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Fast list

1. companies that want to cut IT staff cost..

2. advantages, someone else has the headache of keeping the system running. disadvantages - you
have no control over upgrades or cuz anything, you use the software as it is. Your can't plan for system
downtime, you play by their rules.
3. True cost per users. You must use the software as is, can your users do that or do they have the
feeling "we do it diff" How much can you be down? the internet will go down from time to time.
Do you have to update your network to run a faster internet? training.

I would not use cloud to host software with my company's databases. If you do not value your data
neither consider it to be private then cloud is alright. Otherwise, do not be surprised when your
customers, suppliers, price catalogs, etc become available to your competition or just appear on the
public web. The bottom line is that cloud is not for ERP nor CRM.

1.What types of companies are most likely to adopt cloud-based ERP and CRM software
services? Why? What companies might not be well suited for this type of software?
Types of companies which are most likely to adopt cloud-based ERP and CRM software services
will be startup companies, companies that want to reduce internal IT costs and companies that
want to reduce their capital costs and companies that are struggling with a lot of data.

That is because it enables them to achieve operational excellence and customer intimacy. It
releases them from infrastructural maintenance and its respective fixed and operational costs. It
provides them with operational ubiquity and allows them to easily subscribe and cancel the
subscription without losing large upfront software licenses and hardware investments.

Companies which might not be well-suited for this type of software are those companies from
small to middle-sized companies. These companies have senior finance professionals and they
concern about security and the lack of information and understanding about cloud technology
which are the main reasons for organizations are staying away from cloud ERP. Large firms in
fast paced evolving industries are also not suited for ERP and CRM cloud-based software. This
is due to the need for flexibility. Firstly, firms require not only deep-seated technology changes
but also fundamental changes in the way business operates. Installations of the new software
require employees to change their working methods. Employees must learn how to perform a
new set of work activities. This requires new organizational learning and provides training for
them. Companies that are unable to accept the changes and also provides training for their
employees will be not be suggested to use this type of software.

Jenis perusahaan yang paling mungkin untuk mengadopsi berbasis cloud ERP dan layanan
perangkat lunak CRM adalah perusahaan startup , perusahaan yang ingin mengurangi biaya TI
dan perusahaan yang ingin mengurangi biaya modal dan perusahaan yang sedang bekerja dengan
banyak data.
Itu karena memungkinkan mereka untuk mencapai keunggulan operasional dan kedekatan
dengan pelanggan . Hal ini melepaskan mereka dari pemeliharaan infrastruktur dan biaya tetap
masing-masing dan operasional. Ini menyediakan mereka dengan ubiquity operasional dan
memungkinkan mereka untuk dengan mudah berlangganan dan membatalkan langganan tanpa
kehilangan lisensi software yang besar dan investasi perangkat keras .
Perusahaan yang mungkin tidak cocok untuk jenis perangkat lunak adalah perusahaan-
perusahaan dari kecil ke perusahaan berukuran menengah . Perusahaan-perusahaan ini memiliki
profesional keuangan senior dan mereka yang memiliki keprihatinan tentang keamanan dan
kurangnya informasi dan pemahaman tentang teknologi cloud yang merupakan alasan utama
untuk organisasi yang bertahan jauh dari cloud ERP . Perusahaan besar dengan cepat
melangkahkan industri berkembang juga tidak cocok untuk ERP dan software berbasis cloud
CRM . Hal ini disebabkan kebutuhan untuk fleksibilitas . Pertama , perusahaan tidak hanya
memerlukan mendalami perubahan teknologi , tetapi juga perubahan mendasar dalam cara bisnis
beroperasi . Instalasi perangkat lunak baru membutuhkan karyawan untuk mengubah metode
kerja mereka . Karyawan harus belajar bagaimana melakukan pengubahan aktivitas kerja yang
baru. Hal ini memerlukan pembelajaran dan memberikan pelatihan bagi mereka . Perusahaan
yang tidak dapat menerima perubahan dan juga menyediakan pelatihan bagi karyawan mereka
akan tidak disarankan untuk menggunakan jenis perangkat lunak .

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud-based enterprise
Removing the hardware and all the complications attached with it for example the cost of
maintaining the hardware, the risk of hardware failure, and the cost of hiring personnel
required to handle them
The beauty of cloud computing technology is its simplicity, the fact that it requires significantly
fewer capital expenditures to get up and running.
Cloud computing infrastructures offer much greater scalability, complete disaster recovery, and
impressive uptime numbers.

A constant internet connection is required. Without the internet, you cannot access your data or
Lack of control over data, system performance, the ability to audit or change processes.
Potential inability to see who is viewing / accessing your corporate data.

Melepaskan hardware dan semua komplikasi pasangannya dengan itu misalnya biaya
pemeliharaan perangkat keras, risiko kegagalan perangkat keras, dan biaya mempekerjakan
personil yang dibutuhkan untuk menangani mereka
Keindahan teknologi cloud computing adalah kesederhanaannya, fakta bahwa hal itu
memerlukan belanja modal secara signifikan lebih sedikit untuk bangun dan berjalan.
Infrastruktur Cloud computing menawarkan skalabilitas yang jauh lebih besar, pemulihan
bencana yang lengkap, dan nomor uptime mengesankan.

Koneksi internet konstan diperlukan. Tanpa internet, Anda tidak dapat mengakses data atau
Kurangnya kontrol atas data, kinerja sistem, kemampuan untuk mengaudit atau mengubah
Potensi ketidakmampuan untuk melihat siapa yang melihat / mengakses data perusahaan Anda.

3. What management, organization, and technology issues should be addressed in deciding
whether to use a conventional ERP or CRM system versus a cloud-based version?
Service Level Agreements(SLAs); there is lack of SLAs concerning ERP and CRM cloud based
solutions and of methods to ease their respective verification.
Risk Assessment: it is hard to assess the risk when the company does not own the infrastructure
that supports the ERP and CRM systems.
Dependability: companies using cloud based CRM and ERP solutions might become dependent
of their providers since they do not store the data, and might not be able to easily export it to
another system if required.

Human Resource Optimization: while traditional ERP and CRM solutions demand for technical
staff, cloud based solutions allows to optimize HR to focus on operation.

Security; using the web as infrastructure, cloud based ERP and CRM solutions suffer have
difficulties in offering security comfort to companies that own sensible data.
Availability; due to the web failure tolerant model, cloud based ERP and CRM solutions suffer
from availability issues that might cause business operation failures

1. What kind of open source offerings does the company offer, if any? Describe some of the
Types of companies which are most likely to adopt cloud-based ERP and CRM software
services will be companies that want to cut IT staff cost. With CRM and ERP, a business can be
up and running with the software quickly which less need for in-house IT staff or high levels of
technical skills, and things like security and upgrades are looked after by the vendor. This is
because the difference between cloud and on-premise is that cloud-computing makes your
software an operational expense rather than a capital spend. Theres usually little or no financial
outlay in terms of hardware and IT infrastructure, and you pay a monthly fee to use the product,
which is based on the number of users you have. Some businesses prefer a capital spend and
to own the software. Others prefer an operational cost, as with the cloud. For cloud-based
applications, you also need a reliable internet connection, and in some sectors there can be
issues with the geography in which the data is actually held. Many mainstream business
software vendors are working to transfer their traditional on-premise applications in to the cloud.
From a technical point of view, it is not as straightforward as it may first appear. Once it has
achieved, the results are arguably superior to applications that have been developed as purely
cloud-based applications. Next, companies which might not be well-suited for this type of
software are those companies from small to middle-sized companies. These companies have
senior finance professionals and they concern about security and the lack of information and
understanding about cloud technology which are the main reasons for organizations are staying
away from cloud ERP. For the vast majority of businesses, modern commercial cloud
applications provide exceptionally high levels of security, including data protection and back-up,
and are usually more secure than the majority of on-premise applications.

The open source offerings acumatica offers are:
1) Customer Management Suite: The customer management suite provides a web-based
customer relationship management (CRM) application for managing leads, contacts,
opportunities, and business accounts. some of its features include; sales automation which helps
improve information flow, reduce sales cycles, increase close rates, and improve sales efficiency.
Marketing automation which provides tools to manage leads, improve conversions, measure
campaign performance, communicate with contacts, and improve productivity.

2) Distribution Management Suite: For managing the complexities of distribution such as
purchasing, ordering, tracking inventory, filling orders, and delivering customer support.
Some of its features include; Order management which allows you to optimize the way you enter
and fulfill sales orders. Purchasing management which automates purchasing processes and
reduces the cost of acquiring materials. Requisition management which allows you to organize
and simplify complex distribution processes involving multiple products and suppliers.
Terbuka menawarkan sumber persembahan Acumatica adalah :
1 ) Manajemen Pelanggan Suite : The manajemen pelanggan Suite menyediakan
manajemen hubungan pelanggan berbasis web ( aplikasi CRM ) untuk mengelola lead ,
kontak , peluang , dan rekening bisnis . beberapa fitur-fiturnya meliputi; otomatisasi
penjualan yang membantu meningkatkan arus informasi , mengurangi siklus penjualan ,
meningkatkan tingkat dekat, dan meningkatkan efisiensi penjualan . Pemasaran
otomatisasi yang menyediakan alat untuk mengelola lead , meningkatkan konversi ,
mengukur kinerja kampanye , berkomunikasi dengan kontak , dan meningkatkan
produktivitas .

2 ) Manajemen Distribusi Suite : Untuk mengelola kompleksitas distribusi seperti
pembelian , pemesanan, pelacakan persediaan , mengisi pesanan , dan memberikan
dukungan pelanggan .
Beberapa fitur-fiturnya meliputi; Manajemen pesanan yang memungkinkan Anda untuk
mengoptimalkan cara Anda masuk dan memenuhi pesanan penjualan . Pembelian
manajemen yang mengotomatisasi proses pembelian dan mengurangi biaya memperoleh
materi . Permintaan manajemen yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengatur dan
menyederhanakan proses distribusi kompleks yang melibatkan beberapa produk dan
pemasok .

The open source offering s Compiere offers are:
Compiere erp software: Compiere is the leading cloud-based, open-source erp software and
customer relationship management (CRM) system. Compiere solutions provide businesses,
government agencies, and non-profit organizations with easy, flexible, low-cost access to rich
functionality for managing all financial, distribution, sales, and service processes. With
Compiere, customers can easily and affordably customize the solution to fit their business
requirements with no or minimal programming
Sumber penawaran terbuka s Compiere penawaran adalah:
Compiere ERP software: Compiere adalah berbasis cloud, open-source software ERP dan
manajemen hubungan pelanggan (CRM) sistem terkemuka. Solusi Compiere
menyediakan bisnis, instansi pemerintah, dan organisasi non-profit dengan mudah,
fleksibel, murah akses ke fungsionalitas yang kaya untuk mengelola semua keuangan,
distribusi, penjualan, dan proses layanan. Dengan Compiere, pelanggan dapat dengan
mudah dan terjangkau menyesuaikan solusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis mereka
tanpa atau minimal pemrograman

2. Towards what types of companies is the company marketing its services?
Acumatica markets its services mostly towards small and mid sized businesses which have
diverse needs and require the necessary flexibility where as Compiere solutions serve the needs
of small local organizations, as well as large, global enterprises in distribution, retail, services
and manufacturing.
Acumatica memasarkan layanan terutama terhadap usaha kecil dan menengah yang
memiliki kebutuhan yang beragam dan memerlukan fleksibilitas yang diperlukan di mana
sebagai solusi Compiere melayani kebutuhan organisasi lokal kecil, serta besar,
perusahaan global dalam distribusi, ritel, jasa dan manufaktur.

3. What other services does the company offer?
Apart from the ERP and CRM offerings Compiere offers a broad range of support, training, and
professional services in order for customers to get the most out of Compiere ERP and CRM
solutions quickly and efficiently.

Cost Efficient
Cloud computing is probably the most cost efficient method to use, maintain and upgrade. Traditional
desktop software costs companies a lot in terms of finance. Adding up the licensing fees for multiple
users can prove to be very expensive for the establishment concerned. The cloud, on the other hand, is
available at much cheaper rates and hence, can significantly lower the companys IT expenses. Besides,
there are many one-time-payment, pay-as-you-go and other scalable options available, which makes it
very reasonable for the company in question.

Almost Unlimited Storage
Storing information in the cloud gives you almost unlimited storage capacity. Hence, you no more need
to worry about running out of storage space or increasing your current storage space availability.

Backup and Recovery
Since all your data is stored in the cloud, backing it up and restoring the same is relatively much easier
than storing the same on a physical device. Furthermore, most cloud service providers are usually
competent enough to handle recovery of information. Hence, this makes the entire process of backup
and recovery much simpler than other traditional methods of data storage.

7 Best Cloud Service Providers of 2013

Automatic Software Integration
In the cloud, software integration is usually something that occurs automatically. This means that you do
not need to take additional efforts to customize and integrate your applications as per your preferences.
This aspect usually takes care of itself. Not only that, cloud computing allows you to customize your
options with great ease. Hence, you can handpick just those services and software applications that you
think will best suit your particular enterprise.

Easy Access to Information
Once you register yourself in the cloud, you can access the information from anywhere, where there is
an Internet connection. This convenient feature lets you move beyond time zone and geographic
location issues.

Cloud Computing Is it Possible to Assign a Standard?

Quick Deployment
Lastly and most importantly, cloud computing gives you the advantage of quick deployment. Once you
opt for this method of functioning, your entire system can be fully functional in a matter of a few
minutes. Of course, the amount of time taken here will depend on the exact kind of technology that you
need for your business.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

In spite of its many benefits, as mentioned above, cloud computing also has its disadvantages.
Businesses, especially smaller ones, need to be aware of these cons before going in for this technology.

The Risks Involved in Cloud Computing

Technical Issues
Though it is true that information and data on the cloud can be accessed anytime and from anywhere at
all, there are times when this system can have some serious dysfunction. You should be aware of the
fact that this technology is always prone to outages and other technical issues. Even the best cloud
service providers run into this kind of trouble, in spite of keeping up high standards of maintenance.
Besides, you will need a very good Internet connection to be logged onto the server at all times. You will
invariably be stuck in case of network and connectivity problems.

Security in the Cloud
The other major issue while in the cloud is that of security issues. Before adopting this technology, you
should know that you will be surrendering all your companys sensitive information to a third-party
cloud service provider. This could potentially put your company to great risk. Hence, you need to make
absolutely sure that you choose the most reliable service provider, who will keep your information
totally secure.

What Strategies Should an Enterprise Adopt in Order to Ensure Data Protection?

Prone to Attack
Storing information in the cloud could make your company vulnerable to external hack attacks and
threats. As you are well aware, nothing on the Internet is completely secure and hence, there is always
the lurking possibility of stealth of sensitive data.

In Conclusion

Like everything else, cloud computing too has its pros and cons. While the technology can prove to be a
great asset to your company, it could also cause harm if not understood and used properly.

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