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Quality Consultants
Mohamed E Al Bakry & Associates

December 7, 2009

River Nile. Alexa Initiative

Invitation to donate and contribute: the Green and Blue

Highly Respected Professionals and Colleagues

Academics and Leading Business Communities

It is our pleasure to renew our communications and re-introduce our selves to your
business communities as one of prominent quality and business solutions scholars
and independent consultants in the Mediterranean.

From the days of inspection-based quality control, quality assurance has come a long
way today. Dr. Taguchi’s quality engineering methodology has received very wide
attention in the last five years, which is evidenced in the number of courses offered
by several universities and organizations such as the American Supplier Institute
(ASI), American Society for Quality Control (ASQC), American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME), Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), and the Society of
Manufacturing Engineers (SME). The Taguchi approach to quality focuses on
designing quality into products at the design stage. By addressing quality issues at
the design stage, this methodology reduces development lead times and quality

In this mini paper, we tend to shed light on few business experiences and drive
together lessons taught. In classes for HRD we focus on theory not very much
practice, and the gap tends to be huge as if the lead professor introduces the perfect
globe to the attendants. This lead to audience having bit difficulties in cooping up
with rapid change in day to day Alexandria tram stations... it has became so common
to see narrow streets with cross sectional roads encompassing crowds and
pedestrians moving info. Sand and good intentions for a better life in a better
tomorrow that has been very much delayed over the metro plan comming to Alex
burg el Arab.

Where are the bits and pieces in our administered centered well managed efficient
services?? Six sigma may be on of the answers to monitor waste and realize defects
before taking actions to correct these actions and plan new actions based on
recognized counter intelligent actions triggered by monopoly decision makers leaving
the public astray from any participation.

We do understand the flock of birds needs to be continuously pampered with

educational programs and nourished with hope for a better story telling except those
old goodies of liberté and égalité.

Your highness your excellences... we are in deep belief of the need for a new belief...
new vision and true statement of now and here... not tomorrow and 2020... Plans. the
now and here strategy focuses on getting rid of boundary system , leaving all
uncompleted efforts and plans and involve those watchers for ahly and zamalek with
new engagements in land reclamation and full military engagement . It is the war
over... is the true dedication to construction for super development of resources for
all man kind. We have the capacity to rest assure the entire globe leaders and
movers that Egypt and Sudan alone can provide world needs from seeds and plant
animals as well as green peace to curb hunger coming in 2020 2050 if world annual
agro production is not yet starts to double immediately (FAO published statement

We are raising red signals for those in the Asia Pacific Rim and heavily industrialized
economies like Japan and others that the time has come to get out from the shell of
localities and pour in your machinery, expertise, technologies and working capital for
real true people to people business to business b2b relation ships.

Let the government be the sole leader in service providing information and
regulations rather than the businessman and the wholesaler and the retailers and
inevitably the well subsidized consumer.

The grace need is here to re map geography , identify underground water , mobilize
all research and development studies that have been already completed , put
funding in practice in a now and here mode.. All governmental officials and
department officers and concurrent parties engaged with agro industrial green and
blue economies to move in to new lands. The presidential palace to issue decrees
plotting eco allotment to organizations that in turn will allocate into smaller shares
for individuals and families.

The philosophy of family business has proven successful in Middle East and other
parts of the world so why not here and now.

Act today... before it is too late.

Having sought more than 200 accounts and brought hundreds of small to medium
enterprises to double digits profits at rough times of recession and tough
competition, we offer you free hearing session on conference every Friday s 10:00

AM for 45 minutes to discuss market movers and shakers thus give counseling to
members and reach ideas for implementation.

Our vision focuses on the potential sacred capability of human resources as key
element of corporate success. Therefore; we do and carry out complete tailor made
training solutions and quality certifications that will align with the corporate mission
and assure course and speed while monitoring KPI’ S as dashboard for management
tools to eliminate waste in every aspect of operations.

We go even further in our due diligence by touching root causes and address finance,
marketing, ERP hurdles in one total quality integrated planned packaged solution.

We provide our financial and engineering outsourcing services to selected

organization to secure competitive funding rates that suits top management safe
operation and steady growth needs.

Whenever you would like to discuss further details on how we can add value to your
balance sheets, call our A Mazen for a free telephone interview on +(20)103340015
or www.skype.com ; Mohamed.e.al.bakry .

Sincerely yours;

Mohamed E Al Bakry

CEO, IQS. Quality Consultants



242 abdul Salam Aref st. loran 21411. Alexandria. Egypt

Jeddah. Cairo. Norfolk. Dubai. Doha. Bahrain. Munich. Liverpool

‫‪IQS. Quality Consultants‬‬
‫‪Mohamed E Al Bakry & Associates‬‬

‫‪December 7, 2009‬‬

‫دعوة للمشاركة فى اعمار المناطق النائية‬

‫دعوة لعمار البيئة الصحراوية و استثمار البيئة الخضراء و تحسين استغلل‬

‫القتصادين الزرق و الخضر‬

‫دعوة لتحسين الموارد البحرية و السمكيه و تنمية الصناعات المعتمده عليها‬

‫الى الجهات المانحه و المقرضه‬

‫الى صناديق التنمية و تنمية المشروعات الكبيرة و المتوسطة و الصغيرة‬

‫الى الصناديق الهليه العامله فى التنمية الزراعية السمكية‬

‫الى صناديق المحافظه على البيئة من التصحر‬

‫الى كل صاحب قرار عنده فائض مالى او سلعى او آلى او هندسى او مورد‬
‫معلوماتى او خبراتى‬

‫و يقبل مشكورا بالتبرع او العمل بنفسه او الاقراض لمشروعات المن‬

‫الغذائى فى محافظة السكندرية و دول نهر النيل اليجاد‬

‫السيدات و الساده الفاضل و اصحاب المعالى و الشيوخ و المراء و اصحاب‬

‫السمو الملوك و الرؤساء و السادة السفراء و الساده الحكماء و السيدات‬
‫العاقلت و ربات البيوت المحترمات و كل شاب و فتاه او انسان قادر على‬
‫العمل و العطاء و يكون متحضرا راشدا و مخلصا مؤمنا‬

‫السيد المدير العام‬

‫انه لمن دواعى سرورنا ان نعمل سويا لخدمححة مجتمعنححا بمححا يحقححق ثقافححة العمححل الحححر و‬
‫تعزيز القتصاد الخضر فى مجابهة الركود و البطالة و عمل على زيادة التبححادل التجححارى و‬
‫ذلك اعتمادا على آليات التمويل المرن ‪ .‬ان حلول الجودة المتكامله قدمت استشارات‬
‫و تدريب متكامل فححى جححوانب الدارة تعححدى حيححز التفاصححيل الفنيححة الححدقيقه للمشححروع و‬
‫ساعدت العديد من الشركات على تلبية احتياجاتها المالية بما يحقق نموا مطردا حححتى يتححم‬
‫تحقيق الهداف الموضوعه من الدارة و ذلك عبر سلسلة كونية مححن شححركاء عمححل وحححدوا‬
‫الجهود فى شبكة متكامله لخدمة احتياجات العميل و ذلححك نتيجححة جهححد متواصححل علححى مححر‬
‫عشرين سنه فى اسواق اقليمية من دول مجلس التعحاون الخليجحى و مصحر و السحودان و‬
‫بلدان صناعية اخرى ‪.‬‬

‫اذا كان لديكم مشروعا قائما يحتاج للتوسع او مشروعا جديدا له دراسة جدوى اقتصاديه و‬
‫فنية و لها طابع تنموى و تخححدم الحبيئة و تحديححدا القتصححاد الخضححر المعتمححد علححى التصححنيع‬
‫الزراعى او القتصاد الزرق المعتمد على التصنيع البحرى و السمكى و اللذان يشغلان اليد‬
‫العاملة بكثافه و يكون الثر المتولد عن ذلك صديقا للبيئة و يتوافححق مححع متطلبححات شححهادة‬
‫الجودة ‪ , ISO 14001:2004‬فاننا يمكننححا المسححاعدة فححى السححعى لتحصححيل قححروض‬
‫ميسرة او منح بشروط مبسطة لتامين احتياجاتكم مححن المححال اللزم لنجححاز المشححروع ‪ ,‬و‬
‫لمزيد من التفاصيل و لترتيب زيارة ‪ ,‬يمكن التصال بالسيد مازن و عمل حححوار عححبر النححت‬
‫على ‪ : www.skype.com‬ح‪/‬ر ‪Mohamed.e.al.bakry‬‬

‫و تفضلوا سيادتكم بقبول اخلص التهانى ‪.‬‬

‫مهندس محمد عصام الدين البكرى‬

‫الرئيس التنفيذى و العضو المنتدب‬



‫‪242 abdul Salam Aref st. loran 21411. Alexandria. Egypt‬‬

‫‪Jeddah. Cairo. Norfolk. Dubai. Doha. Bahrain. Munich. Liverpool‬‬


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