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Fabila, Daniel Carlo M.

; 10833226; EI
In the Philippines, there are almost 8,387,560 Filipinos use Facebook
nowadays with 2,06!8" o# $rowth #or e%ery &2 months 'Firmalan, (!,
)echie!com!ph*! Facebook has been one o# the #amous social networks in the
Internet! +sers can comment, messa$e and chat with their #riends, wall,
status and news #eed in Facebook and can ha%e updates about them
includin$ recent status, relationship status, %ital in#ormation, birthday,
e%ents, photos and %ideos! Furthermore, users can -oin in networks created
by the #ans, companies, or$ani.ations, institutions, colle$es, and parties! In
addition, it also has more #eatures to o/er to the users and these are the
applications and $ames! 0s o# (uly 20&0, the top Facebook $ame played by
63,5&3,522 $amers is Farm%ille #ollowed by )e1as 2old3m Poker and )reasure
Isle with 28,723,65 and 2&,20&,56 $amers respecti%ely, and all owned by
4yn$a 5ame 6etwork Inc '7ack, 8!, Inside 9ocial 5ame*! 9ocial $amers o#
Facebook are ran$in$ #rom all a$e $roups in the society: &3 years old and up!
It includes adult $amers and teena$er $amers and all o# them are usin$
Facebook as #or their entertainment and leisure! )he ;uestion is< =0re they
playin$ Facebook,s social $ames while inside the workplace and schools>? or
=0re they playin$ those social $ames while they are workin$ and studyin$>?!
0ddiction in $ames is seen in a lot o# teena$ers nowadays! )here is the
@arcra#t, Aa$narok, Be#t Cead, and 8ounterD9trike and these are the $ames
teena$ers played most! @ith my own e1periences when I am with my
#riends, they choose to play those computer $ames mostly durin$ their
e1cess time or break time! Eased #rom what I obser%ed e%erytime we play
computer $ames, i# the $ame or the enemy is not yet o%er, they will still
continue e%en they know that we are already late in our sub-ect and e%en I
keep on remindin$ them about the time! )he thin$s that matter most #or
them are to Fnish the $ame and the ob-ecti%e o# destroyin$ the base o# the
enemy! )his is one contemporary e1ample o# addiction in $ames which could
lead to the i$norance o# the academics and alteration o# the student,s #ocus!
=5amin$ becomes an addiction when it starts to inter#ere with a personGs
relationships or their pursuit o# other $oals, such as $ood $rades or bein$ a
contributin$ member o# a sports team? 'Hideo 5ame 0ddiction Ir$ani.ation*!
)here are some o# symptoms o# $ame addiction such as, =most nonDschool
hour are spent on the computer, #allin$ asleep in school, #allin$ behind with
assi$nments, worsenin$ $rades, lyin$ about computer $ame use, and bein$
irritable when not playin$ a %ideo $ame? 'Hideo 5ame 0ddiction
Ir$ani.ation*! Cue to the de%elopment o# 9cience and )echnolo$y, $ame
addiction becomes more rampant which also e1tends to adults because o#
the a%ailability o# the Internet on where Facebook can be accessed! =2ow
about i# $ames will become more accessible to addicted $amers such as in
Internet or in social networkin$, what will happen>? or =9hould Facebook be
allowed inside oJces and schools>?!
=Facebook is predominately a social network, we understand that: it
has its %alue! I -ust don,t really see how it adds %alue to the work you do in
the workplace? said by Intario Premier Calton 7c5uinty #rom )oronto 9tar
Fabila, Daniel Carlo M.; 10833226; EI
reported by Kerry 5illespie! 3mployees %isited Facebook more than other
internet sites, Facebook has 6!8" o# all traJc in the internet hi$her than
5oo$le, Lim$, and Lahoo with only 3!", 2!8", 2!" respecti%ely 'Han
5ro%e, (enni#er, 7ashable*! Facebook do not ha%e the purpose to e1ist in a
workin$ area and do not ha%e the point to communicate with #riends durin$
workin$ hours! IJces and schools only allowed access to the Internet i# it
concerns researches, emails, homeworks, source o# in#ormation and other
business and school purposes! Facebook cannot be a supplement #or school
acti%ities and #or business works! )he impact o# Facebook to employees is
that they become less producti%e in work with an a%era$e o# &!5" employee
producti%ity accordin$ to the report #rom 6ucleus Aesearch while #or
students, a study o# Ihio 9tate +ni%ersity released and showed that =colle$e
students who use Facebook spend less time studyin$ and ha%e lower $rades
than students who don,t use the popular social networkin$ site? '5audin, 9!,
8omputerworld Inc!*! )here are already a lot o# corporate oJces and schools
started to ban the site not only in the Philippines but worldwide includin$
8anada! In 8anada, one company banned Facebook and in response,
Facebook company said, =Facebook is an incredibly use#ul and eJcient way
#or people to share in#ormation with #riends and coDworkers! ! ! #or e%erythin$
#rom campai$nin$ to communicatin$ with constituents and sta/s? 'Fla%elle
Cana, )oronto 9tar*! )his statement o# Facebook company shows the beneFts
o# their website and implies that they ha%e a power#ul website on which has
millions o# users! In terms o# power, Facebook has the power to control the
mindset o# the employees and students that results to lose o# concentration
and less producti%ity which should not be! 0ccordin$ to the third dimension
o# power, power e1ists when 0 is able to inMuence the way E thinks so that
the latter no lon$er consider hisNher interests as in conMict with 0,s! 9ince a
lot o# people are already usin$ Facebook accounts, the power comes #rom
peer pressures and social trends! )he 0 is the peer pressure o# ha%in$
Facebook and E is the newbie! 0 person who still does not ha%e Facebook
accounts yet is #orce to create one because o# social trends, not knowin$ that
as an employee or a student, the interest should be #ocus only into work or
studies! Inly because Facebook has becomin$ popular, and millions o#
people are already into it, the peer pressure o# ha%in$ Facebook is %ery
si$niFcant #or the person who still do not ha%e one whose consciousness
somehow had been manipulated by social chan$es to create an account in
Facebook! For my side, I can say that I am Facebook user also but I am not
somehow addicted to its $ames! Ee#ore I had a Facebook account, a lot o#
people wanted me to create one and asked me always, =@hy do you still do
not ha%e a Facebook account>?! 7y reply is =I,m not yet sure! I,m still
studyin$?! 7y thinkin$ back then is to #ocus only at studies and nothin$ more
but I was #orced to create one because o# peer pressure o# the social trends!
)he minority which are the nonDFace book users is in compete with the
ma-ority which are the Facebook users! 3%entually, the minority will $i%e in
and accept the de#eat without knowin$ it! )he peer pressure throu$h ha%in$
a Facebook account is the #orce that deliberately has power o%er the people!
Eecause o# this power, people, includin$ employees and students, are
becomin$ more addicted to social $ames and $i%in$ ne$ati%e e/ects to their
Fabila, Daniel Carlo M.; 10833226; EI
work#orce and concentration! Eecause o# these social trends, people are all
into technolo$ical trends! 9o, when people hear new thin$s about Facebook
like new $ames, new uploaded photos and %ideos, eyes and ears are in
attention not knowin$ the threats it brin$!

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