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IRCTCs e-Ticketing Service

Electronic Reservation Slip (Personal User)

This ticket will only be valid with an ID proof in original. If found travelling without ID Proof, Passenger will be treated as without ticket and charged
as per extant Railway rules.
At least one passenger should travel with hisher ID card in original which is indicated on the !R"#R$. In case heshe is not travelling, all other
passenger%s& booked on that ticket, if found travelling in train will be treated as travelling without ticket and charged accordingly.
#alid IDs to be presented during train 'ourney by one of the passenger booked on an e(ticket )( #oter Identity *ard Passport PA+ *ard Driving
,icense Photo ID card issued by *entral "tate -ovt Public "ector .ndertakings of "tate *entral -overn/ent ,District Ad/inistrations , $uncipal
bodies and Panchayat Ad/inistrations which are having serial nu/ber "tudent Identity *ard with photograph issued by recogni0ed "chool or *ollege
for their students +ationali0ed 1ank Passbook with photograph *redit *ards issued by 1anks with la/inated photograph.ni2ue Identification *ard
-eneral rules Infor/ation for e(ticket passenger have to be studied by the custo/er for cancellation 4 refund.
PNR No: 5665789767 Train +o. 4 +a/e) :65::;ATIA !<PR!"" =uota) -!+!RA, %-+&
Transaction ID: :8888887>7?>?@9
Date 4 Ti/e Af 1ooking) :9(Act(68:@ ::)6?):>
*lass) ",!!P!R *,A"" %",&
Bro/),AC$A+DATI,AC T%,TT& Date Af Eourney):@(Dec(68:@ To);ATIA%;T!&
1oarding At),AC$A+DATI,AC T%,TT& Date Af 1oarding):@(Dec(68:@ "cheduled Departure):@(Dec(68:@ 88):9 F
Resv. .pto);ATIA%;T!& "cheduled Arrival):9(Dec(68:@ 8?)@9 F Adult)6 Child:8
Passenger $obile +o)75G8:8@@G@ Distance):>8G C$
Passenger ddress: D(:89, Devashri -ardenH"ocorro, P.A. Porvori/,H1arde0, -oa, +ART; -AA, -AA ( @8?98:
Ticket !are ## $%&'(' R)pees *ne Tho)sand Three +)ndred and !i,t- *nl-
IRCTC Service Charge (Incl( o, Service Ta.) / $$(01 R)pees Eleven and T2o !o)r Paisa *nl-
Total !are (all incl)sive) $%3$(01 R)pees *ne Tho)sand Three +)ndred and Si.t- *ne and T2o !o)r Paisa *nl-
I "ervice *harges per e(ticket irrespective of nu/ber of passengers on the ticket.
SNo( Na5e ge Se. 6ooking Stat)s C)rrent Stat)s
: AR#I+D <A<A 6? $ale *+B"::6>.PP!R *+B"::6>.PP!R
6 AR.+ T!T! 6@ $ale *+B"::69,AJ!R *+B"::69,AJ!R
This ticket is 7ooked on a personal )ser ID and cannot 7e sold 7- an agent( I, 7o)ght ,ro5 an agent 7- an- individ)al8 it is at his9her o2n risk(
Ticket Printing Ti5e: :9(Act(68:@ ::)6?)?8 ;R"
Bor details, rules and ter/s 4 conditions of !(Ticketing services, please visit www.irctc.co.in.
F+ew Ti/e Table will be effective fro/ 8:(87(68:@. Departure ti/e and Arrival ti/e printed on this !R"#R$ is liable to change. Please *heck
correct departure and arrival fro/ Railway "tation !n2uiry, Dial :?7 or "$" KRAI,K to :?7.K
There is a/end/ents in certain provisions of Refund Rule.Refer, A/ended Refund Rules w.e.f 8:(8>(68:?.
The acco//odation booked is not transferable and is valid only if the ID card printed above is presented during the 'ourney. The !R"#R$ along
with printed ID proof in original would be verified by TT! with the na/e and P+R on the chart. If the passenger fail to producedisplay !R"#R$ due to
any eventuality %loss, da/aged /obilelaptop etc.& but has the prescribed original proof of identity, a penalty of Rs.98( per ticket as applicable to such
cases will be levied. The ticket checking staff An boardAff board will give !xcess Bare Ticket for the sa/e.
!(ticket cancellations are per/itted through www.irctc.co.in by the user.
P+Rs having fully waitlisted status will be dropped and the na/es of the passengers will not appear on the chart. They are not allowed to board the
train. ;owever the na/esof PARTIA,,D waitlistedconfir/ed and RA* will appear in the chart.
Abtain certificate fro/ the TT! *onductor in case of PARTIA,,D waitlisted e(ticket, ,!"" +A. AB PA""!+-!R" travelled, A.*.BAI,.R!,
TRA#!, I+ ,AJ!R *,A"". This original certificate /ust be sent to --$ %IT&, IR*T*, Internet Ticketing *entre, IR*A 1uilding, "tate !ntry Road,
+ew Delhi(::8899 after filing on(line refund re2uest for clai/ing refund.
Passengers are advised not to carry infla//abledangerousexplosivearticles as part of their luggage and also to desist fro/ s/oking in the trains.
*ontact us on) ( 6@F> ;rs *usto/er "upport at 8::(6??@8888 , *hennai *usto/er *are 8@@ L 69?88888 or $ail To) careMirctc.co.in.
Bor any suggestionsco/plaints related to *atering services,contact Toll Bree +o. :588(:::(?6: %8>.88 hrs to 66.88 hrs&
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15/10/2014 https://www.irctc.co.in/eticketing/printTicket.jsf?pnr=8228905929!14"#ec"20140

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