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Professional Training and Consultation

API-510 Preparatory Course

1. Following combination of Base metal and welding electrode was
qualified by a certain PQR. Impact testing is not required.
Base Metal = ! "#$ %rc Plates& '()* t+,
-elding electrode = !- . /01$& 1(#* dia.
1+is PQR will qualify w+ic+ of t+e following combinations of Base
Metal 2 -elding electrodes.
a3 1* t+, ! $1$gr /0 plates& . /01' electrodes& $('" * dia.
b3 1 4 * t+, ! "#$ grc plates& . /01' electrodes& $('"* dia.
c3 1 5 t+, plates plates !$1/gr60& . 601# electrodes& '('"
d3 7one of abo8e
". ! pressure 8essel is to be constructed to wit+ M9M1 = : "0
F &
M.;.< = ! "#$ gr < .Required s+ell t+ic,ness = 4 & Required
dis+ed +ead t+ic,ness = 1 1(# * t+, =torisp+3 9etermine if t+is
material is suitable for>
a3 Bot+ s+ell as well as 9is+ed +ead
b3 uitable for +ead but not for s+ell
c3 uitable for s+ell only but not for +ead
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
d3 7ot suitable for eit+er
'. 7ame plate of a certain pressure 8essel +as name plate
stamping as @ R1 ' @ for t+e radiograp+y& !ll -elds are type 1
Aessel dia. = 6" inc+ I.9.
M.;. < = ! $1$ gr 60 9esign temp = /0
!llowable stress at design temp = "0&000 psi

If s+ell 1+ic,ness = $(#* and <. ! = 1(#* 1+e M!-P for t+e
8essel s+ell will be
a. "') psi
b. 1/# psi
c. "$/ psi
d. "#/psi
). Following two combinations of noBBle pipe dia and s+ell t+ic,ness
are gi8en of reinforcement. <ase 1> 8essel wall t+, = C * and
noBBle siBe 7P '& <ase " 8essel wall t+, = 4 * 7oBBle siBe 7P
" . !ccording to !M. ec. AIII 9i8. 1& t+e reinforcement
requirement for w+ic+ of abo8e noBBles by s+ould be 8erified by
a. For bot+ cases
b. For none
c. <alculations required for 1 but not for "
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
d. <alculations required for " and not for 1
$. -+ic+ of t+e following c+anges on a pressure 8essel could be
termed as an alterationD
a. !ddition of a reinforced noBBle of siBe equal to an eEisting
b. !ddition of a noBBle not requiring reinforcement
c. !ddition of a reinforced noBBle of siBe greater t+an an
eEisting noBBle& w+ere t+e t+ic,ness of reinforcement was
found to be inadequate for t+e internal pressure
d. ;nly @bF and @cF
/. In liquid Penetrant 1esting& a procedure is qualified to a
temperature of 1$
<. pic, up a correct statement.
a. 1+e same procedure is qualified to t+e temperature from
< to $"
b. 1+e same procedure is restricted to maEimum of 1$
c. 1+e same procedure s+all be applied to $
< to 10
d. 1+e same procedure is qualified to t+e temperature from 0
< to $
6. In a magnetic particle testing& t+e operator reported a rounded
indication wit+ t+e following dimensions. MaGor dimension is /.0
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
mm and Minor dimension is '.0 mm. But upon using a powerful
magnifier& it was re8ealed t+at actual defect is only ) E 1.$ mm.
Based on !cceptance criteria of !sme ec. AIII& 9i8 1& t+e
indication s+all be>
a. accepted& as t+e magnifier s+ows indication wit+in
acceptance standards
b. accepted& as it is not a maGor defect
c. reGected& as t+e 8isual inspection using magnifier s+ows
critical indication
d. reGected& as t+e dimensions s+own by t+e indication is
abo8e acceptance standards
#. ! lead letter of B is used in radiograp+y in order to ,now t+e
scatter in well wit+in t+e limits
a. By ,eeping t+e letter B on source side and image of B on
film s+all be lig+ter t+an t+e bac,ground
b. By ,eeping t+e letter B on source side and image of B on
film s+all be similar or dar,er t+an t+e bac,ground
c. By ,eeping t+e letter B on film side and image of B on
film s+all be similar or dar,er t+an t+e bac,ground
d. By ,eeping t+e letter B on film side and image of B on
film s+all be lig+ter t+an t+e bac,ground
H. For instrument calibration in Iltrasonic 1esting& amplitude control
linearity forms an important factor. 1+e allowable tolerance for
amplitude +eig+t linearity =of t+e nominal amplitude ratio3 is>
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. + $ J
b. + 10 J
c. + 1$ J
d. + "0 J
10. -+ic+ of t+e following penetrant system is generally
considered least sensiti8eD
a. -aterKwas+able 2 8isible dye.
b. ol8ent remo8able 2 8isible dye.
c. -aterKwas+able 2 fluorescent dye.
d. PostKemulsification 2 8isible dye.
11. MPI can not be adopted for w+ic+ of t+e following materialsD
a. Iron
b. teel
c. !ustenitic tain less steels
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1". -+ic+ of t+e following is an ad8antage of magnetic particle
testing o8er penetrant testingD
a. It can detect surface discontinuities wit+ foreign material
imbedded in t+em.
b. It is faster on indi8idual parts.
c. It can detect nearKsurface discontinuities.
d. !ll of t+e abo8e.
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
1'. -+ic+ of t+e following types of discontinuities is not normally
detected by radiograp+yD
a. <rac,s
b. Incomplete penetration
c. Laminations
d. lag
1). 9ouble wall 9ouble image tec+nique is used for t+e
radiograp+y of>
a. Plate welds
b. 1ubular products wit+ outer diameter up to '.$ in
c. Large pipes wit+ outer diameter "00 mm and abo8e
d. Mea8y castings
1$. Aisual c+ec, s+all be carried out.
a. Before welding
b. 9uring welding
c. !fter welding.
d. !t all t+e abo8e stages
1/. -+ic+ of t+e following !M. Boiler and Pressure Aessel <ode
sections are referenced in !PI $10D
a. !M. ection A
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
b. !M. ection AIII 9i8 1
c. !M. ection IN
d. !ll of abo8e
16. <orrosion and minimum t+ic,ness e8aluation may be
conducted byD
a. Ise of a eEternal micrometer
b. Iltrasonic test
c. !ll of t+e abo8e
d. 7one of abo8e
1#. -+ic+ of t+e following are eEcluded from t+e scope of
application of !PI $10D
a. Pressure 8essels on mo8able structures co8ered by ot+er
Gurisdictional regulations
b. !ll classes of containers listed for eEemption from
construction in !M. ection AIII 9i8. 1
c. Pressure 8essels w+ic+ do not eEceed 8olume of t+e fi8e
cubic feet and pressure of "$0 psi
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1H. -idely scattered pits may be ignored as long as t+e following
conditions are satisfied>
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. 7o pit dept+ is greater t+an one +alf t+e 8essel wall
t+ic,ness eEclusi8e of t+e corrosion allowance.
b. 1+e total area of t+e pits does not eEceed 6 square inc+es
or )$ square cm wit+in any # inc+ diameter circle
c. 1+e sum of t+eir dimensions along any straig+t line wit+in
a circle of diameter # inc+es does not eEceed " inc+es = $
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"0. .ac+ 8essel abo8e ground s+all be gi8en a 8isual eEternal
inspection preferably w+ile in operation at a frequency of>
a. !t least once in e8ery $ years
b. ame as t+at required for internal or on 2 stream
c. 1+e lesser of @aF or @bF
d. 7one of t+e abo8e are applicable
"1. !n ellipsoidal +ead +as an internal diameter of 6/ inc+es and
a dept+ of "1 inc+es =including a straig+t face of " inc+es3.
-+at s+ould its sp+erical radius be for t+e crown portionD
a. 6/.0 inc+es
b. '#.0 inc+es
c. /#.) inc+es
d. /0.# inc+
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
API-510 Preparatory Course
1. ReKrating may be done after w+ic+ of t+e following
requirements are metD
a. <alculations from eit+er t+e manufacturer or an
ownerKuse pressure 8essel engineer eEperienced in
pressure 8essel design& fabrication or inspection s+all
Gustify t+e reKrating.
b. 1+e reKrating is in accordance wit+ t+e construction
code to w+ic+ t+e pressure 8essel was originally built
or by computations t+at are determined using t+e
appropriate formulae in t+e latest edition of t+e
!M. <ode
c. <urrent inspection records 8erify t+at t+e pressure
8essel is satisfactory for t+e proposed ser8ice
conditions and t+at t+e corrosion allowance pro8ided
is adequate.
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
". -+ic+ of t+e following is ( are to be underta,en in case t+e
owners+ip and location of 8essel are c+angedD
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. 1+e 8essel s+all be +ydro tested only
b. 1+e 8essel s+all be internally and eEternally
inspected before it is reKused
c. 1+e allowable conditions of ser8ice s+all be
establis+ed and t+e neEt period of inspection s+all be
establis+ed for t+e new ser8ice.
d. ;nly @bF and @cF
'. ! new pressure 8essel s+ould be inspected to w+ic+ of t+e
following codesD
a. !PI $10
b. !PI $6"
c. !M. ec. AIII 9i8. 1
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
). For repairs as per !PI $10& t+e welders and welding
procedures s+all be qualified to t+e requirement of>
a. !PI 110) code
b. !M. ection A
c. !M. ection IN
d. !- 9 1.1
$. <alculate t+e remaining life of a 8essel gi8en t+e following
data> !ctual t+ic,ness = 0.H$$ inc+. Minimum t+ic,ness
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
required = 0.6#6 inc+ 1+ic,ness at per8ious inspection $
years prior to present inspection = 1.01$ inc+
a. "0 years
b. 1) years
c. "# years
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
/. 1+e period between t+e two consecuti8e internal =or onK
stream3 inspections s+all not eEceedD
a. ;ne +alf of t+e remaining life of t+e 8essel =based on
corrosion rate3
b. 10 years
c. cases w+ere t+e safe wor,ing life is estimated to be
less t+an ) years t+e inspection inter8al may be t+e
full remaining safe operating life up to a maEimum of
" years
d. 1+e least of abo8e
6. !fter completion or repairs& a pressure test
a. Must always be conducted
b. +all be applied if t+e aut+oriBed pressure 8essel
inspector belie8es t+at one is necessary
c. Must ne8er be conducted
d. +all be conducted only if repair is done on pressure
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
#. If probable corrosion rates can not be determined& on stream
determinations s+all be made after approEimately
a. 10&000 +ours of ser8ice
b. 1000 +ours of ser8ice
c. $000 +ours of ser8ice
d. !fter "&$00 +ours of ser8ice
H. -+ic+ of t+e following documents referenced in !PI $10
addresses recommended inspection practices for pressure
a. !PI /"0
b. !PI $6"
c. !PI td $"/
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
10. !fter completion of alterations a pressure test
a. 7ormally required
b. ubGect to appro8al of t+e Gurisdiction = w+ere
applicable 3 appropriate 79. s+all be required w+ere
pressure test is not performed
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
c. ubstituting 79. procedure for a pressure test after
an alteration ay be done only after consulting a
pressure 8essel engineer eEperienced in pressure
8essel design and t+e aut+oriBed pressure 8essel
inspector +a8e been consulted
d. !ll of abo8e
11. Materials used for ma,ing repair by welding in carbon steel
8essels s+all +a8e t+e following limitationsD
a. 1+ey s+all meet t+e requirements stipulated I 7!<.
MR 016$
b. 1+e carbon content s+all not be o8er 0.'$J
c. -elding repair s+all be done by using only t+e %1!-
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1". <orrosion under insulation =<II3 due to en8ironmental factors
li,e +umidity& moisture& will be more pronounced at
a. Below "$0F
b. "$0F to "$00F
c. More t+an "$00
d. ;t+er factors being same corrosion in abo8e
temperature ranges will be same minimiBe.
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
1'. 9uring Mydrostatic testing& ris, of brittle fracture& w+ic+ of t+e
following action may be ta,en
a. Replace Mydro testing by pneumatic testing
b. Recalculate test pressure based on material stress at
c. <arry out test at temperature more '0
F abo8e M9M1
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
1). !ut+oriBation for w+ic+ of t+e following appro8al from pressure
8essel engineer is not mandatory
a. Repairs for 8essels t+at comply wit+ sec AIII 9i8 1
b. !lterations for 8essels t+at comply wit+ sec AIII 9i8 1
c. Repairs for 8essels t+at comply wit+ sec AIII 9i8 "
d. !lternations for 8essels t+at comply wit+ sec AIII 9i8 "
1$. In -P PQR documentation& t+e essential& supplementary
essential and 7onKessential 8ariables =.A& .A& 7.A3 s+all be
addressed in t+ese documents. -+ic+ document s+all address
w+ic+ of t+e 8ariables.
a. !ll .As & .As and 7.A s s+all be addressed in bot+ -P
and PQR
b. ;nly .A s and .As s+all be addressed in bot+ PQR and
-P documents
c. PQR s+all address all .As and .As w+ile -P s+all
record all .A s & .A s and 7.As
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
d. -P s+all address .A s and .As w+ile PQR must record
all .As & .As and 7.As
1/. <orrosion and minimum t+ic,ness e8aluation may be conducted
a. Ise of Magnetic particle eEamination
b.Iltrasonic testing
c. Profile radiograp+y
d.;nly @bF and @cF
16. -+ic+ of t+e following is ( are to be underta,en in case t+e
owners+ip or location of 8essel are c+anged
a. 1+e 8essel s+all be internally inspected before it is reKused
b. 1+e 8essel s+all eEternally inspected before it is reKused.
c. 1+e allowable conditions of ser8ice s+all be establis+ed and
t+e neEt period of inspection s+all be establis+ed for t+e new
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1#. -+ic+ of t+e following are essential elements of a Quality control
system of a repair organiBationD
a. tatement of aut+ority and responsibility
b. -elding procedures
c. 1+e relations+ip of t+e Q< manager wit+ t+e owner
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
e. ;nly @aF and @bF abo8e
1H. -elders and welding procedures s+all be qualified to t+e
requirement of
a. !M. ection AIII 9i8. 1
b. !M. ection A
c. !M. ection IN
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
"0. <alculate t+e remaining life of a 8essel gi8en t+e following data>
!ctual t+ic,ness = 0.H$$ inc+ Minimum t+ic,ness required =
0.6$$ inc+ 1+ic,ness at per8ious inspection $ years prior to
present inspection = 1.0"$ inc+
a. "0 years
b. 1) years
c. "# years
d. !ny of t+e abo8e depending upon ambient conditions
"1. 1+e period between internal or onKstream inspections s+all not
a. ;ne +alf of t+e remaining life of t+e 8essel =based on
corrosion rate3
b. 10 years
c. 1+e lesser of @aF and @bF
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
d. In cases w+ere t+e safe wor,ing life is estimated to be
less t+an ) years t+e inspection inter8al may be t+e full
remaining safe operating life up to a maEimum of "
e. @cF and @dF abo8e
"". !fter completion or repairs a pressure test
a. Must always be conducted
b. +all be applied if t+e aut+oriBed pressure 8essel
inspector belie8es t+at one is necessary
c. Must ne8er be conducted
d. ;nly @aO and @bF abo8e
"'. -+ic+ of t+e following c+anges on a pressure 8essel could be
termed as an alterationD
a. !ddition of a reinforced noBBle of siBe equal to an
eEisting noBBle
b. !ddition of a noBBle not requiring reinforcement
c. !ny c+ange t+at effect t+e pressure containing
capacity of t+e 8essel beyond t+e scope of items
described in eEisting data reports
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
e. ;nly @bF and @cF
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
"). If t+e bolt s+an, corrosion is anticipated for foundation bolts&
w+at testing met+ods are recommendedD
a. 1ensile testing of equi8alent siBed ri8ets
b. Mammer testing
c. R1 at an angle to t+e s+an, aEis
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"$. -+ic+ of t+e following documents referenced in !PI $10
addresses recommended inspection practices for pressure
a. !PI /"0
b. !PI Recommended practice $6"
c. !PI td $"/
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"/. !fter completion of alterations a pressure test is>
a. 7ormally required
b. ubGect to appro8al of t+e Gurisdiction =w+ere
applicable 3 appropriate 79. s+all be required w+ere
pressure test is not performed
c. ubstituting 79. procedure for a pressure test after
an alteration ay be done only after consulting a
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
pressure 8essel engineer eEperienced in pressure
8essel design and t+e aut+oriBed pressure 8essel
inspector +a8e been consulted
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"6. -+ic+ of t+e following are typical conditions found on t+e
eEternal surfaces of 8esselsD
a. Blistering
b. <austic embrittlement
c. <II
d. ;nly @bF and @cF abo8e
"#. 1+e eEternal surfaces of 8essels s+ould be eEamined not only
for corrosion but also for>
a. Lea,s
b. <rac,s
c. Buc,les
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"H. .rosion would normally be eE+ibited at>
a. -ear plates on saddles
a. Baffle plates
b. Impingement plates
c. !ll of t+e abo8e eEcept @aF
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
'0.Mow is +ammer testing utiliBedD
a. !s a supplement to 8isual inspection
b. 1o be confirmed by subsequent 791
c. 7one of abo8e
d. ;nly @bF and @aF abo8e
'1. +ells of 8essels adGacent to inlet impingement plates are
susceptible to
a. tressKcorrosion crac,ing
b. .rosion
c. Mydrogen embrittlement
d. !ny of t+e abo8e depending upon ambient conditions
'". -+ic+ of t+e following are common reasons for inK ser8ice of
s+utdown inspection>
a. 1o determine t+e p+ysical condition of +e equipment
b. 1o determine t+e type& rate and causes of deterioration
c. none of t+e abo8e
d. @aF and @bF abo8e
''.-+ic+ of t+e following may be classified as @internalsF of
a. <atalyst bed supports
b. <yclone entry noBBles
c. 9emister pads
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
d. @aF and @cF
').If any setting is noticed on a 8essel& w+ic+ of t+e following
s+ould be doneD
a. <onduct R1 after )# +ours of obser8ing t+e defecti8e
b. 7oBBles and adGacent s+ell areas s+ould be inspected for
distortion and crac,ing
c. Ise acoustic emission monitoring
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
'$.-+ic+ of t+e following are types of 791 met+odsD
a. Iltrasonic testing
b. Radiograp+ic testing
c. Mammer testing
d. Bot+ @aF and @bF
'/. -+ic+ of t+e following are common reasons for inK ser8ice of
s+utdown inspectionD
a. 1o determine t+e p+ysical condition of +e equipment
b. 1o determine t+e type& rate and causes of deterioration
c. none of t+e abo8e
d. @aF and @bF abo8e
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
API 510 Preparatory Course
1. -+ic+ of t+e following are eEcluded from t+e scope of application
of !PI $10D
a. Pressure 8essels on mo8able structures co8ered by ot+er
Gurisdictional regulations
b. !ll classes of containers listed for eEemption from
construction in !M. ection AIII 9i8. 1
c. Pressure 8essels w+ic+ do not eEceed 8olume of t+e fi8e
cubic feet and pressure of "$0 psi
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
". 9uring Mydrostatic testing& to a8oid ris, of brittle fracture& w+ic+
of t+e following action may be ta,enD
a. Recalculate test pressure based on material stress at test
e. <arry out test at temperature more '0
F abo8e M9M1
f. 1+e test area is cordoned off and out of bounds for nonK
essential personnel
g. 7one of t+e abo8e
'. -+ic+ of t+e following are essential elements of a Quality control
system of a repair organiBationD
a. ;rganisational aut+ority and responsibility
b. tatements about -or,ing =Inspection(repair3Procedures
and t+eir documentation
c. tatement of controls to ensure Quality conformance
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
). !ccording to !PI $10& aut+oriBed inspection agency is>
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. Purisdiction organiBation
b. Inspection organisation of Insurance company w+ic+ under
writes insurance of pressure 8essels
c. Inspection organiBation of ownerKuser
d. !ny of abo8e
$. Repair ;rganiBation> !ccording to !PI $10 is>
a. Molder of !M. certificate Q appropriate code symbol
b. ;wnerKuser
c. <ontractor under contract wit+ ownerKuser
d. !ny of abo8e
/. For all repairs and alterations under !PI $10& t+e ultimate
responsibility rests wit+>
a. ;wner user
b. !PI <ommittee
c. !PIK$10 Inspector
d. Purisdiction aut+ority
6. Identify incorrect statement from following>
a. ! welder performing procedure test is also qualified in t+at
b. upplementary essential 8ariables become essential
8ariables w+en impact test is specified.
c. For procedure qualification& t+e test can be performed in
any position as t+e position is not essential 8ariable for
procedure qualification.
d. 7one of abo8e.
#. Following two combinations of noBBle pipe dia and s+ell t+ic,ness
are gi8en of reinforcement. <ase 1> 8essel wall t+, = C * and
noBBle siBe 7P '& <ase " 8essel wall t+, = 4 * 7oBBle siBe 7P
" C !ccording to !M. ec. AIII reinforcement requirement for
w+ic+ of abo8e noBBles by s+ould be 8erified by calculationsD
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. For bot+ cases
b. For none
c. <alculations required for 1 but not for "
d. <alculations required for " and not for 1
H. 7ormally& minimum t+ic,ness e8aluation may be conducted byD
a. Ise of a eEternal micrometer
b. Iltrasonic testing
c. Aernier callipers
d. 7one of abo8e
10. -+ic+ of t+e following statements is trueD
a. !ll defects are not discontinuities
b. !ll discontinuities are defects
c. 9iscontinuities are reGectable defects
d. 9efects are reGectable discontinuities
11. ! Pressure Aessel is being designed for 0.#$ Goint efficiency wit+
full penetration welds. R1 requirement for suc+ 8essel is
a. 7il
b. pot
c. 100 J
d. Points radiograp+y
1". Post weld +eat treatment is carried out
a. 1o increase +ardness
b. 1o increase tensile strengt+
c. 1o release loc,edKup stresses in t+e weld
d. 7one of abo8e.
1'. If all ot+er conditions remain same t+e design t+ic,ness of w+ic+
dis+ed end =torisp+erical& +emisp+erical& ellipsoidal3 will be
a. 1orisp+erical
b. Memisp+erical
c. .llipsoidal
d. !ll +a8e same t+ic,ness
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
1). In ! $1/ %r 60 specification t+e letter ! indicates>
a. 1+at material is !M. material. =! for !M.3
b. 1+at material is Ferrous material
c. 1+at material is 7onKFerrous material
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
1$. !ny t+ic,nessKoffset wit+in t+e allowable tolerance s+all be
pro8ided a taper transition of>
a. ' to 1 min.
b. ) to 1 min.
c. ' to " min.
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1/. For calculating reinforcement pad requirements for gi8en 9esign
Pressure& w+ic+ of t+e following statement is applicable>
a. <redit can be ta,en for eEtra metal in s+ell
b. <redit can be ta,en for eEtra metal in noBBle
c. a and b abo8e are true
d. 7one of abo8e
16. <+oose correct Pneumatic test pressure from gi8en options for a
8essel wit+ following data>
9esign Pr = 1/0 psi
9esign temp= /6$R F
M.;.< = ! $'6 <l. 1
!llow stress =!mbient3 = "0000 psi
!llow stress =/6$RF3 = 1H"00 psi
a. 16/.0 psig
b. "1$./ psig
c. 1#'.' psig
d. none of abo8e
1#. Sou are planning for t+e MydroKtest of a complete 8essel wit+
Mydro test pressure )0Tg(cm
g. 1+e calibrated test gauges
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a8ailable wit+ you are 0K$0 Tg(cm
g& 0K100 Tg(cm
g& 1K1$0
g and 0K"00 Tg(cm
g. -+ic+ two gauges are acceptable for
t+is testD

a. 0K$0 Tg(cm
g and 0K100 Tg(cm
b. 0K100 Tg(cm
g and 0K"00 Tg(cm
c. 0K$0 Tg(cm
g and 0K"00 Tg(cm
d. 0K100 Tg(cm
g and 0K1$0 Tg(cm
1H. Sou are c+ec,ing a plate recei8ed for t+e pressure 8essel
fabrication. -+at will be your action planD
a. <orrelate test certificate wit+ applicable specification
b. <orrelate +eat mar,s and identification wit+ t+e actual
plate identification
c. Aisual and dimensional inspection
d. !ll of t+e abo8e are necessary action before accepting t+e
"0. Qualification of welding procedure as per ection IN is required>
a. For manual welding process
b. For mac+ine welding process
c. For semi automatic welding process
d. For all of t+e abo8e process
"1. .rosion would normally be seen at>
a. 9rain noBBles
b. addle wear plates
c. Impingement plates
d. a. and c.
"". 1emper embrittlement is>
a. Brittleness due to low temperature operation
b. Brittleness due to Mydrogen ulp+ide attac, at +ig+
temperatures = eEceeding 600 deg. F3
c. Loss of ductility due to incorrect P-M1 and Mig+
temperature ser8ice
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
d. 7one of abo8e.
"'. Part M!-P for lower dis+ed +ead in Aertical 8essel will
generally be>
a. Lower t+an top +ead
b. Lower t+an s+ell
c. Mig+er t+an bot+ s+ell and top +ead
d. ame as bot+ top +ead and s+ell
"). <+oose correct statement U !llowable .Eternal pressure
for a 8essel>
a. -ill depend on weld Goint efficiency =.3
b. 9epends on Aessel temperature
c. 9epends on Internal <orrosion allowance
d. Bot+ b and c
"$. P-M1 is required for 8essels containing products& classified
as @let+alF or a t+ic,ness eEceeding>
a. 1.0 inc+
b. 0 .$ inc+
c. 0.0 inc+
d. 1.$ inc+
API 510 Preparatory Course
1. For safe entry in pressure 8essels w+ic+ of t+e following
document is adopted in t+e !PIK$10 body of ,nowledgeD
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. !PI 2 "01$
b. !PI 2 $6/
c. IR. 2 <+ap II
d. !M. 2 ec. A
". ! piping Q 8al8e system is described as follows> @closure of a
line& duct& or pipe by closing and loc,ing two inKline 8al8es and
by opening and loc,ing a drain or 8ent 8al8e in t+e line between
t+e closed 8al8esF 1+is is designated in !PI documents as>
a. 9ouble 8al8e single drain @arrangement
b. @;nKoffF arrangement
c. @9ouble bloc, and bleedF arrangement
d. @9ouble in single outF arrangement
'. !n indi8idual stationed outside one or more permit spaces w+o
monitors t+e aut+oriBed entrants and orders t+e aut+oriBed
entrants to e8acuate t+e permit space under unsafe conditions.
1+is indi8idual is referred as>
a. uper8isor
b. ! qualified person
c. !n attendant
d. 7one of abo8e
). M<l is more +armful in refining sour crudes because>
a. In presence of M"& corrosion of iron by M<l
becomes cyclic reaction regenerating M<l
b. M<L forms gal8anic cell w+ic+ causes corrosion

c. M<l causes loss of ductility of steel.
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
$. @In austenitic stainless steels& in presence of c+lorides
spontaneous failure may occur under combined action of
corrosion and tensile stressF -+at type of p+enomenon is
described by t+is statement>
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. ensitiBation of stainless steel
b. tress corrosion crac,ing
c. Intergranular corrosion of stainless steels
d. <+romiumKdecay of stainless steels.
/. our crude is more corrosi8e t+an sweet crude because
a. our crude is +ea8ier t+an is sweet crude
b. weet crude +as more waEing tendency =compared
to sour crude3 w+ic+ forms protecti8e layer on
metallic surfaces +ence sweet crudes are less
c. our crude contains +ig+ content M" and sulp+er
compared to sweet crude w+ic+ lead to se8eral types
of corrosion
d. 7one of t+e abo8e.
6. 1+e nondestructi8e eEamination met+od to be used for a
particular inspection s+ould be determined by t+e>
a. !8ailability of certified 79. eEaminers
b. Lengt+ of time since t+e last inspection
c. !ge of t+e component to be inspected
d. 1ype& location& and orientation of t+e eEpected flaws
#. In planning for an internal inspection of a 8essel t+at +as acidic
corrodents& w+at type of corrosion would you eEpect to find on
t+e 8essel s+ell from inside&
a. Mydrogen blistering in t+e 8apor space
b. Iniform corrosion of 8essel wall
c. .rosion of 8essel walls.
d. 7one of abo8e.
H. 1+e principal reason for inspecting a pressure relief de8ice is to
a. <ondition of pressure relief de8ice and if it is functioning
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
b. 1+e remaining life of pressure relief de8ice.
c. 1+e spring coil diameter.
d. 1+e body t+ic,ness.
10. -+ere =typically3 are balanced safety relief 8al8es used in
a. For pressure control and bypass
b. ;n steam boiler drums and super +eaters
c. -+en t+e disc+arge from t+e 8al8es must be piped to
remote points
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
11. -+ic+ of t+e following are possible reasons for improper
performance of 8al8esD
a. <orrosion
b. 9amaged seating surfaces
c. Failed springs
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1". -+ic+ of t+e following tests must be conducted on a 8al8e as
soon as it +as been remo8ed out of a system>
a. Aisual Inspection
b. Mydrotesting of 8al8e body
c. Radiograp+ic testing
d. <+ec, setKpressure and lea, tig+tness
1'. -+ic+ of t+e following best describes a safety relief 8al8eD
a. ! spring 2 loaded pressure relie8ing de8ice t+at is popped
open by enoug+ static pressure in t+e +uddling c+amber
and ,inetic energy of t+e gas or 8apour to o8ercome t+e
spring force on t+e disc as it is lifted to pro8ide full opening
and allow minimal o8erpressure
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
b. ! spring 2 loaded pressure relie8ing 8al8e t+at acts as a
safety 8al8e w+en used in gas or 8apour ser8ice and as a
relief 8al8e w+en used in liquid ser8ice.
c. ! spring 2 loaded pressure relie8ing de8ice for liquid
ser8ice t+at begins to open w+en t+e inlet pressure
reac+es set pressure. ;8ercomes t+e spring force and
begins to lift t+e disc off t+e seat and t+at continues to
open as inlet pressure and t+e lift of t+e disc increase
allowing t+e flow
of t+e liquid to increase
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1). -+ic+ of t+e following are reasons for inspection of pressure
relie8ing de8ices>
a. 1o protect personnel and equipment
b. 1o determine t+e condition of a de8ice
c. 1o e8aluate inspection frequency
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1$. -+ic+ of t+e following could cause flutter(c+atter in 8al8esD
a. Improper material of construction
b. ;8erpressure
c. .rosion
d. Large lengt+ piping to t+e 8al8e inlet from t+e 8essel
1/. !PI $6/ does not address>
a. Aal8e testing on test benc+es in s+op
b. !pplication of rupture discs
c. 1raining requirements for mec+anics in8ol8ed in
inspection and repair of pressure relie8ing de8ices
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
16. If any settling is noticed on a 8essel& w+ic+ of t+e following
s+ould be done>
a. <onduct R1 after )# +ours of obser8ing t+e defecti8e
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
b. 7oBBles and adGacent s+ell areas s+ould be inspected for
distortion and crac,ing
c. Ise acoustic emission monitoring
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1#. Recommended resistance of electrical grounding connections is>
a. $ o+ms
b. $0 o+ms
c. 100 o+ms
d. none of t+e abo8e
1H. For 8essels w+ic+ are supported on concrete saddles and
wor,ing in an area w+ere t+e +umidity is +ig+ w+ic+ areas on
t+em are typically susceptible to eEternal corrosionD
a. !t t+e anc+or bolts in t+e foundation
b. !t t+e Points of contact of t+e metal surface wit+ t+e
c. !ll of t+e abo8e
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
"0. M
is in sour crude is more +armful in presence of>
a. ;Eygen
b. -ater =i.e. -et M
c. ulp+ur
d. VaO and VcO abo8e
"1. 1+e lea, tig+tness of t+e relief 8al8es is tested on t+e test bloc,
at a pressure equal to>
a. ame as set pressure
b. H0J of t+e set pressure
c. ame as reseat pressure
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
"". 9uring Mydrostatic testing& ris, of brittle fracture& w+ic+ of t+e
following action may be ta,en
a. Replace Mydro testing by pneumatic testing
b. Recalculate test pressure based on material stress
at M9M1
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
c. <arry out test at temperature more '0
F abo8e
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
"'. -+ic+ of t+e following classifications of +eat eEc+angers would
+a8e IKtubes incorporated into itD
a. !. type
b. B.M type
c. !.P type
d. <FI type
"). If any setting is noticed on a 8essel& w+ic+ of t+e following
s+ould be done>
a. <onduct R1 after )# +ours of obser8ing t+e defecti8e
b. 7oBBles and adGacent s+ell areas s+ould be inspected for
distortion and crac,ing
c. Ise acoustic emission monitoring
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"$. -+ic+ of t+e following are typical deterioration t+at can ta,e
place on t+e eEternal surfaces of 8esselsD
a. <II
b. <austic embrittlement
c. .rosion
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"/. 1+e eEternal surfaces of 8essels s+ould be eEamined not only for
corrosion but also for>
a. Lea,s
b. <rac,s
c. Buc,les
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"6. -+ic+ of t+e following are commonly used tec+niques of surface
preparation for inspection>
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. -ire brus+ing
b. and 2 blasting
c. Mig+ pressure water blasting
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
"#. !ccording to !PI $10& aut+oriBed inspection agency is>
a. Purisdiction organiBation
b. Insurance company w+ic+ under writes insurance of
pressure 8essels
c. Inspection organiBation of ownerKuser
d. !ny of abo8e
"H. Repair ;rganiBation> !ccording to !PI $10 is
a. Molder of !M. certificate Q appropriate code symbol
b. ;wnerKuser
c. <ontractor under contract wit+ ownerKuser
d. !ny of abo8e
'0. For corrosion area of considerable siBeW t+ic,ness a8eraging along
most critical element s+all not eEceed following lengt+ for 6"F I9
a. "0 inc+es
b. )0 inc+es
c. '0 inc+es
d. 7one of abo8e
'1. !ccording to !PI $10 for ellipsoidal +ead& crown portion t+ic,ness
a. <rown can be ta,en as sp+erical portion of radius T
E 9
b. T
depends on 9("+ ratio
c. <rown lies wit+in concentric circle of #0J s+ell diameter
d. !ll of abo8e
'". For nonKcontinuous corrosi8e ser8ice wit+ remaining life "$ years&
eEternal inspection s+all be performed after>
a. 10 years
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
b. 1".$ years
c. $ years
d. 7one of abo8e
''. Inspection records s+all +a8e following information
a. 9esign Q <onstruction records =permanent3
b. Running inspection records
c. Repair and alteration records
d. !ll of abo8e
'). !ccording to !PIK$10& restoration by welding of parent metal
loss may be made by using by electrodes +a8ing tensiles
a. ame as parent material
b. Mig+er t+an parent material
c. Lower t+an parent material
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
'$. For all repairs and alterations under !PI $10& t+e ultimate
responsibility rests wit+
a. ;wner user
b. !PI <ommittee
c. !PIK$10 Inspector
d. Purisdiction aut+ority
'/. @Mot tappingF means
a. Lig+t tapping of 8essel by ball point +ammer to find lea,ages
w+en t+e 8essel is operating at wor,ing temperature.
b. <utting t+e t+reads in t+e +elp of tap and die w+en material
+ot so as to ma,e t+e cutting of t+reads easier
c. !ct of pro8iding new tapping connection w+ile t+e 8essel is in
d. 1apping +ot water samples from process plants for analysis
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
'6. -+ic+ of t+e following is an ad8antage of magnetic particle
testing o8er penetrant testingD
a. can detect surface discontinuities wit+ foreign material
imbedded in t+em
b. It is faster on indi8idual parts
c. It can detect nearKsurface discontinuities
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
'#. In an !Kscan presentation& t+e amplitude of 8ertical indications
on t+e screen represents t+e
a. !mount of ultrasonic sound energy returning to t+e searc+
b. 9istance tra8eled by t+e searc+ unit
c. 1+ic,ness of material being tested
d. .lapsed time since t+e ultrasonic pulse was generated
'H. 1+e nondestructi8e eEamination met+od to be used for a
particular inspection s+ould be determined by t+e>
a. a8ailability of certified 79. eEaminers.
b. lengt+ of time since t+e last inspection.
c. age of t+e component to be inspected.
d. type& location& and orientation of t+e eEpected flaws.
)0. -+ic+ of t+e following statements is trueD
a. !ll defects are not discontinuities.
b. !ll discontinuities are defects.
c. 9iscontinuities are reGectable defects.
d. 9efects are reGectable discontinuities.
)1. -+ic+ of t+e following searc+ unit would contain t+e t+innest
quartB crystalD
a. ! 1 mega+ertB searc+ unit
b. ! $ mega+ertB searc+ unit
c. ! 1$ mega+ertB searc+ unit
d. ! "$ mega+ertB searc+ unit
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
)". -+ic+ of t+e following can be magnetiBedD
a. Iron
b. 7ic,el
c. <obalt
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
)'. -+y are magnetic particles a8ailable in different colorsD
a. For color contrast wit+ t+e part surface.
b. 1o en+ance t+e detection of indications.
c. Bot+ a and b.
d. 9ifferent colors are used wit+ different magnetic fluE 8alues.
)). Aisual testing is a
a. 7ondestructi8e testing tec+niques applicable for surface and
internal discontinuities
b. 7ondestructi8e testing tec+niques applicable for surface
discontinuities only.
c. 9estructi8e testing tec+niques applicable for surface and
internal discontinuities.
d. 9estructi8e testing tec+niques applicable for internal
discontinuities only.
)$. Incase of +oriBontal insulated 8essel most li,ely location of <II
will be>
a. Inder belly areas
b. !t t+e top in lengt+wise area
c. In ' ;Ocloc, and H oOcloc, position
d. Iniformly all o8er
)/. 1+e rate of erosion 8aries as>
a. quare of fluid 8elocity
b. Linearly wit+ 8elocity
c. Aaries as cube of 8elocity
d. Aaries as square root of 8elocity
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
)6. For testing relief 8al8es for set pressure>
a. ;nly air s+all be used
b. ;nly water s+all be used
c. 1+e combination may be used
d. ;nly nitrogen s+all be used irrespecti8e of ser8ice condition
)#. <rac,s and laminations loo, similar from surface +owe8er&
a. <rac,s run normal to 8essels surfaces
b. Lamination runs slant or parallel to surface
c. a and b abo8e
d. 7one of abo8e
)H. Aisual 1esting can detect t+e following weld discontinuities.
a. Indercut
b. <rater crac,
c. .Ecessi8e reinforcement
d. !llof t+e abo8e
$0. -+at probe would be c+osen to detect t+e smallest defect if
steel specimen wit+ a 8elocity / E 10
mm(sec is to be
a. " MMB
b. 10 MMB
c. $ MMB
d. / MMB
$1. !ustenitic .. is considered as good <ryogenic material because>
a. Because of its good corrosion resistance
b. Because of its good tensile trengt+
c. Because of its good yield trengt+
d. Because of its good impact trengt+
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
API 510 Preparatory Course
1. For repairs on 8essel walls& w+ic+ +a8e been subGected to
P-M1 as a code requirement and made of P1 or P' teels&
=for w+ic+ eEemptions eEist in !M. ec. AIII 9i8 1 code&3
w+ic+ of t+e following options may be adoptedD
a. <onduct R1 after )# +ours of completion of all +ot wor,
b. PreK +eat to al least '00
F as an alternati8e to P-M1
after repair
c. Ise acoustic emission monitoring
d. Iltrasonic testing
". M<l is more corrosi8e in refining sour crudes because>
a. In presence of M"& corrosion of iron by Mcl becomes
cyclic reaction regenerating Mcl.
b. Mcl liberates c+lorine in presence of sulp+ur w+ic+
causes stress corrosion crac,ing
c. Mcl liberates Mydrogen in presence of sulp+ur
causing Mydrogen embrittlement.
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
". @In austenitic stainless steels& in presence of c+lorides
spontaneous failure may occur under combined action of
corrosion and tensile stressF -+at type of p+enomenon is
described by t+is statementD
a. ensitiBation of stainless steelD
b. tress corrosion crac,ing
c. Intergranular corrosion of stainless steels
d. <+romiumKdecay of stainless steels
). our crude is more corrosi8e t+an sweet crude because
a. our crude is +ea8ier t+an sweet crude
b. weet crude +as more waEing tendency =compared
to sour crude3 w+ic+ forms protecti8e layer on
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
metallic surfaces +ence sweet crudes are less
c. our crude contains +ig+ content M" and sulp+er
compared to sweet crude w+ic+ lead to se8eral types
of corrosion
d. 7one of t+e abo8e.
$. In planning for an internal inspection of a 8essel t+at +as
acidic corrodents& w+at type and location of corrosion
would you eEpect to find on t+e 8essel s+ell& away from
t+e weldsD
a. Mydrogen induced crac,ing in t+e 8apor space
b. Mydrogen embrittlement in t+e 8apor space
c. Mydrogen blistering near t+e liquid le8el
d. Mydrogen embrittlement below t+e liquid le8el
/. -+at can be done to eEtend t+e life of a 8essel wit+ a
corroded area in t+e s+ell plate 1" inc+es from t+e weld& a
Goint efficiency of less t+an 1& and a corrosion t+ic,ness
currently near t+e minimum required t+ic,nessD
a. Recalculate t
for current operating conditions
using . X 1.
b. Recalculate t
for current operating conditions
using . = 1.
c. Recalculate t
for design conditions using . = 1.
d. Recalculate t
for design conditions using . X 1.
6. ! pressure 8essel constructed according to !M. ec AIII 9i8
1 wit+ s+ell t+ic,ness 6(#OO =Material of <onstruction is
classified as P no ) %r. 13& repaired by using insert plates.
1+e requirement of radiograp+y to be incorporated in repair
procedure s+all be>
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
a. Full radiograp+y
b. pot radiograp+y
c. May be a& or b depending on Goint efficiency
d. 9ata is not adequate
#. ! $1/ %r 60 specification t+e number 60 indicates>
a. Minimum yield strengt+
b. Minimum ultimate tensile strengt+
c. Minimum J elongation
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
H. -+ic+ of t+e following are reasons for inspection of
pressure K relie8ing de8ices>
a. 1o protect personnel and equipment
b. 1o determine t+e condition of a de8ice
c. 1o e8aluate inspection frequency
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
10. +ells of 8essels adGacent to inlet impingement plates are
susceptible to>
a. tressKcorrosion crac,ing
b. .rosion
c. Mydrogen embrittlement
d. !ny of t+e abo8e depending upon ambient conditions
11. M
is in sour crude is more +armful in presence of>
a. ;Eygen
b. -ater =i.e. -et M
c. ulp+ur
d. VaO and VcO abo8e
1". 1+e lea, tig+tness of t+e relief 8al8es is tested on t+e test
bloc, at a pressure equal to>
a. ame as set pressure
b. H0J of t+e set pressure
c. ame as reseat pressure
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
1'. -+ic+ statement is correctD
a. !M. ection II B deals wit+ consumables for welding
b. !M. ection A gi8es acceptance standards for 791
c. P-M1 can be carried out after Mydro test as a good
engineering practice
d. Lower t+e <arbon content& better t+e weldability
1). 1+e symbol w+ic+ indicates !M. code stamping for
8essels manufactured to !M. ection AIII 9i8. 1 is>
a. I1
b. I"
c. I'
d. I
1$. -+ic+ of t+e following is essential 8ariable for procedure
a. -elder used for welding
b. -eld edge preparation
c. -elding process
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
1/. Presence of +ydrogen can cause w+ic+ of t+e
following defects at weldsD
a. lag
b. InderKbead <rac,ing
c. Lamination
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
16. -+ic+ of t+e following met+od is most suitable for
detecting lamination in "$mm t+ic, <.. plateD
a. R1
b. I1
c. M1
d. P1
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
1#. ! stainless steel weld +as a crac, open to t+e surface.
-+ic+ 791 met+od will re8eal it effecti8ely D
a. Liquid Penetrant.
b. Magnetic particle.
c. Radiograp+y.
d. !ll of abo8e.
1H. Procedure Qualification Record is a document w+ic+ can be
re8ised time to timeD
a. 1rue
b. False
c. 9epends on company policy
d. 9epends on client of t+e company

"0. -+ic+ of t+e following are areas on pressure 8essel w+ic+
are susceptible to <IID

a. !ll t+e area w+ic+ is below insulation
b. Insulated areas below steam 8ents
c. Insulated piping eEposed to cooling tower mist
d. @bF and @cF abo8e
"1. <alculate t+e remaining life of a 8essel subGected to
unoform rate of corrosion gi8en t+e following data> !ctual
t+ic,ness = 0.H$$ inc+& Minimum t+ic,ness required =
0.6$$ inc+ 1+ic,ness at per8ious inspection $ years prior
to present inspection = 1.0"$ inc+
a. "0 years
b. 1) years
c. "# years
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
"". <orrosion under insulation =<II3 due to en8ironmental
factors li,e +umidity& moisture& will be more pronounced at
a. "$
F to "$0
b. More t+an "$0
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
c. ;t+er factors being same corrosion in abo8e
temperature ranges will be same
d. 7one of abo8e
"'. Aessel M!-P for 8ertical 8essel is measured at>
a. 1op most point of 8essel
b. Bottom most point of 8essel
c. !t t+e mid point between top Q bottom
d. 7one of abo8e
"). Mot tapping is best described by statement>
a. It is tec+nique of pre+eating t+e part of 8essel to
specified temperature and tapping wit+ 1lb. rainded
+ammer to detect wall t+inning
b. It is tec+nique of pro8iding a tapping connection w+ile
pipe system is in operation
c. It is tec+nique of fiEing a water tap on +ot water lines
for use during winter
d. It is act of using t+e tap and die for t+reading w+en t+e
part is +ot
"$. @<IIF is !PI $10 means>
a. <orrosion under inspection
b. <omponents under inspection
c. <orrosion under in8estigation
d. <orrosion under insulation
26. Inspection records contain t+e following information for a
particular t+ic,ness measurement location =1ML3 on a
dis+ed +ead.=1+ic,ness in inc+es3
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
0.$00 0
0.)"$ $
0.)00 10
;n t+e basis of t+e information abo8e& t+e longKterm
corrosion rate for t+e location is>
a. 1 C mils per year
b. $ mils per year
c. 10 mils per year
d. 100 mils per year
"6. ! certain -eld in 8essel =P1 material wit+ eEemptions in
!M. 2AIIIK9i8. 13 was required to +a8e P-M1 initially
according to code requirement. !fter 10 years w+en
repaired by welding is to be carried out. Performing P-M1
is found to be impracticable. -+at solution =according to
!PIK$103 would you offerD
a. P-M1 may be eEempted& if proper 79. is carried out
b. <arry out 1emperKbead welding as on alternati8e P-M1.
c. <arry out bot+ MydroKtesting and Pneumatic 1esting in
lieu of t+e P-M1
d. 7one of abo8e would be acceptable solution
"#. 9ouble wall ingle image tec+nique is used for t+e
radiograp+y of>
a. Plate welds
b. 1ubular products wit+ outer diameter more t+an '.$
c. Mea8y castings
d. 7one of abo8e
"H. -+ic+ of t+e following is a description of an @indicationFD
a. ! response or e8idence resulting from t+e application of a
nondestructi8e e8aluation tec+nique
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
b. ! defect if it is of siBe greater t+an ' mm
c. 1+e lig+t w+ic+ is emitted from a signal
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
'0. -elders carrying out repair(alteration according to !PI $10
s+all be qualified according to>
a. !PI 110) welding qualification code
b. !M. ec. IN code
c. !ny one of a or b abo8e
d. 7one of a or b abo8e
'1. -+ic+ of t+e following represent grouping of weldKmetals
in !M. IND
a. P 2 7os
b. F 2 7os
c. 2 7os
d. ! K 7os
'". ! PQR was qualified in $% position using a new welder. But
production welding is to be done in "% position. -+ic+ of
t+e following are applicable as a minimumD
a. Bot+ procedure and welder s+all be reKqualified in "%
b. 1+e qualified procedure can be used &only welder needs
to be reKqualified
c. 1+e welder is qualified& but t+e procedure needs reK
d. Bot+ procedure and welder need not be reKqualified.
''. For a 8essel& estimated remaining life is estimated as 6
years from now& neEt planned inspection s+all not be later
a. 6 Sears
b. '.$ Sears
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
c. $ Sears
d. / Sears
'). <alculate t+e remaining life and eEternal insp. inter8al of a
8essel gi8en t+e following data>
!ctual t+ic,ness = 0.H$$ inc+
Minimum t+ic,ness required = 0.6$$ inc+
1+ic,ness at pre8ious inspection $ years prior to present
inspection = 1.0"$ inc+
a. "0 years& 10 years
b. 1) years&$years
c. "# years& 10 years
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
'$. !M. ec AIII 9i8. 1 specifies different acceptance le8el
for weld reinforcement& w+ic+ of t+e following statements
are true in your opinion>
a. Permitted reinforcement for long. seems is +ig+er t+an
circ. seems
b. Permitted reinforcement for long. seems is lower t+an
circ. seems
c. Permitted reinforcement for long. seems is same as
circ. seems
d. Permitted reinforcement does not depend on location of
'/. -+ile deciding t+e go8erning t+ic,ness for crown portion
for corroded ">1 ellipsoidal +ead& !PI $10 stipulates t+at Q
crown t+ic,ness s+all be calculated>
a. !ccording to rele8ant ellipsoidal dis+ed +ead formula
b. !ccording to code formula for sp+erical +eads wit+ +ead
radius equal to 0.H 9& w+ere 9 is s+ell dia meter.
c. 1+ic,ness of crown s+all be same as ,nuc,le t+ic,ness
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
d. 7one of t+e abo8e.
'6. For instrument calibration = c+ec, Instrument response to
energy input in dB3 in Iltrasonic 1esting dB & amplitude
control linearity forms an important factor. 1+e allowable
tolerance for amplitude +eig+t linearity =of t+e nominal
amplitude ratio3 is>
a. : $ J
b. : 10 J
c. : 1$ J
d. : "0 J
'#. -+ic+ of t+e following !M. Boiler and Pressure Aessel
<ode sections are referenced in !PI $10D
a. !M. ection A
b. !M. ection AIII
c. !M. ection IN
d. !ll of abo8e
'H. -+ic+ of t+e following is ( are to be underta,en in case t+e
er8ice conditions of 8essel are c+angedD
a. 1+e 8essel s+all be +ydro tested only.
b. 1+e 8essel s+all be internally and eEternally inspected
before it is reKused.
c. 1+e allowable conditions =M!-P& 1emp. rating3 for new
ser8ice s+all be establis+ed and t+e neEt period of
inspection s+all be establis+ed for t+e new ser8ice.
d. 7one of abo8e
)0. 1+e period between .Eternal inspections for 8essels
=remaining life Y ) years3 s+all not eEceed w+ic+ of
a. maller of> ;ne +alf of t+e remaining life of t+e 8essel
and 10 years
b. $ years
c. 1+e lesser of @aF and @bF
d. 1+e +ig+er of a. and b.
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
)1. Materials used for ma,ing repair by welding in carbon steel
8essels s+all +a8e t+e following limitationsD
a. 1+ey s+all meet t+e requirements stipulated in 7!<.
MR 016$
b. 1+e carbon content s+all not be o8er 0.'$J
c. 1+e <arbon .qui8alent s+all not be o8er 0.'$J
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
)". For carrying out temper 2 bead welding tec+nique in lieu of
P-M1& w+ic+ of t+e following is applicableD
a. 1+e weld s+all be deposited by %1!- process& wit+
!rgon gas s+ielding
b. -eld metal s+all be deposited by M!- process using
lowKMydrogen electrodes
c. !fter depositing eac+ layers of t+e weld& 1+e weld s+all
be 9P c+ec,ed
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
)'. 1+e period between internal or onKstream inspections s+all
not eEceedD
a. ;ne +alf of t+e remaining life of t+e 8essel =based on
corrosion rate3
b. 10 years
c. In cases w+ere t+e safe wor,ing life is estimated to be
less t+an ) years t+e inspection inter8al may be t+e full
remaining safe operating life up to a maEimum of "
d. Least of all abo8e
)). If ri8et s+an, corrosion is anticipated for ri8eted 8essels
w+at testing met+ods are recommendedD
a. 1ensile testing of equi8alent siBed re8ets
b. Mammer testing
c. R1 at an angle to t+e s+an, aEis
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
d. ;nly @bF and @cF
)$. -+ic+ of t+e following classifications of +eat eEc+angers
would +a8e IKtubes incorporated into itD
a. !. type
b. B.M type
c. !.P type
d. <FI type
)/. -+ic+ of t+e following are typical conditions found on t+e
eEternal surfaces of 8esselsD
a. Mydrogen Blistering
b. Mydrogen embrittlement
c. <II
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
)6. 1+e eEternal surfaces of 8essels s+ould be eEamined for>
a. <II
b. settlement
c. distortions
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
)#. -+ic+ of t+e following are types of 791 met+odsD
a. Iltrasonic testing
b. Radiograp+ic testing
c. Mammer testing
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
)H. Mow many tube s+eets would a +eat eEc+anger +a8e w+ic+
incorporates IKtubes in itD
a. ;ne
b. 1wo
c. 1+ree
d. 7one of t+e abo8e
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
$0. c+eduling of refinery s+utdowns for maintenance or
inspection is usually arranged t+roug+ t+e collaboration of>
a. Process group
b. Maintenance group
c. Inspection group
d. !ll of t+e abo8e
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
API 510 Preparatory Course
1. !n ellipsoidal +ead +as an internal diameter of 6/ inc+es and
dept+ of "1 inc+es =including a straig+t face dimension of "
inc+es3. -+at s+ould its sp+erical =crown3 radius beD
a. 6/.H inc+es
b. 1$./ inc+es
c. /#.) inc+es
d. all of t+e abo8e
". ! lead letter of B is ,ept between cassette and film in order to
a. 1+e scatter in well wit+in t+e limitsK -+en B is dar,er
b. 1+e scatter isn well wit+in t+e limitsK -+en B is lig+ter
c. For t+e purpose of measuring t+e intensification factor
d. !s standard mar,ing on radiograp+s.
'. -+ic+ of t+e following penetrant system is generally considered
least sensiti8eD
a. -aterKwas+able
b. ol8ent remo8able
c. !ll equally sensiti8e
d. PostKemulsification
). -+ic+ of t+e following is an ad8antage of magnetic particle
testing o8er penetrant testingD
a. It can detect surface discontinuities wit+ foreign material.
b. Imbedded in t+em
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
c. It is faster on indi8idual parts.
d. It can detect nearKsurface discontinuities.
e. !ll of t+e abo8e.
$. -+ic+ of t+e following types of discontinuities is not normally
detected by radiograp+yD
a. <rac,s
b. Incomplete penetration
c. Laminations
d. lag
/. 9ouble wall 9ouble image tec+nique is used for t+e radiograp+y
a. Plate welds
b. 1ubular products wit+ outer diameter less t+an #6.$ mm
c. Large pipes wit+ outer diameter "00 mm and abo8e
d. Mea8y castings
6. 1+e temperature measured at a weld layer is around 1'0
during multipass welding. It is decided to carryout a surface 791
met+od. <+oose a best combination.
a. Penetrant testing wit+ dry de8eloper
b. Penetrant testing wit+ fluorent penetrant
c. Magnetic particle testing wit+ wet particles
d. Magnetic particle testing wit+ dry particles
#. In a magnetic particle testing& an operator reported a surface
indication wit+ t+e following dimensions. MaGor dimension is
/.0 mm and Minor dimension is ".0 mm. But upon using a
powerful magnifier& later it was re8ealed t+at it is only ) E 1.$
mm. 1+e indication s+all be>
a. accepted& as t+e magnifier s+ows indication wit+in acceptance
b. accepted& as it is not a maGor defect
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

Professional Training and Consultation
c. reGected& as t+e 8isual inspection using magnifier s+ows
critical indication
d. reGected& as t+e dimensions s+own by t+e indication is abo8e
acceptance standards

H. In ultrasonic testing& during scanning& eac+ pass of t+e searc+
unit s+all o8erlap a minimum of>
a. 10 J of t+e transducer dimension parallel to t+e direction of
t+e scan
b. 10 J of t+e transducer dimension perpendicular to t+e
direction of t+e scan
c. 100 J of t+e transducer dimension parallel to t+e direction of
t+e scan
d. 100 J of t+e transducer dimension perpendicular to t+e
direction of t+e scan
10. In t+e radiograp+y& penetrameter is put on t+e Gob to>
a. .8aluate t+e image quality of t+e radiograp+.
b. Measure t+e strengt+ of t+e penetrating radiation.
c. <+ec, t+e density of t+e radiograp+.
d. !ll of abo8e
P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ? TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?
i%&o'(o)o*T+.,om ? ---.(o)o*T+.,om

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