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The Art of War

By Sun Tzu
Study Guide
Directions: Read each chapter closely. Answer each question in complete sentences,
using text references where appropriate.
1. Simply stated, what does The Art of War teach? In what situations can Sun Tzus
wisdom !e applied?
". #hy did Sun Tzu follow through with his decision to !ehead the two concu!ines
who were the leaders of each company in the palace?
$. Interpret this statement% &It 'Sun Tzus (nowledge) can gi*e us the protection we
need to watch our own children grow in peace and thri*e+ ,-.. /se 0" thin(ing.
I. Laying Plans (9)
1. 2escri!e the fi*e factors that will determine whether or not a general is *ictorious.
3. 4ccording to former 5rime 6inister of Israel 7en8amin 9etanyahu, moral clarity
:simply !eing clear a!out what is right and what is wrong:is necessary to
winning the war against terrorism. ;ompare Sun Tzus and 9etanyahus attitudes
toward morality on the !attlefield.
<. The word &deception+ typically has a negati*e connotation. 4s it is used on page
11 is it negati*e or positi*e? ;ite e*idence from the text to support your answer.
II !n "aging "ar (#$)
-. 2iscuss the *alue of time !oth as it pertains to waiting to attac( and as it pertains
to the length of the fight.
=. >ow might a !attle affect the economy?
?. >ow might an army use its foe &to augment ones own strength?+ ,11.. 2iscuss
Sun Tzus consideration for humanity.
III T%e S%eat%ed Sword (#&)
1@. 2iscuss the (ind of strategy a person needs to &!rea( the enemys resistance
without fighting+ ,13..
11. 2iscuss the following sentence% &>umanity and 8ustice are the principles on
which to go*ern a state, !ut not an armyA opportunism and flexi!ility, on the other
hand, are military rather than ci*ic *irtues+ ,1-.. #hat is Sun Tzus point?
1". Sun Tzu says, &If you (now the enemy and (now yourself, you need not fear the
result of a hundred !attles+ ,1=.. Bxpert author Gerald 6ichaelson says &'...)
accurate selfCperception is the golden (ey to success.+ #hat did Sun Tzu mean
"3@@ years ago? #hat does 6ichaelson mean today?
I' Tactics (#9)
1$. 2iscuss the irony in this statement% &To secure oursel*es against defeat lies in our
own hands, !ut the opportunity of defeating the enemy is pro*ided !y the enemy
himself+ ,1?..
11. 5hillip Dulmer, nationalCchampionshipCwinning foot!all coach at the /ni*ersity of
Tennessee says, &I constantly coach our players a!out ha*ing the intensity to !e
a!le to intimidate our opponents. This doesnt mean to play outside the rules. It
means that our players should !e fundamentally sound and in such good physical
condition that they can outlast and outwor( their opponents.+ >ow would Sun
Tzu respond to Dulmers statements? Support your answer with e*idence from
the text.
13. #hat, essentially, is &true excellence+?
' (nergy ($#)
1<. #hat are direct methods of fighting? #hat are indirect methods?
1-. Bxplain the sentence, &'...) the good fighter will !e terri!le in his onset, and
prompt in his decision+ ,"".. #hat is the effect of the phrase &terri!le in his
1=. 2iscuss this sentence% &Simulated disorder postulates perfect disciplineA simulated
fear postulates courageA simulated wea(ness postulates strength+ ,"".. #hat is
the effect of the repetition? The parallel structure? The diction?
1?. #hy does a &cle*er com!atant+ not &demand perfection from the untalented+?
'I "ea) Points * Strong ($&)
"@. EeCread the paragraph at the top of page "< that !egins, &4n army may march
great distances '...).+ >ow is this paragraph related to the title of the chapter?
"1. 2iscuss the implications of this sentence% &If he sends reinforcements e*erywhere,
he will e*erywhere !e wea(+ ,"=..
"". 2iscuss the analogy !etween water and the soldier ,"?..
'II +aneu,ering (-.)
"$. #hen is maneu*ering ad*antageous? #hen is it dangerous? 2iscuss the
"1. EeCread this short paragraph% &5onder and deli!erate !efore you ma(e a mo*e.
>e will conquer who has learned the artifice of de*iation. Such is the art of
maneu*ering+ ,$".. #hy does Sun Tzu use !oth &you+ and &he+ in this
paragraph? #hat is the effect of switching pronouns?
"3. Sun Tzu commands, & 2o not interfere with and army that is returning home
!ecause a man whose heart is set on returning home will fight to the death against
any attempt to !ar his way, and is therefore too dangerous an opponent to !e
tac(led+ ,$3.. #hy? #hat is Sun Tzus point? /se 0" thin(ingF
'III 'ariation o/ Tactics (-0)
"<. #hen &must+ an army fight? #hat is a &desperate position+?
"-. EeCread and consider the following% &In the wise leaders plans, considerations of
ad*antage and of disad*antage will !e !lended together. If our expectation of
ad*antage !e tempered in this way, we may succeed in accomplishing the
essential part of our schemes+ ,$=C$?.. 2iscuss using 0" thin(ing.
"=. #hat does The Art of War &teach us to rely+ on? ,$?.. Bxplain.
"?. 0ist the &fi*e dangerous faults that may affect a general+ ,$?C1@.. #hich do you
!elie*e is the most critical? #hy?
I1 T%e Ar2y on t%e +arc% (3#)
$@. Sun Tzu ma(es se*eral references to sunny places in this chapter. 0ocate some of
them and discuss why he places such importance on !eing in the sun.
$1. >ow can an army anticipate his enemys intent?
$". #hy must a general understand the irony in his enemys !eha*ior?
$$. 4ccording to Sun Tzu, what is the &certain road to *ictory+ ,1?.? 2iscuss using
0" thin(ing.
1 Terrain (&.)
$1. ;learly explain &the soldiers !est ally+ ,3$..
$3. 2iscuss the &test of a great general+ and the circumstances under which the
general may !e considered the &8ewel of the (ingdom+ ,3$C31..
$<. /sing 0" thin(ing, interpret the final sentence in the chapter.
1I T%e 4ine Situations (&5)
$-. Bxplore the idea that rapidity is the &essence of war+ ,3=..
$=. Study the paragraph that !egins at the !ottom of page <1 and ends at the top of
page <". 2raw inferences regarding this statement% &If they will face death, there
is nothing they may not achie*e.+
$?. Identify and explain the lesson of the shuai-jan.
1@. 2iscuss and draw inferences from these two sentences. >ow are they related?
&The only chance of life lies in gi*ing up all hope of it+ ,<-.A and &Dor it is
precisely when a force has fallen into harms way that it is capa!le of stri(ing a
!low for *ictory+ ,-1..
11. Study the three paragraphs on p. -1 that !egin, &4fter the !attle, some of >an
>sins officers came to him...+ Bxplain >an >sins thin(ing.
1". 2iscuss what Sun Tzu considers a &*ital act+ of war.
1II Attac) 6y Fire (0-)
1$. ;ontrast the effects of using fire and water in !attle.
11. #hat is the !est way to maintain peace in a country? To maintain a complete
1III T%e 7se o/ S8ies (00)
13. Study the fate of doomed spies. Eespond to the use of spies in that fashion. Is it
ethical? Gust? 9ecessary? #hy or why not?
1<. 2iscuss the &end and aim of spying+ ,="..

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