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Consider the math department of a school, which is made up of one or more teachers. When the
department is destroyed, the teachers should still exist independently (they can go get jobs in
other departments).
The department does not own the teachers (they merely work there), the department should be an
Code Example:
using namespace std;

class Teacher
string m_strName;
Teacher(string strName) : m_strName(strName)
string GetName() { return m_strName; }

class Department
Teacher *m_pcTeacher; // This dept holds only one teacher

Department(Teacher *pcTeacher=NULL): m_pcTeacher(pcTeacher)

int main()
// create a teacher outside the scope of the Department
Teacher *pTeacher = new Teacher("Bob"); // create a teacher
// Create a department and use the constructor parameter to pass
// the teacher to it.
Department cDept(pTeacher);

} // cDept goes out of scope here and is destroyed

// pTeacher still exists here because cDept did not destroy it
delete pTeacher;


Composition is used for objects that have a has-a relationship to each other. A
car has-a metal frame, has-an engine, and has-a transmission. A personal
computer has-a CPU, a motherboard, and other components. You have-a head, a body,
some limbs.

class Point2D
int m_nX;
int m_nY;

// A default constructor
Point2D(): m_nX(0), m_nY(0)

// A specific constructor
Point2D(int nX, int nY): m_nX(nX), m_nY(nY)

// Access functions
void SetPoint(int nX, int nY)
m_nX = nX;
m_nY = nY;

int GetX() const { return m_nX; }
int GetY() const { return m_nY; }

class Creature
string m_strName;
Point2D m_cLocation;

// We don't want people to create Creatures with no name or
// so our default constructor is private
Creature() { }

Creature(string strName, const Point2D &cLocation)
: m_strName(strName), m_cLocation(cLocation)

void MoveTo(int nX, int nY)
m_cLocation.SetPoint(nX, nY);

int main()
using namespace std;
cout << "Enter a name for your creature: ";
string cName;
cin >> cName;
Creature cCreature(cName, Point2D(4, 7));

while (1)
cout << cCreature << endl;
cout << "Enter new X location for creature (-1 to quit): ";
int nX=0;
cin >> nX;
if (nX == -1)

cout << "Enter new Y location for creature (-1 to quit): ";
int nY=0;
cin >> nY;
if (nY == -1)

cCreature.MoveTo(nX, nY);

return 0;

Heres a transcript of this code being run:
Enter a name for your creature: Marvin
Marvin is at (4, 7)
Enter new X location for creature (-1 to quit): 6
Enter new Y location for creature (-1 to quit): 12
Marvin is at (6, 12)
Enter new X location for creature (-1 to quit): 3
Enter new Y location for creature (-1 to quit): 2
Marvin is at (3, 2)

Why Composition?
The complex class can have the simple subclasses do most of the hard work, and
instead focus on coordinating the data flow between the subclasses. This helps lower
the overall complexity of the complex object, because it can delegate tasks to the sub-
objects, who already know how to do them. For example, when we move our Creature,
it delegates that task to the Point class, which already understands how to set a point.
Thus, the Creature class does not have to worry about how such things would be
When should I use composition instead of direct implementation of a feature?
Good rule of thumb is that each class should be built to accomplish a single task. That
task should either be the storage and manipulation of some kind of data (e.g. Point2D),
OR the coordination of subclasses (e.g. Creature). Not both.

Difference between composition and aggregation
Typically use normal member variables
Can use pointer values if the composition class automatically handles
Responsible for creation/destruction of subclasses
Typically use pointer variables that point to an object that lives outside the scope
of the aggregate class
Can use reference values that point to an object that lives outside the scope of
the aggregate class
Not responsible for creating/destroying subclasses

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