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Prepared by


Nursing Science Study Program

A.Yani Health School

Approved by

Th. Donna Hapsari, M.Hum

Date: ______________


A. Background
Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence and disorders of
pregnancy and the fetus. Thats warning is in each pack of cigarettes. Most smokers,
who spies on her is actually understands the dangers of smoking, but the smoking
pleasure of beating the awareness of the importance of health. As conveyed Siddiq
Machmud, UPN student who has been a passive smoker since high school. "An
important health problem, but I enjoy when smoking," he said.
Likewise with Amir, a student Prodi YKPN Management and students of the Faculty
of Sharia Khoeruddin Isro UIN (Sunan Kali Jaga), who was also a heavy smoker.
When contacted separately, they say that it is difficult to quit smoking because they
are addicted. "Better not eat than not smoking," said Amir.
B. Discussion
Passive smoker and active smoker
Passive smoking cigarettes is people directly, whereas passive smokers are
people who do not smoke but the smoke is blown inhale active smokers. Active
smokers is very risk of contracting heart disease to lung cancer. But in fact,
secondhand smoke also pose a danger to health. Inhaling second hand smoke (aka
passive smokers) three times more dangerous than smoking cigarettes alone (active
smokers). Why? Because the toxins produced by the largest cigarette smoke billowing
from the tip of the cigarette was not smoked. The smoke is the result of incomplete
combustion of tobacco. The concentration of harmful substances in the body passive
smokers is greater, because the poison that he smoked with his nose and not filtered,
while the cigarette toxins in the body filtered through the end of the current smokers
of cigarettes smoked. Of course it is best not to smoke at all, and always stay away
from smoke-filled area.
Impact of Smoking for Body: The dangers of smoking are often not aware of, in
passive smokers potentially exposed to various kinds of diseases, including: cancer,
heart attacks, impotence and disorders of pregnancy and fetal
Impact of smoking for Students: Lowering the concentrations studied, Performance
Lowering the body, Reducing allowances, more difficult to recover pain and
The role of universities
Creating a college campus and smoking is something to be pursued,
although in practice it is very difficult to implement. Determination of non-smoking
campus, very precise begins when the new admissions. Students who pass the
selection in the public universities had to sign a contract not to smoke during the
study. Wisdom necessary leadership to create a healthy campus environment area,
comfortable, clean of cigarette smoke and cigarette advertising, so the campus is
expected to give birth to the young generation of healthy, creative and non-smoking.

Many ways that we can stop smoking?

Stages the first and foremost is the great intentions and truly want to quit
smoking. Without great intentions impossible for a person to quit smoking. Many
self-confessed heavy smoker and admitted that they were very great determination to
quit smoking. But when they came out and reunited with friends who smoke, the
desire came back. This is why it's intention and determination of the most important
when you want to really quit smoking.
1. Earnest intention to quit smoking.
2. Learn hate cigarette
3. Associate with people who do not smoke
4. More often go to places that are air-conditioned office
5. Move all items associated with smoking.
6. If you want to smoke, wait for another 10 minutes.
7. Tell your friends and nearby people if we want to stop smoking.
8. Reduce amount smoking little by little.
9. Remove dazed habits or wait.
10. Frequently go to the hospital, in order to know the importance of health.
11. Find a replacement for cigarettes, such as candy or sugar.
12. Try and try again if it still fails.
C. Suggestion
As intellectuals we certainly know a lot of the dangers of smoking from now
on, let's begin to stop smoking, create a campus environment that is clean and healthy.
Many ways that we can stop smoking, but most important and foremost to know the
dangers of smoking and the intention with sincerity then try the above tips. If not
successful, try again and again "Indonesian Student Life".
D. Conclusion
The conclusion we can draw from the above explanation is, the danger that
caused the smoke is not just for smokers, but also in passive smokers. The role of the
student is expected to be a person who does not smoke for a variety of health and
financial reasons were not good.

E. Reference
Kompas. Desember 2011. 27 Mahasiswa Harus Sadar Bahaya Rokok.Edisi 57

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