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Volume 24, No. 1, 2005-2006

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Prepared by
National Archives and Library of Ethiopia
Union Catalogue and Acqusition Department
(National Bibliography Team)
June, 2006

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Abbink, J .
Eritreo -Ethiopian Studies in Society
and History 1960 -1965: A Supplementary
Bibliography/J Abbink.- Leiden,
Netherlands: African Studies Center, 1996.
203p.: 24Cm

Abyssinia.- Moscow: Acadamy NAUK
USSR, 1936.
582p.: maps, phots, ill; 22Cm.-

Actes du onzieme congres international
des orientalistes.- paris: . Imprimerie
national, M DCCC XCVIII ( ie 1987)
335p.; 25Cm.

Adjustment in Ethiopia: Lessons for the
Road a Head/edited by Tadesse
Abadi.- A.A: (S.N), 1996.
Ix; 207p.; 13Cm.

Aescoly, A.Z.
The Falashas : A Bibliography / A.Z
Aescoly.- J erusalem: (S.N) 1937.
69 p.: 25Cm.

Africa. J ournal of the International
Institute of African Language and
Cultures, vol. 14.- London: Oxford
University Press, 1943- e.
iv, 495p.: photos, ill. 23Cm.

Africa: J ournal of the International
African Institute Edited by Edwin
W. .Smith - London: Oxford
University Press, 1947.
Iv, 315p.: ill.; photos; 24Cm.

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute/ edited by Daryll Forde.-
London: Oxford University Press, 1948.
iv, Vol. 18, and 332p.: plates, 24Cm

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute, Vol. xxiv No. 1 /
Daryll Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1954 .
421 p. ill.; photos; 24Cm

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1955 .
Iv, 469p.: ill.; photos; 24Cm

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1957 .
Vol. xxvii No.1

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1957 .
Vol. xxvii No.1
Iv, 447p.; ill.; Photos; 24Cm.

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1959 .
Iv, 449p.; ill.; Photos; 24Cm

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1960
Vol. xxx.
Iv, 440p.; ill.; Photos; 24Cm

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1961
Vol. xxxi .

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1962.
Vol. xxxii , No I

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1964.
Vol. xxxii , No I
IV, 403 p.: ill.; Photos, 24C.m.

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1966.
IV, 486 p.: ill.; Photos, 24C.m.
Vol. Xxxvi

Africa. J ournal of the International
Africa Institute / Edited by Daryll
Forde.- London: Oxford University
Press, 1969.
461 p.: ill.; Photos, 24C.m.
Vol xxxix, No.1

African Bibliography Center
A short guide to the study of Ethiopia: a
general bibliography/ edited by Alula
Hidaru and Dessalegn Rahmato.- Westport:
Green wood Press. 1976.
Xi, 176 p.: 25C.m

African Bibliography Center
Special Bibliography Series vol. 1,2,
3 .- African Bibliography Center.-
New York: Negro Universities Press
1969 .
32p.: 27Cm.

Africana: Catalogue of books relating to
African in the tenri central library.-
J apan: Tenri, 1960.
431 p.; plates; 27Cm.

Agricultural Institute for Italian Africa:
Contribution to an Italian bibliography
Ethiopia 1935-1950/ Translated by P.
Gemma.- Florence; (S.N) , 1952.
ii. 154 p.: 21Cm.

Appleyard, David
Ethiopian Manuscripts/ David
Appleyary.- London: J ed Press, 1993.
142 p.:ill, 25Cm.

Asmara: centro studi Ethiopici
Quaderni di studi Ethiopici. Asmars,
Scuola Tipografica Francescana 1981-83,
No. S. 2, 3, 4, 5

Atti della R.. Accademia dei Lincei.
Anno CCXCL, 1894.- Roma: Tipografia
della R. Accadomia dei Lincei, 1896.
143p.: 28Cm.

Bachrach, Shlomo
Ethiopian Flok - Tales/ Shlomo
Bachrach with Assistance from Michael
and Naxub Goldberg.- Addis Ababa:
Oxford University Press: 1967.
140p. 21cm

Background documents of the Ethiopian
Code of 1960/ edited by peter
Winship.- Addis Ababa: Artistic,
Viii, 203p.; 34Cm.

A Bibliography of the Sudan 1938
1958/ Compiled by Abdel Rahman El
Nasir.- London: Oxford University Press,
X,171. P.: 24Cm.
Black, George.F.
Ethiopia and Amherica: A list of Works in
the New York Public library /George F.B.-
New York: The New York Public library,
87 p. ; Photo; 25Cm.

Nonk, J on
An annotated and classified bibliography
of English literature Pertaing to the Ethiopian
Orthodox Church/ J on Bonk.- London : The
American Theological Library Association
and the Scarecrow Press,
Xi, 116p.: 22Cm.

Books on Islamic Cultural Arabica,
Turkey, Iran, Central Asia and Africa.-
Leiden : E.J . Brill, 1971. Feb.
95 p; 20Cm.

The British Military Administration
The Eritrean gazette revised legislation
(Revision and consolidation of all
Proclamations, regulations and general
notices published prior to the 1
day of
March, 1949'Asmara: the British Military
Administration, 1949.
439 p.: ill; 22Cm.

The First Collection of Research Work
Carried Out by the Doctors of the
Red Cross Society Soviet Hospital
Named After Dejazmatch Balcha. - Addis
Ababa: Artistic Printing Press, 1961
116p. ; 22Cm.

Brown, Clifton. F
Ethiopian Perspectives: A Bibliographical
guide to the history of Ethiopia/ Clifton F.B.-
London: Greenwood press, c. 1978.
XV. 264p. : 24Cm.

Bulletin de la maison des etudes
Ethiopiennes. Addis Ababa; Bulletin
trimestriel: (N.D).
Dec. 1992 No. 1
Nov. 1993 No. 3

Cataloge bibliografico: Della Biblieteca
del governo general A.O.I. Africa. Islam.-
Addis Ababa: A.S.T.I D.G.G. 1940.
Vil. 1, 230p.; 25Cm.

Camera di Commercio indu Strla ed
Bibliograpue Somalia moga desciosc,
Scouls Ti pagraftca mussions Cattolica, 1958.
138p.: 23.5 Cm.

Prodromus Mycof lorae Africae
Orientalis italicae/ Ettore. C, Raffaele, C.-
Firenze: Istituto agricolo colonial Italiano,
xxv. 167p.; Table, maps 24Cm.

Chamber of Commerce of Ethiopia
Trade directory.- Addis Ababa: 1962.
215p.; illus; photographs,24cm.

Chane, M,
La chronology des temps chretiens de l'
Egepte etde l ' Ethiopie/ M Chare.-
Paris: Librairie areientaliste Paul
Geuthnner, 1925.
344p.: tabs 28Cm.

Conacher, S.R.H.
An initial reader ship survey of
Ethiopia/ S.R.H. Conacher.- Addis Ababa:
Bible Churchmen' s Missionary Society,
Central Printing press, 1969.
100p.: Maps; tables; 29Cm.

Conti, R. C.
Bibliografia Ethiopica 1927-Giugno
1936/ Carlo, C.R.- Millano: Societa ed
itrice vita pensiero, 1936.
587p:. 22Cm.

Conti, Rossini C.
Pubblicazioni etiopistiche dal 1936 al
1945/ Carlo Conti R.- ( S.L ); ( S.N.):
( N.D ).
132p.; 25Cm.

Conti, Rossini Carlo
Rassegna di studi Ethiopia / Carlo Carlo
Rossini.- Roma: Istituto Per L' Oriente,

Conti, Rossini Carlo
Rassegna di studi Etiopici/ Carlo Conti
Rossini.- Roma: Tipografia Pio X,
1947, 1954 &1950.

Conti, Rossini
Studi Ethiopici. Italy Istitatoper L
Oriente 1945.
19 p. : 20Cm.

Conti Rossin, Carlo
Studi Sa Popalazaione dell Ethiopia.-
Roma, Casa editrile Italians, 1914.
167p. :

Contributo ad Una bibliogarfie
Itaiana Su Eritres e Somalia: Con
Particolare rieferimento all ' agricolture ed
argomenti affini.- Firenze: Ca. M, 1952.
III, 239 p:. 33Cm.

Contributo ad Una bibliogrfie
Italiana Sull Ethiopia: Con Particolare
referimento all Agricoltura ed argomenti
affini 1935- 1950.- Firenze: Cam ; 1953.
84p: . 34Cm.

Convegno di Scienze Morali e Storiche
4-11 Ottobre 1938-XVL.- Roma: Reale
Accademia D Italia, 1939 XVIII.
Vol. 1,831p.: Maps, figures, 25Cm.

Dep.of Nat. Lib. and Arc.
Bibliography of published materials in
Ethiopia 1975-1985 =I
1967 - 1986. -
Addis Ababa ; (S.N): 1986.
Ix, 279 p.: 32Cm.

Dillmann, A.
Verzeichnise der Abessinischen
Handscriften/ A. Dillmann.- Berlin:
Akademie der Wissenschgten 1878.
Vill, Vol. 3, 85 p.: Plates I- III, 31Cm.

Duignan, Peter
Hand book of American Resources for
African Studies/ Peter Duignan.- Stanford,
Stanford University, 1967.
xvi, 218 p.: 25Cm.

Ethiopia/ Compiled by Staurt
Munro Hay and Richard Pankhurst.-
Oxford Colio Press, 1995.
Xxxlll, 225 p. ill, map; 24Cm.

Ethiopia: Incunabula from the Collections in
the National Library of Ethiopia and the
Haile Sellasie I University/ Compiled by
Stephen Wright .- Addis Ababa: Commercial
Pring Press, 1967.
Vi, 107 P.: 24Cm.

Ethiopia: Incunabula: from the Collections
in the National Library of Ethiopia of
Ethiopia and the Haile Sellasie I University/
Compiled by Stephen Wright. - Addis
Ababa: Commercial Printing Press, 1967.
Vi, 107 P.: 24Cm.

Ethiopia: Issue and Options in the
Energy Sector.- Report No. 4741 ET.
UNDP & WorldBank, 1984.
Xix, 162p., illus; map; 27cm.
Ethiopia Information Bulletin
No 7 Pans, 1964 No 7, 1964

Ethiopian Agriculture: Problems of
Transformation. Edited by
Dejene Aredo and Mulat Demeke.- A.A:
AAU Printing Press, 1996.
Lii, 390p.: 14Cm.

The Ethiopian Economy: Problems of
Adjustment Procedings of the Second
Annual Conference on the Ethiopian
Economy/edited by Mekonen Taddesse.-
Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa University
Printing Press, 1994.
287p.; ill, map, chart, 24Cm.

Ethiopian Management Institute
Directory of government organizations,
Embassies, International Agencies & NGO
s in Ethiopia/ Ethiopian Management
Institute.- Addis Ababa: Artistic Printers,
xix, 207 p.: 29Cm.

An Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilming
Program/ a joint venture of
Ethiopian manuscript microfilm
library (EMML) Vanderbilt
University Divinity School, and Hill
Monastic manuscript Library
(HMML) .- ( S.L): (S.N) , 1976.
18 p.: ill, photo, 29Cm.

Ethiopian Science and Technology
Commission Proceedings of the Work
Shop on First Cycle Local Research
Grant/ Ethiopian Science and Technology
Commission.- Addis Ababa: Estc Printing
Press, 1995.
61 p; 26Cm.

Ethiopian Science and Technology
Proceedings of the Workshop on
the Second Cycle Local Research Grant /
Ethiopian Science and Technology
Commission.- Addis Ababa: ESTL Printing
Press, 1996.
45p.; 18Cm.

Ethiopian Science and Technology
Proceedings on the Workshop on
the Fourth Cycle Local Research Grant.-
Addis Ababa: EMPDA: 1998.
75 p.; 24Cm.

The Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia Centeral Statistical
Results of the Survey of Manufacturing
and Electricity Industries 1987 EFY.
(1994/95 G.C).- Addis Ababa, 1996.
139p. illus; graphs, charts, 29cm.

Fonti Comboniane Per la storia dell
Africa nord- orientale/ a cura di Silvia
Luciani e Irma Taddia.- ( S.L ): Universita
degli studi di Bologna, Dipartimento di
political Istituzioni Storia, 1986.
Vol. I, 21Cm.-

Fumagalli, G.
Bibliografia Etiopice Catalogo:
Descrittivo e ragionato degli scritti pubblicati
dalla invenzione delle stepa fino a tutto il
1891. Intorao slle Etiopia a regional limitrofe/
Giuseppe F.- Milanc: Ulrico hoelo, 1893,
Xl, 288 p :. Map, 26x18Cm.

Gabre Emanuel Teka
The Public Health Collage and Training
Center, Gonder Review of its Origin and
development in twenty years of National
Service.- Gonder National University;
140p.; illus, photographs, 24cm.

Gardner, Frank M.
Public library legislation a Comparative
study/ Frank M G.- Paris: Unesco, 1971.
285 p.: 21Cm.

Gay. J
Bibliographie des Ouvrages relatifs a l
Afrique et a l Arabie: Catalogue methodique
de tous les ouvrages francais et des
principaux en langues etrangers traitant
lettres et des arts de l Afrique et de l
Arabie/ J ean Gay.- Paris Maisonneuve, 1975.
XI, 312p.: 24Cm.

General Catalogue 1968-1969.-
Addis Ababa: Hail Sellassie I University
XXlll, 353P.; 25Cm.

Gli Annali dell African Italiana: A
Cure dell ministero dell A.I._ Roma:
Mondadori, 1938-43.
Photos, maps

Goldschmidt, Lazarus
Bibliotheca Aethiopica: Vollstendiges
Verzeichnis und ausfuehrliche
beschreibung saemmtlicher Aethiopischer
druckwerke/ by Lazarus G.- Leipzig:
Eduard Pfeiffer, 1893.
63p.: 24Cm.

Grebaut, Sylvain
Catalogue des Manuscrits Ethiopiens de
la Collection Griaule/ sylvain Grebaut.-
paris; Institut d Ethnologie 1938.
ix, 320p. : Plates, 260 Cm.

Grebaut, Sylvain
Catalogue des manuscrits Ethiopiens de
la collection graiaule/ Sylvain Grebaut.-
Paris: paul Geuthner, 1941.
II, Catier No. 3 Viii, 125p.: plates

Grebaut, Sylvain
Catalogue des manuscrits Ethiopiens de
la collection Griaule /Sylvain Grebaut.-
paris: Institut d Ethnologie 1944.
III, 272 p.: plates, 26Cm.

Guidi, Ignazio
Etudes Oriontales/ Ignazio Guidi.-
Roma: R . Sociota Romanis di storia patria,
25 Cm.

Hammers Chmidt, E.
Ethiopian Studies at German
Universities/ Ernst, H.- Wiesbaden; Franz
Steiner verlag Gmb H, c1970.
Lx, 76p:. 22Cm.

Hammers Chmidt, Ernest
Studies in the Ethiopic
Anaphoras/Ernest Hammers Chmidt.-
Berlin, Akademic Verlaa, 1961.
182, 25p.; 24cm.

Health, Disease, Medicima and Famine
in Ethiopia. A bibliography/ compiled
by Heluuts kloos and zein Ahmed zein.
Forword by Oscars Gish.- New York:
Westport, Connecticut, London:
Greenwood Press, 1991.
xvi, 404p.: 24Cm.

Institute of African Studies
Ethiopian Journal of African Studies:
with special emphasis on the horn of
Africa- I A
/ Institute of
frican studies.- Asmara: Asmara University,
163 p.: ill; map; 24Cm.

Institute of African Studies
A Catalogue of Clandestine literature on
Ethiopia/ Institute of Ethiopian studies.-
Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University Press,
X, 491 p. : 30Cm.

Institute of Ethiopian Studies
Proceeding of the Eleventh International
Conference of Ethiopian Studies A
/ Edited by Bahru Zewde, Richard
Pahkurst and Taddese Beyene.- Addis
Ababa: Addis Ababa University Press, 1994.
Xvi, 865 p.: ill, map, photo; 24Cm.

Institute of Ethiopia studies
Proceeding of the Eleventh International
Conference of Ethiopian studies =A

Edited by Bahru Zewde, Richard Pankhurst
and Taddese Beyene.- Addis Ababa Addis
Ababa University Press, 1994.
Xiv , 800 p.: ill,map, photo; 24Cm.

Institute of Ethiopia studies
Proceeding of the third International
Conference of Ethiopian studies / Institute of
Ethiopian studies.- Addis Ababa Haile
Sellasie I University Press, 1969.
Vol. I- III

Institute of Ethiopia studies
Silver J ubilee Anniversary of the Institute
of Ethiopian studies: proceedings of the
symposium Addis Ababa, November 24-26,
1988/ Edited by Richard Pankhrust and
Taddesse Byenen.- Addis Ababa : Addis
Ababa University; Institute of Ethiopian
studies, 1990.
122p. : 24Cm.

International Labour Organization
Second African Regional Conference
Addis Ababa, 30,Nov.- 12 Dec. 1964

International Transparency
Commission of Africa: The Political
Economy of Human Rights/ITCO Africa.-
N.P., N.D.
222p.; 20.5cm

J ournal of the African Society.-
London: Macmillan and Co.Limited

J ournal of Semitic Studies
Ethiopian Studies. Papers Read at the
Second International Conference of
Ethiopian Studies / edited by C.F.
Bechingham and Edward Ullendorff .-
Manchester: Manchester University Press,
Vol. 9 No.1

Kaunda s Eye on Royalties Norther
278 p. : ill. ; 34Cm.

Kloos, Helmat
Health and Disease in Ethiopia: Guide
to the Literature 1940-1985/ Helmut
Kloos.-A.A Ministry of Health, 1986.
245p. ; 24Cm.

L African in Vetrina, storie di museie
esposizioni Coloniali in Italia. Acura di
Nicola Labanca.- Treviso : pagvs ediziont,
222p.; photos; 24Cm.

Leslau, wolf
An Annotated Bibliography of the
Semitic Languages of Ethiopia/ Wolf.-
London: Mouton, c.1965.
336 p.; map 25Cm.

Levie del Mondo Rivista Mensile
Del Touring club Italiano.
1956 Anno xviii No. 7-12

The Lion Club. The J ournal of the
Ethiopian student s Society in Great
Britain London: 1949-1955.
Vol. 1-8

Literaure on Africa: Bibliography of
Sceientific Publications on Africa South
of the Sahara in the German language.-
Wiesbaden: Franz steiner verlag GMBH,
V.1. 21Cm.

Manyroui , Camillo
Rivista delle Colonie- of taliane A
cursa del ministero- della- Colonie. Rome,
Sindcata of taliano artera of ichi ediyore in
poma. 1928-1940.

Mexico Quarterly Review ,
Vol 3 No. 4 1969

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bibliography of Ethiopia/ Ministry of
foreign Affaire.- Addis Ababa: SN, 1968,
x, 46 p: 20Cm.

Ministry of Information
Facts about Ethiopia .- Addis Press &
Audiovisual Department, 2004.
203p. : ill; 21Cm.

Ministry de L Information La conference
Africaine ousommet.- Addis Ababa:
Berhanena Selam, 1963
247p; illus. ; 21Cm.

The National Encyclopedia: A dictionary of
eminence in literature Science and art.-
London: william Mackenzie,
Vi, Plates,

Oleary, De Lacy
The Ethiopian Church Historiacal Notes
on the Church of Abyssinia/ De Lacy
O'Leary.- London: Society for Promoting
Christian Knowledge, 1936.
79p.; 18cm

Organization of African Unity
Proceedings and Report of the Economic
and Social Commission/ Organization of
African Unity.- Addis Ababa: SN, 1964.
5 p. : 31 Cm.

Organization of African Unity
VERBATIM RECORD: Proceedings of
the Second Extra- Ordinary Session of the
Council of Ministers/ Organization of African
Unity.- Dar-E Salam: SN, 1964.
6 p. : 33Cm.

Paulltsche. P..
Africa- literature in derzeit Von 1500 bis
1750 N.CH: Ein beitrag zur geographischen
quellenkunde/ Philipp, P.- wien: Brockhausen
and brauer, 1882,
v. 12 p.: 23Cm.

Presencc Africaine 75
Fevue Culturelle De Monde
199 p.: 22Cm.

The Press and the People: the 5

annual report of the General Council of
the Press. London: the Hollen Street Press;
52 p. ; 21Cm.
Proceeding of the fifth annual
Conference on the Ethiopian
Economy. Edited by Berket Kebede
and Mekonen Taddesse,- A.A : AAU
Printing Press, 1996.
Iii, 342 p.

Proceedings of the Fifth Informational
Conference on Ethiopian Studies

I session 13 April 13-16, 1998,
Chicago./ edited by Robert L. Hess.-
Chicago: office of Publications services,
829 p.: maps, Plates, tables, 28Cm.

Proceedings of the First National
Conference of Ethiopian Studies/
Edited by Richard Pankhrust, Ahmed
Zekaria, and Taddese Beyene. - Addis
Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies;
Addis Ababa: University, Printing Press,
I, 534p. : Ill.; tables, figures, 24Cm.

Proceedings of the First United states
Conference on Ethiopian Studies 1973/
Edited by Harold G. Marcus.- Michigan:
African Studies center, 1973.
Ix, 45p. ; 24Cm.

Proceeding of the Second Conference of
the Agricultural Economics Society
of Ethiopia on Sustainable Intensification
of Agriculture in Ethiopia/Edited by Mulat
Demeke.- A.A; United Printers, 1996.
Vii, 270 p. ; 24Cm.

Proceedings of the Seventh
International Conference of Ethiopian
Studies: University of Lund 26-29 April
1982/ Edited by Sven, R.- Sweden: African
Studies Center, c. 1984.
XXI. 710 p.: Maps, plates, tables;

Proceedings of the Workshop on
Capacity Assessment in S&T
Popularization organized by the Ethiopian
Science & Technology Commission
(ESTC) in Collaboration with the United
Nationals Development Programme A
.A.: EMPDA, 1996.
83p. : tables ; 30Cm.

The Quarterly review. London: J ohn
Murray, 1967.
V, 565 p.: 14Cm. (Vol. 123)

Rassegna Italiana Politico Letteraria e
Artistica Fondata E Diretla Da. Tomaso
Sillani L Impero CA.O.I 1937.
Anno XX, 24.5 Cm.

Rediconti della R. Accademia Nazionale
dei Lincei.- Roma: Giovanni Bardi, 1926.
590 p. : fig; tab, 24Cm.

Revue Economique Internationale.-
Paris: ( S.N), 1937.
Vol. ii, No. 2

Rhodokanakis, N
Die Athiopischen Handschriften der k.k.
Hofbibliothek zu Wien / by N
Rhodokanakis.- Wien : Alfred. Holder, 1906.
93 p. ; Plates; 24Cm.

Rivista delle Colonie
Italiane Roma: San, dacato Italiano, 1928.
Vol 5

Rivista. Delle Colonie- Italiane Roma:
Sindacato J taliano. 1931.
Vol- 2

Rossin , Carlo Cont:
Rassegna Di Stud: Ethiopici/ Fondata
dacarlo cont : Rossini.- Roma: lstituto Perl
oriente C.A. Nollino, 1999.
183 p.: ills; 25Cm.

Die zeitgenossische quellen zurgeschichte
portugiesisch - Asiens und seiner
nachbariander: Zur des HL. Franzxauer 1538-
1552/Georg, s.-
XLVLL. 521 p. ; 26Cm

Second Conference of Independent
African States.- Addis Ababa: (S.N),
114 p .: photos; 29Cm.

Sergew Hable Selassie
Bibliography of Ancient and Medieval
Ethiopian History/ by Sergew Hable
Selassie.- Addis Ababa: Star Priniting Press,
76 p. : 24Cm.

Sergew Hable Selassie
Book Making in Ethiopia/ by Sergew
Hable Selassie.- Leiden, Net herlands :
Karsten Drukkers, 1981.
40p. : phpto; 25Cm.

S&T Popularization Department
Proceedings of the workshop on the
third cycle local research grant/ by S&T
Popularization Department, Ethiopian
Science and Technology Commission.-
Addis Ababa: EMPDA, 1997.
65p. : ill ; photo; 22Cm.

Something. The literary Magazine of
University college Haile Sellassic I
University 1964.
No. 3

Standing Conference of African
University librarians Eastern
area conference: Report of Proceeding/
edited by Rita Pankhurst.- Addis Ababa:
( S.N.) 1971.
II. 112 p. : 24Cm.

Streit, Robert and Dindinger, J .
Bibliothece mission: Afrikanische
Mission Literature 1600-1699/Robert S,
and Johannes D.- Rome:veriag herder
fraiburg, 1952.

Streit, Robert and Dindinger, J .
Bibliothece missioum: Afrikanische
Mission Literature 1880-1909/Robert S,
and Johannes D.- Rome:veriag herder
fraiburg, 1953.

Streit, Robert and Dindinger, J .
Bibliothece missioum: Afrikanische
Mission Literature 1910-1940/Robert S,
and Johannes D.- Rome:veriag herder
fraiburg, 1954.

Streit, Robert and Dindinger, J .
Bibliothece missioum: Afrikanische
missionliterature 1053-1599/Roberts and
J ohannes D.- Rome:veriag herder fraiburg,

Strelcyn, S.
Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts in the
British Library acquired Since the Year
1877/S. Strelcyn. - London: The British
Library Board, 1978
Xvi, 183. : plates 25Cm.

Strlcyn, Stefan
Catalogue of Ethiopic Manuscripts in the
J ehn Rylands University Library of
Manchester/ Stafen S.- Manchester
Manchester University Press, 1974.
Xi, 116 p . : Plates, 22Cm.

Strelcyn, S.
Catalogue des manuscrits Ethiopiens
(Collection Griaule )
/S. Strelcyn.- Paris: Imprimene Nationale,
Tome IV, Vii, 287 p. : 27Cm.

Tout en Un: Encyclopedie illustree des
connaissnce humaines.- paris:
Libraire hachette, c. 1921
1447 p.: Pictures, Tables, 20Cm.

Ukkendorff, Edward
Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts in the
Bodleian Library/ Edward Ullendorff.-
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1951.
Vol. ii, Vii, 32p.: 28Cm.

Ukkendorff, Edward
Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts in the
Cambridge University Library /Edward
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Ukkendorff, Edward
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Evangelical Pioneers in Ethiopia:
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:Copuchin Franciscan Intitute of Philosophy
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478p.: ills; 21Cm.

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Xvi, 140p. ; 23Cm.

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Il Cristianesimo in Abissinia/ by Romeo
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Seven Sevens of Years and Jubilee: The
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The Book of the Saints of the Ethiopian
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Budge, E.A. Wallis.
George of Lydda : The Patron Saint of
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Xviii, 209 p. : ill; plates 1-3 23 Cm.

Budge, E.A. Wollis
Legends of our lady mary the Perpetual
virgin and her mother Hanna. Translated
from the Ethiopic Manuscripts collected by
king Theodor at Makdala and now in the
British museum/ Sir E.A. Wallis Budge.-
London Martin Hopkinsan and Company,
Lxxiv, 317 p.; 23Cm.

Budge, E.A. Walls
Legends of Our Lady the Perpetual
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British museum/ Sir E.A. Wallis Budge.-
London: Medici Society; LTD, 1922.
Ixxiv, 317p.: 23Cm.

Budge, E.A. Wallis
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Manuscripts for the most part in the British
Museum, With extracts from some ancient
European Versions, and illustrations from
the paintings in manuscripts by Ethiopian
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Medici Society, LTD. 1923.
Iviii, 359 p.: Plates I- LXLV 23Cm.

Budge, E.A. Wallis
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Museum, with extracts from some ancient
European version, and illustrations from the
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Oxford University Press, 1933.
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Budge, E.A. Wallis
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Oxford University Press, 1933.
Livii, 355p. : Lxiv 19Cm.

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Roma: La laibreria dello stato.- 1943.
V. 1-2 plates.-

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Etiopi in palestina Storia Dela Comunita
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Il libro Ethiopico dei miracoli di maria e
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evoLatino/ Enrico Cerlli.- Roma: Giobanni
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Chaillot, Christine
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo
Church Tradition: A Brief Introduction to its
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Apocrypha de B. Maria Virgine
Scriptores Aethiopici/ M. Chaine.- Rome:
Excude bat Karolus de Lugi, 1909.
80p.: 25Cm.

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La Chronolie des temps Chretiens de
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Chaine.- Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1925
XV, 344.; tables, 28Cm.

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The Ascension of Isaiah/ R.H.
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G. H. Box.- London: Society for Promoting
Christian Knowledge , 1919
Xxvii, 62 p.: 18Cm.

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The Book of Eanach ( 1 Enach) / R.H.
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promating Christian Knowledge, 1917.
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The Book of Encoh / Edited with
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indexes by R.H. Charles. Translated from
Professor Dillmann s Ethiopic text.
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hitherto uncollated Ethiopic MSS. And
with the Gizeh and ather Greek and Latin
fragments which are here published in full.-
Oxford : Clarendon press, 1893.
Xiii, 383 p.: 22Cm.

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The Book of Enoch or 1 Enoch
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: Adam and Charles Black, 1902.
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Promoting Christian Knowledge 1917.
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Charles, R.H.
The Ethiopic Version of the Book of
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together with the fragmentary/ R.H. Charles.-
Oxford: Clarendon press, 1960.
Xxxiii, 237p. : 22Cm.

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Ethiopianism and Afro-Americans in
Southern Africa, 1883-1916/ J . Mutero
chirenje.- London : Louisiana State
University Press, (c) 1987.
231 p.: map, photos, 24Cm.

The Church of Ethiopia: A Panorama of
History and Spiritual Life.- Addis Ababa:
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Cleave, Hugh Craswall
The Ethiopic Version of the Song of
Songs/ Hugh Craswall Cleave.- London:
Taylors foreign press, 1951.
Xxxii, 41p. : 22Cm.

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Ethiopie: Fidele a la croix/ Maxime
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A Serious Aspect of the Abyssininan
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The Christian topography of Costoms, on
Egyptian monk/ by Cosmas, translated by
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Cowley, Roger W.
Ethiopian Biblical Interpretation and
Hermeneutice/ Roger W.Cowley.-
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University Press, C. 1988
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The Traditional Interpretation of the
Apocalypse of St. J ohn in the Ethiopian
Orthodox Church/ Roger W. Cowley.-
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
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Crummey, Donald
Priests and Politicians: Protestant and
Catholic Missions in Orthodox Ethiopia
1830-1868/ by Donald Crummey.- Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1972.
Viii, 176 p. : map; plate; 22Cm.

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The Liturgy of the Ethiopian Church/
Marcos Daud, revised by Blatta Marsie
Hazen.- SL: The Egyptian Book Press,
312 p. 28Cm.

Dilmann, Augast
Das buch der Jubilaen Oder Die Kleine
Genesis Unter beifugung des revidirten
textes der in der ambrosiana aufgefundehen
Lateinischen fragmente sowie einer/
August Dillmann. Mit Unterstutzung der
konigl Gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu
gottingen herausgeben Von Hormann
Ronsch.- Leipzing Fues s 1974.
Vl, 528p. : 23Cm.

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Liber Henoch, Aehtiopice ad quinque
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lectionibus/ Augusti Dillmann.- Lipsiae:
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Lv, p. 1-91 Geez, p. 1-38 Latin

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Chrestomathia Aethiopica. Edita et
Glossario explanata / Augusto Dillmann,-
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Biblia veterie testament: Arthipica/
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Liber Jubilaeorum :
Aethiopice ad duorum librorum
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Williams et Norgate. 1859.
X, 166p.: 24Cm.

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La vie quotidienne des Ethiopiens
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397 p. : maps : 20Cm.

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The Abyssinian Church/ by Archdeacon
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43p. : photo; 21Cm.

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Ababa: Addis Ababa Univ. Press, 2000.
Xx, 300 p.: ills. ; Maps; 22Cm.

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The Ethiopia: The Classic case/ Ermias
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285 p.: 22Cm.
Ermias kebede Wolde-Yesus
Ethiopia: The Classic Case/ by Ermias
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Ethiopia the Classic Case; a biblical
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285 p.: 21Cm.

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The Future of Religious Studies in
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ix, 348 p. : ill; photo; 27Cm.

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Xi, 93 p.: photo; 24Cm.

The Ethiopic Version of the Song
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Xxxii, 41 p. : 22Cm.

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Abhandlung uber des Athiopischen
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from Ethiopic Sources with an
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University Press, 1954.
Xliii, 222p.: photos; 22Cm.

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The Word of God in Ethiopian Tongues:
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International Tryck AB, 1993.
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The Ethiopian Orthodox Church/
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33 p. : phosto; 22Cm

Gadla Abuna Abakerazyn Seu Acta
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du Corpus., 1962
120p. : 25Cm.

Gadla Basalota Mika el seu acta Sancti
Basalota Mika el Interpretatus est /
Karalus conti Rossini.- Louvain : Secretariat
du Corpus, 1961.
98p . : 25Cm.

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Interpretatus est/ Karolus Conti Rossini.-
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56 p. : 25Cm.

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L Ethiopie et L Evangile: La legende et
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Ganguin.- Paris: Delachaux, (?)
80 p .: plates; 22Cm.

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The Church-History of Ethiopia: Wherein,
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Roman missions into that Empire are placed
in their true light/ by Michael G.- London:
Chilwell, 1696.
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St. J ohn 16, in most of the languages and
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67p.: 17Cm.

Grebaut, Sylvain
Ordre Du Bapteme et dela Confirmation
Dans leg lise Ethiopie nne.- paris, 1928.
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The Ethiopic Liturgy: Liturgy of the
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Teezaza Sanat (commandments du
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Ethiopian Publie e traduit/ J . Halevey.- paris:
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Xxxv, 239 p.: 25Cm.

Hays, Edward
The Ethiopian Tattoo Shop / Edward
Hays. Fourth printing.- Eansas: Forest of
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The Hand Crosses of the IES
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Benzing and Girma Kidane.- Addis Ababa:
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Hege, Nathan B,
Beyond Our Prayers: : A Baptist Church
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279p.: Photographs; 23Cm.

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Hearth and Home in Ethiopia/ by Luey
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The Church of Abyssinia/ by Harry M
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Missione Evangelica Svedese dell
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The Contribution the Orthodox Tew
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Civilization.- Addis Ababa: Commercial
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169 p. : pic., 24Cm.

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The Covenant of Holy Mary Zion
with Ethiopia/ Kafyalew Marahi.- Addis
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100 p. : pho; pic; 24Cm.

Kefyalew Marahi
The Most Versatile Ethiopian Scholar,
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Peace and Reconcilation/ By Kessis
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59p. : map ; photo; 20Cm.

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Saints and Monasteries in Ethiopia/ by
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136 p. : ills; 21Cm.

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The Ethiopic Book of Enoch. A New
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The Ethiopian Cross/ Dr. W
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The book of Enoch the prophet: SN
H@ u= :: An apocryphal production,
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Abyssinia; now first translated from and
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Richard Laurence. 3
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61p. :plates , 25Cm.

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J ona. Nahum, Habakuk, zaphanja,
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3 E E %
A % %
% % Unter
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Huntington 625 nach mehreren
handschriften herausgeben/ Oscar
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Textes Ethiopiens Magicoreligieux/
Deborah Lifchitz.- Paris: Institut D
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X, 254p . : 27Cm.

Light and Darkness in East Africa:
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London: World Dominion Press, 1927.
Xii, 13-206 p.: maps, tables; 25Cm.

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Printing Press of his Imperial Majesty
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252 p. : 21Cm.

Lods, Adolphe
Le Livre D Henoch, Fragmenats Grecs
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Lxvl, 198p. : 25Cm.

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Die Athiopische Uberstzuag des
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Male herausgegeben und mit einleitung und
kemmentar versechon/ Oscar Lofgres.- Parie
Librairie Orientalist paul Geuthner. 1927.
Liv, 163p. : Plates I-IV 25Cm.

Luke, Happy Chanles
Cermonies at the Holy Places/ Happy
Charies Luke. London: The Faith Press, Ltd,
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Malan, S.C.
The Book of Adam and Eve. Also called
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/ The Rev. S.C. Malan.- London: Williams
and Norgate 1882.
Vili, 253 p.: 23 Cm.

Mara, Yolande
The Church of Ethiopia: The National
Church in the Making/ by Yolande Mara.-
Asmara: IL Poligrafico, 1972.
177p.p photo; 23Cm.

Marsh, Richard
Black Angels: the art and spirit of
Ethiopia/ Richard Marsh.- Oxford Sundy
Lane West, 1998.
64p.: maps; ill; photos; 22Cm.

Mauro Ceonessa
Santo Stefano maggiore degli Abissini.-
Vatican 1929
365p. : 24Cm.

Mazhafa Tomar. Das Aetniopische
Briefbuch = nach drei
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F. praetorius.- Leipzig: F.A. Breckhous,
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Mercer, Samual A .B.
The Ethiopic Liturgy/ by Samuel A.B.
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Company, 1915.
Xvi, 487 p.; 20 Cm.


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Art that Heals the Image as Medicin in
Ethiopia/ J ecques Mercier.- New York: The
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126 p. : ill; photo; 29Cm.

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Abessinie on Het Costersch
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58 p.: 23 Cm.

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Religious Freedom in Ethiopia/ Ministry
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Printed Ltd, 1965.
91p. : photo: 24Cm.

Mittwoch, Eugen
Die amharische version der soirees de
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Leipzig: Verlag Von Walterde gruyten &
Co., 1934.
Xi, 192 p. ; 25Cm.

The Missionary Factor in Ethiopia:
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Lande, and Samuel Rubenson.- Frankfurt:
peter Lang, 1998.
215 p. : 21Cm.

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Brooks.- NJ : The Red Sea press, Inc.,
Xxxi; 193 p . : 24Cm.

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Ethiopian Professional Croos/ Eine
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Ethiopian Studies, 1971.
80 p . : Figure (65p ) ; 24Cm.

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en Francais par J acques Faitlovitch.-
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The Purpose of Man/ by Antomip Marcia
Reuben, 1999.
272 p. : Vol. 1 22Cm.

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Le Regime Synodal Dans L eglese D
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O Leary, Delocy
The Ethiopian Church;: Historical Notes
on the Church of Abyssinia/ by Delacy C
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Ouderrisn, Denuan
Helenae Hethiopum Reginae quae
Feruntur preces etcarming.- Wavre 1960.
XXII, 117p. : 24Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
The Saint Sinonians and Ethiopia.
Presented to the Third International
Conference of Ethiopian Studies/ Richard
Pankhurst: Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie I
University, Institute of Ethiopian Studies,
87 p.: 23 Cm.


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The History of the Ethiopian
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Commercial press, 1983.
V. ll. Plate, map.-

Petrldis, S Pierre
La presence Ethiopienne a J erusalem:
Son statut Jurdique et ses droits de
propriete sur le monastere de Dar-Es-
Sulltan/ S pierre Peiridis.- Addis Ababa:
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79p : table; 32Cm.

Know J eruslaem: on the Patrimonial;
Rights Ethiopia in the Holy Land / by
Philiippos.- Addis Ababa: Berhannena
Selam Printing Press, 1972.
162 p.: maps, photos, plates; 24Cm.

Philppos, Mengistu
The Ethiopian Holy Places in J erusalem
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S.N.) , 1955.
131 p.: 27 Cm.

Platt, T.P.
The Ethiopic Didascalia or the Ethiopic
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XXXIV( i.e. 1834.)
Xvi, 131 p.: 32cm.

Poladian, Tererning
Facts and Visions / Bishop Terening
Poladian.- Addis Ababa: Artistic, 1963.
116p.: 16Cm.

The Rights of Abyssinian Church in the
Holy Places: Documentary Authorities/
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The Bishop of the Abyssinian Orthodox
Church, 1959.
47p.: plates: 24Cm.

Salvo, Mario Di
Churches of Ethiopia: The
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Mario Di Salvo.- Milan : Skira editore,
224 p. : ills; pho; 29Cm.

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History of the Patriarchs of the Egyptian
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Church/ by Sawirus Ibn Al-Mukoffa,
translated by Yassa Abd AL-Masih.- Le
Caire; : Imprimerie de l institut Francais d
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Die Athiopische Ubersetzune des
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Viii, 206p. : 25Cm.

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Drei Athiopische Hamlet - Texte. Nach
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Music, Ritual, and Falasha History/Kay
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Xv, 415p. : ill map; 23Cm.

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La religione in Ethiopia/ by Gino S.-
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Taddesse Tamrat
Church and State in Ethiopia 1270-
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X, 327 p. : Map; plate; 23Cm.

Tekle Tsadik, Mekoria
L Eglise d Ethiopie/ Tekle Tsadik,
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Islam in Ethiopia/ by J , Spencer
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XV. 281 p. : maps, tables; 24Cm.

Trimingham, J .S
Islam in Ethiopia/ by J . Spencer
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XV. 299 p. : maps, table; 24Cm.

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XV 299p. : maps, tables, ill.: 22Cm.

Ullendorff, Edward
Ethiopia and the bible/ Edward
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156 p. Photos, plates, ill.; 2oCm.

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Vi. 121 p. : 19Cm.

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Oil, Power and Politics. Conflict in
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Xiii, 221p. : maps, 22Cm.

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A Historical Survey of State Education in
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Nations Emergenies United for Ethiopia/
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University, 2004.
Xx, 698 p.: 21Cm.

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Ababa University Department of Sociology
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110p.: illus., 21Cm.

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68p. : illis;

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The Cultural Situation in Socialist
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56 p.: photos; 24Cm.

Alemneh Dejene
Environment, Famine,and Politics in
Ethiopia : A View from the Village /
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Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1990.
Xii, 151p.: photos, maps, tables, fig ;

Almagor, Uri
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Partener Ship Among the Dassanetch of
South - West Ethiopia/ Uri Almagor.- New
York : Manchester University press;
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Land Tenure in Eritrea (Ethiopia) .-
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The Amharic Letters of Emperor
Theodore of Ethiopia to Queen Victoria
and Her Special Envoy Oritain.- Oxford
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36 p. : 21Cm.

Andargatchew Tesfaye
The Crime Problem and its Correction:
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Xvii, 362p. : illus ; 25Cm.

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Abyssinia Association/ Norman Angell.-
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23p . : Photos; 14Cm.

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Muncicpal Administration in Asmara:
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116 p.: map; 27Cm.

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Ethiopia: Perspectives for Change and
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Xii, 338p.: 22Cm.

Assafa Tolera
Ethnic Integration and Conflict:- The Case
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Xii, 143 p.: photos; 21Cm.

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A Profile of the Ethiopian Economy.-
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X, 127 p.: folded map; tabs; 21Cm.

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Analysis of Production Efficiency and the
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Vii; 218p.: fig; 21Cm.

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Xii, 288 p.: photo; 22Cm.

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Edited by Harold G.Marcus.- New York:
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Xix, 363 p. : map, tables; 23Cm.

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Haile Sellassie s Students: The
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Xxi, 363p.: 23Cm.

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X, 404 p.: map; 24Cm.

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Britain, Greece and the Politics of
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X, 248 p.: 22Cm.

Basic documents of the Ethiopian
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Vol, 384, Vo2, 360; ill; 35Cm.

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Aksumite Coins Currency and Banking in
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120 p. : ills, Maps., 18Cm.

Belai Tewelde
A Guide to Commercial and Shipping
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Bereket Habte Selassie
Eritrea and the United Nations and Other
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L' organiation de l' administration locale
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Berhanu Abbebe
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de 1931.- Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1971.
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Migration to Shashemenie/ Gunilla
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Del Governo Dell' Eritrea, ANNo
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Xvii, 197 p.: 24Cm.

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Bureau.- Addis Ababa: central printing press,
35p. : 24Cm.

This is Ethiopia: A Resource Pack for
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37p. : ill; photo; 28Cm.

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Characterstics of Asmara/ Central Statistical
Office, Provisional Military Government of
Ethiopia.- Addis Ababa: Artistic printers Itd,
86 p. : ill; 28Cm.

Ethiopia. Central Statistical Office
Survey of Major Towns in Ethiopia
( tables with notes).- Addis Ababa: (S.N) ,
Ix, 114p. : ill; map; 27Cm.

Ethiopia. Central Statistical Office
Transport and Communications
Statistics / Central Statistical Office.-
Addis Ababa: S.N. 1976.
Iii, 99p. : Carts , 27Cm.

CerullI, Enrico
The Folk-Literature of the Galla of
Southern Abyssinia/ Enrico Cerulli.
p. 11- 228, 27Cm.

Cesari, Cesare
Contributo alla storia delle
truppeindigene della Somalia Italiano/
Cesare Cesari.- Citta di Castello,
Tipografia dell " Unione Art Graf iche"
46p. : 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Chamber of Commerce
The Addis Ababa Chamber of
Commerce.- Addis Ababa: Artistic Press,
24 p. ; 21Cm.

Ethiopia. Chamber of Commerce
Import and Export Formalites in
Ethiopia/ Chamber of Commerce of
Ethiopia.- Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa
Chamber of Commerce, 1967.
37 p. ; 21Cm.

Ethiopia. Chamber of Commece Marketing
and Research Department
Employment, Earninge, Hours, and
Production in Textile Industry in Addis
Ababa region. Addis Ababa: 1966.
13p. : 23Cm.

Christy, David
Ethiopia: Her Gloom and Golry, as
Illustrated in the History of the Slave Trads
and Slavery, the Rise of the Republic of
Liberia, and the Progress of African
Missions/ David Christy, with an
introductin by W.P. Strickland. Reprinted.-
New York: Negro Universities Press,
Iv 255p: tabs; 22Cm.

Clarke, J ohn
Ethiopia Campaign Agains Famine/
J ohn Clarke.- London : Harney and J ones
Ltd; ( S.N.)
184p.: maps, photos, 21Cm.

Clay, J ason W. and Holcomb, Bonnie
Politics and the Ethiopian Faming 1984-
1985/ J ason W.clay and Bonnie K.
Holcomb.- Cambridige: Cultural Survival
Icn. 1986.
Xvii, 237 p.: maps, 23Cm.

Codice Civile. Libro Primo.- Addis
Ababa: Tipografico del Governo Generale
dell A.O.I; 1936-XVll.
175 p. : 21Cm.

Cohen Johin M.
Ethiopian Provincial and Municipal
Government: Imperial Patterns and Post
Revolutionary Changes/ by John M. Cohen,
Peter H Koehn, Edited by Harold G. Marcus.-
New York : Michigan State University, c
XvIII, 314p . : tables; map; 23Cm.

Cohen, J ohn. M
Land and Peasants in Imperial Ethopia:
The Social Background to a Revolution/ by
J ohn, M.C. & Dov, Weintraub.- Netherland:
Van Gorcum, C. 1975.
x. 115 p. : maps, tables; 24Cm.

Cohen, J ohn M.
Integrated Rural Development. The
Ethiopian Experience and the Debate/ J ohn
M. Chen.- Uppsala: The Scandihavian
Institute of African studies, 1987.
267 p. : Charts, 22Cm.

Colombi Emilio
Impero dell Africa Italiana dalla
Colonizzazione alle ferrovie/ Emilio Colombi
Genova: Emiliano degli Orfinin , 1939-xvll
347p. : maps, photographs 25Cm.

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Ethiopien de Djibouti a Addis ababa
( Loidu 3 Avril 1909). Statuts et documents
annexes.- paris: Imprimerie A. Roques and
Fils, 1909.
90 p. : 23Cm.

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Confederazione Facista Degli
Confederazione Facista degli
industrinali L industria in A.O.I.
Roma: U.S.I.L.A. 1939.
288p.: illus; maps; 28.5Cm.


Confederzione Fasistadegli Industriali
Confederazione Facista Degli
industrinali L Industria in A.O.I. Roma:
U.S.I.L.A. 1939.
288p.: illus; maps; 28.5cm.

Confederazione Fasistadegli Industriali
L Industria in AOI
Confederazione Fascista Deglli
Industriali In A.O.I.- Roma: USILA, XVII-
288p. : illus; Carte, grafic, 28.5Cm.

Conflict and Peace in the Horn of
Africa: Federalism and its
Alternatives/ edited by Peter Wood
Ward.- England: Darth Mouth,
ix, 130p.; 24cm.

Conflict, Age & Power in North East
Africa: Age System in Transition.-
Oxford: J ames Currey,1998.
Xiv, 270p.: ill., figs, ,aps, photos,
tables; 21cm

Correspondence and Treaties 1800-
1854/edited by Sven Rubenson.-
Addis Ababa: Northwestern
University Press, 1987.
Xxxi, 263p.: documents;25cm.
(ACTA Ethiopia Vol.I)

The Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia:
(Unofficical English translation
from the Amharic original).-Addis
Ababa: Bole printing Enterprise,
63p.; 29cm.

Costanzo Giuseppe A.
La Politica Italiana per l'Africa
Orientale I (1914-1919)/Giusepe
A.Costanzo.- Rome: Istituto per lrient,
219p.: 25cm.-(publicazioni dellstituto
per lriente nr.53)

Cotter, George
Proverbs and Sayings of the Oromo
People of Ethiopia and Kenya with English
Translations/George Cotter.- Lewiston: the
Edwin Mellen, 1992.
Vii, 591p.: ill; 26cm. (African Studies;

Courlander, Harold.
The Fire on the Mountain and Other
Ethiopian Stories/Harold Courlander and
Wolf Leslau.- Newyork: Henry Holt and
141p.: ill; 24cm.

Criminal Procedure Code of the Empire
of Ethiopia.- Addis Ababa:
Ministry of Low, 1969.
102p.; 24cm.

The Crisis of Development Strategies
Eastern Africa/edited by Eshetu Chole,
etal.- New Delhi: UBS publishers, 1990.
285p.; 24cm.

Crumey, Donald
Land and Society in the Christian
Kingdom of Ethiopia: from the thirteenth to
the twentieth century /Donald Crumey.- UK:
Oxford, J ames Currey, 2000.
Xv, 373p.: ill.: photos, 23cm.

Crummey, Donald
Land and Society in the Christian
Kingdom of the Ethiopia: From the 13
century/Donald Crummey.- Chicago:
University of illionis press,2000.
Xv, 373p.: photo; ill.; 22cm.

Coucinotta, Ernesto
Diritto Coloniale Italiano
/ Ernesto Cucinotta. 3ed.- Roma: Soc. Ed.
Del Forc Italiono, 1938- XVI
xr, 655p. : 25Cm.

Culture and Change: Ethiopian
Woman Challenging the Future Nairobi:
International Institute of Rural
Reconstruction, 2003.
Civ, 107p. :ill, 25Cm.

Dagnew Eshete
Differential Impact Assessment of
Disasters and Coping Strategies: a Research
Methodology Experienced in Ethiopia/
Dagnew Eshete.- Addis Ababa Berhanena
Selam Printing Press, 2001.
Iv, 47p. : 26Cm.

Daniel, Teferra.
Social History and Theoretical Analyses
of the Economy of Ethiopia/ Daniel Teferra.-
Lewiston: the Edwin Mellen Press, 1990.
V, 122p. : ill, maps; 24Cm.

Darley, Major Henry
Slaves and Ivory: A Record of
Adventure and Expicration Among the
Abyssinia Slave-Raiders/Major Henry
Darley.- London: H.F.& G. Wither by,
Xvi, 219 p.: ill. Map, photo; 23Cm.

David, Rene
Commentary on Contracts in Ethiopia/
Rene David. Translated by Michael
Kindred.- Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie I
University, Faculty of Law, Commercial
Printing Press, 1973.
106 p. : 24Cm.

Dawit Woldegiorgis
Red Tears: War Famine and Revolution
in Ethiopia/ Dawit wolde Giorgis.- New
jersey: The Red Sea Press, 1989.
375 p. : 24Cm

Debbasu Meselu Amare
Socio- Economic Evaluation of the
New Extension Programme in Amhara
Region; North West Ethiopia.- Norway:
Noragric; 2001.
115p. : ill; 30Cm.

Dessalegn Rahamto
Agrarian Reform in Ethiopia/
Dessalegn Rahmato.- Sweden: Motala
Grafisks, 1984.
105p . : 22Cm.

Dessalegn, Rahmato
Agrarian Reform in Ethiopia/ by
Dessalegn R.- Uppselia: The Red Sea
Press, C. 1985.
105 p. : Tables; 25Cm.

Dessalegn, Rahmato
Democratic Assistance to Post Conflict
Ethiopia: Impact and Limitation/ Dessalegn
Rahmato & Meheret Ayenew.- Addis
Ababa: Forum for Social Studes, c2004.
Ix, 112p. : illu; graphs; tables; 24Cm.

The Development of a New Health
System in Tigray/ by Departement
Of Health of TPLF .- Tigray: DHTPLF,
74 p. ; map; photos; 28Cm.

Directory of Social Welfare
Organizations and Social Services in
Ethiopia. 3
, Ed.- Addis Ababa: Haile
Selassie I University, The School of Social
Work, Central Printing Press, 1966.
72p. : 20Cm.

Disater Prevention
Food Supply prospect.- Addis Ababa:
Disaster prevention and p.C; 1998.
53 p. ; tab; chart, 29Cm.

Documents on Ethiopian Politics/ Edited
by Borg G. Steffanson and Ronald K.
Starrett.- Salisbury: Documentary
Publicatione, 1976 - 1977.
Vol. 1-III

Donham, Donald L.
Work and Power in Male Ethiopia/
Donald L. Donham.- 2
ed.- NewYork :
Columbia University Press, c 1994.
Ix, 176 p. : illl, chart, Map, photos.

Drought Relief in Ethiopia: Planning and
Managemen of Feeding Programmes/
Compiled by Judith Appletion.- London:
Save the Children, 1987.
18p. : ill.; photos, 22Cm.

Duah Baffour, Aggeman
The United States and Ethiopia; Military
Assistance and the Quest for Security, 1953-
1993/ Baffour Agyeman- Duah.- USA-
University Press of America; c 1994.
237 p. : ill, ; 24Cm.

Dubois, Hubert- Pierre
Cheminot de Djibouti a Addis Ababa.-
Lechemin de Fer Franco- Ethiopien.- Paris:
Librair Academique Perrin, 1959.
252 p.: photos, 19Cm.

Duffield, Mark
Without Troops and Tanks: Humanitarian
Interventian In Ethiopia and Eritrea/ Mark
Duffield and John Prendergast.-
Lawrenceville: The Red Sea, Press, 1994.
Xx, 215p. : ill.; 24Cm.

Economic J ournal. The Association of
Economic. University College. 1964-
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An Economic History of Ethiopia. Vol. 1
The Imperial era 1941-74/Edited by
Shiferaw Bekele.- Ethiopia: Codesria,
Vi, 334p. ; chart, map, 24cm.

Electricity in Ethiopia.- Special
Edition.- Addis Ababa: EELPA, 1963.
29 p. ; photographs; 29Cm.

The Empire of Ethiopia
Civil Code of the Empire of Ethiopia:
Proclamation No 165 of 1960.-
vii, 583 p.; 25Cm.

The Empire of Ethiopia
Civil procedure code of the Empire of
Ethiopia of 1965.- Addis ababa:
Berhanenna Selam printing Press, 1965.
70 p.; 22Cm.

The Empire of Ethiopia
Penal Code of Ethiopia: Proclamation
No 158.- Addis Ababa: Berhanena Selam,
Vii, 277 p. ; 25Cm.

Education Statistics Annual Abstract
1991/ 1998-1999/ .- Addis Ababa: EMIS,
156p. : 29Cm.

Employment and Unemployment in
Ethiopia. Report of the Exploratory
Emplement Policy Mission Orgranised by
the International Labour Office and
Financed by the United Nations
Development Programme.- Geneva:
International Labour Office 1976,
V, 144p.: tabs, 30Cm.

Enciclopedia dei nostri Combattimenti
coloniali fino al 2 Ottobre 1935-xiii.-
Torino. Giulio Einaudi, 1935- xiiii
XVI, 357 p.: maps, photos, 25Cm.

Energy Sector Management Assistance
Programme Ethiopia Energy
Assissment/ Engrgy Sector Management
Assistance Progrmme.- Washigton:
(S.L), 1996.
125 p.; illus, 26Cm.

Erdmannsdorff, Wolf- Diertich C.
Entwicklugsland Athiopien. Eine
wirtschafswissenchaftliche studie/ wolf-
Dietrich V. Erdmannsdorff Bonn: Ludwig
Rohrscheid, 1958.
122p. : map, 21Cm.

Eritrea and Ethiopia: From
Conflict to Cooperation/edited by Amare
Tekle.- New York: Red Sea Press, c 1994.
Ix, 229p. ; 24Cm.

Eritrean Studies Association
Eritrean Studies Review/ Eritrean Studies
Association.- NJ : Red Sea Press, c 1996.
Vi, 175 p. ; 24Cm.

Erlich Haggai
Ethiopia and the Middle East/ Haggai
Erlich.- London : Lynne Rienner Publishers,
Xi, 227p. : ill, map; 24Cm.

Escher, Rejnhard
Studien Zur Gesellscha Fllichen
Entwicklung A thiapiens in Geschichte und
Gegenwart. Leipzig, Verbemertunge 1982.
Viii. 200, p. : Illus., 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Chamber of Commerce of Ethiopia
Trade Directory and Guide Book to
Ethiopia.- Addis Ababa: Chamber of
Commerce, Artistic Printins, 1976
397 p. : maps; photos; 24Cm.

Ethiopia Central Statistical Office
Report on the Addis Ababa House Hold
Expenditure Survey 1975.
48 p. : ill; 30Cm.

Ethiopia. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
The Ethiopian Economy: Selected Topics.
Bussiness Development Division, Addis
Ababa: Artistic printers, 1970.
111p. : tabs; figs; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Commercial Code of the Empire
of Ethiopia. Proclamation No. 160 of 1960
Negarit Gazeta. Gazette Extraordinary. Addis
Ababa: Berhanena Selam Printing Press of
H.I.M, 1960.
Vii, 267p. : 25Cm.

Ethiopia: An Ecnomic Overview:
Prepared for the Consltative
Group Meeting of December 10-12,
1996.- Addis Ababa: world Bank, 1996.
9 p. : illl. ; 28Cm.

Ethiopia: External Financing
Requirements 1996/97-1998/99, .-
Addis Ababa The world bank, 1996.
6p. : illus ; 20Cm.

Eth. Gov. off of the pla. Boa .
Monthlly statistical bulletin No 5, Apr.
1960.- Addis Ababa: ( S.N.), (N.D.).
52 p. ; 28Cm.

Ethiopia: Government s Policy
Framework paper 1996/97- 1998/99:
Prepared for the consultative group
meetingos of December 19-12, 1996.-
Addis Ababa World Bank .
24 p. ; 28 Cm.

Ethiopia.Haile Sellassie I Univrsity
Consolidated laws of Ethiopia An
unofficial Compilation of national laws in
effect as of September 10, 1969.- Addis
Ababa: The faculty of Law, Artstic Printers
Vol. 1-2

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Government
Annual import and Export trade
Statistics.- Addis Ababa: Customs Head
Office, Berhanena Selam printing press,
1949 E.C. ( 11
sept. 1956, 10
63p. :

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government. Awash Valley Authority
A request for follow-Up assistance in
further Streangthening of the Awash Valley
Authority.- Addis Ababa: 1969.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Central Statistical Office and
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and
Survey of manufacturing and
Electricity industry 1964/5-1966/7 Tables
with notes and a directory of manufacturing
firms. Addis Ababa: Artistic printing,
Statistical Bulletin 2

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government. Criminal Procedure Code
of Ethiopia. Proclamation No. 185 of 1961.
Negarit Gazeta. Extraordindary Issue No. 1
of 1961. Addis Ababa: Berhanena Selam
Haile Sellasie I printing pries, 1961.
102p. : 25Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of agriculture. Planning
and programming Department. Economic
Research Divison
Findings of a market Structure Survey and
analysis of those Grains that provide that
Basic Subsistence for the people of Ethiopia.
( a Survey and analysis of eight awrajas)
210p.: maps, photos, tabs; 26Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Commerce and
Economic hand book/ Ministry of
Commerce and Industry.- Addis ababa:
Artistic press, 1958.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Commerce and
Industry planning
Ethiopian Economic review/ Ministry of
Commerce and Industry.- Planning.- Addis
ababa: Artistic press, 1959-1960.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Finance
Annual External Trade Statistics. - Addis
Ababa: Customs Head Office, Central
Statistical Office, 1970.
Lll, 260 p. :

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Finance
Annual Import and Export Trade
Statistics. - Addis Ababa: Customs Head
Office, Central Statistical Office, 1970.
Ii,, 160 p. :

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Finance
Annual Import and Export Trade
Statistics. - Addis Ababa: Customes Head
Office, Central Statistical Office, 1970.
Xxv, 262 p. : 32Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Finance
Annual Import Trade Statistics. - Addis
Ababa: Customes Head Office, Trade
Research and Statistics Branch and Central
Statistical Offoce, 1967. Office, 1970.
174 p. : 27Cm


Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Finance
Export Trade Statistics. - Addis Ababa:
Customes Advisers Office, Custom
Administration, Berhanena Selam Printing
Press 1947 E.C.( 11
Sept. 1954, 10
sept.. 1955).
27 p.:

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Finance.
Department of Customs
General Information Concerning
Ethiopian Customs, Administration,
Regulations, Procedure and Tariff. 2
ed.- Addis Ababa: Berhanena Selam
Printing Press. 1964.
56p.: foldemap, chart, 19Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Finance
Import and Export Trade Statistics. 3
quarter. -
Addis Ababa: Customes Adviser
Customs Administration Berhanena Selam
Printing Press, 1948 E.C. ( 10
th Dec. 1955 to 9th
March 1956)

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Finance
Third and Fourth Quarter Import and
Export Trade Statistics (10
1961 to 7
J une and 8
J une 1961 to
sept 61) .-Addis Ababa: Customs
Head Office, 1953.
123 p. :

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Land Reform
and Administration
Report on Land Tenure Survey of
Sidamo, Welo, Gemugofa Provinces, Addis
Ababa. The Department of Land Tenure,
Feb, J uly, Sept, 1968
maps, tabs,

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of Land Reform
and Administration
Report on Land Tenure Survey of
Kefa Province. Addis Ababa: The
Department of Land Tenure, J an 1969.
maps, tabs

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of National
Community Development
Community Development in Ethiopia. A
Brief Resume of the Proceedings of the Third
Seminar of District Development Officers .
Addis Ababa: Ministry of National
Community Development, Berhanena Selam
press, 1965.
118p.: 22Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian
Government Ministry of National
Community, Development and Social Affairs.
Bureau of Labour and Employment
The training of manpower in Ethiopia
during 1963 E.C. (1970-1971G.C)
(Technical and vocational training facilities
available and the Supply of trained
personnel). Addis Ababa: The Employment
and manpower division, 1965 E.C.
67p.: 27Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Gover -nment
United Nation Special Fund Project
Report on Survey of the Awash
River Basin.- Rome: FAO, 1965.
Vol, 1-4

Ethiopia, Imperial Ethiopian Govermmennt
Second Five-Year Development Plan,
1955-1959 E.C. 1963-1967 G.C.- Addis
Ababa: Berhanena Selam Printing Press
363p.: 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Government
Five Year Development plan. 1961-
1965 E.C (1968-1973).- Addis Ababa:
Berhanena Selam H.S.I. Printing Press, 1968.
440p.: 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Government
University College of Addis Ababa.
Artistic Press. 1958-59
Bulletin, 202p.; 22Cm,

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Institute of
Public Administration
Organization of the Imperial Ethiopian
Government.- Addis Ababa:Artistic Printers,
650p. :

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Institute of
Public Administration
Administrative Directory of the
Imperial Ethiopian Government. Addis
Ababa: 1959-1962, 1966,1967,1972.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Institute of
Public Administration
Organization of the Ethiopian
Government, Supplement to the First
edition (1969).- Addis Ababa: Artistic
Printers, 1972.
259 p. :

Ethiopia and Liberia Versus South Africa:
An Official Account of the Contentious
Proceedings on South West Africa Before
the International Court of J ustice at The
Hague 1960- 1966.- Pretoria: Department
of Informations, (N.D)
306p . : phots, 22Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of Commerce and
Report on the External Trade of
Ethiopia 1941-1947 E.C. ( .e Sept. 11,
1949-Sept, 10, 1955).- Addis Ababa:
Ministry of Commerce Artistic Press, 1956.
Xiv, 74p.: Charts, tabs; 33Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of Education and Fine
Project for Expansion of Second Level
Education in Ethiopia ( First Draft)
Vol. 2, Appendices and maps

Ethiopia. Ministry of Information
Venture. Rural Development in
Ethiopia/ Ministry of Information.- Addis
Ababa: Artistic Printers, 1972.
91p.: Photos, Map, 22Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of Land Reform and
Administration Department of Land Tenure
Annual Report 1967- 1968. Addis Ababa:
24p.: photograph, tabs, 27Cm.

Ethiopia"Options for Rural Development/
edited by Siegfried Pausewag.- London:
Zed books; 1990.
256p.: ill; 21Cm.

Ethiopia: Options for Rural
Development/ edited by Siegfried
Pausewang, etal.- London: Zed Books Ltd,
256 p.: ills, 22Cm.

Ethiopia: The Politics of Famine.-
London: freedom House, 1990.
85p. : 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Provisional Military Gvernment of
Socialist Ethiopia. Central Statistical Office
Addis Ababa: Manpower and Housing
Sample Survey- Bec. 1976.- Addis ababa:
Statistical Bulletin 15

Ethiopia. Provisional Military Government of
Socialist Ethiopia. Central Statistical Office
A Report of Retail Prices for Selected
Towns of Ethiopia.- Addis Ababa: 1978.
Statical Bulletin

Ethiopia. Provisional Military Government of
Socialist Ethiopia. National Revolutionary
Development Campaign and Central Planning
Supreme Council. Central Statical Office
Report on Asmara and Dire Dawa
Housheld Expenditure Survey 1975. Addia
Ababa: J an 1980.
Statistical Bulletin 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Provisional Military Government of
Ethiopia Central Statistical Office
Results of the National Sample Survey.
Second round Addis Ababa: Avg. 1974.
Vol. IV, Indebtedness

Ethiopia. Provisional Military Government of
Ethiopia Central Statistical Office
Results of the National Sample Survey.
Second round Addis Ababa: Artistic Printers,
Feb. 1975.
Statistical Bulletin 10.
Vol. V, Land area and Utilization

Ethiopia. Provisional Military overnment
of Socialist Ethiopia.National Revolutionary
Development Campaign and Central Planning
Supreme Council.Central Statistic Office
Results of the Survey of Manufacturing
Industries 1969( 1976/77 G.C.) Addis Ababa:
J an. 1980.
Statistical Bulletin 23

Ethiopia. Public Expenditure Review
( in two volumes) volume II:
Appendixes and Statistical tables.-
Ethiopia: TheWorld Bank, 2000.
63 p.: ills; 27Cm.

Ethiopia. The Relief and Rehabilitation
The Challenges of Drought. Ethiopias
Decade of Struggle in Relief and
Rehabilitation. William Clowes Limited, C,
280p. : maps, photos; tabs; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. State Bank of Ethiopia
Postiton-Classification and Plan of the
State Bank of Ethiopia Public
Administration Service/ United States
Operations Mission to Ethiopia J uly 1955.-
Addis Ababa: 1963.
68p. : 27Cm.

Ethiopia and the Sudan. The Deterioration
of Relations. Addis Ababa: Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, 1977.
24 p. ; 24Cm.

Ethiopia: Wolamo Agricultural
Development Unit Program: Pase II
Project Proposal.- Addis Ababa: Ministry
of Agriculture, 1973
tab; 29Cm.

Ethiopian Airlines
Bringing African Together: The Story
of Ethiopian Airlines.- Addis Ababa:
Ethiopian Airlines: 1988.
191 p. : 32Cm.

Ethiopia. Business Development
Service Network
Standards and Quality in Ethiopia/
Published by EBDSN in Collaboration with
Quality and Standards Authority of
Ethiopia.- Addis Ababa: EBDSN, 2004.
35p.: 27Cm.

Ethiopia. Business Development
Services Network
Loan Conditions of Commercal Bank
and Micro Finance Institutions/ Published
by EBDSN in Collaboration with Ethio-
German TVET & etal.- Ethiopia: Addis
Ababa:; EBDSN, 2004.
93 p. : 21Cm.

Ethiopian. Chamber of Commerce
Taxation in Ethiopia Direct and Indirect
Text Catagories of Tax Payers Declaration
of Income and Assessment of Taxes Tax
Incentives/ Published By Ethiopian Chamber
Of Commerce.- Ethiopia; Addis Ababa; ECC,
47 p. 21.5Cm.

Ethiopia. Chamber of Commerce
Directory of Industry: Addis Ababa,
Akaki, Deberzeit, Mojo, Nazreth and Dire
Dawa, Harar and Asmara. Addis Ababa:
Chamber of Commerce, 1972.
96 p. : 27Cm.

Ethiopia. Chamber of Commerce
Trade Directory and Guide Book to
Ethiopia 1971-1972.- Addis Ababa: Chamber
of Commerce, (N.D).
Lv, 331p. : maps; photos, 24Cm.

The Ethiopian Economic Assocation
Annual Report on Ethiopian Economy V.1
1999/2000/ edited by Befekadu Degfe and
Berhanu Nega.- Addis ababa: EEA, 1999.
429 p. ; 21Cm.

Ethiopian Economy Association (EEA)
The Ethiopian Economy Performance and
Evaluation Procedings of the Eighth Anual
Conference on the Ethiopian Economy.-
Addis Ababa: Addis ababa University, 1999.
Iv, 343p. : ill ; 24Cm.

Ethiopian Economic Association
Industrialization and Industrial Policy in
Ethiopia: Report on the Ethiopian Economy,
Vol. III.- Addis Ababa; Ethiopian Economic
Associstion , 2004.
Xvi, 382 p. : illus; 20Cm.

Ethiopian Economics Association
Second Annual Report on the Ethiopian
Economy. Volume II.- Addis Ababa :
Ethiopian Economic Association, 2001.
Xvi, 450p. : ill; 21Cm.

The Ethiopian Economic Association
Second Annual Report on the Ethiopian
Economy, Volume 44/ prepared by Befekadu
Degefe, Berhanu Nega & Getahun Tafesse.-
Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian Ecnomic
Association, 2002.
Xvi, 450 p. : ills.; 21Cm.

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Monthly Statistical bulletin; No 4, Nov.
1959.- Addis Ababa: S.N., N.D.
52 p. : 28Cm.

Ethiopian Jews and Israel/ edited by
Michael Asnkenazi and Alex
Weingrod.- New Brunswick: Transaction
Books, c. 1987.
159p. : maps, 23Cm.

Ethiopian Human Rights Council
Compiled Election Reports/Ethiopian
Human Rights Council.- Addis Ababa:
Artistic Printing Enterprise, 2004.
Vii, 327p. : illus., 21Cm.

Ethiopian Human Rights Council
Compiled Reports of EHRCO from
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The Ari of Southeastern Ethiopia: An
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TWA S Services to Ethiopia / Theodore
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Ethiopia: The Political Economiy of
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Codice Delavaro dell Africa Italiana/
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Vii, 289p. : 24Cm.

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Report of the United Kingdom Trade
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175p. : foldedmap , tabs; 24Cm.

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Technological Change in Four Agricultural
Production Systems/ David A.G. Green.-
Michigan: African Studies Center; Michigan
University Press, 1974.
XV, 120 p. : map photos, tabs; 21Cm

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J eux et diverissements Abyssins / Marcel
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259 p. : plates, I-XXVLL, 25Cm. .

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The Sign and the Seal/Graham Hancock.-
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Cherinet and Yusuf onler Abd .- Addis
Ababa: EMPDA, 1994.
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Yousf Omer Abdi.- Addis Ababa: Ministry
of Education , 1994.
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USA: Louisianastafe University, c 1994.
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Vii, 123.; 24Cm

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Public Administration in Ethiopia: A
Study in Retrospect and Prospect/ William
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Liberia V South Africa) =Affaires Du Sud-
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Security , Sustainable Agriculture and
Trade: Issues of Concern for Lobbying and
Advocacy / by the International
Development Consulting Firm ( IDCOF) .-
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xx, 244 p. : ill ; 29Cm.

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Organsation of a Production Work shop
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Company, Ethiopia/ International Labour
Office.- Geneva .
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The Employment and Conditions of Work
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Conferences, Addis Ababa:, 1964. Geneva:
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Methods and Principles of Wage
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ababa: Publications and Public Relations
Department, Artistic Printers. 1967.
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Istitute Poligrafico dello stato GC, 1935.
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Vol. 4, Charts, 26Cm.

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Vol. 6, Charts, 26Cm.

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vicereal 28 agosto 1939-XVll-N. 777).-
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Vade Mecum per Laministrazione
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Raccolta dei principali Ordinamenti
legoslatici dell Avv. Adolfo Parapagliolo.-
Roma: Istituto poligrafico dello stato,
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Vol. II 968p. : 21Cm.

Italia. Ministero delle Colnie
Rassegna economica delle Colnie.-
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The Ethiopian Famine / Kurt J ansson,
Michael Harris Angela Penros.- London:
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Xxviii, 196p. : maps, photos. 22Cm.
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by M.C. J edrej.- Leiden: E.J . Brill, 1995.
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J esman, Czeslaw
The Russians in Ethiopia: An Essay in
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160 p. : pot; 22cm.

J oireman, Sandra Fullerton
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in Ethiopia & Eritrea 1941-74/ Sandra
Fullerton J aireman.- Oxford: J ames Curry,
Xiii, 172 p. : ill; maps.; 21Cm

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Medhin.- NewJ ersy: Red Seapress, 1989,
Xv, 220/. : ill, ,ap: 24Cm.

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X, 185p . : maps, tabs; Charts, N

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Among the Pastoral Afar in Ethiopia:
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Change/ Kassa Negussi Getachew.- Addis
Ababa: International Books in Assocation
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The Politics of the Famine in Ethiopia
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Halfpenny.- Manchester: University of
Manchester, Department of Socilogy, March
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par Martino Mario Moreno.- Paris:
Imprimerie Nationale 1947.
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The Sudan from Subsistence to Wage
Labour: Refugee Settlements in the
Centrall and Eastern Regions/ Gaim
Kibreab.- Trenton, New Jersey: The Red
Sea Press Inc., 1990
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Kidane Mengisteab
Ethiopia: Failure of Land Reform and
Agricultural Crisis/ Kidane Mengisteab.-
New York: Greenwood Press, 1990.
Xviii, 216p. : ill; map; 24Cm.

Kinfe Abraham
Ethiopia from Bullets to the Baltot Box,
The Bumpy Rood to Democracy and the
Political Economy of Transition/ Kinfe
Abraham .- New J ersy: Read Sea Press, c
Xvii, 300 . ; 24Cm.

Kinfe Abraham
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Reforms/ Kinfe Abraham.- London:
Ethiopian International Institure for Peace
and Development, 2001.
422 p. : 20Cm.

Kinfe, Abraham
The Missing Millions: Why and How
Africas Under Developed/ Kinfe
Abraham,- Trenton; Africa World Press,
Ix, 290 p. : 24Cm.

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Nile Dilemmas: Hydropolitics and
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Xii, 263 p. : 22Cm.

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Ethiopia, The United States and the
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Xviii, 199p.: map, 22Cm.

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Planned Change in a Traditional Society.
Psychological Problems of Modernization in
Ethiopia/ David C.K and Frances F.K with
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Xviii, 287 p. : 24Cm.

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Xix, 168 p. : maps, tabs; 24Cm.

The Land Charters of Northern Ethiopia/
Translated with an introduction and notes
by G.W.B. Hunting ford. Addis Ababa: Haile
Sellassie I University. The Institute of
Ethiopia studies and the Faculty of Law;
Oxford University Press, 1995.
Xll, 132p. : 24cm.

La situation et les possibilites de
development de lcnomie
Ethiopieanne. L'elevage en Ethiopie.
Addis Ababa: 1955.
Vol. xll

Lauro, Raffaele Di
Corso di storia e polotica coloniale /
Raffaele di Lauro.- Milano: Fratelli Bocca,
Xlv, 266p. : 24Cm.

Lauro, Raffaele DI
L organizzazione Presentata dell
impero. Relazione presentata al lll Congresso
di Studi Coloniali in Firenze Con annessa la
legge fondamentale Sull A.O. L. ( R. D.L. )
giugno 1936-XLV n. 1019/ Raffaele di
Lauro.- Roma: Societa Italiana Arti
Grafiche, 1936.
32 p. : 23Cm.

Lefebvre, J effrey A.
Arms for the Horn: U.S Security
Policy in Ethiopia and Somalia 1953 -
1991/ by J effrey A. Lefebvre.- Littmann, Enno
Pittsburgh: University of pittsburgh, Publications of the Princeton
Expedition to Abyssinia/ Enno Littmann.-
Leyden: Lata E.j. Brill Ltd. 1910.
Xvi, 351p.: ill.; maps, 24cm

Lefever, Ernest W.
Spear and Scepter. Army, Police and
Politics in Tropical Africa / Ernest W.
Lefever.- Washington, D.C. The
Brooking Institution, C.1970.
X, 251p.: map, 24cm.

Letters from Ethiopian Rulers: Early
and Mid Nineteenth Century/
Translated by David Lappleyard and A.K.
Irvine.- London: Oxford University Press,
197p.: 24cm.- (Oriental Document XI)

Peoples of the Horn of Africa/
I.M.Lewis:- London: Ipswich Book
Company, 1955.
228p.: ill.; 24cm.

Lewis, Loanm
Blood and Bone: The Call of Kinship in
Somalia Society/Loanm Lewis.- NJ : Red
Sea Press, 1994.
Xii, 253p; charts, tables, 12.5cm.

The Life and Exploits of Alexander the
Great. Being a Series of Ethipia
Texts Edited from Manuscripts in
the British Museum and the
Bibliotheque National with an
English Translation and Notes/E.A.
Wallis Budge.- London: C.J .Clay amd
Sons, 1896.
Vol. 1-2, 30cm.

The Lion Cub
The J ournal of the Ethiopian Students'
Society in Greate Britain Lions cub.- Great
Britain Lions Cub, 1954.
40p.; 22cm.

L'Italia di Oggi'Le Colonie.- Roma:
C.A. Bontempelli, 1915.
Series 11, N.1-3, N.8-10.

Little, Arthur D.
A Plan for Developing Tourism in
Ethiopia/Arthur D. Little.- London: Expedite
Multiprinte Ltd., n.d.
Vol. 1-3 (63; xi, 309; iii, A-W; K-YL.):
ill., chart, fig. Photo; 30cm.

Living on the Edge: Marginalised
Minoritie of Craftworkers and Hunters
in Southern Ethiopia.-
Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University
375 p.; 25cm.

Lombardi, Leopldo
Ordinamento giuridico ed attivita
giudizaria nell Impero. Discorso del
procuratore generale paer linaugurazione del
II anne giudiziaro della corte
dappello per l A.O.I/ Leopoldo
Lombardi.- Addis Ababa: Sevizio
Tipografico del Governo Generale dell A.O.
I. 1938-XVL
33p. : tabs ; 24Cm.

Lowenstein, Stevn
Materials for the Study of Penal Law of
Ethiopia/ Steven Lowenstein.- Addis Ababa:
Haile Sellasie I University, Central Printing
Press, 1965.
IL, 425 p. : 24Cm.

Luluseged Alemayyehw
A descriptive analysis of the
administration of education in transition in
Ethiopia: A dissertation presenxed to the
faculty of the school of education the
University of Southern californina.- N. pp,
286p. ; illus ; Map: 27Cm.

Maaza Lemma
Administrative Directory of the
Imperial Ethiopian Government
Alphabetical Supplement.- Addis Ababa:
Imperial Ethiopia Instiute of Public
Administration, 1959.

Machida Robert
Eritrea: The Sturggle for Independency/
Robert Machida.- New J ersey: the red sea
press, 1997.
86p.: 20cm.

Makinda, Samuel M.
Security in the Horn of Africa/ Samuel
M. Makinda:- London: Brassey's, 1992.
80p.: ill.; 21cm.- (Adalphi paper; 269)

Makonen Getu
Socialism, Participation, and
Agricaltural Development in Post-
Revolutionary Ethiopia. A Study of
Constraitnts/ Makonen Getu.- Stockholm
Almqvist and Wiksell International, c.
225 p. : maps, tables, 24Cm.

Manetti, Carlo
Ethiopia Economica, Panorama
Economica Agrario d ell Africa Orienatal
Italiana e dell Abyssina/ Carlo Manetti.-
Firenze: R.Bemporad 1936,
Cl, 194p. : Maps, photos, and 22Cm.

Manfronl, Camillo (ed)
Rivista Delle colonie Italiane. Camillo
Manfra ni: Rome: Mensile 1934.
541 p. : 28Cm

Manni, E.F.
Manuale di legislazione della Somalia
Italiana. In continuazione del " Manule di
legislazione Della Somalia Italian di C.
Rossetti, 1914/ Littoria, 1931-lx
292 p. : 21Cm.

Marcus, Harold G.
The Politics of Empire: Ethiopia Great
Britain and the United States, 1941-1974/
Harold G. Marcus.- New J ersey: The Red
Sea Press, 1995.

Marein, J ude Nathan
Hand Book of the Laws of Ethiopia/
J ude Nathan Marein.- Addis Ababa:/ S.N/,
Iv; 207 p. ; tables; 28Cm.

Marein, Nathan
The Ethiopian Empire: Federation
and Laws/ by Nathan Marein.- Rotterdam :
Royal Netherlands Printing and
Lithographing Company, 1954.
455 p. : 24Cm.

Marein, Nathan
The Judicial System and the Laws of
Ethiopia/ Nathan Marein.- Revised Edition.
Ratterdam: Royal Netherlands Printing and
Lithographing Company, 1951.
288 p. ; 24Cm.

Marein, Nathan
The Judicial System and the Laws of
Ethiopia/ by Nathan Marein.- Rotterdam:
Lithographing Company 1951.
788 p. ; 22Cm.
Mario, Alamanni Ennio Quirio
La Colonia Eritrea e I Suoi Commerci/
Alamani Ennio Q.M. Terino: Fratelli Bocca,
Xxxll, 911 p. : folded maps, tabs;

Mccann, J ames C
People of the Plow: An agricaltural
History of Ethiopia 1800-1990/ J ames C
Mccann.- London : University of Wisconsin
Press, c 1995.
Xv, 298p. : ill, map, photos; 24Cm.

Medhane Tadesse
The Eritrean- Ethiopian War: Retrospect
and Prospects: Reflection on the Making of
Conflicts in the Horn of Africa, 1991-1998/
Medhane Tadesse. - Addis Ababa: Mega
Printing Enterprise. 1999.
200 p. : map; 20Cm.

Mekuria Bulcha
Flight and Integration.Causes of Mass
Exodus from Ethiopia and Problems of
Integration in the Sudan/ Mekuria Bulcha-
Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African
Studies, 1988.
256p. : maps, figures, tables, 23Cm.

Melesse Getu
Tsemako Women's Rotes and Status/
Melesse Getu.- (Social Antropology
Dissertation Series No 3).- A.A: AAU
Printing Press, 1995.
Xiii, 147p.; ill., map; chart; photo.

Melin, Ronert Arthur
Evidence in Ethiopia/ Rebert Arthur
Melin.-Addis Ababa: HSIU 1972.
Xiv, 453. : 32Cm.

Memorias del instituto de relaciones
Culturales mexicanc- Ethiope.- Mexico:
Luis, Fojo, 1958.
165p. : map, photos; 22Cm.

Mengesha Kikitu
Oromo Oral Treasure for a New
Generation: Proverbs and Sayings of the
Oromo People with English Explanation.

Mengistu Woube
Resource use and Conflicts along the
Blue Nile River Basin: The Need for New
Conservation Sustainablity Measures/
Mengistu Woube.- Sweden; Uppsala
University, 1995.
30p.; ill, map, photo, 24cm.
Mesfin Woldemariam
The background of the Ethio-Somallia
Boundary Dispute/ by Mesfin
Woldemariam.- Addis Ababa: Berhanena
Selam Printing Press, 1964.
83p.: map; 21cm.

Mesfin Woldemariam
Rural Vulnerability to Famine in
Ethiopia, 1958 - 1977/Mesfin
Woldemariam.- London: Intermediate
Tachnology Publicatias, 1986.
X, 191p.: ill.; 22cm.

Minasse, Haile
Domestic J urisidication: United
Nations Consideration of Domestic
Questions and of their International
Effects/ Minasse Haile.- Addis Ababa: The
Ethiopian publishing Share Company,
134p.: 24cm.

Ministero Dell'Africa Ifaliana
La Legidlazione Dgraria dell'Africa
Italiana Italy, 1941.
XxxI, 1479p.;

Ministry of Agricultur
Conference on Postorliam in Ethiopia 4-
6 February 1993/ edited by Sue Edwards &
Tafese Mesfin.- Addis Ababa: Institute for
Sustainable Development (ISD), 1996.
99p. : illus; 28cm.

Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Economic Handbook of Ethiopia.-
Addis Ababa: Berhanenna Selam, 1951.
212p.: ill.; chart; 29cm.

Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Economic Progress of Ethiopia.- Addis
Ababa: MCE, 1955.
Xii, 171p.: ill; chart; map; photo;

Ministry of Education
Education Statistics Annual Abstract 1990
E.C. (1997).- Addis Ababa: EMIS, 1999.
156p.: 30cm.

Ministry of Education
Primary School Female Participation and
Performance in Cheha District.- Addis
Ababa: EMPDA, 1995.
Viii, 94p.: ill; 24cm.

Ministry of Health
AIDS in Ethiopia: Background
Projections Inpacts Interventins.- 2
Addis Ababa: Artistic Printing Enterprese,
V, 43p.; ills; 29cm.

Ministry of Information
Ethiopia Today Communication/by
Ministry of Inforrmation .- Addis Ababa:
Commercial Printing Press, 1973.
40p.; photo; port.; 23cm.

Ministry of Information
Mass Communications in
Ethiopia/Ministry of Information.- Addis
Ababa: Commercial Printing Press, 1966.
32p.: photo; 24cm. (patterns of
progress; Book V.)

Ministry of Information and Culture
Investment Opportonities in Ethiopia.-
/S.L/ ; Ministry of Information and Culture,
58p.: ill; photos; 25cm.

Molvaer, Reidulf Knut
Tradition and Change in Ethiopia/
Reidulf Knut Molvaer.- Netherlands: Leiden,
E.J Brill, 1980.
Lx, 268p.: 25cm.

Molvaer, Reidulf Knut
Tradition and Change in Ethiopia: Social
and Cultural Life as Reflected in Amharic
Fictional Literature 1930-1974/ Reidulf Knut
Molraer.- Leiden: E.J .Brill, 1980.
Xi, 268p.: 24cm.

Moreno, Martino Mario
Favole e rime Galla. Testi raccolti, editi,
tradotti e annotati/ Martino Mario Moreno.-
Roma: Tipografia del senato, 1935-xlll,
Vll, 204p.: 25cm. (studi storici e
linguistici a cura del ministere delle

Mori, Angiolo
Manuale di legislazione della colonia
Eritrea/ Angiolo Mori.- Roma: Tipografia
dellnione editrice, 1914 -1915.
Vol.1-8 (manuali coloniali)

Mottern, Nicholas
Suffering Strong: the J ournal of a
Westerner in Ethiopia, the Sudan, Eritrea
and Chad/ Nicholas Mottern.- New J ersy:
the redsea press, 1998.
Ix, 102p.: ill.; 22cm.
Mulatu Wubneh
A Spatial Analysis of Urban- Industrial
Development in Ethiopia.- Syracuse:
Syracuse University, 1982.
Vii, 189p.; maps, tables, 23cm.-
(Foreign and Compartative Studies)
(African Series; No.39)

Indo-Ethiopian Relations for Centuries/
Muthana.- Addis Ababa: Artistic Printing
Press, 1961.
230p.: map, photos.

National Unity and Regionalism in Eight
African States/ Edited by Gwendolen
M.Carter.- Ithaca, New York: Cornell
University press, c. 1966.
Xiii, 565p. : maps, 24Cm.

Nationaliam and Self-determination in
the Horn of Africa/ Edited by
I.M. Lewis.- London: Ithaca press, 1983.
Ix, 266p. : map, 21Cm.

Baseline Survey on Harmful
Traditional Practice in Ethiopia.- Addis
Ababa: National Committee on Traditional
Practices of Ethiopia, 1998.
115 p. ; 30Cm.

The Role of Amateur Artists and Media
Personnel in the Camping Against HTPS/
Natianal Committee on Traditional
Practices of Ethiopia (NCTPE).- Addis
Ababa: EDM Printing Press, 1999.
23p. ; 20Cm.

Netherlands Economic Institute. Division
of Balance International Growth
The Identification of Potential
Industries in Ethiopia.- Rotterdam: 1970.

The New Africa Inititative Working for
Energy/ Edited by Tegegen Teka.- Addis
Ababa: OSSREA, 2000.
153 p. ; 24Cm.

Nolan, Liam
The Forgotten Famine/ Liam Nolan.-
Dublin; Cork: The Mercier Press, 1974.
101p. : 18Cm.

Norbeg, Viveca Halldin
Swedes in Haile Selassie' s Ethiopia,
1924-1952: a Study in Early Development
Co-operation/ Viveca Halldin Norberg.-
Stokhim: ACTA Universitatis , Sealiensis,
320 p. : ill; 24 Cm.

Norberg, Viveca Halldin
Swedes in Haile Selasie' s Ethiopia, 1924-
1952. A Study in Early Development Co-
Operation/ Viveca Halldin Norbeyg.-
Uppsala: Scandiavian Institute of African
Studies, C.1977.
320 p. : map, tabs;

Nordiska Afrika Inistittutet, Uppsala
and Forum for Social Studies
Ethiopia the Challenge of Democracy from
Below/ Nordiska Afrikainstitute, Uppsala and
Forum for Social Studies, Edited by Bahru
Zewde and Sigfried pausewang.- Stockholm:
Elanders Gotab, 2002.
214 p. : ill; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Office of the Planning Board
Methodology and Instructions for the
Elaboration of the Second Five Year Plan/
Imperial Ethiopian Government Office of the
Planning Board.- Addis Ababa: SN, 1962.
88p. : ill; 33Cm.

Omodeo, A. Peglion, Valenti
La Colonia Eritrea condizioni e
problemi/A. Omodeo, V.peglion. G.Valenti,
.- Roma: Tipografia Nazionale di G. Bertero,
226p. : folded map, 25Cm.

Ongaro, Gruliano
Codice Tributario dell Africa Italiana
Italy, 19-.
VII, 923. : 10Cm.

Ordinamento e regolamento giudiziario
nella colonia Eritrea.-
Asmara: Tipografia Francescana, 1919.
158 p. : 24Cm.

Organization of a Production Work shop
for the Disabled. The United
Abilities Company Ethiopia.-
Geneva: International Labour Office, c.
25p. : photo, tabs; 30Cm.

Globalization, Democracy and
Development in Africa: Challenges and
Prospects/ Edited by Taye Assefa, Saverine
M. Rugumamu, and Abdel Ghaffar M.
Ahmed, Addis Ababa: OSSREA, 2001.
Xv, 379 p. : illus, 23Cm.

Resource Alienation Militarisation and
Development: Case Studies from East
African Dry Lands/ Organization for Social
Science Research in Eastern and Southern
Africa.- OSSREA Ethiopia: OSSREA,
Vii , 207p. : ill.; figs; 20Cm.

Ostini, Felice
Trattato di diritto consuetudinario dell`
Eritrea/ Felice Ostini. Asmara: Officina
Grafica Della S.A. Corriere Eritreo, 1956.
194p. : photos, 24Cm.

Ottaway, Marina and David
Ethiopia. Empire in Revolution/ Marina
and David Ottaway.- New York: Africand
Publishing Company, 1979.
Vi, 250 p. : maps, photos, 23Cm.

Pankhurst, Alula
Resettlement and Famine in Ethiopia:
the Villager`s Experience/ Alula
Pankhurst.- Manchester: Manchester
University Press, 1992.
X, 290p. : map , photo, 21Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
Economoc History of Ethiopia 1800-
1935/ Richard Pankhurst.- Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia: Haile Sellassie I University Press,
772 p . : ill. Map, picture, photo; 24Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
Education in Ethiopia During the Italian
Fascist Occupation ( 1936-1941)/ Richard
Pankhurst.- / S.L/ : / S.N/, /N.D/.
P 361-396

Pankhurst, Richard
Ethiopian Monetary and Banking
Innovations in the Nineteenth and Early
Twentieth Centurise/ by R. Pankhurst.
p. 64-120 (J ournal of Ethiopian studies
Vol. 1 No. 2 1963)

Pankhurst, Richard
The Great Ethiopian Famine of 1988-
1992: A New Assessment/ Richard
Pankhrust.- Reprinted from J ournal of the
History of Medicine and Allied Sciences.
Volume xxi, Number 2 nd 3, 1966.
65-294 pages; 25Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
The History of Famine and Epidemics in
Ethiopia Prior to the Twentieth Century/
Richard Pankhurst.- Addis Ababa: Relife and
Rehabilitation Commission, 1985.
120p. : ill; 21Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
An Introduction to the Economic History
of Ethiopia: from Early Times to 1800/
Richard Pankhurst.- London: Lalibela House,
xvii, 454 p. : ill, map, picture, photo;

Pankhurst, Richard
Primitive Money. Money and Banking in
Ethiopia/ Richard Pankhurst. - Addis Ababa:
Berhanena Selam H.S.I. Printing Press, 1967.
54p. : photos, 23Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
State and Land in Ethiopian History/
Richard Pankhurst.- Addis Ababa: Haile
Sellassie I University Institute of Ethiopian
Studiesand the Faculty of Law: Oxford
University Press, Central Press, 1966.

Paul,, J ames C,N.
Ethiopian Constitustional
Development: A Source Book/ by J ames C.N.
Paul and Christopher Clapham.- Addis
Ababa: the Faculty, Haile Sellassie I
University, 1972.
Xv, 437p. : 24Cm.

Paulos Tzadua
L` organzzazione Administrativa
Central dell` Impero Etiopice.- Milanc:
Universita Cattolica del S. cuore, Facolty
di giurisprudeaza, 1958.
Xl, 212p. : 29Cm.

Pellegrineschi, A.V.
Etiopia. Aspetti economici/ A.V.
Pellerineschi.- Milane: Giuseppe
Pricipate, 1936.
252p. : 22Cm.

Peoples Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia: Facts and Figures.-
Addis Ababa: Central Statistical
Vi, 1222p. : illl., 21Cm.

Perham, Margery
The Government of Ethiopia/ Margery
Perham.- New York, Oxford University
Press, 1948.
Xxiii, 473p. :

Petrides, S. Pierre
The Boundary Question Between
Ethiopia and Somlia. A Legal and
Diplomatic Survey with 20 Maps/S Pierre
Petrides-New Delhi: People`s Publishing
House, 1983.
V, 127p. : folded maps, 22Cm.

Peridis, Petros
L` Avenir de l` Hellendisme en
Abyssinie/ Petros Pertridis.- Athenes:
Drapeau Grec, 1945.
41p. : 28Cm.

Phillips, Paul G.
Some National Community
Development Experiences; and Inferences
Drawn there from/ Paul G. Phillips.- Addis
Ababa: 1960
29p. : 33Cm.

Pickett, J ames.
Economic Development in Ethiopia:
Agriculture, the Market and the State/
J ames Pickett.- Paris: OECD, 1991.
197 p. : tabs: charts, 25Cm.

Pischke, J .D.Von
Shares and Share Trading in Addis
Ababa/ by J .D.Von Pischke.- Addis Ababa
Haile Sellasia I University, 1968.
74p. : illus. ; 24Cm.

Pistolese, Cennaro e.
L` economia del` Impero/ Gennaro E.
pistolese.- Roma: Unione Editoriale D` Italia,
1937 xvl.
203 p. : folded map, 19Cm.
Pistolese, Cennaro E.

L` economia dell` Impero/ Gennaro E.
Pistolese. 2 Ed.- Roma: Unione editoriale
D` Italia, (N.D) .
144p. : folded map, 19Cm.

Poggic, Cario
Politica Economica Imperial- con
particolare rigurardo sll `A.O.I. / Carlo
poggic.- Harar: A.O.I., 1939.
244 p. ; 21Cm.

Poggio, Garlo
Politica Economica Imparial-con
particolare rigurardo all' A.O. O. / Carlo
Poggio.- Harar: A.C. I. , 1939.
244 p.; 21Cm.

Point 4 Agreements Between the Imperial
Ethiopian Government and the Government
of the United States. / S.L/ : /S.N/, 1955
187 p. : 28Cmm.

Poletti, Edoardo
Il codice penale Abissino con le relative
norme consustudinarie, L' Ordinamento
giudiziario e process-uale in Vigore Nell'
Africa Orientale Italiana per I Sudditi
indigeni ed assimilati. Commentati ed
annotati ad uso manuale per l' udienza penale/
Edoardo p.- Milano: Ulrice Hoepli, 1938-
X, 303p. : 26Cm.

Pollera, Alberto
La donna in Etiopia/ Alberto Pollera.-
Roma: S.A.I. Industrie Grafiche, 1992.
85 p. : photgraphs, 24Cm.

Poller, Alberto
L' ordinamento della guistizia e la
procedura indigena in Ethiopia e in Eritrea/
Alberto pollera.- Roma: Tipografia Nationale
di G. Bertero E.C. 1913.
86p. : 24Cm.

Poller, Alberto
La vito Commeciale Ethiopia e La
circolazione monetaria Eritrea/ Alberto p.-
Tivoli: Tip. Majella di Aldo Chicca, 1926.
78p. : 24Cm.

Poller, Alberto
Storie leggende e favole del Paese dei
negus / Alberto p.- Firenze: R. Bemporad,
243p. ill; photographs, 22Cm.

The Presidents Report 1969-70 and
1970-71.- Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie
I University, Berhanena Selam H.S. I
Printing Press, 1972.
303p. : 27Cm.

Proceeding of the National
Cnfereence on Pastoral Development in
Ethiopia.-Addis Ababa: Pastoralist form
Ethiopia, 2001.
110 p. ; ills; 24Cm.

Proceddings of the Workshop on the
Second Cycle Locall Research Grant.-
Addis Ababa: Ethiopian S&T Commission,
46p . : ills; 23Cm.

Proceddings of the workshop on the
Third Cycle Locall Research Grant .-
Addis Ababa: Ethiopian S&T Commission,
65 p . : ills; 22Cm

Proceddings of the Workshop on the
Fourth Cycle Locall Research Grant
.- Addis Ababa: Ethiopian S&T
Commission, 1998.
75p . : ills; 24Cm

Proceddings of the Workshop on the
Fifth Cycle Local Research Grant
.- Addis Ababa: Ethiopian S&T
Commission, 1999.
75p . : ills; 24Cm

Proverbes Abyssins./ /
Traduits, expliques et annotes
par J acques Faitlovitc-
Par i s: Paul Geut hner , 1907.
86p. : 21Cm.

Proverbi strofe e racconti Abysaini/
tradotti e Pubblicati da Ignazio Guidi.-
Roma: Tipografia della R.Accademi Dei
Lincei, 1894.
131 p. : 24Cm.

Provisional Military Government of
Ethiopia Central Statistical Office
Results of the National Sample Survey
Second Round Volume II part 2: Tables of
Demographic Data by Province.- Addis
Ababa Statistical Office 1974.
245 p. ; illus ; graph, 26Cm.

The Quest for Peace in Africa:
Transformations, Democracy and Public
Policy/ edited by Alfred G. Nheme.-
Netherlands: International Books, 2004.
426 p. : 22Cm.

Rapport d' experts allemands relatif aux
possibilite' s du developpment
economique de l' Empire d' Ethiopie
47p. : 29Cm.

Rapport du gouvernement Italien a
L' assemblee generale des nations Unies
sur l' administration de la somallie placee
sous la tutelle de l ' Italie. Roma: ministers
des Affaires Etrangeres, Istituto Poligrafico
dello stato, 1951.
Vi, 338p. : follded map, photos,
tabs; graphs; 26Cm.

Rassagna Economica dell Africa
Italians. Rivista mensile Ministero dell
Africa Italiana. Roma: Istituto
poligrafico delo stato, 1937.
Ottobre 1937-XV, Anno 25,
N.10Dicembre 1937-XVl, Anno 25,

Redden, Kenneth Rovert
Ethiopian Legal Formbook Volume One:
tarms of law and legal documents/ by
Kenneth Robert Redden ; Alexandra N.
Hamawi and Abebe Guangoul.- Addis
Ababa: Faculuty of Law Haile Sellassie I
University, 1966.
Xi, 215 p. : 24Cm.

Regional Operational Seminar on Post-
Literacy for English Speaking African
Member States
2-21 Dec. 1979

Rehab: Drought and Faime in Ethiopia/
edited by Abdul Majid Hussein.- London:
Inferational African institote, 1976.
Iv, 121 p. : illus, picture, photo, 24Cm.

Reisgidsen, Elmar
De Ethiopia Resgids/ by Elmar
Resisgidsen.- Milancatampa: Uitqevri : Elmar
Biv, 1997.
278 p. : 20Cm.

Report on Average Retail Prices
of Goods and Services in Rural Areas.
Addis Ababa: C.S.A, 1997.
156 p. : table, 29Cm.

Research Papers on the Situation of
Children and Adolescent in
Ethiopia.- Edited by Hbtamu Wondimu.-
Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University
Press, 1996.
Vi, 421 p. : illus; 24Cm.

Resettlement and Rural Development in
Ethiopia, Social and Economic
Assistance in the Beles Valley/ Edited by
Paolo Dieci and Claudie Viezzoli.- Milano:
Franco Angeli, c. 1992.
413p. : tabs; figs; 25Cm.

The Rich Man and the Singer. Folktales
from Ethiopia/ told by Mesfin Habet
Mariam. Edited and illustrated by
Christine Price.- New York E.P. Dutton
and Co, Inc. c. 1971.
Viii, 84p. : ill; 24Cm.

Rivista di diritto Colonoalo
Trimestrale. 1938-1939

Rossett, Carlo
Il regime monetario delle colonie
Italiane/ Carle Ressetti.- Roma: Ernanno
Loescher, 1914.
143 p. : 24Cm.

Rowat, D.C.
Administrative Directory of the
Imperial Ethiopian Government/
D.C. Rowat. Addis Ababa: Imperial
Ethiopian Public Administration, 1957.

Rowat, D.C.
Administrative Directory of the
Imperial Ethiopian Government. Draft
only. Not Offically Aproved/ D.C.
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On Pseudo-Corrections in Some Semitic
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dimonstrativa degl`idiomi parlati in
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Ristampa dell`edizione 1894 Millano;
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VIII, 154 p. 15Cm.

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Manual Linguistico per
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Studi Etiopici : La lingua Caffina/
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Vll, Vol. II, 263p. : map, 25Cm.

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Studi Etiopici. La lingua e la Storia di
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Vll, Vol. 1 469p. : map, 24Cm.

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(Basketo, Ciara, Zaissie`)/Enrico Cerulli.-
Roma: Istituto per L`oriente 1938.
Vi, Vol. III, 231.: 25Cm.

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Grammaire Ethiopienne/ Marius
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Supplemento al vocabolario Amharico-
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Silt`e-Amharic-English Dictionary/ Eva
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Ethiopian Argots/ Leslau Wolf.- London:
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Etymological dictionary of Harari/ Wolf
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Hebrew Congnates in Amharic/Wolf
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Le type Verbal Qatala en Ethiopian
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An Artiticial key to fish Species of the
Gambela Region / Golubtsoy, A.S.
( et.al) . -Addis Ababa: A Darkov, 1995.
84p. : ills, 18Cm.

Atalay Ayele
Seismicity and Earthquake Source
Mechanism Study in the east African rift/
Atalay Ayele.- Uppala: Acta Universitatis
Upsaliensis, 1998.
8, 805-810, 383-394, 25p. : tables;
maps; 22Cm.

Baissa Lemmu
The Galla migrations of the Sixteenth and
Severteenth Centuries over highland
Ethiopia/ Baissa Lemmu.- Addis Ababa:
University College of Addis Ababa,
Department of Social and Political Sciences,
46p. : maps, 27Cm.

Ballarin, Silvio and Contini, Camillo
Misure Astronomiche e Geofisiche nella
Danacalia Meridionale e nell`Hararino/ Silvio
Ballarin and Camillo Conntini.- Roma: Reale
Accademia D` Italia, 1943-XXI.
Vol. II, 268p. : tables, fig. 24Cm.

Blanford, W.T
Observations on the geology and Zoology
of Abyssinia, made during the progress of the
British expedition to that country in 1867-
68/W.T.Blanford.- London: Macmillan and
Co., 1870.
Vii, 487p. : ill, 23Cm.

British Military Admininstration Eritrea.
Races and tribes of Eritrea/ British
Military Administration. Asmara: E.D.N.
Press, 1943.
III, 66p. : foldemaps, 24Cm.

Brown, Eslie
Ethiopian episode/ Leslie Brown.-
London: Country life Limited, C. 1965.
160p. : maps, photos, 24Cm.

Burger, William C.
Families of flowering Plants in Ethiopia
introduction with keys for the identification
of the families of flowering plants and
gymnosperms found in Ethiopia and
adracent areas of East Africa/ William C.
Buger.- Oklahoma: Oklahoma state
University Press, c. 1967.
236p. : figp 1-74, 30Cm.

Calciati, C. and Barciani, l.
Nel Paese dei C Cunama. Missione
Corni-Calciati-Bracciani in Eritrea 1922-
1923/C.Calciati e L. Bracciani.- Milano:
Societa Editrice ' UNITAS " 1927.
XIII, 315p. : folded maps, fig; tables,
pates p. 1-25 plates A-D, 25Cm.

Cambridge University
Plant genetic resources of Ethiopia/
Edited by J .M.M. Engels, J .G. Hawkes, and
Melaku Worede.- Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1991.
XV, 383 p. : ill , 24Cm.

Caniglia, Giuseppe
Genti di Somalia/ Giuseppe Caniglia
1nd ed.- Roma: Cremonese 1937.
165p. : tables, photos, 21Cm.

Caniglia, Giuseppe
Genti di Somlia/ Giuseppe Caniglia.-
Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli, 1922.
167 p. : tables, 23Cm.

Cerulli, Enrico
Ethiopia Occidentale ( Dallo Scica alla
frontiera del Sudan) note del viaggic 1927-
1928/Enrico Gerulli.- Roma: Sindacato
Italiano Arti Grafiche, (N.D).
Vol. I, 254p. : photos, folded maps

Cerulli, Enrico
Ethiopia Occidentale ( Dallo Scioa alla
frontiera del Sundan) note del Viaggio
1927-1928/Enrico cerulli.- Roma:
Sindicato Italiana Arti Grafiche, 1933-XL.
Vol. II. 266p. : photos, folded- maps,

Cerulli , Ernesta
People of South - West Etiopia and it`s
borderland/ Ernesta Curulli.- London:
International African Institute, 1995.
X, 148p, 24Cm.

Cheesman, R.E and Sclater, W.L
Birds from North - Estern Abyssinia/
R.E. Cheesman and W.L. Sclater .- (S.L.):
( S.N.), 1935/36.
p. 151-191, 21Cm.

Cherulli, Enrico
Somalia: Scritti vari Edited inediti, Italy
Istituto Polisrafico, 19..
392p. : ill; photo, 19Cm.

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Flora Somala/ Emilio Chiovenda.- Roma:
Publictione a cura del ministero delle colonie,
Sindacato Italiano Arti Grafiche, 1929-Vll.
XVL, 436p. : foldemap; olates II-L

Chiovenda, Emilio
Flora Somala 11. / Emilio Chiovernda.-
Modena R. Orot Botanico, 1932-x.
Xvl, 482p. : fig; Diagrams, 25Cm.

Cipriani, Lidio
Un Assurdo entico: L`imparo Etiopico/
Lidio Ciprdiani: Con presentazione di
Corrado Zoli.- Firenze: R.Bemporad and
Figlio, c. 1935.
Xv, 379 p. : photos, fig; 21Cm.

Colli, J gnazio
Il Mistero dell`Anima dei Somali Milano:
L`aroica, 1937 xv.
189p. : 17Cm.

Conti Rossini, Carlo
Tabelle Comparative del Calendario
Etiopice Col Calendario Romano/ Carlo
Conti Rossini.- Roma: Istituto per L`Oriente,
47p. : 24Cm.

Contributo alla Climatologia dell
Altopiano Etiopico ragione Eritrea,
riassunto dei resultti e tabelle meteorologiche
e pluvionebtriche/ Ministero degli Affari
Esteri Cooprazione Scientifica e tecnica a
Cura di Amilcare Fantwi.-
Rma: Organizazione poligrafica Industriale,
LV, 230p.: 31Cm.

Contrivto alla Climatologi dell`Etiopia
riassunto dei risultati e tabelle
Meteorologiche e pluviometriche/ Ministero
degli Affari Esteri Cooperazione Scientifica e
Tecnica a Cura di Amilcare Fantoli.-
Rma:Organizzazione PoligraficaIndustriale,
XXXV, 558p. : 31Cm.

Craveri, Michele
Flora e Fauna ditalia ed del Suoimpero
Africano. Compendio di botanica e
Zoologia descrittive ad Uso dei Licei
Classici e Superiore/ Michele Craveri.-
Torino: G.B. Paravia, 1939-xvii.
IV, 327p. : fig; Diagrams, 23Cm.

Dainelli, Giotto
Geologia dell`Africa Orientale Opera
Publicata Cal concerso del consiglio Nazia
Nale delle Ricerche/ Giotto Dainelli.-
Rome: Reale Accademia Orientale Italia,
Vol. I, 464p. : 23Cm.

Dainelli, Giotto
Geologia dell`Africa Orientale, Opera
Publicata Col Concorso del Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche/ Giotto
Dainellia.- Roma: Resle Accademia
D`Italia, 1940.
Vol. II, 701p. : tabel, fig. 25Cm.

Dainelli, Giotto
Geologia dell`Africa Orientale.
Opera Pubblicata col Concorso del
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricorche/Giotto
Dainelli.- Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1943.
Vol. III, 748. : fig: 25Cm.
Dainelli, Giotto
Geologia dell`Africa Orientale Opera
Pubblicata Col Concorso del Consiglic
Nazionale delle Ricerche/Giotto Dainelli.-
Roma: Reale Accademia D`Italia, 1943.
Vol, III, 746p. : maps, fig; 25Cm.

Dainelli, Giotto
Geologia dell`Africa Orientale Opera
Pubblicata Col Concorso del Consiglic
Nazionale delle Ricerche/Giotto Dainelli.-
Roma: Reale Accademia D`Italia, 1943.
Vol, II, 704p. : fig; 25Cm.

Daniel Gamachu
Aspects of Climate and water budget in
Ethiopia/ Daniel Gamachu.- Addis ababa:
A.A.U. Press, 1977.
71p. : maps, fig. 27Cm.

Edwards, Sue
Some wild flowering plants of
Ethiopia: An introduction/Sue Edwards.-
Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University
Press, c 1976.
Vlll, 61p. : map; Plates 1-xll Diagrams,

Elementi per la topomomastica Etiopica.-
Napli: R. Istituto Superiore Orientale di
Napoli, 1937-xv,
312p. : map; 22Cm.

Enviromnetal Protection Authority
National profile to assess the national
infrastructure for the management of
chemicals in Ethiopia/ environmental
protection Authority.- Addis Ababa; 1999.
105 p. : 30Cm.

Face, Lidia La
Faina Anofelinica delle Colonie Italiana/
L.La Face.- Roma: Stamperia Moderna S.A.
120p. : Diagrams, 25Cm.

Fantoli, Amilcare
Elementi preliminari del Clima
dell`Etiopia/Amilcare Fantoli.- Firenze: G.C.
Sansoni, 1940-XVLLL.
299 p. : maps, fig; 24Cm.

Fiori, Adriano
Plante raccolte nella colonia Eritrea nel
1909/ Adriano Fiori :- (S.L,) :
( S.N.) , 1913.
54p. : 24Cm.

Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea Volum 2, part 2:
Conellacerae to euphorba ceae/ editrs sue
edward, Mesfin Taddess and Inga
Hedberg.- Addis Ababa: Ministry of
Education, 1995.
Xvii, 456p. ; ill; 28Cm.

Flora of ethiopia:
Plttosparaceue to 1989 araliaceve/ edited
by Inga Hedberg and Sue
Edwards.- Addis Ababa: Ministry of
Education, 1989.
Xxvii, 659 p. : ill; 26Cm.

Friedmann, Herbert
Birds Collected by the childs Frick
Expedition to Ethiopia and Kenya Colony.
Herbert Friedmann.- Washington: United
states Government Printing Office, 1930.
Xlll, 516 p. : olates 1-12, 24Cm.

Gamst, Prederick C,
The qement . A Pagan- Hebraic
peasantry of Ethiopia/ Frederic C. Gamst.
Edited by George and Louise Spindler.-
London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. C. 1969
Xii, 128p. : map, photos, 23Cm.

Gana, Leonardo
Usi e Costumi nelle terre dell`impero/
Leonardo Gana.- Firenze: Vallecchi, 1941
190 p. : photos, 23Cm.

Gezahegn Petros
The Karo of the Lower Omo Valley:
Subsistence, Social Organisstion and
relations with neighbouring groups.- Addis
Ababa: AAU, 1994.
Xlll, 130p. : maps, 29Cm.

Gizaw Attlee
Weather at Asmara/ Gizaw Attlee.-
(S.L): Imperial Ethiopian Government
Civil, Aviation Administration
Meteorogical Service, 1963.
40p. : maps, tables, 27Cm.

Gouin, Pierre.
Earhquake history of Ethiopia and the
Horn of Africa/ Pierre Gouin.- Ottqwa:
International Development Research
centre, 1979.
258 p. : maps, 22Cm.

Griavle, Marcel
Le Mariage et la mort au gidyam. Le
totem de L`Aloesen Abyssinie.- Paris:
Libraire Lorose, 1931.
12p. : illus; 24Cm.

Haberland, Eike
Galla Sud- Athiopiens. Ergbnisse der
Frobenius- Expeditionen 1950-52 Und
1954-56/Eike Haberland. Contributed by
K. Reinhardt.- Stuttgart: Verlag W.
Kohlhammer Gmbh, c. 1963.
Band II, xix, 815p. : Skethes and
Plates p.1-88, 28Cm.

Hailesellassie I Unitversity
Bulletin of the Geophysical
Observatory/ Haile Sellassie I University.-
Asmara: IL Poligrafico, 1966.
77p. : ill.; maps; 24Cm.

Hallpike, C.R.
The Konso of Ethiopia. A study of the
Vallies of a Cushitc People/ C.R Hallpike.-
Oxford: Clarendon Press, c. 1972.
Xvi, 342p. : maps, fig. Plates, tables,

Hamer, J ohn H.
Human development. Participation and
change among the Sidama of Ethiopia/ J ohn
H. Hamer.- Tuscaloosa: The University of
Alabama Press, c. 1987.
Xl, 281p. : maps, photos, tabs; figs; 23Cm.

Helenc, Danilo A.
Mineral accurnces of Ethiopia/ Danilo A.
J elence. Addis Ababa: Ministry of Mines,
720p. : tables, maps; fig, 22Cm.

Heuglin, M`Th. Von
Ornithologie Nordost-Afrika`s der
Nilquellen-und Kusten- Gebiete des Rothen
Meeres Und des Nordlichen Somal-
Londes/M.Th. Von Heuglin.- Cassel: Verlag
von Theodor Fischer, 1869-1874.
Vol. 1, Cvlll, 851p. : map, tables, 24Cm.

Heuglin, M`Th. Von
Ornithologie Nordost- Afrika`s, der
Nulquellen-Und Kusten-Gebiete des Rothen
Meeres Und des Nordlichen Somal-Londes/
M.Th. Von Heuglin.- Cassel: Verlag Von
Theoder Fischer, 1875.
Vol. II, p. 853-1512, tables, 24Cm.

The Human evolution source book/
edited by Russell L. Ciochon and John
G. Fleagle.- Eagle-wood Cliffs, New J ersey:
Prentice-Hall Inc; 1993.
Xl, 675p. : maps, figs; photo, graphs,

Huntingford, G.W.B.
The Galla of Ethiopia, the Kingdoms of
Kafa and J anjero/ G.W.B. Huntingford.-
London: International African Institute, 1955.
Vii, 156p. : ill; 24Cm.

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Direzione centrale degli Affari Coloniali.
Ufficio di studi Coloniali.
Ethiopia. Osservazion Bostaniche, Agrarie ed
Industrale atte nell`Abbissinia settentrionale
nell`anno 1909. Relazione del. Prof. Emilo
Chiovenda/ Ministero delle colonie.- Roma:
Tipografia Nazionale di G.Bertero E.C.
132p. : 23Cm.

J ensen, Ad.E.
Altvolker sud-Athiopiens. Ergebnisse der
Frobenius-Expeditionen 1950-52 and 1954-
56/Ad. E. J ensen. Contributed by Eike
Haberland, Elisabeth pauli and W. Schulz-
Weidener.- stuttgart: Verlag W.
Kohlhammer GMBH. C. 1959.
Band I, XIV, 455p. : Sketches 1-45,
Plates p. 1-48, maps, 28Cm.

J ensen, Ad.E.
Im lande de Gada. Wanderungen
zwischen volkstrummern Sudabbesinien.
Verlauf Und erglbnisse der Xll. Deut-schen
Inner-Afrikanischen forchungr- Expedition
( DIAFE) 1934/35 / AD.E J ensen.-
Stuttgart: Verlag Streckerund Schroder,
XVI, 608p. : maps, sketches, photos,

J erbe
Ecological and Faunistic Studies in
Ethiopia, Part 2.- Addis Ababa: J ERBE,
177p. ; ills; 20Cm.

Kinfe Abraham
Nile opportunities: Avenues Toward A
win-win Deal.- Addis ababa: the Ethiopian
International Institute for peace and
development, 2004.
Xiii, 420p. : 22Cm.

Krenkel , erich
Abessomalien ( Abessinien Und
Somalien) / Erich Krenkel.-
119p. : fig; folded maps 1-3, 27Cm.

Krenkel, Erich
Geologie Afrikas / Erich Krenekl.-
Berlin: Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger,
Vol. II, XII, p. : 463-1000, maps, fig;

Legesse, Negash
Indigenous trees of Ethiopia biology,
uses and propagation techniques/ Legesse
Negash.- Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa
University, 1995.
284 p. : ill; map; Photo; 24Cm.

Leonessa, p. Mauro Da
Cronologie Calendario Ethiopco / p.
Mauro da Leonessa.- Tivoli: Officine
Grafiche Mantero 1934-Xlll.
151p. : tables, 22Cm.

Leslau, Wolf
Coutumes et croyanres des Falachas/ Juifs
d` Abyssinie) paris, Institut D`Ethnologie,
Ix, 98p. : 28Cm.

Lev`ne Donald N.
Greater Etiopia. The Evolution of a
multiethnic Society/ Donald N Levine.-
Chicago: The University of Chicago press,
Xv, 229p. : ill; 22Cm.

Lewis , I.M.
Peoples of the Horn of Africa: Somali,
Afar and Saho/ I.M. Lewis.- London:
International African Institute, 1995.
Ix, 200p. : maps, figure, 24Cm.

Macdermot, Barin Hugh
Cult of the Sacred Spear: The Story of
the Nuer tribe in Ethiopia/ Brain Hugh
Macdermot.- London: Robert Hale, c. 1971.
172p. : photos, maps, 22Cm.

Mackworitn-Praed and Grant, C.H.B.
Birds of Eastern and Morth Eastern
Africa/C.W. Mackworth- Praed and C.H.B
Grat.- London: Longmans, Green and Co.
LTD; 1955.
Vol. II, VII, 1099p. : plates, photos fig;
Diagrams, 22Cm.

Mackworth-Praed, C.W.and Grant, C.H.B.
Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa/
C.W. Mackworth - pread and C.H.B. Grant.
ed- London: Longmans Green and Co.
LTD. 1957.
Vol. I. XXV, 806p. : plates , fig; 22Cm.

Martial De Salviac,
Les Oireaux de l `Ethiopie et du pays
Galla. Merveilles de Leur instinct/ Le R.P.
Martial de Salviac.- Touloyse: Les voix
74p. : plates, Diagrams, 27Cm.

Martial P.
Les Galla, Un peuple cntique Bu pays de
Menelik ( ditsd`Origine. Gauloise). Grande
Nation Africaine/ p Martial de Saviac.- Paris:
H. Oudin Editeur, 1901.
VII, 254p. : map, phots, 28Cm.

Merla, Ciovanni and Abbate, Ernesto
A Geological map of ethiopia and
Somalia ( 1973 ) 1: 2. 000.000 and Comment
with a mapof majer iandforms/ by Giovanni
Merla, Ernesto Abbate ( etal).- Firenze:
Centro Stamapa, 1979.
VIII, 95p. : fig; folded maps, plates p. 1-
6, 33Cm.

Michael, Charlles
Vers Fachoda: a la rencontre de la
mission marchand a traves
L`Ethiopie/charles Michael.- Paries:
Librarie plan, 1900.
560 p. : photos,, maps, tables; 23Cm.

Missione Biologica nel paese dei
Borana. - Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1939-XVlll.
Vol. II, 719p. : figl plates, tables,

Missione Biologica nel paese dei Borana.-
Roma:Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1939-CVll.
Vol. III, 466p. : fig; plates, 25Cm.

Missione Biologica nel paese dei
Borana.- Roma: Reale accademia
D`Italia, 1940-XVlll.
Vol. I, 537 p. : Foldedmap, fig; tables,

Missione Biologica nel paese dei
Borana.- Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1990-XVIII.
Vol. xvII, 420 p. :

Missione Biologica nel paese dei
Borana.- Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1940-XIX.
Vol. V, 468 p. : fig; plates p. I XLV.

Missione di studio al Lago Tana.-
Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1940-Xvlll.
Vol. IV, 143p. : photos, 25Cm.

Missione di studio al Lago Tana.-
Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1943-Xxl.
Vol. VI, 416 p. : photos, tables,

Missione di studio al Lago Tana.-
Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1940-Xvlll.
Vol. II, Vll, 298 p. : photos, folded
map, 25Cm.

Missione di studio al Lago Tana.-
Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1940-Xvlll.
Vol. III, 315 p. : photos, folded map,
tables, 25Cm.

Missione di studio al Lago Tana.-
Roma: Reale Accademia
D`Italia, 1940-Xvlll.
Vol. III, 249 p. : plates 1-11p;
foldedmap, 25Cm.

Missione di studio al Lago Tana.-
Roma: Reale Accademia Nazionale Dei
Lincei, 1951
Vol. VII, 318 p. : plates 1-1-Lx,
foldedmap, 24Cm.

Missione ethografica nel Uollega
Occidentale.- Roma: Reale Accedmia
D`Italia, 1940-xvlll.
Vol. I, 397p. : folded maps, plates p. 1-
xiv, photos, fig; 25Cm.

Missione Geologica nel Tigtai.- Roma:
Reale accademia D`Italia, 1938-XVlll.
Vol. I, 368p. : maps. Fog, 25Cm.

Mission Sciemtifique de l`Omo 1932-
1933.- paris: Editions du Museum,1947.
Vol. I, p. 231-562, plates 1-XL, fig;

Mission Scientfique de L`Omo
1932-33.- Paris: Paul Lechevalieret Fils,
Tome I, 59p. : map, plates, 28Cm.

Mission Sceintifique de l`Omo 1932-
1933.- Paris: Edition du Museum, 1943.
Vol. I p. 63-230, fog, tables,
folded map, plates 1-x, 28Cm.

Mohr, Paul A.
Ethiopian rif geodimeter Surveys/ Paul
A.Mohr.- Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie I
University, Central Printing Press, 1973.
VII, 92p. : maps, fig; 27Cm.

Mohr, Paul A.
The Geology of Ethiopia/ P.A. Mohr.-
Addis Ababa: University
College of Addis Ababa Press, ( N.D).
Iv, 268p. ; ill; 27Cm.

Moltoni, Edgardo and Gencchi-Ruscong
Gli uccelli dell `Africa Orientale Italiana/
Edgardo Moltoni and Giuseppe Gnecchi-
Ruscone.- Ruscone.- Milano: premiata
Tipografia Suessori, 1942-xx.
265p. : plates 1-xxxvlll, 25Cm.

Moltoni, Edgardo and gnecchi- ruscone
Gli Uccelli dell`Africa Orientale
Italiane/ Edgardo Moltoni and Giuseppe
Gnecchi-Ruscone.- Milano: Premiata
Tipografia Successori, 1944.
292p. : plates 1-xxxvlll, 25Cm.

Montandon, George
Au pays Chimirra: Recit de mon
Voyage a travers le massif ethiopien 1909-
1911/ George, M-Neuchatel: Imprimerie
Attinger Freres, 1913.
Tom xxII, photos; maps.

Mooney, H.F.
A Folssary of Ethiopian Plant Names /
H.F. Mooney.- Dublin: University Press
Vii, 79 p. ; 25Cm.

Morton, Bill
A field guide to Ethiopian minerals,
rocks and fossils/ Bill Marton.- Addis
Ababa: Addis Ababa University press,
Vii; 170 p. : map, fig. table, 24Cm.

Munzingr, Werner
Ostafrikanische Studien/ Werner
Munzinger.- Leipzig: Schaffrausen Rr.
Hutresche Buchhandlung, 1864.
VIII, 584p. : foldedmaps, 23Cm.

Narodi Afriki: Ethnographichecki
Ocherki/ Pod redakasii S.p. Tolostova.-
Moskva : Akademii nauk SSSR, 1954.
732p. : foldemaps, phots, fig, 27Cm.

National Metrological Service Agency
of Ethiopia Climatic and
Agroclimatic Resources of Ethiopia/
National Metrological Service Agency
Ethiopia.- A.A; Empda, 1996.
137 p. ; ill, chart, map, 28Cm.

Nicholoson, G. Edward
Cotton in Ethiopia/ G. Edward
Nicholoson.- Addis Ababa Ministry of
Agriculture, 1956.
Viii; 70p. : maps, 23Cm.

Nowack, Ernest
Land und volk den knoso
( Sud-athiopien )/ by Ernest Nowack.- Bonn:
Selbstverlag des Geographischen Institutes
der Universitat Bonn, 1954.
60 p. : tables, pictures, map; 23Cm.

Oldroyd, H.
The Horse-Flies ( Diptera: Tabanidae) of
Ethiopian region/ H.Oldroyd.- London:
William Clows and Sons, 1954.
Vol. IIX. 341 p. : olate, maps, fig;
Diagrams, 25Cm.

Paul, Y.S.
Classification of plant pathogenic fungi: a
training Manual / Y.S. Paul , Eshetu Bekele
and Mengistu Hulluk. 6 Addis Ababa:
Institute of Agricultural Research, 1995.

Paulitschke, Philipp
Ethnographie Nordost-Afrikas, Die
Geistige Cultur der Danakil, Galla Und
Somal/ Philipp paulitschke.- Berlin:
Geographische verlagshandlung Dietrich
peimer, 1896.
XVll, 312p. : 28Cm.

Paulitschke, Philipp
Ethnographie Nordost-Afrikas. Die
Materielle Cultur der Danakil, Galla, Und
Somal/ philipp paulitschke.- Berlin:
Geographische Verlagshandlung Dietrich
Reimer, 1893.
XVI, 338p. : plates p. 1-XIX, 28Cm.

Pavesi, P.
Aracnidi del regno di Scioave
Considerazioni Sull` aracnofauna
d`Abissinia/ p. pavesi.- Genova: Tipografia
del R, Istituto Sordomuti 1883.
103p. : 23Cm.

Phillips, Sylvia
Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea: Poaceael
( Gramineae) / Sylvia Phillips.- Addis Ababa:
EMPDA, 1995.
Xx, 420 p. : ill; map; 30Cm.

Pollera, Alberto
I Baria e I cunama/ Alverto Pollera.- Con
Prfazione di Ferdinando Martini.- Roma:
Reale Societa Geografica, 1913.
Xx, 285p. : folded maps, photos, 25Cm.

Plant Genetic Resources of Ethiopia/
edited by J .M. Engeles.- Cambridge
: Cambradge University Press, 1991.
XV, 383p. : 23Cm.

Prasso, Alberto
Raccolta di scritti e documenti relativiad
Alberto prasso E Alle Sue scoperte di
giacimenti minerari nell`ovest Etiopico/
Alberto prasso.- Roma: Intrtrie Grafiche
Abete, 1939-xVll.
310p. : fodemaps, photos, 23Cm.

Pritchard, Evans
Kinship and Marriage Among the Nues
Britain, Clarerdon press, 1951.
183p. : 22Cm.

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Stefanini-paoli ( 1913) e Stefanini-
Paccioni ( 1924 ) in Somalia.- Bologna:
Nicola Zanichelli, 1936- Xlv.
140 p. : maps, fog, plates p. 1-xv,

Revoil, Georges
Faune et Flore dea pays Comalis
( Afrique orientale) / Georges Revoil.-
paris: Challamel Aine, 1882.
VIII, plates I-IV, I-VI, I-III, 23Cm.

Sala, Guido
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I Gereali dell Africa Italiana I frumenti
dell`Africa Orientale Italiana studiati su
materiali Originali / Raffaele Cicerri, Guido
Renzo Giglioli. Con Prefazione del prof. A.
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Ipressioni agrarie Su alcuni itinerari
dell`altopiano etiopico/ Emilio Conforti.
Prefazione del prof. A, Maugini.- Firenze:
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IV, 213p. : maps, illus. 24Cm.

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Medical plants and others useful plants
of Ethiopia/ Dawit Abebe , Asfaw Debella,
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Technical Specifications and Methods
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Vi; 86 p. : ill, 28Cm

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Agricultural resarch; 1969.
Iv, 111 p. : ill, 28Cm

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progress report for the period April 1972
to March 1973 .- Addis Ababa: Institute of
Agricultural resarch; 1973.
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progress report for the period April 1973
to March 1974 .- Addis Ababa: Institute of
Agricultural resarch; 1975.
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progress report for the period April 1974
to March 1975 .- Addis Ababa: Institute of
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62 p. : ill, 28Cm

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progress report for the period March 1970
to Feb. 1971.- Addis Ababa: Institute of
Agricultural resarch; 1971.
17 p. : ill, 28Cm

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National Horticultural centre Nazareth
progress report for the period April 1971 to
March 1972.- Addis Ababa: Institute of
Agricultural resarch; 1972.
42 p. : ill, 28Cm

Ethiopia. Institute of agricultural
National Horticultural centre Nazareth
progress report for the period April 1972 to
March 1973.- Addis Ababa: Institute of
Agricultural resarch; 1973.
Iii; 102 p. : ill, 28Cm

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National Horticultural centre Nazareth
progress report for the period April 1973 to
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Agricultural resarch; 1975.
Iii; 164 p. : ill, 28Cm

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Proceedings Annual Research Seminar, 21
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Agricultural resarch; 1970.
79 p. : ill, 28Cm

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural
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Improve your business association/
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Ababa; EBDNS, 2004.
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Planning for Natural resource management/
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Mccracken.- London: International
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dello Scioa, dei Galla-Sidama, dell`Amara/
Carlo A.G, Roettic Niere Robotti.-
Millano: Istituto Fascista dell` Africa
Italiana, 1939-Xvll
214 p. : 24Cm.

Glaxo. The baby book for mothers in
may lands.
A E /
.- Addis Ababa: Artistic press, ( N.D ).
71 p. : figs; 21Cm.

Greatread, D.J .
A review of biological control in the
Ethiopian region/ D.J. Greathead. With
sections by J .F.G. Lionnet, N. Lodos. J .A.
Whellan.- England: Commonwealth
Agricultural Bureaux, 1971
162 p. : map, fig; tab; 25Cm.

Guida alla letta Contro la malaria.- (S.L)
: Arti Grafiche Panetto and petrelli-
spoleto, 1926.
138 p. : figs; tables, 23cm.

Guidelines for pesticide testing
Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Agricultural
research Organzation, 1998.
13 p. : 22Cm.

Hellden , Ulf
Land studies in Geography: an
assessment of woody Biomas, Cammunity
forests, Land use and Soil erasian Ethiopia/
Ulf Hellden.- Sweden: Lund University
press, 1987.
75p. : fig, ill; 24cm.

Hellden, W. F.
An assessment of woody biomass,
Community forest, land use and Soil
erosion in Ethiopia/ by W.F. Hellden.-
Lund: Lund University press, 1987.
75p. ; Fig; 24Cm.

Housing study/ prepared by De Leuw
Cather International Inc. in
Assocation with Planning Associates Ltd.-
Addis Ababa: Imperial Ethiopian
Government, Ministry of Public Works,
Artistic Printers 1967.
Vol. 139 p.: map, tabs; diagrams

Househod and Society in Ethiopia:
An economic and Social analysis of
Tigray Social principles and Household
organization / edited by John Hinnant.-
U.S.A. Michigan state University , African
Studies center, 1977.
Xxxi, 183 p. : ill; 22Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Government
Ministry of Public Health
Communicable Diseases in Ethiopia in
the past decade 1954-1963/ Ministry of
Public Health, 1965.
215 p. : tables, figs.; 33Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial EthiopianGovernment
Technical Agency
Sectoral analysis of the Chemical Industry
of ethiopia/ Imperial Ethiopian Government
technical Agency.- German: Battelle- Institute
Frankfurt, 1969.
185p. : ill, maps; 27Cm.

Ethiopia. Imperial Ethiopian Institute of
Public Administration U.N. Technical
The Management policies and practices
of state bank at Ethiopia: A case study/
Institute of Public Adminstration U.N.
TechnicalAssistame.- Addis Ababa
University: University College. / N.D./.
36p. : ill; 25Cm.

Ethiopia. Institutde of Agricultural Research
Gambella Experiment Station
Progress Report for the Periood. April
1973, to march 1974 and April 1974 to
march 1975 and April 1975 to March
1976. Addis ababa: 1975.
25p. : ill.; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
Handbook on crop production in
Ethiopia.- 1
edition.- Addis Ababa: Artistic
printing, 1979.
41p . : ills; 24cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
IAR/ EPID Cooperative Research
programme chencha progress report for the
period April 1974 to March 1975. Addis
ababa, J an. 1976.
24p . : ill.; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
IAR/ EPID Copperative programme
Woretta ( Begemidir), Nedjo progress
report 1974-1975, Addis Ababa, 1976.
Iv 24p. : ill.; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
IAR/EPID Copperative Programme
Nedjo Progress Report 1974-1975.- Addis
ababa, 1976.
35 p. : ill.; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
Makele Station
Progress report for the period Apr.
1974-Mar. 1975.- Addis Ababa: /S.N./.
62 p. : ill.; 28Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
Makele Sub-Station Progress report for
the period Apr. 1973-74.- Addis Ababa:
39 p. : ill.; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
Mineral fertilization of Coffee in
Ethiopia/ edited by Paubs Dubale.- A.A:
Institute of Agricultural Research, 1994.
Vii, 105 p. ; ills; 24Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
for the period Feb. 1966 to Mar. 1968.-
Ethiopia: Artistic Printers, 1968.
82 p. ; 22Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
Report for the period March 1968 to
March 1969/Institute of Agricultural
research.- Addis Ababa: Artistic Printers,
49 p. 22Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
for the period Apr. 1969 to Mar. 1970.-
Ethiopia: Artistic Printers, 1970.
105 p. ; 22Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
for the period Apr. 1970 to Mar. 1971.-
Ethiopia: Artistic Printers, 1971.
140 p. ; 22Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
for the period Apr. 1972 to Mar. 1973.-
Addis ababa: shoa p.p., 1974.
Xii, 306 p. ; 21Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
Results of the National crop trials
1975/Institute of Agricultural Research.-
Addis Ababa:, 1975.
Ii, 183 p. : ill; 27Cm.

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
Results of the National crop trials and
others/Institute of Agricultural Research
National crop improvement.- Addis Ababa:,
250 p. : ill; 27Cm

Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research
Seed production guidline for tomates,
onion and hot pepper/ by Lemma Desalegne.
A.A: Inistitute of Agricultural Resarch, 1998.
ii 22 p. : ill; 20Cm

Inter - African Bureau for Soils
African Soils. - Nigerio: Organazation of
African Unity, 1973.
50 p. : ill: 24 Cm.

International Coopertion Adinistration. Public
Health Divison.
Health Summary. Oct; Nov, Dac; 1959.
105 p. : 27Cm.

Investigation of the feasibbility of the
establishment of a glass factory in
Rthiopia.- Battelle Institute e.v., 1963.
128 p. : ills; 29Cm.
Instituto Italiano dicultura Creative Arts
Centre. Addis Ababa, St George p.p.,
55 p. : 20Cm.

Italia. Esposizions Internazionale
Catalogo illustrativo della Mostra Eritrea/
Compilato dal Dott. Prof. I. Baldrati.-
Milano: Tipo-Cromo- Litografico G.B.
virtuani, 1906.
112p. : photographs, 29Cm.

Italia. Ministro degli Affari Esteri
Documentazione Sol Contributo dell`
itallia allla Conizzazione agricola. Presentat
al Comitato Intergovern ativo per le
migrazioni Europee a Cura del
sottosegrarid di stato per gli affari esteri (
Dominedo) / Ministero degli Affari Esteri.-
Roma: Tipografia riservata del Ministero
degli Affari Esteri, 1955.
177p. : maps 26Cm.

Italia. Ministro degli Affari Esteri
Dirizione Centrale degli affari Copniali
Ufficio di studi Coloniali
Colonia Eritrea. La Collezione dei
Cereale della Eritrea. Presentata dal R.
Governo all`esposizione internazionale di
Torino del 1911. Relazione del prof.
Emilio Chiovenda/ Ministero degli affari
esteri.- Toma: Tipografia Nazionale di G.
Bertero E.C. 1912.
56p. : 24Cm.

Italia. Ministero delle Colonie. Direzione
Centrale degli Affari Coloniali`Ufficio di
studi Coloniali
Progetto di irrigazione della pianura di
Tessenei con le acque del fiume gasc nella
Colonia redatto dagli Givanni Battista
Nobile e Luigi Avetrani.- Roma:
Tipografia della Camera dei deputati, 1913.
114 p. : plates I-xxxl, 29Cm.

Italia. Ministero delle Colonie. Direzione
Centrale degli Affari Coloniali`Ufficio di
studi Coloniali
Etiopia: Note di patologia Etiopica
relazioni sulle condizioni sanitarie delle
regioni degli Uollo Galla e di Gondar/
Ministero delle Colonie a Curadei dott.
Domenicc Brielli ed Vittorio calo.- Roma:
Tipografia Nazionale di G. Bertero E.C.
88p. : tables; 24Cm.

Italia. Ministero delle Marina,Ufficio di del
Capodi Stato maggiore della Marina,
Ufficio Storico.
L` Opera della R.Marina in Eritrea e
Somalia ( ealla Occupazione alla Visita di
S.A. R. il principe Eredaric-1928/
Ministero della Marina.- Roma: Istituto
Poligrafico dello Stato, 1929.
Anno Vll. 1108p. : ill, maps. 24Cm.

Lauro , Raffaele Di
Le ` Terre del Lago Tsana possibilita
economichde attuali del Bord Ovest
Etiopice/ Raffaele d`Lauro.- Roma: Societa
Italiana Arti Grfice, 1916-xlv.
103p. : maps, photographs; 24Cm.

Le Colonie Italiane di diretto dominio
Flora ed economia agraria degli indigeni/
Le Colonie Italiane di diretto dominio a Cura
di Armando Maugini.-
( S.L.) : Ministero delle Colonie Ufficio studi
e Propaganda, 1931-lx.
190 p. : maps, Photos, 22Cm.

Love, Harold C.
Analysis of the Operation of a
Commercial feedlot in southern
Ethiopia/Harold C. Love, Charles W.
Vrooman and Jean S. Smith.- California:
stanford research Institute 1969.
Xii, 52p. : ill; 27Cm.

Lulu Muhe
Child health and acute respiratory
infections in Ethiopia: epidemiology for
prevention and Control.- Sweden: Umea
University 1994.
Viii, 84p. : maps, photos, tables 24Cm.

Marzo, Gennaio F.
L` Agricolutura Coloniale/ Gennaio F.
Marzo.-Italie Isituto Agronomico per l`
Africa Italiana, 1944.
72 p. : 24Cm.

Maugini, Armado
L`Agricultura Coloniale Kivista Mensile
dell`instituto Agricolo Colonialo Italiano and
Firenze, Instituto Agricalo Coloiale italiano,

Mcfarlane, J .A.
Specialist Study of stored products
problems in Ethiopia. Preliminary report and
recommendations/ J .A. Mcforlane
agricultural Research, 1969.
29p. : Appendices I-Vll, map,

Miller, Clarence J .
Development of agriculture and Agro-
Industry in Ethiopia: Strategy and
programms/ Clarence J . Miller, Willis W.
Shanner, and Raymond e. Borton .-
California: Stanford research Institute, 1969.
Xxx1, 370 p. : maps 27Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of agriculture
Agriculture in Ethiopia.- Addis
ababa:Berhanena selam Printing press, 1953.
73 p. : illus.; photo; 27Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of agriculturee
A photogrammetic assessement of d1966
E.C.- Harvest condition in Eritres, Tigree,
Wollo, Northern shoa and Harraghe.- Addis
Ababa: ( S.N.), 1974.
Xi, 341p. : ill; map; 29Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of Agriculturee
Report of the crop condition Survey for
the 1966 E.C. main harvest.- Addis ababa:
( S.N.), 1966 E.C.
xiv, 321 p. : ill; map; 28Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of Agriculturee
Report on limu sample survey, 1961-
62/ Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of
Commerce & Industry.- Addis Ababa: (
S.N.), 1962.
84p. : ill; 33Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of Health
Antiretroviral drugs: formulations and
dosage/ Ministry of Health.- Addis Ababa :
LESAN Printing press, 2003.
31 p. : 21Cm.

Ethiopia. Ministry of Health
Guidelines for use of Antiretroviral
Drugs/ Ministry of Health.- Addis Ababa:
United printers Plc.; 2003.
81 p. : ill; 29Cm.

Medecins et Medecine en Ethiopie.
Generslites-Pathologie Medicale.
Pathologie Chirugicale et Accouchements
Medicins etrangers en ethiopie/ Marab.-
paris: Vigot Freres, 1912.
216 p. : 22Cm.

Murphy, H.F.
A report on the fertility Status of Some
Soils of Ethiopia/ H.F. Murphy.- ( S.L.) :
Imperial Ethiopian College of Agriculture
and Mechanical Arts,
201. : maps, photos, tabs; 30 Cm.

Murphy, H.F.
The Soils of Ethiopia. Analytical data
and Notes 1956-58/ H.F. Murphy.-
( S.L.) : ( S.N.) , (N.D).
Vol. 1-II

Booklet on female genital Mutilation/
National Committee on trdational
preactices of ethiopia ( NCTPE) .- Addis
Ababa: Commercial Printinng enterprise,
Iii, 23p. : ill; 21Cm.

The Female body and the consequences of
FGM/ The National Committee on
Traditional practices in Ethiopia ( NCTPE) .
Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University Press,
25p. : ill.; 24Cm.

Female Genital mutilation/ National
Committee on traditional practices of
Ethiopia ( NCTPE) .- Addis Ababa:
Commercial Printing Interprise, 2002.
Iii, 31 p. : ill; map; 21Cm.

FGM Its Origin and the Arguments
Offered in favor and the reality/ the National
Committee on traditional practices in
Ethiopia ( NCTPE) .- Addis Ababa: Addis
Ababa University press, 1995.
25p . : ill; 24Cm.

Major Harmful traditional practices in
Ethiopia: resource material fo higher training
institutes/ National Committee on traditional
practices of Ethiopia (NCTPE) .- Addis
Ababa: EDM Printing press, 1999.
Iv, 78 p. : ill; map; 20Cm.

Major harmful traditional practices in
Ethiopia:resource material for curriclum
developers/ National Committee on
traditional practices of ethiopia (NCTPE) .-
Addis Ababa: EDM Printing press, 1999.
Iv, 82p. : ill; map; 20Cm.

National Committee on Traditional
practices of ethiopia/ National committee on
Traditional practices of Ethiopia (NCTPE ).-
Addis Ababa: EDM printing press, 1998.
Xii, 115 p. : ill.; 28Cm.

Uvulectomy/ National Committee on
Traditional practices of Ethiopia (NCTPE) .-
Addis Ababa: EDM printing press, 1999.
Iii, 16p. : 20Cm.

Ochtman, L.H.J .
Detailed Soil survey & irregability land
classification of Gode agricultural research
station/ L.H.J. Ochtman and Berhanu
Debele.- Addis Ababa: Institute of
Agricultural research , 1975.
Vi, 109p. : ill; map; 1975

Opportunity for the manufacture of
building hardware materiials
in Ethiopia. Rdeport by the
Technical Agency Imperial Ethiopian
Government. 1968.
35 p. :

Pankhurst, Richard
An introduction to the medical history
of Ethiopia/ Richard Pankharst.- NU: Red
sea press, c 1990
288 p. : 24Cm.

Pearce, IVY
Letters of health / Ivy Pearce.- Addis
Ababa: Oxford University press, c. 1972.
Cl, 130 p. : figs.; 21Cm.

Pichi- Sermolli, rodolfr E.G.
Una Carta Geobotanica dell`Africa
Orientale ( Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia ) /
Rodolfo E.G. pichi-Sermolli .- firenze:
Tipografia L`impronat S.P.A; 1957.
15-132p., photographs, folded , map,

Poschen- Eiche, Peter
The application of farming systeme
research to Community forestry. A Case
study in the Hararge highlands, Eastern
ethiopia/ peter Poschen- Eiche.- FR-
Germany: J oseph Margraf, 1989.
X, 250p. : photos, figs; 21Cm.

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Impero Rurale. Aspetti della
Colonzzazione Agraria in A.O.I. / Daniele
prinzi. Prefazione dell`on. Franco
Amgelini.- Roma: Unione Editorale
D`Italia, 1938-xvl.
229p. : photographs, 21Cm.

Proceedings of the fifith National
information day obserced on Nov, 16,
1996. Them of the day '' Information services
for research and development.- Addis Ababa:
Ethiopian S&T Commission 1997.
Iv, 45p. : illus., 24Cm.

Rassegna Sanitaria
Dev` imperoo.- Addis ababa, 1938,
Xvi, 96p; 14Cm.

Rlazione sui lavori svolti dalla missione
innviata in A.O.I. Perlo studio dei Problemi
inerential Caffe`dell`impero/ S.A. Compagnia
italiana importatori Caffe- roma.- Torino:
Societa industriale grafica fedetto, 1937-xv.
62 p. : olates 1-xll, 27Cm.

Report on large and medium scale
Manufacturing and electricity
industries survay.-Addis Ababa:
C.S.A, 1997.
208 p. ; tab; 29Cm.

Research with farmere Lessons
From Ethiopia. Edited by steven Franzel
and Helen van Houten.- Addis Ababa: C.A.B.
International for Institute of Agricultural
Research c. 1992.
Lx, 303p. : maps, fige; 24Cm.

Review of Experiences with Partici -
patory on-farm trials in the Southern
region of Ethiopia/ edited by Alistair
Sutherland Stephen Sandford.- Addis ababa:
Farm Africa, 1999 .
285 p. : 25Cm.

Rigotti Giorgto
L`edilizia nell`Africa Orientale Italiana.
La zona di Addis Ababa: Giorgio Rigotti.-
Torino: Libraria Italiana 1939-XVll.
Vll, 195p. : photos. 23Cm.

Rivera, Vincenzo
Prospettive Agricole dell`impero
Ethiopico/ Vincenzo Rivera.- Roma: Dott.
G.Bardi, 1936-Xlv.
217 p. : map, figs;

Roman Roads in East Agfrica/
Compliment of American-
Italian Union.- Roma: Societa Editrice di
Novissioma, ( N.D)
65p : photographs. 23Cm.

Salerno, A.
Le dimensioni somatiche dei cavalli
abissini delle regioni degli Arussi e del
Bale in Vari stadi di Sviluppo studiati col
metodo biometrico/ A.Salerno.- Firenze:
Regio Istito Agronomico per L`Africa
Italiana, 194o-XVlll.
91p. : photos, tables, fig. 24Cm.

Seegeler, G.J .P.
Oil plants in Ethiopia, their taxonomy
and agricultural Significance/ C.J .P.
Seegler.- Wageningen: Pud OC, 1985.
368p. : ill; fig; tab. 24Cm.

Serrazaneiti, A.
Edilizia nuova Le Construzioni l`Africa
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Utllitarue, 1936-xv.
157p. : plates I-xxxv, 19Cm.

Shibru Tedla
Environmantal Management in Ethiopia:
Have the national conservation plans
worked ? / by Shibru Tedla & Kifle
Lemma.- Addis Ababa: OSSREA, 1998.
79 p. : 25Cm.

Smeds, Helmer.
The Ensets Planting Culture of Eastern
Sidamo, Ethiopia/ Helmer Smeds.
Helsingpors, 1956.
39p. : ill photo; 24Cm.

Stewart, Robert B.
Index of plant diseases in Ethiopia/
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Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie I University
College , 1967.
95 p. : 21Cm.
Stewart, Robert B.
Some Plant Diseases Occuring in Kaffa
Province, Ethiopia/ Robert B. Stewart.-
Addis Ababa: Imperial Ethiopian College
of Agricultural and Machanical Arts,
70p. : 26Cm.

Strelcyn, stefan
Medecine et plantes d`ethiopie.
Les traites medicaux Ethiopiens / Stefan
Strelcyn .- Warszwa: Panstwowe
Wydawictwo Naukowe, c. 1968.
797p. : 25Cm.

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addis Ababa/ Ethiopia by GOPA,
Gesellschaft fur Organisation, Planung Und
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Homburg/ Germany Spet, 1969.
181p. : maps; figs; tabs; 30Cm.

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advertising Agency, (N.D).
487 p. ; ills; 24Cm.

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Aevdberg, Nils Olof
A Masnual on state Finabcial
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97 p. : 32Cm.

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Learning in the Drive for Industriazation in
Ethiopia.- Addis Ababa: Berhanena Selam
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Tekahun Basha
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Viii, 60p. : ill: 21Cm.

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223p. : ill; map, 27Cm.

Turton, David
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disease, drought ,and wildlifee conservation
in mursiland, South Wester ethiopia/ David
Turton.- UK; Oxfam, 1995.
50p. ; ill, map, 24,5Cm.

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Insect and mite pests of holtieultural and
misccllancous plants in Ethiopia.-Addis
Ababa: IAR, 1988.
115p. : 30Cm.

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Ethiopia. Outline of a programme for the
developmedsnt of the pharmaceutical
sector in Ethiopia: 1984-1993.- New York:
united nations, 1984.
Xvi, 126p. : tabs; 30Cm.

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Africa and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations
Agricultural Economics Bulletin for
Africa/ ECA/GAO/ J oint Agriculture
Diviosion.- Addis ababa: ECA, 1967.
No. 9, 104 p. : tables, 27Cm.

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Forest resources of Ethiopia/ H.L.
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Agriculture,, 1955.
32p. : maps, photos, 22Cm.

Vetter, Susanne
Geisho its uses, production potential and
problems in northern Tigray, Ethiopia/
Susanne Vetter.- Addis ababa: Institute of
sustainable development, 1997.
46p. : ill; 20Cm.

Vitali, Giovanni Ed Bartolozzi, Enrico
Strumenti agricoli indigeni dell`Africa
Orientale Italiana/ Giovanni Vitali ed
Enrico Baronomic per l`Africa Italiana
V, 77p. : photos; ill; 24Cm.

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Wildlife and Natural History
Society, Artistic printers, 1970.
No. 2,, 68p. : fig; 21Cm.
Weilenmann, Gottfried, Aanehsen, Lars,
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manual for secretarial services/ Gottfried
W. ( et-al).- Addis Ababa: Imperial
Ethiopian Institute of public administration,
A-1-V-7p. : figs; 25Cm.

Weilenmann, Gottfied
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103p. : figs; 25cm.

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130 p. : figs; 25Cm.

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Institute of Ethiopian studes/ J . Abbink.-
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iii, 86p. : map; ill; 20Cm.

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118 p. : photographs, 21Cm.
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by H.I.H. Beede Mariam Mekonnen.- Addis
Ababa: shama Books, 2001.
62p. : photos; 21Cm.

Bidder, Irmgard
Lalibela. The Monolithic Churches of
Ethiopia/ Irmgard Bidder, Translated Elfriede
Fulda.- Cologne: M. Dumont Schauberg,
137p. : maps, 20 plates, 80 in
monochrome 31Cm.

Buxton, David R.
The Rock-Hewn and Other Medieval
Churches of Tigre province, Ethiopia/ D.R.
Buxton.- Oxford: vivian Rider, 1971.
33-100p. : map, figs; plates xxvlllxxxv,

Cape, Norman
Ethiopia: Italian Occupation and world
war II period 1936-1943/ by Norman C.-
England: Berks, 1982.
44p. : ill; 21Cm.

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Ministures anciennes d`Ethiopie/
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Paris: L`imprimerie Lafayte, 1963.
48p. : 21Cm.

Dabbert, Hermann
Die Monolithenen Kirchen Lalibelas in
Aethiopien/ Hermann Dabbert.- Berli:
Triltsch and Huther, 1938.
119p. : map, figs; photos; 21Cm.

Decaux, H.
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235p. : ill; 27Cm.

Drost, Dietrich
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289p. : maps, fogs; 24Cm.

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Preliminary report/ministry of public works
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and Whitney-Husted.G. Christou and 20n,
1-1 142-24 p. : 28Cm.

Ethiopia tradations of creativity/
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Lansing: Michigan state University
Museum, 1999.
Xix; 308p. ; ills; php; 24Cm.

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Compiled by T.G Michaelides. Tokyo:
J agra Ltd., (N.D).
287 p. : 25Cm.

Ethioian Tourist Organization
Handicrafts of Ethiopia/ Text by Carol
Scott. Chapter divisions by Achamyeleh
Debela.- Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Tourist
Organization, (N.D).
76 p. : ill.

Falceto, Francis
Abyssinie Swing: A Pictorial
History of Modern Music/ Francis Falceto.-
Addis Ababa: Shamabooks, 2001.
120p. : photos, 24Cm.

The Fed. Dem. Rep. Of Eth. Min. of
Youth, Sports and cuture. National sport
survey 2001/2002 (1994 E.C) .- Addis
Ababa: /S.N/, 2002.
Xix, 426p. : ills.; 29Cm.

Gerster, Georg
Churches in Rock. Early Christian Art in
Ethiopia/ Georg Gerster. With Contributions
by David R. Buxton (et.al). Preface by the
Emperor Hayla Sellase I. Translated by
Richard Hosking.- London: Phaidon press
Ltd. C. 1970.
148p. : 211 photos; map, figs; 32Cm.

Griaule, Marcel
Silhouettes et graffiti Abyssins/ Marcel
Griaule. Introduction de Marcel Mauss.-
Paris: Larose, 1933.
33p. : Plates I-xxlx, photographs, figs;

Hecht, Elisabeth-Dorothea
The potter collection/Elisabeth- Dorothea,
D.- Addis Ababa: The Museum of the
Institute of Ethiopian studies, Hailesellassie I
University Artistic Printers, 1969.
121 p. : p;ates, illus, 22Cm.

The Hidden Reality three contemporary
Ethiopian artists,- / S.L./ : Universty
& Zurich, 1989.
214 p. : ills; 21Cm.

Italia. Governo Generale dell`Africa Italiana.
Direione Superiore degli Affari della
Colonizzazione e del lavoro
Bollettino di idrobiologia, Caccia e pesca.
Dell`Africa Orientale Italiana/ Governo
Generale Dell`A.O.I.- Addis Ababa: Servizio
Tipografico del Governo Generale A.O.I.
1940-Anno xvlll.
Anno I,N,1-2, figs; Photographs, 25Cm.

J ager, Otto A.
Aethiopische ministuren/ Otto A. Jager.-
Berlin: Verlag Gebr, c. 1957.
34p. : plates 1-18, 23Cm.

J ager, Otto A, Fearce, Ivy
Antiqutities of North Ethiopia: A
guide/Otto A. Jager, lvy pearce Second
edition, enlarged by recent findings in
Tigre.- Stuttgart: Brockhaus; c. 1974.
164 p. : photographs, figs; 21Cm.

J ager, Otto A.
Anitquities of North Ethiopia: A guide/
Otto A. J ager.- Stuttgart: Brockhas, c.1965.
129p. : photographs, figs; 21Cm.

J ames Cornelius
An Artist on the march: Paintings of
India, Abyssinia and Kashmir/ Cornelius
J ames.- Guernsey:CMA; 1989.
47p. : ill.; Map, 20Cm.

Kamil, Murad
Amharische Kaiserlieder/ Murad
Kamil.- Wiesbaden: Kommissionsverlag
Franz Stoiner GMBH, 1957.
50p. : 23Cm.

Karsten, Detlev
The economics of handicrafts in
traditional Societies. An investigation in
Sidamo and Gomu Goffa province,
Southern Ethioia/ Detlev Karsten.-
Munchen: Weltforum verlag, c. 1972.
181p. : tabs; figs; 24Cm.

Kebede Mikael
Old Ethiopian Paintings. =
YKA Anciennes peintures
Ethiopiennes Kebede Mikael.- Addis
Ababa: Artistic Printers, 1961. E.C.
11p; ill; 21Cm.

Kifle Beseat
An introduction to Abstract Planting in
Ethiopia=u= we^
YM Su=Kifle Beseat.- Addis
Ababa: United printers, 1963 E.C.
38p. : photographs, 19Cm.

Lalibela Ethiopia.- Addis
Ababa: Ethiopian Tourist Trading
Corrporation, 1986.
29p. : ill map.; photographs; 24Cm.

Lange, Werner
Domination and resistance: Narrative
songe of the Kafa Highlands/ by Werner,
Lange, Edited by Harold G.Marcus.- New
York: African studies center, c 1979.
90 p. : 23Cm.

Leroy, Jules
Ethiopian Painting in the late middle ages
and under the Gondar Dyasty/ J ules Leroy,
Translated by Claire Pace. London: Merlin
press, c. 1967.
61 p. : plates I-LX, 32Cm.

Leroy, Jules
La Pittura Etiopica. Durante il Medioevo e
sotto la Dynastia di Gondar/ J ules Leroy.
Traduzione di Carlo Pirovano.- Milano:
Electa Editrice, c. 1964.
61p.: plates I-LX, 32Cm.

Lubke, Heinrich
Koptische Kunst Christentum Am Nil/
Heinrich Lubke.- Essen: villa Hugel, 1963.
628p. : plates, 24Cm.

Lynn-Allen, B.G.
Short-Guu and Sunlight. The game birds
of Est Africa/ B.G. Lynn- Allen.- London:
The Batxhworth press, 1991.
416p. : map, Diagrams, 24Cm.

Mercier, J acques
Tresors de l`art Chretien en Ethiopie-
Christian art tressures of Ethiopia/ J acques
Mercie. Institut Francais de Thessalonique.
1993-1994, photograph exhibition.

Ministry of Culture and Sports Arrain
Ethiopia in fine arts=u= Y
uw/by Ministry of Culture and sports
affairs, Addis Ababa University and
Ethiopian artists association.- Addis Ababa:
Berhanena selam printing press, 1991.
91 p. : ill. Photo, 14Cm.

Minstryof Information
Music dance and drama.- Addis
Ababa:Commercial Printing press, 1968.
64p. : ill. Figs, photographs, pertrait;

Monti Dellacorte, Alessandro Augusto
I Castelli di Gondar/ A.A. Monti Della
Corte. Con 46 fotografie e sisegni Orginali
del Centurione Elio zachia. Roma: Societa
Italiana Arti Grafiche, 1938.
119p. : plates 1-xxxll, figs; 24Cm.

Monti Della Corte, Aldssandro A.
Lalibela. Is chiese ipogee e
monolitiche e gli altri monument medievali
del Lasta/ A.A Monti Della Corte. Con Una
introdusione del Governatore dell`Amara.
Fotografie e rilievi del Centurione Elio
Zacchia disegni Originali di Lino Bianchi-
Barriviera-Roma:Societa Italiana Arti
Grafiche 1940.
181 p. : plates 1-XLlll, maps, 24Cm.

Payne, Eric
Ethiopia booklet No I: The Issues &
1894-1903/ by Eric Payne.- / Berks/ : M.S.
Todd, 1981.
28p.: ills; pho: 24Cm.

Ethiopia booklet No. VIII Ethiopian
Stationery part I & Aiiiirmail Flights to
1934, Part II/ by Eric Payne and Norman
Cape.- / Berks/: M.S. Todd, 1987.
48p. : photos; pic; 24Cm.

Payne, Eric
Ethiopia: Ethiopian fiscals and forunier
forgeries/ by Eric p.- England: Berks, 1982.
28p. : ill; 21Cm.

Payne, E and Cape, N
Ethiopia: Ethiopian Stationary part I.
Airmail flights to 1934 part II/by Eric p
and Norman C.- England: Berks, 1982.
48p.: ill; 21Cm.

Payne, Eric
Ethiopia: The Issues of 1894-1903/ by
Eric P.- England: Berks, 1981.
28 p. : plates; 21Cm.
Payne, Eric
Ethiopia: The issues of 1894-1903/ Eric
Payne.- England: Philip Cockrill,Blrkshire,
Contents-Booklet 1-8( cockril series
booklet Nos, 13-20).

Payne, Eric
Ethiopia: The Issues of 1903-1905/ by
Erick p.- England: Berks, 1981.
36 p. : plates: 21Cm.

Payne, Eric
Ethiopia: The Issues of 1905-1913/ by
Eric p. - England: Berks, 1981.
32p. : plates; 21Cm.

Payne, Eric
Ethiopia: The Issues of 1917-1936/ by Eric
P.- England: Berks, 1981.
48p. : ill; 21Cm.

Payne, Eric
Ethiopia Postmarks and Cancellation to
1936/ by Eric Payme.- (S.L): M.S. Toddi;
48p. : 24Cm.

Pesenti, Gustavo
Ganti Sacri e profain danze e ritmi degli
Arabi dei Somali e dei Suahili/ Gustave
Pesenti.- Milano: L`Eroica, 1929.
202p. : 22C.

Pietros Hailu
Il Canto Sacro etiopico. =
SX ?T Abba Pietros Hailu.- Addis
Ababa: Istituto Italiano di Cultura. Artistic
Printers, 1968.
29p. : 24Cm.

Powne, Michael
Ethiopian Music. An introduction. A
Survey of ecclesiastical and secular Ethiopian
music and instruments / Michael Powene.-
London: Oxford University press, 1968.
Xxiii, 156p.: map, plates, figs; 22Cm.

Proceedings of the first international
Conference on the history of Ethiopian Art.
Sponsored by the Royal Asiatic Society.-
London:The pindar press, 1989.
Ix, 163p. : olates 1-212, 23Cm some

Rock-Hewn Churches near Wuqro/
Tegre/Translated by Walter Krafft.-
Addis Ababa: Nov./ Dec. 1969.
15 p. : 29Cm.
Rosen, Bjorn Von
Game animals of Ethiopia. A Short guide
for hunters and animal lovers, illustrated and
giving the names of each animal in the
principal Ethiopian language/ Bjorn von
Rosen.- Addis ababa: The Swedish-Ethiopian
Co, 1953.
92 p. : ill, 19Cm.

Sahistrom , Berit
Political posters in Ethiopia and
Mozambique. Visual imagery in a
revolutionalty context/ Berit Sahlstom.-
Uppsala, 1990.
X, 179 p. : photos; ill; 27Cm.

Teweldemedhin Josief ( ABBA)
The monolithic Churches of Tigray.-
u^ pL T>< u<p`
}c\ w`e+Abba
Teweldemedhin Josief.- Addis Ababa:
Central Printing press, 1970.
56p. : photos; - 24Cm.

Theile. Albert
Kunst in Afrika/ Albert Theile.-
Stuttgart: CHR. Beleser Verlag, c. 1961.
320p. : photos; 19Cm.

Zammarano, Vittorio Tedesco
Impressioni di Caccia in Somalia
Italiana/ Vittorio Tedesco Zammarano.
Terza edizione.- Milano: Giacomo Agnelli,
246 p. : photographs, 20Cm.

Zammarano, Vittorio Tedesco
Il Sentiero delle belve. Impressini di
Caccia in Africa Orientale/ Vittorio
Tedesco Zammaranc. 2 edizione.- Milano:
A. Mondadori, 1934-xll.
343p. : map ill; 26Cm.

Zenebe, Bekele
Music in the horn A Preliminary
analytical approach to the study of
Ethiopian Music/ by Zenebe Bekele.-
119p. : illsu; 20Cm.


Abbie Gubegna
Defiance/ Abbie Gubegna.- Addis
Ababa: Oxford University press,
189p. : map; 16Cm.

Abessinsche Erzahlungen and Fabeln
Amhariche Texte. Berlinigedruckt in
der Reicsdruckerei, 1911.
57p. : 24Cm.

African Voices: an Antholoogy of
Native African writing.- New York:
The Universal Library, 1958.
208p. : ills, figs; 20Cm.

Andrzejewski, B.W. and Lewis, I.M.
Somali poetry . An introduction/ B.W.
Andrzejewski and I.M. Lewis Oxford:
Claredndon press, c. 1964.
V, 167p. : 22Cm.

Bannan, Laura
Nemo meets the Emperor/ Laura Bannan
Illustrated by kathering Evans.-
Chicago: Albert whitman and co. c.
48p. : ill; 24Cm.

Benoit, Pierre
Le Prette J ean/ Pierre Benoit.- Paris: Albin
Michel, C. 1952.
313p. : 19Cm.

Bradley, Duane
Meeting with a stranger/ Dunane Bradley.
Ill. By E.Harper J ohnson. 5
Philadelphia; New York: J .B. Lippincott
Cmpany, c. 1964.
128p. : ill; 22Cm.

Braukamper Uirich
Praise and teasing : Narrative Songs of the
Hadiyya in Southern Ethiopia/ Uirich
Braukamper and Tilahun Mishago.- (S.L):
Proberills-Institut, 1999.
116p. : photos: 27Cm.

Bureau, J acques
Le verdict du Serpent. Mythes, Contes et
recits des Gamo d`Ethiopie/ Jacques Bureau.-
paris: Addis Ababa: Centre de Recherche
Africaine; Maison des Etudes Ethiopiennes,
246p. : maps, 23Cm.

Caione, Laudomia Bonanni
Men: Avventura al nuovo fiore/ Laudomia
Bonannicaions.- Verona: Valentino
Bompieni, 1939.
313p. : ill, 24Cm.

Cerulli, Enrico
La letteratura etiopica. L`Oriente
Cristiano nell` Unita delle Sue tradizioni/
Enrico Cerulli. 3ed .- Firanze: Sansoni c.
249p. : 20Cm.

Cerulli, Enrico
Storia della letteratura etiopica/ Enrico
Cerulli.- Milano: Nuova Accademia Editrice,
279p. : 22Cm.

Cerulli, Enrico
Storia della letteratura Etiopica/ Enrico
Cerulli. 2ed .- Milano: Nuova Accademia
Editrice c. 1961.
279p. : 22Cm.

Chelazzi, Gino
Sim, Ragazzo Abissinc/ Ginc.
Chelazzi.- Firanze: Adriano Salani 1939.
160 p. : illus; 19Cm.

Civinint, Guelefo
Vecchie storie d` Oltremar0/ Guelfo,
Civinini.- Italy: a Mandadori; c. 1940.
272p. : 19Cm.

Cohen, Marcel
Couplets Amhariques du Choa/Marcel
Cohen.- ( J ournal Asiatque J uillet-
September 1924, 100p. : ) .
Contents:- Consonnes laryngales et
voyelles en Ethiopien p. 19-106-La
Prononciation traditionnele du Gueze
( Ethiopien Classique, p. 217-268.

Cohen , Marcel
Coiplets Amhariques du Chaoa/ Marcel
Chohen.- ( J ournal Asiatique J uillet-
September 1924, 100p. )

Cruickshank, Alfred M.
Poems in all Moods/ Alfred M.
Cruickshank.- Trintad: Surprice print shop,
Vii, 203p. : 19Cm.

Davis, Russele
The Lioris Whiskers/ Russele Davis,
Brent Ashabranner.- Boston: Little, Brown
and Co:, 1959.
Xii, 191p. : ill fig.; 21Cm.

Darkness and Light. An Anthology of
African writing / Compiled and
edited by peggy Rutherfoord. With a
preace by Fr. Trevor Huddleston C.R.-
London: The Faith press LTd; 1958.
208 p. : 22Cm.

Derp, Hans Von
Erdol in Harrar. Abenteuer in lande de
Negus/ Hans Von Derp.- Hannover: Adolf
Sponholtz Verlag c. 1954.
248 p. : 19Cm.

Des Liveres de France
Citterature generale policies J eunesse.
161p. : 14Cm.

D`esme, J ean
Le Soleil d` Ethiopie/ Iean D` esme.-
Paris: La Nouvelle Revue Critique, c. 1929.
254 p. : 18Cm.

D`esme J ean
Le Soleil d` Ethiopia/ J ean D`esme.-
Givors: Andre Martel, c. 1952.
267p. : 20Cm.

Fikeremarkos Desta
Land of the Yellow Bull: an Ethnographic
Novel. Addis Ababa"Harmony Publishing
PLC; 2003.
416p. 16Cm.

Flaiano, Ennio
Le Chemin de traverse. ( Tempo di
uccidere) / Ennio Flaiano. Traduit de l`italien
par G. Charbonnier, A. Frederque et J . Remy.
2ed .- ( S.L.) Gallimard, c. 1951.
314 p. : 18Cm.

Flaino, Ennio
Mariam/ Ennio Flaiano, translated by
Stuart, Hood.- 2
ed.- London: J ohn Lehman,
271p. : 20Cm.

Forbes-Watson, R
Shifta/ R. forbes-Watson.- London:
Oxfords University press, 1954.
185p. : illus; 19Cm.

Frankau, Gilbert
Masterson: a story of an English
Gentleman/ Gilbert, F.- London: Hutchinson,
411p. : 19Cm.

Gebre Selasie Tesfay
The Company of my shadow/ by Gebre
Selasie Tesfay.- Addis Ababa: Terramed p.p,
187 p. : 24Cm.

Gelardi, Giuseppe Carella
Il piema dell` impero/ Giuseppe Caytella
Gelardi.- Torino: L` impronta 1938-xvll-ll.
754p. : 24Cm.

Giordana, Tullio
Settimo piano dell` obelisco
romanzo/Tullio, G.- Italy: Milano casa
editrice ceschina, c. 1937.
303 p; 19Cm.

Girma zenebe
Thhe Amharic '' Dime Novel '' . Its
emergence, major features and singificance
( 1949-1966E.C. ).- Addis Ababa: AAU,
Xi, 112p. : 29Cm.

Godbout, J acques, J
L`Aquarium: Roman/ J acques, J.- paris:
Aux edition du Seuil, 1962.
157p. ; 18Cm.

Grant, Johm Cameron
The Ethiopian. A narrative the Society
of human leopards/ J ohn Cameron Grant.-
Paris: Charles Carrington, 1900.
Xii, 287p. : 20Cm.

Guidi, J anazio
Storia Della Letteratura Ethiopica
Roma: Istituto per L`oriente, 1932.
116p. : 21Cm.

Haggard,h, Rider
Queen Sheba`s ring/ H.Rider Haggard.-
London: Northumberland press limited, c.
319p.: 17Cm.

Haigh , Richmond.
An Ethiopian Sega/ Richmoand, H.-
London: New York: George allen, 1919.
207p. : 17Cm.

Haile Selassie
Important Utterances of H.I.M. Emperor
Haile Selassie I 1963-1972. Addis Ababa:
Berhanena Selam Printing press, 1972.
Xvi, 624p. : illus.; 21Cm.

Haile Selassie
Selected Speeches of H.I.M. Emperor
Haile Selassie First 1918 to 1967. Addis
Ababa: Artistic printers Ltd., 1967.
693p. ; 21Cm.

Hanley, Gerald
The Consul at Sunset/ Gerald, H.-
London: Collins, 1951.
254p. ; 19Cm.

Hayford, J.E. Casely
Ethiopia Unbound. Studies in race
emancipation/ J .E. casely Hayford 2
With a new introduction by F. Nnabuenyi
Ugonna.- London: Frank cass and Co.
LTD; c. 1969.
Xxxvl, 215p.: 22Cm.

The Abbey classics An Ethiopian History
of heliodours.- London: cahcll and co.ltd;
Xvii, 283p. ill; 18Cm.

Heliodorus, of Emesa
An Ethiopian romance/ of Emesa
Heliodorus, Moses Hadas (tra).- Westport,
Connecticut: Greenwood press, 1957.
X, 277p. : 23Cm.

Holtby, Winifred
Mandoa, Mandol A Comedy of
irrelevance/ Winifred Holtyby 5
.- London: Collins, 1935.
382p. : 19Cm.

J ohnson, Samuel
History of Rasselas prince of Abyssinia/
Samuel J ohnson. Edited with introduction
and notes by George Birk-beck Hill.- Oxford:
Clarendon press, 1958.
203p. : 17Cm.

The History of Rasselas prince of
Abyssinia. A tale / Samuel J ohnson
.- ( S.L.) : K. Fuhri, 1838.
141p. : 15Cm.

J ohnson, Samuel
History of Rasselas prince of Abyssinia/
Samuel J ohnson. Edited with introduction
and notes by J .P. Hardy.- London:
OxfordUniversity press, 1968.
Xxlv, 183p. : 18Cm.

J ohnson, Samuel
The Prince of Abyssinia. A tale/ Samuel
J ohnson . 8
ed.- Dublin: J .Kiernan, 1777.
Vlll, 304p. : 16Cm.

J ohnson, Samuel
Rasselas/ Samuel J ohnson . with
engravings by A. Raimbach, from Pictures by
R. Smirke, R.A.- London: Hector M`lean,
Lll, 197p. : ill.

J ohnson, Samuel
Rasselas/ Samuel J .LL.D. with engravings
by A. Raimbach, from Pictures by R. Smirke,
F.A.- London: William M`lean, 1819.
iii, 197p. : ill ; 27Cm.

J ohnson, Samuel
Rasselas poems, and selected prese/
Samuel J ohnson edited with an
introsduction and notes by Bertrand H.
Holt, Rinehart and winston, 1960.
Xxii, 612 p. : 18Cm.

J ohnson, Samuel
Rasselas poems, and selected prese/
Samuel J ohnson edited with an
introsduction and notes by Bertrand H.
Holt, Rinehart and winston, 1960.
Xxii, 612 p. : 18Cm.

J ohnson, Samuel
Rasselas poems, and Abyssinia /
Samuel J ohnson LL.D. with an
introsduction by the Rev. William west.
ed.- London: Sampson Low Marston
and Company, Ld: 1891..
XLL, 162 p. : 15Cm.

J ournal of Semitic Studies.
Ethiopian studies / Ed. C.F Beckingham
and E.Ullendorff.- Manchester, Manchester
University opress, 1964.
Vol. lx, No 1, Half-Yearly, Spring (
papers read at the Second
International Conference of Ethiopian
Studies Manchester University, J uly

J ournal de la Societe des Africanists/
Centere National de la
Recherche Scientifique/ .- Paris: Musee de
L` homme 1972.
Tome xLll, Fascicule 1, 94p. : ill.
Plates 1-Vll, 27Cm.

J ournal de la Societe des Africanists/
Centere National de la
Recherche Scientifique/ .- Paris: Musee de
L` homme 1972.
Tome xLll, Fascicule 1, 94p. : ill.
Plates 1-Vll, 27Cm

Kane, Thomas Leiper
Ethiopian literature in Amharic/ Thomas
Leiper Kanr.- Wiesbaden: Otto
Harrassowitz, 1975.
304p. : 24Cm.

Kane, Thomas Leiper
Ethiopian Literature in Amharic / Thomas
Leiper Kane.- Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz,
304p. : 24Cm.

Kebede, Mikael
Prophecy Fulfilled/ by Kebede Mikael ,
translated by stephen wright.- Addis Ababa:
B.S.P.H.I.M. Haile Selassie I, 1953.
54p. : 22Cm.

Keller, J oseph
Fortune Carree. Roman/ J oseph Keller.-
Paris: Rene J ulliard. C. 1955.
322p. : maps, 19Cm.

Kessel, J oseph
Fortune Carree/ J oseph Kessel.- France:
Hachette, c. 1949.
255p. : map, 17Cm.

Krainz, Othmar
O1 Um Rickett, Spiel mit Abessinien/
Karaiz 0.- Berlin: verlag fur Kulturpolitik, c.
236p. : 20Cm.

Littmann, Enno
Galla Verskunst: Ein beitrag zur
allgemeinen verskunst nebst metrischen
Ubersetzungen/ by Enno Littmann.-
Tubingen: Verlag Von J.C. Mohr ( paul
Siebeck ), 1925.
Vi, 55 p.: 24Cm.

Marini, Pio Luigi
Alla Corte del prete Cianni/ pio Luigi
Marini.- Torino: G.B. paravia and C. 1943.
I, 145p. : ill; 20Cm.

Mathew, David
The Manago on the mango Tree/ David
Mathew. 2
Imp.- London: Collins, 1951.
255p. : 20Cm.
Menghistu Lemma
The Marriage of Unequals. L w
/A Comedy/ Menghistu Lemma. - Addi s
Ababa: The Amer i can Embassy
Resi dence, may 21 1968.
123p. : 32Cm.

The Miracle Child: A Story from
Ethiopia/ told by Elizabeth Laird with
Abba Aregawi Wolde Gabriel London:
Macmillan, 2000.
31p. : pictures, 25Cm.

Molvaer, Reidulf K
Black Lions: The creative lives of
modern Ethiop`s Literary Giants and
pioneers/ Reidulf K. Molvaer.- NJ : Red
Sea press, 1997.
426 p. : ill; photos, 24Cm.

Monfreid, Henry, De
Le Cimetiere des elephants roman
Henry De M.- Paris: La Table Ronde, c.
249 p. : photo; 20Cm.

Moreno, Martino Mario
Raccolta di Qene: Testo, Rraduzione
ecommento/ Martino Mario Moren0.-
Romea: Tipografia del senato, xll (1935).
Xxlvl, 106p. : 25Cm.

O` mahoney, Kevin
'' Meaza '' of Ethiopia: An Historical
novel of the ethiopian revolution/ Kevin
O`mahoney.- Addis ababa: United Printers,
c. 1991.
178p. : map, 21Cm.

The Queen of Sheba and her only Son
Menyelek I/ translated from the
Ethiopic by E.A. Wallis Budge.- London:
Oxford University press, 1932.
Xcvi, 243p. : plates, 19Cm.

The Queen of shebea and her only son
Menyelek/ translated by E.A. Wallis
Budge.- London: The Medici Society,
Xc, 241p. : olates, 25Cm.

Rhades, Denys
The Eighth Plague/ Denys Rhodes.-
Londan: Longmans, 1956.
Vii, 280p. : 19Cm.

The Road to bethlehem: a native story
from Ethiopia, toldby Elizabeth Laird.-
London: Macmillan, 2000.
32p. : pic, 25Cm.

Robertson, Wilfried
The emperor`s ring: a storyof the
campaign in Abyssinia/ Wilfrid
Robertson.- London: Oxford University
press, 1944.
180 p. : ill figs; 12Cm.

Rose, F. Horace
The four Kings in the street of gold/ F.
Horace Rose, 2
. imp.- London:
Duckworth, 1942.
311p. : 19Cm.

Sahle Sellassie
Shinega` a village: scenes of Ethiopian
life / sahle sellassie, wollf Leslay translator.-
Berkeley: University of California press,
Xi, 112p. : ill. Figs; 22Cm.

Sahle-Sellassie Berhane Mariam
The Afersata An Ethiopian novel/ Sahle
Sellassie Berhane Mariam. Reprinted.- Malta:
St. Paul` s press, Ltd. 1970.
90p. : ill; 19Cm.

SHARD. E. Malcolm
Flying for Ethiopia/ E. Malcolm Shard.-
London: The Poplar Library pyblishers,
216p. : ill; 19Cm.

Sherrington, Richard
Adventure in Addis Ababa:/ Richard
Sherrington. With illustrations by Eric
Robson.- Addis Ababa: Oxford University
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Sherrington, Richard
The traasure of Lebne Dengel/ Richard
Sherrington. With illustrations by Eric
Robson.- Addis Ababa: Nairobi, London:
Oxford University press, c. 1970.
52p. : ill, 22Cm.

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London: Dent, 1967.
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of Ethiopian litrature/ edited by Taddesse
Adera.- NJ : Red sea press, c. 1995.
Vii, 214p. : 24Cm.

Taffara Deguefe
A guide to service/ Taffara Deguefe/.
A.A: Commercal printin press, 1973.
238p. ; 25Cm.

Talbot, Dave
The musical bride / Dave Talbot.- New
York; Walkington, Hollywood: Vantage
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Theodosins , Heliodorns
An Ethiopian romance / Heliodorns
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Tiling, Maria V.
Somali - Texte und Untersughuncen zur
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Nemdeln: Kraus Reprint , 1969.
156p. : tables, 22Cm.

Torgersen, Eric
Ethiopia/ Eric Torgersen. 2
New York: Eanging Loose press, c. 1983.
49p. : 21Cm.

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Oda-Oak Oracle. A legend of black
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love, and of tears and Sacrifices/ Tsegaye
G..M.- London: Oxford University Press,
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220p. - ( penguin books, 179)

Waugh, Evelyn
Black Mischief/ Evelyn Waugh.-
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Prefazione dell` esploratore Ludovico M.
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Nancy: Imperimerie Berger-Levrault, 1928.
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to our heroes: The first victory of Africa pver
colonialists/ by Abebe Haile Melekot.- Addis
Ababa: (S.L), c. 1998.
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Ouer Colonialists/ by Abebe Haile Melekot.-
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Abul-Haggag, Y.
A Contribution to the physiolography of
Northern Ethiopia/ Y.Abul-Haggag:- London:
University of London , the Athlone Press,
Xlv, 153. : map, fog; photos, 24Cm.

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Hatten.- London: J ohn Camden Hatten, 1868.
Vi, 384 p. : ill; maps, 19Cm.

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Missione Di Studio Ac Lago Tana,
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Tomo 1

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La verite sur l ` Ethiopie, revelee apres
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70p. 19Cm.

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Cenni monografici sul territorio
dello Scioa. Addis Ababa: Tip. Ufficio
Centrale Topocartogrfico, 1939-XVII.
189p. : 23Cm.

Aethiopien. Aufnahmen von Toni
Schneiders, Hans Leuenberger
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Munche: Hanns Reich Verlag. C. 1958.
82p. : folded map, photos, 28Cm.

Africa. A handbook to the Continent
/ Edited by Colin Legum.-
London: Anthony Bland, C. 1961.
553p. : maps, tams; 23Cm.

Africa: at the threshold of the new
millennium. Moscow: Institute of
African Studies, 1999.
272 p. : 16Cm.

Africa From the Sahara to the Zambesi
( Italy: Mondadori, c. 1972).
Vol. 2 illus; map; ( Peoples of the

Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh
Century/ edited by M. Elfasi and I.
Hrebek.- Caalifornia: The University of
California press; Unesco, c1988.
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Africa in a changing world.- Mescow.-
Instiitute for African Studies, 1997.
391 p. ; 18Cm.

Africa Under Colonial domination 1880-
1935/ edited by B. Abu Boahen.-
California: University of California press;
Unesco, c. 1985.
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Africa Under Colonial domination
1880-1935/ edited by B. Abu Boahen.-
Abridged edition.- California: University of
California press; Unesco, c. 1990.
Xxiii, 357 p. : maps , diagramas ill. 21Cm.

African Almanac.- Addis Ababa: press
and information Department, Berhanena
selam Printing press, 1963.
747p. : maps, photographs, 22Cm.

African Ark/ Graham Hancock , Carol
Beckwith , Angels Fisher.- London:
Collins Harvill, c. 1990.
320p. : Colored pictures, map,

Africanus Ethiopia 1935 Panorama
Geo- Palilica anno xill Roma:
Edizioni Ardita, 1935.
125 p. : illus, 18Cm.

L` Africa Orientale.- Roma: Reale
Societa Geografica Italiana: Zanichelli,
Xi, 385p. : maps, 25Cm.

Africa/ Prepared by Aoy.- Oxford:
Clarendon press, 1965.
164p. : Maps; 26Cm.

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Kolonnen. Siegeszug durch
Abessinien.- Neudamm: J .
Neumann, 1942.
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Agostini, Enrico de
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dell` Impero. Roma: Soc.Ital. Arti Grafiche.,
79p. : illus, 19Cm.

Alberti, Adriano
Testimoniaze straniere Sulla Gerra Italiana
1915-1918 . seconda Edizione .- Rome (
Tipografia Regionale.) 1936.
Xx, 335p. : illus; 24.5Cm.

Albospeyre, G.B.T.
Mer Rouge Afrique Orentale. Etudes
Sociologiques et lingustiques Prehistoire
Explorations-Perspectives d`avenir paris:
J . peyronnet and c., ( c. 1959).
142p. Bib. P. 335-342. Illus., 22.9Cm.

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listhenes, the Chronicle of Almakin, the
Narrative of J oseph Ben gorion, and a
christian Romance of Alexander.- London:
Oxford University press, 1933.
Xxix, 277p. : ill plates; 19Cm.

Allen, W.E. D.
Gurilla war in Abyssinia.
Hammondsworth: Penguin Books,
126p. : illsu, Maps., 18.5Cm.

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dell`Ethiopia.- Roma: Giugno, 1941.
60p. : 23.2Cm.

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and information department:
Berhanena Selam printing preess.
747p. : 22Cm.

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Wegens Opper-Ethiopia\en,, gedurende sijn
verblijf aldaar gehouden. Getrokken uyt het
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tellez Leyden: pieter Vander Aa, 1907.
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Christentum an Toten Meer.- Berlin :
New York: De Gruyter, 1971.
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Narrative of the portuguese Embassy to
Abyssinia during the years 1520-1527
London : The Hakluyt Society, 1881.
Xxvii, 416p. : map, 22.5Cm.

Alvarez, Francisco
Narrative of the portugese embassy
To Abyssinia during the Years 1520-1527/
Francisco A, translated by Stanley.-
London:Burt Franklin, 1881.
Xxvii, 416p. map; 23Cm.

Alvares, Francisco
The Prester J ohn of the Indies. A true
relation of the lands of the prester John being
the narrative of the portuguese Embassy to
Ethiopia in 1520. Cambridge:Cambridge Uni.
Press, 1961.
Vol. l and 2. Illus.; 22Cm.

Alvares, francisco
Verdadeira lujormacao das ferras dopreste
J oao das indias Lisboa: Impremsa Nacioncil,
207p. : 29Cm.

Ambrosio, G.D`
Il Duce e l` impero, Invicta Roma
Aeterna.- Napoli: Alfredo Guida, anno
( 1936).
Xiv, 104p. : 21Cm.

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Tre anni fra I Galla e. i. Sidama. 1937-
1940 Con pref. Di Attilio Teruzzia cura
del Ministero dell`Africa Italiana. ( Roma:
Signorelli, 1942.
314p. : illus, maps, 24Cm.

Amin, Mohamed
Ethiopia: A toursist paradise Mohamed
Amin.- Kenya: Camerapix publishers
International, 1996.
121p. ; ill, map, photos, 20Cm.

Amin, Mohammed
J ounery through Ethiopia/ Mohammed
Amin.- Natrobi, Camer apix, 1997.
191p. ; ill, map photos, 33Cm.

Ancient Civilizations of Africa/ edited by
G. Mokhtar.- California: Univdersity of
California; Unesco c.1981.
Xvii 804. : maps, figures,
plates, 24Cm.

Ancient Civilizations of Africa/ edited by
G. Mokhtar. Abridged ed.- California:
Univdersity of California; Unesco c.1990.
Xiv 420p. : maps, digurams, lll,

Andargachew Tiruneh
The Ethiopian Revolution, 1974-1987 A
transformation from an raistocratic to a
totakitarian autocracy.- Cambridge:
Cambridge University press, c. 1993.
Xiii, 436p. maps, 24Cm.

Andree, Richard
Abessinie, das alpenland Unter
dentropen und seine granzlander.
Schilderungen von land und volk
vornehmlichunter kongi Theoderos
( 1855-1868) Richard Anderee.- Leipzig:
spamer, 1869.
300. : map; ill; 20Cm.

Andree, R
Land and leutevon Abessinien/ R.
Andree.- Leipzig: Verlag bnottos pamer,
X, 300p. : maps; ill;

Anstein, Hans
Afrika wie ich es erlebte. Mit 128
Bildern auf 64 Bildtafeln und einer
mehrfarbigen Afrika-Karte. Stuttgart und
Basel: Evang. Mission-sevelag G.M.B.H.,
224p. : illus, 22.5Cm.

Anzini, Giuseppe and Silvestri, Silvio
Governo Generale A.O.I, c3nni
monografici Sul territiria del Uollega
Addis Ababa: Tipogr. Ufficio
Topcartografico, 1940.
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Appelius, Mario
Il Crollo dell` Impero dei Negus..
Milano: Mondadori,( 1937).
346p. : illus; 23.5Cm.

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Facts about Eritria. Asmara: Printing
and Stationery Dept., 1964.
112p. : illus, maps., 21.7Cm.

Aralldi, Vinicio
Generali dell` Impero. ( I Condottieri
della guerra in A.O.). Napoli: Rispoli, (
171p. : illus; 24.5Cm.

Arata, Salvatore
Abuna Yakob. Apostolo dell` Abissinia
( Mons. Giustino de Iacobis C.M.) 1800-
1860. 2. Edizione. Roma: Annali della
Missione '' 1934.
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Laurent d` Arce. L`Abyyssini. Etude
d`actualite ( 1922-1924).- Avignon:
Livraubanel, 1925.
132p. : 18Cm.

Arcuno, Irma
Abissinia ieri ed oggi/ Irma Arcuno, 4ed.-
Napoli: Ssss/A) Cooperativa editrice Libraria,
( S.N.)
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Ardemagni, Mirko
Il Re in Africa. ( Cronache Storico-
documentario). Milono: Mondadori,
(1934 ).
292p. illus., 25.5Cm.

Arfelli, Felice
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con il diario inedito di F.K. Feren. A cura di
felice Arfelli pref. Di G.M. Sangiorgi.
Bologna: Istituto Fascista dell`Africa
Italians, ( 1938).
Xi, 223p. : 18.5Cm.

Armandy, Andre,
La desagreable Partie de Campagne.
Incursion en Abyssinie. Paris: Alphones
Lemerre, 1930.
244p. : illus, 18.5Cm.

Armandy, Andre
La Desagreable Partie de campagne
incursion en Abyssinie. Paris Librairie
Alphonse Lemerre, 1930.
244p. : illus., 18.5Cm.

Armellini, Quirino
Con Badoglio in Ethiopia. Con 72
illustrazioni, due schizzi dimostrativi e due
autografi.- Milano: Mondadiri,
( 1937).
282p. : illus; 22.5Cm.

Artieri, Giovanni
Cronaca del Fronte Nord. 2 Ottobre 1935-
5 Maggio 1936.- Milano; Salocchi,
263p. : illus; 19Cm.

Asafa J alata
Oromia & Ethiopia State formation
and ethnonational Conflict, 1868-
1992.- Boulder; London: Lynne
rianner pub., 1993.
Xiii; 233p. : 24Cm.

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Haile Selassie emperor of Ethiopia with a
brief account of the history of Ethiopia,
including the origins of the present struggle,
and a description of the country and its
peoples. London: Sampson Low, 1935.
Xiv, 305p. : illus, map; 23.7Cm.

Athiopien/ Text by Roger Sauter.
Photos by Roland Michaud.- Zurich
Silva-Verlag, c.1968.
128p. : Col. Photos 92, 30Cm.

Atkins, Harry
A Geography of Ethiopia/ Harry
Atkins.- A.A: Sim Printing press, /?/.
32p. : ills; pic; pho; 24Cm.
Atnafu Makonnen
Ethiopia to-day.- Tokyo: Radio-press,
324p. : illus; 26Cm.

Aubert, Marc
Introduction A`L Ethiopie: Berceau De
L`hunamite/ Marc Aubert.- Italie, 1995.
252p. ; ill, map, photos, 22Cm.

Avenati, Carlo A.
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in A.O. preceduto da Uno
lettera del generale di Divisione giacomo
Appiotti Torinc: Milano: etc., G.B.
Paravia & Co., ( 1937).
Xvi, 170p. : illus; Maps, 20.5Cm.

Avenstrup, William
I Abessiniens J ungle. Kobenhavn:
J espersen og pios Forlag, 1935.
188p. : illus., 22.7Cm.

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archiologiquese en Ethiopie. Province du
Harar er ethiopiee Meridonale. Paris:
Libraire Orientalistee Paul Geuthner, 1931.
348p. : 27Cm.

Azais, R.P.
Cing anness de recherches archio-
logique en Ethiopie:Province du Harar et
Ethiopie Merdionale. Paris: Livraire
Orientaliste Paul Genthner, 1931.
110p. : plates, Atlas. 29.5Cm.

Badano, Nino
Ritorno in A.O. Roma:Ed. A. V. E.,
150p. : 17Cm.

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Suca Di Addis ababa:

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La Guerra D`Ethiopia Allegati.

Bosoglio , Pietro
La Guerra D`Ethiopia Con Prefazione Del

Badoglio, pietro
The war in Abyssina London: Methuen,
Xv, 207p. : illus., maps; 23Cm.

Baer, George
The Coming of the Italian- Ethiopian war.
Cambrdge: Harvard Uni. Press, 1967.
Viii, 404p. : map., 24Cm.

Baeteman, J oseph
An pays du roi Menelick Croquis noirs.
Parls Librairie Catholique Emmanuel Vitte
223p. : illus, 22.7Cm.

Baeteman, J
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Paris: Lyon, 1930.

Bahru Zewde
A history of nodern Ethiopia 1855- 1974/
Bahru Zewde.- London: Athens: Addis
Ababa: J ames Currey, Ohio University press;
Addis Ababa University Press; c. 1991.
X, 244p. : maps; photos.; 21Cm.

Bahru Zewde
A history of nodern Ethiopia 1855- 1991.-
edition.- Addis Ababa: University press,
Xix, 300p. : ills.; 21Cm.

Bahru Zewde Comp.
A short History of ethiopia and the horn/
Compiled by Bahru Zewde.- Addis Ababa:
Commercial Printing ; c1998.
Xi; ills; photos; maps; 25Cm.

Bahru Zewde Comp
A Shart History of Ethiopia and the Horn/
Compiled by Bahru Zewde.- Addis Ababa:
Commercial Printing,
Xi, ills., photos.; maps; 22Cm.

Bailloud , Gerard
Les Gisements paleplithiques de
Melka-Kontoure. Addis Ababa:
( Artidtio Printers) 1965.
79p. : illus, 26Cm.

Baker, Samuel White
The Albert N`yanza,, Great basin of the
Nile, explorations of the Nile sources.-
London: Macmillan, 1866.
Vol. 1-2 illus; 22Cm.

Baker, Samuel W.
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the sword hunters of the hamran Arabs/ by
Samuel W. Baker.- 3
ed..- London:
Macmillan, 1871.
Xix, 568p. : ill; map; 22Cm.

Baker, Samuel White
Exploration of the nile trivutaries of
Abyssinia, the sources, Supply, and
overflow of the Nile intersperesed with
highly exciting advantures of the author.
Hartford; case and san franciso, Francis
Dewing, 1870.
Xx, 624p. : illus; maps; 22.5Cm.

Baker, Samuel White
The Nile tributaries of Abyyssinia and
the Sword hunters of the hamran Arabs
London: Macmillan, 1867.
Xxii, 596p. : illus; maps; 22Cm.

Baker, Samuel White
The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia and
the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs
ed. London: Macmillan, 1868.
Xxii, 575p. : maps., 22Cm.

Baker, Samuel White
The Ni;e tributaries of Abyssinia and
the swoord hunters of the Hamran Arabs
new ed.- London: Macmillan, 1868.
xix, 413p. : illus; maps., 19.3Cm.

Baker, Samuel White
The Ni;e tributaries of Abyssinia and
the swoord hunters of the Hamran Arabs
new ed.- London: Macmillan, 1880.
xix, 413p. : illus; maps., 19Cm

Baker, Samuel White
The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia and
the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs
ed.- London: Macmillan, 1808.
Xix, 413p. : illus., maps. 19.5Cm.

Balbo, Emillio
Del itti e vendette del Negus.- Roma:
pinciana, 1936-XIX.
50p. : 19Cm.

Baldwin , N. C.
Abyssinia 1929-1931/by N.C. Baldwin.-
London: the new Statement & nation, 1935.
v. 1, v. 3; 22Cm.

Balsan, Francois
Poursuite vers le nil blanc.- paris: J .suese,
( 1947).
278p. : illus; 22Cm.

Baratieri, Oreste
Carteggio di Oreste Baratieri 1887-1901
con nots biografiche a cura di Bice Rizzi.
Rreento: Tip ed. Nutilati ed Invalldi,
311p. : 24Cm.

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Memorie d`africa 1892-1896). Torino:
Bocca, 1898.
Viii, 487p. : maps., 19Cm.

Baratieri, O
Memores D`Afrique ( 1892-1896). Paris:
Delagrave, 1899.
Xiv, 542p. : maps., 22.5Cm.

Baratta, Mario
Atlante Delle colonie Italiane.- Roma:
Instituto Georgrapico de agostinin 1928.
60p. : 87p.: illus; map; 25Cm.

Baravelli, G.C.
De warheid over Abessinie: DE laatste
burcht der slaveri j.- Utrecht: N.E.E.
N.A.S.U., ( 1935).
80p. : 22.5Cm.

Baravelli, G.C.
Le dernier rempart de l` esclavage:
L`Abyssinie.- Roma: Soc. Ed. Di ''
Novissima'' , 1935.
79p. : 21Cm.

Baravelli, G.C.
L`ultimo Baluardo della Schiavitu:
L`Abissinia. 3. Ed.- Roma: Soc. Ed. Di
Novissima XIII, ( 1935).
78p. : 21.5Cm.

Barbera, Giuseppe
L`Africa non fa paura. Roma: Unione
Editoriale d` Italia XV, 1937.
234p. : illus, 18.5Cm.

Bardi, Adelmo
35 anni vissuti in Eritrea e in Abussinia.
Ficordi e impressioni ( 2 ed.). (S.L): (S.N) ,
351p. illus., maps. 21.5Cm.

Bardi, P.M.
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du Assab All`impero Romano D`Ethiopia.
Antologia di Scritti, Documenti &
illustrazioni Milano, Ulrico heepeli, 1936-
580p. : 22Cm.

Bardi, P.M.
Pionierie Soldati d` A.O. dall`acuisto di
Assab all`Impero romano d`Ethiopia.
Antologia di Soritti, documenti e
illustrzioni, lxiv tevole fuori testo. Milano :
Hoepli, 1936.
580p. : illus, 22.5Cm.

Barile , Peitro
Colonizzazione Fascista nella Somalia
Merridionale.- Roma: Societa Italiana Arti
Grafiche, 1935.
222p. : illus; maps; 25Cm.

Barker, A. J .
The Civilzing mission, the Italo-
Ethiopian war 1935-1936. London: Cassell,
Xiv, 354p. : Bib. P. 335-345. Illus.,
maps; 21Cm.
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Barker, A.J
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Italo- Ethiopian war 1935-1936. New
York: Dial Press, 1968.
Xiv, 383p. : Bib. P. 355-367. Illus.,
maps; 23Cm.

Barker, A.J.
Eritrea 1941. London: Faber, 1966.
248p. : illus, maps., 22.1Cm.

Barnes, J ames Strachey
Half a lifet. London: Eyre and
Spottiswoode, 1937.
329p. : maps, 22Cm.

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In the land of sheba/ EJ . Bartleet.-
Birminghm: cornish Brothers; 1934.
181p. : ill; maps; 22Cm.

Bartolozzi, Enrico
Relazione Su, Una Missione di studio nell
Africa Orientale J taliana Firenze J nstituto
Agriclolcolonial J taliano, 1938.
64p. : illus, 24Cm.

Baskerville, Beatrice
What mext. O duce? London: New York:
Iongmans, 1937.
Xv, 305p. : 22Cm.

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Etudes sur L`histore d` Ethiopie. Paris:
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Basset, Redne
Les Apocryphes Ethiopians. Pasris:
Bibliotheque de la Haute Science, 1899.
Vol. 9 , 139p. : 20.1Cm.

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Rene Bene Basset.- Paris, 1900.
220-488p. : 24Cm.

Bastin, J ean
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( 1934-1937 ). Bruzelles: L`Edition
Unlverselle; Parls: Descleede Brouwer,
419p. : illus, maps., 19.5Cm.

Bastico. Ettore
Il Ferreo Terzo Corpo in A.O. prefdel
Maresciallo d`Italia pietro Badoglio
Milano: Mondadori, 1937.
259p. : illus, carte., 23Cm.

Bates` Darrell
The Abyssinian difficulty. The Emperor
Theodros and the Magdala Campaign 1867-
68.- Oxford: Oxford University press, 1979.
240p. : illus; 22Cm.

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Historical Guide to Addis Ababa: / Mulena
Batistoni and Gian paclo Chiari.- Ethiopia:
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Milano: Mondadori, 1939.
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A cure for Serpents. A doctor in Africa.-
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Boulder:Lynne Rienner Publishers, c.1986.
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Ix, 223p. ; 12.5Cm.
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Commission.- London"H& L
communications Limited, 1987.
128p. : col, photos, 19Cm.

Ethiopia forty years
of progress 1930-1970.- Addis
Ababa: ministry of Information,
140 p. : photo; 29Cm.

Ethiopia guide in 209 fotografie
II Carting.- Kenya: Centro del Libro,
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Artistic Printing press, 1964).
Iv, 426p. : illus; Map, 14Cm.

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majesty haileSilassie first 1918 to 1967.-
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Printers), 1967.
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Ethiopia my home: the Story of
J ohn Moraitis/ told by Elizabeth
Germany.- Addis Ababa: shoma
books, 2001.
104 p.; photographs; 25Cm.

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Vol. 1,2. Illus., 24.5Cm.

Evil days. 30 Years of War and
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Washington; Los Angeles; London:
Human Rights Watch
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Athiopien/ Kurt Ewert.- Bonn: Kurt
Schroeder, 1959.
99p. : folded map , 21Cm.

Ewert, Kurt
Athiopien. Bonni: Schroeder
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99p. 26.6Cm.

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connected With the Abyssinian expedition.
London, Gearge Edward Eyre and William
Spottiswppde 1867.
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Ethiopian Trilogy/ Santha Faiia. Text
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for Ethiopia 1990.
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Paitlovitch, J acques
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M.Poppelauer, 1910.
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Faller, Erwin
Ich war der koch des Negus. Drei J ahre
am Kaiserhof Von Addis Ababa. Bern;
Stuttgart: Hallwag, 1937.
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(1926-81) Mellina Fanouris.- Nairobi,
J acaranda Designs Publishers, 1995.
Xii, 463p. : 12.5Cm.

Fanton, Aristide
L'Abyssinie lore de l'expedition
Anglaise ( 1867-1868).- Paris: Geuthner,
Xi, 134p. : 18.5Cm.

Faraci, Giuseppe
Ethiopia Guerra e pace. Presentazione di
francesco rosso.- Rorino: Edizioni
dell'Albero, 1965.
206p. : illus; map; 21Cm.

Farago, Ladislas
Abessinien det Afrikanska Kejsardomet,
Oversatt fran engleskan av Dan Bystrom.
Stockholm: Nordisk Rotogravyr, 1935.
231p. : illus; Map; 24Cm.

Farago, Ladisla
Abyssinia of the eve/ Ladislas
Farago.- London: Putnam, 1935.
X, 286p. : ill.; map, photo; 25Cm.

Farago, Ladislas
Abyssinian stop press.- London Robert
Hale & Co., 1936.
X, 255p. : illus; 22Cm.

Frago, Ladislas
Abessinien under haerenes opmarch
Kbenhavn: Gyldendalske
BoghandelNordisk Forlag, 1935.
198p. : illus. Map., 24.5Cm.

Farfaglio, Salvatore
Le bande autocarrate dei Fedelissimi da
Roma ad Addis Ababa.- Pisa: Nistri,
Lischi, 1937.
163p. : illus; 22Cm.

Farina, Gioaccnino
Le'lettere Delcardinale Massaia dal 1946
al 1886. Torino, Berrutti, 1937.
432p. : illus, 21.5Cm.

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La vicenda affricana 1895-1896.Berscia:
Vannin, 1935-XIV.
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Ferguson, Lionel
Into the Blue. The Lake Tana e expedition
1953. London: Collins. 1955.
255p. : illus., map., 21.5Cm.

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Itali o% ( Replica a o livro '' Ethiopia
100% '' do dr. Ary dos santos).- Lisboa:
Edicao do autor, 1936.
101p. : 19Cm.

Fettarappa Sandri, Carle
Il periplo dell'Affrice ( dopola vittoria).
Milano: Ceschina, 1937.
250p. : illus. 20Cm.

Fettarappa Sandri, carlo
Le Unita ei Capi.- Roma: Unione
Editoriale D'Italia, 1938.
349p. : 18.5Cm.

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Fiore, Giacinto
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riservanta. Asmara: Stabiliment
Tipolitografico percotto Anno, 1950.
267p. : 28.7Cm.

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Relazione sui lavori Compiutin Somalia
dal giugno 1910 al giugno 1912, a cure dell'
Istituto Geografico Militare. Roma: Bertero,
53p. : illus., maps, 24Cm.

Fitzgerald, Walter
Africa: Asocial , economic and
Political Geography of its major regions. 9

ed.- London: Methuem, 1961.
Xii, 511p. : ill; maps; 23Cm.

Forbes, Duncan
The heart of Ethiopia.- London: Hale,
c. 1972.
224p. : illus;map; 22.2Cm.

Forbes, Rosita
From Red sea to Blue Nile: Abyssinian
adventures/ Rosita Forbes.- London:
Cassell and Company, Ltd.; 1925.
Xii, 368p. : ill; map; photo; 24Cm.

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Nijl. Abyssinische reisavonturen vertaald
door h.J . Van Balen. Mit 42 illustraties en
een Kaart. Amsterdam: Em querido's
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312p. : illus; map; 22.5Cm.

Formazione De L'Impero
La formazione de l'impero coloniale
italiano.- Milano: Fratelli Treves editori,
Vol. 1,2,3. 29.5Cm.

Formigari, Francesco
Rapporto Di Mogadiscio.- Roma:
Instituto Nazione Di Cultura Fascista,
61p. : 22Cm.

Forsberg, Malcolm
Land beyond the Nile/ Malcolm
Forsberg.- New York: Harper & Brothers,
232p. : ill.; map; photo; 22Cm.

Forsberg, Vera
Gennet lives in Ethiopia/ Vera
Forsberg.- Stockholm: Svenskt Djuptryck,
24p. : photo; 22Cm.

Fossa, Davide
Lavoro Italiano nell'Impero Milano:
Mondadori, 1938.
Xiv 571p. : illus., 25.5Cm.

Fosa, Dabide
Lavero Italiano Nell'Impero Milano,
569p. : illus; 25Cm.

Fraccari, Cesare
Viaggio in Africa Orientale.
( Visioni Sogni, Realta). Milano: La Prora,
258p. : illus, 20Cm.

Franchetti Raimondo
Nella Dancalia ethiopica. Spedizione
Italiana 1928-29 Publl. Posta sotto gli auspici
della Reale Societa Geografica Italiana. 3.ed.
Milano: Mondadori, (1935).
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1928-29 Pubbl, posta sotto gli auspici della
Reale Societa geogradica Italiana. R. ed.
Milano Mondadori, 1936.
424p. : illus., 23Cm.

Franchetti, Raimnodo
Nella Dancalia Ethiopica. Spedizione
Italiana 1928-29 Pubbl, posta sotto gli auspici
della Reale Societa geogradica
Italiana.Milano: Mondadori, 1930.
424p. : illus., map., 25.5Cm.

Franchint, Mario
Ogaden. Dal II Paralleo al cuore
dell'impero.- Bologna: Licinio Cappelli,
136p. :illus; 25Cm.

Frangipani, Agenore
L'equivoco Abissino. Seconda edizione
con sersntequattor tavolo juoritesto. Milano,
Ulrico hoepli, 1936-xiv.
265p. :illus, 18.5Cm.

Frisk, Hjalmar
Le'Periple de la mer Erthree, suivi dne
etude sur la tradition et la langue. Goteborg:
Flanders Boktr. A.B, 1972.
Vii, 145p. : 24Cm.

Frobenius, Les
Erythrea Lander Und zertendes heiliger
konig somode. Berlin-Zurich, Atlatis Verlag,
368p. : illus; 23Cm.

Frusci, Luigi
In somalia sul fronte meridionale.-
Bologna: Licinio Cappelli, 1936.
163p. : illus; 24.5Cm.

Fuller, J ohn Frederick Charles
Dererste der Volkerbundskriege, seine
Zeichen and Lehren fur Kommende.- Berlin:
374 p. : 21.5Cm.

Fuller, J ohn Frederick Charles
The first of the League wars, its lessons
and Omens.- London: Eyre and
Spolttiswood, 1936.
Xi, 319p. : maps, 22Cm.

Fusella, Luigi
La cronaca dell' imperatore Tedoro II di
Ethiopia in an manoscritto amarico/ Luigi
Fusella.- Roma: Tiporgajia del Ienato,
61-121 pp. : 24Cm.

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Deux and de sejour en Abyssinie ou vie
morale, Politique et religieus des
Abyssiniens J erusalem Typogr. (Libr.)
armenienne du Counvent de St. J acques,
175p. : 22Cm.

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Narrative of a J ourney through
Abyssinia in 1862-3 with an appendix on ''
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Dufton.- London: Chapman & Hall, 1867.
Xiv, 337p. : map; 21Cm.

De cosson, E.A.
The cradele of the Blue Nile. A vist to
the court of king J ohn of Ethioia.- London:
Murray, 1877.
Vol 1&2 illus; maps, 20Cm.

Gabreyesus Hailemariam
The Guragu and their culture.- New
York: Vantage press, 1991.
Xv, 195p. ; photos, 24Cm.

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Abissinia/ Mario Gagnatelli.- Ancona:
All'Insegna del Conero, 1935-xlll.
152p. : 19Cm.

Gaibi, A
Ministero della Guerra, Comando del
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general dello stato Libreria, 1928.
Xvi, 579p. : maps., 18cm.

Gailey, Harry A
History of Africa from earliest times to
1800.- New York: Chicafo: Holt, Rinehart
and winston Inc., 1970.
Vi, 280p. : Bib. P. 253-269. Maps,

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Milano: Gastaldi, 1959.
238p. : 19Cm.

Gallo, Max
L'affaire D'Ethiopia. Aux Origines de la
guerre mondiale.- Paris: Editions du
centurion, 1976.
290p. : illus, map; 21Cm.

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Ekvator rjadom. Moskva: Izd. '' Mysl''
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Gardiner, Robert K.A.
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Vi, 255p. : 23Cm.

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Mussolini's Homan Empire. London:
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Meroe the city of the Ethiopians being an
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Understanding Ethiopia. Laidlaw
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L'Italia sul Mar Rosso, Nilano: La
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L'Italia sul mar Rosso/ Mario Gaslini,
Italis, 1983.
297p; 24Cm.

Gada, Virginio
Italia inghiterra Ethiopia.- Roma: Sund,
239p. : 25.2Cm.
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Beleton Kebede et J acques Bureau.- Addis
Ababa: paris: Maison Des Etudes
Ethiopiennes: Institut Nationel Des
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Ethiopia: Power and Protect. Pesant
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portchester; Molbourn; Sydney: Cambrige
University press, c. 1991.
Xxi, 272p. : maps, 24Cm.

Gentizon, Paul
La conquete de l'Ethiopie. Paris:
Berger-Levrault, 1936.
Vii, 294p. : illus., maps.; 18.5Cm.

Gentizon, Paul
La conquista dell'Ethiopia. Traduzione
di Valentino Brosio. Con 9 Cartine e 28
Tavole. Fouri Testo. Milano: Hoepli, 1937.
X, 262p. : illus, maps., 19Cm.

Gentizon, Paul
La rivincita d'Adua. Trad. Dal francese
di s. sereno.- Roma: Campitelli, 1936.
245p. : 22Cm.

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Italiani in A O Pogine Di Pionieri.-
Milano: Industrie grafiche Amedeo Nicola
& c. 1936.
464p. :

Giglio, Carlo
L'Imperesa di Massaua ( 1884-85).-
Roma: Istituto per l'Africa, 1955.
Viii, 1880. : 24.6 Cm.

Giglio Vittorio
Le Gyerre Colonial : D'Italia Milano:
Dottor Francesco Vallardi, 1935.
Xi, 451P. : illus., 28cm.

Gilkes, Patrick
Conflict in Somalia and Ethioia/ Patrick
Gilkes.- East Sussex; Wayland, 1994.
48p. : maps, photos, 28Cm.

Ginocchletti, Angelo
La Regia marina nella conquista
dell'impero. 1935-xiv-1936-xv.- Roma:
Unione Editorale d'Italia, ( 1937).
161p. : 18.5Cm.

Giorenco, Onofrio
Colleudo di razza All'equatore termico.
Appunti di Un ufficiale medico della divison
'' laghi'' 2 edizione.- Italy: libreria
Agatepalermo, 1939.
200p. : illus; 20Cm.

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Souvenirs d'un voyage en Abyssinie
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Francais Delbos-Demouret printer propriete
de l'auteur, 1873.
312p. : 22Cm.

Girma Elias
Aksum: Aguide to historical Sities in and
around Aksum/ Girma Elias.- A.A: Mega
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43p. ; ill; 12.1Cm.

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Croce e Spada. Alcune delle sue pafine
piu belle. Torino: Soc. Industriale grafica
Fedetto & Co., 1937.
Xi, 159p. : 22.5Cm.

Giuliani, Reginaldo
Per Cristo e per la patria ( Ultimi Scritti
dall'Africa). Firenze: Salani, 1937.
350p. : illus, 19Cm.

Glaser, Eduard
Die Abessinier in Arabien Und Afrika, auf
grung neuentdeckter Inschriften Munchen:
Lukaschik, 1895.
Xii, 210p. : 23.5Cm.

Glasfurd, Alec
Voyage to berbera.- London: Sheppard
press, 1947.
133p. : illus; 21Cm.

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With the mission to Menelik 1897/
Count Cleichen.- London: Edward Arnold;
Xi, 363p. ill; 23Cm.

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With the mission to menelik 1897/ by
count Gleichen.- London: Gregg
international Publishers Limited, 1971.
Xi, 363p. : ill; 21Cm.

Gleichen, Ocunt
With the mission to menellik 1897/by
Count Gleichen,-London: Edward Arndd,
Xi, 363p. : photos., 23Cm.
Gobat, Samuel
Journal of a three years residence in
Abyssinia in furtherance of the objects of
the church missionary society/ Samuel
Gobat.- London: Hatchared, & son, 1834.
Xxi, 371p. : maps; 20Cm.

Gobat, Samel
J ournal of a three years'residence in
Abyssinia in furtherance of the objects of
the church Missionary Society/ Samuel
Golat.- 2
ed. London: Seeley, 1847.
Xxxix, 383p. : maps, 20Cm.

Gobat, Samuel
J ournal d'un sejour en Abyssinie
pendant les annees 1830, 1831 et 1832
pub. Par le Comite de la Societe des
missions de GeneveParis: Geneve;
Risler, Guers, 1834.
Viii, 438p. ; illus., map; 21Cm.

Goldmann, Herausgegeben Von Wilhelm
Das ist Abessinien. L'Abyssinie telle
qu'elle Est. Bern: Wilhelm Goldmann, c.
110p. illus., 26.cCm.

Gordon, Frances Linzee
Ethiopia, Eritree & Djibout/ Frances
Linzee Grdon.- Melbourne. Oakland-
London. Paris: Lonely planet Publication,
520p. : ills, Maps; 19Cm.

Gorham, Charles
The Lion Judah. A life g Haile Selassie
I Emperor g Ethiopia/ Charles Gorham.-
Tornoto: Ariel Books, 1966.
149. : 21Cm.

Governo del Harar
Il regime delle terrenel governo del harar.
XVII.- Harar: Stabtip Albino Scassa, 1939.
107p. : 24Cm.

Governo de; Harar
Il Regime Delle Terre nel Governo Del
Harar. Addis ababa: Ser. Tip. Gov.Gen A.O.I.
114p. : 24.5Cm.

Governo Generale
Opere per l'organizzazione Civile in
Africa Orientale italiana. Servizio
Tipografico del Gov. Gen. A.O.I.,
( 1939).
266p. : illus;

Gozalbe, J avier
Touching Ethiopia/ J avier Gozalbez and
Dulce Cebrian.- Addis Ababa: Shama Books,
399p. : ill; photos; 30Cm.

G. quattrini, Autonio
Ecco L'Abissinia. Roma, Torino, 1935.
243p. : 19Cm.

Grabham, G.W.
Report of the mission to Lake Tana:
1980-1921.- Caire.
207p.; 30Cm.

Graham, J ane
One hop too far: I opened my heart to
Ethiopia/ J ane Graham.- England: The book
guid Ltd, 1999.
114p. : photos, 24Cm.

Graham, M.D.
Glimpses of Abyssinia.- London:
Longmans, 1967.
72p. ; 16Cm.

Grande, Adriano
La Legione Psrini. ( Da sabaudia a
Diredaua). Firenze: Vallecchi, 1937.
291p. : illus, 19Cm.

Gary, Charlotta
Bob Geldof/ Charlotte Gray. Edited by
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Publications, c. 1987.
64p. : Maps; phots, 21Cm.

Graziani, Rodolfo
Il fronte Sud. Con prefazione del
Duce. Milano: Mondadori, 1938.
348p. : illus, maps., 25Cm.


Great Britain. Ministry of Information
The Abyssinian Campaigns The
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East Africa. London: H.M.S.O. 1942.
143p. : illus, 25.5Cm.

Great Britain. Ministry of information
Le campagne d' Etiopia. Relazione
Ufficiale delle operazioni nell' Africa
Orientale Italiana. London: Stamperia
Reale ( H.M.S.O.), 1945.
142p. : illus, 22.5Cm.

Great Britain , parlimentary papers
Report from the select committee on
the Abyssinian Expedition. With the
proceeding of the Committee.- Shannon:
Irish Univ. Pr. 1968.
Xxxvii, 694p. : maps; 34.5Cm.

Great Britain, war office
A hand book of Abyssinia:
Communications.- London: General Staff,
War Office, J anuary 1922.
559p. : illus; maps; 18.5Cm.

Greenfield, Rechard
Ethiopia a new Political history/
Richard green field.- London: Pallmall
press, c.1965.
515p. : illus; map; 22Cm.

Griaule, Marcel
Abyssinian J ourney. London: Miles,
Xv, 247p. : illus., 20Cm.

Griaule, Marcel
Die lebende Fackel. Menschen and
Geister in Abessinien. Berlin: Reimer,
220p. : 21Cm.

La Peau de l'ours.- Paris: Gallimard,
219p. : maps; 18Cm.

Griauele, Marcel
Les Flambeurs d' Hommes. Pref. Des.
Charlety Paris: Calmann Levy, 1934.
Viii, 205p. : 19Cm.

Griaule, Marcel
Torce d'uomini in Ethiopia. Milano
Angelli, 1935-XIII.
212p. : illus; 20.5Cm.

Grosvenor, Gilbert ed,
National Geographic Magazine
Cumulative index, 1899-1946. Washington,
National Geographic Society 1952.
655 p. : 25Cm.

Grubb, Norman
Alfred Buxton of Abyssinia and Gongo.-
London: Lutter worth press, 1942.
173p. : illus; 19Cm.

Gruehl, Max
Abessinien-ahoi: Bom heiligen Nil ins
Reich des Negus Negest. Berlin: Safari
Verlag, 1935.
295p. : illus, 19Cm.

Gruhl, Max
Abyssinia at bay/by Max Gruhl.- London:
Hurst & Blackett, Ltd., / N.D./
256, 19p. : ill, map, photo; 22Cm.

Gruehl, Max
Abessinien, die Zitadelle Afrikas. Berlin:
Schlieffen Verlag, ( 1935).
160p. : illus; Map; 21Cm.

Gruhl, Max
The citadel of Ethiopia: The empire of the
Divine Emperor/ Max Gruhl, Ian F.D.
Morrow and K.M. Sieveking (trans).-
London: J onathan Cape, 1935.
383p. : illus, map; phot.; 24Cm.

Gruehl, Max
L'impero del Negus Neghesti. Milano Ed.
Minerva, 1935.
219p. : illus, 23.5Cm.

Gruehl, Max
Zum Kaisergott von Kaffa Als Forscher
auf eigene Faust im dunkelsten Afrika.
Berlin: Schlieffen-Verl, 1938.
462p. : illus, map., 21Cm.

Grhl, Waldemar
Aus der Untersekunda ins Innere
Abessiniens. Mit 45 Abbiedungen and einer
Karte.- Berlin: Minden: Leipzig: Wilhelm
Kohler, 1929.
182p. : illus; map; 23Cm.

Grunsell,, Angela
Ethiopia/ Grunsell.- London: Heine
Mann Library, c. 1995.
31p. : illus, map, photos

Guarnieri, Lyno
Abba Menssia, Il Card Massai e L'
Etniopia. Roma: popol, n.d.
212p. : illus, 21.5Cm.

Chronifue du regne do Menelik II Koi
des Kols D'Ethiopia/ Gubresellasic.- Paris:
Maisonneuve, 1930-1931.
Tome 1 and 2. Ill, 27.5Cm.

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Chronique du Regne de Menelik II Rei
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annotee par Maurice de Coppet.- Paris:
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Guebre Sellassie
Chronique du Regne de Menelik II Roi
des Rois d'Ethiopie Paris: Maisonneuve
Tome 1 and 2. Illus., 27.5Cm.

Guedes, Jose Viana correa
Breve estudo sobre a campanha da
Abissinia.- Lisboa, 1937.
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Tomus/ J .b. Chabot. I Guidi.- Parisiis: Carllus
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M.Guillian .- Paris: Arthus Bertrand, (N.D.)
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Inside Africa.- London: Hamish Hamilton,
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263-287P. : ( Hebrew) 24Cm.

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The Ethiopian Revolution/ Fred Halliday
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Halls, John J ames
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Vol. 1 and 2. 22Cm.

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management of troops in the fleld in
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The Beauty of Addis Ababa/ Graham
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The Beauty of Historic Ethiopia/
Graham Hancock.- Nairobi: Comerapix
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118p. : ill, Map., photos; 19Cm.

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Under Ethiopian Skies/ Graham
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Longmans, 1867.
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A Hand book of Abyssinia.- (S.L.)
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The Unknown Horn of Africa: an
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The war in Abyssinia. A brief Military
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162p. : ill; Maps, 18.5Cm.

Hammerschmidt, Ernest
Athiopien: Christliches reich zwischen
gestern und morgen/ Ernest
Hammerschmidt.- Wiesbaden: Otto
Harrassowitz, c. 1967.
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for the post-Imperial state/ J ohn
W.Harberson. London: West View press Inc.
c. 1988.
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294p, 22Cm.

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The Polgrimage of Arnold Von haff,
Knight, from cologne through it Italy, Syria,
Egypt, Arabia, Ethiopia Nubis, Palestine,
Turkey, France and Spain Which he
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Xxv, 325p. Bib. P309-316. Illus.

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Abyssinian adventure/ by seoffrey
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Xvii, 306p. : ill.; map; photo; 22Cm.

Harmeworth, Geoffrey
Abyssinia Marches on/ by Geoffrey
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VI, 128p. ; 22Cm.

Harris, Brice
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The Highlands of Ethiopia/ Major W.
Cornwallis Harris.- London: Longman,
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Kaiserreich Athiopien Munchen:
Bruckmann, 1953.
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Ethiopia/ by Paul Hartlmaier.- London:
Geoffrey bles, 1956.
Xi, 186p. : photo; 22Cm.

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Buchergide Gutenberg, 1955.
211p. : illus, 23.5Cm.

Haues, Arthur J
The Source of the Blue Nile/ Arthur J
Hayes.- London: Smith Elder, 1905.
Xi, 315p. ill; map; 22Cm.

Hay Stuart Munro
Aksum: An African Civilisation of late
antiquity/ stuart Munro.- Britain; Alten press,
Ix, 293p. : ill, 24Cm.

Hayter, Frank E.
African adventurer/ by Frank E. Hayter.-
London: Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd., 1939.
320p. : ill, photo; 22Cm.

Hayter, Frank E.
Gold of ethiopia/ by Frank E. Hauter.-
London: Stanley Prul & Co. Ltd., 1936.
236p. : ill.; photo; 20Cm.

Hayter, Frank
In quest of Sheb's mines/ Frank Hayter.-
London: Sanley Prul & Co. Ltd., / N.d./.
272p. : illus., photograph; 22Cm.

Head, F.B.
The life of Bruce, the African traveller.-
London: J ohn Murray, 1830.
Vii, 535p. : illus; maps; 15Cm.

Healy, A.M.
The map approach to African history/
A.M.Healy and Vere-Hodge, E.R. 2
London: University Tutorial press LTD,
62p. : maps, 20Cm.

Heffner, Edna S.
Ethiopia: land beyond the rift/ by Enda S.
Heffner.- / S.L./ / S.N./, 1957.
165p. : photo; 23Cm.

Hein, Ewald
Ethiopia Christian africa: art, Churches
and Culture/ Ewald Hein and brigitte Klleidt.
English translation.- German:Melia-Verlag,
Ratingen, 1999.
234p. : ill; map; photo; 29Cm.

Helfrita, Hans
Athiopien-Kunst in verborgene, Ein
Reisefuhrer ins land des Lowen von Juda.
Schauberg: Verlag, c.1972.
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An Ethiopian History.- London: Champan
& Dodd, 1587.
Xvii, illus; 18Cm.

Hempstone. Smith
Africa angry young giant.- New York:
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Hempstone, Smith
The new Africa.- London: Faber and
Faber, 1961
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Hennig, Richard
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entdeckungsreisen an hand der darbuer
vorliegenden orginalberichte. Leiden: E.J .
Brill, 1939.
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Henty, G.A.
The march to Magdala. London: Tinsley
Brothers, 1868.
Vii, 431p. : 21.2Cm.

Henze, Paul B.
Layers of time: A History of Ethiopia//
by Paul B. Henze.- London: Hurst &
Company, 2000.
Xxiv, 372p. : Photo; 22Cm.

Herrmann, Gerhard
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Teubner, 1935.
46p. : map; 21.5Cm.

Hartmann, Robert
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ostkuste afrikas, mi 18 vollbildern und 63
in den text gedrucktan Abbildungen
Leipzig: Freytag und parg: Tempsky, 1883.
304p. : illus; 18.5Cm.

Herzbruch, Kurt
Abessinien. Eine reise Zum hofe Kaiser
Meneliks II. Mit 96 Abbildun gen and zwei
Karten.- Munchen: Leipzig: Fr. Seybold's
Verlag, ( 1925).
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Ithaca: Cornell University press, ( c. 1970).
Ix, 272p. : illus., maps, 18.8Cm.

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paris: J .Maisonneuve, 1901.
281p. : illus, 22Cm.

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einer reise von Chartum nach Abyssinien mit
besonderer Rucksicht auf zoologie and
geographie, unternommen in dem jahre 1852
bis 1853.- Gotha: perthes, 1857.
X, 136p. : illus; map; 21Cm.

Hidalgo, Stefano
Undicimesi a Cassala. Torino: Olivero,
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Hill, Grorge Birkbeck
Colonel Gordon in Central Africa 1874-
1879, From Original Letters and dicuments.
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456p. :illus; 19Cm.

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Sport and Travel Abyssinia and British
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East African Hand book: with Kenya,
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The autobiography of theophilus
Waldmeier. Comprising Ten years in
Abyssinia and Forty-Six years in Syria.-
London: The Friends Bookshop, 1925.
Xv, 317p. : illus; 22Cm.

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Nel Regno del Leone ( Il Sud oves
Etiopico).- Tivoli: Mantero, 1936-XIV.
284p. : illus. Map., 24.5Cm.

Hodson, Arnold Wienholt
Sette anni nel Sud Abyssinia, trad di Elsa
di San Marzano.- Tivoli: Mantero, 1935-
266p. : illus, maps., 24Cm.

Hodson, Arnold Wienholt
Seven years in Southern Abyssinia/ by
Arnlod Wienholt Hodson.- Grent Britain: T.
Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1927.
Xv, 277p. : ill, map; photoo.; 22Cm.

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hunting & exploration in S.W. Abyssinia/
by Arnold Hodson.- London: Skeffington
& Son, Ltd, 1930.
287p. : ill; map; photo; 24Cm.

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Col. 1&2, illus; 31Cm.

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Italy in Africa.- London: Hamish
Hamilton, 1941.
253p. : maps; 25.5Cm.

Holtz, Arnold
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Berlin: Charlottenburg: Vita, 1908.
92p.: illus; 25.5Cm.

Horrabin, J .F.
An Atlas of Africa. New York: Fredric
A preager, 1060.
126p. : 20Cm.

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Travels in Ethiopia above the second
cataract of the Nile exhibiting the state of
that country and its various inhabitant
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illustrating the Antiquities, Arts and
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London: Longman, Greem, 1835.
Xix, 368p. illus., maps

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Lichtduckbildern and einer Karte.- Wien:
Gerold, 1895.
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Huntinford, George Wynn Brereton
The glorious victories of Amda Seyon
King of Ethiopia.- Oxford: Clarendon
press, 1965.
Xii, 142p. : illus; maps, 22.5Cm.

Huntingford, G.W.B
The Historical geography of Ethiopia
from the first century AD to 1704/G. W.B.
Huntingford, edited by Pankhurst, Richard.-
London: Oxford University press, (c) 1989.
Xv, 311 p. : maps, 24Cm.

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the utillization of its waters. London:
Constable, 1952.
Xv, 326 p. : illus., 22.1

Hutchinson, Thomas J .
Ten years'wonderings among The
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Ten Years wandering among the
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Hurstand Blackett; 1861.
Xx, 329p. : 23Cm.

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341p. : illus, maps., 22.5Cm.

I.E.A Comando Superiore A.O., Stato
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destinato in Africa Orientale Asmara. M.
Fioretti, 1935.
109p. : 19.5Cm.

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L 'Afrique mouvante une randonne
outombile senstionnelle en Tunisie- Libya-
Uganda et Congo Belge.- ( 3. Ed). Bruxelles:
Impr. Leempole printer, 1955.
280p. : illus; 19.5Cm.

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Rivista di diritto colinale.- Roma: Cologna,
Iv, 307-557p. : 24.3Cm.

Ilma, Viola
The Political Virgin/ Viola Ilma.- New
York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce,
Ix, 180p. : 21Cm.

Imperial College
Ethiopia expedition 1965: Final report.-
London: Imperial College, 1965.
Iv, 241p. : ill; photo; 27Cm.

Indrias Getachew
Beyand the throne: the enduring langacy
of emperor Haile Selassie.- Addis Ababa:
Shama Books, 2001.
156p. : ill; photos, 21Cm.

Indrias Getachew
Beyond the Therne: the endnring Iegacy
of emperor Haile Selassie I/ by Indriss
Getachew & forwarded by Harold Marcus.-
A.A: Shama Books, 2001.
156p. : photographs; 21Cm.

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I nostri amici inglest.- Roma:
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72p. : 20.5Cm.

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threates 1869-1879/ edited by
sven rubenson.- Addis ababa: University
press, 2000.
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Rubenson.- Addis Ababa University
Press, c. 2000.
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The Invention of Aomalia/ edited
by Ali J imale Ahmed.- NJ : red sea
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Italia In Ethiopia
L'Italia in Ethiopia: Dal Mareb ad Addis
Ababa.- Roma: Ed. Di Novissima, 1936.
188p. : 23.5Cm.

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Annuario dell Africa Italiana e delle isole
Italiane dell egeo 1938-39 a xvi-xvii Ro, a:
Societa an tipografica castaldi, 1939.
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La Campagna 1935-36 in Africa
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Relazione sull'attivita svolta per l'esigenza
A.O. Roma: Tatto Poligrfic dello Stato, xv,
Viii, 261. : 27.5Cm.

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Italy, Reale Societa Geografica Italliana
L'Africa Orientale. Con 5 carte fuori Testo
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Fosterlands Stifelsens Bokforlage, 1935.
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apostolique de L'Abyssinie. Paris: Cnez
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Holding Aloft the Banner of Ethiopia/
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X, 406p. : 23Cm.

J ansen, Pietro Gerarado
Abissinia di Oggi Viaaggio in Ethiopia.
7 Ed. Nilano: Marangoni, 1935-XIII.
253p. : illus. Maps., 19.5Cm.

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The Mad Mullah of Somalil and
( Secretary to the administration,
Somaliland, 1916-21).- London: Herbert
Henkins, 1923.
Xiv, 336p. : illus, maps, 21.3Cm.

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Alfred Milner. Tradotto dell'inglese dal
cap. Mario Quercia. Roma: Sindacato
Italiano Artigrafiche, 1928.
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J ennings, J .W. and Addison, C.
With the Abyssinians in Somaliland.-
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1905.
Xii, 265p. : illus; map; 23Cm.

J enny, Hans
Athiopien. Land im aufbruch/ Hans
J enny.- Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-
Anstalt, c. 1957.
268p. : folded ; map, photos; 21Cm.

J esman, Czeslaw
The Ethiopian Paradox.- London:
Oxford Uni, press, 1963.
Vi, 82p. : maps; 18.4Cm.

J ohnston, Charles
Travels in Southern abyssinia, through
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Shoa.- London: Madden an Co. ; 1844.
492p. : illus., maps; 22Cm.

J ohnsen, Donald C.
Lucy : The beginings of human kind
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409p. : illus., photo, 24Cm.

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Prince of Abyssinia/ edited by George
Birkbeck Hill.- London: Oxford University
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183 p. : 16Cm.

J ohnston, Harry
The Nile quest: a record of the
exploration of the Nile and its Basin/ by
Harry J ohnston.- London: Alston Rivers,
Xv, 327p. : ill; map; photo; 23Cm.

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London: Lqwrence & Bullen, / ? /.
341p. : 18Cm.

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Deux and dans l'Afrique Orientale. Tours:
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384p. : illus, maps., 22.5Cm.

J oneaux, Emile
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Clarendon Press, 1962.
Viii, 196p. : illus; map; 19Cm.

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Delavaud Paris: Payot, 1935.
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J .L Krapf Detailing their proceedings in
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parts of Abyssinia in the years 1839, 1840,
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and J ourneys in Other parts of Abyssinia,
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Xvi, 166p.: illus., 19.4Cm.

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Kamil, J urad
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116p. : illus., maps. 21.3Cm.

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196p. : illus; 24.6Cm.

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Geographe D'Egypte, 1935.
Vol. 1-2 36Cm.

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Vi 202p. : illus; 23.2Cm.
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Steven Kaplan.- New York: New York
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Xi, 231p. : map, 24Cm.

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der salbinfet des sinai. Berlin: 1852.
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Chez La Reine De Saba Charonique
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texte de Hans Leuenberger.- Paris: Elsevier,
c. 1958.
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Hans Leuenberger.- Zurich: Stauffacher-
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Milano: Treves, 1885.
Viii, 314p. : 18.5Cm.

Lieberenz, Paul
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culture. New Haven: HRAF press, 1962.
376 p. : illus, 21.5Cm.

Lischi, Dario
Nell'impero liberato.- Paris: Nistri-Lischi,
304p. : illus; 22Cm.

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Roma: Istituto poligragico dello Stato,
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Abessinien Berlin: Karl Curtius, 1916.
Xi, 44p. : 21.5Cm.

Lkein, Fritz
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A voyage to Abyssinia/ by J erome Lobo.-
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Davidson.- Trenton: The Red Sea press
Inc; 1988.
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Sheba's Heirs. '' qshington:
Acropolis Books,c. 1970.
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Lubinski, Kurt
Abessinie: Land en volk/ Kurt
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expedition Zu Zweien Leipzing; Buchwer
Kstatten, 1929.
147p. : illus, 21Cm.

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de J acobis. Pref. Di piero Bargellini. Roma:
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Abessinia. London: Samuel Smith
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Luongo, Giuseppe
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conquista dell'Impero. Napoli: Ed. C.L.E.T.,
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Luther, Ernest W
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Maccreagh, Gordon
The last of Free Africa. 2. Ed. New York:
London: Appleton- Century, 1935.
Xxii, 372p. : illus., maps; 20.5Cm.

Macdonald, J . F.
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Viii, 213p. : map., 20.5Cm.

Macfie, J , W. S
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British Amblance service in Ethiopia.
Liverpool: London: U.P., Hodder and
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Xii, 123p. : illus., map.; 22Cm.

Maclean, Roblnson
J ohn Hoy of Ethiopia. New York:
Farrar & Rinehart, 1936.
Xv, 264p. : illus., 21Cm.

Magistris, De L.F.
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Roma: La Libreria dello Stato, 1936.
95p. : illus, 24.5Cm.

Makin, William J .
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Makin, William J
War over Ethiopia. London: J arrolds,
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( Napoli) : Chiurazzi, 1935.
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Mannert, Ronard
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Mannert .- Leipzig: P.H.U., 1825.
Xvi, 631p; 21Cm.

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Marchal, Louis and Berlan, E.
Le Bassin du Nil.- Alexandrie: Societe
de pub. Egyptiennes-S.A.E., 1954.
217p. : illus; maps, 21.1Cm.

Marchese, Aldo
G.M. Giulietti/ Aldo Marchese.-
Milano: Italica Editoriale, 1938.
. 242p. : photos, maps; 24Cm.

Marcus, Harold G. C
Haile Sellassie I: The Formative years
1892-1936/ Harled Marcus G.- Berkelay:
University of CCalformia press, 1987.
Xv, 242p. : ill.; 26Cm.

Marcus, Harold G.
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Xxii, 242p. : 24Cm.

Marcus, Harold G.
A History of Ethiopia/ by Harold G.
Marcus.- Berkeley: University of California
press, 1994.
Xv, 261p. : maps, photographs; 23Cm.
Maria Di Piemonte
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180p. ; illus, 19Cm.

Marinetti, F.T.
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319p. : 18.5Cm.

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Col mio battaglione Nella guerra
abissina Bologna: Tip . Aldina Ed.
256p. : illus, 25Cm.

Marino, Antonio
Moschetto e gravina sino al cuore
abissino, Bologna: Tip. Aldina Editrice,
189p.: illus, 24.5Cm.

Maridotti, Delio
In Armi sulle Ambe. Milano: '' La Prora',
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Class and revolution in Ethiopia/ John
Markakis and Nega Ayele.- Trentoon: The
fRed Sea press, 1986.
191p. : Maps; 22Cm.

Markakis, J ohn
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Addis Ababa: Oxford University press, 1975
404p. : illus; 21.5Cm.

Markham, Clemants R.
A History of the Abyssinian Expedition/
Clemants R Markham.- London: Macmillan,
Xii, 434p. : cartes., 23Cm.

Markos, Retta.
Organic Ethiopia: reflections on its
Search , Confusion and way-out/ by
Markos Retta.- Ethhiopia: artisting printing
enterprise, / N.D/.
193p. : 20Cm.

Marino Antonio
Italia ed Abissinia. IlPassatoil
presente-le speranze. Bengasi: Azzaro,
279p. : maps. 20.5Cm.

Marsden - Smedley, Philip
A far country. Travels in Ethiopia/
Philip Marsdem- Smedley.- London:
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Century, c. 1990.
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Martelli, George
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repudiation of the league & her conquest of
Abyssinia London: Chatto and windus,
Xii, 316p. : bib,: bub. P. 309. Amps.,

Martens, Otto and Kerstedt, O.
Arika. Ein handbuch fur wirtschaft und
reise, hrsg. Auf anregung der deutscher
Afrika-Linien. Vierte Auflage. Berlin:
Reimer, Andrews & Steiner, 1938.
Vol, 1, 2 maps and plans, 17Cm.

Martinelli, Renzo
Sund. Rapporto di un Viaggio in
Eritsea ed in Etiopia. Firenze: Vallecchi,
566p. : illus, map., 19Cm.

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Cose Affricane, da saati ad abba
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Maritin, Ferdinando
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Lucchesi. Iralis: Vallecchi, 1941.
Vol. 1&3

Martini, Ferdinando
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Commissario civile Dep. Ferdinando Martini,
per gli esercizi 1902-1907 Roma: Tip.
Della Camera dei Deputati, 1913.
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I Miei Trentscinque Anni Ddinell Alta
Ethiopia. Memorie Stonche. Roma: Societa
Tipagrafica A. Manzio: 1925.
Vol. 5-8 24Cm.

Massaja, Gugilelmo
Mis treinta y cinco anos de mision en la
Alta Etiopia. Memorias del Emmo. Senor
Cardenal Fray Guillermo Massaie igo:
Artes graficas RIAL, 1934.
Vol. 1 22cm.

Mathew, David
Ethiopia. The Study of apolity 1540-
1935. London: Eyre & spottis-woode, 1947.
Ix, 254p. illus., 22Cm.

Matteucci, R.
L'Italia nell'africa orientale. ( Un
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cacopardi, 1935.
78p. : 18.5Cm.

Matthews, Herbert
Eyewittness in abyssinia. With
Marshal Badoglio's forces to Addis Ababa:
London: Martin Secker& Warburg, 1937.
Ix, 319.: illus., photos.; 22Cm.

Mattioli, Guido
L'Aviazione fascista in A. O. Con 124
Tavole fuori testo.- Roma: Editrice
'L'Avazione,' 1935.
382p. : illus; 21.2Cm.

Matucci, Mario
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Faris: Edizioni Sansoni Antiquariato, 1962,
123p. Maps. 25.5Cm.

Maydon, H.C.
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J enkins, 1931.
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record of travel and sport in Abyssinia with
some account of the sacred City of Aksum
and the ruins of Gondar London: Witherby,
244p. : illus, maps., 22.5Cm.

Mayo, Earl.
Sport in Abyssinia/ Earl Mayo.-
London: J ohn Murray, 1876.
X, 252.: ill; 21Cm.

Mazzucconi, Ridolfo
La Giornatadi Adua 1896.- Milano:
Mondadori, 1935.
349p. : illus, maps., 19.5Cm.

Mccann, J ames
From poverty to famine in North East
Ethiopia. A Rural history 1900-1935/
Mccann J ames.- phildelphia: University of
pennsylvania press, c. 1987.
Clv, 227p. :maps, photos, 24Cm.

Mcclellan, Charlew W.
State trasformation and
nationalintegration: Gedeo and the Ethiopian
empire, 1895-1935/ Mcclellan Charles
Michigan:African Studies center 1988.
194p. : 24cm.

Memoriale Italian a Ginerva Su la
Situazione in Ethiopia Teso integralecon
documenti fotografici e 2 cartine a colori.-
Roma: Edizioni '' Ardita', ( 1935).
195p. : illus; maps, 21.5Cm.

Mengistu, Gobezie
Lalibela and Yimerhane Kirstos; the
living witnesses of Zagwe Dynasty.- Kasis
G/Egziabher Baye, c. 2004.
Iv, 125p. : illus; picture, maps, 20.5Cm.
Mennevee, R.
Les origines du conflit Italo- Ethiopien et
la societe des Nationas des incidents de Oual-
Oual a l'agression italienne. ( Novenbre 1934
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379p. : maps, 28Cm.

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sous menelik. 2
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Vol III,XXV, 635p. : 22Cm.

Merab, J .
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( L'Abyssinie Sous Menelik II).

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Impressions D'Ethiopiae L'Abyssinie
sous Menelik J Vo II, Paris , 1922.
IX, 278p. : 22Cm.

Merab. J .
Impressions D thiopie
( L'Abyssinie sous Menelik II) /J. Merab.-
paris: H.Libert, 1921.
Vol. I, XV, 300p. : photos, 22Cm.

Merab, Paul
Impressions d'Ethiopie 'L'Abyssinie Sons
Menelik II)Paris: lLeroux, 1921-1922.
Tome l and 2. 22.5Cm.

Merera Gudina
Ethiopian Competing ethnic Nationalisms
and the quest for democdsracy, 1960-2000/by
Merera Gudina.- Nethelands:
Shaker publishing; 2003.
Xix, 248p. : maps; ill; 24Cm.

Mertens, Robert
Eduard Ruppell, Leben und werk
Eines forschungsreisenden.
Franlfurt:Waldemar Kramer, 1949.
388p. illus., 24.5cm.

Mesfin W/Mariam
An Atlas of Ethiopia. Addis ababa:
Poligrafico, 1970.
X, 84p. maps, 27Cm.

Mesfin Wolde-Mariam
The Horn of Africa Conflict and
poverty/ by Mesfin Wolde-Marsam.- Addis
ababa: Commercial printing, 1999.
X, 224p. : ills; 21Cm.

Mesfin Wolde-Mariam
An introductory geography of
Ethiopia.- Addis Ababa: Berhanena Selam
H.S.I. Printing press, 1972.
Viii, 215p. ; maps, tables, 24Cm.

Mesfin Wolde-Mariam
Somlia the problem child of Africa.-
Addis ababa: A.A.U Artistic printing press,
80p. : 20Cm.

Messay Kebede
Survival and moderaization: Ethiopia's
Emigmlic present Ethiopia's Emigmalic
present A Philosophical discars.- Messay
Kebede.- Asmara: The Red Sea Press Inc,
Xxiii; 460p. ; 23cm.

Methodology and African Prehistory
J . Ki-Zerbo.- California: The University
of California: The University of Califonia
press; UNESCO, c.1981.
xxvii, 819p. : maps, figures, plates,

Methodology and African Prehstory
J . Ki-zerbo.- Abriasgrd edition.-
California: University of Califonia press;
Unesco, c1990.
Xviii, 349p. : maps, diagrams, ill,

M., Herbert
For God dand Emperor/ by Herbert M
and Della Hanson.- Mountain View,
California: Pacific press publishing
Association, 1958.
Vi, 188p. : ill: photo; 22Cm.

Micacci, Rodlfo
Africa Italiana, Rivista distora & d'Arte
la kCura Del Ministero Delle edonie.
Bergamo, Instisuto Italianoo. 1927-1933.
Vol. 1-5.

Micaletti, Raffaelo
Sangue Italiano in Ethiopia. Con Prefdi
Eugenio Coselschi.- Frenze: Vallecchi, 1933.
Xv, 224p. : illus; 19.5Cm.

Middletion , Dorothy
Baker of the Nile.- London: The Fal Con
press, 1949.
280p. : illus; maps, 22Cm.

Milano, Istituto per gli S.P.
Il Cdonflitto Italo- Etiopico. Document
Milano: Istituto per gli studi di politica
Internazionale. 1935.
Vol. 2. 26.5Cm.

Miland. Instituto per Gli S.P. I.
Il Conflitto Italo- Etiopico documenti
Milano: Instituto per gli studi di polictit
Internazionale, 1935.
Vol. 1-2. 26.6Cm.

Milano. Istituto per gli s. di P.I.
The Italian empire in Africa, Present and
future. Ilano: Istitue for Studies of
International Politics, 1936.
35p. : 20Cm.

Milano. Istituto per gli Studi di
Political Internazionale
Breve Storia del Conflitto italoetiopico
attraverso I documenti. Milano: Istituto per
gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, 1936.
173p. : illus, 21Cm.

Ministere de L'' Information
La Liberation en marche
L'Administration Mulitaire Britannique en
Erythree et en Somalie De 1941 A 1943.
Londres: His Majesty's Stationary office,
70 p., illus, 23Cm.

Ministry of foreign affairs
Eritrea then and now A.A., Birhanena
selam, 1976.
31p. : illus; map; 26Cm.

Ministry of Information
The Abyssinia Compaisn, The ophcial
Stury of the Confuest of Italian cast Africa.
143p.: illus, photos.; 24Cm.

Ministry of Information Ethiopia
Ethiopia: facts and fignres.- Addis
Ababa: S.n: 1960.
Iv, 65p. : ill map., 16Cm.

Miscellane Abessinica. Preecious
megazine 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925,
1926, 1927, 1920, 1930.
No. p, 25Cm.

Missione Cattolica dei pardi Cappuccini
La missione dei frati minori Cappuccini
inn Eritrea, Documentazione fotografica
1894-1954.- Asmara: 1955.
Illus; 24Cm.

Mitchell, L.H.
Report on the seizure by the Abyssinian
of the Geological and mineralogical
research expedition attached to the General
Staff of the Egyptian Army. Cairo: Printing
Office of the General Staff, 1878.
X, 125p. : illus., map; 23.5Cm.

Mitchell, Philip
African After thoughts.- London,
Eutchinson Statford place, 1954.
Xix, 281p. : 23Cm.

Mittlhozer, Walter
Abessinien-Flug. Mit dem
drelmotorigen Fokker and den Hof des
Negus Negesti Zurich Verlag A.G..
Schweizer Aerorevue, 1934..
95p. : illus, 25.5Cm.

Mockler, Antony
Haile Sellassie's war: The Italian-
Edthiopian Campaign, 1935-41/ Antony
Mockler.- New York: Random House,
Xx, 454p. : maps, photos; 24Cm.

Mockler,, Anthonyy
Haileselassie's War.- Oxford: Signal
books, 2003.
Xxxxii, 454p. : map; 23Cm.

Modica, Giovanni di
Cinghia. Scarpe in A.O. Torino: Libr. A.
Mariano, 1937.
177p. : 21Cm.

Mohammed Hassen
The Oromo of Ethiopia. A history 1570-
1860/ Mohammed Hasson.- Cambridge:
Cambridge University press, c. 1990.
Xviii, 253p. : maps; 23Cm.

Mohammed Hassen
The Oromo of Ethiopia: A History of
Ethiopia 1570-1860/ Mohmmed Hasssen.-
New J ersy: The red sea press, c 1994.
Xviii, 253p. : 24Cm.

Mohr, J ack
Hyenas in my bedroom. South
Brunswick/ J ack Mohr.- New York: Barnes
& co., London: Thomas Yoseloff Ltd., 1969.
273p. : illus; 21.5Cm.
Mondaini, Gennaro
La legislazione Coloniale Italiana nel suo
sviluppo storice e nel suo stato attuale ( 1881-
1940). Milano: Istituto per gli studi di politica
Intenazionale, 1941.
Vol. 2. 17Cm.

Mondon-Vidailhet, C
Chronique de Theodoros II. Roi de: des
Rois d'Ethiopie ( 1953-1968). Paris: E.
Guilmoto, N.D.
96p. : 20Cm.

Mondon- Vidailhet, G.
Chronnique De Theodors II Roi Des Rois
D'Ethiopie ( 1853-1868).- Paris: E. Guilmoto,
Vii, 63p. : xiv, 96p.: 19Cm.

Moonfreid, Henry de
Abdi, l'homme a la main coupee. Paris:
Bernard Grasset, 1937.
258p. : 19Cm.

Monfreeid, Henry de
Aventures De Mer/ Henry De Monfreid.-
paris: Bernard Grasset, 1950.
281p. : ill; 19Cm.

Monfreld, Henry De.
La crocdiera Del Hascis Tradzione dal
francered: Adologo Borgo. Milano, Omero
Marangon,. 1939.
269p. : 18Cm.

Monfreid, Henry de
La Guerra nell'Ogaden, Tr. Da Decio
Cinti e angelo Treves 2. Ed. Milano: S.A
Ed.Genio, 1937.
231p. : illus, 22Cm.

Monfreid, Henry de
Le drame ethiopien, Paris: Bernard
Grasset, 1935.
245p. : illus, 19Cm.

Monfreid, Henry De
Le lepreux. ( 5. E tirage). Paris:
Bernard Grasset, 1935.
301p. : ullus, 18.5Cm.

Monfreid, Henry De
L'enant sauvage, Paris: Bernard
Grasset, 1938.
251p. : 19Cm.

Monfrid, Henery de
Menelik tel qulil fut . paris: Bernard
Grasset, 1954.
254p. : illus. 21Cm.

Monfreid, Henery de
L'avion noir Illustre de 16 horstexte en
heliogravure. Paris: Bernard Grasset,
( 1936).
212p. : illus, 19.5Cm.

Monfreid, Henery de
Le masque d'or , ou: Le derier Negus.
Paris: Bernard Grasset, 1936.
254p. : 19Cm.

Monfreid, Henery de
Le guerriers de l'Ogaden. 3. Ed. Paris:
Gallimard, 1936.
344p. : illus, carte., 19Cm.

Monfreid, Henry de
Les Lionnes d'or D'Ethiopie. Paris:
Robert Laffont, ( 1964).
281p. : 20.5 Cm.

Monfreid, Henery de
Le serpent de Cheil Hussein. Souvenits
et legendes. Paris: Tisne. 1937.
192p. : illus., 19Cm.

Monfreid, Henery de
Luece sull Abissinia. Con 16 tavole
fuori testo.- Milano: S.A. Ed. Genio,
( 1935).
211p. : illus; 25.5Cm.

Monfreid, Henery de
Vers les terres hostiles de L'Ethiopie.-
Paris: Bernard Grasset,
( 1953).
Iv, 259p. : illus; 21cm.

Monfreid, Henery de
Vers les terres hostiles de 'Ethiopie.- Bois
originaux de Clement Serveau. Paris: J.
Ferencai et Fils, 1939.
158p. : illus., 21Cm.

Monfreid, Henery de
Vers les terres osti;I dell'Abessinia. 5.
Ed. Milano: S.A.Ed. Genio, 1936.
222p. : illus; maps; 23Cm.

Monmarson, Raoul
Chez les Clients de la Mer Rouge /
Raoul Monmarson.- Paris: Editions Francex
236p. : 18Cm.
Monore, Elizabbeth
A history of Ethiopia.- London Oxford
Univeisy press, revised in 1955-1960.
196p. : 14Cm.

Montanelli, Indro
Xx Battaglione Eritreo. ( Milano):
Panorama, 1936.
226p. : 18Cm.

Moorhead, Alan
The Blue Nile London: Dell Book,
Xii, 318 p. ; 16Cm.

Moorehead alan
The Blue Nile. London: Hamish
Hamilton, 1962.
xii. 308p. : 22Cm.

Moorhead, Alan
The Blue Nile London: Four Square,
318p. ; 16Cm.

Moorehead, Alan
Le Nil Bleu:- Paris: Presses de la cite, c.
312p. : illus; Map; 21.4cm.

Moorehead, Alan
The White Nile/ Alan Moorehend.-
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1960.
385p. : 22Cm.

Moorehead, Alan
The White nile/ Alen Moorehead.-
New York: Dell publising Co,, Inc., C.
415p. : ill.; 17Cm.

Morie, L.J
Les Civilisations Afrcans; His toire de
L'ethiopie Vol-, 1904.
494p. : 12Cm.

Morie, L.J
Les Civilisations Afrcaines; Histaire de
L'Ethiopie Voll, 1904.
513p. : 12Cm.

Morris, J ames
The road to Huddersfield. A Journey to
five Continents/ J ames Morris.- New
York;: Pantheon books, 1963.
Xi, 235p. : illus; maps, 22Cm.

Mosley, Leonard
Gideon goes to war. London: Arthur
Barker, 1955.
256p. : illus, 20Cm.

Mosley, Leonard
Halieselassie the confuring Lion.-
London;: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, C.
306p. : illus; map; 22Cm.

Mrotta, Renato
L'Ethiopia nella luce di Roma. 2 ed.
Torino: Vogliotti, 1938-XVI.
203p. : illus; 24.5Cm.

Muhlen, LeoVon Zur
Im Banne des athiopischen
Hochlandes. Zweite erweiterte Auflage.-
Berlin-Schone berg: peter J. Oestergaard
G.M.B.H., ( 1935).
352p. : illus; 21Cm.

Mulatu, Wubneh
Ethiopia: Transition and Development
in the Horn of Africa/ by Mulatu, Wubneh
and Yohannis Abate.- London: Westview
press, C. 1988.
224p. : photos, tables, maps; 24Cm.

Muller, otto
Rings Um den Tschertscdher.
Wanderfahrten in Abessinien. Selbstverlag
des Verfassers.- Hannover: Buchdruckerei
Willy Hahn, 1926.
188p. : illus; 18.5Cm.

Mungal, Njeroge
The Inndependent Nations of Africa.-
Nairobi: ACME Press, 1967.
352p. : illus; Maps, 28Cm.

Munzenberger, Ubessin
Abessinlen und ieine bede utung for
Uniere best; 1892.
160p. : 16Cm.

Murad Kamil
Das land des negus/ Murad Kamil.-
Innsbruc: Inn-Verlag, 1953.
116p. : map. Folded map., photos, ill,

Murdock, George peter
Africa its peoples and their Culture
history.- New York: Mcgraw- Hill, 1959.
X, 756p. : Bib. P. 422-424. Illus, Maps;

Murphy, Dervla
In Ethiopia with a mule/ Dervla Murphy.-
Flamingo, 1994.
286p. : 20Cm.

Murphy, Ddervla
In Ethiopia with a mule/ Dervla
Murphy.- London: J ohn Murray, 1968.
Xi, 281p. : map; photo; 23Cm.

Murray, Alexander
Account of the life and curitings of
J ames Bruce/ by Alexander Murray.-
Edinburgh: George Ramsay and Company,
Xiii, 504p. : map; 31Cm.

Murray. J acoby, Catherine.
On Special Mission to Abyssinia;
illustrated/ by Catherine Murray J acoby.-
New York: Argus graphic arts service, 1933.
Ii, 141p.: photo; 24Cm.

Mussolini, Benito
La fondazione dell'impero nei discorsi
del duec alle grandi adunate del popolo
italiano, con una traduzione latina di nicola
festa.- Napoli: Ed. Rispoli Anonima
49p. : illus; 23.5Cm.

Mussolini, Vittorio
Boli sulle Ambbe.- Firenze: Sansoni,
154p. : illus; 25.5Cm.

Myatt, Frederick
The March to magdala, the Abyssinian
war of 1868/Frederic mayatt.- London: Leo
copper; 1970.
206p. : ill; maps; 25Cm.

My life and Ethiopia: Progress, 1892-
1937: Hailesellasse I; edited and
anotated by Harold Marcus with Ezekiel
Gebissa and Tibebe Eshete.- Michigan,
Michigan university press, 1994.
190 p. : photo, 24Cm.

Maldon I- centenari, N
Politica coloniale D'Impero. Da
cavour a Mussolini.- Roma: Centenari via
dell Consolazione, C. 1935.
325p. : 24Cm.

Nanni, Ugo
Che cose e l'Ethiopia/ Ugo Nanni. 2
ed.- Millano: Gincomo Agnelli S.A. 1935-
294p. : foolded map; photos, 20Cm.

Napier , Henry Dundas
Field-Marshal lord Napier of
Magdalla.- London: Arnold & co., 1937.
Xi, 348p. : illus; maps; 22Cm.

Mapier, H.D.
Letters of field-Marshal lord
Napier of magdala, Concerning Abyssinia,
Egypt, India, South Af Norwich.- London:
J arrols, Simpkin Marshall, 1936.
Viii, 181p. : illus; 22.5Cm.

Nelson , Kethleen and Alan, Sullivan
J ohn Melly of ethiopia. London: Faber,
284p. illus., maps. 20Cm.

Nemours, Alfred
Craignos, d'etre un jour l'Ethiopie de
quelqu un. Conflititalo- Ethiopien 1935.
Port-au-princo, Haiti: Impre. du college
Vertiers, 1945.
82p. : 22Cm.

Nara, Cocmicia (Rieropedrazza).
L'eden dei Ras Fuggenti 80 Bombe a
manocomtro gli andlo-societari. Bologua
lincinio cappelli, 1936.

Nerazzini, Di cesare
La conquista musslmana dell'Ethiopia nel
Secolo xvi.- Roma: Forzani E.C. Topografi
del senatc, 1891.
Xxviii, 174p. : map; 24Cm.

Nesbitt, L.M.
Abyssinia Unveiled desert and voresr.-
Paris: Hamburg, Bologna, 1935.
260p. : 18Cm.

Nesbittt, Ludovico M.
Desert and Fforest. The Exploration of
Abyessinian Dankil.- London: J onathancape,
450p. : illus; 20.5Cm.

Nesbitt, Ludovico m
Desert and Forest, The Exploration of
Abyssinian Dankill.- Harmondsworth:
Penguin books, 1955.
336p. : maps ; 18Cm.

Nesbitt, L.M.
Hell. J ole of creation, The Exploration of
Abyssinian Dankil.- New York: Alfreed A
Knopt, 1935.
X, 382p. : illus; 22.5Cm.

Nesbitt, Lunndovico M
La Dancalia esplorata. (Ethiopia
Orientale) 2. Ed.- Firenze: Bemporad
Xii, 469p. : illus., map. 22.5Cm.

Neubacher, Hermann
Die festung der lowen. Athiopien
Vol Saloman bis fur gegenwst/ Hermann
Neugacher.- Bireisgau: walter-verlag, 1959.
272p. : maps photographs, 22Cm.

Neuhaus, virginia
Nella piu Lontanan terra dell'Impero.-
Bologns: L. Cappelli, 1937.
289p. : illus, 20Cm.

Newman, E.W. Polson
Italy's conquest of Abyssinia.- London:
Butterworth , 1937.
316p. : illus; mape; 22.5Cm.

Newman, E.W. Polson
The New abyssinia, London: Rich &
cowan,, 1938.
283p. : illus, map., 22Cm.

Newman, Polson
Ethiopian Relitie.- London: Allen &
Unwin, 1936.
134p. : illus; map; 19Cm.

Newton, Isac
A short relation of the river Nile of its
source and current.- London: Royal
Society, 1971
Xi, 115p. : 20Cm.

Nicol, Clive
From the roof Africa/ Clive Nicol.-
London: Hodder and staughton, c. 1971.
361p. : illus; 24.4Cm.

Niven, Rex
Nine GreatAfridons London Bell and
Sons, Ltd., 1964
Xiv, 174p. : illus., 22.5Cm.

Nomado, Riccardo
Abissinia di Riccardo Nomade /
Nemado Riccardo.- Napoli.- An. Chiurazzi
and F; 1935-Xlll.
60p. : map, photos, 21Cm.

Nolen, Barbara
Ethiopia.- London: Watts,
88p. : illus; map; 22.2Cm.

Norden, Hemann
Africa's last Empire: through
Abyssinia to lake Tana and the country of
the Falasha/by Hermann Norden.- London:
H.F&G. witherby, 1930.
240p. : ill; map; 23Cm.

Norden, Hermann
Durch Abessinien and Erythraa.- Berlin:
Scherl, ( N.D.).
202p. : illus; map; 20Cm.

Norden, Hermann
Le dernier Empiro Africaim: En
Abyssinie relation dun voyage de La Mer
Rouge all Soudan. Paris: payot, 1930.
191p. : illus, 22.5Cm.

Norden, Hermann
Le dernier Empire Africain: En
Abyssinie relation d'un voyage de la Mer
dRouge au Soundan, Paris: payot, 1935.
191p.: illus, 22.5Cm.

Norden, Hermann
K'ultimo Impero afffricano
( Abissinia).- Milano: '' Alpes'' , 1931.
277p. : illus; 19Cm.

Nordfelddt, Martin
Abessiniens guldland. Illustrerad
Stockholm: Evangeliska Fosterlands-
Stifdteldsens Bokforlag, 1936.
146p. ;: illus; 19.5cm.

Onerti, Eugenio
L'Impero Italiano. Firenze: Novissima
Enciclopedia mongrafica, 1939.
64p. : illus, 23.2Cm.

Odorizzi, Dante
Colonia Eritrea. II Commissariato Regino
nale Massaua. Asmara, Tipografia filoretti &
Beltrami, 1911.
266p. : illus, 24Cm.

Ohrwalder, J oseph
Ten years captivity in the mahdi's camp
1882-1892.- London: Sampson low,
marston& Company, 1892.
460p. : map; photo; 23Cm.

Oliver, Roland and Caroline,
Africa in the days of Exploration. U.S.A:
prentice-Hall, c. 1965.
151p. : 20.1Cm.

O'Kane, Rosemary
Reigns of terror kin the Ethiopian and
Iranian revolitions/ Rosemary O'Kane.- SL.:
Keele University; 1995.
27p. : 20Cm.

O'mahoney Kevin
The Ebullient phoenix A History of the
vicariate Abyssinia 1839-1916/ Kenin
Omahoney.- Addis ababa: Unite printers;
347p. : ill; 21Cm.

Opere per ;'organizzazione
Civile in Africa Orientale Italiana.-
Addis Ababa : A.O. I., ( N.D).
266p. : illus; 21.1Cm.

Ora, Fidenzio dall
Inntdendenza in A.O. 64 illustrazioni in
rotocalco fouri testo e lll grafici a nero e a
colori. Roma: lst. Naz. Fascista di Cultura,
Viii, 326p. : illus., 22.5Cm.

Orano, Paolo
Mussolini foundarore dell'Impero
Roma: Casa Editrice Pinciana, 1936.
203p. : illus., 21.3Cm.

Orano, Paolo
Rodolfo Graziani, Gednerale
Scipionoco. 2. Ed. Roma: Gasa ed.
Pinciana, 1936.
64p. : 19Cm.

Orsini, P. D'Agostino
Che Cosa e L'Africa iii del delta del nilo
all acrocoro Ethiopico. Roma: Cremonese,
Viii, 332p. : maps., 25Cm.

Ottolenghi, F
Abissinia. Impressioni di viaggio
Milano: '' Mediolanum ', 1936.
129p. : illus; 18.5Cm.

Ouannou, J ane et J ean
L'Ethiopie. Pilote de lfrique / J ane et
J ean O.- Paris: G.P. Maisonreuve and
Larose, 1962.
178p. : map, 2oCm.

Owen , Dyddgu
Ethiopia ( Hanes taith ) / Dyddgu
owen.- Dyfed; Christopher Davis, 1974.
111p. : ill; photos, 22Cm.

Pace, Biagio
L'Impero e la Collaborazione
internazionale in Africaa. Roma: Istituto
Nazional di Ciltura Fascista, 1938.
63p. : 21.5Cm.

Pais, Pero
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Codice coevo inedito da biblioteca publica
de Braga. ( Porto): Libraria Civilizaczo,
Vol. 1-3 26Cm.

Pakenham, Thomas
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Ethiopian adventure/ by Thomas
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Nicalson, 1998.
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Parkenham, Thomas
The Mountains of Rasselas: an
Ethiopian adventure/ by Thomas
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Nicolson, 1959,
192p. : ill; photo; 22Cm.

Pankhurst, Helen
Gener, development and identity. An
Ethiopian study/ Helen Pankhurst.- London;
New J ersey: Zed Books, C. 1992.
216p. : maps, tabs; 21Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
The ethiopian Border lands: Essays in
regional history from ancient times to the end
of the 18
Centary/ Richard Pankhurst.- NJ:
Red Sea press, 1997.
Vii, 489p. ; 23Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard & Ingrams, Leila
Ethiopia engraved: An illustrated
Catalogue of engravings by foreign travellers
from 1681 to 1900/ Richard pankhurst &
Leila ingrams.- London: Regen paul
international, 1988.
214p. : map; photos; 28Cm.

Pankurst, Richard
The Ethiopians : a history/ Richard
Pankhurst.- Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Ltd, 2001.
Ix, 299p. : iils., 23Cm.

Pankurst, Richard
Ethiopia photographed : Historic
Photographs of the Country and its people
taken between 1867-1935/ by Richard
Pankurst and Denis Gerard.- London: J .J .
Press, 1996.
168p. : photos; 28Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard K.P.
The Ethiopia Royal Chronicles.- Addis
ababa: Oxford Uni. Press, 1967.
Xvii, 210p. : illus; map 18.5Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
History of Ethiopia. Teaching Notes.-
Addis Ababa: Berhanena Selam Printing
press, 1970.
142p. : Bib.p. 129-133. Illus; 24Cm.

Pankhurst, Rechard
Italian Settlement Policy in Eritrea andits
Repercussions 1889-1896.
40p. : 32Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
Let's visit Ethiopia/ Richard pankhurst.-
Canada: Burke publishing company, 1984.
95p. : Col, photos., 21Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
The Problem of Firearms in Ethiopia: -
Addis Ababa: (S.L), (N.D).
87p. : 30Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
A Social history of Ethiopia: The
Northern and Central highlands from early
medieal times to kthe rise of Emperor
Tewordors II/ Richard Pankhurst.- Addis
ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis
Ababa University printing press, 1920.
Xii, 371p. : ill; 24Cm.

Pankhurst, Richard
A Social history of Ethiopia: The
Northern and Central highlands from early
medieval times to kthe rise of Emperor
Tewordors II/ Richard Pankhurst.- Addis
ababa Addis Ababa: University Institute of
Ethiopian Studies, A.A.U Unprinting
press, 1990.
Xii, 371p. : ill; 24Cm

Pankhurst, Richard
Travellers in Ethiopia. London: Oxford
University press, 1965.
Vii, 147p. : illus., map. 18Cm.

Pankhurst, Syliva
British Policy in Eastern Ethiopia: the
Ogaden and the reserved Area/ by Sylvia
pankhurst.- England: Syliva Pankhurst,
32p. : ill.; map; 18Cm.

Pankhrst, E. Sylvia
Eritrea on the Eve: The past and future
of jtalys firstborn colony, Ethiopia's ancient
sea province. Essex: the walthamstow press
Ltd, nd.
72p. : illus, 23Cm.

Pankhurst, Sylvia
Ethiopia, a cultural history. Essex:
Lalibela House, 1955.
Xxxviii, 747 p. : illus, 23Cm.

Pankhurst, Slavia and Pankhurst, R
Ethiopia and Eritrea. The last phase of
the reunlon struggle 1941- 1952. Woodford
Green: Lalibela House, 1953.
360p. : illus; 22Cm.

Pankhurst, Sylvia
The Ethiopian People : their rights and
progress. Woodford: New Times and
Ethiopian News book department,
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64p. : illus; 22Cm.

Pankhurst, E. Sylvia
Ex-Italish Somaliland.-London: Watts,
259p. : illus; map; 21.3Cm.

Pankhurst, E. Sylvia
Ex-Italish Somaliland.-London: Watts,
460 p. : illus; map; 22Cm.

Pankhurst, Sylvia
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ports? With an historical retrospect 1557-
1952. Amd : Assmara, the heart desease of a
lovely modern city. Woodford Green: '' New
Times and Ethiopia News "' , 1952.
72p. : illus, 21Cm.

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Nela colonia eritrea. Studie e viaggi di
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fordinado martini tentto alla camera dei
deputati il 15 febbraio 1908. Illustra . to da 18
forotipie.- Milano: Treves, 1908.
399p. : illus; 19Cm.

Parisis, Dott Nicola
L'Abissinia, Milano: Alfredo Brigole,
Xiii, 162p. : 19.7Cm.

Parker, Ben
Ethiopia: Breaking New Ground Ireland,
Oxfam, 1995.
64p. : ill ; Map; photos, 24Cm.

Parkyns, Nansfield
Life in Abyssinia , being notes Collected
during three yeears'residence and travels in
that country. New York: Appletion, 1854.
Voll and 2. 20.8 Cm.

Parkyns, Mansfield
lLife in Abyssinia being notes collected
during three years'residence and travels in
that country/ Mansfield parkyns.- 2
London: J ohn Murray, 1868.
Xxviii, 446p. ill; maps; 21Cm.

Parkyns, Mansfield
Life in Abyssinia: Being notes collected
during three yeard residence and travels in
that country/ Masfield parkyns.- 2
London: Frank cass and Ltd; 1966.
Xxviii, 446p. : ill; map; 22Cm.

Parkyns, Mansfield
Life in Abyssinia being notes collected
during three years Mesidence and travels in
that Country/ by Mansfield parkyns.-
London: J ohn Murray, 1853.
Iv, 432p. ill; 23Cm.

Parrini, Enrico
Ala infranta Firenze: S.A. Arte
Tipogr. Fiorentina, 1937.
149p. : illus; 20Cm.

Partini, Ferdinando
I nostri ufficial d; Africa. Roma:
Offician poligrafica italiana. 1905.
365p. : illus, 22Cm.

Pasha, Rudolf C. salth
Fire and Sword in the Sudan, apersonal
narrative of fighting and serving the
dervishes. 1879-1995.- London, 1896.
630p. : illus; maps 24Cm.

Paturza, Michele
La Marina Mercantile eii suc
Contributo Alla Conflasta dell impero/
Michhele paturzo, Italy, 1937.
258p. : 22Cm.

Paul, M.A.
A history of the beja tribes of the sudan
cambridge, the University press, 1954.
164p. : illus, 21Cm.

Paulitschk, Philipp
Die Geographische erforschung der
Adal- Lander und Harar's in Ost Afrika.
Leipzig: Verlag Von Eduard Baldamus,
Vi, 109p. : 27.5Cm.

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Harar: Forschungsreise nsch den
somal- und Galla- landern Ost-Afrikas/ by
philipp paulitschke.- Loipzig: F.A.
Brickhaus, 1888.
Vi, 557p. : picture, tables, maps; 23Cm.

Pavolini, Alessandro
Disperata.- Firenze: Vallecchi,
318p. : illus; 22Cm.

Pearce, IVY
An Ethiopian harvest: A Collection of
experiences garnerei/ Ivy pearce.- Grat
Britain: Churchman Publishing of Worthing,
127p. : 21Cm.

Pearcee, Nathaniel
The lifdse and Adventures of Nathaniel
pearce , Written by himself during a
residence in abyssinia from the years 1810to
1819 together with Mr. Coffin's Account of
his visist to Gondar/ Nathaniel pearce.-
London: Henry Colburn and rechard Bentley;
Ix, 348p. : 20Cm.

Pearn, N.S. and vernon, B.
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and Watspn, 1937.
Xi 258p. : illus., 21Cm.

Peberdy, Max
Tipray: Ethiopia'S Untold story / by
Peberday.- London: Rest, 1985.
62p. : photos; 20Cm.

Pereira, Francisco Maria Esteves
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Ethiopia. Texto ethiopico, Lisboa: Imprensa
Nacional, 1888.
87p. : 23Cm.

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Esteves perira.- Oxford: Lisboa, 1892.
335p; 24Cm.

Perham, margery and Simmons, J ack
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Exploration . London: Penguin Books, 1943.
247p. : map. 18.2Cm.

Perham, Margery
The Government of Ethiopia/ Margery
perham.- London: Faber and Faber Limited
C. 1969.
XCI, 514 p. : 22Cm.

Perham, Margery
The Government of Ethiopia/ Margery
perham.- London: Faber and Faber limited/
Xxlll, 481p. : folded maps; tabs;

Perruchon, Jules
Les Chroniques de Zar'a Yaeqob et de
Baede Maryam, rois d'Ethiopie de 1434 a
1478. Paris: Emile Bouillon 1893.
Xl , 206p. : 24.5Cm.

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Le Regne de Galwdweos, ou
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Regne de Sarsa-Dengel ou Malak-sagad
I. ( 1563-1597).- (S.N),: (S.L.), (N.D) .
273-278p. : 23.5Cm.

Perruchon, Jules
Vie de Lalibala,Roi d'Ethiopie. Texte
Ethiopien.- Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1892.
Xivii, 164p. ;: 24Cm.

Perruchon, Jules
Vie de Lalibala, Roi d'Ethiopie. Texte
Ethiopien Paris: ernest Leroux, 1892.
Xlvii, 164p. : 24.5Cm.

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Dtoria della prima divisione eritrea.
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Prefazione del generale d'Armata Ottavio
Zoppi.- Milano: L'Eroica, 1937.
206p. : 18.5Cm.

Petriidis , s. Pierre
Le Dossier Diplomatique de la question
Lac Tana- Nil Blew. 1955.
97p. : 32Cm.

Petrides, S. Pierre
Le Heros d'Adous; Ras Makonnen,
Prince D'Ethiopie. - Paris: Plon, c. 1963.
314p. : illus., 21Cm.

Petrides, S.P.
Le livre d'or de la Dynastie
Salomomienne D'Ethiopie. Paris. Plon,
192p. : illus, 23Cm.

Philips, Wendell
Kadftaba und Saba. Entdechung der
verscho llenedn Kohigreicdhe an den
bebelischen Gewu rzstraben Arabiens
Germany, s.Fisherveriag, 1955.
306p. : illus, 23Cm.

Philipson, David W.
Anciennt Ethiopia: Aksum : Its
Antecedents dand successors / by David W.
Phillipson.- London: British Museum press,
176p. : ills; 25Cm.

Piazza , Giuseppe
All corte de Menelik. Littere dell'Ethiopia.
Ancona: Figle, 1912.
X, 219p. : 22.5Cm.

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Saba a la societe dees Nations. Paris: Plan,
Xiv, 312 p. : illus., map; 19.5Cm.

Pierre- Alyps
L'Empire des Negus de la reine de Saba la
sociedte des Nations. Paris: Plan, c. 1925.
Xiv, 307p. : illus., map; 19Cm.

Pigli , Mardio
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Riveduta ed Aggiornate de L'Etiopia
Moderna. Padpva; CEDAM, 1935-XIII.
Xvi, 189p. : 25Cm.

Piglei, Marioo
L'Etiopia nella Politica europea. 3. Ed.
Aggiorn. Con il testo di tuttii trattati ed
accordi Padova; CEDAM, 1936-XIV.
Xxiii, 286p. : 25Cm.

Pigli, Mario
Panorama del Harar, Politico, Economico
agricolo Roma: 1937.
50p. : illus., 24Cm.

Pini, Giorio
Mussolini.- Bologna: Cappellii,
( N.D.) .
255p. : illus; 18.2Cm.

Pitts, J oseph
The Redd Sea and adjacent Countries at the
closfe of dthe Seventeenth Cdentury.- /
J oseph pitts; William Daniel and Charles
J acques poncet.- edited by William Foster.-
London: the Hackluyt Society, 1949.
Xl, 192p. ; 23Cm.

Ployne , Beatrice
St. Geerge for ethiopia. Lendon:
Constable, 1954.
Xi, 2000p. : illus.; 26Cm.

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Travels in Abyssinia and the galla
Cdountry with an account of amissino to
Ras ali in 1848/ Water Chichele Plowden.-
London: Long amns, Green, and Co, 1868.
Xv, 485p. : maps; 22Cm.

Poggialli, Ciro
Albori dell'impero. L'Ethiopia come ee
come sara, con cinque carte geografiche.-
Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1938.
Viii, 525p. : maps; 22Cm.

Poinsot, J ean- Poul
Djibouti et la cote Francaise des
Somalis. Paris: Librairie Hachette,
125p. : illus., map, 27Cm.

Pollera, Alberto
L'Abissinia di ieri. Osservazioni e
ricordi. Roma: Losescher, 1940.
301p. : illus., 22Cm.

Pollera, Alberto
Le Popolaziona indigene dell'Eritrea.-
Bologna: Licinio Cappelli, 1935.
Ii, 337p. : illus; 17.2Cm.

Pollera, Alberto
Lo Stato Ethiopico e la sua Chiesa.
Roma: Milano: S.E.AI. 1926.
373p. : illus, 25Cm.

Pomilio, Marco
Con I Dubat fronte Sud, Pref. Del
Maresciallo Rodolfo Graziani. Firenze :
Vallecchi, 1937.
202p. : illus, 20Cm.

Poncet, Charles J
Voyage d'Ethiopia.- Paris: P.G.
Mercier, 1713.
Xix, 195p. : 15.6Cm.

Pontecorvo, Lallo
L'africa Orientale Italiana edil Nilo
306p. : illus; 26.5Cm.

Pool, David
From Guerrillas to Government: the
Eritrean people's Liberation front/ David
Pool.- Oxford: J ames Currey, 2001.
Xvi, 206p. : map; 22Cm.

Pooter, F.M.De
De Saio aux Pyramides: ( avec les troupes
Coloniales bbelges). Pref. Du Genral Major
Gilliaert. Costermansviile: Ed. Centre
Asfrique, 1950.
77p. : map; 25.5Cm.

Portal, Gerald Herbert
An Account of the English Mission to
king J ohannis of Abyssinia in 1887
Winchester: Warren, 1888.
123p. : 22.5Cm.

Portal , Gerald Herbert
My Mission to Abyssinia London:
Edward Arnold, 1892.
Vi, 262p. : illus., mao; 23Cm.

Pougeois, L'abbe A.
L'Abyssinie: Son histoire
Naturelle politique et religieuse/ by L'Abbe
A.P.- Paris; J Pougeois. Libraite- editeur,
500p. : map; 22Cm.

Powell, E. Alexander
Beyond the utmest purple rim. Abyssinia:
Somaliland Kenya Colony: Zanibar: The
Comoros: Madagascar/ E. A. Powll.- London:
J ohn Long, 1925.
Xx, 431p. : maps, photos, 21Cm.

Pradele, A. De La
Le Conflit Italio- Ethiopien. Paris:
Internationales, 1936.
672p. : illus, 23.5Cm.

Prato, Domenico del
Giustizia di popli e sanzionismo. Roma:
S.A.I. Arti grafiche, 1936.
109p. : 19.5Cm.

Prato, Domenico del
IL Confliitto con la Societa dell Nazioni.
Roma: Unione Editoriale d'Italia, (N.D).
139p.: 18.5Cm.

Prepositi, Clemente
L'opera dell'aviazionein Africa O. Roma
Unione Editoriadle d'Italia,
165p. : 18Cm.

Prochazka, Roman Von
Abissinia, pericolo nero. Pref. Di Ottavio
Dinale Farinata. Milano: Bampiani 1935-
146p. : illus., 21.5Cm.

Prochazka , Roman Von
Abessinien: Die Schwarze Gefahr Wien:
Saturverlag, 1935.
103p. : map, 20.5Cm.

Prouty, Chrdsis
Historical dictionary of Ethiopia and
Eritrea/ Chris prouty .- 2
ed.- USA:
Scarecrav press, c. 1994.
Viii, 614p. : 24Cm.

Prorok, Byron De
Dead men do tell tales/ Byron De
prorok.- London: George G. Harrap & Co.
Ltd, 1943.
221p. : photo; 20Cm.

Prorok, count Syron De
In Quest of lost worlds/ by count Byron
De Prorok.- London : Frederick Muller
Ltd, 1935.
Xii, 281p. : map; photo; 22Cm.

Prouty, Chris
Empress Taytu and Menelik II. Ethiopia
1883-1910/ Chris prouty.- London: The
Red Sea Press, C. 1986.
Xix, 409p. : maps., photos; 21Cm.

Prouty, Chris
Historical dictionary of Ethiopia / Chris
prouty and Eugene Rosenfold .- London:
The Scareerow press, INC; 1981.
XV, 436; 22Cm.

Prutk's travels in Ethiopia and Other
countries/ transladted and edited by J .
H. Arrowsmith Brown and annotated by
Richard Pankhurst.- London: The Hakluyt
Society, c. 1991.
546. ; 22.5Cm.

Pryssenaer's E. de
Reisen UND Forschungen in Gebiete
Des weissen und Blaven Nil. Gotha: J ustus
perthes. 1877.
48p. , maps, 27Cm.

Pucci, Generoiso
Coi " in Ethiopia. Note di Viaggio
Firenze: 1934-XII.
139p. :illus; Maps; 25Cm.

Puglisi, Giuseppe
Chi e dell Eritrea 1952. Dizionario
biografica. Asmara: Agenia Regina, 1952.
Xxiii, 304p. : 24.6Cm.

Pugnani, Angelo
La Motoriaione dell ' esercito e la
Conquista dell'Ethiopia. Roma: '' Trasport e
Lavori Pubblici '1936-xIV.
182p. : illus, 19Cm.

Pull- Burry, B
Ethiopia in Exil/ B. Pull-Burry.- London :
T. Fisher Unwin, 1905.
288p. : 19Cm.

Quaranta, Ferdinando
Ethiopia. An Empire in kthe making.-
London: King , 1939.
Xx, 120p. : illus; Maps, 21.5Cm.

Raffray, Achille
Abyssinie/ Achille, R.- 2
ed.- Paris: E.
Plon, 1880.
395 p. : photos, map; 17Cm.

Raffray, Achile
Afrique Orientale: Abyssinie
Paris:Plon, 1876-1880.
Xii, 391. : illus; Carts, 18Cm.

Rampone, Iscar
Il Mareb era un Confine. Asmara: S/A
Corrier Eritreo, 1935.
157p. : illus., 25.5Cm.

Rampone, Oscar
A Souvenir book on a journey in
Ethiopia/ Oscar Rampone.- Modena: Singraf
Offse reproduction, 1973.
134p.: map, photo; 27Cm.

Rasmusson, Joel
Welcome to Ethiopia: A Tourist Guide/
J oel Rasmusson.- Addis Ababa: Artistic
Printers, 1961.
Xi, 208p. : ill; maps, 20Cm.

Rasmusson, Joel
Welcome to Ethiopia: a tourist guide/ by
joel Rasmusson.- Addis Ababa: Artistic
Printers, 1961.
Vii, 213p. : ill, map; photo; 21Cm.

Rassam, Hormuzd
Marrative of the british mission to
theodore king of Abyssinia/ Hormuzd
Rassam Printed by william Clowes
London, 1869.
Viii, 320p. : ill; map, plan

Rassam, Hormuzd
Norrative of the british mission to
theodore king of Abyssinia / Hormuzd
Rassam printed by william Clowes,
London, 1869.
Ix, 360p. : ill; map; plan

Rava, Maurizio
Al Lago Tsana: ( Il Mar profondon
D'Ethiopia) .- Roma: presso la Reale
Societa Goegrafica, 1913.
Viii, 270 p. : illus; map; 24.5Cm.

Rava, Maurizio
Parole ai Coloniali. Prefazione di S.E.
Benito Mussolini.- Milano: Mondadori,
Viii, 396p. : 19Cm.

Rayne, H.
The Ivory Raiders/ by H. Rayne.-
London: William Heinemann, Ltd, 1923.
X, 191p. : map; Photo; 23Cm.

Reale Aeeademis D'Italia
Missionss De studio Al Lago Tana/
Volume Primo.- Roma: Realzioni
Preliminari, 1938.
174p. : 25Cm.

Rebeaud, Henri
Au Service du negus.- Paris: Les
editions de France, 1935.
292p. : 18Cm.

Rebeaud, Henri
Chez le Roi des Rois d'Ethiopie.
Neuchatel: Paris: Victor Attinger, 1935.
199p. : illus, maps., 18.5Cm.

Reck , Leopold
Aufdbau des italienischen Imperiumaus.
Essen: Essener Verlagasanstalt, 1944.
308p. : 24Cm.

Recking, Ruppert
Ein J ournalist erzahlt Ubenteuer und
Politik in Arika. Mit 2 Karten. Stuttgart,
Berlin: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1936.
Xiii, 466p. : illus., maps; 21Cm.

Reduce, Un
L'Assedio di Macalle Ricordi della
campagna di Africa 1895-1896. Milano: Ed.
S.A.C.S.E., 1935.
237p. : 18.5Cm.

Reid, J .M.
Traveller extraor dinary the life of J ames
Bruce of Kinnard.- London: Eyre and
Spottiswoode, c. 1968.
320p. : illus; maps; 22Cm.

Rein, G.K.
Abessinien. Eine llandeskynde nach reison
und studien in den jahren 1907-1913/G.K
Rein.- Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1919-1920.
Band II-III photos,

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Machte von 1880-1916 auf grund der
diplomatischen Akten. Breslau: Bleiche rode.
Carl Nieft Printer, 1937.
108p. : 21Cm.

Rennell of rodd ( Lord).
British military administration of
Occupied territories in Africa during the
years 1941-1947.- London: H.M.S. O., 1948.
Viii, 637p. : maps; 22.5Cm.

Rennell of Rodd ( Lord )
British military administration of
Occupied territories in Africa during the
years 1941-1947. London H.M.S.O., 1948.
Viii, 637p. : maps., 22Cm.

Rennell Rodd, Sir J ames
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( Second Series) 1849-1901: Egypt and
Abyssinia.-London: Edward Arnold, 1923.
Xi, 316p. : illus; 22.5Cm.

Remapping Ethiopia: Socialism and
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Xi, 306p. : ill; maps.; photo; 22Cm.

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Voyages: La Route de Ibbal Noir.
Souvenirs d'Abyssinie. Paris: G. Gres et Cie,
329p. : 18.5Cm.

Renshan , R
Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, The
Indian Ocean and up the Reed Sea with
travels into Egypt 4
ed. Manchester:
J ennings and Cowdroy, 1837.
V, 240 p. : 18.5Cm.

Rey, Charles Fernand
In the Country of the Blue Nile.
London: Duckworth, 1927.
296p. : illus. Maps., 22.5Cm.

Rey, C.F.
The Real Abyssinia/ by C.F. Rey.- 2

Ed.- London: Seeley Service of Co. Ltd,
291p. : map; photo; 22Cm.

Rey, Charles Fernand
The Romance of the Portuguese in
Abyssinia. London: Witherby, 1919.
319p. : bib. P. 307-308. Illus., maps.;

Rey, Charles F.
Unconquered Abyssinia. As it is today/
Charles. F. Rey.- London: Seely, Service
and Co. Limited, 1923.
312p. : folded map, photos, 21Cm.

Ribera, Almevico
Vitaldi Antonicohi Firenze, 1940.
314p. : illus, 22Cm.

Rice, Seme Ritchie
Eclipse in Ethiopia and its corsona
glory. London: Marshall Morgan and Scott,
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64p. : 18.5Cm.

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Schwarzes Abenteure. Vom Roten Meer
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d55 leinfarbigedn Abbildungenauf
Kunstdruck-tafeln, 13 zeichnungen Von
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Rivista Di Fanteria
La Conwuista dell'Ethiopia. Sintesi delle
Operazioni Militari. ( Pre. Edoardo Scala). A
cura della Rivista di Fanteria. Roma: Tipogr.
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Rivoyre, Denis de
Mer rouge et Abyssinie. Paris: E. Plon,
308p. : 19Cm.

Roden, K.G.
Le tribu dei Mensa, Storia, legge E
Costumi. Stockholm: Evangeliiska, 1913.
342p. : illus; Map: 26.5Cm.

Roden, Nile
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evangeliska Fosterland Stiftelsens Bokforlag,
148p. : illus; 19Cm.

Rogers, J .A.
The real facts about Ethiopia/ J .A.
Rogrps, 3
. ed. Enlarged.- New York:
J .A.Rogers Publications, c. 1936.
51p. : photos, 22Cm.
Rohlfs, Gerhard
Im Auftrage Sr. Majestat des Kongigs von
preussen mit dem englischen Expeditions
Corps in Abessinien.l Bremen: J . Kuhlmanns
Buchhandling 1869.
Vii, 182p. : map. 20Cm.

Rohlfs, Gerhard
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Befehl Sr. Maj. Des Deutschen Kaisers im
Winter 1880/81 Unternommen. Mit 20
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Xx, 348 p. : illus; map; 22cm.

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befechl Sr. Maj. Des Deutschen Kaisers
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A Chronology of Menilek II of
Ethiopia 1844-1913: Emperor of ethiopia
1889-1913/by Chris Prouty Rosen feld.-
New York : Michigan state University, c.
Ix, 282 p. : 23Cm.

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abessinien Lipzig, 1907.
496p. : illus, photo., 22Cm.

Rosenthal , Eric
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Hutchinson, 1941.
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Rosenthal, Eric
The fall of Italian East Africa. With 32
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il Regno di Menelik II. Trattati, accordi,
Convenazioni ed altri documentl relativi
all'Ethiopia Torino: S.T.E.N., 1910.
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Editoriale d'Italia, 1937.
261p. : illus, 21.5Cm.

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Abissinia / Corrado Rossi.- Milano:
Edizioni Minorva: 1935-Xlll.
252p. : 17Cm.

Rossini, C.C.
Ethiopia e genti di Ethiopia / C.C.
Rossini.- Firenze: R. Bemporad, 1937.
Vii, 402. : photographs, 23Cm.

Roussan, Simone Mazade
Seule en Ethiopie. Preface de Marcel
Griaule. Paris: Soc . d'Editions Francaises,
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Routes in Abyssinia. London:
Harrison and Sons, 1867.
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Menellik Etnous/ Hugues Roux.- Paris,
Charaire, (N.D).
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Rowan- Robinson, Henry
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The geographical Journal. Londonn: the
Royal geographical Society, 1924.
Volume. Lxxvi-Lxxxviii ( 1930-1936).

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King of Kings Tewordros of Ethiopia.-
Addis Ababa: Oxford Uni. Press, 1966.
100p. : illus; map; 20.5Cm.

Rubenson, Sven
The Survival of Ethiopian independence/
Sven Ruenson. 2
reprint.- Addis ababa:
Kuraz Publishing Agency, EMPDA, 1991.
Xiii, 437p. : maps, ill; 21Cm.

Rubenson, Sven
The Survival of Ethiopian Independence.-
London, Heinemann, 1978.
437p. : illus; 23Cm.

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Wichale Xvll, The attempt to establish a
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Addis ababa: Haile Sellassie I University
Department of History, Artistic Printing
press, 1964.
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I Ethiopien/ Anny Marwig Rubin .-
Stockholm. LTS forlag 1957.
171p. : maps , photos, 22Cm.

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Main: Siegmund Schmerber in Comm.,
Vol. 1-2 24Cm.

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Librairie plon, 1884.
307p. : 19.5Cm.

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Nubia and abyssinia: Comprehending
their civil history, Antiquities, Arts,
Religion, Literature, and Natural History/
Michael Russell. 3
. ed.- Edinburgh:
Oliver and Beyd, 1833.
376p. : folded map, ill, 17Cm.

Russell, Michalel
Nubia and abyssinia: Comprehending
their civil history, Antiquities, Arts,
Religion, Literature, and Natural History/
Michael Russell.- Edinburgh: Oliver and
Beyd, 1833.
440p. : folded map, ill, 16Cm.

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their civil history, Antiquities, Arts,
Religion, Literature, and Natural History
and 3
ed Edinburgh London : Oliver
and Beyd, Simpkin, Marshall, 1833.
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Somali Nationalism, International
political and the drive for unity in the Horn
of Africa.- Cambridge: Harvard Uni. Press,
X, 214p.: 21.5Cm

Sablli, Luca dei
Storia di Abyssinia Roma: Ed. Roma
XIV-XVI, ( 1936-1938).
Vol. 1-4 23.5Cm.

Saboya Salvador and vieira, Tome edicao
(Narrativa da accao civilizadora dos
portugesses nas terras de prestes J oao)
(Lisboa): Ed. " O Seculo '' , 1935.
142p. : 19.5Cm.

Sahle Sellassie
Warrior king.- London: Heinemann,
c. 1974.
150p. : 18.6Cm.

Saineano, Maius
L'Abyssinie dansla second Moitie du xvie
siecle ou le regue de sartsa. Deugel
( Malak-Sagad) , ( 1963-1594) / Marius S.-
Leipzig: Bucarest, 1992 54 p. : 23Cm.

Salata, Fancesco
Il Nodo Di Gibuti. Storia Diplomatica Su
Documenti Iendit, Milano: Instituta per clli
Stui Di Politica Internazionale, 1939.
339p. : 20Cm.

Salbucci, Setlimio
Taitu Empress of Ethiopia New York:
Vintage Press. 1961.
286p. : 21Cm.

Salata, Francesco
Il nodo di Gibuti. Storia deplomarica su
documenti inediti. Milano: Istituto per gli
studi di politica Internazionale. 1939.
X, 339p. : 20Cm.
Salimbeni, Auguston
Crispie Menelich/ A. Salimbeni.- Toriuc:
ILTE, 1956.
XXXVI, 451p. : 25Cm.

Salt, Henry
Voyage en Abyssinie, entrepris par ordre
du gouvernment Britannique, execute dans
les annees 1809 et 1810 Paris: Dabo, 1816.
Vol . 1-2. Atlas., 20Cm.

Salt, Henry
Voyage en Abyssinie, emterpris par ordre
du Gouvernment Britannique Execute dans
les annees 1809 et 1810 Paris: Daba, 1816.

Salt, Henry
A Voyage to Abyssinia and travels into the
interior of that country, executed by the
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Guraghe, Scioa, Cercer, Harrar, Ogaden, in
appendice descrizione delle principali
comunicazoni del sud- Ovest Etiopico/
Roberto disan Marzano.-Roma: Azione
Coloniale, 1935.
239p. : maps: photos, 25Cm.

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provincie ethiopiche del Borodda. Uallamo,
Sidamo, Galana, Burgi, Arero e
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all'Abissinia. Prefazions di Marco Pomilio,
Napoli: Treeves di Leo Lupi, 1935.
228p. : 22Cm.

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chez Claude Barbin, 1684.
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Generale, 1940.
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fascist Italy/ Alberto Sbacchi.- Asmara:
The RedSea pres, 1996.
Xii, 434p. : 24Cm.

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iii, 244p. : illus; 25Cm.

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Athenaeum Kiadasa,
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Schrenzel, Ernzel, Ernst Heinrich
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272p. : illus; Maps; 24Cm.

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148p. : 19.5Cm.

Schrenzel, Ernst Heinrich
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256p. : illus; Maps; 24Cm.

Schutz, Paul
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Reisebericht Zur religion spoitischen Lage in
ofient, Mu NCHEN: CHR Kaiser verlag,
246p. , 23, 23Cm.

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peter Schwab.- Chicago: Nelson-Hall, c.
Viii, 192p. : maps, photos; 22Cm.

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Expeditionscorps in Abessinien 1867-1868.
Cabos, 1869.
208p. : map; 21Cm.

Sergew Hable Sellassie
Ancient and Medieval Ethiopia History
to 1270.- Addis Ababa: United printers,
Xiii, 370 p. : illus; 24Cm.

Serra, Fabrizion
La Conquista integrale dell'Impero.-
Roma: Unione Editoriale d'Italia, 1938.
141p. : maps; 19Cm.

Sertoli Salis, Renzo
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delle Nazioni.- Nilano: Martucci.
Ii, 78 p. : 22Cm.

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In to the Hidden Land/ Len Shaw.-
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176p. : photo, 21Cm.

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J ames Bruce, Esq. Into Abyssinia , to
discover the source of the nile . London:
Pater-Noster-Row, ( N.D.).
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xxvi. 388p. : map; 22Cm.
Shireeff, David
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ordinati/ Tomaso, S.- Roma: La Rassegno
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276p. : maps; 25Cm.

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( Eritrea E Spmalia).- Roma: Larassegna
Italiana, 1933.
276p. : maps; 25Cm.

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raccolti e ordinati da Tomas Sillani.- Roma:
La Rassegna Italiana, 1937.
Xiv, 324p. : maps; 24.5Cm.

Sillavengo, Caccia Domioni di
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Paris: Libraire plan, 1937.
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270p. : illus, 24.5Cm.

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Vii, 347p. : illus., maps.; 21.7Cm.

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313p. : illus; 23Cm.

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Skinner.- London: Arnold, 1906.
Xvi, 227 p. : ill; maps.; 23Cm.

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Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota pr., 1959.
127 p. : 21Cm

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Xiii, 471p. ill.; 26Cm.

Smith, F Harrison
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Snowden, Franl M.
Blacks in antiquity: Ethiopians
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Xxii, 364p. : ill; 23Cm.

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95p. : 21.5Cm.

Sodeck , Gottfried
Wir shen uns um/ Gettfried Sodeck Ernest
ulich.- Addis Ababa: Central printing press,
113p. : maps, photographs, ill; 21Cm.

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116p. : 22.6Cm.

Somalia , Information Services
The Somali peninsula. A New light on
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Government. St. Albans, staples printers,
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Somalia under the Revolution. Two Years of
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Donham and Wendy J ames.- Addis
Ababa: Addis Ababa University
press, 2002.
Xix, 308p. : maps, 21Cm.

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Spencer, John H.
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XLV, 379p. : maps, photos, 23Cm.

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Aspetti della questione etiopica. Conla
coll. Di leo Magnino e Aldo Morante.-
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230p. : 24.5Cm.

Stamp, L' Dudley
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Vii, 568p. : illus; maps; 23.5Cm.

Stanley, Henry Morton
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two British Campaigns in Africa.- London:
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265-510p. ; 22Cm.

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164p. : illus; carte. 23Cm.

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Xv, 508 p. : 22Cm

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Cio cdhe Ginevra non vuol viderece
que geneve niaimme pas voir-facts Geneva
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Abessinien Das letzte ungelasie
problem Afrikas .- Germany: Leipzig:
wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, 1546.
280p. : illus, 22.2Cm.

Zohrer, Ludwig G.A.
Somalilander. Bonn: Kurt Schroeder
194p. : maps. 25.5Cm.

Zoli, Corrado
Cronache Ethiopiche con novcarte
Gorgrafiche Fuori Testo.- Roma: Sindacato
413p. : maps; 25.7Cm.

Zoli, Corrado
Ethiopia d'oggi (ed. 2,3,4.). Roma:
S.A. Italiana Arti Grafiche 1935-1936.
293p. : maps.; 20.5Cm.

Zoli, Corrado
La Conquista dell'Impero. Conistria
degli avveniment deiplomatici militari e
politici dal dicember 1934-XIII all aprile
1937-XV. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1937-XV.
Xiii, 442p. : 23.5Cm.

Zopi, Vittorio
Appunti Storicl Sull'Ethiopia. Firenze:
Studio Fiorentina Dipolitica Estera, (N.D)
168p. : 25Cm.



A Bibliography of the Sudan, 2
A Galla- English, Dictinary, 61
A Modern Translation of Kibre
Nagast, 18
A.S. Golubtsoy , 67
Abba Ayele Tekleheymanot, 99
Abbay, 99
Abbie Gubegna, 93
Abbink, J . 1, 89
Abdul-Hallm Elis Nosseir, 99
Abebe HaileMelekot, 99
Abessinsche Erzahlungen and
Fabeln, 93
Abir, Mordechai, 21,99
Abraham, R.C. 56
Abul-Haggag, Y. 99
Abyssinia, 1
Abyssinia and Its People, 99
Academia Real das Sciencias, 56
Academy of Ethiopian Languages ,56
Accademia D` Italia,99
Acheber, Gabre-Hiot 99
Acta S. Fere Mika-el at S.zara Abreham,10
Adami, Giuseppe ,99
Adane, Taye 21
Addestramento Pratico al
Addis Ababa Chamber of
Addis Ababa Trade Directory, 21
Addis Ababa University, 21
Adjustment in Ethiopia, 1
Adler, Ivan 21
Adolf, Friedriches, 66
Aescoly, A.Z 1,10
Aethiopien. Aufnahmen , 99
Afevork, C. J .56
Africa 1,99,100
Africa From the Sahara to the Zambesi,
Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh
Century 100
Africa in a Changing World, 100
Africa in wort und Bild ,10
Africa Under Colonial Domiunation
1880-1935, 100
African Almanac, 100
African Ark, 100
African Bibliography Center, 2
African language studies, 56
African Voices, 93
Africana: Catalogue of books,2
Africans Ethiopia 1935 Panorama, 100
Africanzion, 89
Agostini, Augusto, 100
Agostini, Enrico de, 100
Agricultural Institute for Italian Africa, 2
Agroecological and Socio-Economical,
Akkaadaamii Afaan Saboota, 56
Alberti, Adriano, 100
Albospeyre, G.B.T. ,100
Alem Eshete, 21,90
Alemayehy Mengistu, 76
Alemneh Dejene, 21
Allen, W.E. D., 100
Allori, A., 57
Almagia, Roberto, 100
Almagor, Uri 21
Almanch African,100
Almeida, Manoel de101
Alone, J .P.,56
Altheim, F and Stiehl, R, 101
Alvarez, Francisco 101
Ambaye Zekarias, 21
Ambrosio, G.D, 101
Ambrosio, Vincenzo, 101
Amin, Mohammed, 101
An Economic History of Ethiopia, 29
An Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilming,4
Ancient Civilizations of Africa, 101
Andargachew Tiruneh22,101
Andree, Richard 101
Andrzejewski, B.W. and Lewis, I.M.
Angell, Norman 22
Angelo, p. 57
Annales de l`institut, 76
Anstein, Hans 101
Anthology of African Photography , 90
Antonios, Alberto 11
Anzini, Giuseppe 102
APAP, 21
Appelius, Mario 102
Appleyard, David 2
Aradom, Tedla 102
Aralldi, Vinicio 102
Arata, Salvatore 102
Arce, Laurent d`102
Archer, Geoffrey 66,67
Archivie Italiano, 76
Arcuno, Irma 102
Ardemagni, Mirko 102
Aren, Gustav 11
Arfaine Belay 76,102
Arfelli, Felice 102
Arkins, W.S. 76
Armandy, Andre 102
Armbruster, Charles Hubert 57
Armellini, Quirino 102
Artieri, Giovanni 102
Asafa J alata , 102
Asefa Yilma, 102
Asfaw Tefera, 22
Asmara: Centro studi Ethiopici, 2
Asmelash Beyenne, 22
Aspen, Harald, 11
Asrata Maryam , 11
Asres Yayeh ,11
Assafa Endeshaw, 22
Assafa Tolera 22
Assefa Bequele and Eshetu, 22
Assefa Mebrate, 67
Assfa Admassie, 22
Assirelli,Oddone, 57
Association of Ethiopian Microfinance,
Atalay Ayele, 67
Athiopien, 102
Athiopien in der Volkstumlicjen
Maleral, 90
Athiops: Bullatin Geez, 57
Atnafu Makonnen, 102
Atti del congresso Colmiale, 22
Atti della R, 2
Aubert, Marc, 103
Avanzi, Enrico Candio, 76
Avenati, Carlo A. 103
Avenstrup, William 103
Ayele Takelehaymanot 11,12
Azais, R.P. 103
Azene Bekele Tesemma, 76


Baalsvik, Randi Ronning , 22
Bacci, Livio 76
Bachrach, Shlomo 2
Badano, Nino 103
Badoglio, Pietro 103
Baer, George 103
Baeteman, J oseph 58,103
Bahru Zewde 22,103
Bailloud, Gerard 103
Baissa Lemmu 67
Baker, Samuel White 103,104
Balbo, Emillio 104
Baldwin , N. C. 104
Ballarin, Silvio 67
Balsan, Francois ,104
Balsvik , Randi Ronning 22
Banditry , Rebellion ,22
Bannan, Laura, 99
Baralam and Yewasef , 11
Baratieri, O, 104
Baratieri, Oreste ,104
Baratta, Mario , 104
Baravelli, G.C., 104
Barbera, Giuseppe 104
Bardi, Adelmo ,104
Bardi, P.M. , 104,105
Barile, Peitro , 105
Barker, A.J , 105
Barnes, J ames Strachey, 105
Barros, J ames , 23
Bartleet, E.J . 105
Bartolozzi, Enrico 105
Bashaa Yaadatee, 58
Basic documents of the Ethiopian
Revolution, 23
Baskerville, Beatrice,105
Basset, M. Rene, 105
Bastico, Ettore, 105
Bastin, J ean, 105
Bates, Darrell, 105
Batistoni, Milena, 105
Battaglia, Roberto, 105
Battaglini, Guido,105
Battersby, H.F. Prevost ,105
Bauer, D.F. , 76
Baum, J ames E.,106
Baum, Warren C., 76
Baye Felleke, 106
Beauchamp, Kay, 106
Beccari, Camiflo,106
Bechtinger, J , 106
Beckingham, C.F., 106
Beckwith, Carol, 23
Beede Mariam Mekonnen , 90,106
Beffa, Giuseppe Della, 76
Beguinot, Francesco,106
Bei`de Maryam Mersha, 58
Beke, Charles Tilstone 106
Belai Giday, 23,106
Belai Tewelde ,23
Belayneh Legesse, 77, 106
Bell, C.R.V. 58
Belli, Niero, 106
Bellotti, Felice, 106
Bellotti, Roeo, 11
Beltrame, Giovanni D, 58
Bender, M. Lionnel, 58
Bendict, H.M. 77
Benedetti, Achille , 106
Benedict, H.M., 77
Benlli, Sem ,106
Bennett, Norman R, 107
Benoit, Pierre, 94
Bent, J ames Theodore, 107
Bereket Habte Selassie, 23,106
Bergsma, Stuart, 107
Berhanu Abebe, 23, 107
Berhanu Ghebray , 23
Berkely, George F-H,107
Berlan , Edouard, 107
Bernasconi, Gilberto , 107
Bernoville, Gaetan 107
Berretta, Alfio,107
Berrier, J ean-Claude, 107
Bertarelli, L.V., 107
Bertola, Arnaldo, 107
Betti, Nicola, 106
Bevilacqua, Amleto, 58
Beyond Conflict in the Horn, 23, 107
Bianchi, Giovan Michele, 58, 108
Bianchi, Gustavo , 108
Bicopoulos, Demerte, 108
Bidder, Irmgard,90
Biddulph, Joseph, 58
Bieber, Otto, 108
Bierer, Friedrich J ., 108
Bingham, Rowland V, 11
Birkby, Carel, 108
Bjeren, Gunilla, 23
Black, Henry Campbell, 23
Blanc, Del Dottor, 108
Blanc, Henry, 108
Bland-Sutton, J , 108
Blanford, W.T, 67
Blood and Steel, 23
Blundell, H. Weld, 23,108
Bodini, Cesare, 108
Boidi, Carlo, 108
Bollati, Ambrogio , 108
Bollettino Della Societa, 108
Bollettino Ufficiale, 23
Bon, Emilio de, 109
Bon, Giulio del, 109
Bonifica e Colonizazione , 77
Bono, Emiliode, 108
Book of dedications, 109
Bordingnon, Esoardo,109
Borelli, J ules,109
Borton, J ohn, 23
Borton, Raumonde, Mammo Bahita,24
Bosca, Quirino, 109
Boston, University, 109
Bottego, Vittoria, 109
Bourcier, Emmanuel,109
Bradley, Duane, 94
Brandao, Zephhrino,109
Braukamper, Uirich,94
Brehm, A.E, 109
Breitenbach , Friedrich von
Briefbuch 77
Briet, Suzanne, 109
Brietzke, Paul H.24
Briggs, Philip , 109
Brighenti, Angelo, 109
Britain and World Peace, 24
British History of Information, 109
British Military Admininstration,67
British Trade Mission, 24
Broekhuizen, A., 109
Brogle, Werner, 109
Bronzuoli, A., 109
Brown J ames Amberose, 109
Brown, Eslie 67
Brown, Sidney H. , 109
Bruce' s Travels, 111
Bruce, J ames110, 111
Brummelkamp, J acob, 111
Brusati, C.C. Ed Galleani, G.,24
Bruttini, Alessandor ,111
Buchholzer, J ohn, 111
Budge, E.A. Wallis, 11,12
Bulletin de L, 3
Budge, Ernest Alfred, 111
Bulletin de la maison des etudes ,3,12
Bulpett, C.W.L.,111
Bureau, J acques, 24, 94
Burger, William C., 67
Burns, Emille, 111
Burton, Richard Francis, 111,112
Busk, Douglas, 112
Busse, Arthur, 58
Bussidon, Charles, 112
Buxton, Alfred, 112
Buxton, David,90, 112

Cabiati, Aldo, 112
Cabrini, Emilia Siracusa, 112
Caimpenta, Ugo, 112
Caione, Laudomia Bonanni, 94
Calciati,C., 67
Cambridge University, 67
Camera di Commercio, 3
Camperio, Manfredo, 58, 112
Caniglia, Giuseppe, 12, 67
Cannonieri, Giorgio, 112
Cape, Norman,90
Capomazza, Ilario, 24
Carbone, Adriano ,112
Carcoforo, Enrico,58
Card, E. Round de, 112
Carella, Luigi, 77
Caressa, Ferruccio, 58
Caressa, Maggiore Fe-uccia, 58
Carlini Venturino, Aurora112
Carnazza, Lilian, 112
Caroselli, Francesco Saveric,24
Carter, Boake,112
Casbon, Eleanor,113
Castanhoso, Miguel de,113
Castro, J oao de,113
Castro, Lincoln De,24,113
Cataloge Bibliografico,3
Cavallera, Battista p.,58
Cecchi Antonio,113
Celarie, Henriette,113
Central Agricultural Census
Central Statistical Authority,24,77,78
Central Statistical Office, 24,25
Centro di studi Colonali,113
Ceretti, Carlo,113
Cerulli , Ernesta, 68
Cerulli, Enrico,12,25,58,57,68,94,113
Cesari, Cesare, 25,113
Cesarini, Paolo,113
Chabot, I.B,114
Chaillot, Christine,12
Chaine, Marius,12,59
Chamber of Commerce of
Chandler, Richard,114
Chane, M, 3
Charles, R.H., 12,13
Charlety, Sevastien, 114
Charlton, L. E. O. , 114
Chavaillon, J ean, 114
Checose e l'Africa, 114
Cheesman, R.E. , 68, 114
Chelazzi, Gino, 94
Cherian, K.A., 114
Cherulli, Enrico, 68
Chiala, Luigi, 114
Chiarini, Angelo,114
Chihab, Ed-Din Ahmed, 114
Children and Women, 78
Chiovenda, Emilio, 68
Chirenje, Mutero J ., 13
Christy, David, 26
Chronology of the Ethio-Eritrean
Conflict, 114
Ciasca, Raffaele,114
Cicarelli, Socrate, 114
Ciferri, Raffaele & Gigiolt,Guido, 78
Cigneras, Sylvain, 114
Cimmaruta, Roberto, 114
Cimonq, Alfonso, 119
Cio cdhe Ginevra non vuol Cipolla,
Arnaldo, 114, 115
Cipriani, Lidio, 68
Ciravegna, Giovanni, 115
Cirlantini, Franco, 115
Citerni, Carlo, 115
Civelli, Giuseppe, 115
Civinint, Guelefo, 115
Clapham, Christopher,115
Clark, J . D. , 115
Clarke, J ohn, 26
Clauss, Josef , 115
Clay, J ason W. and Holcomb, Bonnie,
Cleave, Hugh Craswall, 13
Cleret, Maxime, 13
Cobes, Edmond ,115
Cocks, Frances Somers ,115
Codice Civile,26
Codovilla, Vittorio,115
Cohen, Marcel,59, 94
Cohen Johin M, 26
Colli, J gnazio, 68
Colombi Emilio,26
Colombo, Giuseppe, 115
Coman Doyle, Arian,115
Combes, Oaul,116
Commission de la Republique,90
Community Water Supply,78
Compagnie du Chemin de fer France,26
Comucci, Probo,116
Comyn-Platt, Thomas,116
Conacher, S.R.H, 3
Confederazione Fascista,26
Conflict and Peace in the Horn,27
Conflict, Age & Power in North East,27
Conforti, Emilio, 78
Conones Apostolorum Aethiopice,13
Constantin, Vicomte de,116
Conti Rossini, Carlo,3,60,68,116
Contributo ad Una bibliografie,3
Contributo alla Climatologia dell,68
Convegno di Scienze Morali e Storiche,3
Conzelman, William El,116
Cooke, A.C. ,116
Cooksay , J aseph ,J .13,
Coon, Carlaton S.,116
Cooperative Language Institute of
Ethiopia, 60
Cordella, Brnesto,116
Corni, Guido,116
Correspondence and Treaties,27
Cortesao, Armando,116
Cortese, Guido,117
Costanzo Giuseppe A.,27
Cotter, George,27
Coucinotta, Ernesto,27
Coulbeaux, J .B,117
Coulbeaux, M.B. ,117
Courlander, Harold.,27
Coursac J. de,117
Cowley, Roger W.,13
Craveri, Michele,68
Crawforf, O.G.S.,117
Criminal Procedure Code,27
Crispi. Francessco,117
Crowen, T.J , 78
Cruickshank, Alfred M.,94
Crumey, Donald,13,27
Cuflno, Luigi,117
Culture and Change,27
Currey, Muriel,117
Cutting, Suydam,117


D`Arpino, Ludovico,60
D`abbadie, Antcine,60
D`esme, J ean,95,118
Da Hebo, Agostion,60
Dabbadie, Arnauld90,117
Dagnatchen Yirgou ,78
Dagnew Eshete,27
Dainelli, Giotto,68,69,117
Dani, Franco,117
Daniel Gamachu,69
Daniel, Teferra,27
Daoud, Marcos,14
Daries, Lord,117
Darioski, Dario Lischi,117
Darkness and Light,94
Darkwah, Kofl R.H,117
Darley, Henry,27
David, Rene,28
Davidson, Basil,117
Davies, A. Taglia,118
Davies, D.M.,60
Davis, Russele,94
Davles, Lord,117
Davy, Andre,118
Dawit Abebe,78
Dawit Woldegiorgis,28
Dawkins, C.H.,60
De Bono, Emilio,118
De cosson, E.A.,124
Dean, Harry,118
Debbasu Meselu Amare,28
Decaux, H.,90
Del Boca, Angelo,118
Denti Di Pirajno, Alberto,118
Dep. of Nat. Lib. and Arch.,3
Derp, Hans Von,94
Des Liveres de France,95
D'Esme, J ean95,118
Dessalegn Rahamto,28
Devine, Alex,118
D'Herisourt, M. Rochet,119
Diamontini, Corrado,118
Diel,louise, 118
Diel, Souife,118
Dillmann, Augusti,3,14,60
Directory of Social Welfare,28
Disater Prevention Disperata,28
Documents on Ethiopian Politics,28
Donham, Donald L.,28
Doresse, J ean ,14,119
D'Orleans, Henri,119
Dos Santos, Joac,119
Dovski, Lqe van,119
Dower, Kenneth Gandar,119
Dowling, Archdeacon,14
Drake-Brockman, Rolph E.,119
Drewes, A.J .,60
Driver, G.R.,60
Drost, Dietrich,90
Drought Relief in Ethiopia,28
Drysdale, John,119
Duah Baffour, Aggeman,28
Dubois, Hubert- Pierre,28
Ducati, Bruno,61
Duchesne-Fournet, J ean,119
Duffield, Mark ,28
Dufton, Henry,119
Duignan, Peter,3
Dunckley, Fan.C.,119
Duprey, Slbert Gingold,119
Durand, Mortimer,119
Dye, William Mcf,119

Eadie, J.I.,61
Economic J ournal. ,28
Edemariam Tsega, 78
Edwards, Sue,68
Eide, Oyvind M.14
Electricity in Ethiopia,29
Emily, J ., 119
Emmanuel Abraham,120
Employment and Unemployment,29
Enciclopedia dei nostri
Energy Sector Management,29
Englebert, Victor,120
Enviromnetal Protection,69
Erdmannsdorff, Wolf- Diertich C. ,29
Eritrea and Ethiopia,29
Eritrean Studies Association,29
Erlich, Haggai,29,120
Ermias Kebede,14
Escher, Rejnhard,29
Escherich, Georg,120
Eschmann, Ernst Wilhelm,120
Ethiopia and Eritrea, 120
Ethiopia and the Sudan, 33
Ethiopia Centeral Statistical,29
Ethiopia Forty Years of progress, 120
Ethiopia Guide,120
Ethiopia Information Bulletin,4,120
Ethiopia Medical Association,81
Ethiopia My Home,121
Ethiopia Tradations of Creativity,90
Ethiopia. Ministry of Public Health,81
Ethiopian Agriculture,4
Ethiopian Airlines,33
Ethiopian and American Cook book,81
Ethiopian Business,33,81
Ethiopian Economic Association,34
Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Inistitue,81
Ethiopian Human Rights Council,34,81
Ethiopian J ews and Israel,34
Ethiopian life, Reader Two,34
Ethiopian Management Institute,4
Ethiopian Public Health Association,81
Ethiopian Red Cross Society ,81
Ethiopian Reviee of Cultures,14
Ethiopian Science and Technology,4,34
Ethiopian Stamp Catalogue,90
Ethioian Tourist Organization,90,120
Ethnicity and Conflict in the Horn,34
Ewald, Helnriche,15
Ewert, Kurt,121
Excavations at Aksum,121
Exotic Ethiopian Cooking,181
Eyre, Gearge Edward,121
Ezekiel Gebissa,35


Face, Lidia La,69
Faiia, Santha,21
Faith and Culture in Ethiopia,35
Faitlovitch,J acques,121
Falasha Anthology,15
Falceto, Francis,90
Fanouris Mellina,121
Fantoli, Amilcare,69
Fanton, Aristide,121
Faraci, Giuseppe,121
Farago, Ladislas,122
Farfaglio, Salvatore,122
Farina, Gioaccnino,122
Fasil Nahum,35
Fassil G. Kiros,35
Federbush- Resheft, H. Zvi,35
Fekade Azeze35
Felcourt, E. De,81
Fellows, Perry A,122
Felter, Pietro,122
Ferguson, Lionel,122
Fernandes, Vasco da Gama,122
Ferrari, G.,81
Fettarappa Sandri, Carlo,122
Ficalho, conde De,122
Fikeremarkos Desta,95
Fiore, Giacinto,122
Fiori Adriano, Rocchetti, Giuseppe,81
Fiori, Adriano,69
Firebrace, J ames,35
Firenze, lstituo,122
Fiscal Decentralization in Ethiopia,35
Fischer, Beat De,35
Fisher, Stanley Z.,35
Fitzgerald, Walter,122
Flaiano, Ennio,95
Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea, 35
Fonti Comboniane Per la storia ,4
Food and Nutrition Strategy and Policy,81
Forbes, Duncan,69
Forbes, Rosita,122
Forbes-Watson, R,95

Forign Relations of the United States
Forign Affairs,36
Form for Social Studies,36
Formazione De L'Impero,122
Formigari, Francesco,123
Fornaciai,J ulo,82
Forsberg, Malcolm,123
Forsberg, Malcolm and Enfd,36
Forsberg, Vera,123
Forslund, Eskil,15
Fossa, Davide,123
Fraccari, Cesare,123
Franchetti, Raimondo123
Franchint, Mario123
Frangipani, Agenore,123
Frankau, Gilbert,95
Friedmann, Herbert,69
Friis, Ib,82
Frisk, Hjalmar,123
Frobenius, Les,123
Frusci, Luigi,123
Fufton, Henry,124
Fuller, J ohn Frederick Chares,123
Fumagalli, G.,4
Fusella, Luigi,123


Gabrahiwot Baykadegn,36
Gabre Emanuel Teka,5
Gabreyesus Hailemariam Gabriele,61
Gabro-Emanuel Teka,82
Gada, Virginio,124
Gadla Abuna Abakerazyn,15
Gadla Basalota Mikael seu acta Sancti ,15
Gadla Yared Seu Acta Sancti Yared,15
Galaal, Muuse Haaji Ismaa Iil,36
Galperin, Georgij L,36
Gamerra, Giovanni ,124
Gamst, Prederick C,69
Gana, Leonardo,69
Ganguin, J ean ,15
Gankin, Emanuel,61
Gardiner, Robert K.A.,124
Gardner, Frank M. ,5
Garratt, G.T,124
Garstang , J ohn,124
Gartler, Marion and Others ,124
Gary, Charlotta,126
Gaslini Mario Dei ,36,124
Gatti, G.M.,61
Gay. J ,5
Gebre Selasie Tesfay ,95
Gebre Yintise,36
Gebre-Heywet Baykedages,124
Gebru Tareke,125
Geddes, Michael,15
Geiger, Theodore,36
Gelardi, Giuseppe Carella,95
Gender Issues in Ethiopia,36
General Catalogue 1968-1969,5
General Information Concerning ,36
Gentizon, Paul,125
German Technical Cooperation,36
Gerster, Georg,91
Getachew Abate ,36
Getachew Diriba37
Getachew Metaferia37
Getie Gelaye,37
Gezahegn Petros,37,69
Ghelawdewos Araia,37
Ghersi, Emanuele,37
Giannini, Basile,37
Giardinl, Cesare,125
Giday Degefu Koraro37
Gigli, Giuseppe Cobolli,37
Giglio, Cario,37
Giglio Vittorio,125
Gilkes, Patrick,37,125
Gilmour, T. Gennox,37
Ginocchletti, Angelo, 125
Ginzberg, Eli and Smith, Herbert A. ,37,38
Giordana, Tullio, 95
Giorenco, Onofrio, 125
Giornale Uficiale, 38
Girard, Alex, 125
Girma Elias, 125
Girma Gizaw ( DR ), 38
Girma, Kebbede, 38
Girma Y. Getahun , 61
Girma Zenebe, 95
Giulani, Reginaldo,125
Giurco, Enno ,38
Gizaw Attlee, 70
Glaser, Eduard , 125
Glasfurd, Alec , 125
Glaxo. The Baby Book for Mothers ,82
Gleichen, Count, 125
Gli Annali dell African Italiana,5
Gloe, J ames A. , 61
Gobat, Samuel , 126
Goldmann, Herausgegeben , 126
Goldschmidt, Lazarus ,5
Gordon, Frances Linzee, 126
Gorham, Charles, 126
Gorman, Robert F., 38
Gouin, Pierre, 70
Governo del Harar , 126
Governo Generale, 126
Gozalbe, J avier, 126
Grabham, G.W. , 126
Graham, J ane, 126
Graham, J ohn ,38
Graham, M.D., 126
Grammaire Amharigna , 61
Grande, Adriano, 126
Grant, Johm Cameron, 95
Graven Philippe, 38
Graziani, Rodolfo , 126
Great Britain, 38,126,127
Greatread, D.J . ,82
Grebaut, Sylvain ,5 ,15,61
Green, David A.G. ,38
Greenfield, Rechard ,127
Grhi, Waldemar, 127
Griaule, Marcel , 10,38,70,91,127
Grosvenor, Gilbert , 127
Grubb, Norman, 127
Gruehl, Max,127
Grunsell, Angela,127
Grunwald-Gatti Massimo,61
Guadagni, Marco ,38
Guarnieri, Lyno ,127
Gubresellassie ,128
Guedes, Jose Viana correa,128
Guenther, Konrad , 128
Guida alla letta Contro la malaria,82
Guida D'Italia,128
Guide to Ethiopia , 128
Guidelines for Pesticide Testing,82
Guidi J .B Chabot ,128
Guidi, Ignatius ,128
Guidi, J anazio, 5,61,95
Guillian, M. ,128
Gunther, J ohn ,128
Gutt, Eva H.M,62
Guzzardi, Sevastino ,38


Haberland, Eike, 70,128
Haggard, Rider,95
Hagos, Mehary,38
Haigh, Ricahmond,95
Haile , Larebe M,38
Haile Mariam Chasai,15
Hailesellassie I University,70
Halevy, J ,15
Halle, Cufford,129
Hallpike, C.R,70
Hamer,J one H.,70
Hamers, F.L,129
Hamilton, Angust, 129
Hamilton, David,38
Hammers, Chmidt Ernest 5,129
Hancock, Grahm,38 129
Handbook of Abyssinia, 129
Handbook on Crop Production,129
Hansson, Gote,39
Harbeson, Jone,129
Harbeson, Jone,129
Haregewoin Cheriret,39
Harris, J oseph E.,39
Hartlmair,Paul, 130
Hassenstein, Bruno,130
Haues, Arthur J ., 130
Hayford,J .E, 96
Hayilu Banti,39
Hays, Edward,16
Haystuart Munro, 130
Haytere, Frank E. 130
Head, F.B, 130
Health Disease Medicin and Famine, 5
Healy, A.M, 130
Hecht, Dorothea,16,91
Heed, Michael, 131
Heffner, Ednas, 130,131
Hege, Nathan B,16
Hein, Ewald,130
Helenc, Donilo A.,70
Heliodoros, Emesa,96
Hempston, Smith,131
Henning, Ricard, 131
Henri, D'Orleans, 131
Henty, g.A,131
Henze, Paul B,131
Henze, Paul B.,39
Henze, Paul,39
Herrmann, Gerhard,131
Hertmann, Robert, 131
Hertslet, E.,39
Herzbruch, Kurt, 131
Hess, Robert L,131
Heudebert, Lucen,131
Heuglin, Theodor Von,131
Hevglin, Von, 70
Hill, Gorge Birkbeck,131
Hiruy Amanuel,62
Hoben, Allan,39
Hobhouse, Stephen,131
Hodson, Arnold W. & Walker
Hodson, Arnold Wienholt, 131
Holand, Tevenen J ames, 132
Hollis, Christopher,132
Holtby, Winifred,96
Holtby, Winifred,96
Holtz, Arnold,132
Horn, Luey W.,16
Horrabin,J .F, 132
Houghton,Herbert Pierrepant, 62
Houseing Study,83
Howard, William E.H.,39
Hoyos, Ernst Graf, 132
Hozler,Henry M,132
Human Resource Development,39
Hunchinson, Thomas J .132
Huntinford, Geoge Wynn,132
Hurst, H.E,132
Hyatt, Harry M.,39


I.E.A Comando Superiore A.O.,132
Ieteren, Gabrielle d',133
Ignesti, Ugo,62
Il " Fetha Nagast ",35
Ilardi, Saverio,133
Iliffe, J orn,39
Ilma, Viola,133
Imperial College,133
Imperial Ethiopian Government
Import and Formalities Export in
Indrias Getachew,133
Institute of Agriculture Research,83,84
Institute of African Studies,5
Institute of Ethiopian Studies,6
Integration of Population, 40
Inter - African Bureau for Soils,84
Interlandsi, Telesicio,133
Internal Rivairies,133
International Court of Iastiee,40.
International Coopertion ,84
International Development Consulting
Firm, 40
International Labour Organization ,6,40
International Labour Office,40
International Montary Fund,40
International Transparency,6
Investment guide to Ethiopia,40
Isenberg, Charles Ailliam,62
Isigaki, Yukio,62
Istituto Centrale di Statistical del
Istruzion per lesecuzione,41
Italia In Ethiopia,133
Italia. Comando Truppe-R Governo,41
Italia. Governo Generale dell`Africa
Italia. Minstero delle Colnie,41,70,84,
Italiana Istituto Fascista,133
Itallaand,R, Rolf,133
Italy, Governo,133
Italy, Ministero,133
Italy, Reale Societa,133
Iwarson, J .134


J acobis, J ustin De,134
J ager, Otto A, Fearce, Ivy ,191
J ager, Otto A.,91
J akobi, A,16
J ames, Cornelius91
J ames, Winston,134
J ansen, Pietro Gerardo,62,134
J ansson, Kurt.,41
J ardine, Douglas,134
J edrej, M.C. ,41
J ennings, J .W. ,134
J enny, Hans,134
J ensen, Ad.E.,70,71
J etbe,71
J esman, Czeslaw,41,134
J evania, N.A.,62
J ohnsen, Donald C.154
J ohnson history of Rasselas,134
J ohnson, Samuel,96
J ohnston, Charles ,134
J ohnston, Harry,134
J oireman, Sandra Fullerton,41
J ones, Arnold Hugh Martin,134,135
J onson, Paul,135
J onveaux, Emile134
J ordan Gebre-Medhin,41
J ournal de la Societe des Africanists,96
J ournal of Semitic Studies.,6,96
J ournal of the African Society,6
J oussume, Roger ,135
J umilhac, Comtesse De ,135
J unod, Marcel,135
J warson, J .,16


Kabbadi, Andrea,42
Kabutu, P. Libaara,135
Kakkerer, Albert,135
Kamil, Albert, 135
Kamil, J urad ,135
Kamil, Murad,91
Kane, Thomas Liper ,90,96
Kaplan, Steven ,135
Kapteijns, Lidwien,136
Kapuscinski, Kyszard,136
Karp, Mark,42
Karsten, Detlev,91
Kasa and Kasa,136
Kassa Negussie Getachew ,42
Katte, A Von ,136
Kaundas Eye on Royalties,6
Kebede Mikael, 91,97
Kefyalew Merahi 10,16,136
Kelemen, Paul ,42
Keller, Edmond J .,136
Keller, J oseph ,97
Kessis Kafyalew Merahi ,16
Kessler, David,136
Kibreab, Gaim,42
Kidane Mengisteab ,42
Kifle Beseat,91
Kilmer, Friedrich,137
Kinfe Abraham,42,71,136
Kirk, J.W.C. ,62
Kittmann, Enno ,136
Klingenheben, August,62
Kloos, Helmat,6
Knib, Michael A. ,16
Knutssen, Karl Eric,136
Kober, Alfred,136
Kodolitsch, Von Die,136
Kolmodin, Johannes,136
Konovaloff, Theodone,136
Korabiewicz , W.16
Korn, Danid A.,42
Korten, David C.and Korten, Fraces F.
Krainz, Othmar,97
Krapf, J ohann Ludwig,137
Kremer, Alfoeol Von,137
Krenkel , Erich,71
Krzeczunowicz, George,42
Kumm, H. K.W,137


L` Africa Orientale,100,137
LAF LAfrican in Vetrina, 6
La Colona Ertrea,137
La Costruzione dell'impero ,137
La pradelle, A. De ,137
Lachin, Maurice,137
Lacroze, Maturin V.,16
La'Guerra Italo- Etiopico,137
Lahse, Erich,137
Lake, Anthony,42
Laketch Dirasse,43
Landi, Maria Giaconla,137
Lange, Werner,91
Language in Ethiopia,62
Lapiso G. Dilebo,137
Lasky, Melvin J ., 137
Last, G.C. 137,138
Laurence, Richard, 16,17
Lauribar, Paul De,138
Lauro , Raffaele Di ,43,35,138
Lavagetto, Aroldo,138
Le Colonie Italiane,85
Le fonctionnement des forces Speciales,35
Le livre des mysteres,17
Le Roux, Hugues ,139
Le Synaxaire Ethiopien,17
Lebrun, Henri ,138
Ledbrum, Henri, 138
Lefeburee, M Theophil,138
Lefebvre, J effrey A.,43
Lefort, Rene,138
Legesse Negash,71
Legum, Colin ,138
Leijonhufvnd, Erik,138
Leiris, Michel,138
Lemmi, Francesco ,138
Leonessa, Mauro Da,17
Leonessa, P. Mauro Da,62,71
Leontiev, Nikolas Stepanovich,138
Lepfius, Richard ,138
L'Eritrea nel 1938-( XVI-XVII),138
Leroy, J ules,92,139
Lersch, Max,139
Leslan, Wolf,6,63,71
L'Ethiopie ,120,139
L'Etiopia.- Roma ,120
Letters from Ethiopian Rulers,43
Leuenberger, Hans,139
Lev`ne Donald N.,71
Levi, Dellavida , Giorgio,63
Levie del Mondo Rivista,6
Levine, Donald N. 139
Lewis , I.M. ,43,71
Lewis, Herbert S. ,139
Lewis, I.M,139
Lewis, Loanm,43
Liano, Alexandro139
Liard, Elizabeth 13
Licata, G.B.139
Lieberenz, Paul,139
Lifchitz, Deboram ,17
Light and Darkness in East Africa,17
L'Impero colouiale Italiano, 140
Lipsky, George A.,140
Lischi, Dario, 140
L'Italia di Oggi'Le Colonie.,43
L'Italia in Afriac Serie Storico-
L'Italia in Africa ,140
Literaure on Africa,6
Little, Arthur D.43
Littmann, Enno,43,63,97,140
Living on the Edge, 44
Lkein, Fritz ,140
Lloyd-J ones, W., 140
Lobo, J eronimo,140
Lockot, Wilhelm,140
Lods, Adolphe,17
Lofgren, Oscar ,17
Lombardi, Leopldo,44
Longhena, Mario,140
Longrigg, Stephen H., 140
Lord, Edith ,141
Love, Harold C. ,35
Lowenstein, Stevn,44
Lubinski, Kurt,141
Lubke, Heinrich, 92
Lucatello, Enrico,141
Luding , Emil,141
Ludolf, Hiob ,141
Luke, Happy Chanles ,17
Lulu Muhe,85
Luluseged Alemayehu,44
Luongo, Giuseppe,141
Luther, Ernest W.,141
Lye, Keith,141
Lynn-Allen, B.G.,92


Maaza Lemma, 44
Maccallum, Elizabeth F,141
Maccreagh, Gordon ,141
Macdermot, Barin Hugh,71
Macdonald, J . F. ,141
Macfie, J , W. S,141
Machida, Robert,44
Mackworitn-Praed ,71
Mackworth-Praed, C.W.,71
Maclean, Roblnson ,141
Magistris, De L.F. ,141
Mahler, Ludwig,64
Makin, William J . ,141,142
Makinda, Samuel M., 44
Makonen Getu ,44
Malan, S.C. ,17
Maldon I- centenari,150
Malizia, Nicola,142
Manetti, Carlo ,44
Manfronl, Camillo (ed),44
Mannert, Ronard ,142
Manni, E.F. ,44
Manoel Da Veiga,142
Manyroui , Camillo,6
Mapier, H.D. ,150
Mara, Yolande ,17
Marchal, Louis and Berlan, E. ,142
Marchese, Aldo,142
Marcus, Harold G.,44,142
Marein, J ude Nathan ,44,45
Maria Di Piemonte,142
Maridotti, Delio,142
Marinetti, F.T. ,142
Marini, Pio Luigi ,97
Marino Antonio ,142,143
Mario, Alamanni Ennio Quirio,45
Markais, J ohn,142
Markham, Clemants R.,142
Markos, Retta. ,142
Marsden - Smedley, Philip,143
Marsh, Richard ,18
Martelli, George,143
Martens, Otto and Kerstedt, O. ,143
Martial De Salviac, 71
Martial P. ,71
Martinelli, Renzo.143
Martini, Ferdinando,143
Martino, Giacomo de,143
Marzo, Gennaio F. ,85
Massaja, Guglielmo,143,144
Massaja, Gulielmus,64
Mathew, David,97,144
Matteucci, R.,144
Matthews, Herbert,144
Mattioli, Guido ,144
Matucci, Mario,144
Maugini, Armado,85
Mauro, Ceonessa, 18
Maydon, H.C. ,144
Mayo, Earl.,144
Mazhafa Tomar. ,18
Mazzucconi, Ridolfo,144
Mccann, J ames C., 45,144
Mcclellan, Charlew W. 144
Mcfarlane, J .A. ,85
Medhane Tadesse ,45
Mekuria Bulcha ,45
Melesse Getu,45
Melin, Ronert Arthur,45
Memoriale Italian a Ginerva,144
M del instituto de relaciones ,45
Mengesha Kilitu ,45
Menghistu Lemma,97
Mengistu Woube ,45
Mengistu Gobezie,144
Mennevee, R.,144
Merab, Docteur,144
Merab, J ,145
Merab, Paul 145
Mercier, J acques ,18,92
Merera Gudina,145
Merla, Ciovanni ,72
Mertens, Robert,145
Mesfin Wolde-Mariam,45,145
Messay Kebede,145
Methodology and African Prehstory,145
Mexico Quarterly Review ,6
Micacci, Rodlfo,145
Micaletti, Raffaelo,145
Michael, Charlles,72
Middletion , Dorothy,146
Miedema, R,18
Milano, Istituto per gli S.P.,146
Miller, Clarence J . ,85
Minasse, Haile,45
Ministere de L'' Information ,146
Ministero Dell'Africa Italiana,45
Ministry de L Information ,7
Ministry of Agriculture,45,85,86
Ministry of Commerce and Industry ,45,46
Ministry of Culture and Sports ,92
Ministry of Education,46
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,7,146
Ministry of Health,46,86
Minstryof Information ,7,18,46,92,146
Miscellane Abessinica,146.
Missione Biologica,72
Missione Cattolica ,146
Missione di studio al Lago Tana.,72
Missione Ethografica nel Uollega,72
Missione Geologica nel Tigrai. ,72
Missionss De studio Al Lago Tana,72
Mitchell, L.H.,146
Mitchell, Philip ,147
Mittlhozer, Walter,147
Mittwoch, Eugen ,18,64
Mockler, Antony ,147
Modica, Giovanni di Cinghia.,147
Mohammed Hassen,147
Mohr, J ack ,147
Mohr, Paul A., 72,73
Moltoni, Edgardo,72
Molvaer, Reidulf Knut,46,97
Mondaini, Gennaro,147
Mondon-Vidailhet, C. 64,147
Monfreid, Henry de ,97,147,148
Monmarson, Raoul,148
Monore, Elizabeth,148
Montandon, George,73
Montanelli, Indro Moorhead, Alan,148
Monti Della Corte, 92
Mooney, H.F. ,73
Moonfreid, Henry de Abdi,148
Moore, Eine,18
Moorehead Alan,148
Morena, Martino Mario,46,64
Moreno, Martino Mario,97
Mori, Angiolo,46
Morie, L.J , 149
Morris, J ames,149
Morton, Bill ,73
Mosley, Leonard,149
Mota Muse ( La mort do moise).,18
Mottern, Nicholas,46
Mrotta, Renato ,149
Muhlen, LeoVon Zur,149
Mulatu Wubneh ,46,149
Muller, otto,149
Mungal, Njeroge,149
Munier, H,118
Munzenberger, Ubessin,149
Munzingr, Werner,73
Murad Kamil ,149
Murdock, George peter,150
Murphy, Dervla,150
Murphy, H.F.,86
Murray J acoby, Catherine.,150
Murray, Alexander,150
Mussolini, Vittorio,150
My Life and Ethiopia,150
Myatt, Frederick,150


Nanni, Ugo,150
Naphtali, Antonio Marcia,18
Napier , Henry Dundas,150
Nara, Cocmicia,150
Narodi Afriki ,73
National Metrological ,73
National Unity and Regionalism,46
Nationalism and Self-determination,46
NCTPE ,47,86
Nelson , Kethleen and Alan, Sullivan
Nemours, Alfred,150
Nerazzini, Di cesare,150
Nesbitt, L.M.,150
Nesbittt, Ludovico M.,150
Netherlands Economic Institute.,47
Neubacher, Hermann,150
Neuhaus, Virginia ,150
Newman, E.W. Polson,150
Newton, Isaac ,150
Nicholoson, G. Edward,73
Nicol, Clive,150
Nicolas ,18
Nicolas, Metropplite D Aesoum ,18
Niven, Rex ,150
Nolan, Liam,47
Nolen, Barbara,150
Nomado, Riccardo,150
Norberg, Viveca Halldin,47
Norden, Hemann ,151
Nordfelddt, Martin,151
Nordeiska Afrika,
Nowack, Ernest,73


O` mahoney, Kevin ,97
O haniol, Douglas ,19
O Leary, Delocy,19
Obolensky, Serge, 64
Ochtman, L.H.J . 86
Odorizzi, Dante,151
Office of the Planning Board,47
Ohrwalder, J oseph ,151
O'Kane, Rosemary,151
Oldroyd, H.,73
Oleary, De Lacy,7
Oliver, Roland and Caroline,151
O'mahoney Kevin ,151
Omodeo, A. Peglion, Valenti,47
Onerti, Eugenio ,151
Ongaro, Gruliano,47
Opere per 'organizzazione,151
Ora, Fidenzio Dall ,151
Orano, Marcello ,65
Orano, Paolo,151
Ordinamento e regolamento
Organization of African Unity ,7
Orlandi, Giuseppo,65
Orsini, P. D'Agostino,151
Ostini, Felice,48
Ottaway, Marina and David,48
Ottolenghi, F,151
Ouannou, J ane et J ean,151
Ouderrisn, Denuan ,19
Owen , Dyddgu ,151


Pace, Biagio ,151
Pais, Pero ,151
Pakenhan, Thomas,152
Palmer, F.R. ,65
Pankhrst, E. Sylvia,153
Pankhurst, Alula,48
Pankhurst, Helen ,152
Pankhurst, Richard,19,48,87,152,153
Pankhurst, Richard & Ingrams, Leila ,152
Pankhurst, Slavia and Pankhurst, R,153
Paoli , Renato,153
Parisis, Dott Nicola,153
Parker, Ben ,153
Parkyns, Nansfield,153
Parrini, Enrico,153
Partini, Ferdinando,153
Pasha, Rudolf C. Salth,153
Paturza, Michele,154
Paul, J ames C,48
Paul, M.A.,154
Paul, Y.S. ,173
Paulitschke, Philipp,73,154
Paulltsche, P.,7
Paulos Tzadua,48
Pavesi, P. ,74
Pavolini, Alessandro,154
Payne, Eric ,92,93
Pearce, Ivy ,87,154
Pearcee, Nathaniel ,154
Pearn, N.S. and Vernon, B.,154
Peberdy, Max,154
Pedersen, Kirsten ,19
Pellegrineschi, A.V. ,49
Peoples Democratic ,Republic of
Ethiopia, 49
Pereira, Francisco Maria Esteves,154
Perham, Margery ,49
Perham, Margery and Simmons, J ack
Peridis, Petros,49
Perruchon, Jules, .65,15,155
Pesenti,Gustavo, 93,155
Petrides, S. Pierre,19,49,155
Philips, Wendell,155
Philipson, David W. ,155
Phillips, Paul G. ,49
Phillips, Sylvia ,74
Philppos Mengistu,19
Piazza , Giuseppe,155
Piccirilli, Tito,65
Pichi- Sermolli, Rodolfr E.G.,87
Pickett, J ames. ,49
Pierre- Alyps,155
Pietros Hailu , 93
Piglei, Marioo,155
Pini, Giorio,155
Pischke, J .D.Von,49
Pistolese, Cennaro E,49.
Pitts, J oseph,155
Plant Genetic Resources of Ethiopia,74
Platt, T.P.,19
Plowden, Walter Chichel ,155
Ployne , Beatrice,155
Poggialli, Ciro ,155
Poggic, Cario ,49
Poinsot, J ean- Poul ,156
Point 4 Agreements,49
Poladian, Tererning ,19
Poletti, Edoardo,49
Pollera, Alberto ,49,50,74,156
Pomilio, Marco ,156
Poncet, Charles ,156
Pontecorvo, Lallo ,156
Pool, David,156
Pooter, F.M.De,156
Portal , Gerald Herbert,156
Poschen- Eiche, Peter,87
Pougeois, L'abbe A. ,156
Powell, E. Alexander,156
Powne, Michael,93
Pradele, A. De La ,156
Praetorius, Franz ,65
Prasso, Alberto ,74
Prato, Domenico del ,156
Prepositi, Clemente ,156
Presence Africaine ,7
Prinzi, Daniele ,87
Pritchard, Evans,74
Proceedings ,7,50,93
Prochazka , Roman Von ,156
Prorok, Byron De,157
Prorok, Count Syron De ,157
Prospero Maria Damilano,65
Prouty, Chrdsis,156
Prouty, Chris ,157
Proverbes Abyssins,50
Provisional Military Government of
Prutk's Travels in Ethiopia ,157
Pryssenaer's E. de ,157
Pucci, Generoiso,157
Puglisi, Giuseppe ,157
Pugnani, Angelo,157
Pull- Burry, B ,157


Quaranta, Ferdinando,157


Raffray, Achile ,157
Rampone, Iscar,157
Rapport d' experts allemands,50
Rapport du gouvernement Italien,50
Rasmusson, Joel,157
Rassagna Economica,50
Rassam, Hormuzd,157
Rassegna Italiana Politico Letteraria,8
Rassegna Sanitaria ,87
Rava, Maurizio,158
Rayne, H. ,158
Reale Aeeademis D'Italia,158
Rebeaud, Henri,158
Reck , Leopold,158
Recking, Ruppert,158
Redden, Kenneth Rovert,50
Rediconti della R. ,8
Reduce, Un,158
Regional Operational Seminar,50
Rehab: Drought and Faime in Ethiopia,51
Reid, J .M. ,158
Rein, G.K.,158
Reinisch, Leo,65
Reischies, Siegfried,158
Reisgidsen, Elmar ,51
Remapping Ethiopia: Socialism and After
Remond, Georges,158
Rennell, Rodd J ames ,157
Renshan , R,158
Report on Average Retail Prices,51
Research Papers,51
Research with Farmere Lessons,87
Resettlement & rural devlopment ,51
Resultati Scientifici delle missioni, 74
Review of Experiences with
Participatory on Farm , 87
Revoil, Georges ,74
Revue Economique Internationale,8
Rey, Charles Fernand,159
Rhades, Denys ,97
Rhodokanakis, N,8
Ribera, Almevico,159
Rice, Seme Ritchie,159
Richetti, Errico,65
Rigotti Giorgto,87
Riguzzi Alfonso ,159
Rimbaund, Arthur,159
Rittlinger, Herbert ,159
Rivera, Vincenzo,87
Rivista delle Colonic,8
Rivista di diritto Colonoalo,51
Rivista Di Fanteria,159
Rivoyre, Denis de,159
Robertson, Wilfried,98
Rock, Hewn, 93
Roden, K.G.,159
Roden, Nile,159
Rodinson, Maxime,10
Rogers, J .A.,159
Rohlfs, Gerhard,159
Rollier , Aug. Tra.,159
Roman Roads in East Africa,87
Rooms, William W.,160
Rose, F. Horace,98
Rosen, Bjoern Von.,93,160
Rosen, Fellx ,160
Rosenfeld, Chris Prouty,160
Rosenthal , Eric,160
Rossett, Carlo,51,160
Rossi, Amilcare,160
Rossi, Corrado,160
Rossin , Carlo Cont,8,160
Roussan, Simone Mazade,160
Routes in Abyssinia.,160
Roux Hugues,160
Rowan- Robinson, Henry,160
Rowat, D.C.51
Rubenson, Sven,160
Rubin, Anny Marwig160
Ruppell, Eduard,160,161
Rushby , Kevin, 161
Russel, Stanislas ,161
Russell, Michalel,161


Saadi Touval ,161
Sablli, Luca dei,161
Saboya Salvador and Vieira,161
Sachs - Villatte: Dictionnaire65
Sadler, Peter G.,51
Sahistrom , Berit,93
Sahle-Sellassie Berhane Mariam,98,161
Saineano, Maius,161
Saint-Aymour, De Caix,51
Sala, Guido,74
Salata, Francesco ,161
Salbucci, Setlimio,161
Salerno, A.,87
Salimbeni, Auguston,161
Salt, Henry161,162
Salvemini, Gactano,162
Salvo, Mario Di,19
Sambon, L., 51
San Marzano, Roberto Di.,162
Sanctis, Gino de,162
Sandford, Christine,162
Sanguinetti, J oseph,162
Santagata, Fernando,162
Santor, G.,65
Santos, J oao Dos,162
Sapelli, Alessandro,162
Sapeto, Giuseppe 162
Sarinay, Yusuf,51
Sarubbi, Francesco,163
Sauldie, Madan M.,51
Savia-Genova, Filiberto di ,163
Savorini, Vittorio,163
Saxena , N.K.,163
Sbacchi, Alberto ,163
Scammacca, Del Murgo Emanuele,163
Scarfoglio, Edoardo Scarin, Emilio,163
Schaefer, Ludwig F.,163
Schafers, J oseph,1
Schigk, J ,20
Schneider, R.65
Schodde, George H.,20
Schoeller, Max,163
Schoenfeld, E Dagobbert,163
Scholefield, Alan ,163
Schrader, Eberardus,66
Schrenzel, Ernst Heinrich,163
Schutz, Paul ,163
Schuver, J uan Maria,164
Schwab, Peter,51,52,164
Scortecci, Giuseppe,74
Seckendorff, G. Von,164
Second Conference of Independent,8
Sedler, Robert Allen,52
Seegeler, G.J .P.,88
Sega, Carlo,52
Selected Articles,52
Sergew Hable Sellassie,8,74,164
Sergi, Sergio,74
Serra, Fabrizion,164
Serrazaneiti, A.,88
Serrnao , Giuseppe,66
Sertoli Salis, Renzo,164
Shack , William A. ,74
Shard, E. Malcolm,98
Shaw, J ohn H.,164
Shaw, Len.,164
Shaw, Samuel,164
Shelemay, key Kaufman,20
Shepherd. A.F.,164
Sherrington, Richard,98
Shibru Tedla,88
Shireeff, David,164
Shorter Novels,98
Sik, Endre,164
Silence is Not Golden,98
Silesh Wolde- Tsadik,52
Sillant, Tomaso ( ed.),164
Sillavengo, Caccia Domioni di Amhara
Chroniques de la patrouill astrale,164
Simon, Antonio,164
Simon, Gabriel ,165
Simone, Amelio de,164
Simonson, Joseph,165
Simoons, Frederick J.,74
Sing, Sahu Swarup,52
Siwertz, Sigfrid,165
Sjostrom, Margaret ,52
Skinner, Robert P.,165
Skordilles, Kimon ,165
Slessarev, Vsevolod,165
Slikkerveer, L.J ,16
Small-Scale Enterprise,52
Smeds, Helmer.,88
Smith , A. Donaldson,165
Smith, F. Harrison ,165
Snailham, Richard,165
Snowden, Franl M.,165
Societa Geografica Italiana,165
Sociology, Ethnology Bulletin. ,74
Sodeck , Gottfried,165
Soleillet, Paul,165
Solonn, Keis Gidada,165
Somali National Bank.,52
Somalia , Information Services ,165
Somalia Under the Revolution ,166
Sottochlesa. G. ,20
Spectrum Guide to Ethiopia ,166
Speeches Delivered by H.I.M.H.S,
Speke, J ohn Hanning,166
Spencer, John H.,166
Sperdutti , Giuseppe,166
Spooner, Bryan,52
Stade, Bernhard,66
Stamp, L' Dudley ,166
Standing Conference of African,8
Stanley, Henry Morton ,166
Stanley, S. and Karsten, D.,52
Starace, Achile ,166
Starki, Enid ,166
Starkie, Walter,166
Stauder, J ack,75
Steer, George Lowther,167
Steranini, Giuseppe,75
Stern, Henry A.167
Stewart, Robert B.,88
Stigand, C.H.167
Stokke, Baard Richard,52
Storaci, Gaetano,66
Straube, H. ,75
Streicyn, Stefan ,88
Streit, Robert and Dindinger, J .,8,9
Strelcyn, S. ,9
Strelcyn, Stefan,10
Strindbere, Friedrich ,167
Studies Concerning the Language, 52
Study On Possiblities of a Maiz,88
Stumm, F,167
Stussy, J acques,167
Sudan, Ethiopia and North
East Africa,167
Suleiman Anita,53
Summer Skill, J ohn,53
Sumner, Claude,10,53,66
Superfine Advertising Agency,88
Supplementary Food for Ethiopia,88
Swayne, Herald George Carlos ,167
Sykes, Christopher,167
Syoum Gebre Gziabher,53


Tabouis , Genevieve,167
Taddesse Tamrat,20
Taddia, Irma,167
Tadele Seyoum,168
Tadele Yidnekatchew,168
Taffara Deguefe,98,168
Talbot, Dave ,98
Talbot, David Abner,168
Tamrat Ilayne,88
Tax Records and Inventories,53
Tealdy, Lorenzo,168
Tecle Haimanot ( Abba),168
Tedeslo, Vittorio,168
Tefari Abate,53
Teferra Deguefe,53
Tekahun Basha,88
Tekele Haimanot,168
Tekeste Negash ,53,168
Tekle Tsadik Mekoria,20,168
Teles, Baltazar,168
Ten Years of Ethiopia Revolution,53
Terina, Kelly,168
Tesegaye Tegenu,53
Tesfasion Medhanie,168
Tesfaye Assefa,53
Tesfaye Tafesse,53,75
Tesfaye Zergaw,168
Teshale Tibebu,169
Teshome Adera,53
Testi, C.,169
Teweldemedhin J osief ( ABBA) ,93
Tewodros and His Contemporaroes,169
Tewoldeberhan Gebere Egziabher,54
Tharaud, J erome and Tharaud, Jean ,169
The Fetha Nagast.,35
The Alexander Book in Ethiopia,100
The Amharic Letters of Emperor ,21
The Annual Raport for 1958-1959/,22
The Bandler of Righteousness ,11
The British Acadamy,24
The British Institute,77
The Church of Ethiopia,13
The Constitution,27
The Crisis of Development Strategies,27
The Development of a New Health,28
The Ecology of Health,78
The Empire of Ethiopia,29
The Ethiopian Economy,4,34
The Ethiopian Orthodox Chruch,14
The Ethiopic Text of the Book of
The Ethiopic Version of the Song of
The Fate of Italys Colonies.,35
The Federale Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia, 4,90
The Gospel in Many Tongues.,15
The History of Rasselas,96
The Horn of Africa,39
The Invention of Aomalia,133
The Italian Empire in Africa,133
The J ournals of C.W. ,135
The Journals of Rev Messrs,135
The Land Charters of Northern
Ethiopia ,43
The Life and Exploits of Alexander ,43
The Lion Cub,6,43
The Liturgy of the Ethiopian Church,17
The long Struggle ,141
The Miracle Child,97
The Missionary Factor in Ethiopia,18
The National Encyclopedia,7
The New Africa Inititative,47
The Non-Semitic Language of
The President 's Report,50
The Press and the People,70
The Quarterly review,8
The Queen of Sheba,97
The Quest for Peace in Africa,50
The Rich Man and the Singer,51
The Rights of Abyssinian Church,19
The Road to Bethlehem,97
The Royal Geographical Society,160
The Southern March of Imperial ,166
Theile. Albert,93
Theodosins , Heliodorns ,98
Thodey, Alan R.,54
Thomas, Henry,169
Thompson ,Virginia and Richard Adloff
Thompson, Virginia,54
Thulin, Mats ,88
Tigrai Rural Development,54
Tigringa Grammer ,66
Tilahun Gabriel,66
Tiling, Maria V.,169
Timberlake, Loyd,54
Tippett, Alan R.75
Tirussew Teferra 10
Tomaselli, Cesco169
Tonkin,, Thelma,169
Toppenberg, Valdemar E, 169
Tosti, Amedeo,169
Tout en Un: Encyclopedie illustree,9
Toynbee, Arnold J .169
Tracchia, Ruggero,169
Transitional Govermment of
Travels of J ames Bruce,169
Traversi, Leopoldo,169
Tremauz, P.,169
Trevaskis, G.K.N.,169
Trimingham, J . Spencer,20
Trusi, Riccardo,169,170
Tsedekc Abnte,89
Tsegaye Gabra-Medhin,98,69
Tubiana, J osepe,66
Turenne, Roland J .,170
Turton, David,89
Tuschek, Charles,66


Uhlenbroek, Carol, 170
Uliendorff, Edward,20,66,170
United Kingdom. Board of Trade,54
United Nations ,89
United Nations Economic
Ukkendorff, Edward, 9
University College of Addis Ababa
Unseth, Peter ,9
Urban, Emil K.,75
Ursin, Max,170
Usoni Luigi 75


Vademecum Economico Perl A.O. I.,54
Vademecum, per,170
Vadla, Rocco,170
Vailati, Vanna,170
Valente, J oao,170
Valentia, George Viscount ,170
Valle, P.Adel,170
Vanderheym, J .G170
Vanderlinden, J acques,54
Varanini, Varo,171
Vaucher, Paul and Siriex, Paul-Henri
Vecchi, B.Valentino ,54
Vecchi, Maria,171
Vecchletto, Fulgenzio171
Vechi, Bernardo Valentino,171
Vedovato, Giuseppe,171
Veitch , Sophie F.F,171
Vergani, Orio ,171
Verlag, Nelles,171
Verne, Vittorio,55
Verned , H.L.,89
Veroi, G.P. ,55
Vetter, Susanne,89
Victory Day ,55
Vida do Abba Daniel,20
Vigilantes ,171
Vigoni, Giuseppe,171
Vigoni, Pippo,171
Villard, Vgo Monneret,171
Villari, Luigi,171,172
Vinassa De Regny , Paolo,172
Virgin, Eric,172
Virgin, General ,122
Vitali, Giovanni Ed Bartolozzi, Enrico
Vito, L. De,172
Vivero Pol, Jose Luis ,75
Vivian, Herbert,172
Vivo, Raul Valdes,55
Voblikov, D.R.,55
Vocabolaric Cunama,66
Vollbreecht, Hans,172
VolpIcelli, Luigi,172
Volta, Sandro ,172


Wacker, C.H.,55
Waldaa Mirgoota Namummaa.,55
Waldmeier, Theophilus ,172
Waley, Daniel,172
Walker, C.H.,55,66
Wallace, Tina,55
Waller, J ames,55
Wangh, Evelyn ,98
Warsama, Solomn Abraham,66
Was Gene Nicht Sehen Will,172
Washington, George,172
Watson, J ane Werner,172
Waugh, Evelyn ,9
Webb, Patrick ,172,173
Weiel, Ludwig ,55
Weilenmann, Gottfried, Anehsen,
Weld Blundell, Herbert (ed) ,173
Wellby, Montagu Sinclair,173
Wencker-Wildberg Friedrech,173
Werbrouck, R,173
Wesselman , Henry B. ,75
Westheimer, Ruth ,55
What`s for Lunch ?,89
Wheeler, Post,98
White, F,173
Wienholt , C.A.,173
Wiese, Ernst,173
Wilkins, H. St. Clair,173
Willmott, Helen M. ,20
Wilson, Amrit,55
Wilson, Edmund,20
Wilson, Hugh R.,173
Winninger, Franz ,173
Winstanley, W.173
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse,75
Wolde Michael Kelecha,75
Wolff, J urgen Feriherrvon,76
Wood Ward Peter,55
Work, Ernest,173
World Bank ,56
Wright , Thomas,173
Wylde, Augustus B.,173


Xylander, Rudolf ,174


Yacob Wolde-Mariam,174
Yared Amare ,55
Year book of the United Nations ,9
Yemane Deneke,174
Yeraswork Admassie,55
Yohaunes Petros,174
Young, J ohn,174


Zaghi, Carlo,98,174
Zahn, Walter,174
Zammarano,Vittorio Tedesco,93
Zanutto, Silvio ,9
Zappa, Paolo,174
Zavattari, Edoardo,76
Zavatti, Silvio,174
Zenebe Bekele,93
Zervos, Adrien,174
Zewdie Abegas,55
Ziliotto, Giuseppe,55
Zischka, Anton ,174
Zohrer, Ludwig G.A.,174
Zoli, Corrado ,174
Zopi, Vittorio ,174
Zotenberg, H.,9,20


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