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Eliminating defects through equipment reliability

Carl March, Life Cycle Engineering

Tags: lean manufacturing
Since the rise to prominence of quality-focused business initiatives
such as Total uality Management !TM" and eventually Si# Sigma,
companies have been focusing on reducing their $nal product defects
to the absolute bare minimum% The &idely accepted de$nition of a Si#
Sigma process is one that produces '%( defective parts per million
opportunities !)*M+"% The single most critical item to this overall
quality goal is variation% Many quality professionals readily
ac,no&ledge that variations in processes and in equipment
performance lead to a vast number of defects e#perienced by the end
customer% -n Si# Sigma, a defect is de$ned as anything that could lead
to customer dissatisfaction% .or the purposes of this article, the
author/s focus &ill be on the correlation bet&een equipment reliability
and such product defects% This article &ill also e#plore some of the
common root causes of poor equipment reliability and &hat can be
done to prevent or mitigate them, hence leading to the elimination of
Equipment Reliability and Product Defects
0uthor 1on Moore suggests that process conformance can be improved
through equipment reliability, proper, calibrated instrumentation,
disciplined operation and quality ra& material2% Equipment reliability
assures that subsystems and components function as intended &ithout
failure for desired periods during their design life% Theoretically, defects
can be introduced into equipment at each of the si# main phases of its
life cycle: )esign, *urchase, Store, -nstallation3Commissioning,
+peration and Maintenance% -t, therefore, stands to reason that if you
manage the defects leading to equipment failure, then you &ill be able
to directly a4ect product quality%
Common Root Causes of Poor Equipment Reliability
1oot causes are the underlying factors that are found to be responsible
for a particular event or class of events occurring, such as poor
equipment performance% The goal of eliminating these root causes is to
prevent future recurrence of said event!s"% +ften, these are mista,en
&ith the human interventions that lead to failure, symptoms of failure
or the physical mechanisms by &hich failure manifests itself% 1ather, in
order to truly prevent future unreliability, you must go to the true
source of failures ,no&n as latent causes% These are systemic by
nature, and &hile they yield the highest re&ard by being prevented or
managed, they are most at ris, for non-implementation% This is due to
the fact that they are by and large deep-seated in the organi5ation and
pointing to&ard the management system that has been ingrained in
the company culture% Some of the more common latent roots22 that
one can cite for premature equipment failure are:
Misapplication 6 This can be due to equipment operations outside
of the design envelope, poor initial design practices or poor
procurement practices%
+perating practices 6 This can be due to inadequate operating
procedures, lac, of adherence to procedures or inadequate
system for follo& up%
Maintenance practices 6 This is due to inadequate maintenance
procedures, no adherence to procedures or inadequate frequency
of maintenance tas,s%
0ge 6 This is due to accelerated &ear mechanisms by
environmental factors or the end of the useful life by normal
&ear and tear%
Management systems 6 This is due to lac, of s,ills or operator
training, poor employee involvement, poor recognition of ha5ard,
and3or previously identi$ed ha5ards &ere not follo&ed up on and
0ny organi5ation trying to reap the full bene$ts of reduced defects by
improving equipment reliability should have at least the follo&ing four
systems in place%
RCA Program
1oot cause analysis !1C0" is a process &hich systematically uses any
one or combination of a class of problem-solving methods aimed at
identifying the root causes of problems or events% The ste&ardship of
this process is usually a function of reliability engineering% 0s intimated
earlier, having a disciplined 1C0 program in place is essential, $rst of
all, to identify the reasons behind poor equipment reliability and,
secondly, to implement actions &hich &ill prevent them from
happening again%
Company 0, a large chemical manufacturer, had more than 7,789
centrifugal pumps in service% The mean time bet&een failure !MT:."
for the pumps in 7;;8 &as measured to be appro#imately 9%< years
!;%= months"% Systematic 1C0 as a business process did not start at the
facility until 7;;<% *rior to that, they performed failure analysis and did
a gap analysis bet&een their installation and maintenance practices
and >best in class%? That &as the @umpstart that they needed% 0 formal
1C0 process came later% The decision &as made by the reliability
department to have their crafts3trades trained in a technique by &hich
failure codes &ould be assigned for each failure% This data &as
subsequently recorded in their computeri5ed maintenance
management system !CMMS" and a separate .ailure 1eporting 0nalysis
and Corrective 0ctions System !.10C0S" database% 1C0 &as conducted
on &hat &ere determined to be the more predominant modes of failure
!as indicated by the failure codes"% 0ctions &ere then ta,en based on
the $ndings and the results sho&n in .igure 7 &ere achieved%
Figure 1: Pump MTF for !ears 1""# to $%%$
+ver the course of eight years, the MT:. for these pumps increased by
a phenomenal 899 percent% Aust the reduction in pump failures
accounted for appro#imately B8%8 million per year reduction in direct
maintenance cost by the end of the data set% There &ere many other
reliability initiatives besides pumps going on during that last $ve years
of the data period, but pumps &ere $rst and the largest% The combined
impact of all the reliability initiatives !of &hich pumps &ere estimated
to be accountable for '8 to (9 percent" &as an uprating of the plant by
78 percent for essentially minor capital e#penditures and an increase
in overall equipment e4ectiveness !+EE" of appro#imately ( percent
!from ;( percent to ;<%C percent"% The plant &as able to debottlenec,
and operate at the higher demonstrated rate because of the increased
process stability% More than three pump failures per day, even &here
there &ere spares, is a lot of instability% Thro& in a fe& instrument
failures per day and at least one vessel failure per &ee,, and one never
,ne& &hat the real limits of a plant &ere because one could never Dline
out? and run% The impact of the reduced cost and increased sales from
all of the improvements made plant pro$tability go from B7C million
per year in a sold out mar,et to B(' million per year at only =9 percent
of capacity to BEC million per year &hen it &as sold out the ne#t year%
&nsite Reliability Practitioners
Life Cycle Engineering is the pioneer of 1eliability E#cellence !1#",
&hich is de$ned as >a business philosophy, driven through cultural
change that focuses on equipment reliability and process control as the
foundation of modern manufacturing operations%? -n the company/s
e#perience, it has been determined that e#cellence is accomplished by
the completion of $ve discrete levels referred to as the e#cellence
model sho&n in .igure C% The sustainability step atop the model
includes reliability engineering as one of its ,ey components% Fhether
you have a reliability engineer onsite or not, there are some ,ey
activities &ithin that role that need to ta,e place in order assure that
the desired results are sustained 6 the desired results in this case being
increased equipment reliability leading to lo&er defects%
Figure $: Reliability E'cellence Model
Gour onsite reliability practitioners are tas,ed to monitor equipment
and processes in order to identify opportunities for continuous
improvement% 0s ris, managers for your business, they should
proactively determine the best &ay to handle ris, through the use of
the appropriate preventive3predictive maintenance techniques and ris,
plans% 1eliability-Centered Maintenance or some variation thereof is
recommended for at least the most critical equipment that you have
onsite% .or the balance of the plant, various other optimi5ation
strategies allo&ing the best bang for the buc, can be utili5ed% -t is
advised, ho&ever, that one be cogni5ant of the limitations of such
strategies in order to ,no&ingly accept any ris,s associated &ith their
usiness Processes (upporting Reliability and Product )uality
The foundation of any reliability and quality initiative has to be stable
processes% -t must be fundamentally clear that no Total *roductive
Maintenance !T*M", lean manufacturing or Si# Sigma initiative &ill
reach its full potential &ithout the processes to sustain improvement%
Ta,e, for e#ample, the case of a 89-year-old aluminum smelter, &hich
undertoo, the mammoth tas, of re-engineering their &or, and
equipment processes% -n C99C, @ust prior to their focused 1eliability
E#cellence e4ort, the plant had total maintenance costs in e#cess of
B'8 million% -t also had a ratio of more than B7'E in maintenance costs
for every metric ton of aluminum produced !89 percent higher than the
global average at the time"% The company embar,ed on standardi5ing
&or, processes, developing equipment history and utili5ing lean
manufacturing tools for problem solving% Maintenance in partnership
&ith operations, decided to use the T*M metric +EE to measure their
progress% *ea, performances for speci$c plant functions &ere
determined, including scrap rate% -n C99(, after implementing ne&
reliability-based processes, BC%( million in improvements &ere
attributed directly to such +EE gains%
The old adage attributed to quality professional Aoseph Auran states, >-f
you don/t measure it, you don/t manage it%? That still rings true today%
To ensure that you are on the right trac, and achieving the desired
results of no defects, you must have the appropriate metrics in place%
The $rst obvious metric to consider is +EE% This measure indicates ho&
e4ectively the organi5ation/s assets are being utili5ed to achieve
business goals% -t integrates three other measures: equipment
availability, performance rate and product quality% The fascinating thing
about the use of +EE as a metric is that from this discussion, it has
been established that by improving equipment reliability, the
availability measure and the quality measure may also improve% There
&ill then be a dual e4ect on +EE due to improved reliability% 0nother
metric that &ould be useful to trac, is the MT:. and scrap rate on
speci$c pieces of equipment that have been targeted for improvement%
-n so doing, the direct correlation bet&een the t&o measures can be
e#amined and further analy5ed%
.requently, reliability professionals articulate the connection bet&een
equipment reliability and the bottom-line results that matter to most
organi5ations% +ne &ill very quic,ly tout the connection &ith
production output and safety, but quality or process &aste is
sometimes left behind% 0s suggested in this article, there is a clear lin,
bet&een equipment reliability and the defects or &aste created in the
manufacturing process% -n order to manage the variation in your
manufacturing process, you need to manage the variation in the
performance of your equipment by ta,ing four ,ey steps to&ard
consistency in your product% .irst, you need a robust, disciplined 1C0
and reliability program in place in order to identify the sources of poor
equipment reliability% Second, you also need to have reliability
personnel dedicated to the tas,s of sustaining your reliability
improvements% Third, you need to understand your business processes
and ensure that they support your direction% Lastly, you need to
measure your progress &ith the appropriate metrics%
2 Moore, 1% Selecting the Right Manufacturing Improvement Tools,
:oston, Ma, H London, Elsevier :utter&orth-Ieinemann :oo,s, C99E%
22 Mobley, 1% J% Root Cause Failure Analysis, Elsevier :utter&orth-
Ieinemann, 7;;;%
About the author:
Carl March has a &ealth of e#perience in the areas of maintenance,
reliability engineering, systems modeling and design% Carl holds an
undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering and a graduate
degree in automotive systems engineering% 0s a reliability sub@ect
matter e#pert at Life Cycle Engineering, his passion and focus is in the
transfer of ,no&ledge in 1CM, T*M, root cause analysis and reliability
e#cellence to clients &orld&ide see,ing to achieve manufacturing
distinction% Carl has attained a signi$cant level of professional
recognition as a Certi$ed 1eliability Engineer !C1E" by the 0merican
Society for uality and as a Certi$ed Maintenance and 1eliability
*rofessional !CM1*" by the Society of Maintenance and 1eliability
*rofessionals% Gou can reach Carl at cmarchKLCE%com% .or more
information on LCE, visit &&&%LCE%com or call <('-E((-E779%

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