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Lidia Moragues

Allan J. Daly University of San Diego, California

Started introducing himself saying that he was the first one of his family
to reach university, and explained us that if you cant go to university,
that doesnt mean you arent smart enough, that may depend on your
social state for example. He also said that he went to university because
her grandmother knew a guy who was uncharged of university and that if
it wasnt for that, he maybe hadnt gone to university. For this reason, he
told us that bound between you and school is very important.
In 1988 he started teaching 6
Demographics are not destiny, only because you have been born in
deficient circumstances, that dont mean you are not going to go far in
He told us a story about a kid on a beach who was returning all the
starfishes he found on the seashore, there were thousands of them and
a man said to him: why are you returning all the starfishes, there are
thousands of them you wont make difference, meanwhile, the kid gets
another starfish ant throws it to the sea and says, because of this one,
Ive just made a difference. With this, he shows that with a little gesture
you can make a big difference.

In life you have to reflect, reach and dream.
Approaching your work from the inside-out.
Clarity and focus on purpose.
Lidia Moragues

Believes in transforming education in a diverse society.
Edison (low theoretical value, high consideration of applied use).
Bohr (high theoretical value, low consideration of applied use).
Pasteur (high theoretical value, high consideration of applied use).
Hippopotamus dancing as an example of big ideas. You have to
transform big ideas into insignificant ideas.
Good knowledge can defend us (shield) towards bad ideas, but can also
attack (sword) towards someone.
Culture eats strategy for breakfast (Peter Drucker)
Human capital: Everything inside of you.
Social capital: Helping each other.
In a jar there are a lot of jelly sweets and you have to guess how many
there are, you will not hit the correct answer, but if we make the average
between all the answers of our pupils, the resultant number will be very
close to the right one.
Between science and art there is a wonder.
Wait time: Time passed between question and answer in order to let the
students guess.
Think the world as a network (all connected).
Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed citizens to
change the world. Indeed, it has never been done otherwise. (Margaret

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