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1.1 The Background of the Study
Language is one of the most important things in human being, because it
plays a great role in human life for making interaction. By using language
someone could make statements, convey facts and knowledge, explain or report
something, and keep social relations among the language users. These indicate
that by means of language, people can express their ideas, feeling, information,
and messages through communication.
In order to communicate in English well, we should have English
proficiency both in written and spoken. In English, written is distinct from
spoken. It is considered that written English is more difficult than spoken English.
Furthermore, to be better in written English we must know about the grammar
first. Grammar is the most important thing in studying English. Studying grammar
enable us to know how to use English correctly.
Kaplan (1995: 134) states that the term of grammar is often used to refer
to a particular body of information about a language. It has something to do with
the structure of words and sentences. While Sibarani (2002:12) states that word
are the smallest linguistic unit which can occur on its own including lexeme and
word form. Words can be grouped into word classes, traditionally they are labeled
into parts of speech, according to their use; that is according to the work they do
in a sentence, and they are: verb, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition,
conjunction, and interjection.

One of the element grammar is conjunction that used to link words,

phrases, and clauses together and provide a smooth transition between ideas.
Conjunction refers to the use of formal markers to link sentences or the bigger
parts of text, which also realize semantic relations between parts of text and;
therefore, functions as a cohesive device. Baker (1991: 191)
Conjunctive elements are cohesive not in themselves but directly, by virtue
of their specific meanings; they are not primarily devices for reaching out into the
preceding (or following) text, but they express certain meanings which presuppose
the presence of other components in the discourse (Halliday: 1976:266).
Conjunction sometimes is named as conjunctive relation.
Halliday and Hasan (1984: 227) state that conjunctive relation is a
relationship that indicates how the subsequent sentence or clause should be linked
to thepreceding or the following (part of the) sentence. In other words,
conjunction relation is a word or part of speech to link other words or phrases.
One use of a conjunctive relatiom is to connect words or phrases that have the
same grammatical function in a sentence.
The existence of conjunction or conjunctive relation is absolutely
important to be observed because conjunction is used as the glue that ties in every
sentence. In this case, this study also observes conjunction used in novel. In it the
writers have to create their statement as well as possible in order to make the
language they used arranged nicely so that the ideas can be received easily
without ambiguous statement. Therefore, it needs cohesive markers such as
conjunction to make it clearly interpreted.

The use of conjunction can be found in many various types of texts,

comprising literary, religious, scientific, or philosophical texts because it has
function to tie a word with another word, a clause with another clause. It will help
us to understand the connection of the sentences or the paragraphs.. So, the role of
conjunction is very important, not only in scientific and technology books, but
also in literary books.
Literary book is the art of written work. Literature may consist of texts
based on factual information (journalistic or non-fiction), as well as on original
imagination, such as poetry, prose, short story, novel, play and etc.
Novel is one example of literature work, and inside of it there is an
equivalent effect to reader. The researcher uses the novel written by Elizabeth
Gilberts entitled Eat, Pray, Love. This novel was an international bestseller,
translated into over thirty languages, with over 10 million copies sold worldwide.
In 2010, Eat, Pray, Love was made into a film starring Julia Roberts, and some
Indonesia players like Chritina Hakim, Hadi Subiyanto, and etc. The novel
became so popular that Time Magazine named Elizabeth as one of the 100 most
influential people in the world.
The subject of this research is the conjunctive relation in the novel Eat,
Pray, Love: by Elizaberth Gilberths. This research tries to analyze the use of
conjunctive elements in the novel Eat, Pray, Love. The reason why this topic is
interesting to be discussed is because in this novel the researcher can find various
kinds of conjunctive relation that can be analyzed. The role of conjunctive relation
and how they are coded in the novel will be discussed in this research.

Some previous researches had been conducted in dealing with the topic
conjunction by university student . One of the research is Kelara Kartika, Lili
(2009) in her thesis Conjunctions in William Faulkners Short Story A Rose
For Emily. Kelara Kartika, Lili (2009) was the student of Faculty of Letters
English Department University of Sumatera Utara Medan. In this thesis she
discuses the structure of Conjunction by applying theory of Wren and Martin
(1989) that explains conjunctive relations can be devided into two, they are :
Coordinating Conjunction and Sub Ordinating Conjunction. She applies the
library research method. The purpose of her thesis to clarify the use of conjunctive
relation and to determine the percentage of the conjunctions.
Another research was conducted by Ramasawmy, Narainsamy (2004) in
her thesis entitled Conjunctive Cohesion And Relational Coherence in Students
Composition. She was a student of Master of Arts With Specialisation in
Applied Linguistics, University of South Africa. This research study examines the
relationship between conjunctive cohesion and relational coherence in students
narrative and expository compositions and writing quality (here defined in terms
of teachers ratings).
Based on all the explanations above, the writer is concerned in researching
deeply the analysis of the conjunctive relation in the novel pray, eat and love
written by Elizabeth Gilberts.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

Talking about literary book especially in novel we can not avoid talking
about conjunctions, since conjunction is one of the elements that construct a
sentence. The use of conjuntion become a phenomenon and interested study to
research. Regarding to the topic that is going to be discussed, this research
addreses the following problem:
1. What types of conjunctive relations are there in the novel eat, pray, love by
Elizabeth Gilberth?
2. How are the conjunctive relations coded in the novel eat, pray, love by
Elizabeth Gilberth?
3. Why are the conjunctive relation used in the novel eat, pray, love by Elizabeth
Gilberth the way they are?
1.3 The Scope of the Study
This study is only concerned with the novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love
which is used as the data source of conjunctive relations written by Elizabeth

The discussion of the research will cover word, syntax, semantic,

pragmatic, conjunctive relative.

In this thesis, the researcher will apply the theory of Halliday that devides
conjunctive relation into , they are : additive relation, adversative relation, causal
relations and temporal relation.

1.4 The Objectives of the Study

In general this research aims at improving my knowledge, especially in the

area of translation, as well as to put into application the theories and concepts of
translation by conducting a research. The research focuses on the functions of the
conjunctive relations in English novel Eat, Pray, Love. The objectives of the study
are more specifically as follow :
1. to find out conjunctive relations are there in the novel eat, pray, love by
Elizabeth Gilberth.
2. to analyze the conjunctive relations are coded in the novel eat, pray, love by
Elizabeth Gilberth.
3. to investigate the conjunctive relation used in the novel eat, pray, love by
Elizabeth Gilberth the way they are.

1.5 The Significances of the Study

Based on the problems in using conjunctives relations in the novel eat,
pray, love by Elizabeth gilberts and the objectives of the study, the significance
of the study is stated as follows:
1) The result of this study can be used as additional knowledge to improve the
vocabulary of conjunctive relations for Indonesian learners who study English.
2) The result of the study is expected to be able to improve the ability of
Indonesian learners in studying English
3) This study is also useful to anyone who is doing research especially for s/he
who has concentration for conjunctive relations topic.

2.1 Conjunctive Relations
Conjunctive relation is one of the items in grammar, a body rules
specifying how meaning are created in English. Conjunctive relation sometime is
called conjunction as a word that links words, phrases, and clauses. It can be said
that conjunctions were linking or joining words which joined together
various things. If a conjunctions joined words, then any word that occur
between others would be a conjunctions (Ehrlich, 2000:142).
Talking about English especially English sentence we can not avoid
talking about conjunctive relation, since conjunctive relation is one of the
elements that construct a sentence. Using conjunctions in English whether it is
written or spoken is not an easy to do because the usage of conjunctive relations
are different that make many problems we have to face. As what they said one of
conjunctive relations that can not be used to join two ideas into a single sentence.
When we use conjunctive relations incorrectly in this way, the result is called to
run-on sentence, run-on sentences are grammatical incorrect (Edu, 2009).
When we used conjunctive relations, we should consider their function
and meaning. For example : I sweep the floor and clean the window. Here,
conjunctions and used to add some information. So by mastering conjunctions,
our language will be developed.

2.1.1 Definition of Conjunctive Relations

Conjunctive relations are semantic relations holding between two clauses,

or sentences which can be represented by various devices. And 'conjunction' refers
to the use of formal markers to link sentences or the bigger parts of text, which
also realize semantic relations between parts of text and; therefore, functions as a
cohesive device.
There are some definition about conjunctive relations based on some
grammarians. Wren and Martin (2004:129) state that conjunction is a word which
merely joins together sentences and sometimes word. Conjunction joins together
sentence and often makes them more compact. While Frank (1985: 206) states
that conjunctions are member of small class that have no characteristic form, their
function are chiefly as non moveable structure words that join such units as part
of speech , phrases, or clauses. He also divides them into two general types of
conjunction: they are coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction.
Baker (1991: 191) notes some points about conjunctive relation. First the
same connective may be used to signal different relations, depending on the
context, this is in line with Alwi, et.al. (2003:398) who states that the semantic
relation between clauses in complex sentences depends first on the meaning of the
connective itself and second on the meaning stated by the clauses it conjoins.
Alwi, et.al. (2003) classifies additional relation based on its context in the
text into additional relation that state cause and result, additional relation that state
time order, additional relation that state contrast between proposition and lastly
additional relation that state expansion of a proposition. This can be compared to
Halliday & Hasan's (I976) internal-external conjunctive dichotomy below.

Second, the conjunctive relations can be expressed by a variety of means;

the use of connective is not the only device for expressing a temporal or causal
relation, for instance in English, a temporal relation may be expressed by means
of a verb such as follow or precede, and a causal relation is inherent in the
meanings of verb such as cause and lead to. Sometimes, even without any explicit
signal, a reader or hearer can recognize such a meaning relation.
Third conjunctive relations do not just reflect relations between external
phenomena but may also be set up to reflect relations which are internal to the text
or communicative situation. For instance, temporal relations are not restricted to
sequence in real time: they may reflect stages in the unfolding text, for example ,
the use of first, second and third in the paragraph.
Based on the clarification above conjunctive relation conjunctive relation
involves the use of formal markers to relate sentences, clauses and paragraphs to
each other. Conjunctive relatiom is an uninflected function word that serves to
conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences.
Unlike reference, substitution and ellipsis, the use of conjunction does not
instruct the reader to supply missing information either by looking for it elsewhere
in the text or by filling structural slots. Instead, conjunction signals the way the
writer wants the reader to relate what is about to be said to what has been said
before. Conjunction expresses one of a small number of general relations. The
main relations are summarized below, with examples of conjunctions which can
or typically realize each relation.


2.1.2 Types of the Conjunctive Relation

Halliday & Hasan (1976) classify types of conjunctive relations into four
main classes, namely Addition, Adversative, Causal and Temporal relation. Each
can be specified as follows:
1. Additive relation between two elements show that one part of text gives
additional information to the other which can be additive positive relation
(shown by conjunctions and, furthermore, besides that, etc), additive negative
relations, alternatives, afterthought ( a kind of deemphasis, reducing the weight
accorded to the presupposing sentence and to its connection with what went
before), comparative relation, and appositive relation (which can be either;
expository: that is, I mean, in other words, or exemplificatory : for instance, for
2. Adversative relation of which the basic meaning is 'contrary to expectation'; the
expectation may be derived from the content of what is being said or from the
communication process, the speaker hearer situation. Adversative relation can
be contrastive, correction of meaning and wording and dismissal, e.g. but,
however, instead, in any case.
3. Under the heading of causal relations are included result, reason, purpose and
conditional relation. e.g. so, because, to this end, then.
4. The temporal relation shows that the content may be one of the sequences in
time. e.g. previously, finally, briefly.
Halliday and Hasan (1976) also add that the four conjunctive relations can
be external or internal. External means that the conjunctive relation has to be



interprcted in terms of experiential function of language: It is a relation between

meanings in the sense of representations of 'contents', our experience of external
reality. Internal means that the conjunctive relation has to be interpreted in terms
of interpersonal function of language; it is a relation between meanings in the
sense of representation of the speaker's own 'stamp' on the situation - one's choice
of speech role and rhetorical channel, his attitudes, his judgments and the like.
a. Next he inserted the key into the lock.
b. Next, he was incapable of inserting the key into the lock.
(Halliday&Hasan, 1976: 238)
In both sentences above there is a relation of temporal sequence between
the presupposed sentence and these ones. But it is different in two instances, in (a)
the relation is between events. In (b) on the other hand, the preceding sentence
might be "First, he was unable to stand upright; here there are no events; or
rather, there are only linguistic events, and the time sequence is the speaker's
organization of his or her discourse.
With this definition, the example below can be classified as adiditive
relation in its internal sense in Halliday & Hasan's definition, instead of additional
relation that state cause and result (Alwi, et.al. 2003:400).
Sudah sebulan kami mengarungi laut dan kami amat merindukan daratan yang
sejuk serta kehidupan yang normal.
It has been a month that we are sailing the sea and we miss the temperate
land and a normal life. (Alwi, et.al. 2003:400)



It is the propositions of the two clauses that create cause and result
relation, whereas the conjunctive simply states additive internal relation, addition
of information in the speaker's organization of his or her discourse. The term
internal relation introduced by Halliday is later developed by Masatoshi (1986),
where she divides it into two orientations; text-oriented internal and interpersonaloriented intemal.
Text-oriented intemal is one of the internal conjunctions which indicates
the relationship between constituents of a text, where constituents are considered
as semantic units in the same way as "a text" is defined .. (Masatoshi, 1986:27)
"Interpersonal-oriented internal is one of the internal conjunctions which indicate
the relationship concerning pragmatic factors which work in the speaker-hearer
interaction in the context of situation." (Masatoshhi, l986:36)
In her definition, the example below is considered as text oriented internal:
a) First he was unable to stand upright. Next, he was incapable of inserting the
key into the lock. (Hailiday & Hasan, 1976:238)
The connectives first and next are used to indicate the relationship between
two constituents of a text in terms of the temporal succession in the process of
producing the text. In other words, the connection between these two sentences is
not inherent in the phenomena which are respectively described by these
sentences, but in the process of producing text.
Sentences below are the examples of interpersonal-oriented internal:
b) She'll be better off in a new place. - So she's leaving?
(Halliday and Hasan, 1976:240)



c) He says he wants to marry Susan. In that case, he shoudn't be quarrelling with

her all the time. (Masatoshi, 1986:39)
In sentence b "She'll be better off in a new place" and "shes leaving" are
not the phenomena which can be connected on the same plane. The connective so
indicates a causal relation in the communication process (therefore "internal"); but
the function of the connective so leads the utterance "she's leaving?" which is the
outcome of the speaker's inference from what has been said by his interlocutor.
Thus, b is affected by some pragmatic factors in the context of situation
where the interaction between the interlocutors works. In the same way, in that
case in sentence c is used to indicate "inference". "He says he wants to marry
Susan" is a phenomenon, and it is from this that speaker infers his opinion "he
shouldn't be quarrelling with her all the time." What the speaker said is not a
phenomenon, but the outcome of the speaker's inference.
In short, in that case in sentence c there is an interpersonal-oriented

2.1.3 Reason of Using Conjunctive Relation

Conjunctive relation is word (phrase) which merely joins together

sentences and sometimes word. Conjunctive relation joins together sentence and
often makes them more compact, as a member of small class that have no
characteristic form, their function are chiefly as non moveable structure words
that join such units as part of speech , phrases, or clauses.



Generally, the functions of conjunction are to link or join words, phrases,

and clauses. Kardimin (2004:167) said that the functions of conjunction are parts
of speech that connect words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The most common
one: and, but, and or. while, because, so, and however are also
There are some reason why it is very important to translate conjunctive relation
well in a sentence ; they are :
1. Conjunctive relation is used to describe the cohesive tie between clauses or
sections of text in such a way as to demonstrate a meaningful relationship between
them. It is also possible to perceive this process as the linking of ideas, events or
other phenomena.
2. Conjunctive relation is as one of cohesion that makes the text sentences hang
together and textual quality. Conjunctive relations play an important role in
discourse as they are used as coordination to conjoin different grammatical
units: clauses, clause elements, words.
The existence of conjunctive relation is absolutely important to be
observed because conjunction is used as the glue that ties in every sentence. A
good writer have to create the statement as well as possible in order to make the
language he/she used arranged nicely so that the ideas can be received easily
without ambiguous statement. Therefore, it needs cohesive markers such as
conjunction to make it clearly interpreted.
Conjunctive relation may occur in either an external or an internal context.
The conjunction may be located in the phenomena that constitute the content of



what is being said (external), or in the interaction itself, the social process that
constitutes the speech event (internal).

2.1.4 The Position of Conjunctive Relation

In general, all of conjunctions occur between the sentences patterns, but it
may occur at the beginning of the patterns, at the end of the second pattern, or in
the middle of the second pattern.
For examples:
We asked jack to join us, however he is too tired
We asked jack to join us, he was too tired, however
We asked jack to join us, he was, however, too tired.
Moreover, the clause coordinators are restricted to initial position in the
clause. For example:
John plays the guitar and his sister play piano.
Clause began with coordinator cannot be moved to front of the clause
because it will change the relationship of clauses.
For examples:
They are living in England or they are spending a vocation there.
Or they are spending a vocation there, they are living in England.
However, few words occur sometimes as subordinators and as connectors
in the sentences.
For examples:
Though he did not want to do it, he had it.



He did it, he did not want to, though.

He did it want to, though.
In the sentence, (a) the conjunction though is subordinator, in the
sentence (b) though is connector, and while in sentence (c) though is shared

2.2 Reason of Novel Eat, Pray, and Love

Eat, Pray, Love is a story about a woman who tries to heal herself from
depression after her unsuccessful marriage. After she decides to end her marriage,
Elizabeth makes plans to visit Italy, India, and Indonesia. At first she visits Italy
to search the worldly pleasures, and then she goes to India to find God, the last
she visits Indonesia to balance the worldly pleasure and to devotion to God. These
experiences make her learn to conquer her fears and depressions.
The writer has chosen this book because Eat, Pray, Love can motivate
people to keep fighting for their independence and happiness. Because of her
dissatisfaction, Elizabeth leaves her luxurious life to find peace and happiness.
She inspires people to always have positive thinking. By reading this book the
readers can learn how to face a problem with confidence and patience. In addition,
this novel is also a fun book to read since it is taken from the real situation and
written in a simple language style.
Another reason why the researcher tries to analyze this memoir Eat, Pray,
Love, novel, which chronicled the journey alone around the world, looking for
solace after a difficult divorce. The book was an international bestseller, translated



into over thirty languages, with over 10 million copies sold worldwide. In 2010,
Eat, Pray, Love, was made into a film starring Julia Roberts, and some Indonesia
players like Chritina Hakim, Hadi Subiyanto, and etc . The book became so
popular that Time Magazine named Elizabeth as one of the 100 most influential
people in the world.

2.2.1 Summary of Eat, Pray and Love

When Elizabeth Gilbert turns to thirty one years old, she enters the worst
period in her life. She feels depressed and unhappy with her marriage. She is
afraid that someday she must settle down in one place and has babies. One night
when her husband is sleeping, she sneaks out from their bedroom and cries in the
bathroom floor. She says over and over, I dont want to be married anymore, I
dont want to live in this big house, I dont want to have a baby. Then she prays
to God for the first time in her life. From that night Elizabeth starts to realize the
presence of God around her.
Seven months later, Elizabeth decides to divorce her husband. In the
middle of her difficult divorce process she meets David, an actor and a writer. But
their relationship does not work out. They break up and reunite for several times.
One day Elizabeth gets a chance to visit Bali, Indonesia. During her visits in Bali
her Yoga trainer introduces her to Ketut Liyer, a ninth-generation Balinese
medicine man. Ketut Liyer reads Elizabeths palm. He says that someday she will
return to Bali and become his English teacher for three or four months.



When she returns to New York, her husband is ready to discuss the terms
of their divorce settlement. After hearing her husbands requirements, Elizabeth
asks her lawyer to make a modified deal. Finally her husband approves the
modified deal and they officially divorce.
After she gets divorce from her husband, she quits her job, and makes plan
to travel around the world alone. At first she goes to Italy and studies the art of
pleasure. During her visits in Italy, Elizabeth goes to various cities in Italy to eat
and learn Italian language.
After a few months in Italy, Elizabeth thinks that she must clarify her
relationship with David. They agree to end their relationship. She feels sad for a
while but then Elizabeth spends the rest of her time in Italy with joy and
On 30th December, she goes to India. She makes plan to live in the
Ashrams (a place of religious retreat for Hindus). She finds many difficulties at
the beginning of her stays in Ashram. She cannot concentrate while meditating.
But then she can master her mind by addresses her prayer for Nick, her nephew.
After she spends four months in India, Elizabeth finds peace in her soul.
Elizabeth continues her journey to Bali. Her main purpose in Bali is to
meet Ketut Liyer. When she arrives in Ketut Liyers place, he forgets who
Elizabeth is. When Liz says that she is a book writer from New York he
remembers about her. She spends her time in Ubud as Ketuts student to learn the
art of balancing the worldly pleasure and the divine transcendence.



In the middle of her journey in Bali, she meets Felipe, a Brazilian man.
Elizabeth realizes that she loves Felipe, but she is afraid of getting hurt again. But
then they spend their days together in Bali with love and pleasure. Elizabeth can
fulfill her purposes in Bali to enjoy the worldly pleasure but she still devotes
herself to God.



3.1 The Object the Study
The object of the study in this thesis is the novel Eat Pray Love
written by Elizabeth Gilbert. The discussing this thesis will be focused on the
conjunctive relations, that consist of additive relation, adversative relation, causal
relations and temporal relations. Based on the research design the researcher will
use descriptive qualitative research design. In other side, the object of the
qualitative of literature is in the data source of literature. The data source of
literature is the words, sentences, and discourse. According in Patton, M.Q.
(2002) there are two kinds research, they are field research and library research.
The researcher used library research. Generally speaking the library research
researches especially as text.

3.2 Unit of Analysis

The source of data used in this research is Eat, Pray, love written by
Elizaberth Gilbert (2006). Since the novel presents the story of journey written in
a first point of view, the novel is categorized as travel writing. This English novel
consist of 108 units, 348 pages, while Indonesia translation covers 402 pages. The
writer will take the sample of conjunctive relation from some units of this novel.
In collecting the data, the writer as the researcher needs population and
sample as object of this research. Sample is the part of the population. Sample in



qualitative research is teoritis sample, because the purpose of qualitatif research is

get a theory. Sample in qualitative reseach also called as constructive sample.

3.3 Data and Data Source

The data in this study are collected from the main source of this research,
that is the novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love (Elizabeth Gilbert, 2006).
The reasons to choose this novel for the data source in this study is this
novel has 334 pages. Therefore, it is enough to obtain the data of conjunctive
relation. It is a popular novel which was written by Elizabeth Gilbert in 2006.
Another reason this novel is chosen as data source because this is a popular novel
which has been filmed. The novel is a best seller and has been sold for million
copies around the world including Indonesia.
In this study, only the conjunctive relations indicating an additive,
adversative, causal and temporal are collected as data source for analysis.

3.4 Research Method

The researcher uses content analysis as one type of descriptive qualitative

method. Denzin & Lincoln (1994) state content analysis is used to determine the
presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts. Researchers
quantify and analyse the presence, meanings and relationships of such words and
concepts, then make inferences about the messages within the texts, the writer(s),
the audience, and even the culture and time of which these are a part.



Content analysis is one of the descriptive qualitative methods means that

all data in this research are in form of sentences and words, not in the form of
numbers. Qualitative is research method which based on filsafat postpositivisme,
which used to examine on condition of object in nature (as side of experiment),
where the examiner as key instrument, the analysis data is qualitative and the
result of qualitative method more empasize to meaning more than generalisation.
According to Wilkinson (2000 : 7), the resulting data is presented in the
form of descriptions. So, the data in this research is in the form of descriptions.
Wilkinson (2000 : 79) states that qualitative data is usually analyzed by
subjecting it to some form of coding process. This research is descriptive
qualitative method because it analyzes the use of the conjunctive relation in
Elizabeth Gilberts Novel Eat, Pray, Love, because the result of conjunctive
relation is description and it does not establish calculations.

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data

Data collection will be conducted through library research. The
observation method as introduced by Sudaryanto (1993: 133-136) will be applied.
In collecting the data, the English novel is observed and documented as the data.
The data are the English sentences that contained conjunctive relations in them.
The choice of this method is in accordance with the type of data source which is
written language.
There are some steps in collecting the data, those are:
(1) Observing



The novel in the English version will be read. Then all the texts will be
skimmed and the sentences with conjunctive relations found are marked in the
(2) Documenting
The English sentences with conjunctive relations along with the
Indonesian translation will be typed.
(3) Identifying the conjunctive relations
After the text is typed, the sentences that have correlation this research
,that is, conjunctive relations will be identified. Then how the original texts will
be analyzed, and note taking technique will be used to collect all of the data
especially to calculate, sort out, identify and classify the occurrences of the
conjunctive relations in English text.
3.6 Technique of Analyzing the Data
The research of the data analysis gave flowchart or conceptual framework
to make easily corrected the data of the thesis. The conceptual framework is in the
thesis used Miles and Huberman (1992:2) based on their book as the qualitative
data second edition.
Interpretation of the data
The object data


Predictiong to process
selecting data as text

Analyzing data to organize

accordance with the goal


Data Display

Figure 3.1





The data will be analyzed according to the concepts which are presented as
the way to find the type of conjunctive relation, the process can be described as
the follow :
a. find out the conjunctive relation in the novel
b. Categorize the conjunctive relation based theory of Halliday and Hasan
c. Analyze the process of coding the conjunctive relations
d. Analyze the reason the way of conjunctive relation applying in this novel.

3.7 Trusthworthiness
Validity, reliability, and objectivity are criteria used to evaluate the quality
of research in the conventional positivist research paradigm. As an interpretive
method, qualitative content analysis differs from the positivist tradition in its
fundamental assumptions, research purposes, and inference processes, thus
making the conventional criteria unsuitable for judging its research results
(Bradley, 1993).
Recognizing this gap, Lincoln and Guba (1985) proposed four criteria for
evaluating interpretive research work: credibility, transferability, dependability,
and confirmability.
Credibility refers to the adequate representation of the constructions of
the social world under study (Bradley, 1993, p.436). Lincoln and Guba (1985)
recommend a set of activities that would help improve the credibility of your
research results: prolonged engagement in the field, persistent observation,
triangulation, negative case analysis, checking interpretations against raw data,



peer debriefing, and member checking. To improve the credibility of qualitative

content analysis, researchers not only need to design data collection strategies that
are able to adequately solicit the representations, but also to design transparent
processes for coding and drawing conclusions from the raw data.
Transferability refers to the extent to which the researchers working
hypothesis can be applied to another context. It is not the researchers task to
provide an index of transferability; rather, he or she is responsible for providing
data sets and descriptions that are rich enough so that other researchers are able to
make judgments about the findings transferability to different settings or
Dependability refers to the coherence of the internal process and the way
the researcher accounts for changing conditions in the phenomena (Bradley,
1993, p.437).
Confirmability refers to the extent to which the characteristics of the data,
as posited by the researcher, can be confirmed by others who read or review the
research results (Bradley, 1993, p.437). The major technique for establishing
dependability and confirmability is through audits of the research processes and
findings. Dependability is determined by checking the consistency of the study
processes, and confirmability is determined by checking the internal coherence of
the research product, namely, the data, the findings, the interpretations, and the
recommendations. The materials that could be used in these audits include raw
data, field notes, theoretical notes and memos, coding manuals, process notes, and
so on. The audit process has five stages: preentry, determinations of auditability,






confirmability), and closure.







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