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Tiosejo Bldg., Mandaluyong City
Martin! St. Man"a#$%&n' Cit%
Prepared by : Approved By :
JACMI Construction
Jose A. Aliling Constn Mgt. Inc.
By: Noted by: Cel#0919 567636 / Tel No. 8992668 L-
Operation Manager Prei!ent
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

The main objective of the contractor is to deliver a
quality structure in accordance with the plans and
specifcations. This is to be done by maintaining good
workmanship and satisfactory rendering of fnishes within
the specifed period of construction. To accomplish this,
the following construction procedures are established to
be the general guidelines in the implementation of the
project. Every item of work shall be done in accordance
with the said procedures unless otherwise rejected or
revised by the wner or !roject construction "anager.#
C&n!tr$(ti&n Pr&("$r!
$ield %urvey and &eotechnical 'nvestigations
(efore construction can commence , a Site Survey will be
performed to stake out the existing structures, exact propety lot
boundary and Grid lines of the project site, existing roads,
electrical cables, water lines with its service connections and
access entryways from public roads, etc
!nce the surveys are complete and if there is a descripancy
result between the !riginal "lan and actual site #onditions, All
desputes and re$design %&f reccomendable' will be resolved by
the (A#)& #onstruction )anager simoultaneously with the
massive excavation works by other #ontractor at cost by the
!wner *pon resolution of all desputes, the +xcavator will
continue and follow the desired Grid excavation according to the
elevation,s setforth by the !wner-Architect re.uired on proposed
/oundation plan
*pon reaching the bottom of foundation line, a geotechnical re$
investigation will be performed by Geotesting %&nternational' &nc
to con0rm thier previous geotechnical investivation reports to
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

identify subsurface conditions if it is same of previous data result
which will dictate much of the design work of the building
foundations, underground #istern 1anks, S1" and electrical
grounding systems /ormal con0rmation will be issued prior
before the #onstruction
)e* +esign and ,onstruction %pecifcations
*sing all of the data that has been gathered for the "roject
including geotechnical information, environmental and climatic
conditions, site topography, etc 1he #ontractors engineering
group will keep the establish a set of site$speci0c construction
speci0cations for the various portions of the "roject 1he design
data speci0cations are based on well proven and established sets
of construction standards set forth by the various standard
industry practice groups such as the American #oncrete &nstitute
%A#&', "hilippine +lectrical #ode %"+#', /ire #ode of the "hilippines
, and 2A1&!2AL 3uilding #ode of the "hilippines, etc 1he design
and construction speci0cations are custom tailored for site$
speci0c conditions by technical sta4 and engineers 1he "roject
engineering team will also ensure that all aspects of the
speci0cations as well as the actual on$site construction comply
with all of the applicable 3uilding codes under the 2ational and
local codes of the "hilippines and good industry practice
+.uipment procurement will also be undertaken using the "roject
site speci0cations 1he primary #ontractor will use the design
speci0cations as a guideline to complete the detailed
construction plans for the "roject 1he design basis approach
ensures that the "roject will be designed and constructed to
meet the minimum 56 year design life
1. C#arin' an" Gr$++in' ,B% Ot-r!.O/nr0
C#arin'* T7is s7all in8lude to ot7ers by 9:ner 8onsist o1 t7e
1elling, tri55ing and 8utting o1 trees into se8tions and t7e
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

satis1a8tory disposal o1 t7e trees and ot7er vegetation
designated 1or re5oval. Trees, stu5ps, roots, bus7 and ot7er
vegetation in areas to be 8leared s7all be 8ut o; <us7 to or belo:
t7e original ground sur1a8e e28ept 1or trees and vegetation
dire8ted to be le1t standing.
Gr$++in'* T7is s7all in8lude to ot7ers by 9:ner 8onsist o1 t7e
re5oval and disposal o1 roots larger t7an 3,55 in dia5eter,
5atted roots and stu5ps 1ro5 t7e indi8ated grubbing areas.
428avate t7ese 5aterials toget7er :it7 lugs, organi8 and 5etalli8
debris, bus7 and re1use. $e5ove t7ese to a dept7 o1 not less
t7an +,"55 belo: t7e original soil sur1a8e. =ill depression 5ade
by grubbing :it7 suitable 5aterials and 8o5pa8t to 8on1or5 to
t7e adja8ent ground sur1a8e.
Di!1&!a#* T7is s7all in8lude to ot7ers by 9:ner 8onsist o1 t7e
re5oval o1 all trees, s7rubs, stu5ps, bus7es and roots t7at :ere
re5oved s7all be disposed o; t7e property to designated sites by
any suitable 5eans.
2. La%-&$t an" !ta3in'
>et t7e boundaries o1 :or?. @ay and sta?e t7e building, drive:ays,
par?ing areas, 1en8es and all ot7er related stru8tures in8luded in
t7e 8ontra8t. 4stablis7 lines, grades, elevations and ben875ar?s
reAuired 1or 8onstru8tion. Mar? all re1eren8e points 1or
establis7ing lines, grades and elevations.
1. C&n!tr$(t an" 4aintain t41&rar% 5a(i#iti! r6$ir" 5&r
t- 1r&7(t a! 5&##&/!*
a. =ield oB8es and bun?7ouses
b. >anitary 1a8ilities
8. >torage 1a8ilities 1or 5aterials
d. A88ess roads
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

e. Constru8tion 1en8e
1. Proje8t billboard
g. Te5porary utilities (:ater, ele8tri8ity, 8o55uni8ations*
1. S($r a## n(!!ar% (&n!tr$(ti&n 1r4it! a! 5&##&/!*
a. Building and o88upan8y per5its
b. Telep7one, :ater and ele8tri8al 8onne8tion per5its
8. 4nviron5ental 8o5plian8e 8ertiC8ate
d. Building 7eig7t 8ertiC8ate
2. P&!t a## r6$ir" in!$ran( an" +&n"! a! 5&##&/!*
a. CA$I
b. Do:npay5ent Bond
8. Per1or5an8e Bond
d. Duarantee Bond
e. 9t7er related bonds ne8essary.
1. Str$(t$r E9(a:ati&n* T7is s7all be done to t7e dept7
indi8ated or as ne8essary to obtain reAuired soil bearing values.
All stru8tural e28avation s7all e2tend a suB8ient distan8e 1ro5 t7e
:alls or 1ootings to allo: 1or proper ere8tion and dis5antling o1
1or5s, installation o1 utilities and inspe8tion. In 1oundation beds,
Cnal e28avation to ground by 7and s7ovels or 5a87ines eAuipped
:it7 s5oot7 edge bu8?et :ill be reAuired to obtain undisturbed
subgrade 1oundation satis1a8tory to t7e proje8t 5anager. T7is
s7all be inspe8ted and approved prior to 8on8reting, installation o1
underground utilities and ba8?Clling. >ur1a8e drain :ater s7all be
?ept 1ro5 running into t7e e28avated pit. Proper pu5ping
eAuip5ent and drainage 1a8ilities s7all be 5aintained at all ti5es
during t7e e28avation period to ?eep su87 e28avations dry so as to
obtain a satis1a8tory 1oundation bed.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

2. Gra:# Fi##* =oundation beds s7all be Clled :it7 8onsiderable
a5ount o1 :ell graded gravel to attain t7e reAuired grade
elevation. T7is s7all not be less t7an !""55 t7i8? and ta5pered
to 8o5pa8tion.
;. S&i# P&i!&nin'* T7is s7ould be applied using a lo: pressure
8oarse spray at t7e rate o1 - gallon per -. sq.ft. At t7e ti5e o1
treat5ent, t7e soil s7all be pre1erably in 1riable 8ondition :it7 lo:
5oisture 8ontent to allo: uni1or5 distribution o1 87e5i8als. T7is
s7ould not be applied in 8onditions :7i87 8an 8ause sur1a8e run
o; to avoid environ5ental 7a'ard.
<. Str$(t$r Ba(3=##* A1ter t7e re5oval o1 1or5s, all tras7 and
ot7er debris s7all be re5oved 1ro5 t7e e28avation. Ba8?Clling
s7all be done using approved borro: 5aterials. Ba8?Cll in 8onta8t
:it7 ne: 8on8rete s7all not be pla8ed until at least +# 7ours a1ter
t7e re5oval o1 1or5s and t7e 8on8rete 7as been inspe8ted and
1ound satis1a8tory. =illing 5aterials s7all be evenly spread in
7ori'ontal layers not 5ore t7an !,"55 t7i8?. 4a87 layer s7all be
:atered and 8o5pa8ted to a density o1 at least .,E o1 5a2i5u5
density at opti5u5 5oisture.
1. Mi9in'* All stru8tural 8on8rete s7all be 5i2ed and delivered to
site by transit 5i2ers. 4a87 bat87 delivered at jobsite s7all be
a88o5panied by a ti5e slip issued at t7e bat87ing plant, bearing
t7e ti5e o1 departure. Dis87arge o1 8on8rete s7all be 8o5pleted
:it7in an 7our a1ter t7e introdu8tion o1 :ater to t7e 5i2.
2. C&n:%in'* Con8rete s7all be 8onveyed 1ro5 t7e 5i2er to t7e
1or5s as rapidly as possible by proper 5et7ods :7i87 :ill not
8ause segregation or loss o1 ingredients or aggregates. It s7all
be deposited as nearly as possible in its Cnal position. At any
point in t7e 8onveying, t7e 1ree verti8al drop s7all not e28eed
!.""5. Conveying eAuip5ent s7all be t7oroug7ly 8leaned be1ore
ea87 run. Con8rete t7at 7as segregated in t7e 8onveying pro8ess
s7all be disposed o;.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

;. Vi+rati&n* All 8on8rete :it7 t7e e2e5ption o1 slabs !""55 or
less in dept7, s7all be 8o5pa8ted :it7 7ig7 1reAuen8y internal
5e87ani8al vibrator. Con8rete slabs !""55 or less in dept7
s7all be 8onsolidated by :ood ta5pers, spading and settling :it7
a 7eavy leveling straig7t edge. Fibration o1 1or5s and
rein1or8e5ent s7all not be e5ployed e28ept :7en reAuired by
t7e stru8tural engineer. Fibration s7all be dis8ontinued :7en t7e
8on8rete 8eased to de8rease in volu5e.
<. C$rin'* Con8rete s7all be prote8ted adeAuately and s7all not be
allo:ed to dry out 1ro5 t7e ti5e it is pla8ed until t7e e2piration
o1 t7e 5ini5u5 8uring period. Curing s7all be a88o5plis7ed by
5oist 8uring or by appli8ation o1 liAuid 8uring 8o5pound.
>. T!tin'* Con8rete sa5ples s7all be ta?en at rando5 t7roug7out
t7e pouring period. Tests :ill be 5ade at ?8 1< and 21 days
1ro5 t7e ti5e o1 5olding. G7en a satis1a8tory relations7ip
bet:een t7e ? and 2@ day strengt7s 7as been establis7ed t7e
3day test result 5ay be used as indi8ator o1 t7e )#day strengt7.
1. C$ttin' an" 5a+ri(ati&n* All rein1or8ing bars s7all be prepared
1ree 1ro5 rust, oil , grease and ot7er 8oatings t7at :ould redu8e
or destroy bonding properties. $ebarHs :ill be 8ut and 1abri8ated
using t7e ne8essary 8utting outCts and bar benders t7e engineer
2. Er(ti&n* $ein1or8e5ent s7all be pla8ed a88urately and se8ured.
It s7all be supported by suitable spa8ers and 7angers. 9n t7e
ground or :7ere subje8t to 8orrosion, 8on8rete or ot7er suitable
non%8orrodible 5aterials s7all be used 1or supporting
rein1or8e5ent. >pli8es s7all be in a88ordan8e :it7 t7e detailed
dra:ings and 8onstru8tion notes. >pli8es s7all not be 5ade on
bea5s, girders and slabs at points o1 5a2i5u5 stress.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

;. T!tin'* >a5ples 1or di;erent si'es o1 rebarHs s7all be ta?en 1or
every delivery. T7is s7all be sub5itted 1or testing to veri1y t7eir
8on1or5ity to spe8iC8ations. >ubseAuent rando5 testing s7all be
8ondu8ted t7roug7out t7e 8onstru8tion period.
A11#i(ati&n* Faried types o1 1or5s :ill be utili'ed to di;erent
stru8tures :7i87ever Ct t7e reAuire5ent. T7ese are 5etal panels,
p7enoli8 panels and Metal De8?ing 1or5s. =or stairs and ot7er
stru8tures :it7 8o5pli8ated 8onCgurations :ood and 5etal 1or5s
:ill be used.
Metal panels and p7enoli8 panels are ?eyed toget7er by panel
8lips and :edge pins 8onse8utively. At 1oundations t7ese are
supported by straig7t props to 5aintain t7eir verti8al and
7ori'ontal align5ent. =or suspended stru8tures t7ese are set on
I%bea5s supported in spa8e by A%1ra5es :it7 7eaders :7i87
5at87 per1e8tly :it7 t7e I%bea5s.
Metal 1or5s are ?eyed toget7er by 5a87ine bolts and are
supported in t7e sa5e 5anner as t7e 5etal panels.
I%bea5sIDI Pipe are set on straig7t props :it7 7eaders to provide
lateral supports 1or :7aler pipes supporting Metal de8?ing and
p7enolli8 ply:oodHs :7i87 :ill be used 1or suspended slabs.
=or5s are oiled be1ore 8on8rete pouring to ?eep t7e5 1ro5
bonding to t7e stru8ture and 7asten t7e stripping pro8ess. T7ese
are t7oroug7ly 8leaned a1ter stripping in preparation 1or t7e
8onse8utive uses.
1. A11#i(ati&n* -J CKB s7all be used 1or e2terior building :alls and
interior :alls :it7 e5bedded pipes and ot7er utilities. +J CKB
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

and Co5posite Gall by ot7ers s7all be used 1or all ot7er partition
2. La%in'* Con8rete 5asonry units s7all be laid 1ollo:ing t7e
progress o1 8on8rete :or?s. A t7oroug7 sur1a8e preparation s7all
be reAuired prior to t7e laying o1 CKB :alls and partitions. T7ese
s7ould be laid in a 5anner to preserve t7e verti8al 8ontinuity o1
8ells Clled :it7 grout. An87or interse8tion by rein1or8ing bars as
indi8ated on t7e stru8tural notes. Adjust ea87 unit to its Cnal
position :7ile 5ortar is still so1t. I1 any unit is disturbed a1ter
5ortar 7as sti;ened relay and repla8e in ne: 5ortar.
;. T!tin'* >a5ples s7all be ta?en per delivery. T7ese :ill be
tested 1or 8o5pression to veri1y t7eir 8on1or5ity to spe8iC8ations.
No unit s7all be allo:ed 1or installation until satis1a8tory test
results are presented.

1. Fa+ri(ati&n* Trusses and ot7er roo1 1ra5ing stru8tures s7all be
1abri8ated at s7op in a88ordan8e :it7 details and spe8iC8ations.
=abri8ated stru8tures s7all be delivered to t7e job site pri5e
painted and ready 1or ere8tion.
2. Er(ti&n* >teel stru8tures s7all be Ctted in pla8e :it7 t7e aid o1
li1ting eAuip5ent. Base plates s7all be treated :it7 grouts to
provide uni1or5 bearing pressure on 8on8rete. A1ter t7e Cnal
positioning o1 t7e 1ra5es purlins s7all be laid 5anually 1ollo:ing
t7e spa8ing s7o:n on plans. T7ese s7all be bolted or :elded in
pla8e :7i87ever is a88eptable to t7e engineer. All joints and
1ra5es s7all be 87e8?ed prior to installation o1 rooCng s7eets.
1. D#i:r%* T7is ite5 s7all be delivered at site upon t7e
8o5pletion o1 roo1 1ra5ing :or?s. >a5ples s7o:ing 8olors and
8orrugations s7all be sub5itted to t7e ar87ite8t 1or approval
be1ore pur87asing t7e ite5.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

2. Er(ti&n* $ooCng s7eets s7all be installed in a88ordan8e :it7
t7e 5anu1a8turerHs instru8tions and 5anuals. Panels s7all be in
1ull and Cr5 8onta8t :it7 t7e supports and :it7 ea87 ot7er at
side and end laps. @ay all side laps a:ay 1ro5 t7e prevailing
:ind and seal all laps :it7 sealing 5aterial. All <as7ings and
related 8losures and a88essories s7all be provided as indi8ated or
as ne8essary to provide a :atertig7t installation. =astener
spa8ing s7all be in a88ordan8e :it7 t7e 5anu1a8turerHs
re8o55endation and as ne8essary to :it7stand design loads.
42er8ise e2tre5e 8are in drilling pilot 7oles 1or 1asteners to ?eep
drills perpendi8ular and 8entered in valleys or 8ro:ns. G7ere
paint sur1a8es are s8rat87ed or da5aged during t7e installation,
retou87ing :it7 tou87 up paint :ill be reAuired provided t7e
da5age is 5ini5al. De1or5ed or and 7eavily abraded s7eets
s7all be repla8ed.
;. Warrant%* A per1or5an8e :arranty s7all be sub5itted to t7e
o:ner upon t7e 8o5pletion o1 t7e :or?.
1. A11#i(ati&n: Me5brane :aterprooCng s7all be applied to all
areas reAuiring :aterprooCng.
2. S$r5a( Pr1arati&n* All sur1a8es to be :aterproo1ed s7all be
8leaned and :as7 :it7 :ater 1ree o1 salt and ot7er deleterious
;. In!ta##ati&n* All :aterprooCng 5aterials s7all be installed by t7e
a88redited supplier 1ollo:ing t7e produ8t 5anual.
a. Coat t7e entire sur1a8e :it7 8on8rete pri5er and allo: drying.
b. Me5branes are unrolled and laid in t7e position :7ere t7ey
are to be bonded. During ea87 stage t7e 5e5brane s7ould
overlap t7e ne2t by at least #85 at t7e edges and at least
!,85 at t7e ends.
<. G$arant* A :ritten guarantee s7all be sub5itted upon
8o5pletion o1 t7e :or?.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

T7e 1ollo:ing ite5s s7all be delivered to t7e job site pre asse5bled
and ready 1or installation during t7e initial stage o1 5asonry
Good Ja5bs
Metal Doors
Metal @ouvers
Dlass :indo:s and :ood doors toget7er :it7 t7e Cnis7 7ard:are
s7all be installed on t7e later part o1 8onstru8tion. T7ese s7all be
installed in a neat pro1essional 5anner 1ollo:ing t7e
5anu1a8turerHs re8o55endations. A1ter installation, 7ard:areHs
s7all be prote8ted 1ro5 paint stains and ble5is7es until
a88eptan8e o1 :or?.
1. P#ain C4nt F#&&r Fini!-
M&rtar* Mortar 1or <oor topping s7all be proportioned one part
Portland 8e5ent to / parts sand. T7ese s7all be 5i2ed
t7oroug7ly :it7 t7e proper a5ount o1 :ater until uni1or5 8olor
and 8onsisten8y is a87ieved.
A11#i(ati&n* Base 8oat s7all be applied at a 5ini5u5 t7i8?ness
o1 +"55 and s7all be suB8iently plasti8 to provide good bond.
Mortar topping s7all be leveled true to reAuired slope and s7all
be le1t until ready 1or <oating. T7e sur1a8e s7all t7en be <oated
:it7 po:er tro:el or :ood <oats :7i87ever is appli8able.
Topping :or?s s7all 7ave no visible jun8tion 5ar?s :7ere one
dayHs :or? adjoins anot7er. =inis7ed :or? s7all be 8overed and
prote8ted in an approved 5anner to prevent da5age.
2. Cra4i( Ti# F#&&r Fini!-
S$r5a( 1r1arati&n* Apply s8rat87 8oat and 8orre8t slopes
to:ards drains.
Ti# !ttin'* Moisture sub <oor and sprin?le :it7 pure 8e5ent
and lay tiles :it7 5ortar grout. Leep t7e joints parallel and
straig7t over t7e entire area by using straig7t edges. Ta5p t7e
tile solidly onto t7e bed and ensure solid bedding. @ay tiles 1ro5
8enter o1 roo5 out:ard and 5a?e adjust5ents on :alls. A1ter
t7e tiles 7ave set suB8iently, 1or8e a 8onsiderable a5ount o1
grout into joints by tro:el or brus7.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

C#anin'* >ponge and :as7 tiles t7oroug7ly a1ter t7e grout 7as
sti;ened. Bu; :it7 dry 8lot7 to a uni1or5 s7ine.
2. Granit S#a+ F#&&r Fini!-
S$r5a( 1r1arati&n* Con8rete s7all be 8lean. Fa8uu5 8on8rete
substrate to re5ove dirt and ot7er loose parti8les :7i87 8ould
i5pair ad7esion.
In!ta##ati&n* Install granite slabs dire8tly over 8on8rete in
a88ordan8e :it7 t7e 1ollo:ing pro8edures:
a. >aturate 8on8rete :it7 8lean :ater be1ore pla8ing setting
b. Apply 8e5ent paste slus7 8oat over sur1a8e o1 8on8rete.
8. Apply 5ortar setting bed over 8e5ent paste slus7.
d. Apply uni1or5 slurry bond 8oat to ba8? o1 stone and pla8e
over setting bed.
e. Ta5p and beat stone to obtain 1ull 8onta8t :it7 setting bed.
P&#i!-in'* Clean stone paving a1ter setting and grouting are
8o5plete. Mse polis7ing pro8edures re8o55ended by stone
supplier 1or Cnis7 8oating. Bu; <ooring to an even luster :it7 a
polis7ing 5a87ine
<. Mar+# S#a+ F#&&r Fini!-
>ur1a8e preparation : =ollo: sur1a8e preparation as in granite
Installation : =ollo: granite installation.
Polis7ing : =ollo: polis7ing o1 granite
>. Vin%# Ti# F#&&r Fini!-
S$r5a( 1r1arati&n* Con8rete s7all be s5oot7. Drind all
i5per1e8tions. $e5ove any organi8 8o5pound :7i87 8ould
i5pair ad7esion.
La%-&$t* @ay <ooring 5aterial :it7 a 5ini5u5 nu5ber o1 sea5
8onsistent :it7 prudent use o1 t7e 5aterial. Avoid unne8essary
8ross sea5s.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

In!ta##ati&n* Apply <ooring in t7e patterns indi8ated. >tart in t7e
8enter o1 t7e roo5 and :or? to:ard t7e edges. Leep t7e tile
lines and joints sAuare, sy55etri8al, tig7t and even. Fary edge
:idt7 as ne8essary to 5aintain 1ull si'e tiles.
C#anin'* $e5ove all e28essive ad7esives 1ro5 t7e sur1a8e o1 t7e
<ooring. A1ter Cve days :as7 all <ooring :it7 a non al?aline
solution and rinse :it7 8lean :ater. Bu; <ooring to an even
luster :it7 a polis7ing 5a87ine.
A. P#ain C4nt P#a!tr Fini!-
M&rtar* Mortar 1or plastering s7all be proportioned one part
Portland 8e5ent to / parts sand and !I, parts li5e putty. T7ese
s7all be 5i2ed t7oroug7ly :it7 t7e proper a5ount o1 :ater until
uni1or5 8olor and 8onsisten8y is a87ieved.
A11#i(ati&n* Base 8oat s7all be applied :it7 suB8ient pressure
and t7e plaster s7all be suB8iently plasti8 to provide good bond.
Plaster :or?s s7all be Cnis7ed level, plu5b, sAuare and true
:it7in tolerable li5its. Plaster :or?s s7all 7ave no visible
jun8tion 5ar?s :7ere one dayHs :or? adjoins anot7er. =inis7ed
:or? s7all be 8overed and prote8ted in an approved 5anner to
prevent da5age.
?. Cra4i( Ti# Wa## Fini!-
S$r5a( 1r1arati&n* Apply roug7 plastering to 8orre8t :all
Ti# !ttin'* Moisture t7e sur1a8e o1 s8rat87 8oat, sprin?le :it7
pure 8e5ent and lay tiles :it7 5ortar grout. Leep t7e joints
parallel and straig7t over t7e entire area by using straig7t edges.
Ta5p t7e tile solidly onto t7e bed and ensure o1 solid bedding.
@ay tiles 1ro5 t7e top o1 t7e roo5 do:n:ard and 5a?e
adjust5ents on t7e botto5. A1ter t7e tiles 7ave set suB8iently,
1or8e a 8onsiderable a5ount o1 grout into joints by tro:el or
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

C#anin'* >ponge and :as7 tiles t7oroug7ly a1ter t7e grout 7as
sti;ened. Bu; :it7 dry 8lot7 to a uni1or5 s7ine.
@. Granit Wa## Fini!-
S$r5a( Pr1arati&n* Clean sur1a8es to :7i87 stone :all s7all be
St&n !ttin'* Dry an87oring o1 stones s7all be in a88ordan8e
:it7 t7e 1ollo:ing pro8edures:
a. 4re8t interior stone 1a8ing and align joint :idt7. Mse
te5porary s7i5s to 5aintain joint :idt7.
b. >et interior stones to an87ors spa8ed at a 5a2i5u5 o1
+,"55 apart.
8. Adjust an87ors, supports and a88essories to set stone
a88urately in lo8ations indi8ated :it7 edges and 1a8es aligned
a88ording to establis7ed relations7ip and indi8ated toleran8e.
B. G%1!$4 B&ar" Ci#in'* G%1!$4 +&ar" (i#in' !-a## +
in!ta##" in t- 5&##&/in' 4annr*
a. Install 7anger rods spa8ed 6 !.)"5 9C along 8arrying
87annels and :it7in !,"55 1ro5 t7e edge.
b. Install 8arrying 87annels !.)"5 9C and :it7in !,"55 o1
:alls. Position t7e5 1or proper 8eiling 7eig7t, level and
se8ure :it7 :ire 7anger.
8. Install 1urring 87annels at rig7t angle to 8arrying 87annel.
>pa8e 1urringHs +""55 9C and :it7in !,"55 1ro5 :alls.
>e8ure 1urring to Carrying 87annel :it7 8lops or saddle tie.
d. At openings t7at interrupt 87annels, provide additional 8ross
rein1or8e5ent or 7angers.
e. Install gypsu5 panels :it7 long di5ension perpendi8ular to
1urring 87annels. Position end joints over 87annel and stagger
in adja8ent ro:s.
1. =it ends and edges. =asten panels to 87annels :it7 type >
s8re:s spa8ed 6 "./"5 9C staggered along abutting edges.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

g. All joints and s8re: 5ar?s s7all be rein1or8ed :it7 joint tape
and e5bedding joint 8o5pound and 8on8ealed :it7 Cnis7ing
type joint 8o5pound. All 8oats s7all be sanded :7en dried and
s7all be le1t uni1or5ly s5oot7.
10. A(&$!ti( B&ar" &n Mta# T-R$nnr!*
A(&$!ti( Ci#in' +&ar"! !-a## + in!ta##" in t- 5&##&/in'
a. Install 7anger rods spa8ed 6 !.)"5 9C along 5ain T%$unners.
b. Install T%$unners ".-"5 9C and :it7in !,"55 o1 :alls.
Position t7e5 1or proper 8eiling 7eig7t, level and se8ure :it7
:ire 7anger. Mse proper leveling tools to ensure rig7t elevation
8. =it ends and edges. =asten panels to 5etal T%$unners and adjust
spa8ing :7ere reAuired.
d. Clean e2posed sur1a8es o1 a8ousti8 tiles and suspension
11. Paintin'* Paintin' /&r3! !-a## + "&n in t- 5&##&/in'
W&&" S$r5a(!
>and sur1a8e until :ood is s5oot7. Dust o; 8o5pletely
t7en :ipe :it7 a 8lean rug.
Apply one 8oat o1 interior pri5er and sealer.
Pat87 i5per1e8tions :it7 gla'ing putty or plasti8 :ood Cller.
Allo: to dry and sand s5oot7 be1ore applying paint.
Ma!&nr% S$r5a(!
Treat sur1a8es :it7 8on8rete neutrali'er.
Apply 8on8rete pri5er.
Pat87 all i5per1e8tion :it7 pat87ing 8o5pound.
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

Apply Cnis7 8oats.
Mta# S$r5a(!
>and, :ire brus7 or s8rape all rusty 5etals.
Treat sur1a8e :it7 rust 8onverter.
Apply one 8oat o1 red lead pri5er.
Apply Cnis7 8oats.
T7e 1ollo:ing ite5s s7all be dire8tly sub8ontra8ted to preAualiCed
Toilet Partitions
>tair $ailings
Mis8ellaneous Metal Gor?s
Material sa5ples, 1abri8ation 5anual and installation details s7all
be sub5itted 1or approval be1ore a8tual a:arding. Mpon approval
o1 details and sa5ples a:ard s7all be given t7e su88ess1ul
8ontra8tor. Gor? s7all 8o55en8e si5ultaneous :it7 t7e
approved and agreed s87edule.
T7e 1ollo:ing ite5s o1 :or? s7all be dire8tly sub 8ontra8ted to
a88redited trade 8ontra8tors :
4le8tri8al Gor?s
Me87ani8al Gor?s
>anitary Gor?s
=ire Prote8tion >yste5
T7e s87edule o1 t7e di;erent stages o1 t7e above ite5s s7all be
:ell 8oordinated to ?eep pa8e :it7 t7e s5oot7 <o: o1 operations.
Daily site 8oordination 5eeting :ill be 8ondu8ted to 5onitor t7e
p7ase o1 8onstru8tion and to ?eep t7is trade in1or5ed o1 t7e job
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

1. C#arin' an" Gr$++in'* A1ter t7e li5its o1 :or? 7ave been
establis7ed, sur1a8e obje8ts, trees and ot7er protruding
obstru8tions not designated to re5ain :ill be 8leared by bulldo'ers
and disposed o1 at designated disposal site using pay loader and
du5p tru8?s.
2. Eart-/&r3!* 428avation :or?s using bulldo'ing eAuip5ent :ill
t7en 8o55en8e a1ter t7e lines and grades 7ave been establis7ed.
G7en t7ere is a dis8repan8y on t7e a8tual elevations and t7at
s7o:n on plans, a pre 8onstru8tion survey :ill be underta?en to
serve as basis 1or t7e 8o5putation o1 t7e a8tual volu5e o1
e28avated 5aterials. $oad:ay e28avation :ill be Cnis7ed to
reasonably s5oot7 and uni1or5 sur1a8e. >uitable 5aterials :ill be
used as e5ban?5ent and subgrade Cll. T7erea1ter, all unsuitable
5aterials :ill be disposed o1 properly. @eveling o1 blo8?s using
bulldo'ers and road graders :ill be in a88ordan8e :it7 t7e
elevations s7o:n on plans.
;. S$+ 'ra" Pr1arati&n* A1ter t7e ne8essary eart7:or?s 7ave
been 8o5pleted and all 8ulverts 8ross drains and :aterline
8rossings 7ave been installed, preparation o1 subgrade 1or support
o1 overlying stru8tural layers :ill i55ediately 8o55en8e. T7is
preparation :ill e2tend to t7e 1ull :idt7 o1 t7e road:ay :7i87 :ill
in8lude side:al?, 8urb and gutter. All so1t and unsuitable
5aterials t7at :ill not 8o5pa8t properly :ill be i55ediately
re5oved and repla8e :it7 suitable Cll. >8ari1ying and blading
using road graders and rolling :it7 vibratory rollers :ill t7en be
to t7oroug7ly 8o5pa8t and s7ape t7e 8ross se8tion o1 t7e roadbed.
To 87e8? t7e a88ura8y o1 t7e :or?, te5plates and straig7t edges
:ill be provide. =ield density tests :ill be 8ondu8ted during t7is
stage to deter5ine t7e stability o1 t7e bed.
<. A''r'at Ba!(&ar!* T7e aggregate base 8ourse :ill be
uni1or5ly 5i2ed and spread on t7e prepared subgrade in
a88ordan8e :it7 t7e plan t7i8?ness. T7e 5oisture 8ontent o1 base
5aterial :ill be adjusted prior to 8o5pa8tion by :atering, in order
to obtain t7e reAuired degree o1 8o5pa8tion. Fibratory and stati8
rollers :ill be used. Along 8urbs, 7eaders and :alls :7i87 :ill not
be a88essible to steel rollers, base 5aterial :ill be 8o5pa8ted :it7
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

ta5pers and portable 8o5pa8tors. Co5pa8tion o1 ea87 layer :ill
8ontinue until a Celd density o1 at least .# per8ent o1 t7e
5a2i5u5 dry density is a87ieved.
>. Pi1 C$#:rt! an" St&r4 Drain!* G7ere 1easible, e28avation
o1 tren87es 1or drainage line and 5an7oles :ill 8o55en8e
si5ultaneously :it7 eart7:or? a8tivities. Tren87es :ill be
e28avated to a :idt7 t7at :ill allo: proper jointing o1 t7e 8onduit
and 8o5pa8tion o1 bedding and ba8?Cll 5aterial. Mortar joints :ill
be 5ade :it7 an e28ess o1 5ortar to 1or5 a 8ontinuous bead
around t7e outside o1 pipe 8onduit. T7erea1ter, ba8?Cll 5aterial
1or tren87es :ill be 8o5pa8ted in a88ordan8e :it7 t7e reAuired
A. Si"/a#38 C$r+! an" G$ttr!* Con8rete :ill not be pla8ed until
1or5s and rebar 7ave been 87e8?ed. =or5s 1or at least ,"5 :ill be
87e8?ed 1or align5ent and grade. Curbs and gutters 8onstru8ted
on 8urves :ill 7ave :ood 1or5s and :ill be Cnis7ed to a s5oot7
and even sur1a8e and t7e edges rounded. =or5s :ill be re5oved
:it7in )+ 7ours a1ter 8on8reting. Minor de1e8ts :ill be retou87ed
:it7 5ortar. T7e ba8? o1 t7e 8urb s7all be Clled :it7 suitable
5aterials :7en t7e 8on8rete 7as set.
?. C&n(rt Pa:4nt* Con8rete pave5ent s7all be laid dire8tly
over 8o5pa8ted gravel base a1ter pouring o1 8urbs and gutters.
G7ere distan8e bet:een 8urbs e28eeds +.""5, anot7er set o1
1or5s bet:een 8urbs s7all be reAuired. Transit 5i2ers s7all be
allo:ed to dire8tly pour 8on8rete into t7e area.
********** END OF CONSTRUCTION METHODOO!" *********
#re$are% &'( C)ec*e% &'( Note% &' (
Engr. Lorenzo R. Abeleda Engr. Melchor V. !"ad M#. $zar%na L. Lag!an
O$eration Manager Hea% + O$erations #resi%ent
!"# Bldg.A, $oad !, Pag%Asa, &ue'on City,
LR Abeleda Tel.No.:(")*+,+%-./"0 Tele1a2: (")*++!%")/3, 45ail:
Construction Methodology for
Do Well Realty Devt Corporation
10-Storey Residential Condominium
Martinez St. Madaluyong City.

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