooks 3+R*4, an other #ertinent recors #ursuant to the #ro"isions of
the National Internal Re"enue -oe of %&&G an its I$#le$entin' Re"enue Re'ulations. (hese recors an the
actual o#erations of the enter#rise shall 1e su1/ect to ins#ection an "erification 1y uly authori.e re"enue
officer for the #ur#ose of ascertainin' co$#liance with the conitions uner which they ha"e 1een 'rante the
ta0 incenti"es, an their ta0 lia1ility, if any.
R,-e :I
Section 1. *IR shall #ro"ie the *+I with an annual re#ort of ta0 collections on the inustry)wie 1asis, such
as inco$e ta0, e0cise ta0 an ?A( #ai 1y all /ewelry enter#rises.
Se/0io1 2. &'()%*( shall submit to %(+ the transcript sheets of the *+%, prepared on a monthly basis, within one (,)
month after the end of calendar)fiscal year of operation of the !ualified "ewelry #nterprise.
Section . !(I<*+I shall su1$it an annual consoliate Re#ort to -on'ress on the i$#le$entation of the Act
as #ro"ie uner Section 5 thereof. !+,, *IR an *+- shall likewise 1e #ro"ie with such re#ort.
Section '. !(I<*+I shall #ro"ie the *IR with co#ies of ocu$ents su1$itte 1y 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rises.
Section 3. (he #arties herein shall #erioically $eet, or as the nee arises, in orer to re"iew these Rules an
to introuce a$en$ents thereto, if necessary.
R,-e :II
Section 1. All e#art$ents, 1ureaus, a'encies or instru$entalities of the 'o"ern$ent are en/oine to e0ten
the necessary assistance to 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rises to ensure the i$#le$entation of the Act in a
synchroni.e $anner an achie"e the o1/ecti"es thereof.
R,-e :III
Section 1. Effect of Non1i#"le#entation of Pro<ect &i#eta0le. In case a 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise
incurs a elay of si0 364 $onths in the i$#le$entation of its #ro/ect ti$eta1le, the *oar shall, u#on ue notice,
auto$atically cancel the -ertificate of Accreitation. (he enter#rise shall surrener its -ertificate of Accreitation
an the IIAR within fifteen 3%54 calenar ays fro$ recei#t of the notice of auto$atic cancellation.
Section 2. ;it=.ra*al fro# Business> Cessation of $"erations. Ihene"er a 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise
ecies to withraw fro$ 1usiness or sus#en its o#erations for at least si0 364 $onths, a written notice thereof
shall 1e sent to the *oar 1efore the ecision is i$#le$ente.
Iithrawal fro$ 1usiness o#erations for $ore than si0 $onths shall cause the auto$atic cancellation of
the -ertificate of Accreitation, which shall then 1e surrenere to the *oar, to'ether with the IIAR, within the
#erio s#ecifie in Section % hereof. J#on such withrawal, the enter#rise shall cease to 1e entitle to the
incenti"es #ro"ie uner the Act an these Rules.
(he effect of withrawal fro$ 1usiness or sus#ension of o#erations in the accreite acti"ity shall, in
each #articular instance, 1e eter$ine 1y the *oar, takin' into account the reasons thereof an the conition
of the 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise. (he *oar $ay, in a##ro#riate cases, re5uire the #ay$ent of incenti"es in
whole or in #art, with or without interest or #enalties.
R,-e :IV
Section 1. Groun.s for Cancellation of Accre.itation. -ertificate of Accreitation issue uner the Act an
these Rules shall 1e sus#ene or cancelle for any of the followin' 'rouns2
3a4 ,ailure to $aintain the 5ualifications of a 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rise or accreite association6
314 ?iolation of any #ro"ision of the Act an these Rules6
3c4 ?iolation of the ter$s an conitions s#ecifie in the -ertificate of Accreitation, or orers issue 1y the
*oar6 an
34 ?iolation of any law for the #rotection of the en"iron$ent as eter$ine 1y the a##ro#riate 'o"ern$ent
Section 2. Groun.s for Sus"ension of Incenti!es. ,or the sa$e 'rouns enu$erate in the i$$eiately
#recein' section, the *oar $ay sus#en the en/oy$ent of one or $ore incenti"es en/oye 1y a 8ualifie
Jewelry 9nter#rise e#enin' u#on the 'ra"ity of the offense co$$itte.
Section . %iolation of $t=er La*s. Acts of "iolation 1y 8ualifie Jewelry 9nter#rises of the National Internal
Re"enue -oe, as a$ene, the (ariff an -usto$s -oe, as a$ene, the @a1or -oe an such other
a##lica1le laws shall 1e su1/ect to the #enalties #ro"ie uner sai laws.
Section '. (he *+I shall i$$eiately notify the !+,, *IR an *+- of the cancellation or sus#ension of the
-ertificate of Accreitation of the /ewelry enter#rise.
R,-e :V
Section 1. A.#inistrati!e A""eal an. Re!ie*. All ecisions of the *oar uner this Act $ay 1e a##eale to
the +ffice of the Presient within fifteen 3%54 ays fro$ recei#t of the ecision, otherwise the sa$e shall 1eco$e
final an e0ecutory. Ihere an a##eal has 1een #erfecte, such ecision shall 1eco$e final an e0ecutory
ninety 3&04 ays after the #erfection of the a##eal unless re"erse.
Section 2. )u.icial Re!ie*. (he a''rie"e #arty $ay seek a re"iew of the *oarBs ecision 1y filin' an
a##ro#riate #etition with the -ourt of A##eals.
R,-e :VI
Section 1. (he *oar shall collect the followin' accreitation fees, which are
1ase on the followin' cate'ories of an enter#rise, as efine 1y S$all an
=eiu$ 9nter#rise !e"elo#$ent -ouncil 3S=9!-4, an are su1/ect to a$en$ent
as a##ro"e 1y the *oar2
3a4 New A##lication
3%4 =icro enter#rise P%,500
324 S$all scale enter#rise P7,000
374 =eiu$ scale enter#rise PD,500
3D4 @ar'e scale enter#rise P6,000
314 A##lication for Renewal of Accreitation
3%4 =icro enter#rise PG50
324 S$all scale enter#rise P%,500
374 =eiu$ scale enter#rise P2,250
3D4 @ar'e scale enter#rise P7,000
R,-e :VII
Section 1. Re"ealing Clause. All a$inistrati"e orers, rules an re'ulations, or #arts thereof, incluin' !(I)
*+I Rules an Re'ulations I$#le$entin' R.A. No. 8502, *IR Re"enue Re'ulation %)&&, Joint !+,)*+- +rer
No. %)&&, an Joint *IR)*+- +rer No. %)&&, which are inconsistent with the #ro"isions of these Rules an
Re'ulations are here1y re#eale, a$ene, or $oifie accorin'ly.
R,-e :VIII
Section 1. (hese I$#le$entin' Rules an Re'ulations shall take effect fifteen 3%54 ays followin' its
#u1lication in a news#a#er of 'eneral circulation.

Secretary of &ra.e an. In.ustry Secretary of -inance

Un.ersecretary an. ,anaging 5ea. Co##issioner
Boar. of In!est#ents Bureau of Internal Re!enue
Bureau of Custo#s
x x x
A11e9 A A11e9 B A11e9 C
Note2 Si'ne 1y !(I S9cretary -esar Purisi$a6 !+, Secretary Juanita A$aton'6 !(I<*+I Jnersecretary 9l$er Cernane.6 *IR -o$$issioner
Fuiller$o Parayno an -usto$s -o$$issioner Antonio *ernaro on =ay 6, 200D.
Pu1lishe2 =ay %&, 200D ) (he =anila (i$es.

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