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Wisdom Diary On Ministry

David O. Oyedepo
Wisdom Diary on Ministry
Wisdom Diary is a collection of powerful, faith-building, success-
motivating and life-transforming quotes from Dr. David O. Oyedepo.
hese quotes, as you meditate on them !along with the corresponding
scriptures", will fortify and encourage you to rise up to a more
meaningful and productive #hristian life.
hey are words you will never forget$ hey are words you go to bed
with, and you wa%e up full of electric ideas that will ma%e a shining
star out of you.
hey are words brewed in a hot pot of a heart full of insights and
revelations, with spiritual understanding that has been proved in &'
years of adventurous #hristian living, and () years of committed
hey are not words of an academic mind, *o$ hey are words of a
mind that is breathing with the intensity of the life of +od, contacted
through a diligent study life.
hey are words coming from a wealth of %nowledge, gathered through
e,cited fellowship with anointed boo%s, and ceaseless search in the
-ible./+od0s wisdom ban%/, as Dr. Oyedepo calls it.
1s you treasure these words of wisdom, your life will surely blossom
into an enviable treasure on the earth.
Don0t only read these words, thin% them, tal% them and do them. hey
will mould your destiny.
Ministry is not a vocation, nor is it a career2 it3s a heavenly calling.
. ( imothy (4(&
Ministry is reaching the souls of men with a message from the 5ord.
. 1cts &4&&-6'
In ministry, as soon as your focus shifts, your suffering begins.
. Matthew 74&&
When the call is full-time, it requires the fullness of your time.
. 5u%e ((468
When you call yourself, it3s a self-inflicted curse, because you don3t
have 9is bac%ing.
. 9ebrews )48
When you lac% personal encounter, you lac% impact.
. 1cts (:46;
Doing it is not what ma%es it go on, it3s doing it right.
. <roverbs (84(&
It3s only a fool who follows the instruction of someone who has no
. 9ebrews 74(&
If you3re not ready for truth, don3t step into ministry$
. 6 =ohn4 >-((
Ministry is not in possessions, neither in acquisitions2 but in impact$
. 1cts ;48-(6
?ntil +od has reached you, you can3t reach anyone.
. 1cts >4(-&:
he things you have not seen, touched, nor handled, you cannot
impart to others.
. ( =ohn (4(-6
<rogress never ends if truth never dries up.
. <salm (4(-6
*o la@y man will ever get +od3s approval.
. & imothy &4()
If the growth of your church is poor, it3s your spiritual location that is
poor, not the location of the church. Ao, go and wor% on yourself$
. 1cts 74'
Bour strength is a function of your depth in the truth.
. <roverbs &84)
?ntil +od has touched you, you can3t touch anybody.
. =ohn 646(-66
Many have nothing to show for their callings because of their lac% of
adequate and relevant %nowledge.
. Ccclestiastes(:4()
he things you have not proved in your life cannot move others who
listen to you.
. ( =ohn (46
?ntil your person is edified, your listeners will never be edified.
. 1cts 846(
1s long as your motive is not approved, your ministry will not be
. =ohn 74&8-&7
hose who build on gifts never last. -ut those who build on the Word
of +od stand the test of time.
. 5u%e 7487-8>
*o ministry that is not rooted in the Word has a tomorrow.
. Isaiah 8:4;
Bour best may not always be equal to right.
. <roverbs 64)-'
5iving the discoveries you ma%e in the Word is what ma%es you
. ( imothy 84()-(7
Dunfair #hristianity only leads to cheap failure.
. <roverbs (&4((
he depth of your insight determines your status in ministry.
. 1cts 74'
Atop doing things as convenient$ Do them as commanded.
. ( Aamuel (64((-(8
+row in the Word. 1s you do that you place a demand on heaven to
increase your church.
. 1cts 74'
If you see nothing ahead, you get nothing infront.
. =eremiah (4((-(&
5eadership is not authentic e,cept the said leader is ahead.
. =udges '4('
hose who do it anyhow end up anyhow.
. & <eter (4(:
Bou have a set destination, yes$ -ut as long as you3re on the wrong
trac%, you never get there.
. <roverbs (64()
9onour in ministry is a function of our labour in the Word.
. ( imothy )4('
+o for discoveries$ Atop hanging around the shallow waters.
. <salm (:'4&6-&8
When your dream has no basis in the Word of +od, it3s a trap of the
. 5amentations 646'
When %ings lose direction, they become servants.
. Ccclesiastes (:4)-(:
When you3re on course with +od, your enemies become helpless.
. <salm &64&-)
-orrowing is the ministry of the demon of greed. #ast it out before it
casts you down$
. <roverbs &&46
It is direction that gives birth to accomplishment.
. & Aamuel )4('-&)
Apiritual labour automatically commands material blessings.
. ( imothy )4('
1 life void of influences is a failure, because it doesn3t influence
. <roverbs (64&:
When you wal% in hatred, you wal% in lac%, because your connection is
. =ames 64(8-(7
When you e,pand your %nowledge, you e,pand your success rate.
. <roverbs &84(8
Bou cannot fill your life with Eun% and become a treasure$
. Matthew (&466-6)
If you must end your Eourney as a point of reference, have references.
. 9ebrews 74(&
If you must end your Eourney as an influence, believe in influences.
. 9ebrews 74(&
-orrowing is harrowing$ Fun from it$
. ( hessalonians )4&&
Ministry$ Bou are either called into it or cursed by it$
. 9ebrews )48
+reat is your future if you %now how to handle your present.
. <roverbs &&4&>
If your altar lac%s good news, you will lac% good crowd.
. 5u%e )4()
Don3t be afraid of new things, it is the order of heaven.
. 5amentations 64&&
Don3t fight results$ Atrive to get them$
. 9ebrews 74(&
*othing wor%s because you3re doing it2 it wor%s because you3re doing
the Word that ma%es it wor%.
. =oshua (4;
If you set your heart right, your life will be right.
. <roverbs 84&6
he Word you operate with determines the wor% done.
. 9ebrews (46
-orrowing is a weight to be avoided$
. 9ebrews (&4(-&
If you3re not appointed, you3ll be disappointed.
. 5amentations 646'
If you3re sent by +od, you3ll triumph by +od.
. & #orinthians &4(8
If you give the Word of +od its place, you will not miss your place.
. <salm (4(-6
Don3t use men, raise them$
. Matthew 84(>
If you want money, raise men.
. 5u%e ;4(-6
1fter ma%ing a discovery, you can3t miss your delivery.
. <roverbs &84(8
1ffect men and they will affect the wor% in your hand.
. 5u%e ;4(-6
-orrowing to do the wor% of +od is an insult to 9im.
. 5u%e &&46)
-orrowing is a trap of the enemy that enslaves its victim.
. <roverbs &&4'
he impact your life has on people is what is called ministry.
. 5u%e ;4(-6
Bou need self-discipline to ma%e any progress in life.
. <roverbs &)4&;
Ministry is receiving the Word from the 5ord, and handing it over to
the people.
. =ohn 646(-68
If the /+o/, comes from 9im, you can3t be lost on the way.
. 5u%e &&46)
When you become a servant of men, you lose your status with +od.
. ( #orinthians '4&6
+od is too big to depend on man.
. 9aggai &4;
Bou3re a Eo%er and a /player/, e,cept you3re feeding the people with
wisdom and %nowledge.
. =eremiah 64(8-()
Bour Word-impact determines your welfare and level of comfort in
. ( #orinthians >4(6-(8
-e sold-out to your calling. ?ntil you3re sold-out you won3t have value.
. Ccclesiastes >4(:
+od can3t lift you and human beings bring you down.
. <salm ')47
Cverytime you3re lost in 9is service, 9e presents you to the world as
9is beloved.
. Matthew ('4)
If you sow nothing today, you3ll have nothing to show tomorrow.
. +enesis ;4&&
9earing from +od is the greatest asset in ministry.
. Isaiah 6:4&(
he riches you have is committed to your trust, it3s not your own.
. & #orinthians 84'
C,ploits in ministry is in absolute adherence to what is commanded.
. Isaiah (4(>
<astoring is not %nowing the people, it3s feeding the people.
. =ohn &(4()-('
5oo% at the /Open -oo%/, and you3ll have an open life.
. =ames (4&)
1s long as you remain a blessing, the blessings of +od will remain
evident in your life.
. <roverbs ((4&)
+iving is a must, if you must be comfortable.
. 5u%e 746;
Bou don3t go up by chance, you go up by %eeping the laws of success.
. =oshua (4;
Miracles are not issues of chance, but the acts of obedience.
. =ohn &4)
Bou3re accountable to +od, yes. -ut must be open to men, or you lose
. ( hessalonians &4(:
here3s nothing in riches if +od is not there.
. <roverbs (:4&&
1ny position you don3t earn will lead to destruction.
. <roverbs (64((
When your taste is higher than your means, you3ll be enslaved by
. ( imothy 74>
+od %nows your si@e, so, why try to impress anybody.
. & #orinthians ;4(&
If the people can3t trust you, they won3t be stirred up to give into your
. ( #orinthians 84&
o be informed is to be transformed$
. Fomans (&4(-&
If you3re not well-informed, it3s very easy for you to be confused.
. Isaiah 6647
*ot to be informed is to be deformed$ herefore see% %nowledge.
. <salm ;&4)
If you can3t touchMinistryIf you don3t have results, you will lac%
. ( #orinthians 64(6-(8
Ministry without commission equals frustration.
. 5amentations 646'
Cvery +od ordained ministry has a divine security on it.
. =ohn ;4&>
hose who will hear from +od don3t run around with men.
. ( hessalonians 84((
+od will only be committed to what 9e has commissioned.
. ( hessalonians )4&8
Wasteful spenders don3t enEoy supernatural supplies.
. Malachi 64(:
1ttempting to build a church without first building yourself up in the
Word is heading for a brea%down in life and ministry.
( imothy 84(6-()
If you have the answer, you will have the people.
. Matthew &84&;
Dailure in the Word is the principal reason for stagnation in ministry.
. 5u%e ('46'
When you3re busy doing your Eob, it shows.
. <roverbs &&4&>
Ministry is digging into the heart of +od, to reach out to men.
. =eremiah 64()
Bou3ve preached your message enough, it3s time to preach 9is
. C@e%iel &48
raditional messages will only trap your destiny.
. Isaiah 864(;-(>
1ny Word you have not encountered, you3re not competent to teach.
. ( =ohn (4(-8
Bou need a baptism of fire on your tongue, that will ma%e you a voice
and not Eust a noise.
. Isaiah 747-;
It ta%es first sitting down with 9im to be sent out by 9im.
. Mar% 74'
Ministry without unction is frustration$
. 5u%e &848>
*o matter what you have, you still don3t have motion without unction.
. 1cts (:46;
If you3re not a doer of the Word, you3re not competent to
communicate it.
. ( imothy 84()-(7
he anointing is the announcer of ministries.
. 5u%e 84(8-()
Bou can succeed by efforts only in any other thing, but not in ministry.
. Gechariah 847
It3s one thing to be busy, it3s another thing to be busy doing the right
. Ccclesiastes (:4()
If you3re a giver in ministry, you3ll remain on top.
. 5u%e 746;
When your ministry is a preaching one, with proofs to show, it won3t
lac% means and provisions.
. 5u%e ;4(-6
If your ministry is touching men, their hands will never cease to reach
. 5u%e ;4(-6
Ministry is not industry$
. & imothy 84&
?ntil you have been with 9im, don3t go out2 you3ll be frustrated.
. & imothy &4()
If you can hear from heaven, the world will hear your voice.
. 5u%e 74('-(>
Bour theology will soon begin to stin% if there are no proofs.
. 1cts &4&&
If you gather the multitude by music, they may eventually go after
another music.
. <roverbs (64((
Ministry has its roots in a heavenly vision, which requires a heavenly
. C@e%iel &4&-6
Atop reading to preach$ Fead to live.
. Matthew ((4&;-&>
If you wal% under the unction of the 9oly Apirit, you3re naturally
. =ohn (74(6-()
Only those who ma%e the most of their time ma%e the most of life.
. ( hessalonians 84((
+rowth is not automatic, it is programmed.
. 1cts 748,'

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