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Winners for Disruptive Innovation Award Announced at IIRs The Market Research Event

Market research annual award program honoring disruptive innovators sponsored and presented
by OdinText and Decipher.
Boca Raton, FL, cto!er "#, "$%& '' Winners of the annual 2014 Disruptive Innovator Next-
Gen Market Researh !"ar# $NGMR% for thou&ht lea#ership "ere presente# this 'ornin& at IIR(s
)he Market Researh *vent+ )he a"ar#s, "hih "ere urate# throu&h a partnership -et"een 'arket
researh fir' Deipher an# .#in)ext, "ere presente# -/ 0ristin 1uk, presi#ent an# 2M. of
Deipher+ 3ollo"in& the a"ar#s session, "inners partiipate# in a panel #isussion, "hih 1uk
'o#erate#+ 4anelists share# real-"orl# tips an# tehni5ues for innovation, #isruption an# shapin&
the future of the 'arket researh in#ustr/+
1uk sai#, 6oth )o' !n#erson an# I are outspoken a#voates for innovation an# #isruption in our
in#ustr/ so I(' thrille# that Deipher an# .#in)ext oul# olla-orate to hi&hli&ht the ahieve'ents
of these &a'e han&in& o'panies+ )he Next-Gen Market Researh !"ar#s unapolo&etiall/
ele-rates han&e, innovation an# a#vane'ent+ 7avin& the opportunit/ to -e a part of this /ear(s
a"ar#, -oth as a partner an# presenter, "as a &reat honor+
)he annual NGMR a"ar# reo&ni8es 'arket researh o'panies an# in#ivi#uals that have
#e'onstrate# outstan#in& lea#ership as han&e a&ents an# 'a#e si&nifiant ontri-utions to
harnessin& #isruptive innovation - tehnolo&ial, 'etho#olo&ial or other"ise - to #rive researh
in#ustr/ pro&ress+ Winners of the a"ar#, "ho ha# representatives serve on the panel #isussion,
!ffinnova, )hou&ht 1ea#ership 2ate&or/
:oialGli'p8, Researh Deplo/'ent 2ate&or/
Neil :ee'an, In#ivi#ual 2ate&or/
)o' 7+2+ !n#erson, "ho "as one of the ori&inal 'in#s -ehin# the a"ar# pro&ra' an# foun#er of
.#in)ext, sai# on the )MR* -lo&, )his is an a"ar# -/ researhers for researhers, an# it(s not
;ust a-out innovation for the sake of innovation, it(s a-out soun# innovation that 'akes sense for
our fiel#+
A!out dinTe(t !) Anderson Ana*)tics+
.#in)ext is a patente# soft"are that turns unstruture# text #ata into struture# 5uantitative #ata so
that a#vane# statistis an# other 'ahine learnin& tehni5ues 'a/ -e applie# to fin# patterns an#
#isover i'portant relationships+ .#in)ext also eno'passes #ata visuali8ation outputs, an# is use#
to un#erstan# "hat #ifferent se&'ents of usto'ers are talkin& a-out as "ell as ho" this is
han&in& over ti'e+ http9<<"""+o#intext+o'
A!out Decipher+
! 'arketin& researh servies an# soft"are fir', Deipher speiali8es in ross platfor' surve/
pro&ra''in&, soft"are liensin&, sa'plin&, #ata olletion an# #ata reportin& an# visuali8ation+
=tili8in& its ro-ust 'arket researh surve/ an# reportin& platfor' 6eaon, Deipher inte&rates
state-of-the-art tehnolo&/ "ith tra#itional researh tehni5ues+ Deipher is all a-out unoverin&
opportunities in "hatever territor/ is explore# "ith lients+ !s a true partner, Deipher isn(t
intereste# in ;ust #ata, -ut also a-out "hat that #ata represents for eah lient+ )he o'pan/ fouses
on tehnolo&/ an# researh s/ste's that -rin& #ata to life, an# in #oin& so, helps reveal ho" even
see'in&l/ s'all #isoveries an /iel# 'eanin&ful insi&hts+ Deipher operates in the =nite#
0in&#o' un#er the na'e Der/pt+ """+#eipherin+o' >#eiphert"eets
Marie Melshei'er
6en#, .R

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