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Kode Matakuliah : EKA 450

Jumlah Kredit : 2

Dosen Pengampu : Puji Harto, SE, M.Si, Ph.D, Akt

Deskripsi Matakuliah
Mata kuliah ini merupakan sarana untuk memperkenalkan dan menstimulasi ketertarikan mahasiswa pada bidang bisnis internasional. Tujuan
dari mata kuliah ini adalah memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai lingkungan politik, hukum, budaya dan ekonomika dari
bisnis internasional dan bagaimana kekuatan tersebut berpengaruh dalam membentuk perdagangan, investasi, dan aktivitas bisnis. Selain itu
juga akan dijelaskan mengenai strategi bisnis dan keputusan manajerial dalam lingkup perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
Meeting Group Topic Tujuan Pembelajaran Sub Topics Chapter Case Study
1 Globalization of
and the
of the Firm
1 Understand what is meant by
the term globalization.
2 Recognize the main drivers of
3 Describe the changing nature
of the global economy.
4 Explain the main arguments in
the debate over the impact of
5 Understand how the process
of globalization is creating
opportunities and challenges
for business managers.
1. What is globalization?
2. The Emergence of Global
3. Drivers of Globalization
4. The Changing Demographics of
the Global Economy
5. The Globalization Debate
6. Managing in the Global
Chapter 1

The Globalization of
2 1 National Differences
in Political
1 Understand how the political
systems of countries differ.
2 Understand how the economic
systems of countries differ.
3 Understand how the legal
systems of countries differ.
4 Explain the implications for
management practice of
national differences in
political economy.
1. Political Systems
2. Economic Systems
3. Legal Systems
4. Drivers of market globalization
5. Technological advances
6. Societal consequences of market
7. Firm-level consequences of
market globalization:
Internationalization of the firms
Chapter 2 Indonesia-Asia's
Stumbling Giant
value chain
3 2 Differences in
1 Explain what is meant by
the culture of a society.
2 Identify the forces that lead
to differences in social
3 Identify the business and
economic implications of
differences in culture.
4 Recognize how differences in
social culture influence
values in the workplace.
5 Demonstrate an appreciation
for the economic and business
implications of cultural
1. What Is Culture?
2. Social Structure
3. Religious and Ethical Systems
4. Language
5. Education
6. Culture and the Workplace
7. Cultural Change

Chapter 4

Matsushita (Panasonic)
and Japan's Changing
4 3 Ethics in
1 Understand the ethical issues
faces by international
2 Recognize an ethical dilemma.
3 Identify the causes of
unethical behavior by
4 Describe the different
philosophical approaches to
5 Explain how managers can
incorporate ethical
considerations into their
decision making.
1. Ethical Issues in International
2. Ethical Dilemmas
3. The Roots of Unethical
4. Philosophical Approaches to
Chapter 5 Siemens Bribery
5 4 International Trade
1 Understand why nations trade
with each other.
2 Summarize the different
theories explaining trade
flows between nations.
3 Recognize why many
economists believe that
1. An Overview of Trade Theory
2. Mercantilism
3. Absolute Advantage
4. Comparative Advantage
5. Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
6. The Product Life-Cycle Theory
7. New Trade Theory
Chapter 6 The Rise of
Bangladesh's Textile
unrestricted free trade
between nations will raise the
economic welfare of countries
that participate in a free trade
4 Explain the arguments of
those who maintain that
government can play a
proactive role in promoting
national competitive
advantage in certain
5 Understand the important
implications that international
trade theory holds for
business practice.
8. National Competitive Advantage:
Porter's Diamond
6 5 The Political
Economy of
International Trade
1 Identify the policy instruments
used by governments to
influence international trade
2 Understand why governments
sometimes intervene in
international trade.
3 Summarize and explain the
arguments against strategic
trade policy.
4 Describe the development of
the world trading system and
the current trade issue.
5 Explain the implications for
managers of developments in
the world trading system.
1. Instruments of Trade Policy
2. Political and legal environments in
international business
3. Political systems
4. Legal systems
5. Participants in political and legal
6. Types of country risk produced by
political systems
7. Types of country risk produced by
legal systems
8. Managing country risk
Chapter 7 Political, Legal, and
Ethical Dilemmas
in the Global
Pharmaceutical Industry
7 6 Regional Economic
1 Describe the different levels
of regional economic
2 Understand the economic and
political arguments for
regional economic
1. Regional integration and
economic blocs
2. Levels of regional integration
3. The leading economic blocs
4. Advantages of regional integration
5. Success factors for regional
Chapter 9 Russell Corporation:
Choosing between
and Regional Free Trade
3 Understand the economic and
political arguments against
regional economic
4 Explain the history, current
scope, and future prospects
of the world's most important
regional economic
5 Understand the implications
for business that are inherent
in regional economic
integration agreements.
6. Ethical dilemmas and drawbacks
of regional integration
7. Management implications of
regional integration
8 7 The Strategy of
1 Explain the concept of
2 Recognize how firms can
profit by expanding globally.
3 Understand how pressures for
cost reductions and pressures
for local responsiveness
influence strategic choice.
4 Identify the different
strategies for competing
globally and their pros and
1. Strategy in international business
2. Building the global firm
3. The integration-responsiveness
4. Strategies based on the
5. Organizational structure
6. Organizational structures for
international operations
Chapter 12 Carlos Ghosn: Leading
for Global Success at
9 8 The Organization of
1 Explain what is meant by
organization architecture.
2 Describe the different
organizational choices that
can be made in an
international business.
3 Explain how organization can
be matched to strategy to
improve the performance of
an international business.
1. Assessing global market
2. Analyzing organizational
readiness to internationalize
3. Assessing the suitability of
products and services for foreign
4. Screening countries to identify
target markets
5. Assessing industry market
Chapter 13

Advanced Biomedical
Devices: Assessing
Readiness to Export
4 Discuss what is required for
an international business to
change its organization so
that it bett er matches its
6. Choosing foreign business
7. Estimating company sales
10 9 Entry Strategy and
1 Explain the three basic
decisions that firms
contemplating foreign
expansion must make: which
markets to enter, when to
enter those markets, and on
what scale.
2 Compare and contrast the
different modes that firms
use to enter foreign markets.
3 Identify the factors that
influence a firm's choice of
entry mode.
4 Recognize the pros and cons
of acquisitions versus
greenfield ventures as an
entry strategy.
5 Evaluate the pros and cons of
entering into strategic
1. An overview of foreign market
entry strategies
2. Internationalization of the firm
3. Exporting as a foreign market
entry strategy
4. Managing export-import
5. Payment methods in exporting and
6. Export-import financing
7. Identifying and working with
foreign intermediaries
8. Countertrade: A popular approach
for emerging markets and
developing economies
Chapter 14 Barrett Farm Foods: A
Small Firms
International Launch
11 10 Exporting,
Importing, and
1 Explain the promises and
risks associated with
2 Identify the steps managers
can take to improve their
firm's export performance.
3 Identify information sources
and government programs
that exist to help exporters.
4 Recognize the basic steps
involved in export financing.
5 Describe how countertrade
can be used to facilitate
1. Contractual entry strategies
2. Licensing as an entry strategy
3. Advantages and disadvantages of
4. Franchising as an entry strategy
5. Advantages and disadvantages of
6. Other contractual entry strategies
7. Guidelines for protecting
intellectual property
Chapter 16 Subway and the
Challenges of
Franchising in China
12 11 Global Production,
Outsourcing, and
1 Explain why production and
logistics decisions are of
central importance to many
multinational businesses.
2 Explain how country
differences, production
technology, and product
features all affect the choice
of where to locate production
3 Recognize how the role of
foreign subsidiaries in
production can be enhanced
over time as they accumulate
4 Identify the factors that
influence a firm's decision of
whether to source supplies
from within the company or
from foreign suppliers.
5 Describe what is required to
eff iciently coordinate a
globally dispersed
production system.
1. Outsourcing, global sourcing, and
2. Benefits of global sourcing
3. Risks of global sourcing
4. Strategies for minimizing the risks
of global sourcing
5. Implementing global sourcing
through supply-chain
6. Global sourcing and corporate
social responsibility
Chapter 17 Wolverine World Wide
13 12 Global Human
1 Summarize the strategic role
of human resource
management in the
international business.
2 Identify the pros and cons of
different approaches to
staffing policy in the
international business.
3 Explain why managers may
fail to thrive in foreign
4 Recognize how management
development and training
1. The Strategic Role of
International HRM
2. Staffing Policy
3. Training and Management
4. Compensation
5. International Labor Relations
6. International distribution
Chapter 19

programs can increase the
value of human capital in the
international business firm.
5 Explain how and why
performance appraisal
systems might vary across
6 Understand how and why
compensation systems might
vary across nations.
7 Understand how organized
labor can influence strategic
choices in international
business firms.
14 13 Accounting and
Finance in
the International
1 Discuss the national
differences in accounting
2 Explain the implications of
the rise of international
accounting standards.
3 Explain how accounting
systems affect control
systems within the
multinational enterprise.
4 Discuss how operating in
different nations impacts
investment decisions within
the multinational enterprise.
5 Discuss the different financing
options available to the
foreign subsidiary of a
multinational enterprise.
6 Understand how money
management in the
international business can be
used to minimize cash
balances, transaction costs,
and taxation.
1. National Differences in
Accounting Standards
2. Accounting Aspects of Control
3. Financial Management: The
Investment Decision
4. Financial Management: The
Financing Decision
5. Financial Management: Global
Money Management

Chapter 20 Brazil's Gol Airlines
7 Understand the basic
techniques for global money

Pengarang: Charles W. L. Hill.- 9th edition, Penerbit Mc GrawHill

1. Kelompok yang maju melakukan presentasi materi bab sesuai urutan silabus.
2. Soal kasus yang ada di bagian akhir masing-masing bab akan dibahas oleh kelompok yang ditunjuk secara random.
3. Dosen akan menunjuk kelompok lain untuk memberikan tanggapan atas kasus yang dibahas.
4. Peserta kelas selain kelompok yang maju presentasi materi wajib membuat dan mengumpulkan ringkasan materi yang ditulis tangan dalam kertas
folio bergaris minimum 4 halaman.
5. Kelompok yang maju wajib mengumpulkan makalah bab yang dibahas kepada dosen pengampu.
6. Pada akhir semester, setiap mahasiswa wajib membuat dan mengumpulkan paper tentang aspek bisnis internasional, minimal 5 halaman kuarto
diketik dan dijilid.

1. Kehadiran 10%
2. Tugas Harian dan kuis 15%
3. Partisipasi &Kinerja Kelompok 25%
4. Ujian Tengah Semester 25%
5. Ujian Akhir Semester 25%
Recent Grad in IB:
Salah satu keunggulan buku text acuan mata kuliah ini adalah ilustrasi tentang kesempatan berkarir pada bisnis internasional. Silahkan anda pelajari
lebih lanjut mengenai profil para lulusan sarjana dari beragam latar belakang dan Negara. Cermati bagaimana mereka meniti karir pada perusahaan
multinasional atau bahkan perusahaan skala kecil.
Chapter Nama Profil Hal ket
Chapter 1 Ashley Lumb 20
Chapter 3 Cynthia Asoka 77
Chapter 4 Zhibo (Lawrence) Yu 96
Chapter 10 Andrew and Jamie Waskey 272
Chapter 11 Maria Keeley 297
Chapter 13 Javier Estrada 352
Chapter 15 Jennifer Knippen 403
Chapter 18 John Dykhouse: Trade Development Manager 485
Chapter 20 Chip Besse 547

Aturan Presentasi Kelompok:
1. Setiap kelompok yang maju harus mempersiapkan diri terlebih dahulu. Persiapan yang dilakukan antara lain pemahaman dan penguasaan materi
yang dibahas.
2. Powerpoint yang dibuat maksimal berisikan 9 baris kalimat dalam satu slide. Hanya point-point penting (kata-kata kunci) saja yang dicantumkan
didalam slide, jangan mencantumkan kalimat yang panjang.
3. Waktu presentasi dibatasi maksimal 40 menit. Disarankan slide yang dibuat tidak terlalu banyak (maksimum 25 slide).
4. Para anggota kelompok yang melakukan presentasi ketika memberikan penjelasan dilarang hanya membaca dari slide. Jika membaca saja, maka
tidak perlu dilakukan presentasi, cukup memfotokopi slide presentasi dan membagikan kepada peserta kuliah.
5. Posisi pihak presenter selama presentasi diarahkan untuk menghadap kearah audiens, jangan membelakangi audiens.
6. Selama sesi tanya jawab kelompok yang maju dilarang membuka alat elektronik seperti laptop, tablet, Hp untuk membuka internet. Jawaban
pertanyaan didiskusikan oleh anggota kelompok tanpa alat bantu internet.
7. Kelompok yang lain harus menyimak presentasi dan memberikan penilaian tertulis terhadap kinerja presentasi (form akan dibagikan).
8. Setiap pertanyaan dari peserta kelas harus tercatat dan terdokumentasikan dengan baik oleh kelompok yang maju.

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