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"For Christ's love .compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all and
all died." 2 Corinthians 5:14 .
ask me
about ^
Over 7500 participants from more than 23 countries converged on Utreque, Holland on
the 28th of December. I was among those that arrived, full of excitement, but also rather
tired. We had three large tour buses that left Lisbon or Porto around 11:00 pmCP the 26th
and drove straight through to Holland, arriving around 11:00 am the 28th. What an e'Xp''-
ience to be with so many different nationalities and all praising God in their own languagd-.
WOW! The congress was all in English and then translated into more than 17 different
languages. The time of praise in each session was awesome as we sang in our own lang
uages. Chills ran up and down my spine as I listened to the praise of my brothers and sisters
from the eastern bloc countries.
They sang and prjiised God freely and without fear. The tears rolled as they joined hands and sang
"How Great Thou Art-" I definitely received many blessings throughout the week. I can also sing
"Our God is an Awesome God" with more conviction and meaning than ever before.
"ire was so much happening at once that it was hard to choose what to attend. We all started our
^ith a morning BibleStudy on 2 Corinthians 5:9-21. The leader was Ajith Fernado from Sri Lanka,
'^eat! Iworked with a group called Oasis which had counselors from every country represented,
Ho spend time with those needing to talk or having questions. I spent several hours with the
,e team.
A/orksh^s occupied the afternoon and were well attended. S^eral different areas and topics were
explored through these hour and a half meetings. There was also an exhibition hall where displays of
different missions/colleges, etc. were set up. There were over 170 missionary organizations present.
Tmet many newfriends and twoare in Portugal. Stacie Smedley is working inthe north and Gil Maun
Is here to learn Portuguese. He leaves in Marchto go to Mozambique with Mission Aviation Fellowship
(MAF). Our picture was taken in the MAF booth.
Sleepingwas not something wedida lot, but Iwas impressedwith the accommodations. The "dormi
tory" was a huge hall in which they had placed mats in rowsand we all chose one to be our home for
the week. There were over 2000 girls/women in one place. Interesting to say the least.
Robert was one of the main translators and he slept on a boat. It was really neat. The captain Is a
Christian and in the spring/summer he uses the boat for tours and evangelism down the canals of
Utreque. /
It was very cold outside, but very warm inside. The Spirit was moving in a powerful way. Many gave
their lives to missionary service on Thursday night and we all rejoiced as we "prayed in" the new year
on Friday. Brother Andrew proposed two questions as we entered the new year: "Do we want to be
the answers to our own prayers?" and "Do we want our hearts to be broken with the things that break
God's heart?" Wow!
The unity among Croatians, Subians and Slovenes as they prayed together at ivnucion 93 was fan
tastic. We were all "FAMILY" there and God was present and pleased.
A long trip back to Portugal ended our few days away and we arrived on the 3rd of January, uLt we
were full of enthusiasm and ready to meet the new year. Mission 93 was a mountain top experience
and won't soon beforgotten. At the closing service all 8000 + shared the Lord's Supper together and ^
for 15 minutes there was complete silence. We sat and listened and prayed. God was speaking and
we were silent in His presence.
Thank you to everyone that made my trip possible and for your prayers. May you each have a very
blessed 1993 and remember, "Be still and know that I am God."
Another big event haf^pened in
December which I attended in thought
only. My sister, Cindy, graduated from
jliinois State University on December 19
with highest honors. Congratulations
Cindy!! She worked hard for this and she
is to be commended. One other detail
concerning Cindy -she is engaged to be
married the 16th of April to Craig Smith.
The Lord willing, I will be home in the
Spates for the wedding. My family is
sj^itely increasing in numbers this year!
Cherl Lynn Oakley
Rua P6r do SoU-2^
2775 Carcavelos
Portugal Christian Mission
Bob & Bonnie Mitchell
R.R. #2, Box 288
Bloomlngton, IL 61704
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 12
Heyworth, IL
Mission Services
^ o Box 2427
Knoxvilie, tn
Cheri Lynn Oakley
P6r do Sol. 9
277b Ciif cavelos
Tele: 011-351-1-'1b6-1596
355 0-
PA: Bob & Bonnie Mitctiell
R.R. #2 Box 288
Bloomington, IL 61701
Tele: (309) 378-1338
Greetings from sunny (and sometimes damp) Portugal. i
hope this letter finds each of you well and enjoying ihe
spr ing/summer weather. It has been ver y warm here. We
have received some much needed rain in the last few days and
some cooler temperatures.
Once again its time to share some of the highlights of
the last three months with you. However, before I forget, i
want to thank you for your letters and cards. They arc-
always an encouragement and seem to come just at the right
time. Thanks for taking the time to write.
Well, let's get down to business. March started off
with our annual Youth Retreat. They are always full of
excitement and this year was no exception! We met on the
2nd of March at -i.-SOpm, begining our time together with
registration. singing, introductions, and a few
"ice-breakers". We set out an hour later, with over 20
youth, for destination unknown. Window-shopping at the Man
(Cascats Shopping), supper at McDonald's (including
sundaes), and "camping out" away from the church were the
experiences of the first day. Tuesday morning found us back
at the church by 8:00am and ready for a day of study from
Ephesians, a Bible-Bowl competition, a picnic in the park
and a small basketball tournament. Needless to say,
everyone was exhausted by 7:00pm, but spiritually flying
high! Praise the Lord for our youth program!
As many of you know, I have been coaching basketball
for the British school here in Carcavelos, St. Julians. The
20th and 2ist of March we hosted the big Sports Festival m
which several other schools participated in both basketball
and soccer. They were two very full days. I refereed six
games or more each day and coached my team through their
schedule. My girls played well, but didn't come away with
the trophy this year. I have great hopes for next year
though. I really do enjoy working with the coaching staff
of Julians and we always have aiot of fun.
I almost forgot to mention that we celebrated a very
special birthday in March. JOnatas T. Fife turned eight
years old on the 12th of March. He is quite the young man!
APRIL Consecration - Easter - Spring Break - APRIL
It was definitely a full monthwith various activities,
but very rich In blessings and spiritual renewal. we
celebrated Deriani's birthday on the 9th of April. She even
had two cakes this year! it's Just like celebrating with my
own sister! (Cindy and Deriani are the same age.)
During our planning retreat In January, we chose the
week before Easter to have a special emphasis on
consecration and dedication. In preparation I practiced
with the Alpha^Omega group on a short drama. The youth and
I were responsible for the service on the 15th of April.
A time of singing together, a short devotional thought by
David Braz, a reading of "Watch the Lamb" (translated to
Portuguese) with the background music, and then the drama of
the portrayal of the crucifixion while I sang "Via
/ ^ Doioroso". After the song David played the part of Joseph
/ImFj Araraathia and gave his thoughts on what might have
happened In those three days after Christ's death, we ended
with the resurrection scene and there wasn't a dry eye in
the church. Decisions were made afterwards and hearts were
touched and changed. Praise God from Whom all blessings
flow! The rest of the week went very well and other
decisions were made. we had another prayer vigil on Friday
night after hearing a special speaker and celebrating the
Lord's Supper together. The prayer vigil gave us all time
to reflect on exactly what God had done for us and what He
wanted us to change in our lives and to consecrate to Him.
The night passed by quickly and we all felt the presence of
the Lord and His blessings.
< xi." Easter Sunday, however, was a day which will be
remembered for a long time. An early service (7:30am) on
the beach, back to the church for breakfast together,
morning worship and study of the Word, and then closing the
Week of Consecration with an afternoon baptisimai service
where two. Dorotfila and Daniel, were obedient to Christ in
baptism. Alpha'^Omega presented the drama once again to a
packed house. Praise the Lord!
The week after Easter I had the privilege of going with
Fernando Cunha and his family to one of the local prisons to
present a musical program. Fernando and his wife Mala have
been going once a week to share the Gospel with those In the
prison. It was a good experience and we hope the
opportunity will come again. The rest of the week i tried
to get caught up on some work, spend some time with families
in the church, and take some time out to listen to God. Oh
how Important It Is to stop and listen! Take time to be
still before the Lord. "Be still and know that I am God!"
(PS. ^6:10 NIV)
n BY
The month of May was tough for all of us in several
different ways. There were times of joy, excitement,
anticipation, anxiousness, and sorrow. Throughout the month
I found comfort In the promise of Isaiah iO:31 - "But those
who hope In the Lord will renew their slrenqtti. ihev win
soar on wings like eagles; thes' will run and not ot ow weai y.
they will walk and not be fa'nt." (ttiv)
Several months ago we (Robert, Oerianl and I) were
asked if we would be willing to sing together with Fernando
Cunha to record a cassette. After discussing It with the
Fifes, the team in general and praying together, we accepted
the challenge. Well, needless to say, there was much time
spent in learning new music and practice, but glory be to
God. the tape was recorded the first week of May. I should
have It with me this summer If all goes well. It was a new
and Interesting experience. To God be the glory, honor and
The month of May was also full of birthdays as Orlando
and his daughter Jessica Nascimento celebrated the nth and
12 th, Deborah Lee Fife (Hth). Victoria Cardoso (I5th), and
Noemla Santos Cl9th).
I am sure that many of you remember Victoria Cardoso as
I spoke of her as my adopted grandma. She was very ill and
had an operation from which she never really fully
recovered. We were called in several times thinking she was
going Home, but she always seemed to rally around again.
The morning of May 16th, however. Grandma Victoria went to
be with her Lord Jesus. What a loss we feel and yet a Joy
knowing that she Is at peace In heaven. Just a little over
a year since my Grandma Baynes went to be with Christ, I
found myself singing at my "Grandma Victoria's" funeral the
19th of May. Oh how It hurt, but yet I felt the same peace
that only Christ can give. I ask that you remember
Victoria's family In your prayers as well as the church here
as we adjust to the absence of a very dear and dedicated
Christian. She was truly a Jewel!
The same week . of Victoria's death, we had an
evangelistic campaign beginning on the EOth and ending the
E'tth. It was a very exhausting week both physically and
emotionally, but God provided for our every need. Including
physical strength. The meetings all went well, but there
were two very special highlights. The first was on
Saturday, May 23, when 3500+ united and marched down Liberty
Avenue In Lisbon In the "March for Jesus!" Wow! Unity
among God's people as 16 marches took place In Europe and
over 120 In the United States on the same day! It was
exciting to say the least. Robert, Deriani and I were
Involved In leadership teams and what a blessing. We had
ten trucks (like pick-ups), each with a sound system, a
leader for songs, another for prayer, and Instrumentalists
leading a platoon of 300 - 350 people. The march ended with
a service Including a presentation of "The Champion!". We
had several from the church participate and David Braz even
pushed Joagulna In her wheelchair. The Alpha^Omega group
had a shirt designed and we had them In time for the march.
They looked great! What an experience!
The other highlight of the week was Sunday services
when the church was full for both morning and afternoon.
The afternoon service was very special as two people made
decisions and two more were baptized. The Lord is biessin'j
His work here In Carcavelos and we give Him an the honor
and glory!
Another big event that took place in May, of which :
did not get to attend, but was there In spirit, was the
graduation of several dear friends. My congratulations to
each one, especially Cindy Mitchell, Leslie Heap and Karen
well, that about wraps it all up. Things at sctiooi ar e
winding down too as wc finish up the 12th of June. There
has been quite a bit of exciieinerii at ACIA, as itiree of our
teachers are getting married this summer and will return as
couples. Linda Kllewer and Les Parker will be married the
6th of August in California and Nicole BIbelheimer and Kenny
McAbee will be married the 9th of August in North Dakota.
My furlough plans are shaping up and l will be in the
USA the end of June. As I prepare for the summer there are
some prayer requests I would like to share with you.
Please pray for:
safety in travel for all the teachers of ACiA
throughout the month of June and over the summer;
final preparations of lesson plans and projects for
school before l leave for the States;
preparations for my summer with camps, presentations.
music, travel, etc.;
the Fife family and their travel and time in Brazil
with family and reporting to churches;
Dick and Sarah Robison as they continue the work this
summer in our absence;
increased financial support so that I may rent another
apartment when I return this fall;
continued health and strength for each of the team
members. (Roblsons. Fife family. Cheri Lynn)
Your prayers are so very important to my ministry and i
thank you for your continued support both prayerfully and
financially. I could not be here without you! i do hope
to see you all this summer or at least talk with you.
Remember, you are very special to me.
In the Service of the KING;
1 2 3 4 567 8 9 0
Hallelujah! Praise be to the Lord! May 23,1993 was a day of joy as Celeste Cardoso Alves
and Vicki Cardoso Garde-Hansen, along with Deborah Lee Tolentino Fife, were baptized.
What happiness and joy we all felt as we witnessed their new-birth! There were tears of joy
too, as we thought of Vicoria Cardoso rejoicing with the angels in heaven as her daughters
obeyed the Lord Jesus Christ in the watery grave of baptism. It was a great privilege and
pleasure for Robert to baptize his youngest daughter as well. There were definitely smiles,
tears, hugs and kisses from everyone!
Cacilda, Vicki, Celeste, Sarah - Cardoso Sisters
Jonatas ran up and asked his Dad, "Dad, can
we sing a special for the service this after
noon?" This was less than five minutes
before the service was to begin, but the
answer was positive and we were all blessed
by this new musical trio. What a beautiful
sound of praise coming from the mouths of
these young men! They sang with joy and
conviction and bubbled over with smiles and
God's love. I am looking forward to hearing
them again and hope to capture their praise
on tape. Don't forget to praise the Lord with
all vour heart and talents. Sing praises unto
His name! Remember Psalm 1001
Jonatas, Samuel, Marcos
The weekend I returned from Cindy's wed
ding I participated in the Lydia Conference
here in Carcavelos. It was a very busy time
as I helped with transportation, taping, praise
sessions, and translating. There were Lydia
leaders from all of Portugal and Spain, in
cluding the islands. Our guest speaker was
the founder of the Lydia Fellowship - Shelagh
McAlpine. Our theme for the three days was
found in Isaiah 2:5 "Let us walk in the light of
the Lord!" It was a very encouraging and
spiritually uplifting time for all of us. We
prayed together, shared requests from the
different areas represented, praised the Lord
together, prayed some more and interceded
for different parts of the world. We worked
together in intercessory prayer.
Derlani Fife is our Lydia leader for the Carca-
velos/Oeiras group. We meet every other
Tuesday and intercede for Portugal as well
as different parts of the world as the Lord
leads our thoughts. It is work, but so reward
Cynthia Ann Oakley wed Craig Miias Smith
on April 16, 1993 at Eastview Christian
Church, in Bioomington, IL, during a freak
snow storm. Wow! What a surprise to ail of
us when we came out from taking pictures
and found that as the guests were arriving it
was snowing or rather it was a blizzard. 1
definitely was not prepared for weather like
that coming from warm, sunny Portugal.
I was so proud of my sister and I love Craig
as my brother. I read in a book lately where
the author referred to her son's wife as
daughter-in-love and I liked that expression. I
now have a sister and brother-in-lovel They
made a -beautiful couple and It was a great,
happy and emotional time for all of us. We all
remembered my Grandmother as we watched
Cindy walk down the aisle wearing our Mom's
wedding dress, made by Grandma 38 years
ago. Craig surprised and touched us all when
he sang to Cindy. It was a week of joy, er
rands, tears, and love. I praise God for my
family and that we all are members of an even
greater family - the Family of God.
Thank you Cindy and Craig for making It pos
sible for me to share in that very special day
of your lives. Our family is growing and we
will soon add another member. August 14th
is the date set for Doug and Liz to be married.
Then I will have a sister-in-love too!
for a safe and enjoyable trip to the USA for
the wedding
for the Lydia conference
for the zeal and joy of the youth to share In
music and praise
for the summer activities here in
for Dick and Sarah Robison as they go on
for the Fife family and myself as we wor1<
together during the Robison's absence
for my trip to the USA for Doug and Liz's
wedding in August
for continued growth of the Lord's church
here in Portugal
Deborah and Robert Fife
"' '4h.^-,.-
Vernon &Kathryn Oakley, Cindy &Craig Smith, Cheri, Liz &Doug Oakley
Cheri Lynn Oakley
Rua Por do Sol, 29
2775 Carcavetos
Portugal Christian Mission (
Bob & Bonnie Mitchell
R.R. #2, B^ 288
Blooming^, IL
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 12
Heyworth, IL
Mission Services
P 0 Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901
Portugal Christian Mission
Chen Lynn Oakley, Missionary
Rua POr do Soi, 29
2775 Carcaveios PORTUGAL
October 6, 1993
Forwarding Agents:
Bob and Bonnie Mitchell
R.R. #2 Box 266
Bioomington, IL 61701
Telephone: 309-376-'l338
Dear Family and Friends,
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every
spiritual blessing in Christ. I have not stopped giving
thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers."
(Epheslans 1:1,16 NIV)
These verses have been on my heart since I returned to
Portugal the first part of September, so much has happened
since my last letter to you and I have seen the blessings of
God in my life and that of my family and friends. It Is so
exciting to see the Hand of God at work and to see answers
to our prayers as they are answered In His Time! Praise be
to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord!
If you remember in my last letter I was preparing for
the Missionary Conference here in Carcaveios with Ben
Alexander and also for my trip to the USA for my brother's
wedding. Needless to say, I have lots to relate to you and
hope I can keep it Interesting and short. Ha! Let's see...
I'm not really sure that Portugal actually had a summer
as far as the weather was concerned as it didn't get real
hot this year as in years past. The weather was very
comfortable for the Missionary Conference and everyone
enjoyed the time together.
The time leading up to the conference was very hectic,
but worth every minute of prayer, fasting and preparation.
Ben and Miranda Alexander arrived along with Ginny Loft and
the Vergara family from Murcia, Spain at -IrOOam the 27th of
July. What a reunion! I had not seen Ben since I was
fourteen. What a blessing to renew our friendship, it was
great to see Ginny and the vergara's again too. we were off
and running with the conference by Tuesday evening.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the different sessions with Ben and
the other speakers did a fine job as well. I had time to
show the Alexander's and the rest of the gang some sights
here in Portugal - the best of which was the Caba da Roca or
the farthest most western point of Europe. It Is a breath
taking sight that makes me realize each and every time the
greatness and awesome power of our God In His creation.
My first week back in the States was very restful and
relaxing. I gave my first concert in CoryOon, Indiana on
trie 1st of August and it went well. I spent the week with
the Mike Jones family and just f eia.xed and caught up on some
visiting. I even had tfie opportunity to can tomato juice
and work in the garden. I had a wonderful time!
Mom called during trie week to let me know ttiat Dad had
been called to be the minister of the Christian Criurch in
Farmer City, starting Seotember first. In His Time all
things work together for those who love the Lord. Wow!
Blessing after blessing! Our God cares for us in every
detail! Needless to say, we were-'are excited to see what
God has In store.
My second concert was held in Georgetown, Indiana and
It went very well too. There were so many people that I had
not seen for auite some time and it was so much fun to visit
with my friends and family trier e. i was even able to visit
with a family that I riad known before we went to Africa and
had not seen much since returning - the Bryant family. It
was great! Aren't friendshios wonderful''
I arrived in Bloomington the 9th and spent the week
running riere and there, for my Mom. getting ready for the
wedding. The rehersai dinner was held at Mom and Dad's and
went very well. We all had a great time. The day of trie
werjfjinq was beautiful and we all re.ioiced with Doug and Liz
as they were united in rioiy matrimony. What a beautiful
wedding! i am sure proud of my brother and new
sister-in-love. Wow' I've gamed a brother and a sister in
the same year! God has blessed our family beyond words.
Doug and Liz left for their honeymoon in Cancun and we
stayed around for the family reunion and Grandpa's birthday
celebration. it was fun being an together as we laughed
and enioyed each other's company.
Eikbetb A. Rock of Lelloy be
came (he bride of Douglas V. Oak
ley of 280S Wellington Way,
Bloomington, in a ceremony at 10
a.m. Aug. 14. 1093, at Easlvlcw
Clirlstian Church, Bloomington.
I Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Bock of ru
ral I/clloy and Mr. and Mrs. Ver-
hoM Oakley of the Welllnglon Way
address arc (heir parenLs.
There was a church reception
before the newlyweds leB for a
wedding trip to Cancun. Mexico.
Beth A. Mccce and Wayne P.
Ite'nrlchs were their attendants.
The bride, a graduate of LeBoy
High School, has a bachelor's de
gree from Illinois Stale University,
ilcr husband, a Heyworth High
School graduate, has a bachelor's
degree from Johnson Bible College.
Both are employed by Slatd Farm
Insurance Cos. They reside In
I ftad .3iiotri^r e.xcitinq evcnf fiappisn trie 20th when I
went with frienhs to see Hay Doitr.. I really like his music
and do several of his songs in my concerts, so I counted it
a real pnviiedge to see him in person. Little did I know
that I woulrj get to talk to rum face to face, snake rus hand
and receive his autograph. Talk about elated and excited!
Maybe i will get the chance to see others in concert in the
future, but this was definitely a night 1 won't forget. ,
August 22nd was rather a difficult day for all of our
family and yet we felt the peace and strength that can only
come from above. We all went to church as a family as it
was my last Sunday to be in the USA. Dad said that tie
didn't feel very good as he fiad pain in his chest, but he
thought he would be okay. He went to lunch with us and told
me that his chest was still hurting. "I o make a long story
short. Dad suffered a hear t attack and was hospitalized in
intensive care that very afternoon. They did a heart
ca theterizatlon and said that he did have some blockage.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by
prayer and petition, with trianksgiving present your requests
to God." (Philippians "iiG NIV) The doctors talked of doing
the balloon procedure Cangioplasty), but decided to wait
till Monday or Tuesday. Doug and Liz returned from the
honeymoon and came to the hospital to be with the family. I
was so glad that I was home with Mom and the family.
Mom and I went to the hospital early Monday morning and
visited with Dad. He was In ICU, but we could go and see
him about every hour. Throughout the day the doctors story
changed and they began to talk open heart surgery with two
or three by-passes. Needless to say we were all
apprehensive, but the prayers of family and friends carried
us through, as we knew that God would give us the strength
to handle whatever came our way. I changed my ticket to
return to Portugal the -tth of September instead of the 27th
of August. I felt that I needed to be with my folks and
family at that critical time.
August 26th Dad underwent open heart surgery and they
performed five by-passes and three clean-outs as Dad puts
It. (They opened up one of his arteries and cleaned it out
and sewed it back together.) What knowledge and technology
they have today. Dad was on a respirator and lots of
machines when we saw him after the surgery Thursday, but on
Friday morning they had him up in the chair drinking a coke.
Praise the Lord! Our prayers were answered and Dad came
through with flying colors. He was able to go home the 2nd
and I left on the ith of September.
I am happy to report ttiat at the writing of this
letter, my Dad is the new minister of the Christian Church
in Farmer City and began preaching the first Sunday In
October. Thank you for all your prayers in his behalf as
well as for our family.
I got back in time to start school with everyone and it
was rather hectic the first few weeks. I do not have as
heavy a load this year and I am only at school three days a
week. I am teaching ESL and music again this year and we
have already chosen the Christmas musical. All the teachers
are new this year and seem to be adjusting well to Portugal.
We have had several meetings^'dinners together and enjoy each
other's company.
The Bible study on Friday nigrits has also started again
and we have several new members. Many of the teachers are
participating and I ask for your prayers as I continue to
lead this group. We are studying the book The Practice of
Godliness. May we each grow to be more like our Savior,
Jesus Christ.
The church activities continue to move rigtit along and
the church is growing in number and in spirit. Many of the
responsibilities are being handled by church members and
this shows the spiritual growth that has-'is taking place.
Dick and Sarah are In the USA on furlough and win return
the first part of December. The Lord continues to give us
the strength to meet each new day and the different
activities of each. However, keep us In your prayers!
I guess I didn't do too bad In keeping It short, but I
wanted to share the different events of the last three
months with you. I have turned a year older as we entered
October and enjoyed celebrating my birthday with the Friday
night Bible Study group. Before I close this letter, I
would like to remind you of some praises and some requests
to mention before the Throne of God in your quiet time with
Him. Thank you once again for your prayers and your
support! You make a difference!
Praise the Lord with me:
y> for a great time with family and friends In August;
for Doug and Liz Oakley and their new life together;
for a speedy recovery on my Dad's behalf and that the
surgery went well and was a success;
for the hospitality shown to me while stateside;
for safty In travel.
Petition the Lord with me:
for Dad's continued recovery and new ministry;
for the National Missionary Convention (Oct. 15-17);
for our revival the 27th - 3lst of October;
for Dick and Sarah Robison In the USA;
for the Robert Fife family in health and strength;
for the work here In Carcavelos with the church;
for continued guidance for each of the leaders as we
seek God's will.
Thank you again for your continued prayers In my behalf
and for your financial support. I will try and write again
soon, but rest assured that you are in my thoughts and
prayers. God bless you as you continue to serve wherever
you are!
\ kx VVOo
Our kids, from the youngest (Timothy -1 year old) to the oldest are singing, sharing and serv
ing our Lord with gladness. It is such a joy to see them present special music, or to read a
scripture or pray for the needs of others in our different services. They are truly growing in
stature and wisdom as did our Lord Jesus Christ.
They are getting ready for a Christmas program and will present it the 19th of December.
They too, are missionaries and need your prayers. "For such is the Kingdom of Heaven ..."
Remember our youth in your prayers this month and as we begin a new year. That it might be
a year of growth for them not only in number, but spiritually too.
Once again we had the privilege of having
Tom Fife with us for a couple weeks and
were encouraged by his presence. He was
stopping by on his way to Angola with Tim
Thomas. They were able to go to Angola
this time, after many disappointments in the
past. They took some clothes and things
that could be used by our churches in
Angola and the people were glad to see
them and to hear the news of the Church
throughout the world. The conditions are
not good in Angola, but the love of the Lord
and the hospitality shown to our brothers
was a blessing. Isn't it great to be a part of
the Family of God and to know that we have
brothers and sisters all over the world? Our
God is an Awesome God!
August 14, 1993 was another big day in our
family, as I gained another sister. In the last
Professor you met my new brother-in-love
and in this one you meet my new sister-in-
love. I am very proud of Doug and Liz and
wish them the very best. They are very
busy with work and church activities, but are
definitely very happy. As I said earlier in my
prayer letter and other correspondence, the
Lord has blessed our family so richly this
year. All the praise and honor goes to Him
who is Worthy!
My Dad and Mom have moved to Farmer
City, Illinois to minister with the First
Christian Church. Needless to say. we are
rejoicing for this answer to prayer and the
opportunity to serve the Lord in the pulpit
ministry once again.
Dad was to begin the first of September, but
due to a heart attack and subsequent by
pass surgery, he began preaching the first
of October. I have talked to them several
times and they are really happy in their new
location and working with the church. Dad
is doing great after his 5 by-passes and 3
clean-outs, and even completed his 12
week rehab in 8 weeks. Praise the Lord!
! will have the opportunity to meet the peo
ple in Farmer City at Christmas as I will cele
brate Christmas with my family this year,
the Lord willing. After five years, we will be
together as a family once again. It will be
So much has happened in the year of '93,
To my friends and my family and even to me.
In Holland, Mission 93 is where it began.
With a concert of prayer to bring peace to the land.
Serving the Lord here at church and in the school.
Trying always to be used as the Lord's ready tool.
April brought wedding bells for Craig and Cindy,
Inside the church was warm, but outside it was snowy and windy.
Preparations for summer and a Missionary Conference in July,
The conference, some concerts, oh, how time does fly.
Wedding bells rang again for our family in August,
Doug and Liz to Cancun, leaving us in the dust.
Dad's attack and his surgery, his speedy recovery too.
Were a part of this year and some things we did do.
Now it's December and there's still lots to be done,
Christmas musicals, parties, singing and fun.
I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year,
Serving the Lord here in Portugal with my prayer partners near.
May 1994 be a blessing for all as we look to the future.
Knowing Christ's return is coming, of this we are sure.
Cheri Lynn Oakley, 1993
Prayer Needs: 1. My trip to and from the USA (12/20-1/3/94)
2. Continued health and strength for the Team as we work together
in the service of the Lord.
3. Preparations and decision to be made concerning the summer
of 1994.
4. For continued wisdom and spiritual growth.
Merry Christmas and a Very Prosperous and Happy 1994!
Cheri Lynn Oakley
Rua P6r do Sol, 29
2775 Carcavelos
Portugal Christian Mission
Bob & Bonnie Mitchell
R.R. #2, Box 288
Bloomington, IL 61704
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 12
Heyworth, IL
Mission Services
P O Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901

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