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Idioma Intermedio Intensivo Editado y traducido por: Prof.

Aicned Vsquez
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Infinitives & Gerunds
Cmo se forma?
Para formar el Infinitivo de un verbo usualmente debemos colocarle a ese verbo la
preposicin to despus del otro verbo. Sin embargo, hay casos en los cuales no debemos
colocarle esta preposicin. Dichos casos son cuando van acompaados de verbos auxiliares,
modales y preguntas y en respuestas negativas.
I dont want to stay at school. She can swim. Did he eat the food?
I telephoned my sister to say sorry. Jorge will go to Cubiro. Karina didnt watch the movie.
I expect to hear from my family. Liz must do her duties. Be careful not to make any noise.

Usualmente usamos los Infinitives para expresar el propsito de algo. A esa forma se le
llama Infinitives of Purpose. Para determinar el propsito hacemos la pregunta para qu?
Veamos su forma.
-I turned on the TV to watch the news.
Para qu encend la TV? > To watch the news.
-Ronald called to know about his family.
Para qu llam Ronald? > To know about his family.
-Jose and Rosa are planning to have a wonderful wedding.
Para qu planifican Jos y Rosa? > To have a wonderful wedding.

Cmo se forma?
Para formar Gerunds es necesario agregar solamente el sufijo o la forma (-ing) a los
verbos principales de la oracin. Es muy importante diferenciar un Gerund de un Tiempo
Progresivo. Mientras que el Gerund va solo, los Tiempos Progresivos siempre llevan el verbo
[ to be + V.-ing ] ms el verbo principal con la forma (ing).
Idioma Intermedio Intensivo Editado y traducido por: Prof. Aicned Vsquez
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-I began learning karate three years ago.
-Carmen prefers listening to music at home.
-Oscar likes eating cold pizzas.

Frecuentemente encontramos Gerunds funcionando como sujetos de una oracin. Es
decir, lo que antes era verbo ahora es una cosa.
-Swimming is good for health.
-Shopping without control is dangerous.
-Going to the movies is cool.
-Cleaning the house is necessary.

Hay momentos en los que escribimos una preposicin (ver al final de esta gua) y
necesitamos escribir luego de ella un verbo. Ese verbo debe llevar obligatoriamente la
forma (-ing) al final.
-Thank you for coming.
-I worry about having frequent headaches.
-He speaks without saying any bad word.

Para qu me sirven los Infinitives and Gerunds?
Muy frecuentemente necesitamos decir el motivo o la razn por la cual hacemos algo.
Como ejemplo prctico podemos decir que esta gua fue creada para ayudar a aprender
Infinitivos y Gerundios en Ingls. El motivo principal es aprender por eso, es necesario crear
un material o gua de estudio que ayude a lograr ese objetivo.

Hay ciertos verbos que luego de ellos podemos utilizar ambas formas o Infinitivo con to o
(ing) sin cambiar el sentido o significado (no traduccin) de lo que queremos decir.
Idioma Intermedio Intensivo Editado y traducido por: Prof. Aicned Vsquez
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*V. + to + V. *V. + V.-ing
*BEGIN -She began to work at 8 p.m. -She began working at 8 p.m.
*START -I started to write yesterday. -I started writing yesterday.
*CONTINUE -The Mayor continued to speak for an hour and
a half.
-The Mayor continued speaking for an hour and
a half.
*PREFER -I prefer to live in the country. -I prefer living in the country.
*LOVE -Daniel loves to cook. -Daniel loves cooking.
*LIKE -Rafael likes to rest on Sundays. -Rafael likes resting on Sundays.
*HATE -Patricia hates to iron at noon. -Patricia hates ironing at noon.

De igual manera hay otros que tambin pueden llevar Infinitivo con to o (ing), pero con la
diferencia que SI CAMBIAN EL SENTIDO de la oracin.
*V. + to -Refiere al futuro. -I must remember to buy
-She always forgets to close
the door.
*V. + V.-ing -Refiere al pasado. -I remember seeing that
when I was six.
-Ill never forget meeting

Try + to -Da a entender que la
actividad es difcil de
-Try to stop smoking.
Try + V.-ing -Nos dice que la actividad
es sencilla y fcil de
-Please try opening a
window, Its too hot here.

Por otra parte, hay verbos que s limitan al siguiente verbo a colocarle solamente (-ing).
Verbo Ejemplo
Keep (on) Come on! You can keep going.
Finish She is finishing sewing her dress.
Stop Please stop smoking.
Give up Dont give up doing it.
Go Danny cant go diving.
Cant help I cant help watching that movie.
Suggest Marcos suggested going to the beach.
Practice I must practice driving for my test.
Enjoy Daniela enjoys playing tennis.
(not) Mind She doesnt mind wearing old fashion clothes.
Dislike George dislikes washing dishes.

Idioma Intermedio Intensivo Editado y traducido por: Prof. Aicned Vsquez
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Aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, anti, around, as, at,
before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, concerning,
considering, despite, down, during, except, excepting, excluding, following, for, from, in,
inside, into, like, minus, near, of, off, on, onto, opposite, outside, over, past, per, plus,
regarding, round, save, since, than, through, to, toward, towards, under, underneath,
unlike, until, up, upon, versus, via, with, within, without

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