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Creator: How Our Universe Began, and The Invasion from Omarrhan

Ok, here we go. Take a deep breath and come with me. I have something to show ou that
wi!! take our breath awa. I want ou to find a comfortab!e p!ace to sit whi!e ou read this,
where ou can remain in meditation afterward to continue the "ourne with me. If that is not
possib!e at this moment, then make an appointment for us to meet !ater in the da, and I wi!!
accompan ou then as we!!. There is no !imit to m abi!it to meet with ou, to reassure and
teach ou. It is on! up to ou to ca!! on me.
#ow, we are going to take a trip around the Universe $ the Universe that is m home and
ours. It is true that a few of ou have come from other Universes to be here with us during
this monumenta! time. %e are making histor together, in terms of our Universe and a!!
others as we!!. &et me te!! ou how this came about.
%e are not the o!dest Universe of our kind. There was another nearb Universe which was
under deve!opment when I came a!ong $ that is, when I came into being as the chi!d'creation
of the One. I was taught about Creation b witnessing the bui!ding of that Universe, which I
wi!! refer to as Omarrhan. I saw how intricate! the beings, p!anets and stars are intertwined
with one another, and I saw how one tin mistake on the part of the Creator cou!d e(p!ode
into chaos. )uch a mistake cou!d !ead to the necessit of disso!ving the entire Creation,
dispersing into nothingness the tri!!ions of ears of effort and dedication of the Creator and
his'her dedicated team.
It was about the time that Omarrhan began to e(perience troub!e that One encouraged me to
begin m own Universe$bui!ding, and so began the work of Creation that is m be!oved
Universe. I began with ga!a(ies which wou!d contain beautifu! p!anets, stars of magnificent
brightness and power, and vast inner space which I fi!!ed with the essence of m &ove. It was
on! after bi!!ions of ears as ou measure it in *arth time that I began to create the first !iving
sou!s of &ight which wou!d eventua!! inhabit the p!anets I had made for them. +irst, I created
groups of p!anets, !ike our so!ar sstem, so that each !iving p!anet sou! wou!d have !oving
compan as the danced in their rhthmic motion around their g!owing sun, the great !ight$
bod which wou!d be their centra! pivot point.
It was a great de!ight giving birth to the &ightbeings who are m chi!dren $ those sou!s who,
after bi!!ions of ears of training wou!d become m assistants in creation, and who wou!d
eventua!! disperse across the ga!a(ies to create !oving fami!ies of p!anets and stars, with
some variations, but genera!! a!ong the !ines of m origina! designs. There were as et no
!iving organisms in bodies on or within the p!anets. On! the p!anets and stars themse!ves
were inhabited b m sou! chi!dren.
*ventua!!, we began the great pro"ect which was the creation of individua! bodies. ,
chi!dren were interested in producing their own progen, for the !oved each other and our
g!orious Universe, and the wanted to create races of beings for their sou! chi!dren to inhabit,
thereb increasing their opportunit for greater e(perience and &ove. #ow I wi!! he!p ou to
envision what the process of Creation rea!! is, and how we created this beautifu! Universe
and a!! that is in it.
-ou are not unfami!iar with some of the e!ements of creation, of course. .none who has
chosen a partner and ou have decided together to have a chi!d $ ou know how thri!!ing it is
to be conscious!, purposefu!! invo!ved in the act of creation. This is the wa ever chi!d
shou!d be conceived, with &ove and with intention. This is the wa we created ever !iving
thing in the Universe $ with !oving intention.
.s man of ou know, there are man races of humanoid beings across our Universe, as
there are in other Universes. Those of us who are the /rime Creators are !ike brothers and
sisters, the !oving chi!dren of One, the first$born who wou!d become the teachers and mentors
of those who wou!d come after. /icture in our mind0s ee the interconnected energies which
f!ow between and among the group consciousness which is the fami! of Creators. .s our
numbers grew, we we!comed our new brothers and sisters the wa a fami! ce!ebrates the
birth of a new bab.
Our Universes move and e(pand, breathing with the essence of &ife. *ach Universe has its
own 1ua!it and character, insti!!ed b the Creator whose hand shaped it, but a!! fo!!ow the
same Universa! &aws, use the same sacred geometr and the same !aws of phsics which
our scientists are "ust beginning to discover. 2ust as each of ou paints our !iving room a
different shade, so we are attracted to s!ight! different sounds, shapes and co!ors. It was
thri!!ing to !ook forward to the creative inspiration of having a new Creator among us, and to
envision together the fabu!ous possibi!ities that !a before us.
How can I paint the picture for ou as vivid! as I see it3 -ou have seen the photographs from
#.)., from sate!!ites and so forth. The co!ors of the pa!ette we have used is breathtaking,
end!ess! varied, and far more beautifu! than ou can discern from the sma!! photographs ou
have been given. .s I !ook across the e(panses that are m Home, I am struck, a!was, with
the nosta!gia of seeing the 4ivine ob"ects and beings that have come into being under m
watchfu! and !oving ee.
#o, I did not create ever insect, ever f!ower and ever anima! that moves across the surface
of our p!anet and others, but I did carefu!! supervise the formu!as used, the e!ectro$chemica!
process which is ignited when two or more sou!s me!d their intention, passion and !ove, and I
have been present at the birth of ever sou!. -ou see, the creation of the phsica! forms is a
ver different process from the creation of a sou!. . sou! is an eterna!, ever!asting &ight bod
with a uni1ue identit and is a !iving part of .!! That Is. . bod, on the other hand, is an
impermanent vesse! which is designed to offer the sou! a f!e(ib!e a!ternative for visiting !ower
rea!ms $ dimensions of a !ower vibration than the one in which the were born.
Initia!!, there were "ust a few of m chi!dren who "oined me in the process of Creation, for this
is not the on! activit avai!ab!e for beings in our Universe, as ou know. Their brothers and
sisters e(p!ored far and wide in their &ight bodies, even sometimes trave!ing to neighboring
Universes to stud and e(change ideas with their cosmic cousins. This ferti!e e(change !ed
to man new species, man new options for ecosstems which cou!d be created to support
the growing numbers of species of f!ora and fauna we were deve!oping to 5house5 the sou!s
who had a wide$ranging curiosit and taste for adventure.
/erhaps ou can see the picture I see, of m be!oved chi!dren, man of whom became the
.scended ,asters who are he!ping ou with our ascension and who have become so
fami!iar to ou in recent ears. %e sti!! continue to work as a c!ose and !oving team, as ou
have noticed in the wa we bring our messages to ou, weaving our stor as individua! voices
within the Unit consciousness of One. It is the great p!easure of m heart to see m
chi!dren, and their chi!dren, a!! the man sou!s now inhabiting our p!anet and others in our
ga!a(, as the evo!ve and grow, preparing for the great .scension which is to come.
.s I have begun to show ou, the creation of sou!s has been the particu!ar arena in which I
had fu!! oversight and command, and as such, fu!! responsibi!it for the creation and nurturing
of ever sou! within our Universe. It is the fu!fi!!ment of m being, m destin, to do so, with
unending &ove. The creation of form $ bodies $ was the rea!m of a!! those who wished to
!earn, e(periment and take part in the great e(pansion of species who were to pave the wa
for the coming humanoid races, which were among the !ast forms we created and p!aced
among their fe!!ow inhabitants on the first p!anets to we!come human$!ike species.
.n e(amp!e of this is our own ,i!k %a 6a!a(. It was created under the supervision of the
ones ou ca!! ,other and +ather 6od, m be!oved chi!dren, in preparation for the ear!ier races
of humans who inhabited p!anets in the sstems of the /!eiades, )irius and those who came
from the o!der .ndromeda ga!a(. Out of these deve!oping civi!i7ations came the e(periment
in this ga!a( which was to become the human race as ou know ourse!ves now. I have
described in ear!ier messages how the o!der civi!i7ations contributed their 4#., with m fu!!
approva! and under m supervision, to create the race which is the fu!!est embodiment of who
I .,, in the essence of m being. Of course, this is a bit of a parado(, since I do not have a
This pro"ect $ the creation of humankind $ was not an ego trip or a reck!ess adventure, for I
have none of those impu!ses within m own being $ the are a temporar effect of our
carbon$based bod e(perience in !ower dimensions. .s ou rise up the !adder of vibration,
these impu!ses me!t awa, but in !ower dimensiona! conditions, these anoma!ies can cause
rea! difficu!ties for the inhabitants of the bodies that are sub"ect to such fee!ings.
This brings us to the anoma! which has pu77!ed so man of ou. How is it possib!e that
there can be dark ones $ genetica!! modified 8epti!ians, gres, 4raconians, and a!! those ou
have ca!!ed the dark .nunnaki, who have caused havoc in what appears to ou to be the
entire Universe. I wi!! te!! ou how this began, and wh it has continued as a prob!em,
especia!! within our ,i!k %a 6a!a(.
I mentioned the Omarrhan Universe ear!ier. It was the creation of m o!der sou! brother,
8ondar, as we came to ca!! him. 8ondar was daring and e(perimenta! in his approach to
Creation. He gave much !atitude to his sou! chi!dren to deve!op bodies of ever form and
kind, which provided a rich and varied environment on man of the p!anets in his Universe. In
the !ower dimensions there were anima!s and p!ants of ever tpe imaginab!e, with ever
possib!e natura! !u(ur for the beings who descended to en"o the feasts of !uscious fruits and
vegetab!es, f!owing waters, and end!ess sunshine, f!owers and warmth. It was tru! a
/aradise for a!!.
.!though 8ondar reve!ed in his g!orious manifestation of &ove, it became a topic of concern
for his chi!dren that the abso!ute perfection of his 9$dimensiona! creation did not offer for its
inhabitants an means b which to deve!op a greater connection with One: in fact, it seemed
to draw them awa from their higher vibrationa! )e!ves, downward into the sensor p!easures
of the !ower dimensiona! e(istence. In other words, the !iked it a !itt!e too much, and were
re!uctant to return for further e(perience in the higher rea!ms.
.nd so it was decided in the Counci!s that "ust a bit of unp!easantness might spur their
abi!ities to appreciate and remain connected to their Creator $ to focus their attention, ou
might sa. It was decided that the ,asters wou!d deve!op a few insects which wou!d inf!ict a
s!ight! painfu! sting, and a few repti!es whose bite wou!d cause sickness, "ust enough to
prevent the mriad inhabitants of this /aradise from becoming !ethargic and indo!ent. The
inhabitants were made aware, in their higher dimensiona! so"ourns, of the change which was
to occur, but it did not dampen their wish to return.
.s time passed, further e(periments in genetic engineering continued, and took on a rather
daring turn about the time %e were deve!oping human$tpe beings who showed great
promise in their abi!ities to create on their own. The were ta!ented scientists and inventors,
and were ver adept at using the energies of the Universe to their own convenience,
deve!oping f!oating and soaring spacecraft, and energ sources which cou!d provide for a!! the
needs of those beings in !ower dimensions, !ike housing, food, and schoo!s to train and
educate the oung in The True %a, which is &ove.
%e were aware of the Omarrhan situation, and were seeing the possibi!it for simi!ar
stagnanc in our own wor!ds, but were uneas with the so!ution, which was being ca!!ed
5bringing in the darkness5 in hopes of awakening &ight. It made sense from a certain
perspective, but seemed risk, since it was our po!ic to remain as overseers and guides, but
not to interfere with the behavior and unfo!ding of the evo!ution of those species we had
created. .t the same time, civi!i7ations were deve!oping on Omarrhan which had ver
advanced techno!ogies, inc!uding spacecraft which cou!d carr the !ower dimensiona! beings
great distances ;higher dimensiona! beings have no need for spacecraft, a!though it is a great
convenience when the wish to carr e1uipment or materia!s between p!anets or ga!a(ies<.
It was on! a matter of time, so to speak, before the e(periment went awr, and a number of
the !ower dimensiona! species became fascinated with the idea of e(periencing the curiosit
of seeing the effect of darkness on themse!ves and others. It was on! a sma!! step then, to
!earning how to avoid their Creators, turn their backs on One, and set out on their own to
e(periment on others. This was the first 5+a!!5 from 6race, and it spread rapid! across the
Universe, to the man p!anets where indo!ence, a prob!em in the !ower dimensions, had made
the embodied beings of high inte!!igence rest!ess and ripe for a new kind of e(citement.
%ithin a few generations, impu!ses toward destructiveness and the wish to contro! and
dominate others took root and began to f!ourish, unti! the entire !ower dimensions, up to the
!ower =th dimension, became a nightmarish arena fi!!ed with pesti!ence, war, and
devastation. %eaponr was deve!oped which threatened the safet of higher dimensions, as
!ater happened on our *arth.
%ith man species of inte!!igent beings taking part in the me!ee, and a!!iances bui!ding to
create a powerfu! mi!itar force, it was decided that to a!!ow 5the e(periment5 to continue
wou!d be too dangerous for the entire ,u!tiiverse, and that the on! possib!e reso!ution wou!d
be to offer amnest to those who were wi!!ing to return to the &ight, or suffer disso!ution.
It was not announced that the intention was to destro the entire Universe, but there was no
wa to reso!ve the prob!em without risk to the rest of the ,u!tiverse. .!! sou!s were we!comed
back into higher dimensions, but a!! phsica! creation was disso!ved back into One. However,
a number of the dark ones sensed troub!e and took f!ight at the first hint of threat, as the
were prepared to do, and departed the boundaries of their Universe and entered ours
moments before Omarrhan ceased to be.
One might conc!ude that it wou!d have been wise at the time to muster our space ships to
fend off the invaders, but ours was a peacefu! Universe, without weaponr or the wi!! to
engage in combat. I was difficu!t even for our inhabitants to conceive of fighting against their
brethren from their sister Universe.
Of course, I cou!d have taken matters into m own hands and simp! destroed them, but in
counse! with m ,asters and with One, it was decided that we wou!d take the path of &ight
and &ove, a!was. %e were a strong and resi!ient group of sou!s, some of whom had a!read
thorough! studied the prob!em of Omarrhan as part of their own deve!opment. It was
decided that we wou!d attempt to rehabi!itate the dark ones from Omarrhan, whi!e protecting
our own territories with a 5defensive response on!5 po!ic.
%e were "oined b a number of the Omarrhan ,asters, and we became then the batt!e
ground where 6ood and *vi! wou!d meet the fina! test.
It was then that the 6a!actic +ederation of &ight was formed, and it grew 1uick! into an ab!e
mi!itar a!!iance under the guidance of the one we now ca!! .shtar, with the mandate to protect
and defend a!! !ower dimensiona! beings and p!anets, without at an time dec!aring war on the
invaders. It was made c!ear to the dark ones that we cou!d 5disappear5 them at an time, but
that we wou!d work with them to he!p them find sett!ements where the wou!d be a!!owed to
!ive peacefu!!, but on our terms which did not a!!ow for mi!itar intervention toward an p!anet
or group of beings. %ith the agreement of ,other and +ather 6od, the were permitted to
estab!ish a 5refugee5 camp on ,ars, and !ater the created outposts on the far side of *arth00s
moon. The rest is histor, as the sa.
-ou know, from ear!ier messages, the stor of their pscho!ogica! infi!tration, their propaganda
campaign, and their tactics of remaining in !ower dimensions in order to avoid their review and
renewa! in higher dimensions.
The part ou have not been to!d was that a!! the origina! dark ideas and p!ans were brought to
our shores from another Universe. The were the be!oved chi!dren of m Brother, sentient
beings who !eft the protective and !oving embrace of their Creator to f!ee to the far reaches of
our Universe in an attempt to prove that darkness is more powerfu! than &ight. The were
ab!e to make inroads and win a!!ies, notab!e among them the 8epti!ians from Orion who broke
from their brethren and "oined forces with the invaders, but the have not and wi!! not be
triumphant. The invaders and their a!!ies have been removed from the p!anet, but their
propaganda for the dark remains in the !anguage, the habits and the be!iefs of humankind.
-ou, humankind, have not con1uered them through mi!itar might, for that wou!d have proven
them right. On! through winning the hearts and minds of a!! humankind wi!! the fina! shift take
p!ace on /!anet *arth. It is not as impossib!e a task as it might appear from our vantage
point on the ground. .s the conditions have worsened, and the disparit between rich and
poor has become g!aring! de!iberate, the masterminds of the dark agendas are being ba!d!
revea!ed as the crimina!s the rea!! are. The cha!!enge for humankind wi!! be to remain in
&ove, find it in our hearts to forgive, even as ou send off the perpetrators to spend some
time in, sha!! we sa, enforced meditation.
-ou see, the triumph of &ight over 4arkness never cou!d have been reso!ved b war, for war
is darkness, nor cou!d it have been 5defeated.5 Those who invaded our be!oved Home were
simp! mistaken in their be!iefs, and the convinced man of ou that the were right, did the
not3 *arth had become their p!aground for a time, but ou and I never intended to succumb
to their seductions. -ou ma have forgotten for a brief time that fear is not a viab!e part of our
!ives in the &ight, and ou weakened under the weight of the tota!itarian mind contro!, to a
point where ou became focused on their destructive too!s, imp!ants, pscho!ogica!
manipu!ations and i!!nesses, as if the actua!! contro!!ed ou.
#ow it is time, Be!oved Chi!dren, to return to me. Turn our back on the Omarrhan !egac of
darkness and fear, and wa!k with me in &ight and end!ess &ove. It is our 4ivine !egac and
our 6reat /!an. Together we wi!! sing, and we wi!! wa!k across the g!obe, our hands open and
our hearts a!ive with the "o of being free. It is our time. Come with me.
I am our Creator, we are 6ods, and we are One.
Transcribed b >athrn *. ,a, )ept. ?@, AB?C, ?? pm, #ew -ork
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