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Florida State University

ECH 3854
Jose Mariano da Silva Neto

QUESTION #1 - Use the Newton's method optimization code you developed in class to solve
Problem 7.27 (page 201 -202) in the text by Steven C. Chapra. Plot the solution (obtained at each
iteration) as a function of iteration number. Use MATLAB built-in function to compute the
solution to the problem and compare the result obtained from your code with MATLAB's built in
code (use format long for both solutions).
From the results obtained, we can see that for this problem we have a total of 3 iterations. For
each iteration we have a value for the conversion. Thus, it was possible to plot the solution as a
function of iteration number:

Now, using the MATLAB's built in code we can find that the conversion that will result in the
lowest cost system will be:
>> f = @(x)((1/(1-x)^2)^0.6 + 6*(1/x)^0.6);
>> [z,g]=fminbnd(f,0,1)
z =
g =

And from my code I obtained:
root =
fval =
We can calculate the absolute error for the difference between the obtained values:
| |


clear; clc; %Clear command window

disp ('---- Newtons Method ----')

xest = input('\n Initial guess = ');

[root fval iter] = newton_prob(@newton_model, xest)

% Model for the problem

function [df1, df2] = newton_model(x)

df1 = (6/(5*(1-x)^(11/5)) - 18/(5*x^(8/5))); % This is the first derivative
%of the objective function.

df2 =(144/(25*x^(13/5)) + 66/(25*(1-x)^(16/5)));% This is the second
derivative %of the objective function.


function [root, fval, iter] = newton_prob(func, x0)

tol = 1e-3; % This is the tolerance

itmax = 50; % This is the maximum number of iterations

iter = 1;

xold = x0;

[df1 df2] = func(xold);

xnew = xold - df1/df2;

while abs(xnew-xold) > tol

iter = iter + 1;

if iter > itmax

disp (' ')

disp ('Root not found')



xold = xnew;

[df1 df2] = func(xold);

xnew = xold - df1/df2;


format long

root = xnew;

fval= ((1/(1-xnew)^2)^(0.6) + 6*(1/xnew)^0.6);

QUESTION #2 - Write a simple function using built-in MATLAB function for
multidimensional optimization to solve problem 7.30 in Chapra's book. Include your program
with your final solution in your submitted work.
The two-dimensional distribution of pollutant concentration in a channel can be described by:

( )

To minimize the function above, we can rewrite as:


Now, the MATLAB has a function fminsearch that can be used to determine the minimum of a
multidimensional function. So, we can use this function to solve the problem. However, the
question asks to calculate the exact location of the peak concentration that is the maximum. In
this case its necessary inverting the signs of the function:


Using the MATLAB it was possible to find the answer:


> f =@(x)-7.9-0.13*x(1)-0.21*x(2)+0.05*x(1)^2+0.016*x(2)^2+0.007*x(1)*x(2);

x =

0.8537 6.3757

fval =


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