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The topic choosen for this lesson is My Pet. There are 25 pupils in Class 1 Sains. 14
of them are girls and the rest are boys. Eventhough this class does not have a lot of boys but
it is still has naughty pupils and the pupils cannot just sitting at their place and listen to the
teacher. In KSSR, the lesson that the teacher has to conduct is more on the pupils centered
activity which is we can see in the aims of the KSSR. It has to covers four modules :
Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing and Language Arts within one week lessons. The
aims is to give pupils a confident start in learning English through fun-filled, meaningful and
purposeful activities and it is stated in the English Year 1 Textbook (2011), Dewan Bahasa
dan Pustaka.

The pupils background is they are not speaking English Language at home. Most of
the pupils speak their first language such as Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Kedayan and Brunei at
home. So this is my big challenges for me to introduce the topic to them. As the beginning in
the lesson, I will make the topic more easier for them. So that I will upload some pictures of
the pet animals from the Internet and make the Powerpoint slideshow.

As we know, maybe some of the pupils have the experiences of having their own pets
at home. So that the pupils are familiar with this topic and they also can share their
experiences about their pets and how they take care of the animals according to
(Wertsch1997) it is thus important to take into account the background and culture of the
learner throughout the learning process, as this background also helps to shape the knowledge
and truth that the learners create.




The aims in Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) is to give the pupils a
start in learning English through fun-filled, meaningful and purposeful activities. It is such a
big challenges for teachers those who are teaching the pupils aged seven years old. This is
because before the teacher wants to plan a lesson plan, the teacher should understand the
psychology and the behaviours of the pupils in the classroom. A few things are important to
measure before the teacher starts planning the activities that may be conducted in the lesson.
As we know the children like to play a lot compared learns in traditional ways of teaching,
such as chalk and talk in the classroom.

In my opinion, most of the pupils like and pay more attentions if their teacher be
a role model and conduct the activities that involved the pupils during the lesson. To achieve
this aims in teaching,the intelligent teachers must have the ability and knowledge to choose a
suitable methods or ways in planning the interesting activities based on the pupils ability and

Constructivism is an approach to learning in which learners are provided the
opportunity to construct their own sense of what is being learned by building internal
connections or relationships among the ideas and facts being taught ( Borich and Tombari,
1997). According to this definition, Constructivism is a learning approach that gives
opportunity to the pupils to build their own understanding through learning process and
making connection within ideas and facts. In other ways, pupils have to involve actively in
the learning process and learns from their real life experiencesand surroundings. Whereas,
pupils have to construct the knowledge through their experiences, the pupils have to gain their
knowledges and understandings with their own affords without the teacher spoonfeed them
according to the studies done by ( Woolfolk, 1998) says Constructivist perspectives- View
that emphasises the active role of the learner in building understanding and making sense of



The criteria in teaching and learning using Constructivism Theory can be carry out based
on these :
1- It can gives the pupils to share their ideas and perceptions about a new concept.
2- To encourage pupils to respect their friends opinions.
3- To respect the pupils opinions and not to underestimates their ability in thinking
4- To carry out the pupils centered activities in learning.
5- To prepare the activities suach as hands on and minds on.
6- To focus on the scientific skills and thinking skills among the pupils.
7- To encourage the pupils to reflect the learning process.
8- To let the pupils to connect the main ideas with the new ideas.
9- Teacher does not convey the informations directly to the pupils.
10- To give the chances for the pupils to interact with each other.
11- Teacher can give more focus about pupils needed and interests.
12- To encourage the pupils to work in group.

The Constructivisme has made the teaching and learning process to be
motivate to the teacher and the pupils. This is because it gives the teachers opportunity
to step inside other classrooms and gain insight , inspiration and confidence from
observing their peers at work. It also supports primary state school teachers in the
implementation of interactive, child- centered approaches by allowing them to observe
good practice and providing a source of practical ideas and activities demonstrated
live on screen according to ( Von Glaserfeld, 1989) sustaining motivation to learn is
strongly dependent on the learners confidence in his or her potential for learning.
Here are examples of teaching and learning activities that can be carry out in the
classroom, such as:
1- Learning through storytelling.
2- Learning through meaningful speaking activities.
3- Learning through interactive games.
4- Learning through teaching aids.
5- Learning through teacher-pupils interaction.

Learning through storytelling , teacher can involves the pupils by asking all the
pupils to sit near to the teacher, for example near the teachers table or in front of the
whiteboard. Before teacher chooses a storybook, the teacher must know the level of the
pupils and the suitablity of the pupils background and surroundings . I uses this activity in
my lesson, it was a successful lesson because the pupils are getting involve in the lesson
actively, based on studies done by (Glasersfeld, 1989) says it is argued that the
responsibility of learning should reside increasingly with the learner. By telling the story
aloud with the intonation and gesture , the teacher can also make the lesson more interesting
than doing reading aloud activity. In this activity also teacher can asks the pupils to act out the
story for better understanding.

Learning through meaningful speaking activities also another good way in teaching. It
also can involves the pupils in the activity conducted in the classroom. It can make the pupils
feel confident about using the language. For children , simply practising language with no
real communicative purpose is not motivating or interesting. They need to have a purpose for
speaking in English that relates to their interests and real life experience. This gives them a
meaningful reason to communicate in English according to (Von Glasersfeld, 1989)
sustaining motivation to learn is strongly dependent on the learners confidence.

Learning through interactive games means children learn through playing. Therefore,
using games in English classes can help childrens language learning because games are
enjoyable, natural, interactive, practise language in meaningful way, encourage team
working, challenging and easy to learn. Through my experiences of using the interactive
games in my teaching , the pupils really enjoy it and the lesson become more interesting.
Examples of the games that can be carry out in the classrooms such as Bingo, What number is
it?, Whispers, Number Grab, Whats Missing, What the question? and etc based on studies
done by ( Meter & Stevens, 2000) the process of sharing each persons point of view called
collaborative elaboration.
Learning through teaching aids means teacher uses a media or medium to deliver
the messages in learning ( Heinich, 2002). Teaching and learning become more
meaningful with the helps of teaching aids. Nowadays, most of the teachers would like to
use teaching aids during the lesson. This is because pupils can be easily attracted by objects

or things that can be see, hear, touch and move/ doing (whole body) based on studies done
by ( Ngui Kuan Sang (1989).

Learning through teacher-pupils interaction, teaching is all about communicating. The
words that are used, and the way that the teacher interacts with the class can make significant
difference to a students level of motivation for learning English. Teacher always uses same
language to give instructions, to discipline the pupils and to control the pupils in the
classroom. Therefore, the interaction between teacher and pupils is very important. Teacher
also can gives rewards and praises the pupils to motivate them . Teacher can using humour to
make the pupils laughing and not scared to the teacher and it also can generated pupils
confidence in learning according to ( Holt and Willard-Holt 2000) a further characteristic of
the role of the facilitator in the social constructivist viewpoint , is that the instructor and the
learners are equally involved in learning from each other as well.



In the teaching and learning strategy that I want to conduct in my lesson, I am using
learning through interactive games. This is because I believe by using the interactive games
for the activity, it can involve s the pupils actively in the lesson and also they can learn
independently. So that I will be their facilitator and give instructions or guidance for the
pupils to play the games.

The games that I choosen called What the question? whereas one pupil will be
appoint as the host in this games. The host will pick one answer from the cup and say it aloud.
So that the two pupils from 2 teams will come to the desk and press the desk bell. The fastest
pupil who is asking the question correctly will get marks for their team. And the winner for
this games will get a token as a reward. Before playing the games, I will drill the pupils with
the questions pattern.

I also using other activity in my lesson, which is I give out the worksheet pertaining a
survey form. Each pupil will be given the survey form. So, they have to move around to
another group and make a survey about their friends pet. In this activity, I want the pupils to
make an interview session and give respond to their friends question. The examples of the
question, such as Do you have pet animal at home? and What is your pet animal?...After
the pupils get the answer for their survey, they will write down the answers in the form given.
After they had interview five of their friends, they have to present their findings to the whole
class. If the pupils feel shy to come and talk in front of the other pupils, I will give them a
lollipop as a reward, this is maybe can encourage the pupils to talk and present their findings.

For the closure in the lesson, I will asks the pupils about how to take care of the pet
animals. This activity is more like interaction between me and the pupils. I will write the
pupils opinions and answers in mind map on the whiteboard. And lastly, I will tell the pupils
to list down 5 examples of pet and wild animals that they know. Why I choose wild animals to
be listed ? Because I want to know whether they can differentiate between the pet and wild



The media that I choosen for my lesson are Powerpoint slideshow pertaining the
pictures of the animals and the poems entitled Zack, My Fat Black Cat, worksheet for the
survey form, desk bells ( for the games), and the whiteboard. The Powerpoint slideshow
pertaining the pictures of the animals is used during the set induction. I want the pupils to see
the animals clearly so that they can recognise and say the name of the animals correctly. This
means the pupils are learning through their own experiences and real life surrounding.

The next Powerpoint slideshow present a poem entitled Zack, My Fat Black Cat. In
this activity I want the pupils to practise the language. With the help of the Power point
slideshow presentation, it can attract pupils attention to practise the language and can see
the words clearly. I also do some action to match to the words that end with -ing.

For the next activity, I am using a survey form that I create by my own as the
worksheet in my lesson. The uses of the survey form is to help the pupils to do their survey
and interview with their friends. This is also can be as evidence of their work. I also using
whiteboard for me to write pupils answer when I am asking verbal questions. I also use the
whiteboard to do mind maping for the last activity in my lesson.

( 2799 words )


Appendix 2
The Power point slideshow pertaining the picture of the animals.


Appendix 3
Power point slideshow pertaining a poem.
Zack, My Fat Black Cat
Zack, my fat black cat,
Always sleeping
Always yawning
Always stretching
Always scratching
Always running
Always jumping
Always hiding in a box
Afraid of mice
That is Zack, my fat black cat


Appendix 4

Worksheet for survey form about friends pet.

Name:______________________________ Year :____________________
Topic: My Pet

Write down your friends pet.

Friends name

Pet animals



Prof Dr Khadijah Rohani Mohd Yunus, Mahani Ramli & Ramlah Jantan. ( 2011) .
Psikologi Pendidikan ( Edisi Kedua ). Seri Kembangan: Meteor Doc. Sdn Bhd.

Borich & Tombari. ( 1997 ). EducationalPsychology: A Contemporary Approach ( ms.177).


The lesson plan that I want to conduct with the pupils is about My Pet. For the set
induction , I will show the pupils the Power point slideshow presentations pertaining the
pictures of the animals ( pet, domestic and wild animals). The purpose of showing these
pictures to the pupils because I want to checks on pupils previous knowledge. For the step 1,
I gather the pupils to sit on the mat and recite the poem entitled Zack, My Fat Black Cat.
The pupils also do action while recite the poem.

I also conduct group activity in Step 2 and make it as a game for the pupils. I choose
this activity because it can participates all the pupils in the lesson, as we know the KSSR
lesson more focussed on the pupils centered activity according to (Edward Harkness ,1930)
They act as a team, cooperatively, to make it work. Based on the discussion method
developed by Philips Exeter Academy. So that the lesson became alive, not just the teacher
spoonfeed the pupils but the pupils try to get their own answer and enjoy the fun in the
activity. I make this activity into games because we know that children loves to play games.

At the end of Step 2 activity, I also give some goodies pack as rewards to a group who wins
the game. This also can motivate the pupils to take part in the lesson actively.

For the Step 3 activity, I gave the pupils the worksheet pertaining the survey form .
The pupils have to fill in the survey form by themselves to find out what is their friends pet.
This is also another way of the learning process because the pupils have to do the survey by
themself. This activity also can make the pupils move around in the classroom and do the
interview with their friends in the classroom as what I focus on Listening and speaking. At
least the pupils will speak with their friends to get the answers according to (Di Vesta, 1987)
The learning environment should also be designed to support and challenge the leanerss
thinking skill while it is advocated to give the learner ownership of the problem and solution
For the Step 4 which is the closure for the lesson, I do some discussion with the pupils
on how to take care of the pet animals. In this activity, I let the pupils to talk and give
opinion and write their ideas in mind maping. Therefore, the pupils can talk freely and share
their own experiences in real life situation. And lastly, I want the pupils to write a list of 5
pet animals and wild animals that they know. With this activity I will check on their
understanding about the pet animals.
Lastly, I will write a reflection. In the reflection, I can measure the strength and
the weaknesses that I faced when I carry out the lesson. The reflection also help me to
overcome the weaknesses with remedial or enrichment activities. The reflection also can gives
feedback about my pupils understanding for the lesson.

Nowadays the teaching and learning activities become more meaningful for the
pupils in the classroom. With the help of the computers and internet, a teacher can make their
lesson more enjoyable and easy to prepare. It is also can attracts pupils interest in the lesson
compare the traditional lesson that had been conducted long times ago. The constructivism
theory can trains the pupils to build up their own understanding independently and do the
findings by themselves.


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