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lnLroducuon Lo

C 8 L L n 8 u l L u l n C

romote Susta|nab|||ty |n the 8u||t Lnv|ronment
Creen bulldlngs consume less energy, less waLer and generaLe less
wasLe, and creaLe a healLhy and producuve envlronmenL for

A Creen bulldlng focuses on lncreaslng Lhe emclency of resource
use - energy, waLer, and maLerlals - whlle reduclng bulldlng lmpacL
on human healLh and Lhe envlronmenL durlng Lhe bulldlngs
llfecycle, Lhrough beuer slmng, deslgn, consLrucuon, operauon,
malnLenance, and removal. Creen 8ulldlngs should be deslgned and
operaLed Lo reduce Lhe overall lmpacL of Lhe bullL envlronmenL on
lLs surroundlngs.

Green ?

Creen bulldlngs are deslgned Lo save energy and resources, recycle
maLerlals and mlnlmlse Lhe emlsslon of Loxlc subsLances LhroughouL lLs
llfe cycle.

Creen bulldlngs harmon|se w|th the |oca| c||mate, trad|nons, cu|ture
and the surround|ng env|ronment.

Creen bulldlngs are ab|e to susta|n and |mprove the qua||ty of human
||fe whllsL malnLalnlng Lhe capaclLy of Lhe ecosysLem aL local and global

Creen bulldlngs make emclenL use of resources, have slgnlcanL
operauonal savlngs and lncreases workplace producuvlLy.

8u||d|ng green sends the r|ght message about a company or
organ|sanon - that |t |s we|| run, respons|b|e, and comm|ued to the
SusLalnablllLy ln Lhe
8u||t Lnv|ronment
8aungs & AssessmenL CrlLerla
G8I 8ulldlng key leaLures
S|te Deve|opment
ueslgn Lhe 8ulldlng wlLh mlnlmal fooLprlnL
Lo mlnlmlze slLe dlsrupuon and maxlmlze
publlc spaces/landscape.

Doub|e G|azed W|ndow
1he exLerlor curLaln walls of Lhe bulldlng
wlll conslsL of Low-L double glazed
wlndows, for opumum heaL and sound
lnsulauon and shleldlng from glare.

Lnergy-sav|ng, I|ex|-zone A|r-Cond|non|ng
lnsLead of convenuonal alr-condluonlng,
Lhe bulldlng wlll use a cenLrallzed waLer-
chllled alr-condluonlng sysLem wlLh
lndlvldual alr handllng unlLs on each oor
and energy-savlng green chlller.

Lnergy-sav|ng L|ghnng
Lnergy llghL mngs wlLh dayllghL sensor
sysLem can dlm perlpheral llghL xLures
durlng Lhe brlghLesL parLs of Lhe day and be
swlLched on when dayllghLs level drop or
when acuvaLed by mouon sensors aer
normal worklng hour.

ka|n Water Storage & Water-sav|ng I|mngs
1o have a raln waLer collecuon sysLem for
LolleLs ushlng and lrrlgauon.
usage of waLer-conservlng sanlLary mngs.

Green Mater|a|s and kesources
usage of Creen MaLerlals l.e. Low vCC
palnLs, Creen Label CarpeL, cerued umber
and usage of recycled-maLerlals where
posslble Lo mlnlmlze envlronmenLal lmpacL.

asslve ueslgn

asslve deslgn ls abouL ensurlng LhaL Lhe fabrlc of Lhe bulldlng and Lhe spaces wlLhln lL respond eecuvely Lo local cllmaLe and slLe
condluons ln order Lo maxlmlze comforL for Lhe occupanLs.

asslve deslgn ls a key elemenL of susLalnable bulldlng. lL alms Lo maxlmlze comforL for people worklng ln Lhe bulldlng whlle mlnlmlzlng
energy use and oLher lmpacLs on Lhe envlronmenL. 1hls means maklng Lhe mosL of free, naLural sources of energy, such as Lhe sun and
Lhe wlnd, Lo provlde heaung, coollng, venulauon and llghung and Lo conLrlbuLe Lo responslble energy use.

1hese are key elemenLs LhaL can be lmplemenLed ln Lhls pro[ecL:-
- Cmce LayouL ArrangemenL- Lo make use of naLural Llghung and naLural venulauon.
- Zonlng of rooms and occupanL acuvlues Lo Lake accounL of Lhe suns movemenL, day llghung and poLenual sources of nolse
- Parnesslng of naLural breezes for venulauon - Lo cool lnLernal spaces and remove conLamlnanLs
- Carefully consldered placemenL and slzes of wlndows and openlng sashes
- Cholces of MaLerlals for beuer Lhermal mass - l.e Walls, Slabs, uouble Clazlng Wlndows, 8oofs and lnsulauons
- Cholces on ArchlLecLural llnlshes for beuer lndoor Alr CuallLy - l.e alnL, CarpeL, 1lmber 8oards

Acuve ueslgn

1hese are key elemenLs (acuve approach) LhaL can be lmplemenLed ln Lhls pro[ecL:-
- LlghL Sensor
- Mouon Sensor aL all LolleLs and corrldors
- Lnergy LmclenL LlghLs llmngs
- ApproprlaLe PvAC SysLem
- 8ulldlng AuLomaLed SysLem
- 8ecycllng of Crey WaLer
- 8alnwaLer Parvesung for lrrlgauon and LolleL ushlng
G8I asslve & Acuve Approach

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