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How to Make Herbal Soap: Aloe Vera Soap
Aloe vera soap is anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and soothing on cuts and burnsand very easy to make with this
herbal soap recipe.
By Mar Gmez
October 2014
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You can take advantage of aloe vera's
stellar healing qualities by making aloe
vera soap.
Photo courtesy Robert Rose
Sl i des how
Use Aloe as a Natural Burn
Aloe vera gel is a quick, natural f irst
aid burn treatment option.
Old School Beauty Basics: How
to Make Glycerin
In The Best Natural Homemade Soaps (Robert Rose, 2014), Mar Gmez offers 40 recipes for
simple, luxurious soaps based on three essential ingredients: water, olive oil and caustic soda.
Gmez adds a number of natural ingredients like beeswax, cocoa butter, essential oils and
herbal infusions to help you customize a soap thats perfect for you, and each soap recipe is
introduced with the history and therapeutic uses of the distinctive ingredient. The following
recipe is for aloe vera soap.
Aloe v era is a succulent plant of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family , which
grows in the deserts of southern Africa.
Aloin is extracted by squeezing the plants spiked cactus-ty pe leav es.
This greenish-y ellow liquid is used to induce v omiting and should not be
consumed. Howev er, it has extraordinary v irtues if used topically on
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the skin. For this soap, y ou will only need 1 to 2 tbsp.
Aloe can be used as an energy food, but in that case the dermis and
epidermis of the leav es must be discarded (they contain the bulk of the
aloin and other irritating substances) and the pulp must be washed
carefully . For aloe v era soap, the opposite is true. If we want the aloe to
y ield its therapeutic properties, its juices must contain aloin. Simply
squeeze the leav es to extract the juice.
Aloe v era has so many healthy properties that it is almost impossible to
list them all: it is anti-infectiv e, anti-inflammatory and soothing on
cuts and burns; it promotes healing; it regenerates the skin; and it
soothes and heals wounds, bruises, muscle or joint pain, acne, skin
blemishes, and so on.
The word aloe comes from Arabic and means shining bitter substance, while the word vera is Latin for
true. The Egy ptians and Sumerians used it in their day , and now there are many v arieties grown in places
far and wide.
Aloe Vera Soap Recipe
7 .5 oz mineral water
3 oz ly e (caustic soda)
1 .5 lbs extra v irgin oliv e oil
0.4 oz beeswax
1 .8 oz aloe v era juice
0.1 8 oz mint essential oil
1. Wearing glov es and goggles, pour mineral water into a large saucepan. Add ly e slowly , stirring gently until
it is dissolv ed.
2. Using a thermometer, monitor the temperature of the ly e mixture until it is between 1 20 degrees F and 1 40
degrees F.
3. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, heat oliv e oil to between 1 20 degrees F and 1 40 degrees F, stirring in
beeswax slowly .
4. Remov e oliv e oil mixture from heat. Add ly e mixture to oliv e oil mixture, stirring slowly and try ing not to
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5. Stir occasionally , ev ery 1 5 minutes or so, until the mixture thickens and congeals. (It will hav e a texture
similar to that of light may onnaise.)
6. Stir in aloe v era juice and essential oil. Stir for 1 minute with a spoon (or with a whisk, taking care not to
create any foam).
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