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Project on

web based employee tracking and project time management

system for information systems and technologies
Adarsh Nair
Alok #$mar %ingh
P'(DA) %*)+I,N:A

This web based application provides an automated and centralized method of tracking and
monitoring work time for active projects by enabling supervisor o track employee work time, effort
spent while working on various projects performing task assigned to them,this system helps in
completing project on time and on-budget by providing real-time project status,it cn be used for
optimizing resource utilization ands measure the performance and productivity, thus the main
objective is to create a management system to manage resources and time by covering each project
into a operating timetable and maintain the project portfolio performance in timely manner
It include employee tacking features for large organizational buildings, where the man-power is
high, people are not always in their cabins. They have to wander from room to room, floor to floor to
perform their work. In such cases, it becomes extremely difficult to keep a track of people and find
them when they are needed.
olution for the above problem is as further a tracking system which can track an individual when
they enter a room would suffice the need. This process should take place in a hassle free manner and
therefore a wireless system would be advantageous.
! receiver can be placed in each of the rooms in the building and connected to a computer system
which can take input from the connected receiver and enter it in a database of all individuals or
personnel in the building. The receiver would receive input from transmitter which would be given to
all the people working in the building.
ince all the information is logged in a database, any person in the building will be able to access this
information through any computer connected to this system and come to know the location of the
person he or she is seeking for.
The system architecture consists of simple format of "entral system and peripheral system.
#.$eripheral systems% It includes nodes, desktops that accept information from the &'I( readers
which are mounted on the doors or at entry to any department.
)."entral systems% It includes server that handles all information of desktops. erver also controls
time, attendance, log and manage database,project portfolio,resource allocation and time
*. 'ront end consist of +,I for administrator that do tracking and to check the status of the live
projects and to analyses the productivity and resource utilization by the section heads and the
project managers and work time of the employee for each projects.
-. .ack end consist of (atabase that maintaining log and database,Time and attendance of
employee,time-sheet for each employee,work time of each employee for the project assigned,
project status,project details,team members for each project,log of team member role fro each project
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! software system is always divided into several sub systems that makes it easier for the development
and testing. The different modules are%
#.prioritize portfolio%In this module the the project portfolio i.e. project demands, application
demands ,customer demands and support demands are given as input to analyses the various project
portfolio and assign priorities to the project, In this a series of project are taken as input and
converted to a single portfolio of reports that capture project timeline,accomplishment,resource
consumption, cost and other critical factors , according to these prioritize reports the admin can
assign resources and schedule the project
). !dd /ew 0mployee% This operation is performed when new employee needs to be added to the
system, for e.g. when company recruits a new employees, their entry is inserted in the employee
database. This option has three choices%
*. 1anage 2og% 3hen 0mployee passes from door his information is get retrieved in database and
log of entire day will be stored in database means it gives where employee has gone through
-. Time !nd !ttendance% This module keeps entry time of employee into company and maintains
attendance of employee.
4. Tracking% This module is used to track particular employee and gives flow which is followed by
employee throughout the day in the company.
5. !uthentication 6f 0mployee% 3hen employee passes using &'I( Tags through doors using &'I(
readers he must be authenticated by using capturing image of employee. If any employee is doing
proxy of any one it can be easily identified by administrator and following action must be taken on
that employee.
7. $rovide Interactive +,I% This gives user simple interaction through the system.
a8 0mployee login % the employee login has access to his timesheet and calender as well as his
fellow employees timesheet, calender and location within the building , the employee has to
manually enter his timesheet for a predefined time according to the projects assigned by the project
mangers and these timesheets has to be sent to supervisors for approval
b8 section head login% 0ach project is divided into various sections and each section has a head who
monitors the employees within those section , monitors the status of that section of project and
reports to the project manager ,and have the authority to change the timesheet of the employee within
his section and also has access to his timesheet and calender as well as his fellow employees
timesheet calender and location within the building .
c8 project manager login%0ach project has a manger who monitors the team members of the
project,project manager decides the section head and makes various sections there will be some
predefined section and if necessary can add new sections,the project manager decides the team
members of the project and approves for the timesheet of each team member,&eports to supervisor ,
and also has access to his timesheet and calender as well as his fellow employees timesheet calender
and location within the building .
d8 supervisor login % this is the super user of the system has the administrative privileges,the system
organizes the a series of project into a single portfolio of reports that capture project time
line,accomplishment,resource consumption, cost and other critical factors , according to these
prioritize reports the supervisor can and coordinate and reallocate resources and maintain
e9uilibrium .

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