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BS OHSAS 18001:2007
1 Sc!"
This Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) standard specifies requirements for
an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, to enable an organisation to control its
OH&S risks and improe its performance! "t does not state specific OH&S performance criteria, nor
does it gie detailed specifications for the design of a management system!
This OHSAS Standard is applicable to any organisation that #ishes to$
a) %stablish an OH&S management system to eliminate or minimise risks to personnel and other
interested parties #ho could be e&posed to OH&S ha'ards associated #ith its actiities(
b) "mplement, maintain and continually improe an OH&S management system(
c) Assure itself of its conformance #ith its stated OH&S policy(
d) )emonstrate conformity #ith this OHSAS Standard by$
*) +aking a self,determination and self,declaration, or
-) Seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties haing an interest in the organisation, such as
customers, or
.) Seeking confirmation of its self,declaration by a party e&ternal to the organisation, or
/) Seeking certification0registration of its OH&S management system by an e&ternal organisation!
All the requirements of this OHSAS Standard are intended to be incorporated into any OH&S
management system! The e&tent of the application #ill depend on such factors as the OH&S policy of
the organisation, the nature of its actiities and the risks and comple&ity of its operations!
This OHSAS Standard is intended to address occupational health and safety, and is not intended to
address other health and safety areas such as employee #ellbeing0#ellness programmes, product safety,
property damage or enironmental impacts!
2 R"#"$"nc" P%&'(ca)(n*
Other publications that proide information or guidance are listed in the 1ibliography it is adisable
that the latest editions of such publications be consulted! Specifically, reference should be made to$
OHSAS *233- Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Guidelines, for the
implementation of OHSAS 18001
"nternational 4abour Organisation -33*, Guidelines on Occupational Health and Safety Management
Systems (OSHMS!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age - of *8
+ T"$,* and -"#(n()(n*
9or the purposes of this document, the follo#ing terms and definitions apply!
+.1 Acc"!)a&'" $(*/
:isk that has been reduced to a leel that can be tolerated by the organisation haing regard to its legal
obligations and its o#n OH0S !'(c1 2+.34
+.2 A%d()
Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining ;adult eidence< and ealuating it ob=ectiely to
determine the e&tent to #hich ;audit criteria< are fulfilled!!
>"SO 8333$-33?, +.5.1@
AOT%* "ndependent does not necessarily mean e#ternal to the organisation$ "n many cases, particularly in
smaller organisations, independence can %e demonstrated %y the freedom from responsi%ility for the acti&ity
%eing audited$
AOT% - 'or further guidance on (audit e&idence) and (audit criteria), see "SO 1*011
+.+ Cn)(n%a' I,!$6","n)
:ecurring process of enhancing the OH0S Mana7","n) S1*)", 2+.154 in order to achiee improements in
oerall OH0S !"$#$,anc" 2+.184 consistent #ith the $7an(*a)(n9* 4+.174 OH0S !'(c1 2+.134
AOT% * +he process need not ta,e place in all areas of acti&ity simultaneously$
AOT% - Adapted from "SO 1-001./00-, 3.2.
+.: C$$"c)(6" Ac)(n
Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nncn#$,()1 2+.114 or other undesirable situation
AOT% * +here can %e more than one cause for a nonconformity
AOT% - 0orrecti&e action is ta,en to pre&ent recurrence 1hereas preventive action (3.18) is ta,en to pre&ent
>"SO 8333$-33?, +.3.8;
+.8 -c%,"n)
"nformation and its supporting medium
AOT% +he medium can %e paper, magnetic, electronic or optical computer disc, photograph or master sample, or
a com%ination thereof$
>"SO */33*$-33/, +.:@
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age . of *8
+.3 Ha<a$d
Source, situation, or act #ith a potential for harm in terms of human in=ury or ('' ="a')= 2+.84, or a combination
of these!
+.7 Ha<a$d Id"n)(#(ca)(n
7rocess of recognising that a =a<a$d 2+.34 e&ists and defining its characteristics!
+.8 I'' H"a')=
"dentifiable, aderse physical or mental condition arising form and0or made #orse by a #ork actiity and0or
#ork,related situation
+.5 Inc(d"n)
Bork,related eent(s) in #hich an in=ury or ('' ="a')= 2+.84 (regardless of seerity) or fatality occurred, or could
hae occurred
AOT% * An accident is an incident 1hich has gi&en rise to in2ury, ill health or fatality
AOT% - an incident 1here no in2ury, ill health, or fatality occurs may also %e referred to as a (nearmiss),
(close call) or (dangerous occurrence)$
+.10 In)"$"*)"d Pa$)1
7erson or group, inside or outside the >$/!'ac" 2+.2+4, concerned #ith or affected by the OH0S !"$#$,anc"
2+.184 of an $7an(*a)(n 2+.174
+.11 Nncn#$,()1
Aon,fulfilment of a requirement
>"SO 8333$-33?, +.3.2( "SO */33*, +.18@
AOT% A nonconformity can %e any de&iation from.
3ele&ant 1or, standards, practices, procedures, legal re4uirements, etc$
OH&S Management System (3.13) re4uirements$
+.12 Occ%!a)(na' H"a')= and Sa#")1 2OH0S4
Conditions and factors that affect, or could affect, the health and safety of employees or other #orkers (including
temporary #orkers and contractors personnel), isitors or any other person in the >$/!'ac" 2+.2+4
AOT% Organisations can be sub=ect to legal requirements for the health and safety of persons, beyond the
immediate #orkplace, or #ho are e&posed to the #orkplace actiities!
+.1+ OH0S Mana7","n) S1*)",
7art of an $7an(*a)(n9* 2+.174 +anagement System used to deelop and implement its OH0S !'(c1 2+.134
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age / of *8
and manage its OH0S $(*/* 2+.214
AOT% * A Management System is a set of interrelated elements used to esta%lish policy and o%2ecti&es and to
achie&e those o%2ecti&es$
AOT% - A Management System includes organisational structure, planning acti&ities (including, for e#ample,
ris, assessment and the setting of o%2ecti&es!, responsi%ilities, practices, procedures (3.19), processes and
AOT% . Adapted from "SO 1-001./00-, 3.8
+.1: OH0S O&?"c)(6"
OH&S goal, in terms of OH0S !"$#$,anc" 2+.184, that an $7an(*a)(n 2+.174 sets itself to achiee!
AOT% * O%2ecti&es should %e 4uantified 1here&er practica%le
AOT% - 4.3.3 re4uires that OH5S o%2ecti&es are consistent 1ith the OH0S !'(c1 2+.134
+.18 OH0S P"$#$,anc"
+easurable results or an $7an(*a)(n9* 2+.174 management of its OH0S $(*/* 2+.214
AOT% * OH5S performance measurement includes measuring the effecti&eness of the organisation6s controls$
AOT% - "n the conte&t of OH0S ,ana7","n) *1*)",* 2+.1+4, results can be measured against the
$7an(*a)(n9* 2+.174 OH0S !'(c1 2+.134@ OH0S &?"c)(6"* 2+.1:4, and other OH&S performance
+.13 OH0S P'(c1
Oerall intentions and direction of an $7an(*a)(n 2+.174 related to its OH0S !"$#$,anc" 2+.184 as formally
e&pressed by top management!
AOT% * +he OH5S policy pro&ides a frame1or, for action and for the setting of OH&S o!ectives (3.14)
AOT% - adapted from "SO 1-001./00-, 3.11
+.17 O$7an(*a)(n
Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, #hether
incorporated or not, public or priate, that has its o#n functions and administration!
AOT% 'or organisation 1ith more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may %e defined as
an organisation$
>"SO */33*$-33/, +.13@
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age ? of *8
+.18 P$"6"n)(6" Ac)(n
Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nncn#$,()1 2+.114 or other undesirable potential
AOT% * +here can %e more than one cause for a potential nonconformity$
AOT% - 7re&enti&e action is ta,en to pre&ent occurrence 1hereas corrective action (3.4) is ta,en to
pre&ent recurrence
8"SO *000./009, 3.".4:
+.15 P$c"d%$"
Specified #ay to carry out an actiity or a process
AOT% 7rocedures can %e documented or not
>"SO 8333$-33?, +.:.8@
+.20 R"c$d
-c%,"n) 2+.84 stating results achieed or proiding eidence of actiities performed
>"SO */33*$-33/, +.20@
+.21 R(*/
Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a ha'ardous eent or e&posure(s) and the seerity of
in=ury to ('' ="a')= 2+.84 that can be caused by the eent or e&posure(s)
+.22 R(*/ A**"**,"n)
7rocess of ealuating the $(*/2*4 2+.214 arising from a ha'ard(s), taking into account the adequacy of
any e&isting controls, and deciding #hether or not the risk(s) is acceptable
+.2+ A$/!'ac"
Any physical location in #hich #ork related actiities are performed under the control of the
AOT% ;hen gi&ing consideration to 1hat constitutes a 1or,place, the organisation (3.1#) should
ta,e into account the O5S effects on personnel 1ho are, for e#ample, tra&elling or in transit (e$g$
dri&ing, flying on %oats or trains!, 1or,ing at the premises of a client or customer, or 1or,ing at home$
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age D of *8
: OH0S Mana7","n) S1*)", R"B%($","n)*
:.1 G"n"$a' R"B%($","n)*
The organisation shall establish, document, implement, maintain and continually improe an OH&S
management system in accordance #ith the requirements of the OHSAS Standard and determine ho# it
#ill fulfil these requirements!
The organisation shall define and document the scope of its OH&S management system!
:.2 OH0S P'(c1
Top management shall define and authorise the organisationEs OH&S policy and ensure that #ithin the
defined scope of its OH&S +anagement System it$
a) "s appropriate to the nature and scale of the organisationEs OH&S risks(
b) "ncludes a commitment to preention of in=ury and ill health and continual improement in OH&S
management and OH&S performance(
c) "ncludes a commitment to at least comply #ith applicable legal requirements and #ith other
requirements to #hich the organisation subscribes that relate to its OH&S ha'ards(
d) 7roides the frame#ork for setting and reie#ing OH&S ob=ecties(
e) "s documented, implemented and maintained(
f) "s communicated to all persons #orking under the control of the organisation #ith the intent that
they are made a#are of their indiidual OH&S obligations(
g) "s aailable to interested parties( and
h) "s reie#ed periodically to ensure that it remains releant and appropriate to the organisation!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age 6 of *8
:.+ P'ann(n7
:.+.1 Ha<a$d (d"n)(#(ca)(n@ $(*/ a**"**,"n) and d")"$,(n(n7 cn)$'*
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for the ongoing ha'ard
identification, risk assessment, and determination of necessary controls!
The procedure(s) for ha'ard identification and risk assessment shall take into account$
a) :outine and non,routine actiities(
b) Actiities of all persons haing access to the #orkplace (including contractors and isitors)(
c) Human behaiour, capabilities and other human factors(
d) "dentified ha'ards originating outside the #orkplace capable of adersely affecting the health and
safety of persons under the control of the organisation #ithin the #orkplace(
e) Ha'ards created in the icinity of the #orkplace by #ork,related actiities under the control of the
AOT% * "t may %e more appropriate for such ha<ards to %e assessed as an en&ironmental aspect$
f) "nfrastructure, equipment and materials at the #orkplace, #hether proided by the organisation or
g) Changes or proposed changes in the organisation, its actiities, or materials(
h) +odifications to the OH&S management system, including temporary changes, and their impacts
on operations, processes, and actiities(
i) Any applicable legal obligations relating to the risk assessment and implementation of necessary
controls (see also the AOT% to +.12)(
=) The design of #ork areas, processes, installations, machinery0equipment, operating procedures and
#ork organisation, including their adaptation to human capabilities
The organisationEs methodology for ha'ard identification and risk assessment shall$
a) 1e defined #ith respect to its scope, nature and timing to ensure it is proactie rather than reactie(
b) 7roide for the identification, prioritisation and documentation of risks, and the application of
controls, as appropriate!
9or the management of change, the organisation shall identify the OH&S ha'ards and OH&S risks
associated #ith changes in the organisation, the OH&S +anagement System, or its actiities, prior to
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age 2 of *8
the introduction of such changes!
The organi'ation shall ensure that the results of these assessments are considered #hen determining
Bhen determining controls, or considering changes to e&isting controls, consideration shall be gien to
reducing the risks according to the follo#ing hierarchy$
a) %limination(
b) Substitution(
c) %ngineering controls(
d) Signage0#arnings and0or administratie controls(
e) 7ersonal protectie equipment!
The organisation shall document and keep the results of identification of ha'ards, risk assessments and
determined controls up,to,date!
The organisation shall ensure that the OH&S risks and determined controls are taken into account #hen
establishing, implementing and maintaining its OH&S management system!
AOT% - 'or further guidance on ha<ard identification, ris, assessment and determining controls, see
OHSAS 1800/$
:.+.2 L"7a' and )="$ $"B%($","n)*
The organi'ation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for identifying and accessing
the legal and other OH&S requirements that are applicable to it!
The organisation shall ensure that these applicable legal requirements and other requirements to #hich
the organisation subscribes are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining its
OH&S management system!
The organisation shall keep this information up,to,date!
The organisation shall communicate releant information on legal and other requirements to persons
#orking under the control of the organisation, and other releant interested parties!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age 8 of *8
:.+.+ O&?"c)(6"* and !$7$a,,"2*4
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain documented OH&S ob=ecties, at releant
functions and leels #ithin the organisation!
The ob=ecties shall be measurable, #here practicable, and consistent #ith the OH&S policy, including
the commitments to the preention of in=ury and ill health, to compliance #ith applicable legal
requirements an #ith other requirements to #hich the organisation subscribes, and to continual
Bhen establishing and reie#ing its ob=ecties, an organisation shall take into account legal
requirements and other requirements to #hich the organisation subscribes, and its OH&S risks! "t shall
also consider its technological options, its financial, operational and business requirements, and
the ie#s of releant interested parties!
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a programme(s) for achieing its ob=ecties!
7rogramme(s) shall include as a minimum$
a) )esignation of responsibility and authority for achieing ob=ecties at releant functions and leels
of the organisation( and
b) The means and time,frame by #hich the ob=ecties are to be achieed!
The programme(s) shall be reie#ed at regular and planned interals, and ad=usted as necessary, to
ensure that the ob=ecties are achieed!
:.: I,!'","n)a)(n and !"$a)(n
:.:.1 R"*%$c"*@ $'"*@ $"*!n*(&('()1@ acc%n)a&('()1 and a%)=$()1
Top management shall take ultimate responsibility for OH&S and the OH&S management system!
Top management shall demonstrate its commitment by$
a) %nsuring the aailability of resources essential to establish, implement, maintain and improe the
OH&S management system(
=O+> 1 3esources include human resources and specialised s,ills, organisational infrastructure,
technology and financial resources$
b) )efining roles, allocating responsibilities and accountabilities, and delegating authorities, to
facilitate effectie OH&S management( roles, responsibilities, accountabilities, and authorities shall be
documented and communicated!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age *3 of *8
The organisation shall appoint a member(s) of top management #ith specific responsibilities for
OH&S, irrespectie of other responsibilities, and #ith defined roles and authority for$
a) %nsuring that the OH&S management system is established, implemented and maintained in
accordance #ith this OHSAS Standard(
b) %nsuring that reports on the performance of the OH&S management system are presented to
top management for reie# and used as a basis for improement for the OH&S management system!
=O+> / +he top management appointee (e$g$ in a large organisation, a ?oard of >#ecuti&e
0ommittee Mem%er! may delegate some of their duties to a su%ordinate management
representati&e(s! 1hile still retaining accounta%ility$
The identity of the top management appointee shall be made aailable to all persons #orking under the
control of the organisation!
All those #ith management responsibility shall demonstrate their commitment to the continual
improement of OH&S performance!
The organisation shall ensure that persons in the #orkplace take responsibility for aspects of OH&S
oer #hich they hae control, including adherence to the organisationEs applicable OH&S
:.:.2 C,!")"nc"@ )$a(n(n7 and a>a$"n"**
The organisation shall ensure that any person(s) under its control performing tasks that can impact on
OH&S is (are) competent on the basis of appropriate education, training or e&perience, and shall retain
associated records!
The organisation shall identify training needs associated #ith its OH&S risks and its OH&S
management system! "t shall proide training or take other action to meet these needs, ealuate the
effectieness of the training or action taken, and retain associated records!
The organisation shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure(s) to make persons #orking
under its control a#are of$
a) The OH&S consequences, actual or potential, of their #ork actiities, their behaiour, and the
OH&S benefits of improed personal performance(
b) Their roles and responsibilities and importance in achieing conformity to the OH&S policy and
procedures and to the requirements of the OH&S management system, including emergency
preparedness and response requirements (see :.:.7)(
c) The potential consequences of departure from specified procedures!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age ** of *8
Training procedures shall take into account differing leels of$
a) :esponsibility, ability, language skills and literacy( and
b) :isk!
:.:.+ C,,%n(ca)(n@ !a$)(c(!a)(n and cn*%')a)(n
:.:.+.1 C,,%n(ca)(n
Bith regard to its OH&S ha'ards and OH&S management system, the organisation shall establish,
implement and maintain a procedure(s) for$
a) "nternal communication among the arious leels and functions of the organisation(
b) Communication #ith contractors and other isitors to the #orkplace(
c) :eceiing, documenting and responding to releant communications from e&ternal interested
:.:.+.2 Pa$)(c(!a)(n and cn*%')a)(n
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for$
a) The participation of #orkers by their(
appropriate inolement in ha'ard identification, risk assessments and determination of controls(
appropriate inolement in incident, inestigation(
inolement in the deelopment and reie# of OH&S policies and ob=ecties(
consultation #here there are any changes that affect their OH&S(
representation on OH&S matters!
Borkers shall be informed about their participation arrangements, including #ho is their
representatie(s) on OH&S matters!
b) Consultation #ith contractors, #here there are changes that affect their OH&S!
The organisation shall ensure that, #hen appropriate, releant e&ternal interested parties are consulted
about pertinent OH&S matters!
:.:.: -c%,"n)a)(n
The OH&S management system documentation shall include$
a) The OH&S policy and ob=ecties(
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age *- of *8
b) )escription of the scope of the OH&S management system(
c) )escription of the main elements of the OH&S management system and their interaction, and
reference to related documents(
d) )ocuments, including records, required by this OH&S Standard( and
e) )ocuments, including records, determined by the organisation to be necessary to ensure the
effectie planning, operation and control of processes that relate to the management of its OH&S risks!
AOT% "t is important that documentation is proportional to the le&el of comple#ity, ha<ards and ris,s
concerned and is ,ept to the minimum re4uired for effecti&eness and efficiency$
:.:.8 Cn)$' # dc%,"n)*
)ocuments required by the OH&S management system and by this OHSAS Standard shall be
controlled! :ecords are a special type of document and shall be controlled in accordance #ith the
requirements gien in :.8.:!
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to$
a) Approe documents for adequacy prior to issue(
b) :eie# and update as necessary and re,approe documents(
c) %nsure that changes and the current reision status of documents are identified(
d) %nsure that releant ersions of applicable documents are aailable at points of use(
e) %nsure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable(
f) %nsure that documents of e&ternal origin determined by the organisation to be necessary for the
planning and operation of the OH&S management system are identified and their distribution
controlled( and
g) 7reent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they
are retained for any purpose!
:.:.3 O!"$a)(na' Cn)$'
The organisation shall identify those operations and actiities that are associated #ith identified
ha'ard(s) #here the implementation of controls is necessary to manage the OH&S risk(s)! This shall
include the management of change (see :.+.1)!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age *. of *8
9or those operations and actiities, the organisation shall implement and maintain$
a) Operational controls, as applicable to the organisation and its actiities( the organisation shall
integrate those operational controls into its oerall OH&S management system(
b) Controls related to purchased goods, equipment and serices(
c) Controls related to contractors and other isitors to the #orkplace(
d) )ocumented procedures, to coer situations #here their absence could lead to deiations form the
OH&S policy and the ob=ecties(
e) Stipulated operating criteria #here there absence could lead to deiations from the OH&S policy
and ob=ections!
:.:.7 E,"$7"nc1 !$"!a$"dn"** and $"*!n*"
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s)$
a) To identify the potential for emergency situations(
b) To respond to such emergency situations!
The organisation shall respond to actual emergency situations and preent or mitigate associated
aderse OH&S consequences!
"n planning its emergency response the organisation shall take account of the need of releant
interested parties, e!g! emergency serices and neighbours!
The organisation shall also periodically test its procedure(s) to respond to emergency situations, #here
practicable, inoling releant interested parties as appropriate!
The organisation shall periodically reie# and, #here necessary, reise its emergency preparedness and
response procedure(s), in particular, after periodical testing and after the occurrence of emergency
situations (see :.8.+)!
:.8 C="c/(n7
:.8.1 P"$#$,anc"@ ,"a*%$","n) and ,n()$(n7
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to monitor and measure
OH&S performance on a regular basis! This procedure(s) shall proide for$
a) 1oth qualitatie and quantitatie measures, appropriate to the needs of the organisation(
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age */ of *8
b) +onitoring of the e&tent to #hich the organisationEs OH&S ob=ecties are met(
c) +onitoring the effectieness of controls (for health as #ell as for safety)(
d) 7roactie measures of performance that monitor conformance #ith the OH&S programme(s),
controls and operational criteria(
e) :eactie measures of performance that monitor ill health, incidents (including accidents, near,
misses, etc!), and other historical eidence of deficient OH&S performance(
f) :ecording of data and results of monitoring and measurement sufficient to facilitate subsequent
correctie action and preentie action analysis!
"f equipment is required to monitor or measure performance, the organisation shall establish and
maintain procedures for the calibration and maintenance of such equipment, as appropriate! :ecords of
calibration and maintenance actiities and results shall be retained!
:.8.2 E6a'%a)(n # c,!'(anc"
:.8.2.1 Consistent #ith its commitment to compliance >see :.2c@, the organisation shall establish,
implement and maintain a procedure(s) for periodically ealuating compliance #ith applicable legal
requirements (see :.+.2)!
The organisation shall keep records of the results of the periodic ealuations!
AOT% +he fre4uency of periodic e&aluation may &ary for differing legal re4uirements$
:.8.2.2 The organisation shall ealuate compliance #ith other requirements to #hich it subscribes (see
:.+.2)! The organisation may #ish to combine this ealuation #ith the ealuation of legal compliance
referred to in :.8.2.1 or to establish a separate procedure(s)!
The organisation shall keep records of the results of the periodic ealuations!
AOT% +he fre4uency of periodic e&aluation may &ary for differing other re4uirements to 1hich the
organisation su%scri%es$
:.8.+ Inc(d"n) (n6"*)(7a)(n@ nncn#$,()1@ c$$"c)(6" ac)(n and !$"6"n)(6" ac)(n
:.8.+.1 Inc(d"n) (n6"*)(7a)(n
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to record, inestigate and
analyse incidents in order to$
a) )etermine underlying OH&S deficiencies and other factors that might be causing or contributing to
the occurrence of incidents(
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age *? of *8
b) "dentify the need for correctie action(
c) "dentify opportunities for preentie action(
d) "dentify opportunities for continual improement(
e) Communicate the results of such inestigations!
The inestigations shall be performed in a timely manner!
Any identified need for correctie action or opportunities for preentie action shall be dealt #ith in
accordance #ith the releant parts of :.8.+.2!
The results of incident inestigations shall be documented and maintained!
:.8.+.2 Nncn#$,()1@ c$$"c)(6" ac)(n and !$"6"n)(6" ac)(n
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for dealing #ith actual and
potential nonconformity(ies) and for taking correctie action and preentie action! The procedure(s)
shall define requirements for$
a) "dentifying and correcting nonconformity(ies) and taking action(s) to mitigate their OH&S
b) "nestigating nonconformity(ies), determining their cause(s) and taking actions in order to aoid
their recurrence(
c) %aluation the need for action(s) to preent nonconformity(ies) and implementing appropriate
actions designed to aoid their occurrence(
d) :ecoding and communication the results of correctie action(s) and preentie action(s) taken( and
e) :eie#ing the effectieness of correctie action(s) and preentie action(s) taken!
Bhere the correctie action and preentie action identifies ne# or changed ha'ards or the need for
ne# or changed controls, the procedure shall require that the proposed actions shall be taken through a
risk assessment prior to implementation!
Any correctie action or preentie action taken to eliminate the causes of actual and potential
nonconformity(ies) shall be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate #ith the
OH&S risk(s) encountered!
The organisation shall ensure that any necessary changes arising from correctie action and preentie
action are made to the OH&S management system documented!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age *D of *8
:.8.: Cn)$' # $"c$d*
The organisation shall establish and maintain records as necessary to demonstrate conformity to the
requirements of its OH&S management system and of this OHSAS Standard, and the results achieed!
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for the identification, storage,
protection, retrieal, retention and disposal of records!
:ecords shall be and remain legible, identifiable and traceable!
:.8.8 In)"$na' a%d()
The organisation shall ensure that internal audits of the OH&S management system are conducted at
planned interals to(
a) )etermine #hether the OH&S management system$
*) Conforms to planned arrangements for OH&S management, including the requirements of this
OH&S Standard, and
-) Has been properly implemented and is maintained( and
.) "s effectie in meeting the organisationEs policy and ob=ecties(
b) 7roide information on the results of audits to management!
Audit programme(s) shall be planned, established, implemented and maintained by the organisation,
based on the results of risk assessments of the organisationEs actiities, and the results of preious
Audit procedure(s) shall be established, implemented and maintained that address$
a) The responsibilities, competencies, and requirements for planning and conducting audits, reporting
results and retaining associated records( and
b) The determination of audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods!
Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure ob=ectiity and the impartiality of the audit
:.3 Mana7","n) $"6(">
Top management shall reie# the organisationEs OH&S management system, at planned interals, to
ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectieness! :eie#s shall include assessing
opportunities for improement and the need for changes to the OH&S management system, including
the OH&S policy and OH&S ob=ecties! :ecords of the management reie#s shall be retained!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age *6 of *8
"nput to management reie#s shall include(
a) :esults of internal audits and ealuations of compliance #ith applicable legal requirements and #ith
other requirements to #hich the organisation subscribes(
b) The results of participation and consultation (see :.:.:)(
c) :eleant communication(s) from e&ternal interested parties, including complaints(
d) The OH&S performance of the organisation(
e) The e&tent of #hich ob=ecties hae been met(
f) Status of incident inestigations, correctie actions and preentie actions(
g) 9ollo#,up actions from preious management reie#s(
h) Changing circumstances, including deelopments in legal and other requirements related to OH&S(
i) :ecommendations for improement!
The outputs from management reie#s shall be consistent #ith the organisationEs commitment to
continual improement and shall include any decisions and actions related to possible changes to$
a) OH&S performance(
b) OH&S policy and ob=ecties(
c) :esources( and
d) Other elements of the OH&S management system!
:eleant outputs from management reie# shall be made aailable for communication and
consultation (see :.:.+)!
*of 1S5OHSAS5*233*5-336 7age *2 of *8

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